#include "frontends/common2/programoptions.h" #include "frontends/common2/utils.h" #include "linux/version.h" #include "linux/paddle.h" #include #include "StdAfx.h" #include "Memory.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Disk.h" #include "Utilities.h" #include namespace po = boost::program_options; bool getEmulatorOptions(int argc, const char * argv [], const std::string & edition, EmulatorOptions & options) { const std::string name = "Apple Emulator for " + edition + " (based on AppleWin " + getVersion() + ")"; po::options_description desc(name); desc.add_options() ("help,h", "Print this help message") ("multi-threaded,m", "Multi threaded") ("loose-mutex,l", "Loose mutex") ("sdl-driver", po::value()->default_value(options.sdlDriver), "SDL driver") ("imgui", "Render with Dear ImGui") ("timer-interval,i", po::value()->default_value(options.timerInterval), "Timer interval in ms"); po::options_description configDesc("configuration"); configDesc.add_options() ("save-conf", "Save configuration on exit") ("config,c", po::value>(), "Registry options section.path=value") ("qt-ini,q", "Use Qt ini file (read only)"); desc.add(configDesc); po::options_description diskDesc("Disk"); diskDesc.add_options() ("d1,1", po::value(), "Disk in 1st drive") ("d2,2", po::value(), "Disk in 2nd drive"); desc.add(diskDesc); po::options_description snapshotDesc("Snapshot"); snapshotDesc.add_options() ("state-filename,f", po::value(), "Set snapshot filename") ("load-state,s", po::value(), "Load snapshot from file"); desc.add(snapshotDesc); po::options_description memoryDesc("Memory"); memoryDesc.add_options() ("memclear", po::value()->default_value(options.memclear), "Memory initialization pattern [0..7]"); desc.add(memoryDesc); po::options_description emulatorDesc("Emulator"); emulatorDesc.add_options() ("log", "Log to AppleWin.log") ("headless", "Headless: disable video (freewheel)") ("fixed-speed", "Fixed (non-adaptive) speed") ("ntsc,nt", "NTSC: execute NTSC code") ("benchmark,b", "Benchmark emulator"); desc.add(emulatorDesc); po::options_description paddleDesc("Paddle"); paddleDesc.add_options() ("no-squaring", "Gamepad range is (already) a square") ("device-name", po::value(), "Gamepad device name"); desc.add(paddleDesc); po::variables_map vm; try { po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm); if (vm.count("help")) { std::cout << desc << std::endl; return false; } options.saveConfigurationOnExit = vm.count("save-conf"); options.useQtIni = vm.count("qt-ini"); options.multiThreaded = vm.count("multi-threaded"); options.looseMutex = vm.count("loose-mutex"); options.timerInterval = vm["timer-interval"].as(); options.sdlDriver = vm["sdl-driver"].as(); options.imgui = vm.count("imgui"); if (vm.count("config")) { options.registryOptions = vm["config"].as >(); } if (vm.count("d1")) { options.disk1 = vm["d1"].as(); } if (vm.count("d2")) { options.disk2 = vm["d2"].as(); } if (vm.count("load-state")) { options.snapshotFilename = vm["load-state"].as(); options.loadSnapshot = true; } if (vm.count("state-filename")) { options.snapshotFilename = vm["state-filename"].as(); options.loadSnapshot = false; } const int memclear = vm["memclear"].as(); if (memclear >=0 && memclear < NUM_MIP) options.memclear = memclear; options.benchmark = vm.count("benchmark") > 0; options.headless = vm.count("headless") > 0; options.log = vm.count("log") > 0; options.ntsc = vm.count("ntsc") > 0; options.fixedSpeed = vm.count("fixed-speed") > 0; options.paddleSquaring = vm.count("no-squaring") == 0; if (vm.count("device-name")) { options.paddleDeviceName = vm["device-name"].as(); } return true; } catch (const po::error& e) { std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl << desc << std::endl; return false; } catch (const std::exception & e) { std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl; return false; } } void applyOptions(const EmulatorOptions & options) { bool disksOk = true; if (!options.disk1.empty()) { const bool ok = DoDiskInsert(SLOT6, DRIVE_1, options.disk1.c_str()); disksOk = disksOk && ok; LogFileOutput("Init: DoDiskInsert(D1), res=%d\n", ok); } if (!options.disk2.empty()) { const bool ok = DoDiskInsert(SLOT6, DRIVE_2, options.disk2.c_str()); disksOk = disksOk && ok; LogFileOutput("Init: DoDiskInsert(D2), res=%d\n", ok); } if (!options.snapshotFilename.empty()) { setSnapshotFilename(options.snapshotFilename, options.loadSnapshot); } Paddle::setSquaring(options.paddleSquaring); }