/* AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth Copyright (C) 2006-2012, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "PropertySheet.h" #include "PropertySheetHelper.h" #include "../Windows/AppleWin.h" // g_nAppMode, g_uScrollLockToggle, sg_PropertySheet #include "../CardManager.h" #include "../Disk.h" #include "../Log.h" #include "../Registry.h" #include "../SaveState.h" /* Config causing AfterClose msgs: =============================== Page: Action: Comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Config . Computer WM_USER_RESTART . Benchmark PSBTN_OK -> WM_USER_BENCHMARK Forces PSBTN_OK Input . Mouse WM_USER_RESTART . CP/M WM_USER_RESTART Sound . MB/Phasor/SAM/None WM_USER_RESTART Disk . HDD enable WM_USER_RESTART Advanced . Save State WM_USER_SAVESTATE . Load State WM_USER_LOADSTATE . Clone WM_USER_RESTART . MrFreeze Rom WM_USER_RESTART Requirements: ------------- . Want to change multiple HW at once. . Allow change Computer & Load State (ie. multiple AfterClose msgs) Design: ------- . At PropSheet init, copy original config state (for above items) . On last Page close, compare new config state, if changed: - Show 1 restart + confirm msg (if necessary) - Cancel will rollback to original config (for above items), but other items will be applied . Load State button - Don't action it immediately. - .aws should contain config (but doesn't), so should override any config changes. - so this can just discard any config changes - if any config change, then show msg box to say they won't be applied . Save State button - Don't action it immediately. - save state applies to current config (prior to restart). - so this can just discard any config changes - if any config change, then show msg box to say they won't be applied . Benchmark button - Action it immediately. - If config has changed: - Prompt to either do benchmark (and lose new config) or cancel benchmark (and drop back to Configuration dialog). */ void CPropertySheetHelper::FillComboBox(HWND window, int controlid, LPCTSTR choices, int currentchoice) { _ASSERT(choices); HWND combowindow = GetDlgItem(window, controlid); SendMessage(combowindow, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); while (choices && *choices) { SendMessage(combowindow, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)choices); choices += _tcslen(choices)+1; } if (SendMessage(combowindow, CB_SETCURSEL, currentchoice, 0) == CB_ERR && currentchoice != -1) { _ASSERT(0); SendMessage(combowindow, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); // GH#434: Failed to set currentchoice, so select item-0 } } void CPropertySheetHelper::SaveComputerType(eApple2Type NewApple2Type) { if (NewApple2Type == A2TYPE_CLONE) // Clone picked from Config tab, but no specific one picked from Advanced tab NewApple2Type = A2TYPE_PRAVETS82; ConfigSaveApple2Type(NewApple2Type); } void CPropertySheetHelper::ConfigSaveApple2Type(eApple2Type apple2Type) { REGSAVE(TEXT(REGVALUE_APPLE2_TYPE), apple2Type); LogFileOutput("Config: Apple2 Type changed to %d\n", apple2Type); } void CPropertySheetHelper::SaveCpuType(eCpuType NewCpuType) { REGSAVE(TEXT(REGVALUE_CPU_TYPE), NewCpuType); } void CPropertySheetHelper::SetSlot(UINT slot, SS_CARDTYPE newCardType) { _ASSERT(slot < NUM_SLOTS); if (slot >= NUM_SLOTS) return; // Two paths: // 1) Via Config dialog: card not inserted yet // 2) Snapshot_LoadState_v2(): card already inserted if (GetCardMgr().QuerySlot(slot) == newCardType) return; GetCardMgr().Insert(slot, newCardType); RegDeleteConfigSlotSection(slot); std::string& regSection = RegGetConfigSlotSection(slot); RegSaveValue(regSection.c_str(), REGVALUE_CARD_TYPE, TRUE, newCardType); } // Used by: // . CPageDisk: IDC_CIDERPRESS_BROWSE // . CPageAdvanced: IDC_PRINTER_DUMP_FILENAME_BROWSE std::string CPropertySheetHelper::BrowseToFile(HWND hWindow, const TCHAR* pszTitle, const TCHAR* REGVALUE, const TCHAR* FILEMASKS) { TCHAR szFilename[MAX_PATH]; RegLoadString(REG_CONFIG, REGVALUE, 1, szFilename, MAX_PATH, TEXT("")); std::string pathname = szFilename; OPENFILENAME ofn; memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(OPENFILENAME)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = hWindow; ofn.hInstance = GetFrame().g_hInstance; ofn.lpstrFilter = FILEMASKS; /*ofn.lpstrFilter = TEXT("Applications (*.exe)\0*.exe\0") TEXT("Text files (*.txt)\0*.txt\0") TEXT("All Files\0*.*\0");*/ ofn.lpstrFile = szFilename; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = ""; ofn.Flags = OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY; ofn.lpstrTitle = pszTitle; int nRes = GetOpenFileName(&ofn); if (nRes) // OK is pressed pathname = szFilename; return pathname; } void CPropertySheetHelper::SaveStateUpdate() { if (m_bSSNewFilename) { Snapshot_SetFilename(m_szSSNewFilename, m_szSSNewDirectory); RegSaveString(TEXT(REG_CONFIG), TEXT(REGVALUE_SAVESTATE_FILENAME), 1, Snapshot_GetPathname()); } } // NB. OK'ing this property sheet will call SaveStateUpdate()->Snapshot_SetFilename() with this new path & filename int CPropertySheetHelper::SaveStateSelectImage(HWND hWindow, const TCHAR* pszTitle, bool bSave) { // Whenever harddisks/disks are inserted (or removed) and *if path has changed* then: // . Snapshot's path & Snapshot's filename will be updated to reflect the new defaults. std::string szDirectory = Snapshot_GetPath(); if (szDirectory.empty()) szDirectory = g_sCurrentDir; char szFilename[MAX_PATH]; strcpy(szFilename, Snapshot_GetFilename().c_str()); // OPENFILENAME ofn; memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(OPENFILENAME)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = hWindow; ofn.hInstance = GetFrame().g_hInstance; ofn.lpstrFilter = TEXT("Save State files (*.aws.yaml)\0*.aws.yaml\0") TEXT("All Files\0*.*\0"); ofn.lpstrFile = szFilename; // Dialog strips the last .EXT from this string (eg. file.aws.yaml is displayed as: file.aws ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(szFilename); ofn.lpstrInitialDir = szDirectory.c_str(); ofn.Flags = OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY; ofn.lpstrTitle = pszTitle; int nRes = bSave ? GetSaveFileName(&ofn) : GetOpenFileName(&ofn); if (nRes) { if (bSave) // Only for saving (allow loading of any file for backwards compatibility) { // Append .aws.yaml if it's not there const char szAWS_EXT1[] = ".aws"; const char szAWS_EXT2[] = ".yaml"; const char szAWS_EXT3[] = ".aws.yaml"; const UINT uStrLenFile = strlen(&szFilename[ofn.nFileOffset]); const UINT uStrLenExt1 = strlen(szAWS_EXT1); const UINT uStrLenExt2 = strlen(szAWS_EXT2); const UINT uStrLenExt3 = strlen(szAWS_EXT3); if (uStrLenFile <= uStrLenExt1) { strcpy(&szFilename[ofn.nFileOffset+uStrLenFile], szAWS_EXT3); // "file" += ".aws.yaml" } else if (uStrLenFile <= uStrLenExt2) { if (strcmp(&szFilename[ofn.nFileOffset+uStrLenFile-uStrLenExt1], szAWS_EXT1) == 0) strcpy(&szFilename[ofn.nFileOffset+uStrLenFile-uStrLenExt1], szAWS_EXT3); // "file.aws" -> "file" + ".aws.yaml" else strcpy(&szFilename[ofn.nFileOffset+uStrLenFile], szAWS_EXT3); // "file" += ".aws.yaml" } else if ((uStrLenFile <= uStrLenExt3) || (strcmp(&szFilename[ofn.nFileOffset+uStrLenFile-uStrLenExt3], szAWS_EXT3) != 0)) { if (strcmp(&szFilename[ofn.nFileOffset+uStrLenFile-uStrLenExt1], szAWS_EXT1) == 0) strcpy(&szFilename[ofn.nFileOffset+uStrLenFile-uStrLenExt1], szAWS_EXT3); // "file.aws" -> "file" + ".aws.yaml" else if (strcmp(&szFilename[ofn.nFileOffset+uStrLenFile-uStrLenExt2], szAWS_EXT2) == 0) strcpy(&szFilename[ofn.nFileOffset+uStrLenFile-uStrLenExt2], szAWS_EXT3); // "file.yaml" -> "file" + ".aws.yaml" else strcpy(&szFilename[ofn.nFileOffset+uStrLenFile], szAWS_EXT3); // "file" += ".aws.yaml" } } m_szSSNewFilename = &szFilename[ofn.nFileOffset]; szFilename[ofn.nFileOffset] = 0; m_szSSNewDirectory = szFilename; // always set this, even if unchanged } m_bSSNewFilename = nRes ? true : false; return nRes; } // On OK: Optionally post a single "uAfterClose" msg after last page closes void CPropertySheetHelper::PostMsgAfterClose(HWND hWnd, PAGETYPE page) { m_bmPages &= ~(1<<(UINT32)page); if (m_bmPages) return; // Still pages to close // if (m_ConfigNew.m_uSaveLoadStateMsg && IsOkToSaveLoadState(hWnd, IsConfigChanged())) { // Drop any config change, and do load/save state PostMessage(GetFrame().g_hFrameWindow, m_ConfigNew.m_uSaveLoadStateMsg, 0, 0); return; } if (m_bDoBenchmark) { // Drop any config change, and do benchmark PostMessage(GetFrame().g_hFrameWindow, WM_USER_BENCHMARK, 0, 0); // NB. doesn't do WM_USER_RESTART return; } bool restart = false; if (m_ConfigNew.m_Apple2Type == A2TYPE_CLONE) { MessageBox(hWnd, "Error - Unable to change configuration\n\nReason: A specific clone wasn't selected from the Advanced tab", g_pAppTitle.c_str(), MB_ICONSTOP | MB_SETFOREGROUND); return; } _ASSERT(m_ConfigNew.m_CpuType != CPU_UNKNOWN); // NB. Could only ever be CPU_UNKNOWN for a clone (and only if a mistake was made when adding a new clone) if (m_ConfigNew.m_CpuType == CPU_UNKNOWN) { m_ConfigNew.m_CpuType = ProbeMainCpuDefault(m_ConfigNew.m_Apple2Type); } if (IsConfigChanged()) { if (!CheckChangesForRestart(hWnd)) { // Cancelled RestoreCurrentConfig(); return; } ApplyNewConfig(); restart = true; } if (restart) GetFrame().Restart(); } bool CPropertySheetHelper::CheckChangesForRestart(HWND hWnd) { if (!HardwareConfigChanged(hWnd)) return false; // Cancelled if (!IsOkToRestart(hWnd)) return false; // Cancelled return true; // OK } #define CONFIG_CHANGED_LOCAL(var) \ (ConfigOld.var != ConfigNew.var) // Apply changes to Registry void CPropertySheetHelper::ApplyNewConfig(const CConfigNeedingRestart& ConfigNew, const CConfigNeedingRestart& ConfigOld) { if (CONFIG_CHANGED_LOCAL(m_Apple2Type)) { SaveComputerType(ConfigNew.m_Apple2Type); } if (CONFIG_CHANGED_LOCAL(m_CpuType)) { SaveCpuType(ConfigNew.m_CpuType); } UINT slot = SLOT3; if (CONFIG_CHANGED_LOCAL(m_Slot[slot])) { SetSlot(slot, ConfigNew.m_Slot[slot]); if (ConfigNew.m_Slot[slot] == CT_Uthernet) // TODO: move this to UthernetCard object { std::string& regSection = RegGetConfigSlotSection(slot); RegSaveString(regSection.c_str(), REGVALUE_UTHERNET_INTERFACE, 1, ConfigNew.m_tfeInterface); } } slot = SLOT4; if (CONFIG_CHANGED_LOCAL(m_Slot[slot])) SetSlot(slot, ConfigNew.m_Slot[slot]); slot = SLOT5; if (CONFIG_CHANGED_LOCAL(m_Slot[slot])) SetSlot(slot, ConfigNew.m_Slot[slot]); // slot = SLOT7; // if (CONFIG_CHANGED_LOCAL(m_Slot[slot])) // SetSlot(slot, ConfigNew.m_Slot[slot]); if (CONFIG_CHANGED_LOCAL(m_bEnableHDD)) { REGSAVE(TEXT(REGVALUE_HDD_ENABLED), ConfigNew.m_bEnableHDD ? 1 : 0); } if (CONFIG_CHANGED_LOCAL(m_bEnableTheFreezesF8Rom)) { REGSAVE(TEXT(REGVALUE_THE_FREEZES_F8_ROM), ConfigNew.m_bEnableTheFreezesF8Rom); } if (CONFIG_CHANGED_LOCAL(m_videoRefreshRate)) { REGSAVE(TEXT(REGVALUE_VIDEO_REFRESH_RATE), ConfigNew.m_videoRefreshRate); } } void CPropertySheetHelper::ApplyNewConfig(void) { ApplyNewConfig(m_ConfigNew, m_ConfigOld); } void CPropertySheetHelper::SaveCurrentConfig(void) { // NB. clone-type is encoded in g_Apple2Type m_ConfigOld.m_Apple2Type = GetApple2Type(); m_ConfigOld.m_CpuType = GetMainCpu(); m_ConfigOld.m_Slot[SLOT3] = GetCardMgr().QuerySlot(SLOT3); m_ConfigOld.m_Slot[SLOT4] = GetCardMgr().QuerySlot(SLOT4); m_ConfigOld.m_Slot[SLOT5] = GetCardMgr().QuerySlot(SLOT5); m_ConfigOld.m_Slot[SLOT6] = GetCardMgr().QuerySlot(SLOT6); // CPageDisk::HandleFloppyDriveCombo() needs this to be CT_Disk2 (temp, as will replace with PR #955) m_ConfigOld.m_bEnableHDD = HD_CardIsEnabled(); m_ConfigOld.m_bEnableTheFreezesF8Rom = GetPropertySheet().GetTheFreezesF8Rom(); m_ConfigOld.m_videoRefreshRate = GetVideo().GetVideoRefreshRate(); m_ConfigOld.m_tfeInterface = get_tfe_interface(); // Reset flags each time: m_ConfigOld.m_uSaveLoadStateMsg = 0; m_bDoBenchmark = false; // Setup ConfigNew m_ConfigNew = m_ConfigOld; } void CPropertySheetHelper::RestoreCurrentConfig(void) { // NB. clone-type is encoded in g_Apple2Type SetApple2Type(m_ConfigOld.m_Apple2Type); SetMainCpu(m_ConfigOld.m_CpuType); SetSlot(SLOT3, m_ConfigOld.m_Slot[SLOT3]); SetSlot(SLOT4, m_ConfigOld.m_Slot[SLOT4]); SetSlot(SLOT5, m_ConfigOld.m_Slot[SLOT5]); HD_SetEnabled(m_ConfigOld.m_bEnableHDD); GetPropertySheet().SetTheFreezesF8Rom(m_ConfigOld.m_bEnableTheFreezesF8Rom); m_ConfigNew.m_videoRefreshRate = m_ConfigOld.m_videoRefreshRate; // Not SetVideoRefreshRate(), as this re-inits much Video/NTSC state! } bool CPropertySheetHelper::IsOkToSaveLoadState(HWND hWnd, const bool bConfigChanged) { if (bConfigChanged) { if (MessageBox(hWnd, TEXT("The hardware configuration has changed. Save/Load state will lose these changes.\n\n") TEXT("Are you sure you want to do this?"), TEXT(REG_CONFIG), MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_OKCANCEL | MB_SETFOREGROUND) == IDCANCEL) return false; } return true; } bool CPropertySheetHelper::IsOkToRestart(HWND hWnd) { if (g_nAppMode == MODE_LOGO) return true; if (MessageBox(hWnd, TEXT("Restarting the emulator will reset the state ") TEXT("of the emulated machine, causing you to lose any ") TEXT("unsaved work.\n\n") TEXT("Are you sure you want to do this?"), TEXT(REG_CONFIG), MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_OKCANCEL | MB_SETFOREGROUND) == IDCANCEL) return false; return true; } #define CONFIG_CHANGED(var) \ (m_ConfigOld.var != m_ConfigNew.var) bool CPropertySheetHelper::HardwareConfigChanged(HWND hWnd) { std::string strMsg("The emulator needs to restart as the hardware configuration has changed:\n"); strMsg += "\n"; std::string strMsgMain; { if (CONFIG_CHANGED(m_Apple2Type)) strMsgMain += ". Emulated computer has changed\n"; if (CONFIG_CHANGED(m_CpuType)) strMsgMain += ". Emulated main CPU has changed\n"; if (CONFIG_CHANGED(m_videoRefreshRate)) strMsgMain += ". Video refresh rate has changed\n"; if (CONFIG_CHANGED(m_Slot[SLOT3])) strMsgMain += GetSlot(SLOT3); if (CONFIG_CHANGED(m_Slot[SLOT4])) strMsgMain += GetSlot(SLOT4); if (CONFIG_CHANGED(m_Slot[SLOT5])) strMsgMain += GetSlot(SLOT5); if (CONFIG_CHANGED(m_bEnableHDD)) strMsgMain += ". Harddisk(s) have been plugged/unplugged\n"; if (CONFIG_CHANGED(m_bEnableTheFreezesF8Rom)) strMsgMain += ". F8 ROM changed (The Freeze's F8 Rom)\n"; } std::string strMsgPost("\n"); strMsgPost += "This change will not take effect until the next time you restart the emulator.\n\n"; strMsgPost += "Would you like to restart the emulator now?"; strMsg += strMsgMain; strMsg += strMsgPost; if (MessageBox(hWnd, strMsg.c_str(), TEXT(REG_CONFIG), MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_OKCANCEL | MB_SETFOREGROUND) == IDCANCEL) return false; return true; } std::string CPropertySheetHelper::GetSlot(const UINT uSlot) { // strMsg = ". Slot n: "; std::string strMsg(". Slot "); strMsg += '0' + uSlot; strMsg += ": "; const SS_CARDTYPE OldCardType = m_ConfigOld.m_Slot[uSlot]; const SS_CARDTYPE NewCardType = m_ConfigNew.m_Slot[uSlot]; if ((OldCardType == CT_Empty) || (NewCardType == CT_Empty)) { if (NewCardType == CT_Empty) { strMsg += GetCardName(OldCardType); strMsg += " card removed\n"; } else { strMsg += GetCardName(NewCardType); strMsg += " card added\n"; } } else { strMsg += GetCardName(OldCardType); strMsg += " card removed & "; strMsg += GetCardName(NewCardType); strMsg += " card added\n"; } return strMsg; } std::string CPropertySheetHelper::GetCardName(const SS_CARDTYPE CardType) { switch (CardType) { case CT_Empty: return "Empty"; case CT_Disk2: // Apple Disk][ return "Disk]["; case CT_SSC: // Apple Super Serial Card return "Super Serial"; case CT_MockingboardC: // Soundcard return "Mockingboard"; case CT_GenericPrinter: return "Printer"; case CT_GenericHDD: // Hard disk return "Hard Disk"; case CT_GenericClock: return "Clock"; case CT_MouseInterface: return "Mouse"; case CT_Z80: return "CP/M"; case CT_Phasor: // Soundcard return "Phasor"; case CT_Echo: // Soundcard return "Echo"; case CT_SAM: // Soundcard: Software Automated Mouth return "SAM"; case CT_Uthernet: return "Uthernet"; case CT_FourPlay: return "4Play"; case CT_SNESMAX: return "SNES MAX"; default: return "Unknown"; } }