253 lines
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253 lines
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#pragma once
AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows
Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien
Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt
Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth
Copyright (C) 2006-2019, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski, Nick Westgate
AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "DiskLog.h"
#include "DiskFormatTrack.h"
#include "DiskImage.h"
extern class Disk2InterfaceCard sg_Disk2Card;
enum Drive_e
DRIVE_1 = 0,
const bool IMAGE_DONT_CREATE = false;
const bool IMAGE_CREATE = true;
class FloppyDisk
void clear()
ZeroMemory(m_imagename, sizeof(m_imagename));
ZeroMemory(m_fullname, sizeof(m_fullname));
m_imagehandle = NULL;
m_bWriteProtected = false;
m_byte = 0;
m_nibbles = 0;
m_bitOffset = 0;
m_bitCount = 0;
m_bitMask = 1 << 7;
m_extraCycles = 0.0;
m_trackimage = NULL;
m_trackimagedata = false;
m_trackimagedirty = false;
TCHAR m_imagename[ MAX_DISK_IMAGE_NAME + 1 ]; // <FILENAME> (ie. no extension)
TCHAR m_fullname [ MAX_DISK_FULL_NAME + 1 ]; // <FILENAME.EXT> or <FILENAME.zip> : This is persisted to the snapshot file
std::string m_strFilenameInZip; // "" or <FILENAME.EXT>
ImageInfo* m_imagehandle; // Init'd by InsertDisk() -> ImageOpen()
bool m_bWriteProtected;
int m_byte; // byte offset
int m_nibbles; // # nibbles in track / Init'd by ReadTrack() -> ImageReadTrack()
UINT m_bitOffset; // bit offset
UINT m_bitCount; // # bits in track
BYTE m_bitMask;
double m_extraCycles;
LPBYTE m_trackimage;
bool m_trackimagedata;
bool m_trackimagedirty;
class FloppyDrive
void clear()
m_phasePrecise = 0;
m_phase = 0;
m_lastStepperCycle = 0;
m_headWindow = 0;
m_spinning = 0;
m_writelight = 0;
float m_phasePrecise; // Phase precise to half a phase (aka quarter track)
int m_phase; // Integral phase number
unsigned __int64 m_lastStepperCycle;
BYTE m_headWindow;
DWORD m_spinning;
DWORD m_writelight;
FloppyDisk m_disk;
class Disk2InterfaceCard
virtual ~Disk2InterfaceCard(void){}
void Initialize(LPBYTE pCxRomPeripheral, UINT uSlot);
void Destroy(void); // no, doesn't "destroy" the disk image. DiskIIManagerShutdown()
void Boot(void);
void FlushCurrentTrack(const int drive);
LPCTSTR GetFullDiskFilename(const int drive);
LPCTSTR GetFullName(const int drive);
LPCTSTR GetBaseName(const int drive);
void GetLightStatus (Disk_Status_e* pDisk1Status, Disk_Status_e* pDisk2Status);
ImageError_e InsertDisk(const int drive, LPCTSTR pszImageFilename, const bool bForceWriteProtected, const bool bCreateIfNecessary);
void EjectDisk(const int drive);
bool IsConditionForFullSpeed(void);
void NotifyInvalidImage(const int drive, LPCTSTR pszImageFilename, const ImageError_e Error);
void Reset(const bool bIsPowerCycle=false);
bool GetProtect(const int drive);
void SetProtect(const int drive, const bool bWriteProtect);
int GetCurrentDrive(void);
int GetCurrentTrack(void);
float GetCurrentPhase(void);
int GetCurrentOffset(void);
BYTE GetCurrentLSSBitMask(void);
double GetCurrentExtraCycles(void);
int GetTrack(const int drive);
std::string GetCurrentTrackString(void);
std::string GetCurrentPhaseString(void);
LPCTSTR GetCurrentState(void);
bool UserSelectNewDiskImage(const int drive, LPCSTR pszFilename="");
void UpdateDriveState(DWORD cycles);
bool DriveSwap(void);
std::string GetSnapshotCardName(void);
void SaveSnapshot(class YamlSaveHelper& yamlSaveHelper);
bool LoadSnapshot(class YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper, UINT slot, UINT version);
void LoadLastDiskImage(const int drive);
void SaveLastDiskImage(const int drive);
bool IsDiskImageWriteProtected(const int drive);
bool IsDriveEmpty(const int drive);
bool GetEnhanceDisk(void);
void SetEnhanceDisk(bool bEnhanceDisk);
static BYTE __stdcall IORead(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nExecutedCycles);
static BYTE __stdcall IOWrite(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nExecutedCycles);
void ResetSwitches(void);
void CheckSpinning(const ULONG uExecutedCycles);
Disk_Status_e GetDriveLightStatus(const int drive);
bool IsDriveValid(const int drive);
void AllocTrack(const int drive);
void ReadTrack(const int drive, ULONG uExecutedCycles);
void RemoveDisk(const int drive);
void WriteTrack(const int drive);
LPCTSTR DiskGetFullPathName(const int drive);
void ResetLogicStateSequencer(void);
void UpdateBitStreamPositionAndDiskCycle(const ULONG uExecutedCycles);
UINT GetBitCellDelta(const BYTE optimalBitTiming);
void UpdateBitStreamPosition(FloppyDisk& floppy, const ULONG bitCellDelta);
void UpdateBitStreamOffsets(FloppyDisk& floppy);
void DataLatchReadWOZ(WORD pc, WORD addr, UINT bitCellRemainder);
void DataLatchWriteWOZ(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE d, UINT bitCellRemainder);
void DumpSectorWOZ(FloppyDisk floppy);
void DumpTrackWOZ(FloppyDisk floppy);
void SaveSnapshotFloppy(YamlSaveHelper& yamlSaveHelper, UINT unit);
void SaveSnapshotDriveUnit(YamlSaveHelper& yamlSaveHelper, UINT unit);
bool LoadSnapshotFloppy(YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper, UINT unit, UINT version, std::vector<BYTE>& track);
bool LoadSnapshotDriveUnitv3(YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper, UINT unit, UINT version, std::vector<BYTE>& track);
bool LoadSnapshotDriveUnitv4(YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper, UINT unit, UINT version, std::vector<BYTE>& track);
void LoadSnapshotDriveUnit(YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper, UINT unit, UINT version);
void __stdcall ControlStepper(WORD, WORD address, BYTE, BYTE, ULONG uExecutedCycles);
void __stdcall ControlMotor(WORD, WORD address, BYTE, BYTE, ULONG uExecutedCycles);
void __stdcall Enable(WORD, WORD address, BYTE, BYTE, ULONG uExecutedCycles);
void __stdcall ReadWrite(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG uExecutedCycles);
void __stdcall DataLatchReadWriteWOZ(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG uExecutedCycles);
void __stdcall LoadWriteProtect(WORD, WORD, BYTE write, BYTE value, ULONG);
void __stdcall SetReadMode(WORD, WORD, BYTE, BYTE, ULONG);
void __stdcall SetWriteMode(WORD, WORD, BYTE, BYTE, ULONG uExecutedCycles);
bool LogWriteCheckSyncFF(ULONG& uCycleDelta);
WORD m_currDrive;
FloppyDrive m_floppyDrive[NUM_DRIVES];
BYTE m_floppyLatch;
BOOL m_floppyMotorOn;
BOOL m_floppyLoadMode; // for efficiency this is not used; it's extremely unlikely to affect emulation (nickw)
BOOL m_floppyWriteMode;
// Although the magnets are a property of the drive, their state is a property of the controller card,
// since the magnets will only be on for whichever of the 2 drives is currently selected.
WORD m_magnetStates; // state bits for stepper motor magnet states (phases 0 - 3)
bool m_saveDiskImage;
UINT m_slot;
unsigned __int64 m_diskLastCycle;
unsigned __int64 m_diskLastReadLatchCycle;
FormatTrack m_formatTrack;
bool m_enhanceDisk;
static const UINT SPINNING_CYCLES = 1000*1000; // 1M cycles = ~1.000s
static const UINT WRITELIGHT_CYCLES = 1000*1000; // 1M cycles = ~1.000s
// Logic State Sequencer (for WOZ):
BYTE m_shiftReg;
int m_latchDelay;
bool m_resetSequencer;
UINT m_dbgLatchDelayedCnt;
// Debug:
bool m_bLogDisk_NibblesRW; // From VS Debugger, change this to true/false during runtime for precise nibble logging
UINT64 m_uWriteLastCycle;
UINT m_uSyncFFCount;