(0515) 0000 = level setting parser (possibly additional settings later) values: 00 = normal parse 01 = set $0018 (one byte), then normal 02 = normal parse 03 = normal parse ;Seems to be used for all boss stages 04 = return success 05 = return success 06 = normal parse (0517) 0002 = Index to a pointer thing with DMA (VRAM?) does CGRAM stuff too (0519) 0004 = Level special effects (typically HDMA) (051B) 0006 = Song for a given level (051D) 0008 = Pointer to something else (051F) 000A = Pointer to something (0521) 000C = Sprite related (sets $6E, so figure out what that is) (0523) 000E = Looks like this may be map related (0525) 0010 = Used for several camera(?) related tables (0527) 0012 = NMI pointer (0529) 0014 = Level mode execute pointer (052B) 0016 = A bit flag, a lot of sprite(?) references (052D) 0018 = Sound related? (052F) 001A = Not referenced? (0531) 001C = Not referenced? (0533) 001E = X position of sprite ________ (dixie/diddy maybe?) (0535) 0020 = Y position of sprite ________ (dixie/diddy maybe?) (0537) 0022 = ;\ scroll related (0539) 0024 = ;/ (053B) 0026 = Not referenced? (053D) 0028 = ;\ Bonus/Exit table, first entry points to the next level on the OW (053F) 002A = ; | (0541) 002A = ; | (0543) 002C = ; | (0545) 002E = ; | (0547) 0030 = ; | (0549) 0032 = ; | (054B) 0034 = ;/ (054D) 0036 = Mirrored to $0AB6 (054F) 0038 = Pointer table index (two tables back to back) (0551) 003A = Mirrored into $26 (low word to a pointer in bank FD) primary parse calls: JSR CODE_BBAFE1 JSR CODE_BBB05C JSR CODE_BBB066 BRA CODE_BBAF7F