/* AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows Copyright (C) 2010-2011, William S Simms Copyright (C) 2014 Michael Pohoreski AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ // Includes #include "StdAfx.h" #include "AppleWin.h" #include "CPU.h" #include "Frame.h" // FRAMEBUFFER_W FRAMEBUFFER_H #include "Memory.h" // MemGetMainPtr() MemGetBankPtr() #include "Video.h" // g_pFramebufferbits #include "NTSC.h" #include "NTSC_CharSet.cpp" //LPBYTE MemGetMainPtr(const WORD); //LPBYTE MemGetBankPtr(const UINT nBank); // Defines #define PI 3.1415926535898f #define RAD_45 PI*0.25f #define RAD_90 PI*0.5f #define RAD_360 PI*2.f #define DEG_TO_RAD(x) (PI*(x)/180.f) // 2PI=360, PI=180,PI/2=90,PI/4=45 #ifndef CHROMA_BLUR #define CHROMA_BLUR 1 // Default: 1; 1 = blur along ~8 pixels; 0 = sharper #endif #ifndef CHROMA_FILTER #define CHROMA_FILTER 1 // If no chroma blur; 0 = use chroma as-is, 1 = soft chroma blur, strong color fringes 2 = more blur, muted chroma fringe #endif #if CHROMA_BLUR #define CYCLESTART (PI/4.f) // PI/4 = 45 degrees #else // sharpness is higher, less color bleed #if CHROMA_FILTER == 2 #define CYCLESTART (PI/4.f) // PI/4 = 45 degrees // c = signal_prefilter(z); #else // #define CYCLESTART DEG_TO_RAD(90) // (PI*0.5) // PI/2 = 90 degrees // HGR: Great, GR: fail on brown #define CYCLESTART DEG_TO_RAD(115.f) // GR perfect match of slow method #endif #endif #define HGR_TEST_PATTERN 0 // Globals (Public) ___________________________________________________ uint16_t g_nVideoClockVert = 0; // 9-bit: VC VB VA V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 V0 = 0 .. 262 uint16_t g_nVideoClockHorz = 0; // 6-bit: H5 H4 H3 H2 H1 H0 = 0 .. 64, 25 >= visible // Globals (Private) __________________________________________________ static int g_nVideoCharSet = 0; static int g_nVideoMixed = 0; static int g_nHiresPage = 1; static int g_nTextPage = 1; // Understanding the Apple II, Timing Generation and the Video Scanner, Pg 3-11 // Vertical Scanning // Horizontal Scanning // "There are exactly 17030 (65 x 262) 6502 cycles in every television scan of an American Apple." #define VIDEO_SCANNER_MAX_HORZ 65 // TODO: use Video.cpp: kHClocks #define VIDEO_SCANNER_MAX_VERT 262 // TODO: use Video.cpp: kNTSCScanLines #define VIDEO_SCANNER_HORZ_START 25 // first displayable horz scanner index #define VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_MIXED 160 // num scanlins for mixed graphics + text #define VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_DISPLAY 192 // max displayable scanlines uint16_t g_aHorzClockMemAddress[VIDEO_SCANNER_MAX_HORZ]; unsigned char * g_NTSC_Lines[384]; // To maintain the 280x192 aspect ratio for 560px width, we double every scan line -> 560x384 static unsigned g_nTextFlashCounter = 0; static uint16_t g_nTextFlashMask = 0; static unsigned g_aPixelMaskGR[16]; static uint16_t g_aPixelDoubleMaskHGR[128]; // hgrbits -> g_aPixelDoubleMaskHGR: 7-bit mono 280 pixels to 560 pixel doubling #define UpdateVideoAddressTXT() g_aHorzClockMemAddress[ g_nVideoClockHorz ] = ad = (g_aClockVertOffsetsTXT[g_nVideoClockVert/8] + g_pHorzClockOffset [g_nVideoClockVert/64][g_nVideoClockHorz] + (g_nTextPage * 0x400)) #define UpdateVideoAddressHGR() g_aHorzClockMemAddress[ g_nVideoClockHorz ] = ad = (g_aClockVertOffsetsHGR[g_nVideoClockVert ] + APPLE_IIE_HORZ_CLOCK_OFFSET[g_nVideoClockVert/64][g_nVideoClockHorz] + (g_nHiresPage * 0x2000)) // BUG? g_pHorzClockOffset static unsigned char *vbp0; static int g_nLastColumnPixelNTSC; static int g_nColorBurstPixels; #define INITIAL_COLOR_PHASE 0 static int g_nColorPhaseNTSC = INITIAL_COLOR_PHASE; static int g_nSignalBitsNTSC = 0; #define NTSC_NUM_PHASES 4 #define NTSC_NUM_SEQUENCES 4096 enum ColorChannel { // Win32 DIB: BGRA format _B = 0, _G = 1, _R = 2, _A = 3, NUM_COLOR_CHANNELS = 4 }; static unsigned char g_aNTSCMonoMonitor [NTSC_NUM_SEQUENCES][NUM_COLOR_CHANNELS]; static unsigned char g_aNTSCColorMonitor [NTSC_NUM_PHASES][NTSC_NUM_SEQUENCES][NUM_COLOR_CHANNELS]; static unsigned char g_aNTSCMonoTelevision [NTSC_NUM_SEQUENCES][NUM_COLOR_CHANNELS]; static unsigned char g_aNTSCColorTelevision[NTSC_NUM_PHASES][NTSC_NUM_SEQUENCES][NUM_COLOR_CHANNELS]; // g_aNTSCMonoMonitor * g_nMonochromeRGB -> g_aNTSCMonoMonitorCustom // g_aNTSCMonoTelevision * g_nMonochromeRGB -> g_aNTSCMonoTelevisionCustom static unsigned char g_aNTSCMonoMonitorCustom [NTSC_NUM_SEQUENCES][NUM_COLOR_CHANNELS]; static unsigned char g_aNTSCMonoTelevisionCustom [NTSC_NUM_SEQUENCES][NUM_COLOR_CHANNELS]; #define NUM_SIGZEROS 2 #define NUM_SIGPOLES 2 #define SIGGAIN 7.614490548f #define NUM_LUMZEROS 2 #define NUM_LUMPOLES 2 //#define LUMGAIN 1.062635655e+01 //#define LUMCOEF1 -0.3412038399 //#define LUMCOEF2 0.9647813115 #define LUMGAIN 13.71331570f #define LUMCOEF1 -0.3961075449f #define LUMCOEF2 1.1044202472f #define NUM_CHRZEROS 2 #define NUM_CHRPOLES 2 #define CHRGAIN 7.438011255f // Tables static unsigned g_aClockVertOffsetsHGR[ VIDEO_SCANNER_MAX_VERT ] = { 0x0000,0x0400,0x0800,0x0C00,0x1000,0x1400,0x1800,0x1C00,0x0080,0x0480,0x0880,0x0C80,0x1080,0x1480,0x1880,0x1C80, 0x0100,0x0500,0x0900,0x0D00,0x1100,0x1500,0x1900,0x1D00,0x0180,0x0580,0x0980,0x0D80,0x1180,0x1580,0x1980,0x1D80, 0x0200,0x0600,0x0A00,0x0E00,0x1200,0x1600,0x1A00,0x1E00,0x0280,0x0680,0x0A80,0x0E80,0x1280,0x1680,0x1A80,0x1E80, 0x0300,0x0700,0x0B00,0x0F00,0x1300,0x1700,0x1B00,0x1F00,0x0380,0x0780,0x0B80,0x0F80,0x1380,0x1780,0x1B80,0x1F80, 0x0000,0x0400,0x0800,0x0C00,0x1000,0x1400,0x1800,0x1C00,0x0080,0x0480,0x0880,0x0C80,0x1080,0x1480,0x1880,0x1C80, 0x0100,0x0500,0x0900,0x0D00,0x1100,0x1500,0x1900,0x1D00,0x0180,0x0580,0x0980,0x0D80,0x1180,0x1580,0x1980,0x1D80, 0x0200,0x0600,0x0A00,0x0E00,0x1200,0x1600,0x1A00,0x1E00,0x0280,0x0680,0x0A80,0x0E80,0x1280,0x1680,0x1A80,0x1E80, 0x0300,0x0700,0x0B00,0x0F00,0x1300,0x1700,0x1B00,0x1F00,0x0380,0x0780,0x0B80,0x0F80,0x1380,0x1780,0x1B80,0x1F80, 0x0000,0x0400,0x0800,0x0C00,0x1000,0x1400,0x1800,0x1C00,0x0080,0x0480,0x0880,0x0C80,0x1080,0x1480,0x1880,0x1C80, 0x0100,0x0500,0x0900,0x0D00,0x1100,0x1500,0x1900,0x1D00,0x0180,0x0580,0x0980,0x0D80,0x1180,0x1580,0x1980,0x1D80, 0x0200,0x0600,0x0A00,0x0E00,0x1200,0x1600,0x1A00,0x1E00,0x0280,0x0680,0x0A80,0x0E80,0x1280,0x1680,0x1A80,0x1E80, 0x0300,0x0700,0x0B00,0x0F00,0x1300,0x1700,0x1B00,0x1F00,0x0380,0x0780,0x0B80,0x0F80,0x1380,0x1780,0x1B80,0x1F80, 0x0000,0x0400,0x0800,0x0C00,0x1000,0x1400,0x1800,0x1C00,0x0080,0x0480,0x0880,0x0C80,0x1080,0x1480,0x1880,0x1C80, 0x0100,0x0500,0x0900,0x0D00,0x1100,0x1500,0x1900,0x1D00,0x0180,0x0580,0x0980,0x0D80,0x1180,0x1580,0x1980,0x1D80, 0x0200,0x0600,0x0A00,0x0E00,0x1200,0x1600,0x1A00,0x1E00,0x0280,0x0680,0x0A80,0x0E80,0x1280,0x1680,0x1A80,0x1E80, 0x0300,0x0700,0x0B00,0x0F00,0x1300,0x1700,0x1B00,0x1F00,0x0380,0x0780,0x0B80,0x0F80,0x1380,0x1780,0x1B80,0x1F80, 0x0B80,0x0F80,0x1380,0x1780,0x1B80,0x1F80 }; static unsigned g_aClockVertOffsetsTXT[33] = { 0x0000,0x0080,0x0100,0x0180,0x0200,0x0280,0x0300,0x0380, 0x0000,0x0080,0x0100,0x0180,0x0200,0x0280,0x0300,0x0380, 0x0000,0x0080,0x0100,0x0180,0x0200,0x0280,0x0300,0x0380, 0x0000,0x0080,0x0100,0x0180,0x0200,0x0280,0x0300,0x0380,0x380 }; static unsigned APPLE_IIP_HORZ_CLOCK_OFFSET[5][VIDEO_SCANNER_MAX_HORZ] = { {0x1068,0x1068,0x1069,0x106A,0x106B,0x106C,0x106D,0x106E,0x106F, 0x1070,0x1071,0x1072,0x1073,0x1074,0x1075,0x1076,0x1077, 0x1078,0x1079,0x107A,0x107B,0x107C,0x107D,0x107E,0x107F, 0x0000,0x0001,0x0002,0x0003,0x0004,0x0005,0x0006,0x0007, 0x0008,0x0009,0x000A,0x000B,0x000C,0x000D,0x000E,0x000F, 0x0010,0x0011,0x0012,0x0013,0x0014,0x0015,0x0016,0x0017, 0x0018,0x0019,0x001A,0x001B,0x001C,0x001D,0x001E,0x001F, 0x0020,0x0021,0x0022,0x0023,0x0024,0x0025,0x0026,0x0027}, {0x1010,0x1010,0x1011,0x1012,0x1013,0x1014,0x1015,0x1016,0x1017, 0x1018,0x1019,0x101A,0x101B,0x101C,0x101D,0x101E,0x101F, 0x1020,0x1021,0x1022,0x1023,0x1024,0x1025,0x1026,0x1027, 0x0028,0x0029,0x002A,0x002B,0x002C,0x002D,0x002E,0x002F, 0x0030,0x0031,0x0032,0x0033,0x0034,0x0035,0x0036,0x0037, 0x0038,0x0039,0x003A,0x003B,0x003C,0x003D,0x003E,0x003F, 0x0040,0x0041,0x0042,0x0043,0x0044,0x0045,0x0046,0x0047, 0x0048,0x0049,0x004A,0x004B,0x004C,0x004D,0x004E,0x004F}, {0x1038,0x1038,0x1039,0x103A,0x103B,0x103C,0x103D,0x103E,0x103F, 0x1040,0x1041,0x1042,0x1043,0x1044,0x1045,0x1046,0x1047, 0x1048,0x1049,0x104A,0x104B,0x104C,0x104D,0x104E,0x104F, 0x0050,0x0051,0x0052,0x0053,0x0054,0x0055,0x0056,0x0057, 0x0058,0x0059,0x005A,0x005B,0x005C,0x005D,0x005E,0x005F, 0x0060,0x0061,0x0062,0x0063,0x0064,0x0065,0x0066,0x0067, 0x0068,0x0069,0x006A,0x006B,0x006C,0x006D,0x006E,0x006F, 0x0070,0x0071,0x0072,0x0073,0x0074,0x0075,0x0076,0x0077}, {0x1060,0x1060,0x1061,0x1062,0x1063,0x1064,0x1065,0x1066,0x1067, 0x1068,0x1069,0x106A,0x106B,0x106C,0x106D,0x106E,0x106F, 0x1070,0x1071,0x1072,0x1073,0x1074,0x1075,0x1076,0x1077, 0x0078,0x0079,0x007A,0x007B,0x007C,0x007D,0x007E,0x007F, 0x0000,0x0001,0x0002,0x0003,0x0004,0x0005,0x0006,0x0007, 0x0008,0x0009,0x000A,0x000B,0x000C,0x000D,0x000E,0x000F, 0x0010,0x0011,0x0012,0x0013,0x0014,0x0015,0x0016,0x0017, 0x0018,0x0019,0x001A,0x001B,0x001C,0x001D,0x001E,0x001F}, {0x1060,0x1060,0x1061,0x1062,0x1063,0x1064,0x1065,0x1066,0x1067, 0x1068,0x1069,0x106A,0x106B,0x106C,0x106D,0x106E,0x106F, 0x1070,0x1071,0x1072,0x1073,0x1074,0x1075,0x1076,0x1077, 0x0078,0x0079,0x007A,0x007B,0x007C,0x007D,0x007E,0x007F, 0x0000,0x0001,0x0002,0x0003,0x0004,0x0005,0x0006,0x0007, 0x0008,0x0009,0x000A,0x000B,0x000C,0x000D,0x000E,0x000F, 0x0010,0x0011,0x0012,0x0013,0x0014,0x0015,0x0016,0x0017, 0x0018,0x0019,0x001A,0x001B,0x001C,0x001D,0x001E,0x001F} }; static unsigned APPLE_IIE_HORZ_CLOCK_OFFSET[5][VIDEO_SCANNER_MAX_HORZ] = { {0x0068,0x0068,0x0069,0x006A,0x006B,0x006C,0x006D,0x006E,0x106F, 0x0070,0x0071,0x0072,0x0073,0x0074,0x0075,0x0076,0x0077, 0x0078,0x0079,0x007A,0x007B,0x007C,0x007D,0x007E,0x007F, 0x0000,0x0001,0x0002,0x0003,0x0004,0x0005,0x0006,0x0007, 0x0008,0x0009,0x000A,0x000B,0x000C,0x000D,0x000E,0x000F, 0x0010,0x0011,0x0012,0x0013,0x0014,0x0015,0x0016,0x0017, 0x0018,0x0019,0x001A,0x001B,0x001C,0x001D,0x001E,0x001F, 0x0020,0x0021,0x0022,0x0023,0x0024,0x0025,0x0026,0x0027}, {0x0010,0x0010,0x0011,0x0012,0x0013,0x0014,0x0015,0x0016,0x0017, 0x0018,0x0019,0x001A,0x001B,0x001C,0x001D,0x001E,0x001F, 0x0020,0x0021,0x0022,0x0023,0x0024,0x0025,0x0026,0x0027, 0x0028,0x0029,0x002A,0x002B,0x002C,0x002D,0x002E,0x002F, 0x0030,0x0031,0x0032,0x0033,0x0034,0x0035,0x0036,0x0037, 0x0038,0x0039,0x003A,0x003B,0x003C,0x003D,0x003E,0x003F, 0x0040,0x0041,0x0042,0x0043,0x0044,0x0045,0x0046,0x0047, 0x0048,0x0049,0x004A,0x004B,0x004C,0x004D,0x004E,0x004F}, {0x0038,0x0038,0x0039,0x003A,0x003B,0x003C,0x003D,0x003E,0x003F, 0x0040,0x0041,0x0042,0x0043,0x0044,0x0045,0x0046,0x0047, 0x0048,0x0049,0x004A,0x004B,0x004C,0x004D,0x004E,0x004F, 0x0050,0x0051,0x0052,0x0053,0x0054,0x0055,0x0056,0x0057, 0x0058,0x0059,0x005A,0x005B,0x005C,0x005D,0x005E,0x005F, 0x0060,0x0061,0x0062,0x0063,0x0064,0x0065,0x0066,0x0067, 0x0068,0x0069,0x006A,0x006B,0x006C,0x006D,0x006E,0x006F, 0x0070,0x0071,0x0072,0x0073,0x0074,0x0075,0x0076,0x0077}, {0x0060,0x0060,0x0061,0x0062,0x0063,0x0064,0x0065,0x0066,0x0067, 0x0068,0x0069,0x006A,0x006B,0x006C,0x006D,0x006E,0x006F, 0x0070,0x0071,0x0072,0x0073,0x0074,0x0075,0x0076,0x0077, 0x0078,0x0079,0x007A,0x007B,0x007C,0x007D,0x007E,0x007F, 0x0000,0x0001,0x0002,0x0003,0x0004,0x0005,0x0006,0x0007, 0x0008,0x0009,0x000A,0x000B,0x000C,0x000D,0x000E,0x000F, 0x0010,0x0011,0x0012,0x0013,0x0014,0x0015,0x0016,0x0017, 0x0018,0x0019,0x001A,0x001B,0x001C,0x001D,0x001E,0x001F}, {0x0060,0x0060,0x0061,0x0062,0x0063,0x0064,0x0065,0x0066,0x0067, 0x0068,0x0069,0x006A,0x006B,0x006C,0x006D,0x006E,0x006F, 0x0070,0x0071,0x0072,0x0073,0x0074,0x0075,0x0076,0x0077, 0x0078,0x0079,0x007A,0x007B,0x007C,0x007D,0x007E,0x007F, 0x0000,0x0001,0x0002,0x0003,0x0004,0x0005,0x0006,0x0007, 0x0008,0x0009,0x000A,0x000B,0x000C,0x000D,0x000E,0x000F, 0x0010,0x0011,0x0012,0x0013,0x0014,0x0015,0x0016,0x0017, 0x0018,0x0019,0x001A,0x001B,0x001C,0x001D,0x001E,0x001F} }; static unsigned (*g_pHorzClockOffset)[VIDEO_SCANNER_MAX_HORZ] = 0; static void (* g_pNTSC_FuncVideoText )(long) = NTSC_UpdateVideoText40; void (* g_pNTSC_FuncVideoUpdate)(long) = NTSC_UpdateVideoText40; // Prototypes // prototype from CPU.h //unsigned char CpuRead(unsigned short addr, unsigned long uExecutedCycles); // prototypes from Memory.h //unsigned char * MemGetAuxPtr (unsigned short); //unsigned char * MemGetMainPtr (unsigned short); void init_chroma_phase_table(); void updateColorPhase(); void updateVideoHorzEOL(); void updateMonochromeColor( uint16_t r, uint16_t g, uint16_t b ); //=========================================================================== inline float clampZeroOne( const float & x ) { if (x < 0.f) return 0.f; if (x > 1.f) return 1.f; /* ...... */ return x; } //=========================================================================== inline void updateColorPhase() { g_nColorPhaseNTSC++; g_nColorPhaseNTSC &= 3; } //=========================================================================== void NTSC_VideoInitAppleType () { int model = g_Apple2Type; // anything other than low bit set means not II/II+ if (model & 0xFFFE) g_pHorzClockOffset = APPLE_IIE_HORZ_CLOCK_OFFSET; else g_pHorzClockOffset = APPLE_IIP_HORZ_CLOCK_OFFSET; } static void init_video_tables (void) { /* Convert 7-bit monochrome luminance to 14-bit double pixel luminance Chroma will be applied later based on the color phase in ntscColorDoublePixel( luminanceBit ) 0x001 -> 0x0003 0x002 -> 0x000C 0x004 -> 0x0030 0x008 -> 0x00C0 0x100 -> 0x4000 */ for (uint8_t byte = 0; byte < 0x80; byte++ ) // Optimization: hgrbits second 128 entries are mirror of first 128 for (uint8_t bits = 0; bits < 7; bits++ ) // high bit = half pixel shift; pre-optimization: bits < 8 if (byte & (1 << bits)) // pow2 mask g_aPixelDoubleMaskHGR[byte] |= 3 << (bits*2); for ( uint16_t color = 0; color < 16; color++ ) g_aPixelMaskGR[ color ] = (color << 12) | (color << 8) | (color << 4) | (color << 0); } // sadly float64 precision is needed #define real double static real signal_prefilter (real z) { static real xv[NUM_SIGZEROS + 1] = { 0,0,0 }; static real yv[NUM_SIGPOLES + 1] = { 0,0,0 }; xv[0] = xv[1]; xv[1] = xv[2]; xv[2] = z / SIGGAIN; yv[0] = yv[1]; yv[1] = yv[2]; yv[2] = xv[0] + xv[2] + (2.f * xv[1]) + (-0.2718798058f * yv[0]) + (0.7465656072f * yv[1]); return yv[2]; } static real luma0_filter (real z) { static real xv[NUM_LUMZEROS + 1]; static real yv[NUM_LUMPOLES + 1]; xv[0] = xv[1]; xv[1] = xv[2]; xv[2] = z / LUMGAIN; yv[0] = yv[1]; yv[1] = yv[2]; yv[2] = xv[0] + xv[2] + (2.f * xv[1]) + (LUMCOEF1 * yv[0]) + (LUMCOEF2 * yv[1]); return yv[2]; } static real luma1_filter (real z) { static real xv[NUM_LUMZEROS + 1]; static real yv[NUM_LUMPOLES + 1]; xv[0] = xv[1]; xv[1] = xv[2]; xv[2] = z / LUMGAIN; yv[0] = yv[1]; yv[1] = yv[2]; yv[2] = xv[0] + xv[2] + (2 * xv[1]) + (LUMCOEF1 * yv[0]) + (LUMCOEF2 * yv[1]); return yv[2]; } static real chroma_filter (real z) { static real xv[NUM_CHRZEROS + 1]; static real yv[NUM_CHRPOLES + 1]; xv[0] = xv[1]; xv[1] = xv[2]; xv[2] = z / CHRGAIN; yv[0] = yv[1]; yv[1] = yv[2]; yv[2] = xv[2] - xv[0] + (-0.7318893645f * yv[0]) + (1.2336442711f * yv[1]); return yv[2]; } // Build the 4 phase chroma lookup table // The YI'Q' colors are hard-coded //=========================================================================== static void init_chroma_phase_table (void) { int phase,s,t,n; real z,y0,y1,c,i,q; real phi,zz; float brightness; double r64,g64,b64; float r32,g32,b32; for (phase = 0; phase < 4; ++phase) { phi = (phase * RAD_90) + CYCLESTART; for (s = 0; s < NTSC_NUM_SEQUENCES; ++s) { t = s; y0 = y1 = c = i = q = 0.0; for (n = 0; n < 12; ++n) { z = (real)(0 != (t & 0x800)); t = t << 1; for(int k = 0; k < 2; k++ ) { #if CHROMA_BLUR //z = z * 1.25; zz = signal_prefilter(z); c = chroma_filter(zz); // "Mostly" correct _if_ CYCLESTART = PI/4 = 45 degrees y0 = luma0_filter(zz); y1 = luma1_filter(zz - c); #else // CHROMA_BLUR y0 = y0 + (z - y0) / 4.0; y1 = y0; // fix TV mode #if CHROMA_FILTER == 0 c = z; // sharper; "Mostly" correct _if_ CYCLESTART = 115 degrees #endif // CHROMA_FILTER #if CHROMA_FILTER == 1 // soft chroma blur, strong color fringes // NOTE: This has incorrect colors! Chroma is (115-45)=70 degrees out of phase! violet <-> orange, green <-> blue c = (z - y0); // Original -- smoother, white is solid, brighter; other colors // -> // c = (z - (y0 + (z-y0)/4)) // c = z - y0 - (z-y0)/4 // c = z - y0 - z/4 + y0/4 // c = z-z/4 - y0+y0/4; // Which is clearly wrong, unless CYCLESTART DEG_TO_RAD(115) // This mode looks the most accurate for white, has better color fringes #endif #if CHROMA_FILTER == 2 // more blur, muted chroma fringe // White has too much ringing, and the color fringes are muted c = signal_prefilter(z); // "Mostly" correct _if_ CYCLESTART = PI/4 = 45 degrees #endif #endif // CHROMA_BLUR c = c * 2.f; i = i + (c * cos(phi) - i) / 8.f; q = q + (c * sin(phi) - q) / 8.f; phi += RAD_45; //(PI / 4); if (fabs((RAD_360) - phi) < 0.001) phi = phi - RAD_360; // 2 * PI; } // k } // samples brightness = clampZeroOne( (float)z ); g_aNTSCMonoMonitor[s][_B] = (uint8_t)(brightness * 255); g_aNTSCMonoMonitor[s][_G] = (uint8_t)(brightness * 255); g_aNTSCMonoMonitor[s][_R] = (uint8_t)(brightness * 255); g_aNTSCMonoMonitor[s][_A] = 255; brightness = clampZeroOne( (float)y1); g_aNTSCMonoTelevision[s][_B] = (uint8_t)(brightness * 255); g_aNTSCMonoTelevision[s][_G] = (uint8_t)(brightness * 255); g_aNTSCMonoTelevision[s][_R] = (uint8_t)(brightness * 255); g_aNTSCMonoTelevision[s][_A] = 255; /* YI'V' to RGB [r g b] = [y i v][ 1 1 1 ] [0.956 -0.272 -1.105] [0.621 -0.647 1.702] [r] [1 0.956 0.621][y] [g] = [1 -0.272 -0.647][i] [b] [1 -1.105 1.702][v] */ #define I_TO_R 0.956f #define I_TO_G -0.272f #define I_TO_B -1.105f #define Q_TO_R 0.621f #define Q_TO_G -0.647f #define Q_TO_B 1.702f r64 = y0 + (I_TO_R * i) + (Q_TO_R * q); g64 = y0 + (I_TO_G * i) + (Q_TO_G * q); b64 = y0 + (I_TO_B * i) + (Q_TO_B * q); b32 = clampZeroOne( (float)b64); g32 = clampZeroOne( (float)g64); r32 = clampZeroOne( (float)r64); g_aNTSCColorMonitor[phase][s][_B] = (uint8_t)(b32 * 255); g_aNTSCColorMonitor[phase][s][_G] = (uint8_t)(g32 * 255); g_aNTSCColorMonitor[phase][s][_R] = (uint8_t)(r32 * 255); g_aNTSCColorMonitor[phase][s][_A] = 255; r64 = y1 + (I_TO_R * i) + (Q_TO_R * q); g64 = y1 + (I_TO_G * i) + (Q_TO_G * q); b64 = y1 + (I_TO_B * i) + (Q_TO_B * q); b32 = clampZeroOne( (float)b64 ); g32 = clampZeroOne( (float)g64 ); r32 = clampZeroOne( (float)r64 ); g_aNTSCColorTelevision[phase][s][_B] = (uint8_t)(b32 * 255); g_aNTSCColorTelevision[phase][s][_G] = (uint8_t)(g32 * 255); g_aNTSCColorTelevision[phase][s][_R] = (uint8_t)(r32 * 255); g_aNTSCColorTelevision[phase][s][_A] = 255; } } } //=========================================================================== void NTSC_VideoInit( uint8_t* pFramebuffer ) // wsVideoInit { make_csbits(); init_video_tables(); init_chroma_phase_table(); updateMonochromeColor( 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ); for (int y = 0; y < 384; y++) g_NTSC_Lines[y] = g_pFramebufferbits + 4 * FRAMEBUFFER_W * ((FRAMEBUFFER_H - 1) - y - 18) + 80; vbp0 = g_NTSC_Lines[0]; // wsLines #if HGR_TEST_PATTERN // Michael -- Init HGR to almost all-possible-combinations // CALL-151 // C050 C053 C057 unsigned char b = 0; unsigned char *main, *aux; for( unsigned page = 0; page < 2; page++ ) { for( unsigned w = 0; w < 2; w++ ) // 16 cols { for( unsigned z = 0; z < 2; z++ ) // 8 cols { b = 0; // 4 columns * 64 rows for( unsigned x = 0; x < 4; x++ ) // 4 cols { for( unsigned y = 0; y < 64; y++ ) // 1 col { unsigned y2 = y*2; ad = 0x2000 + (y2&7)*0x400 + ((y2/8)&7)*0x80 + (y2/64)*0x28 + 2*x + 10*z + 20*w; ad += 0x2000*page; main = MemGetMainPtr(ad); aux = MemGetAuxPtr (ad); main[0] = b; main[1] = w + page*0x80; aux [0] = z; aux [1] = 0; y2 = y*2 + 1; ad = 0x2000 + (y2&7)*0x400 + ((y2/8)&7)*0x80 + (y2/64)*0x28 + 2*x + 10*z + 20*w; ad += 0x2000*page; main = MemGetMainPtr(ad); aux = MemGetAuxPtr (ad); main[0] = 0; main[1] = w + page*0x80; aux [0] = b; aux [1] = 0; b++; } } } } } #endif } #define SINGLEPIXEL(signal,table) \ do { \ unsigned int *cp, *mp; \ g_nSignalBitsNTSC = ((g_nSignalBitsNTSC << 1) | signal) & 0xFFF; \ cp = (unsigned int *)(&(table[g_nSignalBitsNTSC][0])); \ *((unsigned int *)vbp0) = *cp; \ mp = (unsigned int *)(vbp0 - 4 * FRAMEBUFFER_W); \ *mp = ((*cp & 0x00fcfcfc) >> 2) + 0xff000000; \ vbp0 += 4; \ } while(0) #define SINGLETVPIXEL(signal,table) \ do { \ unsigned int ntscp, prevp, betwp; \ unsigned int *prevlin, *between; \ g_nSignalBitsNTSC = ((g_nSignalBitsNTSC << 1) | signal) & 0xFFF; \ prevlin = (unsigned int *)(vbp0 + 8 * FRAMEBUFFER_W); \ between = (unsigned int *)(vbp0 + 4 * FRAMEBUFFER_W); \ ntscp = *(unsigned int *)(&(table[g_nSignalBitsNTSC][0])); /* raw current NTSC color */ \ prevp = *prevlin; \ betwp = ntscp - ((ntscp & 0x00fcfcfc) >> 2); \ *between = betwp | 0xff000000; \ *((unsigned int *)vbp0) = ntscp; \ vbp0 += 4; \ } while(0) #define DOUBLEPIXEL(signal,table) \ do { \ unsigned int *cp, *mp; \ g_nSignalBitsNTSC = ((g_nSignalBitsNTSC << 1) | signal) & 0xFFF; \ cp = (unsigned int *)(&(table[g_nSignalBitsNTSC][0])); \ mp = (unsigned int *)(vbp0 - 4 * FRAMEBUFFER_W); \ *((unsigned int *)vbp0) = *mp = *cp; \ vbp0 += 4; \ } while(0) #define DOUBLETVPIXEL(signal,table) \ do { \ unsigned int ntscp, prevp, betwp; \ unsigned int *prevlin, *between; \ g_nSignalBitsNTSC = ((g_nSignalBitsNTSC << 1) | signal) & 0xFFF; \ prevlin = (unsigned int *)(vbp0 + 8 * FRAMEBUFFER_W); \ between = (unsigned int *)(vbp0 + 4 * FRAMEBUFFER_W); \ ntscp = *(unsigned int *)(&(table[g_nSignalBitsNTSC][0])); /* raw current NTSC color */ \ prevp = *prevlin; \ betwp = ((ntscp & 0x00fefefe) >> 1) + ((prevp & 0x00fefefe) >> 1); \ *between = betwp | 0xff000000; \ *((unsigned int *)vbp0) = ntscp; \ vbp0 += 4; \ } while(0) static void ntscMonoSinglePixel (int compositeSignal) { SINGLEPIXEL(compositeSignal, g_aNTSCMonoMonitorCustom); } static void ntscMonoDoublePixel (int compositeSignal) { DOUBLEPIXEL(compositeSignal, g_aNTSCMonoMonitorCustom); } static void ntscColorSinglePixel (int compositeSignal) { SINGLEPIXEL(compositeSignal, g_aNTSCColorMonitor[g_nColorPhaseNTSC]); updateColorPhase(); } static void ntscColorDoublePixel (int compositeSignal) { DOUBLEPIXEL(compositeSignal, g_aNTSCColorMonitor[g_nColorPhaseNTSC]); updateColorPhase(); } static void ntscMonoTVSinglePixel (int compositeSignal) { SINGLETVPIXEL(compositeSignal, g_aNTSCMonoTelevisionCustom); } static void ntscMonoTVDoublePixel (int compositeSignal) { DOUBLETVPIXEL(compositeSignal, g_aNTSCMonoTelevisionCustom); } static void ntscColorTVSinglePixel (int compositeSignal) { SINGLETVPIXEL(compositeSignal, g_aNTSCColorTelevision[g_nColorPhaseNTSC]); updateColorPhase(); } static void ntscColorTVDoublePixel (int compositeSignal) { DOUBLETVPIXEL(compositeSignal, g_aNTSCColorTelevision[g_nColorPhaseNTSC]); updateColorPhase(); } static void (*ntscMonoPixel )(int) = ntscMonoSinglePixel ; static void (*ntscColorPixel)(int) = ntscColorSinglePixel; //=========================================================================== void updateMonochromeColor( uint16_t r, uint16_t g, uint16_t b ) { for( int iSample = 0; iSample < NTSC_NUM_SEQUENCES; iSample++ ) { g_aNTSCMonoMonitorCustom[ iSample ][ _B ] = (g_aNTSCMonoMonitor[ iSample ][_B] * b) >> 8; g_aNTSCMonoMonitorCustom[ iSample ][ _G ] = (g_aNTSCMonoMonitor[ iSample ][_G] * g) >> 8; g_aNTSCMonoMonitorCustom[ iSample ][ _R ] = (g_aNTSCMonoMonitor[ iSample ][_R] * r) >> 8; g_aNTSCMonoMonitorCustom[ iSample ][ _A ] = 0xFF; g_aNTSCMonoTelevisionCustom[ iSample ][ _B ] = (g_aNTSCMonoTelevision[ iSample ][_B] * b) >> 8; g_aNTSCMonoTelevisionCustom[ iSample ][ _G ] = (g_aNTSCMonoTelevision[ iSample ][_G] * g) >> 8; g_aNTSCMonoTelevisionCustom[ iSample ][ _B ] = (g_aNTSCMonoTelevision[ iSample ][_R] * r) >> 8; g_aNTSCMonoTelevisionCustom[ iSample ][ _A ] = 0xFF; } } //=========================================================================== void NTSC_SetVideoStyle() // (int v, int s) { int v = g_eVideoType; int s = g_uHalfScanLines; uint8_t r, g, b; switch (v) { case VT_COLOR_TVEMU: // VT_COLOR_TV: // 0: if (s) { ntscMonoPixel = ntscMonoTVSinglePixel; ntscColorPixel = ntscColorTVSinglePixel; } else { ntscMonoPixel = ntscMonoTVDoublePixel; ntscColorPixel = ntscColorTVDoublePixel; } break; case VT_COLOR_STANDARD: // VT_COLOR_MONITOR: //1: default: if (s) { ntscMonoPixel = ntscMonoSinglePixel; ntscColorPixel = ntscColorSinglePixel; } else { ntscMonoPixel = ntscMonoDoublePixel; ntscColorPixel = ntscColorDoublePixel; } break; case VT_COLOR_TEXT_OPTIMIZED: // VT_MONO_TV: //2: if (s) { ntscMonoPixel = ntscColorPixel = ntscMonoTVSinglePixel; } else { ntscMonoPixel = ntscColorPixel = ntscMonoTVDoublePixel; } break; // case VT_MONO_WHITE: //VT_MONO_MONITOR: //3: case VT_MONO_AMBER: r = 0xFF; g = 0x80; b = 0x00; goto _mono; case VT_MONO_GREEN: r = 0x00; g = 0xC0; b = 0x00; goto _mono; case VT_MONO_WHITE: r = 0xFF; g = 0xFF; b = 0xFF; goto _mono; case VT_MONO_HALFPIXEL_REAL: // From WinGDI.h // #define RGB(r,g,b) ((COLORREF)(((BYTE)(r)|((WORD)((BYTE)(g))<<8))|(((DWORD)(BYTE)(b))<<16))) //#define GetRValue(rgb) (LOBYTE(rgb)) //#define GetGValue(rgb) (LOBYTE(((WORD)(rgb)) >> 8)) //#define GetBValue(rgb) (LOBYTE((rgb)>>16)) r = (g_nMonochromeRGB >> 0) & 0xFF; g = (g_nMonochromeRGB >> 8) & 0xFF; b = (g_nMonochromeRGB >> 16) & 0xFF; _mono: updateMonochromeColor( r, g, b ); // Custom Monochrome color if (s) { ntscMonoPixel = ntscColorPixel = ntscMonoSinglePixel; } else { ntscMonoPixel = ntscColorPixel = ntscMonoDoublePixel; } break; } } int NTSC_VideoIsVbl () { return (g_nVideoClockVert >= VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_DISPLAY) && (g_nVideoClockVert < VIDEO_SCANNER_MAX_VERT); } unsigned char NTSC_VideoByte (unsigned long cycle) { unsigned char * mem; mem = MemGetMainPtr(g_aHorzClockMemAddress[ g_nVideoClockHorz ]); return mem[0]; } inline void VIDEO_DRAW_BITS( uint16_t bt ) { if (g_nColorBurstPixels < 2) { /* #1 of 7 */ ntscMonoPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; ntscMonoPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; /* #2 of 7 */ ntscMonoPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; ntscMonoPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; /* #3 of 7 */ ntscMonoPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; ntscMonoPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; /* #4 of 7 */ ntscMonoPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; ntscMonoPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; /* #5 of 7 */ ntscMonoPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; ntscMonoPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; /* #6 of 7 */ ntscMonoPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; ntscMonoPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; /* #7 of 7 */ ntscMonoPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; ntscMonoPixel(bt & 1); g_nLastColumnPixelNTSC = bt & 1; bt >>= 1; } else { /* #1 of 7 */ ntscColorPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; ntscColorPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; /* #2 of 7 */ ntscColorPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; ntscColorPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; /* #3 of 7 */ ntscColorPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; ntscColorPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; /* #4 of 7 */ ntscColorPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; ntscColorPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; /* #5 of 7 */ ntscColorPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; ntscColorPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; /* #6 of 7 */ ntscColorPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; ntscColorPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; /* #7 of 7 */ ntscColorPixel(bt & 1); bt >>= 1; ntscColorPixel(bt & 1); g_nLastColumnPixelNTSC = bt & 1; bt >>= 1; } } inline void updateVideoHorzEOL() { if (VIDEO_SCANNER_MAX_HORZ == ++g_nVideoClockHorz) { g_nVideoClockHorz = 0; if (g_nVideoClockVert < VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_DISPLAY) { //VIDEO_DRAW_ENDLINE(); if (g_nColorBurstPixels < 2) { ntscMonoPixel(g_nLastColumnPixelNTSC); ntscMonoPixel(0); ntscMonoPixel(0); ntscMonoPixel(0); } else { ntscColorPixel(g_nLastColumnPixelNTSC); ntscColorPixel(0); ntscColorPixel(0); ntscColorPixel(0); } } if (++g_nVideoClockVert == VIDEO_SCANNER_MAX_VERT) { g_nVideoClockVert = 0; if (++g_nTextFlashCounter == 16) { g_nTextFlashCounter = 0; g_nTextFlashMask ^= -1; // 16-bits } } if (g_nVideoClockVert < VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_DISPLAY) { vbp0 = g_NTSC_Lines[2*g_nVideoClockVert]; g_nColorPhaseNTSC = INITIAL_COLOR_PHASE; g_nLastColumnPixelNTSC = 0; g_nSignalBitsNTSC = 0; } } } // Light-weight Video Clock Update //=========================================================================== void NTSC_VideoUpdateCycles( long cycles ) { // if( !g_bFullSpeed ) // g_pNTSC_FuncVideoUpdate( uElapsedCycles ); // else for( ; cycles > 0; cycles-- ) { if (VIDEO_SCANNER_MAX_HORZ == ++g_nVideoClockHorz) { g_nVideoClockHorz = 0; if (++g_nVideoClockVert == VIDEO_SCANNER_MAX_VERT) { g_nVideoClockVert = 0; if (++g_nTextFlashCounter == 16) { g_nTextFlashCounter = 0; g_nTextFlashMask ^= -1; // 16-bits } // Force full refresh g_pNTSC_FuncVideoUpdate( VIDEO_SCANNER_6502_CYCLES ); } if (g_nVideoClockVert < VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_DISPLAY) { vbp0 = g_NTSC_Lines[2*g_nVideoClockVert]; g_nColorPhaseNTSC = INITIAL_COLOR_PHASE; g_nLastColumnPixelNTSC = 0; g_nSignalBitsNTSC = 0; } } } } inline uint8_t getCharSetBits(int iBank) { return csbits[g_nVideoCharSet][iBank][g_nVideoClockVert & 7]; } //=========================================================================== void NTSC_UpdateVideoText40 (long ticks) { unsigned ad; for (; ticks; --ticks) { UpdateVideoAddressTXT(); if (g_nVideoClockHorz < 16 && g_nVideoClockHorz >= 12) { if (g_nColorBurstPixels > 0) g_nColorBurstPixels -= 1; } else if (g_nVideoClockVert < VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_DISPLAY) { if (g_nVideoClockHorz >= VIDEO_SCANNER_HORZ_START) { uint8_t *pMain = MemGetMainPtr(ad); uint8_t m = pMain[0]; uint8_t c = getCharSetBits(m); uint16_t bits = g_aPixelDoubleMaskHGR[c & 0x7F]; // Optimization: hgrbits second 128 entries are mirror of first 128 if (0 == g_nVideoCharSet && 0x40 == (m & 0xC0)) bits ^= g_nTextFlashMask; VIDEO_DRAW_BITS( bits ); } } updateVideoHorzEOL(); } } //=========================================================================== void NTSC_UpdateVideoText80 (long ticks) { unsigned int ad; for (; ticks; --ticks) { UpdateVideoAddressTXT(); if (g_nVideoClockHorz < 16 && g_nVideoClockHorz >= 12) { if (g_nColorBurstPixels > 0) g_nColorBurstPixels -= 1; } else if (g_nVideoClockVert < VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_DISPLAY) { if (g_nVideoClockHorz >= VIDEO_SCANNER_HORZ_START) { uint8_t *pAux = MemGetAuxPtr(ad); uint8_t *pMain = MemGetMainPtr(ad); uint8_t m = pMain[0]; uint8_t a = pAux [0]; uint16_t main = getCharSetBits( m ); uint16_t aux = getCharSetBits( a ); if ((0 == g_nVideoCharSet) && 0x40 == (m & 0xC0)) main ^= g_nTextFlashMask; if ((0 == g_nVideoCharSet) && 0x40 == (a & 0xC0)) aux ^= g_nTextFlashMask; uint16_t bits = (main << 7) | aux; VIDEO_DRAW_BITS( bits ); } } updateVideoHorzEOL(); } } inline uint8_t getLoResBits( int iBank ) { return g_aPixelMaskGR[ (iBank >> (g_nVideoClockVert & 4)) & 0xF ]; } //=========================================================================== void NTSC_UpdateVideoDblLores40 (long ticks) // wsUpdateVideo7MLores { unsigned ad; if (g_nVideoMixed && g_nVideoClockVert >= VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_MIXED) { g_pNTSC_FuncVideoText(ticks); return; } for (; ticks; --ticks) { UpdateVideoAddressTXT(); if (g_nVideoClockVert < VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_DISPLAY) { if (g_nVideoClockHorz < 16 && g_nVideoClockHorz >= 12) { g_nColorBurstPixels = 1024; } else if (g_nVideoClockHorz >= VIDEO_SCANNER_HORZ_START) { uint8_t *pMain = MemGetMainPtr(ad); uint8_t m = pMain[0]; uint8_t lo = getLoResBits( m ); uint16_t bits = g_aPixelDoubleMaskHGR[(0xFF & lo >> ((1 - (g_nVideoClockHorz & 1)) * 2)) & 0x7F]; // Optimization: hgrbits VIDEO_DRAW_BITS( bits ); } } updateVideoHorzEOL(); } } //=========================================================================== void NTSC_UpdateVideoLores40 (long ticks) { unsigned ad; if (g_nVideoMixed && g_nVideoClockVert >= VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_MIXED) { g_pNTSC_FuncVideoText(ticks); return; } for (; ticks; --ticks) { UpdateVideoAddressTXT(); if (g_nVideoClockVert < VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_DISPLAY) { if ((g_nVideoClockHorz < 16) && (g_nVideoClockHorz >= 12)) { g_nColorBurstPixels = 1024; } else if (g_nVideoClockHorz >= VIDEO_SCANNER_HORZ_START) { uint8_t *pMain = MemGetMainPtr(ad); uint8_t m = pMain[0]; uint8_t lo = getLoResBits( m ); uint16_t bits = lo >> ((1 - (g_nVideoClockHorz & 1)) * 2); VIDEO_DRAW_BITS( bits ); } } updateVideoHorzEOL(); } } //=========================================================================== void NTSC_UpdateVideoDblLores80 (long ticks) // wsUpdateVideoDblLores { unsigned ad; if (g_nVideoMixed && g_nVideoClockVert >= VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_MIXED) { g_pNTSC_FuncVideoText(ticks); return; } for (; ticks; --ticks) { UpdateVideoAddressTXT(); if (g_nVideoClockVert < VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_DISPLAY) { if ((g_nVideoClockHorz < 16) && (g_nVideoClockHorz >= 12)) { g_nColorBurstPixels = 1024; } else if (g_nVideoClockHorz >= VIDEO_SCANNER_HORZ_START) { uint8_t *pMain = MemGetMainPtr(ad); uint8_t *pAux = MemGetAuxPtr(ad); uint8_t m = pMain[0]; uint8_t a = pAux [0]; uint8_t lo = getLoResBits( m ); uint8_t hi = getLoResBits( a ); uint16_t main = lo >> (((1 - (g_nVideoClockHorz & 1)) * 2) + 3); uint16_t aux = hi >> (((1 - (g_nVideoClockHorz & 1)) * 2) + 3); uint16_t bits = (main << 7) | (aux & 0x7f); VIDEO_DRAW_BITS( bits ); } } updateVideoHorzEOL(); } } //=========================================================================== void NTSC_UpdateVideoDblHires80 (long ticks) // wsUpdateVideoDblHires { unsigned ad; uint16_t bits; if (g_nVideoMixed && g_nVideoClockVert >= VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_MIXED) { g_pNTSC_FuncVideoText(ticks); return; } for (; ticks; --ticks) { UpdateVideoAddressHGR(); if (g_nVideoClockVert < VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_DISPLAY) { if ((g_nVideoClockHorz < 16) && (g_nVideoClockHorz >= 12)) { g_nColorBurstPixels = 1024; } else if (g_nVideoClockHorz >= VIDEO_SCANNER_HORZ_START) { uint8_t *pMain = MemGetMainPtr(ad); uint8_t *pAux = MemGetAuxPtr(ad); uint8_t m = pMain[0]; uint8_t a = pAux [0]; bits = ((m & 0x7f) << 7) | (a & 0x7f); bits = (bits << 1) | g_nLastColumnPixelNTSC; VIDEO_DRAW_BITS( bits ); } } updateVideoHorzEOL(); } } //=========================================================================== void NTSC_UpdateVideoHires40 (long ticks) { unsigned ad; if (g_nVideoMixed && g_nVideoClockVert >= VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_MIXED) { g_pNTSC_FuncVideoText(ticks); return; } for (; ticks; --ticks) { UpdateVideoAddressHGR(); if (g_nVideoClockVert < VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_DISPLAY) { if ((g_nVideoClockHorz < 16) && (g_nVideoClockHorz >= 12)) { g_nColorBurstPixels = 1024; } else if (g_nVideoClockHorz >= VIDEO_SCANNER_HORZ_START) { uint8_t *pMain = MemGetMainPtr(ad); uint8_t m = pMain[0]; uint16_t bits = g_aPixelDoubleMaskHGR[m & 0x7F]; // Optimization: hgrbits second 128 entries are mirror of first 128 if (m & 0x80) bits = (bits << 1) | g_nLastColumnPixelNTSC; VIDEO_DRAW_BITS( bits ); } } updateVideoHorzEOL(); } } //=========================================================================== void NTSC_UpdateVideoDblHires40 (long ticks) // wsUpdateVideoHires0 { unsigned ad; if (g_nVideoMixed && g_nVideoClockVert >= VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_MIXED) { g_pNTSC_FuncVideoText(ticks); return; } for (; ticks; --ticks) { UpdateVideoAddressHGR(); if (g_nVideoClockVert < VIDEO_SCANNER_Y_DISPLAY) { if ((g_nVideoClockHorz < 16) && (g_nVideoClockHorz >= 12)) { g_nColorBurstPixels = 1024; } else if (g_nVideoClockHorz >= VIDEO_SCANNER_HORZ_START) { uint8_t *pMain = MemGetMainPtr(ad); uint8_t m = pMain[0]; uint16_t bits = g_aPixelDoubleMaskHGR[m & 0x7F]; // Optimization: hgrbits second 128 entries are mirror of first 128 VIDEO_DRAW_BITS( bits ); } } updateVideoHorzEOL(); } } //=========================================================================== void NTSC_SetVideoTextMode( int cols ) { if( cols == 40 ) g_pNTSC_FuncVideoText = NTSC_UpdateVideoText40; else g_pNTSC_FuncVideoText = NTSC_UpdateVideoText80; } //=========================================================================== void NTSC_SetVideoMode( int bVideoModeFlags ) { g_nVideoMixed = bVideoModeFlags & VF_MIXED; g_nVideoCharSet = g_nAltCharSetOffset; g_nTextPage = 1; g_nHiresPage = 1; if (bVideoModeFlags & VF_PAGE2) { if (0 == (bVideoModeFlags & VF_80STORE)) { g_nTextPage = 2; g_nHiresPage = 2; } } if (bVideoModeFlags & VF_TEXT) { if (bVideoModeFlags & VF_80COL) g_pNTSC_FuncVideoUpdate = NTSC_UpdateVideoText80; else g_pNTSC_FuncVideoUpdate = NTSC_UpdateVideoText40; } else if (bVideoModeFlags & VF_HIRES) { if (bVideoModeFlags & VF_DHIRES) if (bVideoModeFlags & VF_80COL) g_pNTSC_FuncVideoUpdate = NTSC_UpdateVideoDblHires80; else g_pNTSC_FuncVideoUpdate = NTSC_UpdateVideoDblHires40; else g_pNTSC_FuncVideoUpdate = NTSC_UpdateVideoHires40; } else { if (bVideoModeFlags & VF_DHIRES) if (bVideoModeFlags & VF_80COL) g_pNTSC_FuncVideoUpdate = NTSC_UpdateVideoDblLores80; else g_pNTSC_FuncVideoUpdate = NTSC_UpdateVideoDblLores40; else g_pNTSC_FuncVideoUpdate = NTSC_UpdateVideoLores40; } }