2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Mesen.GUI.Config;
using Mesen.GUI.Controls;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Globalization;
using Mesen.GUI.Forms;
2019-07-18 08:31:41 -04:00
using Mesen.GUI.Debugger.Labels;
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
namespace Mesen.GUI.Debugger
public partial class ctrlWatch : BaseControl
private Color _updatedColor = Color.Red;
private Color _normalColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
private static Regex _watchAddressOrLabel = new Regex(@"^(\[|{)(\s*((\$[0-9A-Fa-f]+)|(\d+)|([@_a-zA-Z0-9]+)))\s*[,]{0,1}\d*\s*(\]|})$", RegexOptions.Compiled);
private int _previousMaxLength = -1;
private int _selectedAddress = -1;
2019-07-18 08:31:41 -04:00
private CodeLabel _selectedLabel = null;
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
private List<WatchValueInfo> _previousValues = new List<WatchValueInfo>();
private bool _isEditing = false;
ListViewItem _keyDownItem = null;
2019-04-07 15:03:41 -04:00
private CpuType _cpuType;
private WatchManager _watchManager;
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public ctrlWatch()
this.DoubleBuffered = true;
2019-04-07 15:03:41 -04:00
public CpuType CpuType
get { return _cpuType; }
_cpuType = value;
if(_watchManager != null) {
_watchManager.WatchChanged -= WatchManager_WatchChanged;
_watchManager = WatchManager.GetWatchManager(value);
_watchManager.WatchChanged += WatchManager_WatchChanged;
2019-04-07 14:38:22 -04:00
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
if(!IsDesignMode) {
mnuRemoveWatch.InitShortcut(this, nameof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig.WatchList_Delete));
mnuEditInMemoryViewer.InitShortcut(this, nameof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig.CodeWindow_EditInMemoryViewer));
mnuViewInDisassembly.InitShortcut(this, nameof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig.MemoryViewer_ViewInDisassembly));
mnuMoveUp.InitShortcut(this, nameof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig.WatchList_MoveUp));
mnuMoveDown.InitShortcut(this, nameof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig.WatchList_MoveDown));
public string GetTooltipText()
2019-03-30 23:44:45 -04:00
return (
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
frmBreakpoint.GetConditionTooltip(true) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
"Additionally, the watch window supports a syntax to display X bytes starting from a specific address. e.g:" + Environment.NewLine +
"[$10, 16]: Display 16 bytes starting from address $10" + Environment.NewLine +
"[MyLabel, 4]: Display 4 bytes starting from the address the specified label (MyLabel) refers to"
2019-03-30 23:44:45 -04:00
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
if(lstWatch.SelectedItems.Count > 0) {
//Used to prevent a Mono issue where pressing a key will change the selected item before we get a chance to edit it
_keyDownItem = lstWatch.SelectedItems[0];
if((_isEditing && keyData == Keys.Escape) || keyData == Keys.Enter) {
if(keyData == Keys.Enter) {
if(_isEditing) {
} else {
} else if(keyData == Keys.Escape) {
return true;
} else {
_keyDownItem = null;
return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);
private void contextMenuWatch_Opening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
private void WatchManager_WatchChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(this.InvokeRequired) {
this.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => this.UpdateWatch()));
} else {
public void UpdateWatch(bool autoResizeColumns = true)
2019-04-07 15:03:41 -04:00
List<WatchValueInfo> watchContent = _watchManager.GetWatchContent(this.CpuType, _previousValues);
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
_previousValues = watchContent;
bool updating = false;
if(watchContent.Count != lstWatch.Items.Count - 1) {
int currentFocus = lstWatch.FocusedItem?.Selected == true ? (lstWatch.FocusedItem?.Index ?? -1) : -1;
List<ListViewItem> itemsToAdd = new List<ListViewItem>();
foreach(WatchValueInfo watch in watchContent) {
ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(watch.Expression);
item.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false;
item.SubItems.Add(watch.Value).ForeColor = watch.HasChanged ? _updatedColor : _normalColor;
var lastItem = new ListViewItem("");
if(currentFocus >= 0 && currentFocus < lstWatch.Items.Count) {
updating = true;
} else {
for(int i = 0; i < watchContent.Count; i++) {
ListViewItem item = lstWatch.Items[i];
bool needUpdate = (
item.SubItems[0].Text != watchContent[i].Expression ||
item.SubItems[1].Text != watchContent[i].Value ||
item.SubItems[1].ForeColor != (watchContent[i].HasChanged ? _updatedColor : _normalColor)
if(needUpdate) {
updating = true;
item.SubItems[0].Text = watchContent[i].Expression;
item.SubItems[1].Text = watchContent[i].Value;
item.SubItems[1].ForeColor = watchContent[i].HasChanged ? _updatedColor : _normalColor;
if(updating) {
if(watchContent.Count > 0) {
int maxLength = watchContent.Select(info => info.Value.Length).Max();
if(_previousMaxLength != maxLength) {
if(autoResizeColumns) {
lstWatch.AutoResizeColumn(1, ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent);
if(colValue.Width < 100) {
colValue.Width = 100;
_previousMaxLength = maxLength;
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2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
private void lstWatch_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
mnuRemoveWatch.Enabled = lstWatch.SelectedItems.Count >= 1;
private void UpdateActions()
2019-03-31 09:11:56 -04:00
mnuHexDisplay.Checked = ConfigManager.Config.Debug.Debugger.WatchFormat == WatchFormatStyle.Hex;
mnuDecimalDisplay.Checked = ConfigManager.Config.Debug.Debugger.WatchFormat == WatchFormatStyle.Signed;
mnuBinaryDisplay.Checked = ConfigManager.Config.Debug.Debugger.WatchFormat == WatchFormatStyle.Binary;
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
mnuRowDisplayFormat.Enabled = lstWatch.SelectedItems.Count > 0;
mnuEditInMemoryViewer.Enabled = false;
mnuViewInDisassembly.Enabled = false;
mnuMoveUp.Enabled = false;
mnuMoveDown.Enabled = false;
if(lstWatch.SelectedItems.Count == 1) {
Match match = _watchAddressOrLabel.Match(lstWatch.SelectedItems[0].Text);
if(match.Success) {
string address = match.Groups[3].Value;
if(address[0] >= '0' && address[0] <= '9' || address[0] == '$') {
//CPU Address
_selectedAddress = Int32.Parse(address[0] == '$' ? address.Substring(1) : address, address[0] == '$' ? NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier : NumberStyles.None);
2019-07-18 08:31:41 -04:00
_selectedLabel = null;
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
mnuEditInMemoryViewer.Enabled = true;
mnuViewInDisassembly.Enabled = true;
} else {
_selectedAddress = -1;
2019-07-18 08:31:41 -04:00
_selectedLabel = LabelManager.GetLabel(address);
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
if(_selectedLabel != null) {
mnuEditInMemoryViewer.Enabled = true;
mnuViewInDisassembly.Enabled = true;
2019-07-18 08:31:41 -04:00
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
mnuMoveUp.Enabled = lstWatch.SelectedIndices[0] > 0 && lstWatch.SelectedIndices[0] < lstWatch.Items.Count - 1;
mnuMoveDown.Enabled = lstWatch.SelectedIndices[0] < lstWatch.Items.Count - 2;
private void mnuRemoveWatch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(lstWatch.SelectedItems.Count >= 1) {
var itemsToRemove = new List<int>();
foreach(ListViewItem item in lstWatch.SelectedItems) {
2019-04-07 15:03:41 -04:00
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private void mnuViewInDisassembly_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
2019-07-18 08:31:41 -04:00
if(lstWatch.SelectedItems.Count != 1) {
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
if(_selectedAddress >= 0) {
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} else if(_selectedLabel != null) {
2019-07-18 08:31:41 -04:00
AddressInfo relAddress = _selectedLabel.GetRelativeAddress();
if(relAddress.Address >= 0) {
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2019-07-18 08:31:41 -04:00
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
private void mnuEditInMemoryViewer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
2019-07-18 08:31:41 -04:00
if(lstWatch.SelectedItems.Count != 1) {
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
if(_selectedAddress >= 0) {
2019-07-18 08:31:41 -04:00
DebugWindowManager.OpenMemoryViewer(new AddressInfo() { Address = _selectedAddress, Type = _cpuType.ToMemoryType() });
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
} else if(_selectedLabel != null) {
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2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
private void StartEdit(string text, ListViewItem selectedItem = null)
if(selectedItem == null) {
selectedItem = lstWatch.SelectedItems[0];
txtEdit.Location = selectedItem.Position;
txtEdit.Width = selectedItem.Bounds.Width;
txtEdit.Text = text;
txtEdit.SelectionLength = 0;
txtEdit.SelectionStart = text.Length;
txtEdit.Visible = true;
_isEditing = true;
private void lstWatch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(lstWatch.SelectedItems.Count == 1 && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lstWatch.SelectedItems[0].Text)) {
private void lstWatch_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(lstWatch.SelectedItems.Count == 1) {
private void ApplyEdit()
if(lstWatch.SelectedItems.Count > 0) {
lstWatch.SelectedItems[0].Text = txtEdit.Text;
2019-04-07 15:03:41 -04:00
_watchManager.UpdateWatch(lstWatch.SelectedIndices[0], txtEdit.Text);
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
private void CancelEdit()
if(lstWatch.SelectedItems.Count > 0) {
txtEdit.Text = lstWatch.SelectedItems[0].Text;
private void lstWatch_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if(lstWatch.SelectedItems.Count > 0) {
if(e.KeyChar >= ' ' && e.KeyChar < 128) {
e.Handled = true;
StartEdit(e.KeyChar.ToString(), _keyDownItem);
_keyDownItem = null;
private void txtEdit_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
_isEditing = false;
txtEdit.Visible = false;
private void mnuMoveUp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void mnuMoveDown_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void SetSelectedItem(int index)
if(index < lstWatch.Items.Count) {
lstWatch.FocusedItem = lstWatch.Items[index];
foreach(ListViewItem item in lstWatch.Items) {
item.Selected = lstWatch.FocusedItem == item;
private void MoveUp(bool fromUpDownArrow)
if(lstWatch.SelectedIndices.Count == 0) {
int index = lstWatch.SelectedIndices[0];
if(Program.IsMono && fromUpDownArrow) {
//Mono appears to move the selection up before processing this
if(index > 0 && index < lstWatch.Items.Count - 1) {
string currentEntry = lstWatch.Items[index].SubItems[0].Text;
string entryAbove = lstWatch.Items[index - 1].SubItems[0].Text;
SetSelectedItem(index - 1);
2019-04-07 15:03:41 -04:00
_watchManager.UpdateWatch(index - 1, currentEntry);
_watchManager.UpdateWatch(index, entryAbove);
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
} else {
private void MoveDown()
if(lstWatch.SelectedIndices.Count == 0) {
int index = lstWatch.SelectedIndices[0];
if(index < lstWatch.Items.Count - 2) {
string currentEntry = lstWatch.Items[index].SubItems[0].Text;
string entryBelow = lstWatch.Items[index + 1].SubItems[0].Text;
SetSelectedItem(index + 1);
2019-04-07 15:03:41 -04:00
_watchManager.UpdateWatch(index + 1, currentEntry);
_watchManager.UpdateWatch(index, entryBelow);
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
} else {
private void lstWatch_OnMoveUpDown(Keys keyData, ref bool processed)
if(keyData == ConfigManager.Config.Debug.Shortcuts.WatchList_MoveUp) {
processed = true;
} else if(keyData == ConfigManager.Config.Debug.Shortcuts.WatchList_MoveDown) {
processed = true;
private void mnuImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using(OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog()) {
ofd.SetFilter("Watch files (*.mwf)|*.mwf");
if(ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
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2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
private void mnuExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using(SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog()) {
sfd.SetFilter("Watch files (*.mwf)|*.mwf");
if(sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
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private void mnuHexDisplay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
2019-03-31 09:11:56 -04:00
ConfigManager.Config.Debug.Debugger.WatchFormat = WatchFormatStyle.Hex;
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
private void mnuDecimalDisplay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
2019-03-31 09:11:56 -04:00
ConfigManager.Config.Debug.Debugger.WatchFormat = WatchFormatStyle.Signed;
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
private void mnuBinaryDisplay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
2019-03-31 09:11:56 -04:00
ConfigManager.Config.Debug.Debugger.WatchFormat = WatchFormatStyle.Binary;
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
private string GetFormatString(WatchFormatStyle format, int byteLength)
string formatString = ", ";
switch(format) {
case WatchFormatStyle.Binary: formatString += "B"; break;
case WatchFormatStyle.Hex: formatString += "H"; break;
case WatchFormatStyle.Signed: formatString += "S"; break;
case WatchFormatStyle.Unsigned: formatString += "U"; break;
default: throw new Exception("Unsupported type");
if(byteLength > 1) {
formatString += byteLength.ToString();
return formatString;
private void SetSelectionFormat(WatchFormatStyle format, int byteLength)
SetSelectionFormat(GetFormatString(format, byteLength));
private void SetSelectionFormat(string formatString)
2019-04-07 15:03:41 -04:00
List<string> entries = _watchManager.WatchEntries;
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
foreach(int i in lstWatch.SelectedIndices) {
if(i < entries.Count) {
Match match = WatchManager.FormatSuffixRegex.Match(entries[i]);
if(match.Success) {
2019-04-07 15:03:41 -04:00
_watchManager.UpdateWatch(i, match.Groups[1].Value + formatString);
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
} else {
2019-04-07 15:03:41 -04:00
_watchManager.UpdateWatch(i, entries[i] + formatString);
2019-02-27 20:33:56 -05:00
private void mnuRowBinary_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetSelectionFormat(WatchFormatStyle.Binary, 1);
private void mnuRowHex1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetSelectionFormat(WatchFormatStyle.Hex, 1);
private void mnuRowHex2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetSelectionFormat(WatchFormatStyle.Hex, 2);
private void mnuRowHex3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetSelectionFormat(WatchFormatStyle.Hex, 3);
private void mnuRowSigned1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetSelectionFormat(WatchFormatStyle.Signed, 1);
private void mnuRowSigned2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetSelectionFormat(WatchFormatStyle.Signed, 2);
private void mnuRowSigned3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetSelectionFormat(WatchFormatStyle.Unsigned, 1);
private void mnuRowUnsigned_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetSelectionFormat(WatchFormatStyle.Unsigned, 1);
private void mnuRowClearFormat_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)