. ie: ESC, F7 and Pause key
Debugger: Fix for MODE_STEPPING when jump from $C3xx to $C8xx:
. Don't break on floating-bus, as Expansion ROM will be switched in on
this access.
IORead_Cxxx(): Fix the logic for IO_SELECT when not slot-3
. Improved break on FB or IO: account for slot empty (or not) & if expansion ROM enable
. IORead_Cxxx(): Fix for Apple II support for when slot-3 is empty
. Apple II type was erroneously testing //e soft-switches
. Move the BRK and invalid opcodes checks out of main emulation's Fetch() and into DebugContinueStepping()
. Added a new break condition: when PC reads floating bus or I/O memory
. On a break condition, output a 'Stop Reason' message to the console
. Debug 'G(o)' cmd now defaults to normal speed (and precise video updates)
. New debug 'GG' cmd enables full speed (and periodic video updates)
. Single-stepping (normal or full speed) now routed through ContinueExecution()
. Removed Cpu6502()/Cpu65C02() check for debug breakpoints
. Removed the (undocumented) SHIFT+F7 feature to exit debugger for 'normal speed breakpoints'
. Removed the g_bDebugNormalSpeedBreakpoints variable
. NTSC video modes (TV Color, TV B&W, Monitor Color, Monitor B&W)
. Full Screen using native resolution (not 640x480)
NB. 6502 emulation is slower now, which means disk loading (ie. full-speed) is slower.
. EG. Aztec.dsk: from F2 boot to "Press any key". (Release build, 50% "TV Color", not run in VS, VAIO laptop)
~4 secs: AppleWin (built with VS2005)
~7 secs: AppleWin (built with VS2008 or VS015)
- old 640x480 full-screen deprecated
Fixes for:
. Logo & Debug window scaled/positioned correctly
. Buttons & disk activity (on RHS) drawn in correct position
. Crosshairs for mouse (and when using mouse as joystick)drawn in correct position
. means that disk accesses (eg. loading) is much quicker
Correct naming of video modes (in UI and code)
Pixel adjust for NTSC B&W and Color video modes to align with other video modes
. final rendered window
. print-screen bmps (both sizes)
Fixed full-screen so that:
. all mode (RUNNING, DEBUG and LOGO) all occupy the same screen position
. there's no intermediate data drawn out of position when first switching to full-screen
Tested on Win7 and Win10
Added card save/load for:
. Phasor (#260)
. CP/M (#260)
. 80 column card:
. aux memory now saved separately from main memory
. extended memory (RAMworks) (#260)
Mockingboard & Phasor:
. Full AY8910 internal state now preserved.
. needed for eg. envelope, ay_change[], etc
. also Phasor player only updates AY regs that have changed
. On restore error, then PostMessage(WM_USER_RESTART), so that emulator not left in intermediate state
. Fix: Start Dir wasn't set when drag & dropping an image onto a drive icon or double-clicking an image file