#include "StdAfx.h" #include "Video.h" #include "Common.h" #include "CardManager.h" #include "Core.h" #include "Memory.h" #include "Common.h" #include "NTSC.h" #include "Disk.h" #include "CPU.h" #include "Interface.h" #include "linux/benchmark.h" #include void VideoBenchmark(std::function redraw, std::function refresh) { Video & video = GetVideo(); // PREPARE TWO DIFFERENT FRAME BUFFERS, EACH OF WHICH HAVE HALF OF THE // BYTES SET TO 0x14 AND THE OTHER HALF SET TO 0xAA int loop; LPDWORD mem32 = (LPDWORD)mem; for (loop = 4096; loop < 6144; loop++) *(mem32+loop) = ((loop & 1) ^ ((loop & 0x40) >> 6)) ? 0x14141414 : 0xAAAAAAAA; for (loop = 6144; loop < 8192; loop++) *(mem32+loop) = ((loop & 1) ^ ((loop & 0x40) >> 6)) ? 0xAAAAAAAA : 0x14141414; // SEE HOW MANY HIRES FRAMES PER SECOND WE CAN PRODUCE WITH NOTHING ELSE // GOING ON, CHANGING HALF OF THE BYTES IN THE VIDEO BUFFER EACH FRAME TO // SIMULATE THE ACTIVITY OF AN AVERAGE GAME video.SetVideoMode(VF_HIRES); memset(mem+0x2000,0x14,0x2000); redraw(); typedef std::chrono::microseconds interval_t; typedef uint64_t counter_t; // avoid overflows const counter_t onesecond = 1000000; counter_t totalhiresfps = 0; counter_t elapsed; auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); do { if (totalhiresfps & 1) memset(mem+0x2000,0x14,0x2000); else memcpy(mem+0x2000,mem+((totalhiresfps & 2) ? 0x4000 : 0x6000),0x2000); refresh(); totalhiresfps++; const auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast(end - start).count(); } while (elapsed < onesecond); // adjust for broken ms totalhiresfps = totalhiresfps * onesecond / elapsed; // DETERMINE HOW MANY 65C02 CLOCK CYCLES WE CAN EMULATE PER SECOND WITH // NOTHING ELSE GOING ON counter_t totalmhz10[2] = {0, 0}; // bVideoUpdate & !bVideoUpdate for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { CpuSetupBenchmark(); start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); do { CpuExecute(100000, i==0 ? true : false); totalmhz10[i]++; const auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast(end - start).count(); } while (elapsed < onesecond); totalmhz10[i] = totalmhz10[i] * onesecond / elapsed; } // IF THE PROGRAM COUNTER IS NOT IN THE EXPECTED RANGE AT THE END OF THE // CPU BENCHMARK, REPORT AN ERROR AND OPTIONALLY TRACK IT DOWN if ((regs.pc < 0x300) || (regs.pc > 0x400)) if (MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("The emulator has detected a problem while running ") TEXT("the CPU benchmark. Would you like to gather more ") TEXT("information?"), TEXT("Benchmarks"), MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO | MB_SETFOREGROUND) == IDYES) { BOOL error = 0; WORD lastpc = 0x300; int loop = 0; while ((loop < 10000) && !error) { CpuSetupBenchmark(); CpuExecute(loop, true); if ((regs.pc < 0x300) || (regs.pc > 0x400)) error = 1; else { lastpc = regs.pc; ++loop; } } if (error) { TCHAR outstr[256]; wsprintf(outstr, TEXT("The emulator experienced an error %u clock cycles ") TEXT("into the CPU benchmark. Prior to the error, the ") TEXT("program counter was at $%04X. After the error, it ") TEXT("had jumped to $%04X."), (unsigned)loop, (unsigned)lastpc, (unsigned)regs.pc); MessageBox(NULL, outstr, TEXT("Benchmarks"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } else MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("The emulator was unable to locate the exact ") TEXT("point of the error. This probably means that ") TEXT("the problem is external to the emulator, ") TEXT("happening asynchronously, such as a problem in ") TEXT("a timer interrupt handler."), TEXT("Benchmarks"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } // DO A REALISTIC TEST OF HOW MANY FRAMES PER SECOND WE CAN PRODUCE // WITH FULL EMULATION OF THE CPU, JOYSTICK, AND DISK HAPPENING AT // THE SAME TIME counter_t realisticfps = 0; memset(mem+0x2000,0xAA,0x2000); redraw(); const size_t dwClksPerFrame = NTSC_GetCyclesPerFrame(); const size_t cyclesPerMs = g_fCurrentCLK6502 / 1000; counter_t cyclesThisFrame = 0; start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); do { // this is a simplified version of AppleWin.cpp:ContinueExecution() const DWORD executedcycles = CpuExecute(cyclesPerMs, true); cyclesThisFrame += executedcycles; // every ms disk and joystick are updated GetCardMgr().GetDisk2CardMgr().UpdateDriveState(executedcycles); #if 0 JoyUpdateButtonLatch(executedcycles); #endif if (cyclesThisFrame >= dwClksPerFrame) { cyclesThisFrame -= dwClksPerFrame; if (realisticfps & 1) memset(mem+0x2000,0xAA,0x2000); else memcpy(mem+0x2000,mem+((realisticfps & 2) ? 0x4000 : 0x6000),0x2000); realisticfps++; refresh(); } const auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast(end - start).count(); } while (elapsed < onesecond); realisticfps = realisticfps * onesecond / elapsed; // DISPLAY THE RESULTS TCHAR outstr[256]; wsprintf(outstr, TEXT("Pure Video FPS:\t%u\n") TEXT("Pure CPU MHz:\t%u.%u%s (video update)\n") TEXT("Pure CPU MHz:\t%u.%u%s (full-speed)\n\n") TEXT("EXPECTED AVERAGE VIDEO GAME\n") TEXT("PERFORMANCE: %u FPS"), (unsigned)totalhiresfps, (unsigned)(totalmhz10[0] / 10), (unsigned)(totalmhz10[0] % 10), (LPCTSTR)(IS_APPLE2 ? TEXT(" (6502)") : TEXT("")), (unsigned)(totalmhz10[1] / 10), (unsigned)(totalmhz10[1] % 10), (LPCTSTR)(IS_APPLE2 ? TEXT(" (6502)") : TEXT("")), (unsigned)realisticfps); MessageBox(NULL, outstr, TEXT("Benchmarks"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); }