
436 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "SerialComms.h"
#include "MouseInterface.h"
#include "Configuration/IPropertySheet.h"
#include "Video.h"
#include "CPU.h"
#include "Applewin.h"
#include "Memory.h"
#include "Keyboard.h"
#include "NTSC.h"
static bool bVideoScannerNTSC = true; // NTSC video scanning (or PAL)
static VideoStyle_e g_eVideoStyle = VS_HALF_SCANLINES;
// video scanner constants
int const kHBurstClock = 53; // clock when Color Burst starts
int const kHBurstClocks = 4; // clocks per Color Burst duration
int const kHClock0State = 0x18; // H[543210] = 011000
int const kHClocks = 65; // clocks per horizontal scan (including HBL)
int const kHPEClock = 40; // clock when HPE (horizontal preset enable) goes low
int const kHPresetClock = 41; // clock when H state presets
int const kHSyncClock = 49; // clock when HSync starts
int const kHSyncClocks = 4; // clocks per HSync duration
int const kNTSCScanLines = 262; // total scan lines including VBL (NTSC)
int const kNTSCVSyncLine = 224; // line when VSync starts (NTSC)
int const kPALScanLines = 312; // total scan lines including VBL (PAL)
int const kPALVSyncLine = 264; // line when VSync starts (PAL)
int const kVLine0State = 0x100; // V[543210CBA] = 100000000
int const kVPresetLine = 256; // line when V state presets
int const kVSyncLines = 4; // lines per VSync duration
int const kVDisplayableScanLines = 192; // max displayable scanlines
static bool g_bVideoScannerNTSC = true;
eApple2Type GetApple2Type(void)
return g_Apple2Type;
void SetApple2Type(eApple2Type type)
g_Apple2Type = type;
void DeleteCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION * criticalSection)
void InitializeCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION * criticalSection)
void EnterCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION * criticalSection)
void LeaveCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION * criticalSection)
void OutputDebugString(const char * str)
std::cerr << str << std::endl;
UINT IPropertySheet::GetTheFreezesF8Rom(void)
return 0;
void IPropertySheet::ConfigSaveApple2Type(eApple2Type apple2Type)
HWND GetDesktopWindow()
return NULL;
void ExitProcess(int status)
void alarm_log_too_many_alarms()
// Serial
void CSuperSerialCard::CommReset()
void CSuperSerialCard::CommInitialize(LPBYTE pCxRomPeripheral, UINT uSlot)
// Frame
void FrameSetCursorPosByMousePos()
UINT GetFrameBufferWidth(void)
return 0;
// Joystick
void JoyportControl(const UINT uControl)
// Mockingboard
void MB_InitializeIO(LPBYTE pCxRomPeripheral, UINT uSlot4, UINT uSlot5)
void MB_UpdateCycles(ULONG uExecutedCycles)
void MB_StartOfCpuExecute()
// Video
int g_nAltCharSetOffset = 0; // alternate character set
#define SW_80COL (g_uVideoMode & VF_80COL)
#define SW_DHIRES (g_uVideoMode & VF_DHIRES)
#define SW_HIRES (g_uVideoMode & VF_HIRES)
#define SW_80STORE (g_uVideoMode & VF_80STORE)
#define SW_MIXED (g_uVideoMode & VF_MIXED)
#define SW_PAGE2 (g_uVideoMode & VF_PAGE2)
#define SW_TEXT (g_uVideoMode & VF_TEXT)
bool IsVideoStyle(VideoStyle_e mask)
return (g_eVideoStyle & mask) != 0;
bool VideoGetVblBar(DWORD uExecutedCycles)
// get video scanner position
int nCycles = CpuGetCyclesThisVideoFrame(uExecutedCycles);
// calculate video parameters according to display standard
const int kScanLines = bVideoScannerNTSC ? kNTSCScanLines : kPALScanLines;
const int kScanCycles = kScanLines * kHClocks;
nCycles %= kScanCycles;
// VBL'
return nCycles < kVDisplayableScanLines * kHClocks;
BYTE VideoCheckMode (WORD pc, WORD address, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG uExecutedCycles)
address &= 0xFF;
if (address == 0x7F)
return MemReadFloatingBus(SW_DHIRES != 0, uExecutedCycles);
BOOL result = 0;
switch (address) {
case 0x1A: result = SW_TEXT; break;
case 0x1B: result = SW_MIXED; break;
case 0x1D: result = SW_HIRES; break;
case 0x1E: result = g_nAltCharSetOffset; break;
case 0x1F: result = SW_80COL; break;
case 0x7F: result = SW_DHIRES; break;
return KeybGetKeycode() | (result ? 0x80 : 0);
BYTE VideoCheckVbl ( ULONG uExecutedCycles )
bool bVblBar = VideoGetVblBar(uExecutedCycles);
BYTE r = KeybGetKeycode();
return (r & ~0x80) | (bVblBar ? 0x80 : 0);
BYTE VideoSetMode (WORD pc, WORD address, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG uExecutedCycles)
address &= 0xFF;
switch (address)
case 0x00: g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_80STORE; break;
case 0x01: g_uVideoMode |= VF_80STORE; break;
case 0x0C: if (!IS_APPLE2){g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_80COL; NTSC_SetVideoTextMode(40);}; break;
case 0x0D: if (!IS_APPLE2){g_uVideoMode |= VF_80COL; NTSC_SetVideoTextMode(80);}; break;
case 0x0E: if (!IS_APPLE2) g_nAltCharSetOffset = 0; break; // Alternate char set off
case 0x0F: if (!IS_APPLE2) g_nAltCharSetOffset = 256; break; // Alternate char set on
case 0x50: g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_TEXT; break;
case 0x51: g_uVideoMode |= VF_TEXT; break;
case 0x52: g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_MIXED; break;
case 0x53: g_uVideoMode |= VF_MIXED; break;
case 0x54: g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_PAGE2; break;
case 0x55: g_uVideoMode |= VF_PAGE2; break;
case 0x56: g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_HIRES; break;
case 0x57: g_uVideoMode |= VF_HIRES; break;
case 0x5E: if (!IS_APPLE2) g_uVideoMode |= VF_DHIRES; break;
case 0x5F: if (!IS_APPLE2) g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_DHIRES; break;
// Apple IIe, Technical Notes, #3: Double High-Resolution Graphics
// 80STORE must be OFF to display page 2
if (SW_80STORE)
g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_PAGE2;
NTSC_SetVideoMode( g_uVideoMode );
return MemReadFloatingBus(uExecutedCycles);
void Video_ResetScreenshotCounter( const std::string & pImageName )
VideoRefreshRate_e GetVideoRefreshRate(void)
return (g_bVideoScannerNTSC == false) ? VR_50HZ : VR_60HZ;
// References to Jim Sather's books are given as eg:
// UTAIIe:5-7,P3 (Understanding the Apple IIe, chapter 5, page 7, Paragraph 3)
WORD VideoGetScannerAddress(DWORD uExecutedCycles, VideoScanner_e videoScannerAddr)
// get video scanner position
int nCycles = CpuGetCyclesThisVideoFrame(uExecutedCycles);
// machine state switches
int nHires = (SW_HIRES && !SW_TEXT) ? 1 : 0;
int nPage2 = SW_PAGE2 ? 1 : 0;
int n80Store = SW_80STORE ? 1 : 0;
// calculate video parameters according to display standard
int nScanLines = bVideoScannerNTSC ? kNTSCScanLines : kPALScanLines;
int nVSyncLine = bVideoScannerNTSC ? kNTSCVSyncLine : kPALVSyncLine;
int nScanCycles = nScanLines * kHClocks;
nCycles %= nScanCycles;
// calculate horizontal scanning state
int nHClock = (nCycles + kHPEClock) % kHClocks; // which horizontal scanning clock
int nHState = kHClock0State + nHClock; // H state bits
if (nHClock >= kHPresetClock) // check for horizontal preset
nHState -= 1; // correct for state preset (two 0 states)
int h_0 = (nHState >> 0) & 1; // get horizontal state bits
int h_1 = (nHState >> 1) & 1;
int h_2 = (nHState >> 2) & 1;
int h_3 = (nHState >> 3) & 1;
int h_4 = (nHState >> 4) & 1;
int h_5 = (nHState >> 5) & 1;
// calculate vertical scanning state
int nVLine = nCycles / kHClocks; // which vertical scanning line
int nVState = kVLine0State + nVLine; // V state bits
if ((nVLine >= kVPresetLine)) // check for previous vertical state preset
nVState -= nScanLines; // compensate for preset
int v_A = (nVState >> 0) & 1; // get vertical state bits
int v_B = (nVState >> 1) & 1;
int v_C = (nVState >> 2) & 1;
int v_0 = (nVState >> 3) & 1;
int v_1 = (nVState >> 4) & 1;
int v_2 = (nVState >> 5) & 1;
int v_3 = (nVState >> 6) & 1;
int v_4 = (nVState >> 7) & 1;
int v_5 = (nVState >> 8) & 1;
// calculate scanning memory address
if (nHires && SW_MIXED && v_4 && v_2) // HIRES TIME signal (UTAIIe:5-7,P3)
nHires = 0; // address is in text memory for mixed hires
int nAddend0 = 0x0D; // 1 1 0 1
int nAddend1 = (h_5 << 2) | (h_4 << 1) | (h_3 << 0);
int nAddend2 = (v_4 << 3) | (v_3 << 2) | (v_4 << 1) | (v_3 << 0);
int nSum = (nAddend0 + nAddend1 + nAddend2) & 0x0F; // SUM (UTAIIe:5-9)
int nAddress = 0; // build address from video scanner equations (UTAIIe:5-8,T5.1)
nAddress |= h_0 << 0; // a0
nAddress |= h_1 << 1; // a1
nAddress |= h_2 << 2; // a2
nAddress |= nSum << 3; // a3 - a6
nAddress |= v_0 << 7; // a7
nAddress |= v_1 << 8; // a8
nAddress |= v_2 << 9; // a9
int p2a = !(nPage2 && !n80Store);
int p2b = nPage2 && !n80Store;
if (nHires) // hires?
// Y: insert hires-only address bits
nAddress |= v_A << 10; // a10
nAddress |= v_B << 11; // a11
nAddress |= v_C << 12; // a12
nAddress |= p2a << 13; // a13
nAddress |= p2b << 14; // a14
// N: insert text-only address bits
nAddress |= p2a << 10; // a10
nAddress |= p2b << 11; // a11
// Apple ][ (not //e) and HBL?
if (IS_APPLE2 && // Apple II only (UTAIIe:I-4,#5)
!h_5 && (!h_4 || !h_3)) // HBL (UTAIIe:8-10,F8.5)
nAddress |= 1 << 12; // Y: a12 (add $1000 to address!)
return static_cast<WORD>(nAddress);
bool VideoGetSW80COL(void)
return SW_80COL ? true : false;
bool VideoGetSWDHIRES(void)
return SW_DHIRES ? true : false;
bool VideoGetSWHIRES(void)
return SW_HIRES ? true : false;
bool VideoGetSW80STORE(void)
return SW_80STORE ? true : false;
bool VideoGetSWMIXED(void)
return SW_MIXED ? true : false;
bool VideoGetSWPAGE2(void)
return SW_PAGE2 ? true : false;
bool VideoGetSWTEXT(void)
return SW_TEXT ? true : false;
bool VideoGetSWAltCharSet(void)
return g_nAltCharSetOffset != 0;
void SetVideoRefreshRate(VideoRefreshRate_e rate)
// This version of AppleWin only works at 50Hz
void VideoReinitialize(bool bInitVideoScannerAddress)
g_dwCyclesThisFrame = 0;
#define VIDEO_SCANNER_MAX_HORZ 65 // TODO: use Video.cpp: kHClocks
#define VIDEO_SCANNER_MAX_VERT 262 // TODO: use Video.cpp: kNTSCScanLines
static UINT g_videoScanner6502Cycles = VIDEO_SCANNER_6502_CYCLES; // default to NTSC
void NTSC_VideoUpdateCycles( UINT cycles6502 )
uint16_t NTSC_VideoGetScannerAddress( const ULONG uExecutedCycles )
return VideoGetScannerAddress(uExecutedCycles);
void NTSC_SetVideoMode( uint32_t uVideoModeFlags, bool bDelay )
void NTSC_SetVideoTextMode( int cols )
UINT NTSC_GetCyclesPerFrame(void)
return g_videoScanner6502Cycles;