using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Timers; using System.Net.NetworkInformation; using System.Diagnostics; using static BetterJoyForCemu.HIDapi; using Nefarius.ViGEm.Client; using System.Net; using System.Configuration; using System.Net.Http; using System.IO; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.ServiceProcess; namespace BetterJoyForCemu { public class JoyconManager { public bool EnableIMU = true; public bool EnableLocalize = false; private const ushort vendor_id = 0x57e; private const ushort vendor_id_ = 0x057e; private const ushort product_l = 0x2006; private const ushort product_r = 0x2007; private const ushort product_pro = 0x2009; private const ushort product_snes = 0x2017; public List j; // Array of all connected Joy-Cons static JoyconManager instance; public MainForm form; System.Timers.Timer controllerCheck; public static JoyconManager Instance { get { return instance; } } public void Awake() { instance = this; j = new List(); HIDapi.hid_init(); } public void Start() { controllerCheck = new System.Timers.Timer(2000); // check for new controllers every 2 seconds controllerCheck.Elapsed += CheckForNewControllersTime; controllerCheck.Start(); } bool ControllerAlreadyAdded(string path) { foreach (Joycon v in j) if (v.path == path) return true; return false; } void CleanUp() { // removes dropped controllers from list List rem = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < j.Count; i++) { Joycon v = j[i]; if (v.state == Joycon.state_.DROPPED) { if (v.other != null) v.other.other = null; // The other of the other is the joycon itself v.Detach(); rem.Add(v); foreach (Button b in form.con) { if (b.Enabled & b.Tag == v) { b.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { b.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0x00, System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control); b.Enabled = false; b.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.cross; })); break; } } form.AppendTextBox("Removed dropped controller to list. Can be reconnected.\r\n"); } } foreach (Joycon v in rem) j.Remove(v); } void CheckForNewControllersTime(Object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) { if (Config.IntValue("ProgressiveScan") == 1) { CheckForNewControllers(); } } public void CheckForNewControllers() { CleanUp(); // move all code for initializing devices here and well as the initial code from Start() bool isLeft = false; IntPtr ptr = HIDapi.hid_enumerate(vendor_id, 0x0); IntPtr top_ptr = ptr; hid_device_info enumerate; // Add device to list bool foundNew = false; while (ptr != IntPtr.Zero) { enumerate = (hid_device_info)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(hid_device_info)); if (enumerate.serial_number == null) { ptr =; // can't believe it took me this long to figure out why USB connections used up so much CPU. // it was getting stuck in an inf loop here! continue; } if (form.nonOriginal) { enumerate.product_id = product_pro; } bool validController = (enumerate.product_id == product_l || enumerate.product_id == product_r || enumerate.product_id == product_pro || enumerate.product_id == product_snes); if (validController && !ControllerAlreadyAdded(enumerate.path)) { switch (enumerate.product_id) { case product_l: isLeft = true; form.AppendTextBox("Left Joy-Con connected.\r\n"); break; case product_r: isLeft = false; form.AppendTextBox("Right Joy-Con connected.\r\n"); break; case product_pro: isLeft = true; form.AppendTextBox("Pro controller connected.\r\n"); break; case product_snes: isLeft = true; form.AppendTextBox("SNES controller connected.\r\n"); break; default: form.AppendTextBox("Non Joy-Con Nintendo input device skipped.\r\n"); break; } // Add controller to block-list for HidGuardian if (Program.useHIDG) { HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(@"http://localhost:26762/api/v1/hidguardian/affected/add/"); string postData = @"hwids=HID\" + enumerate.path.Split('#')[1].ToUpper(); var data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData); request.Method = "POST"; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"; request.ContentLength = data.Length; using (var stream = request.GetRequestStream()) stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); try { var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); var responseString = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd(); } catch { form.AppendTextBox("Unable to add controller to block-list.\r\n"); } } // -------------------- // IntPtr handle = HIDapi.hid_open_path(enumerate.path); try { HIDapi.hid_set_nonblocking(handle, 1); } catch { form.AppendTextBox("Unable to open path to device - are you using the correct (64 vs 32-bit) version for your PC?\r\n"); break; } bool isPro = enumerate.product_id == product_pro; bool isSnes = enumerate.product_id == product_snes; j.Add(new Joycon(handle, EnableIMU, EnableLocalize & EnableIMU, 0.05f, isLeft, enumerate.path, enumerate.serial_number, j.Count, isPro, isSnes)); foundNew = true; j.Last().form = form; if (j.Count < 5) { int ii = -1; foreach (Button v in form.con) { ii++; if (!v.Enabled) { System.Drawing.Bitmap temp; switch (enumerate.product_id) { case (product_l): temp = Properties.Resources.jc_left_s; break; case (product_r): temp = Properties.Resources.jc_right_s; break; case (product_pro): temp =; break; case (product_snes): temp = Properties.Resources.snes; break; default: temp = Properties.Resources.cross; break; } v.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { v.Tag = j.Last(); // assign controller to button v.Enabled = true; v.Click += new EventHandler(form.conBtnClick); v.BackgroundImage = temp; })); form.loc[ii].Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { form.loc[ii].Tag = v; form.loc[ii].Click += new EventHandler(form.locBtnClick); })); break; } } } byte[] mac = new byte[6]; for (int n = 0; n < 6; n++) mac[n] = byte.Parse(enumerate.serial_number.Substring(n * 2, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); j[j.Count - 1].PadMacAddress = new PhysicalAddress(mac); } ptr =; } if (foundNew) { // attempt to auto join-up joycons on connection Joycon temp = null; foreach (Joycon v in j) { if (!v.isPro) { if (temp == null) temp = v; else if (temp.isLeft != v.isLeft && v.other == null) { temp.other = v; v.other = temp; //Set both Joycon LEDs to the one with the lowest ID byte led = temp.LED <= v.LED ? temp.LED : v.LED; temp.LED = led; v.LED = led; temp.SetPlayerLED(led); v.SetPlayerLED(led); if ( != null); if (temp.ds4 != null) temp.ds4.Disconnect(); = null; temp.ds4 = null; foreach (Button b in form.con) if (b.Tag == v || b.Tag == temp) { Joycon tt = (b.Tag == v) ? v : (b.Tag == temp) ? temp : v; b.BackgroundImage = tt.isLeft ? Properties.Resources.jc_left : Properties.Resources.jc_right; } temp = null; // repeat } } } } HIDapi.hid_free_enumeration(top_ptr); foreach (Joycon jc in j) { // Connect device straight away if (jc.state == Joycon.state_.NOT_ATTACHED) { if ( != null); if (jc.ds4 != null) jc.ds4.Connect(); jc.Attach(leds_: jc.LED); bool on = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None).AppSettings.Settings["HomeLEDOn"].Value.ToLower() == "true"; foreach (Joycon j in Program.mgr.j) { j.SetHomeLight(on); } jc.Begin(); if (form.nonOriginal) { jc.getActiveData(); } } } } public void Update() { for (int i = 0; i < j.Count; ++i) j[i].Update(); } public void OnApplicationQuit() { foreach (Joycon v in j) { v.Detach(); if ( != null) {; } if (v.ds4 != null) { v.ds4.Disconnect(); } } controllerCheck.Stop(); HIDapi.hid_exit(); } } // Custom timer class because system timers have a limit of 15.6ms class HighResTimer { double interval = 0; double frequency = 0; Thread thread; public delegate void ActionDelegate(); ActionDelegate func; bool run = false; public HighResTimer(double f, ActionDelegate a) { frequency = f; interval = 1.0 / f; func = a; } public void Start() { run = true; thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Run)); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); } void Run() { while (run) { func(); int timeToSleep = (int)(interval * 1000); Thread.Sleep(timeToSleep); } } public void Stop() { run = false; } } class Program { public static PhysicalAddress btMAC = new PhysicalAddress(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }); public static UdpServer server; static double pollsPerSecond = 120.0; public static ViGEmClient emClient; private static readonly HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); public static JoyconManager mgr; static HighResTimer timer; static string pid; static MainForm form; static public bool useHIDG = Boolean.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseHIDG"]); private static WindowsInput.Events.Sources.IKeyboardEventSource keyboard; private static WindowsInput.Events.Sources.IMouseEventSource mouse; public static void Start() { pid = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString(); // get current process id for HidCerberus.Srv if (useHIDG) { form.console.AppendText("HidGuardian is enabled.\r\n"); try { var HidCerberusService = new ServiceController("HidCerberus Service"); if (HidCerberusService.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped) { form.console.AppendText("HidGuardian was stopped. Starting...\r\n"); try { HidCerberusService.Start(); } catch (Exception e) { form.console.AppendText("Unable to start HidGuardian - everything should work fine without it, but if you need it, run the app again as an admin.\r\n"); useHIDG = false; } } } catch (Exception e) { form.console.AppendText("Unable to start HidGuardian - everything should work fine without it, but if you need it, install it properly as admin.\r\n"); useHIDG = false; } HttpWebResponse response; if (Boolean.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PurgeWhitelist"])) { try { response = (HttpWebResponse)WebRequest.Create(@"http://localhost:26762/api/v1/hidguardian/whitelist/purge/").GetResponse(); // remove all programs allowed to see controller } catch (Exception e) { form.console.AppendText("Unable to purge whitelist.\r\n"); useHIDG = false; } } try { response = (HttpWebResponse)WebRequest.Create(@"http://localhost:26762/api/v1/hidguardian/whitelist/add/" + pid).GetResponse(); // add BetterJoyForCemu to allowed processes } catch (Exception e) { form.console.AppendText("Unable to add program to whitelist.\r\n"); useHIDG = false; } } if (Boolean.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ShowAsXInput"]) || Boolean.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ShowAsDS4"])) { try { emClient = new ViGEmClient(); // Manages emulated XInput } catch (Nefarius.ViGEm.Client.Exceptions.VigemBusNotFoundException) { form.console.AppendText("Could not start VigemBus. Make sure drivers are installed correctly.\r\n"); } } foreach (NetworkInterface nic in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()) { // Get local BT host MAC if (nic.NetworkInterfaceType != NetworkInterfaceType.FastEthernetFx && nic.NetworkInterfaceType != NetworkInterfaceType.Wireless80211) { if (nic.Name.Split()[0] == "Bluetooth") { btMAC = nic.GetPhysicalAddress(); } } } mgr = new JoyconManager(); mgr.form = form; mgr.Awake(); mgr.CheckForNewControllers(); mgr.Start(); server = new UdpServer(mgr.j); server.form = form; server.Start(IPAddress.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IP"]), Int32.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Port"])); timer = new HighResTimer(pollsPerSecond, new HighResTimer.ActionDelegate(mgr.Update)); timer.Start(); // Capture keyboard + mouse events for binding's sake keyboard = WindowsInput.Capture.Global.KeyboardAsync(); keyboard.KeyEvent += Keyboard_KeyEvent; mouse = WindowsInput.Capture.Global.MouseAsync(); mouse.MouseEvent += Mouse_MouseEvent; form.console.AppendText("All systems go\r\n"); } private static void Mouse_MouseEvent(object sender, WindowsInput.Events.Sources.EventSourceEventArgs e) { if (e.Data.ButtonDown != null) { string res_val = Config.Value("reset_mouse"); if (res_val.StartsWith("mse_")) if ((int)e.Data.ButtonDown.Button == Int32.Parse(res_val.Substring(4))) WindowsInput.Simulate.Events().MoveTo(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 2).Invoke(); res_val = Config.Value("active_gyro"); if (res_val.StartsWith("mse_")) if ((int)e.Data.ButtonDown.Button == Int32.Parse(res_val.Substring(4))) foreach (var i in mgr.j) i.active_gyro = true; } if (e.Data.ButtonUp != null) { string res_val = Config.Value("active_gyro"); if (res_val.StartsWith("mse_")) if ((int)e.Data.ButtonUp.Button == Int32.Parse(res_val.Substring(4))) foreach (var i in mgr.j) i.active_gyro = false; } } private static void Keyboard_KeyEvent(object sender, WindowsInput.Events.Sources.EventSourceEventArgs e) { if (e.Data.KeyDown != null) { string res_val = Config.Value("reset_mouse"); if (res_val.StartsWith("key_")) if ((int)e.Data.KeyDown.Key == Int32.Parse(res_val.Substring(4))) WindowsInput.Simulate.Events().MoveTo(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 2).Invoke(); res_val = Config.Value("active_gyro"); if (res_val.StartsWith("key_")) if ((int)e.Data.KeyDown.Key == Int32.Parse(res_val.Substring(4))) foreach (var i in mgr.j) i.active_gyro = true; } if (e.Data.KeyUp != null) { string res_val = Config.Value("active_gyro"); if (res_val.StartsWith("key_")) if ((int)e.Data.KeyUp.Key == Int32.Parse(res_val.Substring(4))) foreach (var i in mgr.j) i.active_gyro = false; } } public static void Stop() { if (Program.useHIDG) { try { HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)WebRequest.Create(@"http://localhost:26762/api/v1/hidguardian/whitelist/remove/" + pid).GetResponse(); } catch (Exception e) { form.console.AppendText("Unable to remove program from whitelist.\r\n"); } } if (Boolean.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PurgeAffectedDevices"]) && Program.useHIDG) { try { HttpWebResponse r1 = (HttpWebResponse)WebRequest.Create(@"http://localhost:26762/api/v1/hidguardian/affected/purge/").GetResponse(); } catch { } } keyboard.Dispose(); mouse.Dispose(); server.Stop(); timer.Stop(); mgr.OnApplicationQuit(); } static void Main(string[] args) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); form = new MainForm(); Application.Run(form); } } }