#pragma once // Types ____________________________________________________________ // NOTE: KEEP IN SYNC: VideoType_e g_aVideoChoices g_apVideoModeDesc // NOTE: Used/Serialized by: g_eVideoType enum VideoType_e { VT_MONO_CUSTOM , VT_COLOR_MONITOR , VT_MONO_TV , VT_COLOR_TV , VT_MONO_AMBER , VT_MONO_GREEN , VT_MONO_WHITE , NUM_VIDEO_MODES }; extern TCHAR g_aVideoChoices[]; extern char *g_apVideoModeDesc[ NUM_VIDEO_MODES ]; enum VideoFlag_e { VF_80COL = 0x00000001, VF_DHIRES = 0x00000002, VF_HIRES = 0x00000004, VF_80STORE= 0x00000008, // was called VF_MASK2 VF_MIXED = 0x00000010, VF_PAGE2 = 0x00000020, VF_TEXT = 0x00000040 }; enum AppleFont_e { // 40-Column mode is 1x Zoom (default) // 80-Column mode is ~0.75x Zoom (7 x 16) // Tiny mode is 0.5 zoom (7x8) for debugger APPLE_FONT_WIDTH = 14, // in pixels APPLE_FONT_HEIGHT = 16, // in pixels // Each cell has a reserved aligned pixel area (grid spacing) APPLE_FONT_CELL_WIDTH = 16, APPLE_FONT_CELL_HEIGHT = 16, // The bitmap contains 3 regions // Each region is 256x256 pixels = 16x16 chars APPLE_FONT_X_REGIONSIZE = 256, // in pixelx APPLE_FONT_Y_REGIONSIZE = 256, // in pixels // Starting Y offsets (pixels) for the regions APPLE_FONT_Y_APPLE_2PLUS = 0, // ][+ APPLE_FONT_Y_APPLE_80COL = 256, // //e (inc. Mouse Text) APPLE_FONT_Y_APPLE_40COL = 512, // ][ }; #ifdef _MSC_VER /// turn of MSVC struct member padding #pragma pack(push,1) #define PACKED #else #define PACKED // TODO: FIXME: gcc/clang __attribute__ #endif struct bgra_t { uint8_t b; uint8_t g; uint8_t r; uint8_t a; // reserved on Win32 }; struct WinBmpHeader_t { // BITMAPFILEHEADER // Addr Size uint8_t nCookie[2] ; // 0x00 0x02 BM uint32_t nSizeFile ; // 0x02 0x04 0 = ignore uint16_t nReserved1 ; // 0x06 0x02 uint16_t nReserved2 ; // 0x08 0x02 uint32_t nOffsetData ; // 0x0A 0x04 // == 0x0D (14) // BITMAPINFOHEADER uint32_t nStructSize ; // 0x0E 0x04 biSize uint32_t nWidthPixels ; // 0x12 0x04 biWidth uint32_t nHeightPixels ; // 0x16 0x04 biHeight uint16_t nPlanes ; // 0x1A 0x02 biPlanes uint16_t nBitsPerPixel ; // 0x1C 0x02 biBitCount uint32_t nCompression ; // 0x1E 0x04 biCompression 0 = BI_RGB uint32_t nSizeImage ; // 0x22 0x04 0 = ignore uint32_t nXPelsPerMeter ; // 0x26 0x04 uint32_t nYPelsPerMeter ; // 0x2A 0x04 uint32_t nPaletteColors ; // 0x2E 0x04 uint32_t nImportantColors; // 0x32 0x04 // == 0x28 (40) // RGBQUAD // pixelmap }; struct WinCIEXYZ { uint32_t r; // fixed point 2.30 uint32_t g; // fixed point 2.30 uint32_t b; // fixed point 2.30 }; struct WinBmpHeader4_t { // BITMAPFILEHEADER // Addr Size uint8_t nCookie[2] ; // 0x00 0x02 BM uint32_t nSizeFile ; // 0x02 0x04 0 = ignore uint16_t nReserved1 ; // 0x06 0x02 uint16_t nReserved2 ; // 0x08 0x02 uint32_t nOffsetData ; // 0x0A 0x04 // ==== 0x0D (14) // BITMAPINFOHEADER uint32_t nStructSize ; // 0x0E 0x04 biSize uint32_t nWidthPixels ; // 0x12 0x04 biWidth uint32_t nHeightPixels ; // 0x16 0x04 biHeight uint16_t nPlanes ; // 0x1A 0x02 biPlanes uint16_t nBitsPerPixel ; // 0x1C 0x02 biBitCount uint32_t nCompression ; // 0x1E 0x04 biCompression 0 = BI_RGB uint32_t nSizeImage ; // 0x22 0x04 0 = ignore uint32_t nXPelsPerMeter ; // 0x26 0x04 uint32_t nYPelsPerMeter ; // 0x2A 0x04 uint32_t nPaletteColors ; // 0x2E 0x04 uint32_t nImportantColors; // 0x32 0x04 // ==== 0x28 (40) //BITMAPV4HEADER new fields uint32_t nRedMask ; // 0x36 0x04 uint32_t nGreenMask ; // 0x3A 0x04 uint32_t nBlueMask ; // 0x3E 0x04 uint32_t nAlphaMask ; // 0x42 0x04 uint32_t nType ; // 0x46 0x04 uint32_t Rx, Ry, Rz ; // 0x4A 0x0C uint32_t Gx, Gy, Gz ; // 0x56 0x0C uint32_t Bx, By, Bz ; // 0x62 0x0C uint32_t nRedGamma ; // 0x6E 0x04 uint32_t nGreenGamma ; // 0x72 0x04 uint32_t nBlueGamma ; // 0x76 0x04 }; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma pack(pop) #endif // Globals __________________________________________________________ extern HBITMAP g_hLogoBitmap; extern COLORREF g_nMonochromeRGB; // saved to Registry extern uint32_t g_uVideoMode; extern DWORD g_eVideoType; // saved to Registry extern DWORD g_uHalfScanLines; // saved to Registry extern uint8_t *g_pFramebufferbits; typedef bool (*VideoUpdateFuncPtr_t)(int,int,int,int,int); // Prototypes _______________________________________________________ BOOL VideoApparentlyDirty (); void VideoBenchmark (); void VideoChooseMonochromeColor (); // FIXME: Should be moved to PageConfig and call VideoSetMonochromeColor() void VideoDestroy (); void VideoDisplayLogo (); void VideoInitialize (); void VideoRealizePalette (HDC); void VideoRedrawScreenDuringFullSpeed(DWORD dwCyclesThisFrame, bool bInit = false); void VideoRedrawScreenAfterFullSpeed(DWORD dwCyclesThisFrame); void VideoRedrawScreen (UINT uDelayRefresh = 0); void VideoRefreshScreen (int bVideoFlags, UINT uDelayRefresh =0 ); void VideoReinitialize (); void VideoResetState (); WORD VideoGetScannerAddress(bool* pbVblBar_OUT, const DWORD uExecutedCycles); bool VideoGetVbl(DWORD uExecutedCycles); bool VideoGetSW80COL(void); bool VideoGetSWDHIRES(void); bool VideoGetSWHIRES(void); bool VideoGetSW80STORE(void); bool VideoGetSWMIXED(void); bool VideoGetSWPAGE2(void); bool VideoGetSWTEXT(void); bool VideoGetSWAltCharSet(void); void VideoSetForceFullRedraw(void); void VideoSetSnapshot_v1(const UINT AltCharSet, const UINT VideoMode); void VideoSaveSnapshot(class YamlSaveHelper& yamlSaveHelper); void VideoLoadSnapshot(class YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper); int _Video_SetupBanks( bool bBank2 ); bool Update40ColCell (int x, int y, int xpixel, int ypixel, int offset); bool Update80ColCell (int x, int y, int xpixel, int ypixel, int offset); bool UpdateLoResCell (int x, int y, int xpixel, int ypixel, int offset); bool UpdateDLoResCell (int x, int y, int xpixel, int ypixel, int offset); bool UpdateHiResCell (int x, int y, int xpixel, int ypixel, int offset); bool UpdateDHiResCell (int x, int y, int xpixel, int ypixel, int offset); extern bool g_bDisplayPrintScreenFileName; extern bool g_bShowPrintScreenWarningDialog; void Video_ResetScreenshotCounter( char *pDiskImageFileName ); enum VideoScreenShot_e { SCREENSHOT_560x384 = 0, SCREENSHOT_280x192 }; void Video_TakeScreenShot( int iScreenShotType ); void Video_SetBitmapHeader( WinBmpHeader_t *pBmp, int nWidth, int nHeight, int nBitsPerPixel ); // Win32/MSVC: __stdcall BYTE VideoCheckMode (WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG uExecutedCycles); BYTE VideoCheckVbl ( ULONG uExecutedCycles ); BYTE VideoSetMode (WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG uExecutedCycles); void Config_Load_Video(void); void Config_Save_Video(void);