/* AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth Copyright (C) 2006-2010, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Description: Disk Image * * Author: Various */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "Common.h" #include "DiskImage.h" #include "DiskImageHelper.h" static CDiskImageHelper sg_DiskImageHelper; static CHardDiskImageHelper sg_HardDiskImageHelper; //=========================================================================== // Pre: *pWriteProtected_ already set to file's r/w status - see DiskInsert() ImageError_e ImageOpen( const std::string & pszImageFilename, ImageInfo** ppImageInfo, bool* pWriteProtected, const bool bCreateIfNecessary, std::string& strFilenameInZip, const bool bExpectFloppy /*=true*/) { if (bExpectFloppy && sg_DiskImageHelper.GetWorkBuffer() == NULL) return eIMAGE_ERROR_BAD_POINTER; if (!(!pszImageFilename.empty() && ppImageInfo && pWriteProtected)) return eIMAGE_ERROR_BAD_POINTER; // CREATE A RECORD FOR THE FILE *ppImageInfo = new ImageInfo(); ImageInfo* pImageInfo = *ppImageInfo; pImageInfo->bWriteProtected = *pWriteProtected; if (bExpectFloppy) pImageInfo->pImageHelper = &sg_DiskImageHelper; else pImageInfo->pImageHelper = &sg_HardDiskImageHelper; ImageError_e Err = pImageInfo->pImageHelper->Open(pszImageFilename.c_str(), pImageInfo, bCreateIfNecessary, strFilenameInZip); if (Err != eIMAGE_ERROR_NONE) { ImageClose(*ppImageInfo); *ppImageInfo = NULL; return Err; } if (pImageInfo->pImageType && pImageInfo->pImageType->GetType() == eImageHDV) { if (bExpectFloppy) Err = eIMAGE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_HDV; return Err; } // THE FILE MATCHES A KNOWN FORMAT _ASSERT(bExpectFloppy); if (!bExpectFloppy) return eIMAGE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; _ASSERT(pImageInfo->uNumTracks); *pWriteProtected = pImageInfo->bWriteProtected; return eIMAGE_ERROR_NONE; } //=========================================================================== void ImageClose(ImageInfo* const pImageInfo) { pImageInfo->pImageHelper->Close(pImageInfo); delete pImageInfo; } //=========================================================================== BOOL ImageBoot(ImageInfo* const pImageInfo) { BOOL result = 0; if (pImageInfo->pImageType->AllowBoot()) result = pImageInfo->pImageType->Boot(pImageInfo); if (result) pImageInfo->bWriteProtected = 1; return result; } //=========================================================================== void ImageDestroy(void) { VirtualFree(sg_DiskImageHelper.GetWorkBuffer(), 0, MEM_RELEASE); sg_DiskImageHelper.SetWorkBuffer(NULL); } //=========================================================================== void ImageInitialize(void) { LPBYTE pBuffer = (LPBYTE) VirtualAlloc(NULL, TRACK_DENIBBLIZED_SIZE*2, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); sg_DiskImageHelper.SetWorkBuffer(pBuffer); } //=========================================================================== void ImageReadTrack( ImageInfo* const pImageInfo, float phase, // phase [0..79] +/- 0.5 LPBYTE pTrackImageBuffer, int* pNibbles, UINT* pBitCount, bool enhanceDisk) { _ASSERT(phase >= 0); if (phase < 0) phase = 0; const UINT track = pImageInfo->pImageType->PhaseToTrack(phase); if (pImageInfo->pImageType->AllowRW()) { pImageInfo->pImageType->Read(pImageInfo, phase, pTrackImageBuffer, pNibbles, pBitCount, enhanceDisk); } else { *pNibbles = (int) ImageGetMaxNibblesPerTrack(pImageInfo); for (int i = 0; i < *pNibbles; i++) pTrackImageBuffer[i] = (BYTE)(rand() & 0xFF); } } //=========================================================================== void ImageWriteTrack( ImageInfo* const pImageInfo, float phase, // phase [0..79] +/- 0.5 LPBYTE pTrackImageBuffer, const int nNibbles) { _ASSERT(phase >= 0); if (phase < 0) phase = 0; const UINT track = pImageInfo->pImageType->PhaseToTrack(phase); if (pImageInfo->pImageType->AllowRW() && !pImageInfo->bWriteProtected) { pImageInfo->pImageType->Write(pImageInfo, phase, pTrackImageBuffer, nNibbles); eImageType imageType = pImageInfo->pImageType->GetType(); if (imageType == eImageWOZ1 || imageType == eImageWOZ2) { DWORD dummy; bool res = sg_DiskImageHelper.WOZUpdateInfo(pImageInfo, dummy); _ASSERT(res); } } } //=========================================================================== bool ImageReadBlock( ImageInfo* const pImageInfo, UINT nBlock, LPBYTE pBlockBuffer) { bool bRes = false; if (pImageInfo->pImageType->AllowRW()) bRes = pImageInfo->pImageType->Read(pImageInfo, nBlock, pBlockBuffer); return bRes; } //=========================================================================== bool ImageWriteBlock( ImageInfo* const pImageInfo, UINT nBlock, LPBYTE pBlockBuffer) { bool bRes = false; if (pImageInfo->pImageType->AllowRW() && !pImageInfo->bWriteProtected) bRes = pImageInfo->pImageType->Write(pImageInfo, nBlock, pBlockBuffer); return bRes; } //=========================================================================== UINT ImageGetNumTracks(ImageInfo* const pImageInfo) { return pImageInfo ? pImageInfo->uNumTracks : 0; } bool ImageIsWriteProtected(ImageInfo* const pImageInfo) { return pImageInfo ? pImageInfo->bWriteProtected : true; } bool ImageIsMultiFileZip(ImageInfo* const pImageInfo) { return pImageInfo ? (pImageInfo->uNumValidImagesInZip > 1) : false; } const std::string & ImageGetPathname(ImageInfo* const pImageInfo) { static const std::string szEmpty; return pImageInfo ? pImageInfo->szFilename : szEmpty; } UINT ImageGetImageSize(ImageInfo* const pImageInfo) { return pImageInfo ? pImageInfo->uImageSize : 0; } bool ImageIsWOZ(ImageInfo* const pImageInfo) { return pImageInfo ? (pImageInfo->pImageType->GetType() == eImageWOZ1 || pImageInfo->pImageType->GetType() == eImageWOZ2) : false; } BYTE ImageGetOptimalBitTiming(ImageInfo* const pImageInfo) { return pImageInfo ? pImageInfo->optimalBitTiming : 32; } bool ImageIsBootSectorFormatSector13(ImageInfo* const pImageInfo) { return pImageInfo ? pImageInfo->bootSectorFormat == CWOZHelper::bootSector13 : false; } UINT ImagePhaseToTrack(ImageInfo* const pImageInfo, const float phase, const bool limit/*=true*/) { if (!pImageInfo) return 0; UINT track = pImageInfo->pImageType->PhaseToTrack(phase); if (limit) { const UINT numTracksInImage = ImageGetNumTracks(pImageInfo); track = (numTracksInImage == 0) ? 0 : MIN(numTracksInImage - 1, track); } return track; } UINT ImageGetMaxNibblesPerTrack(ImageInfo* const pImageInfo) { return pImageInfo ? pImageInfo->maxNibblesPerTrack : NIBBLES_PER_TRACK; } void GetImageTitle(LPCTSTR pPathname, std::string & pImageName, std::string & pFullName) { TCHAR imagetitle[ MAX_DISK_FULL_NAME+1 ]; LPCTSTR startpos = pPathname; // imagetitle = if (_tcsrchr(startpos, TEXT('\\'))) startpos = _tcsrchr(startpos, TEXT('\\'))+1; _tcsncpy(imagetitle, startpos, MAX_DISK_FULL_NAME); imagetitle[MAX_DISK_FULL_NAME] = 0; // if imagetitle contains a lowercase char, then found=1 (why?) BOOL found = 0; int loop = 0; while (imagetitle[loop] && !found) { if (IsCharLower(imagetitle[loop])) found = 1; else loop++; } if ((!found) && (loop > 2)) CharLowerBuff(imagetitle+1, _tcslen(imagetitle+1)); // pFullName = pFullName = imagetitle; if (imagetitle[0]) { LPTSTR dot = imagetitle; if (_tcsrchr(dot, TEXT('.'))) dot = _tcsrchr(dot, TEXT('.')); if (dot > imagetitle) *dot = 0; } // pImageName = (ie. no extension) pImageName = imagetitle; }