Andrea Odetti 1fccde2892 Add libapple and simple ncurses frontend.
Signed-off-by: Andrea Odetti <>
2017-10-14 19:18:44 +01:00

266 lines
5.7 KiB

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "SerialComms.h"
#include "MouseInterface.h"
#include "Configuration/IPropertySheet.h"
#include "Video.h"
#include "Memory.h"
#include "Keyboard.h"
#include "NTSC.h"
void DeleteCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION * criticalSection)
void InitializeCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION * criticalSection)
void EnterCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION * criticalSection)
void LeaveCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION * criticalSection)
void OutputDebugString(const char * str)
std::cerr << str << std::endl;
UINT IPropertySheet::GetTheFreezesF8Rom(void)
return 0;
int MessageBox(HWND, const char * text, const char * caption, UINT)
std::cerr << caption << " - " << text << std::endl;
return IDOK;
HWND GetDesktopWindow()
return NULL;
void ExitProcess(int status)
void alarm_log_too_many_alarms()
// Serial
void CSuperSerialCard::CommInitialize(LPBYTE pCxRomPeripheral, UINT uSlot)
// Mouse
void CMouseInterface::Initialize(LPBYTE pCxRomPeripheral, UINT uSlot)
void CMouseInterface::SetVBlank(bool bVBL)
// Registry
BOOL RegLoadString (LPCTSTR section, LPCTSTR key, BOOL peruser,
LPTSTR buffer, DWORD chars)
std::cerr << "RegLoadString: " << section << " - " << key << std::endl;
return FALSE;
BOOL RegLoadValue (LPCTSTR section, LPCTSTR key, BOOL peruser, DWORD *value)
std::cerr << "RegLoadValue: " << section << " - " << key << std::endl;
return FALSE;
void RegSaveString (LPCTSTR section, LPCTSTR key, BOOL peruser, LPCTSTR buffer)
std::cerr << "RegSaveString: " << section << " - " << key << " = " << buffer << std::endl;
void RegSaveValue (LPCTSTR section, LPCTSTR key, BOOL peruser, DWORD value)
std::cerr << "RegSaveValue: " << section << " - " << key << " = " << value << std::endl;
// Joystick
BYTE __stdcall JoyReadButton(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nCyclesLeft)
return 0;
BYTE __stdcall JoyReadPosition(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nCyclesLeft)
return 0;
BYTE __stdcall JoyResetPosition(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nCyclesLeft)
return 0;
void JoyportControl(const UINT uControl)
// Mockingboard
void MB_InitializeIO(LPBYTE pCxRomPeripheral, UINT uSlot4, UINT uSlot5)
void MB_UpdateCycles(ULONG uExecutedCycles)
void MB_StartOfCpuExecute()
// Speaker
BYTE __stdcall SpkrToggle (WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nCyclesLeft)
return MemReadFloatingBus(nCyclesLeft);
// Video
int g_nAltCharSetOffset = 0; // alternate character set
#define SW_80COL (g_uVideoMode & VF_80COL)
#define SW_DHIRES (g_uVideoMode & VF_DHIRES)
#define SW_HIRES (g_uVideoMode & VF_HIRES)
#define SW_80STORE (g_uVideoMode & VF_80STORE)
#define SW_MIXED (g_uVideoMode & VF_MIXED)
#define SW_PAGE2 (g_uVideoMode & VF_PAGE2)
#define SW_TEXT (g_uVideoMode & VF_TEXT)
bool VideoGetSW80COL()
return SW_80COL ? true : false;
bool VideoGetVblBar(DWORD uExecutedCycles)
return 0;
BYTE VideoCheckMode (WORD pc, WORD address, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG uExecutedCycles)
address &= 0xFF;
if (address == 0x7F)
return MemReadFloatingBus(SW_DHIRES != 0, uExecutedCycles);
BOOL result = 0;
switch (address) {
case 0x1A: result = SW_TEXT; break;
case 0x1B: result = SW_MIXED; break;
case 0x1D: result = SW_HIRES; break;
case 0x1E: result = g_nAltCharSetOffset; break;
case 0x1F: result = SW_80COL; break;
case 0x7F: result = SW_DHIRES; break;
return KeybGetKeycode() | (result ? 0x80 : 0);
BYTE VideoCheckVbl ( ULONG uExecutedCycles )
bool bVblBar = VideoGetVblBar(uExecutedCycles);
BYTE r = KeybGetKeycode();
return (r & ~0x80) | (bVblBar ? 0x80 : 0);
BYTE VideoSetMode (WORD pc, WORD address, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG uExecutedCycles)
address &= 0xFF;
switch (address)
case 0x00: g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_80STORE; break;
case 0x01: g_uVideoMode |= VF_80STORE; break;
case 0x0C: if (!IS_APPLE2){g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_80COL; NTSC_SetVideoTextMode(40);}; break;
case 0x0D: if (!IS_APPLE2){g_uVideoMode |= VF_80COL; NTSC_SetVideoTextMode(80);}; break;
case 0x0E: if (!IS_APPLE2) g_nAltCharSetOffset = 0; break; // Alternate char set off
case 0x0F: if (!IS_APPLE2) g_nAltCharSetOffset = 256; break; // Alternate char set on
case 0x50: g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_TEXT; break;
case 0x51: g_uVideoMode |= VF_TEXT; break;
case 0x52: g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_MIXED; break;
case 0x53: g_uVideoMode |= VF_MIXED; break;
case 0x54: g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_PAGE2; break;
case 0x55: g_uVideoMode |= VF_PAGE2; break;
case 0x56: g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_HIRES; break;
case 0x57: g_uVideoMode |= VF_HIRES; break;
case 0x5E: if (!IS_APPLE2) g_uVideoMode |= VF_DHIRES; break;
case 0x5F: if (!IS_APPLE2) g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_DHIRES; break;
// Apple IIe, Technical Notes, #3: Double High-Resolution Graphics
// 80STORE must be OFF to display page 2
if (SW_80STORE)
g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_PAGE2;
NTSC_SetVideoMode( g_uVideoMode );
return MemReadFloatingBus(uExecutedCycles);
void Video_ResetScreenshotCounter( char *pImageName )
void NTSC_VideoUpdateCycles( long cyclesLeftToUpdate )
uint16_t NTSC_VideoGetScannerAddress()
return 0;
void NTSC_SetVideoMode( uint32_t uVideoModeFlags )
void NTSC_SetVideoTextMode( int cols )