#include "StdAfx.h" #include "linux/linuxframe.h" #include "Interface.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Core.h" void LinuxFrame::FrameDrawDiskLEDS() { } void LinuxFrame::FrameDrawDiskStatus() { } void LinuxFrame::FrameRefreshStatus(int /* drawflags */) { } void LinuxFrame::FrameUpdateApple2Type() { } void LinuxFrame::FrameSetCursorPosByMousePos() { } void LinuxFrame::SetFullScreenShowSubunitStatus(bool /* bShow */) { } bool LinuxFrame::GetBestDisplayResolutionForFullScreen(UINT& /* bestWidth */, UINT& /* bestHeight */ , UINT /* userSpecifiedHeight */) { return false; } int LinuxFrame::SetViewportScale(int nNewScale, bool /* bForce */) { return nNewScale; } void LinuxFrame::SetAltEnterToggleFullScreen(bool /* mode */) { } void LinuxFrame::SetLoadedSaveStateFlag(const bool /* bFlag */) { } void LinuxFrame::Initialize() { static_assert(sizeof(bgra_t) == 4, "Invalid size of bgra_t"); Video & video = GetVideo(); const size_t numberOfPixels = video.GetFrameBufferWidth() * video.GetFrameBufferHeight(); const size_t numberOfBytes = sizeof(bgra_t) * numberOfPixels; myFramebuffer.resize(numberOfBytes); video.Initialize(myFramebuffer.data()); LogFileTimeUntilFirstKeyReadReset(); } void LinuxFrame::Destroy() { myFramebuffer.clear(); GetVideo().Destroy(); // this resets the Video's FrameBuffer pointer } void LinuxFrame::ApplyVideoModeChange() { // this is similar to Win32Frame::ApplyVideoModeChange // but it does not refresh the screen // TODO see if the screen should refresh right now Video & video = GetVideo(); video.VideoReinitialize(false); video.Config_Save_Video(); FrameRefreshStatus(DRAW_TITLE); } void LinuxFrame::CycleVideoType() { Video & video = GetVideo(); video.IncVideoType(); ApplyVideoModeChange(); } void LinuxFrame::Cycle50ScanLines() { Video & video = GetVideo(); VideoStyle_e videoStyle = video.GetVideoStyle(); videoStyle = VideoStyle_e(videoStyle ^ VS_HALF_SCANLINES); video.SetVideoStyle(videoStyle); ApplyVideoModeChange(); } void LinuxFrame::Restart() { LogFileOutput("Restart: not implemented\n"); } void LinuxFrame::GetBitmap(LPCSTR lpBitmapName, LONG cb, LPVOID lpvBits) { LogFileOutput("LoadBitmap: could not load resource %s\n", lpBitmapName); memset(lpvBits, 0, cb); } int MessageBox(HWND, LPCSTR lpText, LPCSTR lpCaption, UINT uType) { return GetFrame().FrameMessageBox(lpText, lpCaption, uType); }