/* AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth Copyright (C) 2006-2014, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Description: Disk * * Author: Various */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "SaveState_Structs_v1.h" #include "AppleWin.h" #include "Disk.h" #include "DiskImage.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "Memory.h" #include "Registry.h" #include "Video.h" #include "..\resource\resource.h" #define LOG_DISK_ENABLED 0 // __VA_ARGS__ not supported on MSVC++ .NET 7.x #if (LOG_DISK_ENABLED) #if !defined(_VC71) #define LOG_DISK(format, ...) LOG(format, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define LOG_DISK LogOutput #endif #else #if !defined(_VC71) #define LOG_DISK(...) #else #define LOG_DISK(x) #endif #endif // Public _________________________________________________________________________________________ BOOL enhancedisk = 1; // TODO: Make static & add accessor funcs // Private ________________________________________________________________________________________ struct Disk_t { TCHAR imagename[ MAX_DISK_IMAGE_NAME + 1 ]; // (ie. no extension) TCHAR fullname [ MAX_DISK_FULL_NAME + 1 ]; // or : This is persisted to the snapshot file std::string strFilenameInZip; // "" or HIMAGE imagehandle; // Init'd by DiskInsert() -> ImageOpen() bool bWriteProtected; // int track; LPBYTE trackimage; int phase; int byte; BOOL trackimagedata; BOOL trackimagedirty; DWORD spinning; DWORD writelight; int nibbles; // Init'd by ReadTrack() -> ImageReadTrack() const Disk_t& operator= (const Disk_t& other) { memcpy(imagename, other.imagename, sizeof(imagename)); memcpy(fullname , other.fullname, sizeof(fullname)); strFilenameInZip = other.strFilenameInZip; imagehandle = other.imagehandle; bWriteProtected = other.bWriteProtected; track = other.track; trackimage = other.trackimage; phase = other.phase; byte = other.byte; trackimagedata = other.trackimagedata; trackimagedirty = other.trackimagedirty; spinning = other.spinning; writelight = other.writelight; nibbles = other.nibbles; return *this; } }; static WORD currdrive = 0; static BOOL diskaccessed = 0; static Disk_t g_aFloppyDisk[NUM_DRIVES]; static BYTE floppylatch = 0; static BOOL floppymotoron = 0; static BOOL floppywritemode = 0; static WORD phases = 0; // state bits for stepper magnet phases 0 - 3 static bool g_bSaveDiskImage = true; // Save the DiskImage name to Registry static UINT g_uSlot = 0; static void CheckSpinning(); static Disk_Status_e GetDriveLightStatus( const int iDrive ); static bool IsDriveValid( const int iDrive ); static void ReadTrack (int drive); static void RemoveDisk (int drive); static void WriteTrack (int drive); //=========================================================================== int DiskGetCurrentDrive(void) { return currdrive; } int DiskGetCurrentTrack(void) { return g_aFloppyDisk[currdrive].track; } int DiskGetCurrentPhase(void) { return g_aFloppyDisk[currdrive].phase; } int DiskGetCurrentOffset(void) { return g_aFloppyDisk[currdrive].byte; } int DiskGetTrack( int drive ) { return g_aFloppyDisk[ drive ].track; } const char* DiskGetDiskPathFilename(const int iDrive) { return g_aFloppyDisk[iDrive].fullname; } char* DiskGetCurrentState(void) { if (g_aFloppyDisk[currdrive].imagehandle == NULL) return "Empty"; if (!floppymotoron) { if (g_aFloppyDisk[currdrive].spinning > 0) return "Off (spinning)"; else return "Off"; } else if (floppywritemode) { if (g_aFloppyDisk[currdrive].bWriteProtected) return "Writing"; else return "Writing (write protected)"; } else { return "Reading"; } } //=========================================================================== void Disk_LoadLastDiskImage(const int iDrive) { _ASSERT(iDrive == DRIVE_1 || iDrive == DRIVE_2); char sFilePath[ MAX_PATH + 1]; sFilePath[0] = 0; char *pRegKey = (iDrive == DRIVE_1) ? REGVALUE_PREF_LAST_DISK_1 : REGVALUE_PREF_LAST_DISK_2; if (RegLoadString(TEXT(REG_PREFS), pRegKey, 1, sFilePath, MAX_PATH)) { sFilePath[ MAX_PATH ] = 0; g_bSaveDiskImage = false; // Pass in ptr to local copy of filepath, since RemoveDisk() sets DiskPathFilename = "" DiskInsert(iDrive, sFilePath, IMAGE_USE_FILES_WRITE_PROTECT_STATUS, IMAGE_DONT_CREATE); g_bSaveDiskImage = true; } } //=========================================================================== void Disk_SaveLastDiskImage(const int iDrive) { _ASSERT(iDrive == DRIVE_1 || iDrive == DRIVE_2); if (!g_bSaveDiskImage) return; const char *pFileName = g_aFloppyDisk[iDrive].fullname; if (iDrive == DRIVE_1) RegSaveString(TEXT(REG_PREFS), REGVALUE_PREF_LAST_DISK_1, TRUE, pFileName); else RegSaveString(TEXT(REG_PREFS), REGVALUE_PREF_LAST_DISK_2, TRUE, pFileName); } //=========================================================================== static void CheckSpinning(void) { DWORD modechange = (floppymotoron && !g_aFloppyDisk[currdrive].spinning); if (floppymotoron) g_aFloppyDisk[currdrive].spinning = 20000; if (modechange) //FrameRefreshStatus(DRAW_LEDS); FrameDrawDiskLEDS( (HDC)0 ); } //=========================================================================== static Disk_Status_e GetDriveLightStatus(const int iDrive) { if (IsDriveValid( iDrive )) { Disk_t *pFloppy = & g_aFloppyDisk[ iDrive ]; if (pFloppy->spinning) { if (pFloppy->bWriteProtected) return DISK_STATUS_PROT; if (pFloppy->writelight) return DISK_STATUS_WRITE; else return DISK_STATUS_READ; } else return DISK_STATUS_OFF; } return DISK_STATUS_OFF; } //=========================================================================== static bool IsDriveValid(const int iDrive) { return (iDrive >= 0 && iDrive < NUM_DRIVES); } //=========================================================================== static void AllocTrack(const int iDrive) { Disk_t * fptr = &g_aFloppyDisk[iDrive]; fptr->trackimage = (LPBYTE)VirtualAlloc(NULL, NIBBLES_PER_TRACK, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); } //=========================================================================== static void ReadTrack(const int iDrive) { if (! IsDriveValid( iDrive )) return; Disk_t *pFloppy = &g_aFloppyDisk[ iDrive ]; if (pFloppy->track >= ImageGetNumTracks(pFloppy->imagehandle)) { pFloppy->trackimagedata = 0; return; } if (! pFloppy->trackimage) AllocTrack( iDrive ); if (pFloppy->trackimage && pFloppy->imagehandle) { LOG_DISK("read track %2X%s\r", pFloppy->track, (pFloppy->phase & 1) ? ".5" : ""); ImageReadTrack( pFloppy->imagehandle, pFloppy->track, pFloppy->phase, pFloppy->trackimage, &pFloppy->nibbles); pFloppy->byte = 0; pFloppy->trackimagedata = (pFloppy->nibbles != 0); } } //=========================================================================== static void RemoveDisk(const int iDrive) { Disk_t *pFloppy = &g_aFloppyDisk[iDrive]; if (pFloppy->imagehandle) { if (pFloppy->trackimage && pFloppy->trackimagedirty) WriteTrack( iDrive); ImageClose(pFloppy->imagehandle); pFloppy->imagehandle = (HIMAGE)0; } if (pFloppy->trackimage) { VirtualFree(pFloppy->trackimage,0,MEM_RELEASE); pFloppy->trackimage = NULL; pFloppy->trackimagedata = 0; } memset( pFloppy->imagename, 0, MAX_DISK_IMAGE_NAME+1 ); memset( pFloppy->fullname , 0, MAX_DISK_FULL_NAME +1 ); pFloppy->strFilenameInZip = ""; Disk_SaveLastDiskImage( iDrive ); Video_ResetScreenshotCounter( NULL ); } //=========================================================================== static void WriteTrack(const int iDrive) { Disk_t *pFloppy = &g_aFloppyDisk[ iDrive ]; if (pFloppy->track >= ImageGetNumTracks(pFloppy->imagehandle)) return; if (pFloppy->bWriteProtected) return; if (pFloppy->trackimage && pFloppy->imagehandle) ImageWriteTrack( pFloppy->imagehandle, pFloppy->track, pFloppy->phase, pFloppy->trackimage, pFloppy->nibbles ); pFloppy->trackimagedirty = 0; } // // ----- ALL GLOBALLY ACCESSIBLE FUNCTIONS ARE BELOW THIS LINE ----- // //=========================================================================== void DiskBoot(void) { // THIS FUNCTION RELOADS A PROGRAM IMAGE IF ONE IS LOADED IN DRIVE ONE. // IF A DISK IMAGE OR NO IMAGE IS LOADED IN DRIVE ONE, IT DOES NOTHING. if (g_aFloppyDisk[0].imagehandle && ImageBoot(g_aFloppyDisk[0].imagehandle)) floppymotoron = 0; } //=========================================================================== static BYTE __stdcall DiskControlMotor(WORD, WORD address, BYTE, BYTE, ULONG uExecutedCycles) { floppymotoron = address & 1; CheckSpinning(); return MemReadFloatingBus(1, uExecutedCycles); // TC-TODO: Check b7 always set } //=========================================================================== static BYTE __stdcall DiskControlStepper(WORD, WORD address, BYTE, BYTE, ULONG uExecutedCycles) { Disk_t * fptr = &g_aFloppyDisk[currdrive]; #if 1 int phase = (address >> 1) & 3; int phase_bit = (1 << phase); // update the magnet states if (address & 1) { // phase on phases |= phase_bit; LOG_DISK("track %02X phases %X phase %d on address $C0E%X\r", fptr->phase, phases, phase, address & 0xF); } else { // phase off phases &= ~phase_bit; LOG_DISK("track %02X phases %X phase %d off address $C0E%X\r", fptr->phase, phases, phase, address & 0xF); } // check for any stepping effect from a magnet // - move only when the magnet opposite the cog is off // - move in the direction of an adjacent magnet if one is on // - do not move if both adjacent magnets are on // momentum and timing are not accounted for ... maybe one day! int direction = 0; if (phases & (1 << ((fptr->phase + 1) & 3))) direction += 1; if (phases & (1 << ((fptr->phase + 3) & 3))) direction -= 1; // apply magnet step, if any if (direction) { fptr->phase = MAX(0, MIN(79, fptr->phase + direction)); const int nNumTracksInImage = ImageGetNumTracks(fptr->imagehandle); const int newtrack = (nNumTracksInImage == 0) ? 0 : MIN(nNumTracksInImage-1, fptr->phase >> 1); // (round half tracks down) LOG_DISK("newtrack %2X%s\r", newtrack, (fptr->phase & 1) ? ".5" : ""); if (newtrack != fptr->track) { if (fptr->trackimage && fptr->trackimagedirty) { WriteTrack(currdrive); } fptr->track = newtrack; fptr->trackimagedata = 0; } // Feature Request #201 Show track status // https://github.com/AppleWin/AppleWin/issues/201 FrameDrawDiskStatus( (HDC)0 ); } #else // Old 1.13.1 code for Chessmaster 2000 to work! (see bug#18109) const int nNumTracksInImage = ImageGetNumTracks(fptr->imagehandle); if (address & 1) { int phase = (address >> 1) & 3; int direction = 0; if (phase == ((fptr->phase+1) & 3)) direction = 1; if (phase == ((fptr->phase+3) & 3)) direction = -1; if (direction) { fptr->phase = MAX(0,MIN(79,fptr->phase+direction)); if (!(fptr->phase & 1)) { int newtrack = MIN(nNumTracksInImage-1,fptr->phase >> 1); if (newtrack != fptr->track) { if (fptr->trackimage && fptr->trackimagedirty) WriteTrack(currdrive); fptr->track = newtrack; fptr->trackimagedata = 0; } } } } #endif return ((address & 0xF) == 0) ? 0xFF // TC-TODO: Check why $C0E0 only returns 0xFF : MemReadFloatingBus(1, uExecutedCycles); // TC-TODO: Check b7 always set } //=========================================================================== void DiskDestroy(void) { g_bSaveDiskImage = false; RemoveDisk(DRIVE_1); g_bSaveDiskImage = false; RemoveDisk(DRIVE_2); g_bSaveDiskImage = true; } //=========================================================================== static BYTE __stdcall DiskEnable(WORD, WORD address, BYTE, BYTE, ULONG uExecutedCycles) { currdrive = address & 1; g_aFloppyDisk[!currdrive].spinning = 0; g_aFloppyDisk[!currdrive].writelight = 0; CheckSpinning(); return MemReadFloatingBus(uExecutedCycles); } //=========================================================================== void DiskEject(const int iDrive) { if (IsDriveValid(iDrive)) { RemoveDisk(iDrive); } } //=========================================================================== // Return the file or zip name // . Used by Property Sheet Page (Disk) LPCTSTR DiskGetFullName(const int iDrive) { return g_aFloppyDisk[iDrive].fullname; } // Return the filename // . Used by Drive Buttons' tooltips LPCTSTR DiskGetFullDiskFilename(const int iDrive) { if (!g_aFloppyDisk[iDrive].strFilenameInZip.empty()) return g_aFloppyDisk[iDrive].strFilenameInZip.c_str(); return DiskGetFullName(iDrive); } static LPCTSTR DiskGetFullPathName(const int iDrive) { return ImageGetPathname(g_aFloppyDisk[iDrive].imagehandle); } // Return the imagename // . Used by Drive Button's icons & Property Sheet Page (Save snapshot) LPCTSTR DiskGetBaseName(const int iDrive) { return g_aFloppyDisk[iDrive].imagename; } //=========================================================================== void DiskGetLightStatus(Disk_Status_e *pDisk1Status_, Disk_Status_e *pDisk2Status_) { if (pDisk1Status_) *pDisk1Status_ = GetDriveLightStatus( 0 ); if (pDisk2Status_) *pDisk2Status_ = GetDriveLightStatus( 1 ); } //=========================================================================== void DiskInitialize(void) { int loop = NUM_DRIVES; while (loop--) ZeroMemory(&g_aFloppyDisk[loop],sizeof(Disk_t )); TCHAR imagefilename[MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(imagefilename,g_sProgramDir); } //=========================================================================== ImageError_e DiskInsert(const int iDrive, LPCTSTR pszImageFilename, const bool bForceWriteProtected, const bool bCreateIfNecessary) { Disk_t * fptr = &g_aFloppyDisk[iDrive]; if (fptr->imagehandle) RemoveDisk(iDrive); // Reset the drive's struct, but preserve the physical attributes (bug#18242: Platoon) // . Changing the disk (in the drive) doesn't affect the drive's head etc. { int track = fptr->track; int phase = fptr->phase; ZeroMemory(fptr, sizeof(Disk_t)); fptr->track = track; fptr->phase = phase; } const DWORD dwAttributes = GetFileAttributes(pszImageFilename); if(dwAttributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) fptr->bWriteProtected = false; // Assume this is a new file to create else fptr->bWriteProtected = bForceWriteProtected ? true : (dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); // Check if image is being used by the other drive, and if so remove it in order so it can be swapped { const char* pszOtherPathname = DiskGetFullPathName(!iDrive); char szCurrentPathname[MAX_PATH]; DWORD uNameLen = GetFullPathName(pszImageFilename, MAX_PATH, szCurrentPathname, NULL); if (uNameLen == 0 || uNameLen >= MAX_PATH) strcpy_s(szCurrentPathname, MAX_PATH, pszImageFilename); if (!strcmp(pszOtherPathname, szCurrentPathname)) { DiskEject(!iDrive); FrameRefreshStatus(DRAW_LEDS | DRAW_BUTTON_DRIVES); } } ImageError_e Error = ImageOpen(pszImageFilename, &fptr->imagehandle, &fptr->bWriteProtected, bCreateIfNecessary, fptr->strFilenameInZip); if (Error == eIMAGE_ERROR_NONE && ImageIsMultiFileZip(fptr->imagehandle)) { TCHAR szText[100+MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(szText, "Only the first file in a multi-file zip is supported\nUse disk image '%s' ?", fptr->strFilenameInZip.c_str()); int nRes = MessageBox(g_hFrameWindow, szText, TEXT("Multi-Zip Warning"), MB_ICONWARNING | MB_YESNO | MB_SETFOREGROUND); if (nRes == IDNO) { RemoveDisk(iDrive); Error = eIMAGE_ERROR_REJECTED_MULTI_ZIP; } } if (Error == eIMAGE_ERROR_NONE) { GetImageTitle(pszImageFilename, fptr->imagename, fptr->fullname); Video_ResetScreenshotCounter(fptr->imagename); } else { Video_ResetScreenshotCounter(NULL); } Disk_SaveLastDiskImage(iDrive); return Error; } //=========================================================================== BOOL DiskIsSpinning(void) { return floppymotoron; } //=========================================================================== void DiskNotifyInvalidImage(const int iDrive, LPCTSTR pszImageFilename, const ImageError_e Error) { TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH+128]; switch (Error) { case eIMAGE_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_OPEN: case eIMAGE_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_GZ: case eIMAGE_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_ZIP: wsprintf( szBuffer, TEXT("Unable to open the file %s."), pszImageFilename); break; case eIMAGE_ERROR_BAD_SIZE: wsprintf( szBuffer, TEXT("Unable to use the file %s\nbecause the ") TEXT("disk image is an unsupported size."), pszImageFilename); break; case eIMAGE_ERROR_BAD_FILE: wsprintf( szBuffer, TEXT("Unable to use the file %s\nbecause the ") TEXT("OS can't access it."), pszImageFilename); break; case eIMAGE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED: wsprintf( szBuffer, TEXT("Unable to use the file %s\nbecause the ") TEXT("disk image format is not recognized."), pszImageFilename); break; case eIMAGE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_HDV: wsprintf( szBuffer, TEXT("Unable to use the file %s\n") TEXT("because this UniDisk 3.5/Apple IIGS/hard-disk image is not supported.\n") TEXT("Try inserting as a hard-disk image instead."), pszImageFilename); break; case eIMAGE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_MULTI_ZIP: wsprintf( szBuffer, TEXT("Unable to use the file %s\nbecause the ") TEXT("first file (%s) in this multi-zip archive is not recognized.\n") TEXT("Try unzipping and using the disk images directly.\n"), pszImageFilename, g_aFloppyDisk[iDrive].strFilenameInZip.c_str()); break; case eIMAGE_ERROR_GZ: case eIMAGE_ERROR_ZIP: wsprintf( szBuffer, TEXT("Unable to use the compressed file %s\nbecause the ") TEXT("compressed disk image is corrupt/unsupported."), pszImageFilename); break; case eIMAGE_ERROR_FAILED_TO_GET_PATHNAME: wsprintf( szBuffer, TEXT("Unable to GetFullPathName() for the file: %s."), pszImageFilename); break; default: // IGNORE OTHER ERRORS SILENTLY return; } MessageBox( g_hFrameWindow, szBuffer, g_pAppTitle, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } //=========================================================================== bool DiskGetProtect(const int iDrive) { if (IsDriveValid(iDrive)) { Disk_t *pFloppy = &g_aFloppyDisk[ iDrive ]; if (pFloppy->bWriteProtected) return true; } return false; } //=========================================================================== void DiskSetProtect(const int iDrive, const bool bWriteProtect) { if (IsDriveValid( iDrive )) { Disk_t *pFloppy = &g_aFloppyDisk[ iDrive ]; pFloppy->bWriteProtected = bWriteProtect; } } //=========================================================================== bool Disk_ImageIsWriteProtected(const int iDrive) { if (!IsDriveValid(iDrive)) return true; Disk_t *pFloppy = &g_aFloppyDisk[iDrive]; return ImageIsWriteProtected(pFloppy->imagehandle); } //=========================================================================== bool Disk_IsDriveEmpty(const int iDrive) { if (!IsDriveValid(iDrive)) return true; Disk_t *pFloppy = &g_aFloppyDisk[iDrive]; return pFloppy->imagehandle == NULL; } //=========================================================================== static BYTE __stdcall DiskReadWrite (WORD programcounter, WORD, BYTE, BYTE, ULONG) { Disk_t * fptr = &g_aFloppyDisk[currdrive]; diskaccessed = 1; if (!fptr->trackimagedata && fptr->imagehandle) ReadTrack(currdrive); if (!fptr->trackimagedata) return 0xFF; BYTE result = 0; if (!floppywritemode || !fptr->bWriteProtected) { if (floppywritemode) { if (floppylatch & 0x80) { *(fptr->trackimage+fptr->byte) = floppylatch; fptr->trackimagedirty = 1; } else { return 0; } } else { result = *(fptr->trackimage+fptr->byte); } } if (0) { LOG_DISK("nib %4X = %2X\r", fptr->byte, result); } if (++fptr->byte >= fptr->nibbles) fptr->byte = 0; // Feature Request #201 Show track status // https://github.com/AppleWin/AppleWin/issues/201 // NB. Prevent flooding of forcing UI to redraw!!! if( ((fptr->byte) & 0xFF) == 0 ) FrameDrawDiskStatus( (HDC)0 ); return result; } //=========================================================================== void DiskReset(void) { floppymotoron = 0; phases = 0; } //=========================================================================== static bool DiskSelectImage(const int iDrive, LPCSTR pszFilename) { TCHAR directory[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); TCHAR filename[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); TCHAR title[40]; strcpy(filename, pszFilename); RegLoadString(TEXT(REG_PREFS), REGVALUE_PREF_START_DIR, 1, directory, MAX_PATH); _tcscpy(title, TEXT("Select Disk Image For Drive ")); _tcscat(title, iDrive ? TEXT("2") : TEXT("1")); _ASSERT(sizeof(OPENFILENAME) == sizeof(OPENFILENAME_NT4)); // Required for Win98/ME support (selected by _WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 in stdafx.h) OPENFILENAME ofn; ZeroMemory(&ofn,sizeof(OPENFILENAME)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = g_hFrameWindow; ofn.hInstance = g_hInstance; ofn.lpstrFilter = TEXT("All Images\0*.bin;*.do;*.dsk;*.nib;*.po;*.gz;*.zip;*.2mg;*.2img;*.iie;*.apl\0") TEXT("Disk Images (*.bin,*.do,*.dsk,*.nib,*.po,*.gz,*.zip,*.2mg,*.2img,*.iie)\0*.bin;*.do;*.dsk;*.nib;*.po;*.gz;*.zip;*.2mg;*.2img;*.iie\0") TEXT("All Files\0*.*\0"); ofn.lpstrFile = filename; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = directory; ofn.Flags = OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; ofn.lpstrTitle = title; bool bRes = false; if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) { if ((!ofn.nFileExtension) || !filename[ofn.nFileExtension]) _tcscat(filename,TEXT(".dsk")); ImageError_e Error = DiskInsert(iDrive, filename, ofn.Flags & OFN_READONLY, IMAGE_CREATE); if (Error == eIMAGE_ERROR_NONE) { filename[ofn.nFileOffset] = 0; if (_tcsicmp(directory, filename)) RegSaveString(TEXT(REG_PREFS), TEXT(REGVALUE_PREF_START_DIR), 1, filename); bRes = true; } else { DiskNotifyInvalidImage(iDrive, filename, Error); } } return bRes; } //=========================================================================== void DiskSelect(const int iDrive) { DiskSelectImage(iDrive, TEXT("")); } //=========================================================================== static BYTE __stdcall DiskSetLatchValue(WORD, WORD, BYTE write, BYTE value, ULONG) { if (write) floppylatch = value; return floppylatch; } //=========================================================================== static BYTE __stdcall DiskSetReadMode(WORD, WORD, BYTE, BYTE, ULONG uExecutedCycles) { floppywritemode = 0; return MemReadFloatingBus(g_aFloppyDisk[currdrive].bWriteProtected, uExecutedCycles); } //=========================================================================== static BYTE __stdcall DiskSetWriteMode(WORD, WORD, BYTE, BYTE, ULONG uExecutedCycles) { floppywritemode = 1; BOOL modechange = !g_aFloppyDisk[currdrive].writelight; g_aFloppyDisk[currdrive].writelight = 20000; if (modechange) { //FrameRefreshStatus(DRAW_LEDS); FrameDrawDiskLEDS( (HDC)0 ); } return MemReadFloatingBus(1, uExecutedCycles); // TC-TODO: Check b7 always set } //=========================================================================== void DiskUpdatePosition(DWORD cycles) { int loop = NUM_DRIVES; while (loop--) { Disk_t * fptr = &g_aFloppyDisk[loop]; if (fptr->spinning && !floppymotoron) { if (!(fptr->spinning -= MIN(fptr->spinning, (cycles >> 6)))) { // FrameRefreshStatus(DRAW_LEDS); FrameDrawDiskLEDS( (HDC)0 ); FrameDrawDiskStatus( (HDC)0 ); } } if (floppywritemode && (currdrive == loop) && fptr->spinning) { fptr->writelight = 20000; } else if (fptr->writelight) { if (!(fptr->writelight -= MIN(fptr->writelight, (cycles >> 6)))) { //FrameRefreshStatus(DRAW_LEDS); FrameDrawDiskLEDS( (HDC)0 ); FrameDrawDiskStatus( (HDC)0 ); } } if ((!enhancedisk) && (!diskaccessed) && fptr->spinning) { fptr->byte += (cycles >> 5); if (fptr->byte >= fptr->nibbles) fptr->byte -= fptr->nibbles; } } diskaccessed = 0; } //=========================================================================== bool DiskDriveSwap(void) { // Refuse to swap if either Disk][ is active if(g_aFloppyDisk[0].spinning || g_aFloppyDisk[1].spinning) return false; // Swap disks between drives // . NB. We swap trackimage ptrs (so don't need to swap the buffers' data) // . TODO: Consider array of Pointers: Disk_t* g_aDrive[] std::swap(g_aFloppyDisk[0], g_aFloppyDisk[1]); Disk_SaveLastDiskImage(DRIVE_1); Disk_SaveLastDiskImage(DRIVE_2); FrameRefreshStatus(DRAW_LEDS | DRAW_BUTTON_DRIVES, false ); return true; } //=========================================================================== static BYTE __stdcall Disk_IORead(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nCyclesLeft); static BYTE __stdcall Disk_IOWrite(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nCyclesLeft); // TODO: LoadRom_Disk_Floppy() void DiskLoadRom(LPBYTE pCxRomPeripheral, UINT uSlot) { const UINT DISK2_FW_SIZE = APPLE_SLOT_SIZE; HRSRC hResInfo = FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_DISK2_FW), "FIRMWARE"); if(hResInfo == NULL) return; DWORD dwResSize = SizeofResource(NULL, hResInfo); if(dwResSize != DISK2_FW_SIZE) return; HGLOBAL hResData = LoadResource(NULL, hResInfo); if(hResData == NULL) return; BYTE* pData = (BYTE*) LockResource(hResData); // NB. Don't need to unlock resource if(pData == NULL) return; memcpy(pCxRomPeripheral + uSlot*APPLE_SLOT_SIZE, pData, DISK2_FW_SIZE); // NB. We used to disable the track stepping delay in the Disk II controller firmware by // patching $C64C with $A9,$00,$EA. Now not doing this since: // . Authentic Speed should be authentic // . Enhanced Speed runs emulation unthrottled, so removing the delay has negligible effect // . Patching the firmware breaks the ADC checksum used by "The CIA Files" (Tricky Dick) // . In this case we can patch to compensate for an ADC or EOR checksum but not both RegisterIoHandler(uSlot, Disk_IORead, Disk_IOWrite, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_uSlot = uSlot; } //=========================================================================== static BYTE __stdcall Disk_IORead(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nCyclesLeft) { addr &= 0xFF; switch (addr & 0xf) { case 0x0: return DiskControlStepper(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0x1: return DiskControlStepper(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0x2: return DiskControlStepper(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0x3: return DiskControlStepper(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0x4: return DiskControlStepper(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0x5: return DiskControlStepper(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0x6: return DiskControlStepper(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0x7: return DiskControlStepper(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0x8: return DiskControlMotor(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0x9: return DiskControlMotor(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0xA: return DiskEnable(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0xB: return DiskEnable(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0xC: return DiskReadWrite(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0xD: return DiskSetLatchValue(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0xE: return DiskSetReadMode(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0xF: return DiskSetWriteMode(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); } return 0; } static BYTE __stdcall Disk_IOWrite(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nCyclesLeft) { addr &= 0xFF; switch (addr & 0xf) { case 0x0: return DiskControlStepper(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0x1: return DiskControlStepper(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0x2: return DiskControlStepper(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0x3: return DiskControlStepper(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0x4: return DiskControlStepper(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0x5: return DiskControlStepper(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0x6: return DiskControlStepper(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0x7: return DiskControlStepper(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0x8: return DiskControlMotor(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0x9: return DiskControlMotor(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0xA: return DiskEnable(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0xB: return DiskEnable(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0xC: return DiskReadWrite(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0xD: return DiskSetLatchValue(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0xE: return DiskSetReadMode(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); case 0xF: return DiskSetWriteMode(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nCyclesLeft); } return 0; } //=========================================================================== int DiskSetSnapshot_v1(const SS_CARD_DISK2* const pSS) { if(pSS->Hdr.UnitHdr.hdr.v1.dwVersion > MAKE_VERSION(1,0,0,2)) return -1; phases = pSS->phases; currdrive = pSS->currdrive; diskaccessed = pSS->diskaccessed; enhancedisk = pSS->enhancedisk; floppylatch = pSS->floppylatch; floppymotoron = pSS->floppymotoron; floppywritemode = pSS->floppywritemode; // Eject all disks first in case Drive-2 contains disk to be inserted into Drive-1 for(UINT i=0; iUnit[i].szFileName[0] == 0x00) continue; DWORD dwAttributes = GetFileAttributes(pSS->Unit[i].szFileName); if(dwAttributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { // Get user to browse for file DiskSelectImage(i, pSS->Unit[i].szFileName); dwAttributes = GetFileAttributes(pSS->Unit[i].szFileName); } bool bImageError = false; if(dwAttributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { if(DiskInsert(i, pSS->Unit[i].szFileName, dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY, IMAGE_DONT_CREATE) != eIMAGE_ERROR_NONE) bImageError = true; // DiskInsert() sets up: // . imagename // . fullname // . writeprotected } // // strcpy(g_aFloppyDisk[i].fullname, pSS->Unit[i].szFileName); g_aFloppyDisk[i].track = pSS->Unit[i].track; g_aFloppyDisk[i].phase = pSS->Unit[i].phase; g_aFloppyDisk[i].byte = pSS->Unit[i].byte; // g_aFloppyDisk[i].writeprotected = pSS->Unit[i].writeprotected; g_aFloppyDisk[i].trackimagedata = pSS->Unit[i].trackimagedata; g_aFloppyDisk[i].trackimagedirty = pSS->Unit[i].trackimagedirty; g_aFloppyDisk[i].spinning = pSS->Unit[i].spinning; g_aFloppyDisk[i].writelight = pSS->Unit[i].writelight; g_aFloppyDisk[i].nibbles = pSS->Unit[i].nibbles; // if(!bImageError) { if((g_aFloppyDisk[i].trackimage == NULL) && g_aFloppyDisk[i].nibbles) AllocTrack(i); if(g_aFloppyDisk[i].trackimage == NULL) bImageError = true; else memcpy(g_aFloppyDisk[i].trackimage, pSS->Unit[i].nTrack, NIBBLES_PER_TRACK); } if(bImageError) { g_aFloppyDisk[i].trackimagedata = 0; g_aFloppyDisk[i].trackimagedirty = 0; g_aFloppyDisk[i].nibbles = 0; } } FrameRefreshStatus(DRAW_LEDS | DRAW_BUTTON_DRIVES); return 0; } //=========================================================================== struct DISK2_Unit_v2 { char szFileName[MAX_PATH]; UINT Track; UINT Phase; UINT Byte; BOOL WriteProtected; BOOL TrackImageData; BOOL TrackImageDirty; DWORD Spinning; DWORD WriteLight; UINT Nibbles; BYTE TrackImage[NIBBLES_PER_TRACK]; }; struct SS_CARD_DISK2_v2 { SS_CARD_HDR Hdr; DISK2_Unit_v2 Unit[2]; WORD Phases; WORD CurrDrive; BOOL DiskAccessed; BOOL EnhanceDisk; BYTE FloppyLatch; BOOL FloppyMotorOn; BOOL FloppyWriteMode; }; void DiskGetSnapshot(const HANDLE hFile) { SS_CARD_DISK2_v2 CardDisk2; SS_CARD_DISK2_v2* const pSS = &CardDisk2; pSS->Hdr.UnitHdr.hdr.v2.Length = sizeof(SS_CARD_DISK2); pSS->Hdr.UnitHdr.hdr.v2.Type = UT_Card; pSS->Hdr.UnitHdr.hdr.v2.Version = 1; pSS->Hdr.Slot = g_uSlot; pSS->Hdr.Type = CT_Disk2; pSS->Phases = phases; pSS->CurrDrive = currdrive; pSS->DiskAccessed = diskaccessed; pSS->EnhanceDisk = enhancedisk; pSS->FloppyLatch = floppylatch; pSS->FloppyMotorOn = floppymotoron; pSS->FloppyWriteMode = floppywritemode; for(UINT i=0; iUnit[i].szFileName, g_aFloppyDisk[i].fullname); pSS->Unit[i].Track = g_aFloppyDisk[i].track; pSS->Unit[i].Phase = g_aFloppyDisk[i].phase; pSS->Unit[i].Byte = g_aFloppyDisk[i].byte; pSS->Unit[i].WriteProtected = g_aFloppyDisk[i].bWriteProtected ? TRUE : FALSE; pSS->Unit[i].TrackImageData = g_aFloppyDisk[i].trackimagedata; pSS->Unit[i].TrackImageDirty = g_aFloppyDisk[i].trackimagedirty; pSS->Unit[i].Spinning = g_aFloppyDisk[i].spinning; pSS->Unit[i].WriteLight = g_aFloppyDisk[i].writelight; pSS->Unit[i].Nibbles = g_aFloppyDisk[i].nibbles; if(g_aFloppyDisk[i].trackimage) memcpy(pSS->Unit[i].TrackImage, g_aFloppyDisk[i].trackimage, NIBBLES_PER_TRACK); else memset(pSS->Unit[i].TrackImage, 0, NIBBLES_PER_TRACK); } // DWORD dwBytesWritten; BOOL bRes = WriteFile( hFile, &CardDisk2, CardDisk2.Hdr.UnitHdr.hdr.v2.Length, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); if(!bRes || (dwBytesWritten != CardDisk2.Hdr.UnitHdr.hdr.v2.Length)) { //dwError = GetLastError(); throw std::string("Save error: Disk]["); } } void DiskSetSnapshot(const HANDLE hFile) { SS_CARD_DISK2_v2 CardDisk2; DWORD dwBytesRead; BOOL bRes = ReadFile( hFile, &CardDisk2, sizeof(CardDisk2), &dwBytesRead, NULL); if (dwBytesRead != sizeof(CardDisk2)) throw std::string("Card: file corrupt"); if (CardDisk2.Hdr.Slot != 6) // fixme throw std::string("Card: wrong slot"); if (CardDisk2.Hdr.UnitHdr.hdr.v2.Version > 1) throw std::string("Card: wrong version"); if (CardDisk2.Hdr.UnitHdr.hdr.v2.Length != sizeof(SS_CARD_DISK2_v2)) throw std::string("Card: unit size mismatch"); const SS_CARD_DISK2_v2* const pSS = &CardDisk2; phases = pSS->Phases; currdrive = pSS->CurrDrive; diskaccessed = pSS->DiskAccessed; enhancedisk = pSS->EnhanceDisk; floppylatch = pSS->FloppyLatch; floppymotoron = pSS->FloppyMotorOn; floppywritemode = pSS->FloppyWriteMode; // Eject all disks first in case Drive-2 contains disk to be inserted into Drive-1 for(UINT i=0; iUnit[i].szFileName[0] == 0x00) continue; DWORD dwAttributes = GetFileAttributes(pSS->Unit[i].szFileName); if(dwAttributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { // Get user to browse for file bResSelectImage = DiskSelectImage(i, pSS->Unit[i].szFileName); dwAttributes = GetFileAttributes(pSS->Unit[i].szFileName); } bool bImageError = (dwAttributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES); if (!bImageError) { if(DiskInsert(i, pSS->Unit[i].szFileName, dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY, IMAGE_DONT_CREATE) != eIMAGE_ERROR_NONE) bImageError = true; // DiskInsert() sets up: // . imagename // . fullname // . writeprotected } // // strcpy(g_aFloppyDisk[i].fullname, pSS->Unit[i].szFileName); g_aFloppyDisk[i].track = pSS->Unit[i].Track; g_aFloppyDisk[i].phase = pSS->Unit[i].Phase; g_aFloppyDisk[i].byte = pSS->Unit[i].Byte; // g_aFloppyDisk[i].writeprotected = pSS->Unit[i].WriteProtected; g_aFloppyDisk[i].trackimagedata = pSS->Unit[i].TrackImageData; g_aFloppyDisk[i].trackimagedirty = pSS->Unit[i].TrackImageDirty; g_aFloppyDisk[i].spinning = pSS->Unit[i].Spinning; g_aFloppyDisk[i].writelight = pSS->Unit[i].WriteLight; g_aFloppyDisk[i].nibbles = pSS->Unit[i].Nibbles; // if(!bImageError) { if((g_aFloppyDisk[i].trackimage == NULL) && g_aFloppyDisk[i].nibbles) AllocTrack(i); if(g_aFloppyDisk[i].trackimage == NULL) bImageError = true; else memcpy(g_aFloppyDisk[i].trackimage, pSS->Unit[i].TrackImage, NIBBLES_PER_TRACK); } if(bImageError) { g_aFloppyDisk[i].trackimagedata = 0; g_aFloppyDisk[i].trackimagedirty = 0; g_aFloppyDisk[i].nibbles = 0; } } FrameRefreshStatus(DRAW_LEDS | DRAW_BUTTON_DRIVES); }