. Format now extensible for supporting new hardware types in the future . Include missing items like Apple2Type, CyclesThisVideoFrame (#255) Continue to support loading of old v1 format. Added card save/load for: . Mouse (#260) . HDD (#260) . Printer Extended card support for: . SSC Other: . Added save-state v1 struct size checks . Create SaveState_Structs_v2.h and split out common into SaveState_Structs_common.h . Refactor HardDisk.cpp to use imagehandle; and consolidate with Disk.cpp . Fix Disk/HD_GetFullPathName() which wasn't always returning full pathname . Consolidate common GetImageTitle() and move into DiskImage.cpp
60 lines
1.6 KiB
60 lines
1.6 KiB
#pragma once
#include "SaveState_Structs_common.h"
#include "Common.h"
void SetCurrentCLK6502();
void SetCurrentImageDir(const char* pszImageDir);
extern char VERSIONSTRING[]; // Constructed in WinMain()
extern TCHAR *g_pAppTitle;
extern eApple2Type g_Apple2Type;
extern bool g_bFullSpeed;
//Pravets 8A/C only variables
extern bool P8CAPS_ON;
extern bool P8Shift;
// Win32
extern HINSTANCE g_hInstance;
extern AppMode_e g_nAppMode;
bool GetLoadedSaveStateFlag(void);
void SetLoadedSaveStateFlag(const bool bFlag);
extern TCHAR g_sProgramDir[MAX_PATH];
extern TCHAR g_sCurrentDir[MAX_PATH];
extern BOOL restart;
extern DWORD g_dwSpeed;
extern double g_fCurrentCLK6502;
extern int g_nCpuCyclesFeedback;
extern DWORD g_dwCyclesThisFrame;
extern FILE* g_fh; // Filehandle for log file
extern bool g_bDisableDirectInput; // Cmd line switch: don't init DI (so no DIMouse support)
extern bool g_bDisableDirectSound; // Cmd line switch: don't init DS (so no MB/Speaker support)
extern bool g_bDisableDirectSoundMockingboard; // Cmd line switch: don't init MB support
extern int g_nMemoryClearType; // Cmd line switch: use specific MIP (Memory Initialization Pattern)
extern SS_CARDTYPE g_Slot4; // Mockingboard, Z80, Mouse in slot4
extern SS_CARDTYPE g_Slot5; // Mockingboard, Z80, in slot5
extern HANDLE g_hCustomRomF8; // NULL if no custom rom
enum eCPU {CPU_6502=1, CPU_Z80};
extern eCPU g_ActiveCPU;
class CSpeech;
extern CSpeech g_Speech;
extern __interface IPropertySheet& sg_PropertySheet;