TomCh 7b55e994ec
Config GUI for DiskII card in slot-5 & improved slot config in Registry (#975, #977, PR #978)
Change to using Registry's 'Configuration\Slot n' for disk ii image pathnames (was 'Preferences').
Delete Registry's 'Configuration\Slot n' section each time there's a change of card.
Add same functionality to conf.ini.
LoadConfiguration(): load from the new Slot-n section (or otherwise the old legacy key).
Only update Registry's 'Starting Directory' for s6,d1.
Update help doc.
2021-08-29 11:39:51 +01:00

60 lines
2.1 KiB

#pragma once
#include "PropertySheetDefs.h"
#include "Config.h"
class CPropertySheetHelper
CPropertySheetHelper() :
virtual ~CPropertySheetHelper(){}
void FillComboBox(HWND window, int controlid, LPCTSTR choices, int currentchoice);
std::string BrowseToFile(HWND hWindow, const TCHAR* pszTitle, const TCHAR* REGVALUE, const TCHAR* FILEMASKS);
void SaveStateUpdate();
int SaveStateSelectImage(HWND hWindow, const TCHAR* pszTitle, bool bSave);
void PostMsgAfterClose(HWND hWnd, PAGETYPE page);
void ResetPageMask(void) { m_bmPages = 0; } // Req'd because cancelling doesn't clear the page-mask
PAGETYPE GetLastPage(void) { return m_LastPage; }
void SetLastPage(PAGETYPE page)
m_LastPage = page;
m_bmPages |= 1<<(UINT32)page;
void SaveCurrentConfig(void);
const std::string & GetSSNewFilename(void) { return m_szSSNewFilename; }
const CConfigNeedingRestart& GetConfigOld(void) { return m_ConfigOld; }
CConfigNeedingRestart& GetConfigNew(void) { return m_ConfigNew; }
bool IsConfigChanged(void) { return m_ConfigNew != m_ConfigOld; }
void SetDoBenchmark(void) { m_bDoBenchmark = true; }
void ApplyNewConfig(const CConfigNeedingRestart& ConfigNew, const CConfigNeedingRestart& ConfigOld);
void ConfigSaveApple2Type(eApple2Type apple2Type);
void SetSlot(UINT slot, SS_CARDTYPE newCardType);
bool IsOkToSaveLoadState(HWND hWnd, const bool bConfigChanged);
bool IsOkToRestart(HWND hWnd);
void SaveComputerType(eApple2Type NewApple2Type);
void SaveCpuType(eCpuType NewCpuType);
bool HardwareConfigChanged(HWND hWnd);
bool CheckChangesForRestart(HWND hWnd);
void ApplyNewConfig(void);
void RestoreCurrentConfig(void);
std::string GetSlot(const UINT uSlot);
std::string GetCardName(const SS_CARDTYPE CardType);
PAGETYPE m_LastPage;
UINT32 m_bmPages;
bool m_bSSNewFilename;
std::string m_szSSNewDirectory;
std::string m_szSSNewFilename;
CConfigNeedingRestart m_ConfigOld;
CConfigNeedingRestart m_ConfigNew;
bool m_bDoBenchmark;