From 798788384716f041faf90026fd687506c90fe75b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tomcw AppleWin registers the
+ AppleWin registers1 the
following file types as "Disk
-Images": *.do, *.dsk, *.nib, and *.po. Double-clicking
-a disk image in the Windows Explorer will automatically load and boot
+Images": *.do, *.dsk, *.nib, *.po and *.woz. Double-clicking
+a disk image in Windows Explorer will automatically load and boot
the disk.
While older versions of
AppleWin started a new
instance of the emulator for every disk started in this manner, current
-of the emulator will simply replace the current disk if there is an
+of the emulator will simply replace the current disk (and reboot) if there is an
instance of
the emulator already running.
1 To register the file types in Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 10, +you will need to run AppleWin with elevated privileges. This only needs to be done once. +Right click the AppleWin.exe icon and select 'Run as Administrator'.