2018-05-02 18:57:47 +01:00
namespace BetterJoyForCemu {
partial class MainForm {
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System . ComponentModel . IContainer components = null ;
/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
protected override void Dispose ( bool disposing ) {
if ( disposing & & ( components ! = null ) ) {
components . Dispose ( ) ;
base . Dispose ( disposing ) ;
#region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeComponent ( ) {
2019-10-21 20:27:08 +01:00
this . components = new System . ComponentModel . Container ( ) ;
System . ComponentModel . ComponentResourceManager resources = new System . ComponentModel . ComponentResourceManager ( typeof ( MainForm ) ) ;
this . console = new System . Windows . Forms . TextBox ( ) ;
this . console_lbl = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . notifyIcon = new System . Windows . Forms . NotifyIcon ( this . components ) ;
this . contextMenu = new System . Windows . Forms . ContextMenuStrip ( this . components ) ;
this . exitToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . version_lbl = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . passiveScanBox = new System . Windows . Forms . CheckBox ( ) ;
this . donationLink = new System . Windows . Forms . LinkLabel ( ) ;
this . conCntrls = new System . Windows . Forms . GroupBox ( ) ;
this . loc4 = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
this . loc3 = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
this . loc2 = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
this . loc1 = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
this . con4 = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
this . con3 = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
this . con2 = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
this . con1 = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
this . btnTip = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolTip ( this . components ) ;
this . foldLbl = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . startInTrayBox = new System . Windows . Forms . CheckBox ( ) ;
this . btn_open3rdP = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
this . groupBox1 = new System . Windows . Forms . GroupBox ( ) ;
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this . settingsTable = new System . Windows . Forms . TableLayoutPanel ( ) ;
2019-10-21 20:27:08 +01:00
this . rightPanel = new System . Windows . Forms . Panel ( ) ;
2020-01-18 13:47:18 +00:00
this . settingsApply = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
2019-10-21 20:27:08 +01:00
this . AutoCalibrate = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
this . contextMenu . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . conCntrls . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . groupBox1 . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . rightPanel . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
// console
this . console . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 12 , 132 ) ;
this . console . Multiline = true ;
this . console . Name = "console" ;
this . console . ReadOnly = true ;
this . console . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 262 , 100 ) ;
this . console . TabIndex = 2 ;
// console_lbl
this . console_lbl . AutoSize = true ;
this . console_lbl . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 9 , 116 ) ;
this . console_lbl . Name = "console_lbl" ;
this . console_lbl . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 80 , 13 ) ;
this . console_lbl . TabIndex = 1 ;
this . console_lbl . Text = "Console Output" ;
this . console_lbl . TextAlign = System . Drawing . ContentAlignment . TopCenter ;
// notifyIcon
this . notifyIcon . BalloonTipText = "Double click the tray icon to maximise" ;
this . notifyIcon . BalloonTipTitle = "BetterJoyForCemu" ;
this . notifyIcon . ContextMenuStrip = this . contextMenu ;
this . notifyIcon . Icon = ( ( System . Drawing . Icon ) ( resources . GetObject ( "notifyIcon.Icon" ) ) ) ;
this . notifyIcon . Text = "BetterJoyForCemu" ;
this . notifyIcon . Visible = true ;
this . notifyIcon . MouseDoubleClick + = new System . Windows . Forms . MouseEventHandler ( this . notifyIcon_MouseDoubleClick ) ;
// contextMenu
this . contextMenu . ImageScalingSize = new System . Drawing . Size ( 24 , 24 ) ;
this . contextMenu . Items . AddRange ( new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripItem [ ] {
2018-05-02 18:57:47 +01:00
this . exitToolStripMenuItem } ) ;
2019-10-21 20:27:08 +01:00
this . contextMenu . Name = "contextMenu" ;
this . contextMenu . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 94 , 26 ) ;
// exitToolStripMenuItem
this . exitToolStripMenuItem . Name = "exitToolStripMenuItem" ;
this . exitToolStripMenuItem . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 93 , 22 ) ;
this . exitToolStripMenuItem . Text = "Exit" ;
this . exitToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . exitToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// version_lbl
this . version_lbl . AutoSize = true ;
this . version_lbl . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 246 , 239 ) ;
this . version_lbl . Name = "version_lbl" ;
this . version_lbl . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 28 , 13 ) ;
this . version_lbl . TabIndex = 2 ;
this . version_lbl . Text = "v6.0" ;
// passiveScanBox
this . passiveScanBox . AutoSize = true ;
this . passiveScanBox . Checked = true ;
this . passiveScanBox . CheckState = System . Windows . Forms . CheckState . Checked ;
this . passiveScanBox . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 12 , 238 ) ;
this . passiveScanBox . Name = "passiveScanBox" ;
this . passiveScanBox . RightToLeft = System . Windows . Forms . RightToLeft . Yes ;
this . passiveScanBox . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 91 , 17 ) ;
this . passiveScanBox . TabIndex = 4 ;
this . passiveScanBox . Text = "Passive Scan" ;
this . passiveScanBox . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . passiveScanBox . CheckedChanged + = new System . EventHandler ( this . passiveScanBox_CheckedChanged ) ;
// donationLink
this . donationLink . AutoSize = true ;
this . donationLink . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 196 , 239 ) ;
this . donationLink . Name = "donationLink" ;
this . donationLink . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 42 , 13 ) ;
this . donationLink . TabIndex = 5 ;
this . donationLink . TabStop = true ;
this . donationLink . Text = "Donate" ;
this . donationLink . LinkClicked + = new System . Windows . Forms . LinkLabelLinkClickedEventHandler ( this . linkLabel1_LinkClicked ) ;
// conCntrls
this . conCntrls . Controls . Add ( this . loc4 ) ;
this . conCntrls . Controls . Add ( this . loc3 ) ;
this . conCntrls . Controls . Add ( this . loc2 ) ;
this . conCntrls . Controls . Add ( this . loc1 ) ;
this . conCntrls . Controls . Add ( this . con4 ) ;
this . conCntrls . Controls . Add ( this . con3 ) ;
this . conCntrls . Controls . Add ( this . con2 ) ;
this . conCntrls . Controls . Add ( this . con1 ) ;
this . conCntrls . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 12 , 12 ) ;
this . conCntrls . Name = "conCntrls" ;
this . conCntrls . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 262 , 100 ) ;
this . conCntrls . TabIndex = 0 ;
this . conCntrls . TabStop = false ;
this . conCntrls . Text = "Connected Controllers" ;
// loc4
this . loc4 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 198 , 80 ) ;
this . loc4 . Name = "loc4" ;
this . loc4 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 58 , 20 ) ;
this . loc4 . TabIndex = 7 ;
this . loc4 . Text = "Locate" ;
this . loc4 . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
// loc3
this . loc3 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 134 , 80 ) ;
this . loc3 . Name = "loc3" ;
this . loc3 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 58 , 20 ) ;
this . loc3 . TabIndex = 6 ;
this . loc3 . Text = "Locate" ;
this . loc3 . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
// loc2
this . loc2 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 70 , 80 ) ;
this . loc2 . Name = "loc2" ;
this . loc2 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 58 , 20 ) ;
this . loc2 . TabIndex = 5 ;
this . loc2 . Text = "Locate" ;
this . loc2 . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
// loc1
this . loc1 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 6 , 80 ) ;
this . loc1 . Name = "loc1" ;
this . loc1 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 58 , 20 ) ;
this . loc1 . TabIndex = 4 ;
this . loc1 . Text = "Locate" ;
this . loc1 . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
// con4
this . con4 . BackgroundImage = global :: BetterJoyForCemu . Properties . Resources . cross ;
this . con4 . BackgroundImageLayout = System . Windows . Forms . ImageLayout . Stretch ;
this . con4 . Enabled = false ;
this . con4 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 198 , 20 ) ;
this . con4 . Name = "con4" ;
this . con4 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 58 , 59 ) ;
this . con4 . TabIndex = 3 ;
this . con4 . TabStop = false ;
this . con4 . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
// con3
this . con3 . BackgroundImage = global :: BetterJoyForCemu . Properties . Resources . cross ;
this . con3 . BackgroundImageLayout = System . Windows . Forms . ImageLayout . Stretch ;
this . con3 . Enabled = false ;
this . con3 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 134 , 20 ) ;
this . con3 . Name = "con3" ;
this . con3 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 58 , 59 ) ;
this . con3 . TabIndex = 2 ;
this . con3 . TabStop = false ;
this . con3 . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
// con2
this . con2 . BackgroundImage = global :: BetterJoyForCemu . Properties . Resources . cross ;
this . con2 . BackgroundImageLayout = System . Windows . Forms . ImageLayout . Stretch ;
this . con2 . Enabled = false ;
this . con2 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 70 , 20 ) ;
this . con2 . Name = "con2" ;
this . con2 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 58 , 59 ) ;
this . con2 . TabIndex = 1 ;
this . con2 . TabStop = false ;
this . con2 . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
// con1
this . con1 . BackgroundImage = global :: BetterJoyForCemu . Properties . Resources . cross ;
this . con1 . BackgroundImageLayout = System . Windows . Forms . ImageLayout . Stretch ;
this . con1 . Enabled = false ;
this . con1 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 6 , 20 ) ;
this . con1 . Name = "con1" ;
this . con1 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 58 , 59 ) ;
this . con1 . TabIndex = 0 ;
this . con1 . TabStop = false ;
this . btnTip . SetToolTip ( this . con1 , "Click on Joycons to join/split them" ) ;
this . con1 . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
// foldLbl
this . foldLbl . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 274 , 20 ) ;
this . foldLbl . Margin = new System . Windows . Forms . Padding ( 3 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
this . foldLbl . Name = "foldLbl" ;
this . foldLbl . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 13 , 231 ) ;
this . foldLbl . TabIndex = 12 ;
this . foldLbl . Text = ">" ;
this . foldLbl . TextAlign = System . Drawing . ContentAlignment . MiddleCenter ;
this . btnTip . SetToolTip ( this . foldLbl , "Config" ) ;
this . foldLbl . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . foldLbl_Click ) ;
// startInTrayBox
this . startInTrayBox . AutoSize = true ;
this . startInTrayBox . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 107 , 238 ) ;
this . startInTrayBox . Name = "startInTrayBox" ;
this . startInTrayBox . RightToLeft = System . Windows . Forms . RightToLeft . Yes ;
this . startInTrayBox . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 83 , 17 ) ;
this . startInTrayBox . TabIndex = 6 ;
this . startInTrayBox . Text = "Start in Tray" ;
this . startInTrayBox . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . startInTrayBox . CheckedChanged + = new System . EventHandler ( this . startInTrayBox_CheckedChanged ) ;
// btn_open3rdP
this . btn_open3rdP . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 188 , 112 ) ;
this . btn_open3rdP . Name = "btn_open3rdP" ;
this . btn_open3rdP . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 86 , 20 ) ;
this . btn_open3rdP . TabIndex = 7 ;
this . btn_open3rdP . Text = "Add Controllers" ;
this . btn_open3rdP . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . btn_open3rdP . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . btn_open3rdP_Click ) ;
// groupBox1
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this . groupBox1 . Controls . Add ( this . settingsTable ) ;
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this . groupBox1 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 3 , 11 ) ;
this . groupBox1 . Margin = new System . Windows . Forms . Padding ( 2 ) ;
this . groupBox1 . Name = "groupBox1" ;
this . groupBox1 . Padding = new System . Windows . Forms . Padding ( 2 ) ;
this . groupBox1 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 227 , 242 ) ;
this . groupBox1 . TabIndex = 9 ;
this . groupBox1 . TabStop = false ;
this . groupBox1 . Text = "Config" ;
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// settingsTable
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2020-01-18 13:47:18 +00:00
this . settingsTable . Anchor = ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles ) ( ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Top | System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Left )
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| System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Right ) ) ) ;
2020-01-18 13:47:18 +00:00
this . settingsTable . AutoScroll = true ;
this . settingsTable . ColumnCount = 2 ;
this . settingsTable . ColumnStyles . Add ( new System . Windows . Forms . ColumnStyle ( System . Windows . Forms . SizeType . Percent , 58.90411F ) ) ;
this . settingsTable . ColumnStyles . Add ( new System . Windows . Forms . ColumnStyle ( System . Windows . Forms . SizeType . Percent , 41.09589F ) ) ;
this . settingsTable . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 4 , 17 ) ;
this . settingsTable . Margin = new System . Windows . Forms . Padding ( 2 ) ;
this . settingsTable . Name = "settingsTable" ;
this . settingsTable . RowCount = 1 ;
this . settingsTable . RowStyles . Add ( new System . Windows . Forms . RowStyle ( ) ) ;
this . settingsTable . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 219 , 219 ) ;
this . settingsTable . TabIndex = 1 ;
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// rightPanel
2020-01-18 13:47:18 +00:00
this . rightPanel . Controls . Add ( this . settingsApply ) ;
2019-10-21 20:27:08 +01:00
this . rightPanel . Controls . Add ( this . groupBox1 ) ;
this . rightPanel . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 289 , 1 ) ;
this . rightPanel . Margin = new System . Windows . Forms . Padding ( 2 , 2 , 12 , 2 ) ;
this . rightPanel . Name = "rightPanel" ;
this . rightPanel . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 231 , 273 ) ;
this . rightPanel . TabIndex = 11 ;
this . rightPanel . Visible = false ;
2020-01-18 13:47:18 +00:00
// settingsApply
2019-10-21 20:27:08 +01:00
2020-01-18 13:47:18 +00:00
this . settingsApply . Anchor = ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles ) ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Bottom | System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Right ) ) ) ;
this . settingsApply . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 8F , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Regular , System . Drawing . GraphicsUnit . Point , ( ( byte ) ( 0 ) ) ) ;
this . settingsApply . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 165 , 252 ) ;
this . settingsApply . Margin = new System . Windows . Forms . Padding ( 2 ) ;
this . settingsApply . Name = "settingsApply" ;
this . settingsApply . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 61 , 21 ) ;
this . settingsApply . TabIndex = 10 ;
this . settingsApply . Text = "Apply" ;
this . settingsApply . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . settingsApply . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . settingsApply_Click ) ;
2019-10-21 20:27:08 +01:00
// AutoCalibrate
this . AutoCalibrate . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 111 , 112 ) ;
this . AutoCalibrate . Name = "AutoCalibrate" ;
this . AutoCalibrate . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 71 , 20 ) ;
this . AutoCalibrate . TabIndex = 8 ;
this . AutoCalibrate . Text = "Calibrate" ;
this . AutoCalibrate . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . AutoCalibrate . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . StartCalibrate ) ;
// MainForm
this . AutoScaleDimensions = new System . Drawing . SizeF ( 6F , 13F ) ;
this . AutoScaleMode = System . Windows . Forms . AutoScaleMode . Font ;
this . AutoSize = true ;
this . AutoSizeMode = System . Windows . Forms . AutoSizeMode . GrowAndShrink ;
this . ClientSize = new System . Drawing . Size ( 284 , 261 ) ;
this . Controls . Add ( this . foldLbl ) ;
this . Controls . Add ( this . rightPanel ) ;
this . Controls . Add ( this . AutoCalibrate ) ;
this . Controls . Add ( this . btn_open3rdP ) ;
this . Controls . Add ( this . startInTrayBox ) ;
this . Controls . Add ( this . conCntrls ) ;
this . Controls . Add ( this . donationLink ) ;
this . Controls . Add ( this . passiveScanBox ) ;
this . Controls . Add ( this . version_lbl ) ;
this . Controls . Add ( this . console_lbl ) ;
this . Controls . Add ( this . console ) ;
this . FormBorderStyle = System . Windows . Forms . FormBorderStyle . FixedSingle ;
this . Icon = ( ( System . Drawing . Icon ) ( resources . GetObject ( "$this.Icon" ) ) ) ;
this . MaximizeBox = false ;
this . Name = "MainForm" ;
this . Text = "BetterJoyForCemu" ;
this . FormClosing + = new System . Windows . Forms . FormClosingEventHandler ( this . MainForm_FormClosing ) ;
this . Load + = new System . EventHandler ( this . MainForm_Load ) ;
this . Resize + = new System . EventHandler ( this . MainForm_Resize ) ;
this . contextMenu . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . conCntrls . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . groupBox1 . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . rightPanel . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . PerformLayout ( ) ;
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public System . Windows . Forms . TextBox console ;
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private System . Windows . Forms . Label console_lbl ;
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private System . Windows . Forms . NotifyIcon notifyIcon ;
2019-01-24 18:28:49 +00:00
private System . Windows . Forms . Label version_lbl ;
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private System . Windows . Forms . ContextMenuStrip contextMenu ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem exitToolStripMenuItem ;
2018-07-16 22:03:51 +03:00
private System . Windows . Forms . CheckBox passiveScanBox ;
2019-10-21 20:27:08 +01:00
private System . Windows . Forms . LinkLabel donationLink ;
2018-08-22 12:52:41 +03:00
private System . Windows . Forms . GroupBox conCntrls ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Button con1 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Button con4 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Button con3 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Button con2 ;
2018-08-23 15:48:19 +03:00
private System . Windows . Forms . Button loc4 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Button loc3 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Button loc2 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Button loc1 ;
2018-08-23 16:36:55 +03:00
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolTip btnTip ;
2019-01-12 12:00:15 +00:00
private System . Windows . Forms . CheckBox startInTrayBox ;
2019-02-03 16:16:00 +00:00
private System . Windows . Forms . Button btn_open3rdP ;
2019-04-14 16:49:42 +01:00
private System . Windows . Forms . GroupBox groupBox1 ;
2020-01-18 13:47:18 +00:00
private System . Windows . Forms . TableLayoutPanel settingsTable ;
2019-04-15 14:03:18 +01:00
private System . Windows . Forms . Panel rightPanel ;
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private System . Windows . Forms . Button settingsApply ;
2019-04-15 14:03:18 +01:00
private System . Windows . Forms . Label foldLbl ;
2019-04-27 20:41:50 +08:00
private System . Windows . Forms . Button AutoCalibrate ;
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2018-05-02 18:57:47 +01:00