Documented more mode 7 code for rareware logo.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 122 additions and 122 deletions
@ -1894,16 +1894,16 @@ init_rareware_logo:
LDA #$0000 ;$809293 | |
LDY #$0800 ;$809296 | |
JSL DMA_to_VRAM ;$809299 |/ DMA the payload
LDX #DATA_F5325B ;$80929D |\ Todo: something with the sparkles
LDX #DATA_F5325B ;$80929D |\ Decompress the Nintendo presents logo
LDY.w #DATA_F5325B>>16 ;$8092A0 | |
LDA #$0000 ;$8092A3 | |
JSL decompress_data ;$8092A6 | |
LDX #DATA_EB2B84 ;$8092AA | |
LDY.w #DATA_EB2B84>>16 ;$8092AD | |
JSL decompress_data ;$8092A6 |/
LDX #DATA_EB2B84 ;$8092AA |\ Decompress tilemap for Nintendo presents sparkles
LDY.w #DATA_EB2B84>>16 ;$8092AD | | (This overwrites the Nintendo presents logo)
LDA #$0000 ;$8092B0 | |
JSL decompress_data ;$8092B3 | |
LDX #DATA_F5325B ;$8092B7 | |
LDY.w #DATA_F5325B>>16 ;$8092BA | |
JSL decompress_data ;$8092B3 |/
LDX #DATA_F5325B ;$8092B7 |\ Redecompress the Nintendo presents logo
LDY.w #DATA_F5325B>>16 ;$8092BA | | This time Decompress over the Sparkles
LDA #$0500 ;$8092BD | |
JSL decompress_data ;$8092C0 |/
LDA #$000F ;$8092C4 |\ Set the screen brightness mirror to full brightness
@ -2011,7 +2011,7 @@ run_rareware_logo: ; \
LDA $2A ;$8093E8 |\ Check if the frame count is less than $E0
CMP #$00E0 ;$8093EA | |
BCC .skip_mode_7_update ;$8093ED |/ If so, skip mode 7 updates
JSL CODE_80B15E ;$8093EF | Run mode 7 update.
JSL update_mode_7 ;$8093EF | Run mode 7 update.
.skip_mode_7_update ; |
LDA $2A ;$8093F3 |\ If the frame count is not exactly $E0
CMP #$00E0 ;$8093F5 | |
@ -2027,71 +2027,71 @@ run_rareware_logo: ; \
STA $212C ;$809411 |/
REP #$20 ;$809414 |
.skip_mode_7_enable ; |
LDA $2A ;$809416 |\
LDA $2A ;$809416 |\ If the frame count is not exactly $0110
CMP #$0110 ;$809418 | |
BNE CODE_809430 ;$80941B |/
BNE CODE_809430 ;$80941B |/ Skip uploading the first half of Nintendo Presents
LDA #$4000 ;$80941D |\ Set VRAM address to $8000
STA $2116 ;$809420 |/
LDX #$007F ;$809423 |\
LDA #$0500 ;$809426 | |
LDX #$007F ;$809423 |\ Upload $1440 bytes from $7F0500 to VRAM address $8000
LDA #$0500 ;$809426 | | The first half of tiledata for the Nintendo Presents
LDY #$1440 ;$809429 | |
JSL DMA_to_VRAM ;$80942C |/
CODE_809430: ; |
LDA $2A ;$809430 |\
LDA $2A ;$809430 |\ If the frame count is not exactly $0111
CMP #$0111 ;$809432 | |
BNE CODE_809458 ;$809435 |/
BNE CODE_809458 ;$809435 |/ Skip uploading the second half of Nintendo Presents
LDA #$4A20 ;$809437 |\ Set VRAM address to $9440
STA $2116 ;$80943A |/
LDX #$007F ;$80943D |\
LDA #$1940 ;$809440 | |
LDX #$007F ;$80943D |\ Upload $1440 bytes from $7F1940 to VRAM address $9440
LDA #$1940 ;$809440 | | The second half of tiledata for the Nintendo Presents
LDY #$1440 ;$809443 | |
JSL DMA_to_VRAM ;$809446 |/
LDA #$0000 ;$80944A |
LDX #$001E ;$80944D |
CODE_809450: ; |
STA $7E8928,x ;$809450 |\
LDX #$001E ;$80944D | Number of bytes to clear minus 2
.clear_palette ; |
STA $7E8928,x ;$809450 |\ Clear palette
DEX ;$809454 | |
DEX ;$809455 | |
BNE CODE_809450 ;$809456 |/
BNE .clear_palette ;$809456 |/ Loop until all clear
CODE_809458: ; |
LDA $2A ;$809458 |\
LDA $2A ;$809458 |\ If the frame count is not exactly $0112
CMP #$0112 ;$80945A | |
BNE CODE_8094A0 ;$80945D |/
BNE CODE_8094A0 ;$80945D |/ Skip uploading the sparkle tilemap
LDA #$3000 ;$80945F |\ Set VRAM address to $6000
STA $2116 ;$809462 |/
LDX #$007F ;$809465 |\
LDA #$0000 ;$809468 | |
LDX #$007F ;$809465 |\ Upload $500 bytes from $7F0000 to VRAM address $6000
LDA #$0000 ;$809468 | | The source is the tiledata for the sparkles
LDY #$0500 ;$80946B | |
JSL DMA_to_VRAM ;$80946E |/
JSL DMA_to_VRAM ;$80946E |/ DMA the payload
SEP #$20 ;$809472 |
LDA #$01 ;$809474 |\ Use mode 1 for $97 scanlines
STA $7E8013 ;$809476 | |
STA $7E8015 ;$80947A |/
LDA #$05 ;$80947E |\
LDA #$05 ;$80947E |\ Use mode 5 for the remainder of the screen
STA $7E8017 ;$809480 |/
LDA #$21 ;$809484 |
STA $7E8023 ;$809486 |
STA $7E8025 ;$80948A |
LDA #$04 ;$80948E |
STA $7E8033 ;$809490 |
STA $7E8035 ;$809494 |
LDA #$00 ;$809498 |
STA $7E8027 ;$80949A |
LDA #$21 ;$809484 |\ Enable color math on layer 1 and backgroup
STA $7E8023 ;$809486 | |
STA $7E8025 ;$80948A |/
LDA #$04 ;$80948E |\ Place layer 3 on the subscreen
STA $7E8033 ;$809490 | |
STA $7E8035 ;$809494 |/
LDA #$00 ;$809498 |\ Terminate color math HDMA
STA $7E8027 ;$80949A |/
REP #$20 ;$80949E |
CODE_8094A0: ; |
SEP #$20 ;$8094A0 |
LDA $098F ;$8094A2 |
STA $2111 ;$8094A5 |
STZ $2111 ;$8094A8 |
LDA $0991 ;$8094AB |
STA $2112 ;$8094AE |
STZ $2112 ;$8094B1 |
LDA $0512 ;$8094B4 |
STA $2100 ;$8094B7 |
LDA $098F ;$8094A2 |\ Set Layer 3 X position
STA $2111 ;$8094A5 | |
STZ $2111 ;$8094A8 |/
LDA $0991 ;$8094AB |\ Set Layer 3 Y position
STA $2112 ;$8094AE | |
STZ $2112 ;$8094B1 |/
LDA $0512 ;$8094B4 |\ Set screen brightness
STA $2100 ;$8094B7 |/
REP #$20 ;$8094BA |
LDA $2A ;$8094BC |
SEC ;$8094BE |
SBC #$00E0 ;$8094BF |
LDA $2A ;$8094BC |\ Subtract $E0 from the frame counter
SEC ;$8094BE | | This results in frame counter relative to mode 7 start
SBC #$00E0 ;$8094BF |/
CMP #$002F ;$8094C2 |
BCS CODE_8094DC ;$8094C5 |
BIT #$0020 ;$8094C7 |
@ -5267,69 +5267,69 @@ CODE_80B13E:
REP #$20 ;$80B15B |
RTS ;$80B15D /
SEP #$30 ;$80B15E \
JSR CODE_80B18E ;$80B160 |
LDA $86 ;$80B163 |
STA $211B ;$80B165 |
LDA $87 ;$80B168 |
STA $211B ;$80B16A |
LDA $82 ;$80B16D |
STA $211C ;$80B16F |
LDA $83 ;$80B172 |
STA $211C ;$80B174 |
LDA $80 ;$80B177 |
STA $211D ;$80B179 |
LDA $81 ;$80B17C |
STA $211D ;$80B17E |
LDA $7E ;$80B181 |
STA $211E ;$80B183 |
LDA $7F ;$80B186 |
STA $211E ;$80B188 |
JSR .scale_and_rotate ;$80B160 | Apply scale and rotation transformations
LDA $86 ;$80B163 |\ Write mode 7 matrix A parameter
STA $211B ;$80B165 | |
LDA $87 ;$80B168 | |
STA $211B ;$80B16A |/
LDA $82 ;$80B16D |\ Write mode 7 matrix B parameter
STA $211C ;$80B16F | |
LDA $83 ;$80B172 | |
STA $211C ;$80B174 |/
LDA $80 ;$80B177 |\ Write mode 7 matrix C parameter
STA $211D ;$80B179 | |
LDA $81 ;$80B17C | |
STA $211D ;$80B17E |/
LDA $7E ;$80B181 |\ Write mode 7 matrix D parameter
STA $211E ;$80B183 | |
LDA $7F ;$80B186 | |
STA $211E ;$80B188 |/
REP #$30 ;$80B18B |
RTL ;$80B18D /
LDY $7C ;$80B18E \
LDX $7D ;$80B190 |
LDA $84 ;$80B192 |
JSR CODE_80B1EC ;$80B194 |
STY $86 ;$80B197 |
STX $87 ;$80B199 |
LDY $7C ;$80B19B |
LDX $7D ;$80B19D |
LDA $84 ;$80B19F |
JSR CODE_80B1CF ;$80B1A1 |
STY $82 ;$80B1A4 |
STX $83 ;$80B1A6 |
LDY $7A ;$80B1A8 |
LDX $7B ;$80B1AA |
LDA $84 ;$80B1AC |
JSR CODE_80B1CF ;$80B1AE |
TYA ;$80B1B1 |
EOR #$FF ;$80B1B2 |
STA $80 ;$80B1B4 |
TXA ;$80B1B6 |
EOR #$FF ;$80B1B7 |
STA $81 ;$80B1B9 |
INC $80 ;$80B1BB |
BNE CODE_80B1C1 ;$80B1BD |
INC $81 ;$80B1BF |
CODE_80B1C1: ; |
LDY $7A ;$80B1C1 |
LDX $7B ;$80B1C3 |
LDA $84 ;$80B1C5 |
JSR CODE_80B1EC ;$80B1C7 |
STY $7E ;$80B1CA |
STX $7F ;$80B1CC |
.scale_and_rotate ; \
LDY $7C ;$80B18E |\ Load horizontal scale
LDX $7D ;$80B190 |/
LDA $84 ;$80B192 | Load rotation amount
JSR .multiply_cos ;$80B194 | Multiply scale by the cos of the rotation amount
STY $86 ;$80B197 |\ Store mode 7 parameter A
STX $87 ;$80B199 |/
LDY $7C ;$80B19B |\ Load horizontal scale
LDX $7D ;$80B19D |/
LDA $84 ;$80B19F | Load rotation amount
JSR .multiply_sin ;$80B1A1 | Multiply scale by the sin of the rotation amount
STY $82 ;$80B1A4 |\ Store mode 7 parameter B
STX $83 ;$80B1A6 |/
LDY $7A ;$80B1A8 |\ Load vertical scale
LDX $7B ;$80B1AA |/
LDA $84 ;$80B1AC | Load rotation amount
JSR .multiply_sin ;$80B1AE | Multiply scale by the sin of the rotation amount
TYA ;$80B1B1 |\ Flip the sign of the parameter C and store
EOR #$FF ;$80B1B2 | |\ Xor the low and high byte with $FF to flip the sign
STA $80 ;$80B1B4 | | | Store the parameter low byte
TXA ;$80B1B6 | | |
EOR #$FF ;$80B1B7 | | | Store the parameter high byte
STA $81 ;$80B1B9 | |/
INC $80 ;$80B1BB | |\ Increment to finish sign flip
BNE .skip_negative_carry ;$80B1BD | | | Branch if the low byte wasn't overflowed
INC $81 ;$80B1BF | |/
.skip_negative_carry ; |/
LDY $7A ;$80B1C1 |\ Load vertical scale
LDX $7B ;$80B1C3 |/
LDA $84 ;$80B1C5 | Load rotation amount
JSR .multiply_cos ;$80B1C7 | Multiply scale by the cos of the rotation amount
STY $7E ;$80B1CA |\ Store mode 7 parameter D
STX $7F ;$80B1CC |/
RTS ;$80B1CE /
STY $211B ;$80B1CF \
STX $211B ;$80B1D2 |
JSR CODE_80B20C ;$80B1D5 |
BCS CODE_80B1EB ;$80B1D8 |
STA $211C ;$80B1DA |
.multiply_sin ; \
STY $211B ;$80B1CF |\ Store scale
STX $211B ;$80B1D2 |/
JSR .get_sin ;$80B1D5 |
BCS ..optimize_90_degrees ;$80B1D8 | If carry is set, rotation by 90 degrees (1), skip multiply
STA $211C ;$80B1DA | Store sin amount
LDA $2134 ;$80B1DD |
ASL A ;$80B1E0 |
LDA $2135 ;$80B1E1 |
@ -5338,14 +5338,14 @@ CODE_80B1CF:
LDA $2136 ;$80B1E6 |
ROL A ;$80B1E9 |
TAX ;$80B1EA |
CODE_80B1EB: ; |
RTS ;$80B1EB /
..optimize_90_degrees ; |
RTS ;$80B1EB / return scaled sin
STY $211B ;$80B1EC \
STX $211B ;$80B1EF |
JSR CODE_80B209 ;$80B1F2 |
BCS CODE_80B208 ;$80B1F5 |
.multiply_cos ; \
STY $211B ;$80B1EC |\
STX $211B ;$80B1EF |/
JSR .get_cos ;$80B1F2 |
BCS ..optimize_90_degress ;$80B1F5 | If carry is set, rotation by 90 degrees (1), skip multiply
STA $211C ;$80B1F7 |
LDA $2134 ;$80B1FA |
ASL A ;$80B1FD |
@ -5355,20 +5355,20 @@ CODE_80B1EC:
LDA $2136 ;$80B203 |
ROL A ;$80B206 |
TAX ;$80B207 |
CODE_80B208: ; |
RTS ;$80B208 /
..optimize_90_degress ; |
RTS ;$80B208 / return scaled cos
CLC ;$80B209 \
ADC #$40 ;$80B20A |
CODE_80B20C: ; |
CMP #$40 ;$80B20C |
BEQ CODE_80B216 ;$80B20E |
TAX ;$80B210 |
LDA.l DATA_80B217,x ;$80B211 |
CLC ;$80B215 |
CODE_80B216: ; |
RTS ;$80B216 /
.get_cos ; \
CLC ;$80B209 |\ Offset rotation amount to index cos instead of sin
ADC #$40 ;$80B20A |/ (Phase shift by 90 degrees)
.get_sin ; |
CMP #$40 ;$80B20C |\ If our rotation amount is #$40 (90 degrees)
BEQ ..optimize_90_degress ;$80B20E |/ Branch and optimize for quicker multiply
TAX ;$80B210 | Turn the rotation into an index
LDA.l DATA_80B217,x ;$80B211 | Preform sin/cos lookup
CLC ;$80B215 | Disable 90 degree optimization
..optimize_90_degress ; |
RTS ;$80B216 / Return with cos/sin
db $00, $03, $06, $09, $0C, $0F, $12, $15
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