/* AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth Copyright (C) 2006-2014, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Description: main * * Author: Various */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "AppleWin.h" #include "CPU.h" #include "Debug.h" #include "Disk.h" #include "DiskImage.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "Harddisk.h" #include "Joystick.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Memory.h" #include "Mockingboard.h" #include "MouseInterface.h" #include "ParallelPrinter.h" #include "Registry.h" #include "Riff.h" #include "SaveState.h" #include "SerialComms.h" #include "SoundCore.h" #include "Speaker.h" #ifdef USE_SPEECH_API #include "Speech.h" #endif #include "Video.h" #include "NTSC.h" #include "Configuration\About.h" #include "Configuration\PropertySheet.h" #include "Tfe\Tfe.h" static UINT16 g_AppleWinVersion[4] = {0}; char VERSIONSTRING[16] = "xx.yy.zz.ww"; TCHAR *g_pAppTitle = TITLE_APPLE_2E_ENHANCED; eApple2Type g_Apple2Type = A2TYPE_APPLE2EENHANCED; bool g_bFullSpeed = false; //================================================= // Win32 HINSTANCE g_hInstance = (HINSTANCE)0; AppMode_e g_nAppMode = MODE_LOGO; static bool g_bLoadedSaveState = false; TCHAR g_sProgramDir[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); // Directory of where AppleWin executable resides TCHAR g_sDebugDir [MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); // TODO: Not currently used TCHAR g_sScreenShotDir[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); // TODO: Not currently used TCHAR g_sCurrentDir[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); // Also Starting Dir. Debugger uses this when load/save bool g_bRestart = false; bool g_bRestartFullScreen = false; DWORD g_dwSpeed = SPEED_NORMAL; // Affected by Config dialog's speed slider bar double g_fCurrentCLK6502 = CLK_6502; // Affected by Config dialog's speed slider bar static double g_fMHz = 1.0; // Affected by Config dialog's speed slider bar int g_nCpuCyclesFeedback = 0; DWORD g_dwCyclesThisFrame = 0; FILE* g_fh = NULL; bool g_bDisableDirectInput = false; bool g_bDisableDirectSound = false; bool g_bDisableDirectSoundMockingboard = false; int g_nMemoryClearType = MIP_FF_FF_00_00; // Note: -1 = random MIP in Memory.cpp MemReset() IPropertySheet& sg_PropertySheet = * new CPropertySheet; CSuperSerialCard sg_SSC; CMouseInterface sg_Mouse; SS_CARDTYPE g_Slot4 = CT_Empty; SS_CARDTYPE g_Slot5 = CT_Empty; HANDLE g_hCustomRomF8 = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // Cmd-line specified custom ROM at $F800..$FFFF static bool g_bCustomRomF8Failed = false; // Set if custom ROM file failed static bool g_bEnableSpeech = false; #ifdef USE_SPEECH_API CSpeech g_Speech; #endif //=========================================================================== static DWORD dwLogKeyReadTickStart; static bool bLogKeyReadDone = false; void LogFileTimeUntilFirstKeyReadReset(void) { if (!g_fh) return; dwLogKeyReadTickStart = GetTickCount(); bLogKeyReadDone = false; } // Log the time from emulation restart/reboot until the first key read: BIT $C000 // . NB. AZTEC.DSK does prior LDY $C000 reads, but the BIT $C000 is at the "Press any key" message void LogFileTimeUntilFirstKeyRead(void) { if (!g_fh || bLogKeyReadDone) return; if (mem[regs.pc-3] != 0x2C) // bit $c000 return; DWORD dwTime = GetTickCount() - dwLogKeyReadTickStart; LogFileOutput("Time from emulation reboot until first $C000 access: %d msec\n", dwTime); bLogKeyReadDone = true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- eApple2Type GetApple2Type(void) { return g_Apple2Type; } void SetApple2Type(eApple2Type type) { g_Apple2Type = type; SetMainCpuDefault(type); } const UINT16* GetAppleWinVersion(void) { return &g_AppleWinVersion[0]; } bool GetLoadedSaveStateFlag(void) { return g_bLoadedSaveState; } void SetLoadedSaveStateFlag(const bool bFlag) { g_bLoadedSaveState = bFlag; } static void ResetToLogoMode(void) { g_nAppMode = MODE_LOGO; SetLoadedSaveStateFlag(false); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool g_bPriorityNormal = true; // Make APPLEWIN process higher priority void SetPriorityAboveNormal(void) { if (!g_bPriorityNormal) return; if ( SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS) ) { SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL); g_bPriorityNormal = false; } } // Make APPLEWIN process normal priority void SetPriorityNormal(void) { if (g_bPriorityNormal) return; if ( SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS) ) { SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL); g_bPriorityNormal = true; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static UINT g_uModeStepping_Cycles = 0; static bool g_uModeStepping_LastGetKey_ScrollLock = false; static void ContinueExecution(void) { _ASSERT(g_nAppMode == MODE_RUNNING || g_nAppMode == MODE_STEPPING); const double fUsecPerSec = 1.e6; #if 1 const UINT nExecutionPeriodUsec = 1000; // 1.0ms // const UINT nExecutionPeriodUsec = 100; // 0.1ms const double fExecutionPeriodClks = g_fCurrentCLK6502 * ((double)nExecutionPeriodUsec / fUsecPerSec); #else const double fExecutionPeriodClks = 1800.0; const UINT nExecutionPeriodUsec = (UINT) (fUsecPerSec * (fExecutionPeriodClks / g_fCurrentCLK6502)); #endif // bool bScrollLock_FullSpeed = false; if (sg_PropertySheet.GetScrollLockToggle()) { bScrollLock_FullSpeed = g_bScrollLock_FullSpeed; } else { if (g_nAppMode == MODE_RUNNING) { bScrollLock_FullSpeed = GetKeyState(VK_SCROLL) < 0; } else if (!IsDebugSteppingAtFullSpeed()) // Implicitly: MODE_STEPPING { // NB. For MODE_STEPPING: GetKeyState() is slow, so only call periodically // . 0x3FFF is roughly the number of cycles in a video frame, which seems a reasonable rate to call GetKeyState() if ((g_uModeStepping_Cycles & 0x3FFF) == 0) g_uModeStepping_LastGetKey_ScrollLock = GetKeyState(VK_SCROLL) < 0; bScrollLock_FullSpeed = g_uModeStepping_LastGetKey_ScrollLock; } } const bool bWasFullSpeed = g_bFullSpeed; g_bFullSpeed = (g_dwSpeed == SPEED_MAX) || bScrollLock_FullSpeed || (DiskIsSpinning() && enhancedisk && !Spkr_IsActive() && !MB_IsActive()) || IsDebugSteppingAtFullSpeed(); if (g_bFullSpeed) { if (!bWasFullSpeed) VideoRedrawScreenDuringFullSpeed(0, true); // Init for full-speed mode // Don't call Spkr_Mute() - will get speaker clicks MB_Mute(); SysClk_StopTimer(); #ifdef USE_SPEECH_API g_Speech.Reset(); // TODO: Put this on a timer (in emulated cycles)... otherwise CATALOG cuts out #endif g_nCpuCyclesFeedback = 0; // For the case when this is a big -ve number // Switch to normal priority so that APPLEWIN process doesn't hog machine! //. EG: No disk in Drive-1, and boot Apple: Windows will start to crawl! SetPriorityNormal(); } else { if (bWasFullSpeed) VideoRedrawScreenAfterFullSpeed(g_dwCyclesThisFrame); // Don't call Spkr_Demute() MB_Demute(); SysClk_StartTimerUsec(nExecutionPeriodUsec); // Switch to higher priority, eg. for audio (BUG #015394) SetPriorityAboveNormal(); } // int nCyclesWithFeedback = (int) fExecutionPeriodClks + g_nCpuCyclesFeedback; const UINT uCyclesToExecuteWithFeedback = (nCyclesWithFeedback >= 0) ? nCyclesWithFeedback : 0; const DWORD uCyclesToExecute = (g_nAppMode == MODE_RUNNING) ? uCyclesToExecuteWithFeedback /* MODE_STEPPING */ : 0; const bool bVideoUpdate = !g_bFullSpeed; const DWORD uActualCyclesExecuted = CpuExecute(uCyclesToExecute, bVideoUpdate); g_dwCyclesThisFrame += uActualCyclesExecuted; DiskUpdatePosition(uActualCyclesExecuted); JoyUpdateButtonLatch(nExecutionPeriodUsec); // Button latch time is independent of CPU clock frequency sg_SSC.CommUpdate(uActualCyclesExecuted); PrintUpdate(uActualCyclesExecuted); // DWORD uSpkrActualCyclesExecuted = uActualCyclesExecuted; bool bModeStepping_WaitTimer = false; if (g_nAppMode == MODE_STEPPING && !IsDebugSteppingAtFullSpeed()) { g_uModeStepping_Cycles += uActualCyclesExecuted; if (g_uModeStepping_Cycles >= uCyclesToExecuteWithFeedback) { uSpkrActualCyclesExecuted = g_uModeStepping_Cycles; g_uModeStepping_Cycles -= uCyclesToExecuteWithFeedback; bModeStepping_WaitTimer = true; } } // For MODE_STEPPING: do this speaker update periodically // - Otherwise kills performance due to sound-buffer lock/unlock for every 6502 opcode! if (g_nAppMode == MODE_RUNNING || bModeStepping_WaitTimer) SpkrUpdate(uSpkrActualCyclesExecuted); // if (g_dwCyclesThisFrame >= dwClksPerFrame) { g_dwCyclesThisFrame -= dwClksPerFrame; if (g_bFullSpeed) VideoRedrawScreenDuringFullSpeed(g_dwCyclesThisFrame); else VideoRefreshScreen(); // Just copy the output of our Apple framebuffer to the system Back Buffer MB_EndOfVideoFrame(); } if ((g_nAppMode == MODE_RUNNING && !g_bFullSpeed) || bModeStepping_WaitTimer) { SysClk_WaitTimer(); } } void SingleStep(bool bReinit) { if (bReinit) { g_uModeStepping_Cycles = 0; g_uModeStepping_LastGetKey_ScrollLock = false; } ContinueExecution(); } //=========================================================================== void SetCurrentCLK6502(void) { static DWORD dwPrevSpeed = (DWORD) -1; if(dwPrevSpeed == g_dwSpeed) return; dwPrevSpeed = g_dwSpeed; // SPEED_MIN = 0 = 0.50 MHz // SPEED_NORMAL = 10 = 1.00 MHz // 20 = 2.00 MHz // SPEED_MAX-1 = 39 = 3.90 MHz // SPEED_MAX = 40 = ???? MHz (run full-speed, /g_fCurrentCLK6502/ is ignored) if(g_dwSpeed < SPEED_NORMAL) g_fMHz = 0.5 + (double)g_dwSpeed * 0.05; else g_fMHz = (double)g_dwSpeed / 10.0; g_fCurrentCLK6502 = CLK_6502 * g_fMHz; // // Now re-init modules that are dependent on /g_fCurrentCLK6502/ // SpkrReinitialize(); MB_Reinitialize(); } //=========================================================================== void EnterMessageLoop(void) { MSG message; PeekMessage(&message, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE); while (message.message!=WM_QUIT) { if (PeekMessage(&message, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&message); DispatchMessage(&message); while ((g_nAppMode == MODE_RUNNING) || (g_nAppMode == MODE_STEPPING)) { if (PeekMessage(&message,0,0,0,PM_REMOVE)) { if (message.message == WM_QUIT) return; TranslateMessage(&message); DispatchMessage(&message); } else if (g_nAppMode == MODE_STEPPING) { DebugContinueStepping(); } else { ContinueExecution(); if (g_nAppMode != MODE_DEBUG) { if (g_bFullSpeed) ContinueExecution(); } } } } else { if (g_nAppMode == MODE_DEBUG) DebuggerUpdate(); else if (g_nAppMode == MODE_PAUSED) Sleep(1); // Stop process hogging CPU - 1ms, as need to fade-out speaker sound buffer else if (g_nAppMode == MODE_LOGO) Sleep(100); // Stop process hogging CPU } } } //=========================================================================== void GetProgramDirectory(void) { GetModuleFileName((HINSTANCE)0, g_sProgramDir, MAX_PATH); g_sProgramDir[MAX_PATH-1] = 0; int loop = _tcslen(g_sProgramDir); while (loop--) { if ((g_sProgramDir[loop] == TEXT('\\')) || (g_sProgramDir[loop] == TEXT(':'))) { g_sProgramDir[loop+1] = 0; break; } } } //=========================================================================== // Backwards compatibility with AppleWin <1.24.0 static void LoadConfigOldJoystick(const UINT uJoyNum) { DWORD dwOldJoyType; if (!REGLOAD(TEXT(uJoyNum==0 ? REGVALUE_OLD_JOYSTICK0_EMU_TYPE : REGVALUE_OLD_JOYSTICK1_EMU_TYPE), &dwOldJoyType)) return; // EG. Old AppleWin never installed UINT uNewJoyType; switch (dwOldJoyType) { case 0: // Disabled default: uNewJoyType = J0C_DISABLED; break; case 1: // PC Joystick uNewJoyType = J0C_JOYSTICK1; break; case 2: // Keyboard (standard) uNewJoyType = J0C_KEYBD_NUMPAD; sg_PropertySheet.SetJoystickCenteringControl(JOYSTICK_MODE_FLOATING); break; case 3: // Keyboard (centering) uNewJoyType = J0C_KEYBD_NUMPAD; sg_PropertySheet.SetJoystickCenteringControl(JOYSTICK_MODE_CENTERING); break; case 4: // Mouse uNewJoyType = J0C_MOUSE; break; } JoySetJoyType(uJoyNum, uNewJoyType); } //Sets the character set for the Apple model/clone void SetCharsetType(void) { switch ( GetApple2Type() ) { case A2TYPE_APPLE2: g_nCharsetType = 0; break; case A2TYPE_APPLE2PLUS: g_nCharsetType = 0; break; case A2TYPE_APPLE2E: g_nCharsetType = 0; break; case A2TYPE_APPLE2EENHANCED:g_nCharsetType = 0; break; case A2TYPE_TK30002E: g_nCharsetType = 0; break; case A2TYPE_PRAVETS82: g_nCharsetType = 1; break; case A2TYPE_PRAVETS8M: g_nCharsetType = 2; break; //This charset has a very small difference with the PRAVETS82 one, and probably has some misplaced characters. case A2TYPE_PRAVETS8A: g_nCharsetType = 3; break; default: _ASSERT(0); g_nCharsetType = 0; } } //Reads configuration from the registry entries void LoadConfiguration(void) { DWORD dwComputerType; eApple2Type apple2Type = A2TYPE_APPLE2EENHANCED; if (REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_APPLE2_TYPE), &dwComputerType)) { if ((dwComputerType >= A2TYPE_MAX) || (dwComputerType >= A2TYPE_UNDEFINED && dwComputerType < A2TYPE_CLONE)) dwComputerType = A2TYPE_APPLE2EENHANCED; // Remap the bad Pravets models (before AppleWin v1.26) if (dwComputerType == A2TYPE_BAD_PRAVETS82) dwComputerType = A2TYPE_PRAVETS82; if (dwComputerType == A2TYPE_BAD_PRAVETS8M) dwComputerType = A2TYPE_PRAVETS8M; apple2Type = (eApple2Type) dwComputerType; } else // Support older AppleWin registry entries { REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_OLD_APPLE2_TYPE), &dwComputerType); switch (dwComputerType) { // NB. No A2TYPE_APPLE2E (this is correct) case 0: apple2Type = A2TYPE_APPLE2; break; case 1: apple2Type = A2TYPE_APPLE2PLUS; break; case 2: apple2Type = A2TYPE_APPLE2EENHANCED; break; default: apple2Type = A2TYPE_APPLE2EENHANCED; } } SetApple2Type(apple2Type); SetCharsetType(); // DWORD dwCpuType; eCpuType cpu = CPU_65C02; if (REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_CPU_TYPE), &dwCpuType)) { if (dwCpuType != CPU_6502 && dwCpuType != CPU_65C02) dwCpuType = CPU_65C02; cpu = (eCpuType) dwCpuType; } SetMainCpu(cpu); // DWORD dwJoyType; if (REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_JOYSTICK0_EMU_TYPE), &dwJoyType)) JoySetJoyType(JN_JOYSTICK0, dwJoyType); else LoadConfigOldJoystick(JN_JOYSTICK0); if (REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_JOYSTICK1_EMU_TYPE), &dwJoyType)) JoySetJoyType(JN_JOYSTICK1, dwJoyType); else LoadConfigOldJoystick(JN_JOYSTICK1); DWORD dwSoundType; REGLOAD(TEXT("Sound Emulation"), &dwSoundType); switch (dwSoundType) { case REG_SOUNDTYPE_NONE: case REG_SOUNDTYPE_DIRECT: // Not supported from 1.26 case REG_SOUNDTYPE_SMART: // Not supported from 1.26 default: soundtype = SOUND_NONE; break; case REG_SOUNDTYPE_WAVE: soundtype = SOUND_WAVE; break; } char aySerialPortName[ CSuperSerialCard::SIZEOF_SERIALCHOICE_ITEM ]; if (RegLoadString( TEXT("Configuration"), TEXT(REGVALUE_SERIAL_PORT_NAME), TRUE, aySerialPortName, sizeof(aySerialPortName) ) ) { sg_SSC.SetSerialPortName(aySerialPortName); } REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_EMULATION_SPEED) ,&g_dwSpeed); REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_ENHANCE_DISK_SPEED),(DWORD *)&enhancedisk); Config_Load_Video(); REGLOAD(TEXT("Uthernet Active") ,(DWORD *)&tfe_enabled); SetCurrentCLK6502(); // DWORD dwTmp; if(REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_THE_FREEZES_F8_ROM), &dwTmp)) sg_PropertySheet.SetTheFreezesF8Rom(dwTmp); if(REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_SPKR_VOLUME), &dwTmp)) SpkrSetVolume(dwTmp, sg_PropertySheet.GetVolumeMax()); if(REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_MB_VOLUME), &dwTmp)) MB_SetVolume(dwTmp, sg_PropertySheet.GetVolumeMax()); if(REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_SAVE_STATE_ON_EXIT), &dwTmp)) g_bSaveStateOnExit = dwTmp ? true : false; if(REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_DUMP_TO_PRINTER), &dwTmp)) g_bDumpToPrinter = dwTmp ? true : false; if(REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_CONVERT_ENCODING), &dwTmp)) g_bConvertEncoding = dwTmp ? true : false; if(REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_FILTER_UNPRINTABLE), &dwTmp)) g_bFilterUnprintable = dwTmp ? true : false; if(REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_PRINTER_APPEND), &dwTmp)) g_bPrinterAppend = dwTmp ? true : false; if(REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_HDD_ENABLED), &dwTmp)) HD_SetEnabled(dwTmp ? true : false); if(REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_PDL_XTRIM), &dwTmp)) JoySetTrim((short)dwTmp, true); if(REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_PDL_YTRIM), &dwTmp)) JoySetTrim((short)dwTmp, false); if(REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_SCROLLLOCK_TOGGLE), &dwTmp)) sg_PropertySheet.SetScrollLockToggle(dwTmp); if(REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_CURSOR_CONTROL), &dwTmp)) sg_PropertySheet.SetJoystickCursorControl(dwTmp); if(REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_AUTOFIRE), &dwTmp)) sg_PropertySheet.SetAutofire(dwTmp); if(REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_CENTERING_CONTROL), &dwTmp)) sg_PropertySheet.SetJoystickCenteringControl(dwTmp); if(REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_MOUSE_CROSSHAIR), &dwTmp)) sg_PropertySheet.SetMouseShowCrosshair(dwTmp); if(REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_MOUSE_RESTRICT_TO_WINDOW), &dwTmp)) sg_PropertySheet.SetMouseRestrictToWindow(dwTmp); if(REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_SLOT4), &dwTmp)) g_Slot4 = (SS_CARDTYPE) dwTmp; if(REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_SLOT5), &dwTmp)) g_Slot5 = (SS_CARDTYPE) dwTmp; // char szFilename[MAX_PATH] = {0}; RegLoadString(TEXT(REG_PREFS), TEXT(REGVALUE_PREF_HDV_START_DIR), 1, szFilename, MAX_PATH); if (szFilename[0] == 0) GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(szFilename), szFilename); SetCurrentImageDir(szFilename); HD_LoadLastDiskImage(HARDDISK_1); HD_LoadLastDiskImage(HARDDISK_2); // // Current/Starting Dir is the "root" of where the user keeps his disk images RegLoadString(TEXT(REG_PREFS), TEXT(REGVALUE_PREF_START_DIR), 1, szFilename, MAX_PATH); if (szFilename[0] == 0) GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(szFilename), szFilename); SetCurrentImageDir(szFilename); Disk_LoadLastDiskImage(DRIVE_1); Disk_LoadLastDiskImage(DRIVE_2); // szFilename[0] = 0; RegLoadString(TEXT(REG_CONFIG),TEXT(REGVALUE_SAVESTATE_FILENAME),1,szFilename,sizeof(szFilename)); Snapshot_SetFilename(szFilename); // If not in Registry than default will be used (ie. g_sCurrentDir + default filename) szFilename[0] = 0; RegLoadString(TEXT(REG_CONFIG),TEXT(REGVALUE_PRINTER_FILENAME),1,szFilename,sizeof(szFilename)); Printer_SetFilename(szFilename); // If not in Registry than default will be used dwTmp = 10; REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_PRINTER_IDLE_LIMIT), &dwTmp); Printer_SetIdleLimit(dwTmp); char szUthernetInt[MAX_PATH] = {0}; RegLoadString(TEXT(REG_CONFIG),TEXT("Uthernet Interface"),1,szUthernetInt,MAX_PATH); update_tfe_interface(szUthernetInt,NULL); if (REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_WINDOW_SCALE), &dwTmp)) SetViewportScale(dwTmp); if (REGLOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_CONFIRM_REBOOT), &dwTmp)) g_bConfirmReboot = dwTmp; } //=========================================================================== bool SetCurrentImageDir(const char* pszImageDir) { strcpy(g_sCurrentDir, pszImageDir); int nLen = strlen( g_sCurrentDir ); if ((nLen > 0) && (g_sCurrentDir[ nLen - 1 ] != '\\')) { g_sCurrentDir[ nLen + 0 ] = '\\'; g_sCurrentDir[ nLen + 1 ] = 0; } if( SetCurrentDirectory(g_sCurrentDir) ) return true; return false; } //=========================================================================== // TODO: Added dialog option of which file extensions to registry static bool g_bRegisterFileTypes = true; //static bool g_bRegistryFileBin = false; static bool g_bRegistryFileDo = true; static bool g_bRegistryFileDsk = true; static bool g_bRegistryFileNib = true; static bool g_bRegistryFilePo = true; void RegisterExtensions(void) { TCHAR szCommandTmp[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName((HMODULE)0,szCommandTmp,MAX_PATH); #ifdef TEST_REG_BUG TCHAR command[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(command, "%s", szCommandTmp); // Wrap path & filename in quotes & null terminate TCHAR icon[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(icon,TEXT("\"%s,1\""),(LPCTSTR)command); #endif TCHAR command[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(command, "\"%s\"", szCommandTmp); // Wrap path & filename in quotes & null terminate TCHAR icon[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(icon,TEXT("%s,1"),(LPCTSTR)command); _tcscat(command,TEXT(" \"%1\"")); // Append "%1" // _tcscat(command,TEXT("-d1 %1\"")); // Append "%1" // sprintf(command, "\"%s\" \"-d1 %%1\"", szCommandTmp); // Wrap path & filename in quotes & null terminate // NB. Reflect extensions in DELREG.INF // RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,".bin",REG_SZ,"DiskImage",10); // Removed as .bin is too generic long Res = RegDeleteValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".bin"); // TODO: This isn't working :-/ RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,".do" ,REG_SZ,"DiskImage",10); RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,".dsk",REG_SZ,"DiskImage",10); RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,".nib",REG_SZ,"DiskImage",10); RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,".po" ,REG_SZ,"DiskImage",10); // RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,".2mg",REG_SZ,"DiskImage",10); // Don't grab this, as not all .2mg images are supported (so defer to CiderPress) // RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,".2img",REG_SZ,"DiskImage",10); // Don't grab this, as not all .2mg images are supported (so defer to CiderPress) // RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,".aws",REG_SZ,"DiskImage",10); // TO DO // RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,".hdv",REG_SZ,"DiskImage",10); // TO DO RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "DiskImage", REG_SZ,"Disk Image",21); RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "DiskImage\\DefaultIcon", REG_SZ,icon,_tcslen(icon)+1); // This key can interfere.... // HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExt\.dsk RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "DiskImage\\shell\\open\\command", REG_SZ,command,_tcslen(command)+1); RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "DiskImage\\shell\\open\\ddeexec", REG_SZ,"%1",3); RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "DiskImage\\shell\\open\\ddeexec\\application", REG_SZ,"applewin",_tcslen("applewin")+1); // REG_SZ,szCommandTmp,_tcslen(szCommandTmp)+1); RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "DiskImage\\shell\\open\\ddeexec\\topic", REG_SZ,"system",_tcslen("system")+1); } //=========================================================================== void AppleWin_RegisterHotKeys(void) { BOOL bStatus = true; bStatus &= RegisterHotKey( g_hFrameWindow , // HWND hWnd VK_SNAPSHOT_560, // int id (user/custom id) 0 , // UINT fsModifiers VK_SNAPSHOT // UINT vk = PrintScreen ); bStatus &= RegisterHotKey( g_hFrameWindow , // HWND hWnd VK_SNAPSHOT_280, // int id (user/custom id) MOD_SHIFT , // UINT fsModifiers VK_SNAPSHOT // UINT vk = PrintScreen ); bStatus &= RegisterHotKey( g_hFrameWindow , // HWND hWnd VK_SNAPSHOT_TEXT, // int id (user/custom id) MOD_CONTROL , // UINT fsModifiers VK_SNAPSHOT // UINT vk = PrintScreen ); if (!bStatus && g_bShowPrintScreenWarningDialog) { MessageBox( g_hFrameWindow, "Unable to capture PrintScreen key", "Warning", MB_OK ); } } //=========================================================================== LPSTR GetCurrArg(LPSTR lpCmdLine) { if(*lpCmdLine == '\"') lpCmdLine++; return lpCmdLine; } LPSTR GetNextArg(LPSTR lpCmdLine) { int bInQuotes = 0; while(*lpCmdLine) { if(*lpCmdLine == '\"') { bInQuotes ^= 1; if(!bInQuotes) { *lpCmdLine++ = 0x00; // Assume end-quote is end of this arg continue; } } if((*lpCmdLine == ' ') && !bInQuotes) { *lpCmdLine++ = 0x00; break; } lpCmdLine++; } return lpCmdLine; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int DoDiskInsert(const int nDrive, LPCSTR szFileName) { std::string strPathName; if (szFileName[0] == '\\' || szFileName[1] == ':') { // Abs pathname strPathName = szFileName; } else { // Rel pathname char szCWD[_MAX_PATH] = {0}; if (!GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(szCWD), szCWD)) return false; strPathName = szCWD; strPathName.append("\\"); strPathName.append(szFileName); } ImageError_e Error = DiskInsert(nDrive, strPathName.c_str(), IMAGE_USE_FILES_WRITE_PROTECT_STATUS, IMAGE_DONT_CREATE); return Error == eIMAGE_ERROR_NONE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE passinstance, HINSTANCE, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int) { bool bShutdown = false; bool bSetFullScreen = false; bool bBoot = false; LPSTR szImageName_drive1 = NULL; LPSTR szImageName_drive2 = NULL; LPSTR szSnapshotName = NULL; const std::string strCmdLine(lpCmdLine); // Keep a copy for log ouput while (*lpCmdLine) { LPSTR lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpCmdLine); if (((strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-l") == 0) || (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-log") == 0)) && (g_fh == NULL)) { g_fh = fopen("AppleWin.log", "a+t"); // Open log file (append & text mode) setvbuf(g_fh, NULL, _IONBF, 0); // No buffering (so implicit fflush after every fprintf) CHAR aDateStr[80], aTimeStr[80]; GetDateFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, (LPTSTR)aDateStr, sizeof(aDateStr)); GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, (LPTSTR)aTimeStr, sizeof(aTimeStr)); fprintf(g_fh, "*** Logging started: %s %s\n", aDateStr, aTimeStr); } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-noreg") == 0) { g_bRegisterFileTypes = false; } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-d1") == 0) { lpCmdLine = GetCurrArg(lpNextArg); lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpNextArg); szImageName_drive1 = lpCmdLine; } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-d2") == 0) { lpCmdLine = GetCurrArg(lpNextArg); lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpNextArg); szImageName_drive2 = lpCmdLine; } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-load-state") == 0) { lpCmdLine = GetCurrArg(lpNextArg); lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpNextArg); szSnapshotName = lpCmdLine; } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-f") == 0) { bSetFullScreen = true; } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-fs8bit") == 0) { SetFullScreen32Bit(false); // Support old v1.24 fullscreen 8-bit palette mode } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-no-di") == 0) { g_bDisableDirectInput = true; } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-m") == 0) { g_bDisableDirectSound = true; } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-no-mb") == 0) { g_bDisableDirectSoundMockingboard = true; } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-memclear") == 0) { lpCmdLine = GetCurrArg(lpNextArg); lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpNextArg); g_nMemoryClearType = atoi(lpCmdLine); if (g_nMemoryClearType < 0) g_nMemoryClearType = 0; else if (g_nMemoryClearType >= NUM_MIP) g_nMemoryClearType = NUM_MIP - 1; } #ifdef RAMWORKS else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-r") == 0) // RamWorks size [1..127] { lpCmdLine = GetCurrArg(lpNextArg); lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpNextArg); g_uMaxExPages = atoi(lpCmdLine); if (g_uMaxExPages > kMaxExMemoryBanks) g_uMaxExPages = kMaxExMemoryBanks; else if (g_uMaxExPages < 1) g_uMaxExPages = 1; } #endif else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-f8rom") == 0) // Use custom 2K ROM at [$F800..$FFFF] { lpCmdLine = GetCurrArg(lpNextArg); lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpNextArg); g_hCustomRomF8 = CreateFile(lpCmdLine, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY, NULL); if ((g_hCustomRomF8 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || (GetFileSize(g_hCustomRomF8, NULL) != 0x800)) g_bCustomRomF8Failed = true; } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-printscreen") == 0) // Turn on display of the last filename print screen was saved to { g_bDisplayPrintScreenFileName = true; } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-no-printscreen-dlg") == 0) // Turn off the PrintScreen warning message dialog (if PrintScreen key can't be grabbed) { g_bShowPrintScreenWarningDialog = false; } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-spkr-inc") == 0) { lpCmdLine = GetCurrArg(lpNextArg); lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpNextArg); const int nErrorInc = atoi(lpCmdLine); SoundCore_SetErrorInc( nErrorInc ); } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-spkr-max") == 0) { lpCmdLine = GetCurrArg(lpNextArg); lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpNextArg); const int nErrorMax = atoi(lpCmdLine); SoundCore_SetErrorMax( nErrorMax ); } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-use-real-printer") == 0) // Enable control in Advanced config to allow dumping to a real printer { g_bEnableDumpToRealPrinter = true; } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-speech") == 0) { g_bEnableSpeech = true; } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-multimon") == 0) { g_bMultiMon = true; } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-dcd") == 0) // GH#386 { sg_SSC.SupportDCD(true); } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-dsr") == 0) // GH#386 { sg_SSC.SupportDSR(true); } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-dtr") == 0) // GH#386 { sg_SSC.SupportDTR(true); } else if (strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-modem") == 0) // GH#386 { sg_SSC.SupportDCD(true); sg_SSC.SupportDSR(true); sg_SSC.SupportDTR(true); } else // unsupported { LogFileOutput("Unsupported arg: %s\n", lpCmdLine); } lpCmdLine = lpNextArg; } LogFileOutput("CmdLine: %s\n", strCmdLine.c_str()); #if 0 #ifdef RIFF_SPKR RiffInitWriteFile("Spkr.wav", SPKR_SAMPLE_RATE, 1); #endif #ifdef RIFF_MB RiffInitWriteFile("Mockingboard.wav", 44100, 2); #endif #endif //----- char szPath[_MAX_PATH]; if (0 == GetModuleFileName(NULL, szPath, sizeof(szPath))) { strcpy(szPath, __argv[0]); } // Extract application version and store in a global variable DWORD dwHandle, dwVerInfoSize; dwVerInfoSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(szPath, &dwHandle); if (dwVerInfoSize > 0) { char* pVerInfoBlock = new char[dwVerInfoSize]; if (GetFileVersionInfo(szPath, NULL, dwVerInfoSize, pVerInfoBlock)) { VS_FIXEDFILEINFO* pFixedFileInfo; UINT pFixedFileInfoLen; VerQueryValue(pVerInfoBlock, TEXT("\\"), (LPVOID*) &pFixedFileInfo, (PUINT) &pFixedFileInfoLen); // Construct version string from fixed file info block unsigned long major = g_AppleWinVersion[0] = pFixedFileInfo->dwFileVersionMS >> 16; unsigned long minor = g_AppleWinVersion[1] = pFixedFileInfo->dwFileVersionMS & 0xffff; unsigned long fix = g_AppleWinVersion[2] = pFixedFileInfo->dwFileVersionLS >> 16; unsigned long fix_minor = g_AppleWinVersion[3] = pFixedFileInfo->dwFileVersionLS & 0xffff; sprintf(VERSIONSTRING, "%d.%d.%d.%d", major, minor, fix, fix_minor); // potential buffer overflow } } LogFileOutput("AppleWin version: %s\n", VERSIONSTRING); //----- // Initialize COM - so we can use CoCreateInstance // . NB. DSInit() & DIMouse::DirectInputInit are done when g_hFrameWindow is created (WM_CREATE) HRESULT hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); LogFileOutput("Init: CoInitializeEx(), hr=0x%08X\n", hr); const bool bSysClkOK = SysClk_InitTimer(); LogFileOutput("Init: SysClk_InitTimer(), res=%d\n", bSysClkOK ? 1:0); #ifdef USE_SPEECH_API if (g_bEnableSpeech) { const bool bSpeechOK = g_Speech.Init(); LogFileOutput("Init: SysClk_InitTimer(), res=%d\n", bSpeechOK ? 1:0); } #endif // DO ONE-TIME INITIALIZATION g_hInstance = passinstance; GdiSetBatchLimit(512); LogFileOutput("Init: GdiSetBatchLimit()\n"); GetProgramDirectory(); LogFileOutput("Init: GetProgramDirectory()\n"); if (g_bRegisterFileTypes) { RegisterExtensions(); LogFileOutput("Init: RegisterExtensions()\n"); } FrameRegisterClass(); LogFileOutput("Init: FrameRegisterClass()\n"); ImageInitialize(); LogFileOutput("Init: ImageInitialize()\n"); DiskInitialize(); LogFileOutput("Init: DiskInitialize()\n"); int nError = 0; // TODO: Show error MsgBox if we get a DiskInsert error if (szImageName_drive1) { nError = DoDiskInsert(DRIVE_1, szImageName_drive1); LogFileOutput("Init: DoDiskInsert(D1), res=%d\n", nError); FrameRefreshStatus(DRAW_LEDS | DRAW_BUTTON_DRIVES); bBoot = true; } if (szImageName_drive2) { nError |= DoDiskInsert(DRIVE_2, szImageName_drive2); LogFileOutput("Init: DoDiskInsert(D2), res=%d\n", nError); } // do { // DO INITIALIZATION THAT MUST BE REPEATED FOR A RESTART g_bRestart = false; ResetToLogoMode(); LoadConfiguration(); LogFileOutput("Main: LoadConfiguration()\n"); DebugInitialize(); LogFileOutput("Main: DebugInitialize()\n"); JoyInitialize(); LogFileOutput("Main: JoyInitialize()\n"); MemInitialize(); LogFileOutput("Main: MemInitialize()\n"); VideoInitialize(); // g_pFramebufferinfo been created now LogFileOutput("Main: VideoInitialize()\n"); LogFileOutput("Main: FrameCreateWindow() - pre\n"); FrameCreateWindow(); // g_hFrameWindow is now valid LogFileOutput("Main: FrameCreateWindow() - post\n"); char szOldAppleWinVersion[sizeof(VERSIONSTRING)] = {0}; RegLoadString(TEXT(REG_CONFIG), TEXT(REGVALUE_VERSION), 1, szOldAppleWinVersion, sizeof(szOldAppleWinVersion)); const bool bShowAboutDlg = strcmp(szOldAppleWinVersion, VERSIONSTRING) != 0; if (bShowAboutDlg) { if (!AboutDlg()) bShutdown = true; // Close everything down else RegSaveString(TEXT(REG_CONFIG), TEXT(REGVALUE_VERSION), 1, VERSIONSTRING); // Only save version after user accepts license } // PrintScrn support AppleWin_RegisterHotKeys(); // needs valid g_hFrameWindow LogFileOutput("Main: AppleWin_RegisterHotKeys()\n"); // Need to test if it's safe to call ResetMachineState(). In the meantime, just call DiskReset(): DiskReset(); // Switch from a booting A][+ to a non-autostart A][, so need to turn off floppy motor LogFileOutput("Main: DiskReset()\n"); if (!bSysClkOK) { MessageBox(g_hFrameWindow, "DirectX failed to create SystemClock instance", TEXT("AppleWin Error"), MB_OK); bShutdown = true; } if (g_bCustomRomF8Failed) { MessageBox(g_hFrameWindow, "Failed to load custom F8 rom (not found or not exactly 2KB)", TEXT("AppleWin Error"), MB_OK); bShutdown = true; } tfe_init(); LogFileOutput("Main: tfe_init()\n"); if (szSnapshotName) { std::string strPathname(szSnapshotName); int nIdx = strPathname.find_last_of('\\'); if (nIdx >= 0 && nIdx+1 < (int)strPathname.length()) { std::string strPath = strPathname.substr(0, nIdx+1); SetCurrentImageDir(strPath.c_str()); } // Override value just loaded from Registry by LoadConfiguration() // . NB. Registry value is not updated with this cmd-line value Snapshot_SetFilename(szSnapshotName); Snapshot_LoadState(); bBoot = true; #if _DEBUG && 0 // Debug/test: Save a duplicate of the save-state file in tmp folder std::string saveName = std::string("tmp\\") + std::string(szSnapshotName); Snapshot_SetFilename(saveName); g_bSaveStateOnExit = true; bShutdown = true; #endif szSnapshotName = NULL; } else { Snapshot_Startup(); // Do this after everything has been init'ed LogFileOutput("Main: Snapshot_Startup()\n"); } if (bShutdown) { PostMessage(g_hFrameWindow, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0); // Close everything down // NB. If shutting down, then don't post any other messages (GH#286) } else { if (bSetFullScreen) { PostMessage(g_hFrameWindow, WM_USER_FULLSCREEN, 0, 0); bSetFullScreen = false; } if (bBoot) { PostMessage(g_hFrameWindow, WM_USER_BOOT, 0, 0); bBoot = false; } } // ENTER THE MAIN MESSAGE LOOP LogFileOutput("Main: EnterMessageLoop()\n"); EnterMessageLoop(); LogFileOutput("Main: LeaveMessageLoop()\n"); if (g_bRestart) { bSetFullScreen = g_bRestartFullScreen; g_bRestartFullScreen = false; } MB_Reset(); LogFileOutput("Main: MB_Reset()\n"); sg_Mouse.Uninitialize(); // Maybe restarting due to switching slot-4 card from MouseCard to Mockingboard LogFileOutput("Main: sg_Mouse.Uninitialize()\n"); } while (g_bRestart); // Release COM DSUninit(); LogFileOutput("Exit: DSUninit()\n"); SysClk_UninitTimer(); LogFileOutput("Exit: SysClk_UninitTimer()\n"); CoUninitialize(); LogFileOutput("Exit: CoUninitialize()\n"); tfe_shutdown(); LogFileOutput("Exit: tfe_shutdown()\n"); if (g_fh) { fprintf(g_fh,"*** Logging ended\n\n"); fclose(g_fh); g_fh = NULL; } RiffFinishWriteFile(); if (g_hCustomRomF8 != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(g_hCustomRomF8); return 0; }