This is not complete as header files from Windows/.. are still included in:
But probably these are arch specific and will have to be completely reimplemented elsewhere.
Fixed debugger main "data" window behaviour:
. When activating the main data display ("data" command) the cursor keys wouldn't work until the minidump ("md1") was also enabled. NB. The cursor keys should work in the main data window, independently of whether the minidump is active.
- old 640x480 full-screen deprecated
Fixes for:
. Logo & Debug window scaled/positioned correctly
. Buttons & disk activity (on RHS) drawn in correct position
. Crosshairs for mouse (and when using mouse as joystick)drawn in correct position
. final rendered window
. print-screen bmps (both sizes)
Fixed full-screen so that:
. all mode (RUNNING, DEBUG and LOGO) all occupy the same screen position
. there's no intermediate data drawn out of position when first switching to full-screen
Tested on Win7 and Win10