#pragma once #include "FrameBase.h" #include "DiskImage.h" class Video; #if 0 // enable non-integral full-screen scaling #define FULLSCREEN_SCALE_TYPE float #else #define FULLSCREEN_SCALE_TYPE int #endif // 3D border around the 560x384 Apple II display #define VIEWPORTX 5 #define VIEWPORTY 5 #define BUTTONX (g_nViewportCX + VIEWPORTX*2) #define BUTTONY 0 #define BUTTONCX 45 #define BUTTONCY 45 #define BUTTONS 8 class Win32Frame : public FrameBase { public: Win32Frame(); static Win32Frame& GetWin32Frame(); static LRESULT CALLBACK FrameWndProc(HWND window, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); virtual void FrameDrawDiskLEDS(); virtual void FrameDrawDiskStatus(); virtual void FrameRefreshStatus(int drawflags); virtual void FrameUpdateApple2Type(); virtual void FrameSetCursorPosByMousePos(); virtual void SetFullScreenShowSubunitStatus(bool bShow); virtual bool GetBestDisplayResolutionForFullScreen(UINT& bestWidth, UINT& bestHeight, UINT userSpecifiedHeight = 0); virtual int SetViewportScale(int nNewScale, bool bForce = false); virtual void SetAltEnterToggleFullScreen(bool mode); virtual void SetLoadedSaveStateFlag(const bool bFlag); virtual void Initialize(void); virtual void Destroy(void); virtual void VideoPresentScreen(void); bool GetFullScreenShowSubunitStatus(void); int GetFullScreenOffsetX(void); int GetFullScreenOffsetY(void); bool IsFullScreen(void); void FrameRegisterClass(); void FrameCreateWindow(void); void ChooseMonochromeColor(void); UINT Get3DBorderWidth(void); UINT Get3DBorderHeight(void); int GetViewportScale(void); void GetViewportCXCY(int& nViewportCX, int& nViewportCY); void ApplyVideoModeChange(void); HDC FrameGetDC(); void FrameReleaseDC(); bool g_bScrollLock_FullSpeed; private: static BOOL CALLBACK DDEnumProc(LPGUID lpGUID, LPCTSTR lpszDesc, LPCTSTR lpszDrvName, LPVOID lpContext); LRESULT WndProc(HWND window, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); void videoCreateDIBSection(Video& video); void VideoDrawLogoBitmap(HDC hDstDC, int xoff, int yoff, int srcw, int srch, int scale); bool DDInit(void); void DDUninit(void); void Benchmark(void); void DisplayLogo(void); void FrameDrawDiskLEDS(HDC hdc); // overloaded Win32 only, call via GetWin32Frame() void FrameDrawDiskStatus(HDC hdc); // overloaded Win32 only, call via GetWin32Frame() void EraseButton(int number); void DrawButton(HDC passdc, int number); void DrawCrosshairs(int x, int y); void DrawFrameWindow(bool bPaintingWindow = false); void DrawStatusArea(HDC passdc, int drawflags); void Draw3dRect(HDC dc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, BOOL out); void DrawBitmapRect(HDC dc, int x, int y, LPRECT rect, HBITMAP bitmap); void ProcessButtonClick(int button, bool bFromButtonUI = false); bool ConfirmReboot(bool bFromButtonUI); void ProcessDiskPopupMenu(HWND hwnd, POINT pt, const int iDrive); void RelayEvent(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); void SetFullScreenMode(); void SetNormalMode(); void SetUsingCursor(BOOL bNewValue); void SetupTooltipControls(void); void FrameResizeWindow(int nNewScale); void RevealCursor(); void ScreenWindowResize(const bool bCtrlKey); void UpdateMouseInAppleViewport(int iOutOfBoundsX, int iOutOfBoundsY, int x=0, int y=0); void DrawCrosshairsMouse(); void FrameSetCursorPosByMousePos(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, bool bLeavingAppleScreen); void CreateGdiObjects(void); void DeleteGdiObjects(void); void FrameShowCursor(BOOL bShow); void FullScreenRevealCursor(void); void GetWidthHeight(int& nWidth, int& nHeight); bool g_bAltEnter_ToggleFullScreen; // Default for ALT+ENTER is to toggle between windowed and full-screen modes bool g_bIsFullScreen; bool g_bShowingCursor; bool g_bLastCursorInAppleViewport; UINT_PTR g_TimerIDEvent_100msec; UINT g_uCount100msec; COLORREF customcolors[256]; // MONOCHROME is last custom color HBITMAP g_hLogoBitmap; HBITMAP g_hDeviceBitmap; HDC g_hDeviceDC; LPBITMAPINFO g_pFramebufferinfo; BOOL g_bUsingCursor; // TRUE = AppleWin is using (hiding) the mouse-cursor && restricting cursor to window - see SetUsingCursor() bool g_bAppActive; bool g_bFrameActive; bool g_windowMinimized; std::string driveTooltip; bool g_bFullScreen_ShowSubunitStatus; FULLSCREEN_SCALE_TYPE g_win_fullscreen_scale; int g_win_fullscreen_offsetx; int g_win_fullscreen_offsety; static const UINT MAX_DRAW_DEVICES = 10; char* draw_devices[MAX_DRAW_DEVICES]; GUID draw_device_guid[MAX_DRAW_DEVICES]; int num_draw_devices; LPDIRECTDRAW g_lpDD; HBITMAP buttonbitmap[BUTTONS]; HBRUSH btnfacebrush; HPEN btnfacepen; HPEN btnhighlightpen; HPEN btnshadowpen; int buttonactive; int buttondown; int buttonover; int buttonx; int buttony; HDC g_hFrameDC; RECT framerect; BOOL helpquit; HFONT smallfont; HWND tooltipwindow; int viewportx; // Default to Normal (non-FullScreen) mode int viewporty; // Default to Normal (non-FullScreen) mode RECT g_main_window_saved_rect; int g_main_window_saved_style; int g_main_window_saved_exstyle; HBITMAP g_hCapsLockBitmap[2]; HBITMAP g_hHardDiskBitmap[2]; //Pravets8 only HBITMAP g_hCapsBitmapP8[2]; HBITMAP g_hCapsBitmapLat[2]; //HBITMAP charsetbitmap [4]; //The idea was to add a charset indicator on the front panel, but it was given up. All charsetbitmap occurences must be REMOVED! //=========================== HBITMAP g_hDiskWindowedLED[NUM_DISK_STATUS]; int g_nTrackDrive1; int g_nTrackDrive2; int g_nSectorDrive1; int g_nSectorDrive2; TCHAR g_sTrackDrive1[8]; TCHAR g_sTrackDrive2[8]; TCHAR g_sSectorDrive1[8]; TCHAR g_sSectorDrive2[8]; Disk_Status_e g_eStatusDrive1; Disk_Status_e g_eStatusDrive2; static const int kDEFAULT_VIEWPORT_SCALE = 2; int g_nViewportCX; int g_nViewportCY; int g_nViewportScale; // saved REGSAVE int g_nMaxViewportScale; // Max scale in Windowed mode with borders, buttons etc (full-screen may be +1) };