/* AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth Copyright (C) 2006-2015, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "YamlHelper.h" #include "Log.h" int YamlHelper::InitParser(const char* pPathname) { m_hFile = fopen(pPathname, "r"); if (m_hFile == NULL) { return 0; } if (!yaml_parser_initialize(&m_parser)) { return 0; } // Note: C/C++ > Pre-Processor: YAML_DECLARE_STATIC; yaml_parser_set_input_file(&m_parser, m_hFile); return 1; } void YamlHelper::FinaliseParser(void) { if (m_hFile) fclose(m_hFile); m_hFile = NULL; yaml_event_delete(&m_newEvent); yaml_parser_delete(&m_parser); } void YamlHelper::GetNextEvent() { yaml_event_delete(&m_newEvent); if (!yaml_parser_parse(&m_parser, &m_newEvent)) { std::string error = std::string("Save-state parser error: "); if (m_parser.problem != NULL) error += std::string(m_parser.problem); else error += std::string("unknown"); throw error; } } int YamlHelper::GetScalar(std::string& scalar) { int res = 1; bool bDone = false; while (!bDone) { GetNextEvent(); switch(m_newEvent.type) { case YAML_SCALAR_EVENT: scalar = m_scalarName = (const char*)m_newEvent.data.scalar.value; res = 1; bDone = true; break; case YAML_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT: res = 0; bDone = true; break; case YAML_MAPPING_END_EVENT: res = 0; bDone = true; break; case YAML_STREAM_END_EVENT: res = 0; bDone = true; break; } } return res; } void YamlHelper::GetMapStartEvent(void) { GetNextEvent(); if (m_newEvent.type != YAML_MAPPING_START_EVENT) { //printf("Unexpected yaml event (%d)\n", m_newEvent.type); throw std::string("Unexpected yaml event"); } } int YamlHelper::ParseMap(MapYaml& mapYaml) { mapYaml.clear(); const char*& pValue = (const char*&) m_newEvent.data.scalar.value; bool bKey = true; std::string pKey; int res = 1; bool bDone = false; while (!bDone) { GetNextEvent(); switch(m_newEvent.type) { case YAML_STREAM_END_EVENT: res = 0; bDone = true; break; case YAML_MAPPING_START_EVENT: { MapValue mapValue; mapValue.value = ""; mapValue.subMap = new MapYaml; mapYaml[pKey] = mapValue; res = ParseMap(*mapValue.subMap); if (!res) throw std::string("ParseMap: premature end of file during map parsing"); bKey = true; // possibly more key,value pairs in this map } break; case YAML_MAPPING_END_EVENT: bDone = true; break; case YAML_SCALAR_EVENT: if (bKey) { _ASSERT(pValue); // std::string(NULL) generates AccessViolation pKey = pValue; } else { MapValue mapValue; mapValue.value = pValue; mapValue.subMap = NULL; mapYaml[pKey] = mapValue; pKey.clear(); } bKey = bKey ? false : true; break; case YAML_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT: case YAML_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT: throw std::string("ParseMap: Sequence event unsupported"); } } return res; } std::string YamlHelper::GetMapValue(MapYaml& mapYaml, const std::string& key, bool& bFound) { MapYaml::const_iterator iter = mapYaml.find(key); if (iter == mapYaml.end() || iter->second.subMap != NULL) { bFound = false; // not found return ""; } std::string value = iter->second.value; mapYaml.erase(iter); bFound = true; return value; } bool YamlHelper::GetSubMap(MapYaml** mapYaml, const std::string& key) { MapYaml::const_iterator iter = (*mapYaml)->find(key); if (iter == (*mapYaml)->end() || iter->second.subMap == NULL) { return false; // not found } *mapYaml = iter->second.subMap; return true; } void YamlHelper::GetMapRemainder(std::string& mapName, MapYaml& mapYaml) { for (MapYaml::iterator iter = mapYaml.begin(); iter != mapYaml.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second.subMap) { std::string subMapName(iter->first); GetMapRemainder(subMapName, *iter->second.subMap); delete iter->second.subMap; } else { const char* pKey = iter->first.c_str(); LogOutput("%s: Unknown key (%s)\n", mapName.c_str(), pKey); LogFileOutput("%s: Unknown key (%s)\n", mapName.c_str(), pKey); } } mapYaml.clear(); } // void YamlHelper::MakeAsciiToHexTable(void) { memset(m_AsciiToHex, -1, sizeof(m_AsciiToHex)); for (int i = '0'; i<= '9'; i++) m_AsciiToHex[i] = i - '0'; for (int i = 'A'; i<= 'F'; i++) m_AsciiToHex[i] = i - 'A' + 0xA; for (int i = 'a'; i<= 'f'; i++) m_AsciiToHex[i] = i - 'a' + 0xA; } UINT YamlHelper::LoadMemory(MapYaml& mapYaml, const LPBYTE pMemBase, const size_t kAddrSpaceSize) { UINT bytes = 0; for (MapYaml::iterator it = mapYaml.begin(); it != mapYaml.end(); ++it) { const char* pKey = it->first.c_str(); UINT addr = strtoul(pKey, NULL, 16); if (addr >= kAddrSpaceSize) throw std::string("Memory: line address too big: " + it->first); LPBYTE pDst = (LPBYTE) (pMemBase + addr); const LPBYTE pDstEnd = (LPBYTE) (pMemBase + kAddrSpaceSize); if (it->second.subMap) throw std::string("Memory: unexpected sub-map"); const char* pValue = it->second.value.c_str(); size_t len = strlen(pValue); if (len & 1) throw std::string("Memory: hex data must be an even number of nibbles on line address: " + it->first); for (UINT i = 0; i= pDstEnd) throw std::string("Memory: hex data overflowed address space on line address: " + it->first); BYTE ah = m_AsciiToHex[ (BYTE)(*pValue++) ]; BYTE al = m_AsciiToHex[ (BYTE)(*pValue++) ]; if ((ah | al) & 0x80) throw std::string("Memory: hex data contains illegal character on line address: " + it->first); *pDst++ = (ah<<4) | al; bytes++; } } mapYaml.clear(); return bytes; } //------------------------------------- INT YamlLoadHelper::LoadInt(const std::string key) { bool bFound; std::string value = m_yamlHelper.GetMapValue(*m_pMapYaml, key, bFound); if (value == "") { m_bDoGetMapRemainder = false; throw std::string(m_currentMapName + ": Missing: " + key); } return strtol(value.c_str(), NULL, 0); } UINT YamlLoadHelper::LoadUint(const std::string key) { bool bFound; std::string value = m_yamlHelper.GetMapValue(*m_pMapYaml, key, bFound); if (value == "") { m_bDoGetMapRemainder = false; throw std::string(m_currentMapName + ": Missing: " + key); } return strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 0); } UINT64 YamlLoadHelper::LoadUint64(const std::string key) { bool bFound; std::string value = m_yamlHelper.GetMapValue(*m_pMapYaml, key, bFound); if (value == "") { m_bDoGetMapRemainder = false; throw std::string(m_currentMapName + ": Missing: " + key); } return _strtoui64(value.c_str(), NULL, 0); } bool YamlLoadHelper::LoadBool(const std::string key) { bool bFound; std::string value = m_yamlHelper.GetMapValue(*m_pMapYaml, key, bFound); if (value == "true") return true; else if (value == "false") return false; m_bDoGetMapRemainder = false; throw std::string(m_currentMapName + ": Missing: " + key); } std::string YamlLoadHelper::LoadString_NoThrow(const std::string& key, bool& bFound) { std::string value = m_yamlHelper.GetMapValue(*m_pMapYaml, key, bFound); return value; } std::string YamlLoadHelper::LoadString(const std::string& key) { bool bFound; std::string value = LoadString_NoThrow(key, bFound); if (!bFound) { m_bDoGetMapRemainder = false; throw std::string(m_currentMapName + ": Missing: " + key); } return value; } float YamlLoadHelper::LoadFloat(const std::string& key) { bool bFound; std::string value = m_yamlHelper.GetMapValue(*m_pMapYaml, key, bFound); if (value == "") { m_bDoGetMapRemainder = false; throw std::string(m_currentMapName + ": Missing: " + key); } #if (_MSC_VER >= 1900) return strtof(value.c_str(), NULL); // MSVC++ 14.0 _MSC_VER == 1900 (Visual Studio 2015 version 14.0) #else return (float) strtod(value.c_str(), NULL); // NB. strtof() requires VS2015 #endif } double YamlLoadHelper::LoadDouble(const std::string& key) { bool bFound; std::string value = m_yamlHelper.GetMapValue(*m_pMapYaml, key, bFound); if (value == "") { m_bDoGetMapRemainder = false; throw std::string(m_currentMapName + ": Missing: " + key); } return strtod(value.c_str(), NULL); } void YamlLoadHelper::LoadMemory(const LPBYTE pMemBase, const size_t size) { m_yamlHelper.LoadMemory(*m_pMapYaml, pMemBase, size); } void YamlLoadHelper::LoadMemory(std::vector& memory, const size_t size) { memory.reserve(size); // expand (but don't shrink) vector's capacity (NB. vector's size doesn't change) const UINT bytes = m_yamlHelper.LoadMemory(*m_pMapYaml, &memory[0], size); memory.resize(bytes); // resize so that vector contains /bytes/ elements - so that size() gives correct value. } //------------------------------------- void YamlSaveHelper::Save(const char* format, ...) { fwrite(m_szIndent, 1, m_indent, m_hFile); va_list vl; va_start(vl, format); vfprintf(m_hFile, format, vl); va_end(vl); } void YamlSaveHelper::SaveInt(const char* key, int value) { Save("%s: %d\n", key, value); } void YamlSaveHelper::SaveUint(const char* key, UINT value) { Save("%s: %u\n", key, value); } void YamlSaveHelper::SaveHexUint4(const char* key, UINT value) { Save("%s: 0x%01X\n", key, value & 0xf); } void YamlSaveHelper::SaveHexUint8(const char* key, UINT value) { Save("%s: 0x%02X\n", key, value); } void YamlSaveHelper::SaveHexUint12(const char* key, UINT value) { Save("%s: 0x%03X\n", key, value); } void YamlSaveHelper::SaveHexUint16(const char* key, UINT value) { Save("%s: 0x%04X\n", key, value); } void YamlSaveHelper::SaveHexUint24(const char* key, UINT value) { Save("%s: 0x%06X\n", key, value); } void YamlSaveHelper::SaveHexUint32(const char* key, UINT value) { Save("%s: 0x%08X\n", key, value); } void YamlSaveHelper::SaveHexUint64(const char* key, UINT64 value) { Save("%s: 0x%016llX\n", key, value); } void YamlSaveHelper::SaveBool(const char* key, bool value) { Save("%s: %s\n", key, value ? "true" : "false"); } void YamlSaveHelper::SaveString(const char* key, const char* value) { if (value[0] == 0) value = "\"\""; // libyaml supports UTF-8 and not accented ANSI characters (GH#838) // . So convert ANSI to UTF-8, which is a 2-step process: // 1) ANSI -> unicode { int size = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, value, -1, NULL, 0); if (size == 0) throw std::string("Unable to convert to unicode: ") + std::string(value); if (size > m_wcStrSize) { delete[] m_pWcStr; m_pWcStr = new WCHAR[size]; m_wcStrSize = size; } int res = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, value, -1, m_pWcStr, m_wcStrSize); if (!res) throw std::string("Unable to convert to unicode: ") + std::string(value); } // 2) unicode -> UTF-8 { // NB. WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS only defined when WIN_VER >= 0x600 - but stdafx.h defines it as 0x500 int size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0/*WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS*/, m_pWcStr, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (size == 0) throw std::string("Unable to convert to UTF-8: ") + std::string(value); if (size > m_mbStrSize) { delete[] m_pMbStr; m_pMbStr = new char[size]; m_mbStrSize = size; } int res = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0/*WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS*/, m_pWcStr, -1, m_pMbStr, m_mbStrSize, NULL, NULL); if (!res) throw std::string("Unable to convert to UTF-8: ") + std::string(value); } Save("%s: %s\n", key, m_pMbStr); } void YamlSaveHelper::SaveString(const char* key, const std::string & value) { SaveString(key, value.c_str()); } void YamlSaveHelper::SaveFloat(const char* key, float value) { Save("%s: %f\n", key, value); } void YamlSaveHelper::SaveDouble(const char* key, double value) { Save("%s: %f\n", key, value); } // Pre: uMemSize must be multiple of 8 void YamlSaveHelper::SaveMemory(const LPBYTE pMemBase, const UINT uMemSize) { if (uMemSize & 7) throw std::string("Memory: size must be multiple of 8"); const UINT kIndent = m_indent; const UINT kStride = 64; const char szHex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; size_t lineSize = kIndent+6+2*kStride+2; // "AAAA: 00010203...3F\n\00" = 6+ 2*64 +2 char* const pLine = new char [lineSize]; for(DWORD dwOffset = 0x0000; dwOffset < uMemSize; dwOffset+=kStride) { char* pDst = pLine; for (UINT i=0; i>12)&0xf ]; *pDst++ = szHex[ (dwOffset>>8)&0xf ]; *pDst++ = szHex[ (dwOffset>>4)&0xf ]; *pDst++ = szHex[ dwOffset&0xf ]; *pDst++ = ':'; *pDst++ = ' '; LPBYTE pMem = pMemBase + dwOffset; for (UINT i=0; i= uMemSize) // Support short final line (still multiple of 8 bytes) { lineSize = lineSize - 2*kStride + 2*i; break; } BYTE d; d = *pMem++; *pDst++ = szHex[d>>4]; *pDst++ = szHex[d&0xf]; d = *pMem++; *pDst++ = szHex[d>>4]; *pDst++ = szHex[d&0xf]; d = *pMem++; *pDst++ = szHex[d>>4]; *pDst++ = szHex[d&0xf]; d = *pMem++; *pDst++ = szHex[d>>4]; *pDst++ = szHex[d&0xf]; d = *pMem++; *pDst++ = szHex[d>>4]; *pDst++ = szHex[d&0xf]; d = *pMem++; *pDst++ = szHex[d>>4]; *pDst++ = szHex[d&0xf]; d = *pMem++; *pDst++ = szHex[d>>4]; *pDst++ = szHex[d&0xf]; d = *pMem++; *pDst++ = szHex[d>>4]; *pDst++ = szHex[d&0xf]; } *pDst++ = '\n'; *pDst = 0; // For debugger fwrite(pLine, 1, lineSize-1, m_hFile); // -1 so don't write null terminator } delete [] pLine; } void YamlSaveHelper::FileHdr(UINT version) { fprintf(m_hFile, "%s:\n", SS_YAML_KEY_FILEHDR); m_indent = 2; SaveString(SS_YAML_KEY_TAG, SS_YAML_VALUE_AWSS); SaveInt(SS_YAML_KEY_VERSION, version); } void YamlSaveHelper::UnitHdr(const std::string& type, UINT version) { fprintf(m_hFile, "\n%s:\n", SS_YAML_KEY_UNIT); m_indent = 2; SaveString(SS_YAML_KEY_TYPE, type.c_str()); SaveInt(SS_YAML_KEY_VERSION, version); }