Commented basic init and anti piracy routines

This commit is contained in:
p4plus2 2017-08-14 23:58:12 -04:00
parent 77b39ac86c
commit 357f0fcc92

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@ -120,13 +120,13 @@ DATA_808000:
db $00, $00, $69, $00, $00, $00, $69, $00
db $00, $00, $69, $00, $00, $00, $69, $00
db "Rareware"
db "A thief!"
TYA ;$8083D0 \
JSL CODE_BB80B0 ;$8083D1 |
LDA #DATA_FD258E ;$8083D5 |
@ -142,149 +142,149 @@ CODE_8083D0:
STP ;$8083F6 /
SEI ;$8083F7 \
LDA #$80 ;$8083F8 |
STA $2100 ;$8083FA |
LDA #$01 ;$8083FD |
STA $4200 ;$8083FF |
STA $420D ;$808402 |
DEC A ;$808405 |
STA $420C ;$808406 |
CLC ;$808409 |
XCE ;$80840A |
REP #$30 ;$80840B |
TDC ;$80840D |
ADC #$FFFF ;$80840E |
BEQ CODE_808416 ;$808411 |
BRL CODE_8084C1 ;$808413 /
SEI ;$8083F7 \ Disable interrupts
LDA #$80 ;$8083F8 |\ Enable F-Blank
STA $2100 ;$8083FA |/
LDA #$01 ;$8083FD |\ Enable autojoy and fastROM
STA $4200 ;$8083FF | |
STA $420D ;$808402 |/
DEC A ;$808405 |\ Disable HDMA
STA $420C ;$808406 |/
CLC ;$808409 |\ Disable emulation mode
XCE ;$80840A |/
REP #$30 ;$80840B |\ Anti piracy: Ensure dp is zero
TDC ;$80840D | | and the emulation flag was set
ADC #$FFFF ;$80840E | |
BEQ .anti_piracy_test ;$808411 |/
BRL .prepare_anti_piracy ;$808413 / Anti piracy triggered
TSX ;$808416 \
LDA #$83F6 ;$808417 |
CMP $FFFF,x ;$80841A |
BEQ CODE_80848B ;$80841D |
LDY #$1FFD ;$80841F |
SEP #$20 ;$808422 |
CODE_808424: ; |
LDA $0000,y ;$808424 |
CMP #$4C ;$808427 |
BEQ CODE_808459 ;$808429 |
CMP #$6C ;$80842B |
BEQ CODE_808467 ;$80842D |
CMP #$60 ;$80842F |
BEQ CODE_80847F ;$808431 |
CODE_808433: ; |
DEY ;$808433 |
BPL CODE_808424 ;$808434 |
REP #$20 ;$808436 |
LDA.l $B06000 ;$808438 |
INC A ;$80843C |
STA $B06000 ;$80843D |
CMP $B06000 ;$808441 |
BNE CODE_8084C1 ;$808445 |
DEC A ;$808447 |
STA $B06000 ;$808448 |
LDY #$003D ;$80844C |
LDA $213F ;$80844F |
AND #$0010 ;$808452 |
BNE CODE_8084C4 ;$808455 |
BRA CODE_8084D4 ;$808457 /
.anti_piracy_test ; \
TSX ;$808416 |\ Check if the reset vector was
LDA #RESET_start-1 ;$808417 | | the most recent popped value
CMP $FFFF,x ;$80841A | |
BEQ .check_for_false_positive ;$80841D |/
LDY #$1FFD ;$80841F | Load number of RAM bytes to scan
SEP #$20 ;$808422 | Use 8 bit to check each byte
.next_byte ; |
LDA $0000,y ;$808424 | Load byte to scan
CMP #$4C ;$808427 |\ Test for JMP $83F7 (reset vector)
BEQ .jmp_test ;$808429 |/
CMP #$6C ;$80842B |\ Test for JMP ($xxxx) (indirect reset vector)
BEQ .indirect_jmp_test ;$80842D |/
CMP #$60 ;$80842F |\ Test for #$60-#$7F being sequential
BEQ .sequential_test ;$808431 |/
.resume_scanning ; |
DEY ;$808433 |\ If not at the end of RAM continue scanning
BPL .next_byte ;$808434 |/
REP #$20 ;$808436 |\ Test that SRAM is present
LDA.l $B06000 ;$808438 | |
INC A ;$80843C | |
STA $B06000 ;$80843D | |
CMP $B06000 ;$808441 | |
BNE .prepare_anti_piracy ;$808445 |/ Otherwise trigger anti piracy
DEC A ;$808447 |\ Restore byte modified from SRAM test
STA $B06000 ;$808448 |/
LDY #$003D ;$80844C | Load wrong console message
LDA $213F ;$80844F |\ Verify the console is NTSC
AND #$0010 ;$808452 | |
BNE .prepare_message ;$808455 |/ Display wrong console message
BRA .final_piracy_test ;$808457 / Do the final piracy test
REP #$20 ;$808459 \
LDA $0001,y ;$80845B |
CMP #$83F7 ;$80845E |
BEQ CODE_80848B ;$808461 |
LDA $0001,y ;$80845B |\ Check if the operand was the reset vector
CMP #RESET_start ;$80845E | |
BEQ .check_for_false_positive ;$808461 |/
SEP #$20 ;$808463 |
BRA CODE_808433 ;$808465 /
BRA .resume_scanning ;$808465 / Continue scanning
REP #$20 ;$808467 \
LDX $0001,y ;$808469 |
BMI CODE_808473 ;$80846C |
CPX #$2000 ;$80846E |
BPL CODE_80847B ;$808471 |
CODE_808473: ; |
LDA $0000,x ;$808473 |
CMP #$83F7 ;$808476 |
BEQ CODE_80848B ;$808479 |
CODE_80847B: ; |
LDX $0001,y ;$808469 |\ Test if operand was ROM
BMI .address_rom ;$80846C |/
CPX #$2000 ;$80846E |\ Test if the operand was low RAM
BPL .invalid_address ;$808471 |/ Otherwise skip the indirect test
.address_rom ; |
LDA $0000,x ;$808473 |\ Check if the operand pointed to the reset vector
CMP #RESET_start ;$808476 | |
BEQ .check_for_false_positive ;$808479 |/
.invalid_address ; |
SEP #$20 ;$80847B |
BRA CODE_808433 ;$80847D /
BRA .resume_scanning ;$80847D / Continue scanning
TYX ;$80847F \
CODE_808480: ; |
CMP $0000,x ;$808480 |
BNE CODE_808433 ;$808483 |
INX ;$808485 |
INC A ;$808486 |
BPL CODE_808480 ;$808487 |
REP #$20 ;$808489 |
CODE_80848B: ; |
PHK ;$80848B |
PLB ;$80848C |
LDX #$0006 ;$80848D |
CODE_808490: ; |
LDA $0907,x ;$808490 |
CMP DATA_8083C0,x ;$808493 |
BNE CODE_80849E ;$808496 |
DEX ;$808498 |
DEX ;$808499 |
BPL CODE_808490 ;$80849A |
BRA CODE_8084E7 ;$80849C /
TYX ;$80847F \ X is used so to preserve Y if the test fails
.next_count ; |
CMP $0000,x ;$808480 |\ Scan for the sequential string of $60-$7F
BNE .resume_scanning ;$808483 | |
INX ;$808485 | |
INC A ;$808486 | |
BPL .next_count ;$808487 |/
REP #$20 ;$808489 | Fall through to final check
.check_for_false_positive ; |
PHK ;$80848B |\ Set current databank
PLB ;$80848C |/
LDX #$0006 ;$80848D | Load anti piracy test string length
- ; |
LDA $0907,x ;$808490 |\ Avoid false positive by checking if
CMP rare_string,x ;$808493 | | the anti piracy check was prior passed
BNE .write_piracy_string ;$808496 | | Otherwise jump and fail anti piracy check
DEX ;$808498 | |
DEX ;$808499 | |
BPL - ;$80849A |/
BRA .prepare_logo ;$80849C / Boot the game
LDX #$0006 ;$80849E \
LDY #$0004 ;$8084A1 |
CODE_8084A4: ; |
LDA DATA_8083C8,x ;$8084A4 |
STA $0907,x ;$8084A7 |
CMP.l $B06000,x ;$8084AA |
BNE CODE_8084B1 ;$8084AE |
DEY ;$8084B0 |
CODE_8084B1: ; |
STA $B06000,x ;$8084B1 |
DEX ;$8084B5 |
DEX ;$8084B6 |
BPL CODE_8084A4 ;$8084B7 |
TYA ;$8084B9 |
BEQ CODE_8084C1 ;$8084BA |
LDY #$003B ;$8084BC |
BRA CODE_8084C4 ;$8084BF /
LDX #$0006 ;$80849E \ Load anti piracy string length
LDY #$0004 ;$8084A1 | Load target iteration count
.write_next_byte ; |
LDA piracy_string,x ;$8084A4 |\ Load the current anti piracy byte
STA $0907,x ;$8084A7 | | Write the anti piracy byte in RAM
CMP.l $B06000,x ;$8084AA | |\ If the byte is already in SRAM decrease the
BNE + ;$8084AE | | | iteration count. If zero, the full string
DEY ;$8084B0 | |/ was already present.
+ ; | |
STA $B06000,x ;$8084B1 | | Write the anti piracy byte to SRAM
DEX ;$8084B5 | |\ Move anti piracy index
DEX ;$8084B6 | |/
BPL .write_next_byte ;$8084B7 |/ Continue writing until there are no more bytes
TYA ;$8084B9 |\ If the anti piracy failure string was already in SRAM
BEQ .prepare_anti_piracy ;$8084BA |/ Display the anti piracy message
LDY #$003B ;$8084BC | Otherwise load irregularity detected message
BRA .prepare_message ;$8084BF / Display the message
LDY #$003C ;$8084C1 \ Load anti piracy message
.prepare_message ; |
LDA #$0000 ;$8084C4 |\ Zero the direct page register
TCD ;$8084C7 |/
LDX #$01FF ;$8084C8 |\ Reset the stack register
TXS ;$8084CB |/
%return(display_error_message) ;$8084CC | Push address to decompress and display the message
%return(clear_vram) ;$8084CF | Push address for clearing vram
BRA initialize_registers ;$8084D2 / Initialize MMIO registers
LDY #$003C ;$8084C1 \
CODE_8084C4: ; |
LDA #$0000 ;$8084C4 |
TCD ;$8084C7 |
LDX #$01FF ;$8084C8 |
TXS ;$8084CB |
%return(CODE_8083D0) ;$8084CC |
%return(CODE_808591) ;$8084CF |
BRA CODE_8084F8 ;$8084D2 /
.final_piracy_test ; \
PHK ;$8084D4 |\ Set current databank
PLB ;$8084D5 |/
LDX #$0006 ;$8084D6 | Load anti piracy string length
- ; |
LDA $0907,x ;$8084D9 |\ Verify the anti piracy failure string is not in RAM
CMP piracy_string,x ;$8084DC | |
BNE .prepare_logo ;$8084DF | |
DEX ;$8084E1 | |
DEX ;$8084E2 | |
BPL - ;$8084E3 |/
BRA .prepare_anti_piracy ;$8084E5 / If the string was matched, display anti piracy message
PHK ;$8084D4 \
PLB ;$8084D5 |
LDX #$0006 ;$8084D6 |
CODE_8084D9: ; |
LDA $0907,x ;$8084D9 |
CMP DATA_8083C8,x ;$8084DC |
BNE CODE_8084E7 ;$8084DF |
DEX ;$8084E1 |
DEX ;$8084E2 |
BPL CODE_8084D9 ;$8084E3 |
BRA CODE_8084C1 ;$8084E5 /
LDA #$0000 ;$8084E7 \
STA $B06000 ;$8084EA |
LDX #$01FF ;$8084EE |
TXS ;$8084F1 |
%return(CODE_8085B9) ;$8084F2 |
%return(CODE_808591) ;$8084F5 |
CODE_8084F8: ; |
.prepare_logo ; \
LDA #$0000 ;$8084E7 |\ Clear first word of SRAM
STA $B06000 ;$8084EA |/
LDX #$01FF ;$8084EE |\ Reset the stack register
TXS ;$8084F1 |/
%return(CODE_8085B9) ;$8084F2 | Push address to run Rareware logo
%return(clear_vram) ;$8084F5 | Push address for clearing VRAM
initialize_registers: ; |
SEP #$30 ;$8084F8 |
LDX #$00 ;$8084FA |
CODE_8084FC: ; |
@ -348,14 +348,13 @@ CODE_80856D: ; |
RTS ;$80858A /
JSR CODE_8084F8 ;$80858B \
JSR initialize_registers ;$80858B \
RTL ;$80858E /
db $00, $00
STZ $2116 ;$808591 \
LDA #DATA_80858F ;$808594 |
STA $4302 ;$808597 |
@ -372,7 +371,7 @@ CODE_808591:
RTS ;$8085B4 /
JSR CODE_808591 ;$8085B5 \
JSR clear_vram ;$8085B5 \
RTL ;$8085B8 /
@ -389,7 +388,7 @@ CODE_8085B9:
PLB ;$8085D2 |
LDX #$0006 ;$8085D3 |
CODE_8085D6: ; |
LDA DATA_8083C0,x ;$8085D6 |
LDA rare_string,x ;$8085D6 |
STA $0907,x ;$8085D9 |
DEX ;$8085DC |
DEX ;$8085DD |
@ -1735,8 +1734,8 @@ CODE_8090DA:
JSR CODE_8090CD ;$8090DA \
LDA #$002C ;$8090DD |
STA $78 ;$8090E0 |
JSR CODE_8084F8 ;$8090E2 |
JSR CODE_808591 ;$8090E5 |
JSR initialize_registers ;$8090E2 |
JSR clear_vram ;$8090E5 |
STZ $2A ;$8090E8 |
LDA #$AA55 ;$8090EA |
STA $2E ;$8090ED |
@ -2498,7 +2497,7 @@ CODE_8097CD:
JSL CODE_BB91D9 ;$8097CD \
PHK ;$8097D1 |
PLB ;$8097D2 |
JSR CODE_808591 ;$8097D3 |
JSR clear_vram ;$8097D3 |
JSL CODE_80858B ;$8097D6 |
JSL CODE_808E6A ;$8097DA |
JSL CODE_8088AB ;$8097DE |
@ -3243,7 +3242,7 @@ CODE_809F85:
JSL CODE_BB91D9 ;$809F85 \
PHK ;$809F89 |
PLB ;$809F8A |
JSR CODE_808591 ;$809F8B |
JSR clear_vram ;$809F8B |
JSL CODE_80858B ;$809F8E |
JSL CODE_808E6A ;$809F92 |
JSL CODE_BB91F7 ;$809F96 |
@ -3918,7 +3917,7 @@ CODE_80A5F1:
JSL CODE_BB91D9 ;$80A5F1 \
PHK ;$80A5F5 |
PLB ;$80A5F6 |
JSR CODE_808591 ;$80A5F7 |
JSR clear_vram ;$80A5F7 |
JSL CODE_80858B ;$80A5FA |
JSL CODE_808E6A ;$80A5FE |
JSL CODE_8088AB ;$80A602 |
@ -5444,7 +5443,7 @@ CODE_80B3D7:
PLB ;$80B3DC |
STZ $099B ;$80B3DD |
STZ $060B ;$80B3E0 |
JSR CODE_808591 ;$80B3E3 |
JSR clear_vram ;$80B3E3 |
JSL CODE_80858B ;$80B3E6 |
JSL CODE_8088D2 ;$80B3EA |
JSL CODE_BB91F7 ;$80B3EE |
@ -5667,7 +5666,7 @@ CODE_80B560:
JSL CODE_BB91D9 ;$80B5FA \
JSL CODE_808591 ;$80B5FE |
JSL clear_vram ;$80B5FE |
JSL CODE_80858B ;$80B602 |
JSL CODE_BB91F7 ;$80B606 |
LDA #$0001 ;$80B60A |