Added a lot of comments and labels to SPC related code.

This commit is contained in:
p4plus2 2017-08-29 05:13:34 -07:00
parent bdbbb83330
commit 4fe7375ea9
2 changed files with 123 additions and 122 deletions

View file

@ -246,14 +246,14 @@ CODE_B5818D:
RTL ;$B58190 /
JSR CODE_B58213 ;$B58191 \
JSR CODE_B5828F ;$B58194 |
JSR upload_spc_base_engine ;$B58191 \
JSR upload_spc_sound_engine ;$B58194 |
JSR CODE_B582A9 ;$B58197 |
LDA #DATA_F2E730 ;$B5819A |
STA $32 ;$B5819D |
LDA.w #DATA_F2E730>>16 ;$B5819F |
STA $34 ;$B581A2 |
JSR CODE_B583FB ;$B581A4 |
JSR upload_inline_spc_block ;$B581A4 |
JSR CODE_B581AC ;$B581A7 |
RTS ;$B581AA /
@ -263,13 +263,14 @@ CODE_B581AC:
LDA #$0672 ;$B581AC \
STA $35 ;$B581AF |
STZ $37 ;$B581B1 |
JSR CODE_B5840D ;$B581B3 |
JSR upload_spc_block ;$B581B3 |
RTS ;$B581B6 /
LDA #$06E3 ;$B581B7 |
LDA #$06E3 ;$B581B7 \
STA $35 ;$B581BA |
STZ $37 ;$B581BC |
JSR CODE_B5840D ;$B581BE |
JSR upload_spc_block ;$B581BE |
RTS ;$B581C1 /
@ -325,44 +326,44 @@ CODE_B58202: ; |
REP #$30 ;$B58210 |
RTS ;$B58212 /
REP #$20 ;$B58213 \
SEP #$10 ;$B58215 |
LDA #$BBAA ;$B58217 |
CODE_B5821A: ; |
CMP $2140 ;$B5821A |
BNE CODE_B5821A ;$B5821D |
LDA #$04D8 ;$B5821F |
STA $2142 ;$B58222 |
LDA #$01CC ;$B58225 |
STA $2140 ;$B58228 |
TAX ;$B5822B |
CODE_B5822C: ; |
CPX $2140 ;$B5822C |
BNE CODE_B5822C ;$B5822F |
LDX #$00 ;$B58231 |
CODE_B58233: ; |
LDA.l DATA_EE0000,x ;$B58233 |
TAY ;$B58237 |
STY $2141 ;$B58238 |
STX $2140 ;$B5823B |
CODE_B5823E: ; |
CPX $2140 ;$B5823E |
BNE CODE_B5823E ;$B58241 |
INX ;$B58243 |
CPX #$88 ;$B58244 |
BNE CODE_B58233 ;$B58246 |
INX ;$B58248 |
TXA ;$B58249 |
STA $2140 ;$B5824A |
CODE_B5824D: ; |
CPX $2140 ;$B5824D |
BNE CODE_B5824D ;$B58250 |
STZ $00 ;$B58252 |
LDA #$0001 ;$B58254 |
STA $1E ;$B58257 |
SEP #$10 ;$B58215 | Use index as 8 bit, with 16 bit accumulator
LDA #$BBAA ;$B58217 | The IPL uses BBAA to indicate ready state
- ; |\ Wait for the SPC 700 to be ready
CMP $2140 ;$B5821A | |
BNE - ;$B5821D |/
LDA #$04D8 ;$B5821F |\ Set ARAM address for data transfer
STA $2142 ;$B58222 |/
LDA #$01CC ;$B58225 |\ Acknowledge the SPC-700 IPL and initiate a data transfer
STA $2140 ;$B58228 |/
TAX ;$B5822B | SPC echo is only a single byte, so use index registers
- ; |\ Wait for the SPC-700 to acknowledge the SNES CPU
CPX $2140 ;$B5822C | |
BNE - ;$B5822F |/
LDX #$00 ;$B58231 | Initialize the transfer counter
.next_byte ; |\
LDA.l spc_base_engine,x ;$B58233 | |\ Load and store the current engine byte
TAY ;$B58237 | | |
STY $2141 ;$B58238 | |/
STX $2140 ;$B5823B | | Store the transaction counter
- ; | |\ Wait for the SPC to echo the counter
CPX $2140 ;$B5823E | | |
BNE - ;$B58241 | |/
INX ;$B58243 | | Increment the counter
CPX #$88 ;$B58244 | | Compare against the engine size
BNE .next_byte ;$B58246 |/ If we haven't hit the engine size, load the next byte
INX ;$B58248 |\ Increment counter by two to end transfer
TXA ;$B58249 | | Use A to write the counter for 16 bit (high byte = 00)
STA $2140 ;$B5824A |/ Since the high byte is 00, It will execute the uploaded code
- ; |\ Wait for the SPC echo
CPX $2140 ;$B5824D | |
BNE - ;$B58250 |/
STZ $00 ;$B58252 | Reset the SPC transaction id
LDA #$0001 ;$B58254 |\ Default to mono audio
STA $1E ;$B58257 |/
REP #$30 ;$B58259 |
RTS ;$B5825B /
RTS ;$B5825B / All done, new SPC base engine set up.
LDA $1C ;$B5825C \
@ -377,7 +378,7 @@ CODE_B5825C:
STA $32 ;$B5826B |
LDA.l DATA_EE1088,x ;$B5826D |
STA $34 ;$B58271 |
JSR CODE_B583FB ;$B58273 |
JSR upload_inline_spc_block ;$B58273 |
RTS ;$B58276 /
@ -390,20 +391,20 @@ CODE_B58277:
STA $32 ;$B58283 |
LDA.l DATA_EE117D,x ;$B58285 |
STA $34 ;$B58289 |
JSR CODE_B583FB ;$B5828B |
JSR upload_inline_spc_block ;$B5828B |
RTS ;$B5828E /
REP #$30 ;$B5828F \
LDA #DATA_EE0088 ;$B58291 |
STA $32 ;$B58294 |
LDA.w #DATA_EE0088>>16 ;$B58296 |
STA $34 ;$B58299 |
LDA #$0560 ;$B5829B |
STA $35 ;$B5829E |
LDA #$067F ;$B582A0 |
STA $37 ;$B582A3 |
JSR CODE_B5840D ;$B582A5 |
LDA #spc_sound_engine ;$B58291 |\ Load a pointer to SPC sound engine
STA $32 ;$B58294 | |
LDA.w #spc_sound_engine>>16 ;$B58296 | |
STA $34 ;$B58299 |/
LDA #$0560 ;$B5829B |\ Set the ARAM destination
STA $35 ;$B5829E |/
LDA #$067F ;$B582A0 |\ Set the number of bytes to transfer
STA $37 ;$B582A3 |/
JSR upload_spc_block ;$B582A5 | Upload SPC block
RTS ;$B582A8 /
@ -492,7 +493,7 @@ CODE_B58333:
INC A ;$B58348 |
LSR A ;$B58349 |
STA $37 ;$B5834A |
JSR CODE_B5840D ;$B5834C |
JSR upload_spc_block ;$B5834C |
LDA #DATA_EE11F9 ;$B5834F |
STA $3E ;$B58352 |
LDA.w #DATA_EE11F9>>16 ;$B58354 |
@ -545,7 +546,7 @@ CODE_B583A1:
STA $35 ;$B583AE |
LDA #$0080 ;$B583B0 |
STA $37 ;$B583B3 |
JSR CODE_B5840D ;$B583B5 |
JSR upload_spc_block ;$B583B5 |
CODE_B583B8: ; |
LDA $44 ;$B583B8 |
STA $06 ;$B583BA |
@ -578,79 +579,79 @@ CODE_B583BC: ; |
LSR $37 ;$B583EF |
INC $32 ;$B583F1 |
INC $32 ;$B583F3 |
JSR CODE_B5840D ;$B583F5 |
JSR upload_spc_block ;$B583F5 |
BRA CODE_B583BC ;$B583F8 /
RTS ;$B583FA /
LDA [$32] ;$B583FB \
STA $35 ;$B583FD |
INC $32 ;$B583FF |
INC $32 ;$B58401 |
LDA [$32] ;$B58403 |
STA $37 ;$B58405 |
INC $32 ;$B58407 |
INC $32 ;$B58409 |
BRA CODE_B5840D ;$B5840B /
upload_inline_spc_block: ; \
LDA [$32] ;$B583FB |\ Load the destination ARAM address from the block
STA $35 ;$B583FD |/
INC $32 ;$B583FF |\ Increment the pointer
INC $32 ;$B58401 |/
LDA [$32] ;$B58403 |\ Load the transfer length from the block
STA $37 ;$B58405 |/
INC $32 ;$B58407 |\ Increment the pointer
INC $32 ;$B58409 |/
BRA upload_spc_block ;$B5840B / Continue to the normal SPC block upload
SEP #$10 ;$B5840D \
LDX $00 ;$B5840F |
CODE_B58411: ; |
CPX $2140 ;$B58411 |
BNE CODE_B58411 ;$B58414 |
LDA $35 ;$B58416 |
STA $2141 ;$B58418 |
INX ;$B5841B |
STX $2140 ;$B5841C |
LDA $37 ;$B5841F |
STA $39 ;$B58421 |
CODE_B58423: ; |
CPX $2140 ;$B58423 |
BNE CODE_B58423 ;$B58426 |
STA $2141 ;$B58428 |
INX ;$B5842B |
STX $2140 ;$B5842C |
LDA $37 ;$B5842F |
BEQ CODE_B5844B ;$B58431 |
SEP #$10 ;$B5840D \ 16 bit A, with 8 bit index
LDX $00 ;$B5840F | Load the last SPC transaction id
- ; |\ Wait for the previous transaction id to be echoed
CPX $2140 ;$B58411 | | Which will signify the SPC engine is ready.
BNE - ;$B58414 |/
LDA $35 ;$B58416 |\ Write the ARAM target address
STA $2141 ;$B58418 |/
INX ;$B5841B |\ Increment and set the transaction id
STX $2140 ;$B5841C |/
LDA $37 ;$B5841F |\ Copy the byte count
STA $39 ;$B58421 |/
- ; |\ Wait for the transaction id to echo for completion
CPX $2140 ;$B58423 | |
BNE - ;$B58426 |/
STA $2141 ;$B58428 | Write the length of the transfer
INX ;$B5842B |\ Increment and set the transaction id
STX $2140 ;$B5842C |/
LDA $37 ;$B5842F |\ If there are no bytes to transfer simply exit
BEQ .return ;$B58431 |/
LDY #$00 ;$B58433 |
CODE_B58435: ; |
LDA [$32],y ;$B58435 |
INY ;$B58437 |
INY ;$B58438 |
BEQ CODE_B58453 ;$B58439 |
CODE_B5843B: ; |
CPX $2140 ;$B5843B |
BNE CODE_B5843B ;$B5843E |
INX ;$B58440 |
STA $2141 ;$B58441 |
STX $2140 ;$B58444 |
DEC $37 ;$B58447 |
BNE CODE_B58435 ;$B58449 |
CODE_B5844B: ; |
STX $00 ;$B5844B |
REP #$30 ;$B5844D |
LDA $39 ;$B5844F |
ASL A ;$B58451 |
RTS ;$B58452 /
.next_byte ; |
LDA [$32],y ;$B58435 | Load next byte
INY ;$B58437 |\ Advance the data index
INY ;$B58438 |/
BEQ .advance_pointer ;$B58439 | If the index has wrapped, advance the pointer
.wait_for_echo ; |\ Wait for the transaction id to echo for completion
CPX $2140 ;$B5843B | |
BNE .wait_for_echo ;$B5843E |/
INX ;$B58440 | Increment the transaction id
STA $2141 ;$B58441 | Write the data (two bytes)
STX $2140 ;$B58444 | Write the transaction id
DEC $37 ;$B58447 |\ Continue if there are more bytes to upload
BNE .next_byte ;$B58449 |/
.return ; |
STX $00 ;$B5844B | Store the final SPC transaction id
REP #$30 ;$B5844D | Return to full 16 bit
LDA $39 ;$B5844F |\ Store double the transfer count in A
ASL A ;$B58451 |/
RTS ;$B58452 / Finished with SPC block upload
LDY $33 ;$B58453 \
INY ;$B58455 |
BNE CODE_B58463 ;$B58456 |
STY $33 ;$B58458 |
LDY $34 ;$B5845A |
INY ;$B5845C |
STY $34 ;$B5845D |
LDY #$00 ;$B5845F |
BRA CODE_B5843B ;$B58461 /
.advance_pointer ; \
LDY $33 ;$B58453 |\ Increment the pointer high byte
INY ;$B58455 |/
BNE .skip_pointer_bank_cross ;$B58456 | If it doesn't roll over, skip incrementing the bank
STY $33 ;$B58458 | Set the new pointer mid byte
LDY $34 ;$B5845A |\ Increment the pointer bank
INY ;$B5845C | |
STY $34 ;$B5845D |/
LDY #$00 ;$B5845F | Reset the data index
BRA .wait_for_echo ;$B58461 /
STY $33 ;$B58463 \
LDY #$00 ;$B58465 |
BRA CODE_B5843B ;$B58467 /
STY $33 ;$B58463 \ Store the new pointer offset
LDY #$00 ;$B58465 | Reset the data index
BRA .wait_for_echo ;$B58467 /
LDA $1C ;$B58469 \

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
arch spc700
base $04D8
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ CODE_0556:
base off
arch 65816
arch spc700
db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
db $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00