#include "StdAfx.h" #include "frontends/libretro/game.h" #include "frontends/libretro/retroregistry.h" #include "frontends/libretro/joypad.h" #include "frontends/libretro/analog.h" #include "Common.h" #include "CardManager.h" #include "Core.h" #include "Mockingboard.h" #include "Speaker.h" #include "Log.h" #include "CPU.h" #include "NTSC.h" #include "Utilities.h" #include "Video.h" #include "Interface.h" #include "linux/keyboard.h" #include "linux/registry.h" #include "linux/paddle.h" #include "frontends/common2/utils.h" #include "libretro.h" namespace { void updateWindowTitle() { GetAppleWindowTitle(); display_message(g_pAppTitle.c_str()); } bool insertDisk(const std::string & filename) { if (filename.empty()) { return false; } Disk2InterfaceCard& disk2Card = dynamic_cast(GetCardMgr().GetRef(SLOT6)); const ImageError_e error = disk2Card.InsertDisk(DRIVE_1, filename.c_str(), IMAGE_FORCE_WRITE_PROTECTED, IMAGE_DONT_CREATE); if (error == eIMAGE_ERROR_NONE) { return true; } // try a hard disk HD_SetEnabled(true); BOOL bRes = HD_Insert(HARDDISK_1, filename); return bRes == TRUE; } } unsigned Game::ourInputDevices[MAX_PADS] = {RETRO_DEVICE_NONE}; Game::Game() : mySpeed(true), myButtonStates(RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R3 + 1) { LogInit(); InitialiseRetroRegistry(); initialiseEmulator(); Video & video = GetVideo(); myBorderlessWidth = video.GetFrameBufferBorderlessWidth(); myBorderlessHeight = video.GetFrameBufferBorderlessHeight(); const size_t borderWidth = video.GetFrameBufferBorderWidth(); const size_t borderHeight = video.GetFrameBufferBorderHeight(); const size_t width = video.GetFrameBufferWidth(); myHeight = video.GetFrameBufferHeight(); myFrameBuffer = video.GetFrameBuffer(); myPitch = width * sizeof(bgra_t); myOffset = (width * borderHeight + borderWidth) * sizeof(bgra_t); const size_t size = myHeight * myPitch; myVideoBuffer.resize(size); switch (ourInputDevices[0]) { case RETRO_DEVICE_NONE: Paddle::instance.reset(); break; case RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD: Paddle::instance.reset(new Joypad); Paddle::setSquaring(false); break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ANALOG: Paddle::instance.reset(new Analog); Paddle::setSquaring(true); break; default: break; } } Game::~Game() { uninitialiseEmulator(); Paddle::instance.reset(); Registry::instance.reset(); } retro_usec_t Game::ourFrameTime = 0; void Game::executeOneFrame() { const size_t cyclesToExecute = mySpeed.getCyclesTillNext(ourFrameTime); if (g_nAppMode == MODE_RUNNING) { const bool bVideoUpdate = true; const UINT dwClksPerFrame = NTSC_GetCyclesPerFrame(); const DWORD executedCycles = CpuExecute(cyclesToExecute, bVideoUpdate); g_dwCyclesThisFrame = (g_dwCyclesThisFrame + executedCycles) % dwClksPerFrame; GetCardMgr().GetDisk2CardMgr().UpdateDriveState(executedCycles); MB_PeriodicUpdate(executedCycles); SpkrUpdate(executedCycles); } } void Game::processInputEvents() { input_poll_cb(); keyboardEmulation(); } void Game::keyboardCallback(bool down, unsigned keycode, uint32_t character, uint16_t key_modifiers) { if (down) { processKeyDown(keycode, character, key_modifiers); } else { processKeyUp(keycode, character, key_modifiers); } } void Game::frameTimeCallback(retro_usec_t usec) { ourFrameTime = usec; } void Game::processKeyDown(unsigned keycode, uint32_t character, uint16_t key_modifiers) { BYTE ch = 0; switch (keycode) { case RETROK_RETURN: { ch = 0x0d; break; } case RETROK_BACKSPACE: // same as AppleWin case RETROK_LEFT: { ch = 0x08; break; } case RETROK_RIGHT: { ch = 0x15; break; } case RETROK_UP: { ch = 0x0b; break; } case RETROK_DOWN: { ch = 0x0a; break; } case RETROK_DELETE: { ch = 0x7f; break; } case RETROK_ESCAPE: { ch = 0x1b; break; } case RETROK_TAB: { ch = 0x09; break; } case RETROK_LALT: { Paddle::setButtonPressed(Paddle::ourOpenApple); break; } case RETROK_RALT: { Paddle::setButtonPressed(Paddle::ourSolidApple); break; } case RETROK_a ... RETROK_z: { ch = (keycode - RETROK_a) + 0x01; if (key_modifiers & RETROKMOD_CTRL) { // ok } else if (key_modifiers & RETROKMOD_SHIFT) { ch += 0x60; } else { ch += 0x40; } break; } } if (!ch) { switch (character) { case 0x20 ... 0x40: case 0x5b ... 0x60: case 0x7b ... 0x7e: { // not the letters // this is very simple, but one cannot handle CRTL-key combination. ch = character; break; } } } if (ch) { addKeyToBuffer(ch); log_cb(RETRO_LOG_INFO, "RA2: %s - %02x\n", __FUNCTION__, ch); } } void Game::processKeyUp(unsigned keycode, uint32_t character, uint16_t key_modifiers) { switch (keycode) { case RETROK_LALT: { Paddle::setButtonReleased(Paddle::ourOpenApple); break; } case RETROK_RALT: { Paddle::setButtonReleased(Paddle::ourSolidApple); break; } } } bool Game::checkButtonPressed(unsigned id) { // pressed if it is down now, but was up before const int value = input_state_cb(0, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, id); const bool pressed = (value != 0) && myButtonStates[id] == 0; // update to avoid multiple fires myButtonStates[id] = value; return pressed; } void Game::keyboardEmulation() { if (ourInputDevices[0] != RETRO_DEVICE_NONE) { Video & video = GetVideo(); if (checkButtonPressed(RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R)) { video.IncVideoType(); video.Config_Save_Video(); video.VideoReinitialize(); GetFrame().VideoRedrawScreen(); updateWindowTitle(); } if (checkButtonPressed(RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L)) { VideoStyle_e videoStyle = video.GetVideoStyle(); videoStyle = VideoStyle_e(videoStyle ^ VS_HALF_SCANLINES); video.SetVideoStyle(videoStyle); video.Config_Save_Video(); video.VideoReinitialize(); GetFrame().VideoRedrawScreen(); updateWindowTitle(); } if (checkButtonPressed(RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_START)) { ResetMachineState(); } } else { std::fill(myButtonStates.begin(), myButtonStates.end(), 0); } } void Game::drawVideoBuffer() { // this should not be necessary // either libretro handles it // or we should change AW // but for now, there is no alternative for (size_t row = 0; row < myHeight; ++row) { const uint8_t * src = myFrameBuffer + row * myPitch; uint8_t * dst = myVideoBuffer.data() + (myHeight - row - 1) * myPitch; memcpy(dst, src, myPitch); } video_cb(myVideoBuffer.data() + myOffset, myBorderlessWidth, myBorderlessHeight, myPitch); } bool Game::loadGame(const std::string & path) { const bool ok = insertDisk(path); return ok; } bool Game::loadSnapshot(const std::string & path) { setSnapshotFilename(path, true); return true; }