#include "stdafx.h" #include "BaseCartridge.h" #include "RamHandler.h" #include "RomHandler.h" #include "MemoryMappings.h" #include "IMemoryHandler.h" #include "BaseCoprocessor.h" #include "MessageManager.h" #include "Console.h" #include "EmuSettings.h" #include "SettingTypes.h" #include "BatteryManager.h" #include "NecDsp.h" #include "Sa1.h" #include "Gsu.h" #include "Sdd1.h" #include "Cx4.h" #include "Obc1.h" #include "Spc7110.h" #include "BsxCart.h" #include "BsxMemoryPack.h" #include "FirmwareHelper.h" #include "SpcFileData.h" #include "SuperGameboy.h" #include "Gameboy.h" #include "../Utilities/HexUtilities.h" #include "../Utilities/VirtualFile.h" #include "../Utilities/FolderUtilities.h" #include "../Utilities/Serializer.h" #include "../Utilities/sha1.h" #include "../Utilities/CRC32.h" BaseCartridge::~BaseCartridge() { SaveBattery(); delete[] _prgRom; delete[] _saveRam; } shared_ptr BaseCartridge::CreateCartridge(Console* console, VirtualFile &romFile, VirtualFile &patchFile) { if(romFile.IsValid()) { shared_ptr cart(new BaseCartridge()); if(patchFile.IsValid()) { cart->_patchPath = patchFile; if(romFile.ApplyPatch(patchFile)) { MessageManager::DisplayMessage("Patch", "ApplyingPatch", patchFile.GetFileName()); } } vector romData; romFile.ReadFile(romData); if(romData.size() < 0x4000) { return nullptr; } cart->_console = console; cart->_romPath = romFile; string fileExt = FolderUtilities::GetExtension(romFile.GetFileName()); if(fileExt == ".bs") { cart->_bsxMemPack.reset(new BsxMemoryPack(console, romData, false)); if(!FirmwareHelper::LoadBsxFirmware(console, &cart->_prgRom, cart->_prgRomSize)) { return nullptr; } } else if(fileExt == ".gb" || fileExt == ".gbc") { if(cart->LoadGameboy(romFile, true)) { return cart; } else { return nullptr; } } else { if(romData.size() < 0x8000) { return nullptr; } cart->_prgRomSize = (uint32_t)romData.size(); if((cart->_prgRomSize & 0xFFF) != 0) { //Round up to the next 4kb size, to ensure we have access to all the rom's data cart->_prgRomSize = (cart->_prgRomSize & ~0xFFF) + 0x1000; } cart->_prgRom = new uint8_t[cart->_prgRomSize]; memset(cart->_prgRom, 0, cart->_prgRomSize); memcpy(cart->_prgRom, romData.data(), romData.size()); } if(memcmp(cart->_prgRom, "SNES-SPC700 Sound File Data", 27) == 0) { if(cart->_prgRomSize >= 0x10200) { //SPC files must be 0x10200 bytes long at minimum cart->LoadSpc(); } else { return nullptr; } } else { cart->LoadRom(); } return cart; } else { return nullptr; } } int32_t BaseCartridge::GetHeaderScore(uint32_t addr) { //Try to figure out where the header is by using a scoring system if(_prgRomSize < addr + 0x7FFF) { return -1; } SnesCartInformation cartInfo; memcpy(&cartInfo, _prgRom + addr + 0x7FB0, sizeof(SnesCartInformation)); uint32_t score = 0; uint8_t mode = (cartInfo.MapMode & ~0x10); if((mode == 0x20 || mode == 0x22) && addr < 0x8000) { score++; } else if((mode == 0x21 || mode == 0x25) && addr >= 0x8000) { score++; } if(cartInfo.RomType < 0x08) { score++; } if(cartInfo.RomSize < 0x10) { score++; } if(cartInfo.SramSize < 0x08) { score++; } uint16_t checksum = cartInfo.Checksum[0] | (cartInfo.Checksum[1] << 8); uint16_t complement = cartInfo.ChecksumComplement[0] | (cartInfo.ChecksumComplement[1] << 8); if(checksum + complement == 0xFFFF && checksum != 0 && complement != 0) { score += 8; } uint32_t resetVectorAddr = addr + 0x7FFC; uint32_t resetVector = _prgRom[resetVectorAddr] | (_prgRom[resetVectorAddr + 1] << 8); if(resetVector < 0x8000) { return -1; } uint8_t op = _prgRom[addr + (resetVector & 0x7FFF)]; if(op == 0x18 || op == 0x78 || op == 0x4C || op == 0x5C || op == 0x20 || op == 0x22 || op == 0x9C) { //CLI, SEI, JMP, JML, JSR, JSl, STZ score += 8; } else if(op == 0xC2 || op == 0xE2 || op == 0xA9 || op == 0xA2 || op == 0xA0) { //REP, SEP, LDA, LDX, LDY score += 4; } else if(op == 0x00 || op == 0xFF || op == 0xCC) { //BRK, SBC, CPY score -= 8; } return std::max(0, score); } void BaseCartridge::LoadRom() { //Find the best potential header among lorom/hirom + headerless/headered combinations vector baseAddresses = { 0, 0x200, 0x8000, 0x8200, 0x408000, 0x408200 }; int32_t bestScore = -1; bool hasHeader = false; bool isLoRom = true; bool isExRom = true; for(uint32_t baseAddress : baseAddresses) { int32_t score = GetHeaderScore(baseAddress); if(score >= 0 && score >= bestScore) { bestScore = score; isLoRom = (baseAddress & 0x8000) == 0; isExRom = (baseAddress & 0x400000) != 0; hasHeader = (baseAddress & 0x200) != 0; uint32_t headerOffset = std::min(baseAddress + 0x7FB0, (uint32_t)(_prgRomSize - sizeof(SnesCartInformation))); memcpy(&_cartInfo, _prgRom + headerOffset, sizeof(SnesCartInformation)); _headerOffset = headerOffset; } } uint32_t flags = 0; if(isLoRom) { if(hasHeader) { flags |= CartFlags::CopierHeader; } flags |= CartFlags::LoRom; } else { if(hasHeader) { flags |= CartFlags::CopierHeader; } flags |= isExRom ? CartFlags::ExHiRom : CartFlags::HiRom; } if(flags & CartFlags::CopierHeader) { //Remove the copier header memmove(_prgRom, _prgRom + 512, _prgRomSize - 512); _prgRomSize -= 512; _headerOffset -= 512; } if((flags & CartFlags::HiRom) && (_cartInfo.MapMode & 0x27) == 0x25) { flags |= CartFlags::ExHiRom; } else if((flags & CartFlags::LoRom) && (_cartInfo.MapMode & 0x27) == 0x22) { flags |= CartFlags::ExLoRom; } if(_cartInfo.MapMode & 0x10) { flags |= CartFlags::FastRom; } _flags = (CartFlags::CartFlags)flags; _hasBattery = (_cartInfo.RomType & 0x0F) == 0x02 || (_cartInfo.RomType & 0x0F) == 0x05 || (_cartInfo.RomType & 0x0F) == 0x06 || (_cartInfo.RomType & 0x0F) == 0x09 || (_cartInfo.RomType & 0x0F) == 0x0A; _coprocessorType = GetCoprocessorType(); if(_coprocessorType != CoprocessorType::None && _cartInfo.ExpansionRamSize > 0 && _cartInfo.ExpansionRamSize <= 7) { _coprocessorRamSize = _cartInfo.ExpansionRamSize > 0 ? 1024 * (1 << _cartInfo.ExpansionRamSize) : 0; } if(_coprocessorType == CoprocessorType::GSU && _coprocessorRamSize == 0) { //Use a min of 64kb by default for GSU games _coprocessorRamSize = 0x10000; } LoadEmbeddedFirmware(); ApplyConfigOverrides(); uint8_t rawSramSize = std::min(_cartInfo.SramSize & 0x0F, 8); _saveRamSize = rawSramSize > 0 ? 1024 * (1 << rawSramSize) : 0; _saveRam = new uint8_t[_saveRamSize]; _console->GetSettings()->InitializeRam(_saveRam, _saveRamSize); DisplayCartInfo(); } CoprocessorType BaseCartridge::GetCoprocessorType() { if((_cartInfo.RomType & 0x0F) >= 0x03) { switch((_cartInfo.RomType & 0xF0) >> 4) { case 0x00: return GetDspVersion(); case 0x01: return CoprocessorType::GSU; case 0x02: return CoprocessorType::OBC1; case 0x03: return CoprocessorType::SA1; case 0x04: return CoprocessorType::SDD1; case 0x05: return CoprocessorType::RTC; case 0x0E: switch(_cartInfo.RomType) { case 0xE3: return CoprocessorType::SGB; case 0xE5: return CoprocessorType::Satellaview; default: return CoprocessorType::None; } break; case 0x0F: switch(_cartInfo.CartridgeType) { case 0x00: _hasBattery = true; _hasRtc = (_cartInfo.RomType & 0x0F) == 0x09; return CoprocessorType::SPC7110; case 0x01: _hasBattery = true; return GetSt01xVersion(); case 0x02: _hasBattery = true; return CoprocessorType::ST018; case 0x10: return CoprocessorType::CX4; } break; } } else if(GetGameCode() == "042J") { return CoprocessorType::SGB; } return CoprocessorType::None; } CoprocessorType BaseCartridge::GetSt01xVersion() { string cartName = GetCartName(); if(cartName == "2DAN MORITA SHOUGI") { return CoprocessorType::ST011; } return CoprocessorType::ST010; } CoprocessorType BaseCartridge::GetDspVersion() { string cartName = GetCartName(); if(cartName == "DUNGEON MASTER") { return CoprocessorType::DSP2; } if(cartName == "PILOTWINGS") { return CoprocessorType::DSP1; } else if(cartName == "SD\xB6\xDE\xDD\xC0\xDE\xD1GX") { //SD Gundam GX return CoprocessorType::DSP3; } else if(cartName == "PLANETS CHAMP TG3000" || cartName == "TOP GEAR 3000") { return CoprocessorType::DSP4; } //Default to DSP1B return CoprocessorType::DSP1B; } void BaseCartridge::Reset() { if(_coprocessor) { _coprocessor->Reset(); } if(_bsxMemPack) { _bsxMemPack->Reset(); } } RomInfo BaseCartridge::GetRomInfo() { RomInfo info; info.Header = _cartInfo; info.HeaderOffset = _headerOffset; info.RomFile = static_cast(_romPath); info.PatchFile = static_cast(_patchPath); info.Coprocessor = _coprocessorType; return info; } vector BaseCartridge::GetOriginalPrgRom() { RomInfo romInfo = GetRomInfo(); shared_ptr originalCart = BaseCartridge::CreateCartridge(_console, romInfo.RomFile, romInfo.PatchFile); if(originalCart->_gameboy) { uint8_t* orgPrgRom = originalCart->_gameboy->DebugGetMemory(SnesMemoryType::GbPrgRom); uint32_t orgRomSize = originalCart->_gameboy->DebugGetMemorySize(SnesMemoryType::GbPrgRom); return vector(orgPrgRom, orgPrgRom + orgRomSize); } else { return vector(originalCart->DebugGetPrgRom(), originalCart->DebugGetPrgRom() + originalCart->DebugGetPrgRomSize()); } } uint32_t BaseCartridge::GetCrc32() { if(_gameboy) { return CRC32::GetCRC(_gameboy->DebugGetMemory(SnesMemoryType::GbPrgRom), _gameboy->DebugGetMemorySize(SnesMemoryType::GbPrgRom)); } else { return CRC32::GetCRC(_prgRom, _prgRomSize); } } string BaseCartridge::GetSha1Hash() { if(_gameboy) { return SHA1::GetHash(_gameboy->DebugGetMemory(SnesMemoryType::GbPrgRom), _gameboy->DebugGetMemorySize(SnesMemoryType::GbPrgRom)); } else { return SHA1::GetHash(_prgRom, _prgRomSize); } } CartFlags::CartFlags BaseCartridge::GetCartFlags() { return _flags; } void BaseCartridge::LoadBattery() { if(_saveRamSize > 0) { _console->GetBatteryManager()->LoadBattery(".srm", _saveRam, _saveRamSize); } if(_coprocessor && _hasBattery) { _coprocessor->LoadBattery(); } if(_gameboy) { _gameboy->LoadBattery(); } } void BaseCartridge::SaveBattery() { if(_saveRamSize > 0) { _console->GetBatteryManager()->SaveBattery(".srm", _saveRam, _saveRamSize); } if(_coprocessor && _hasBattery) { _coprocessor->SaveBattery(); } if(_bsxMemPack) { _bsxMemPack->SaveBattery(); } if(_gameboy) { _gameboy->SaveBattery(); } } void BaseCartridge::Init(MemoryMappings &mm) { _prgRomHandlers.clear(); _saveRamHandlers.clear(); for(uint32_t i = 0; i < _prgRomSize; i += 0x1000) { _prgRomHandlers.push_back(unique_ptr(new RomHandler(_prgRom, i, _prgRomSize, SnesMemoryType::PrgRom))); } uint32_t power = (uint32_t)std::log2(_prgRomSize); if(_prgRomSize >(1u << power)) { //If size isn't a power of 2, mirror the part above the nearest (lower) power of 2 until the size reaches the next power of 2. uint32_t halfSize = 1 << power; uint32_t fullSize = 1 << (power + 1); uint32_t extraHandlers = std::max((_prgRomSize - halfSize) / 0x1000, 1); while(_prgRomHandlers.size() < fullSize / 0x1000) { for(uint32_t i = 0; i < extraHandlers; i += 0x1000) { _prgRomHandlers.push_back(unique_ptr(new RomHandler(_prgRom, halfSize + i, _prgRomSize, SnesMemoryType::PrgRom))); } } } for(uint32_t i = 0; i < _saveRamSize; i += 0x1000) { _saveRamHandlers.push_back(unique_ptr(new RamHandler(_saveRam, i, _saveRamSize, SnesMemoryType::SaveRam))); } RegisterHandlers(mm); if(_coprocessorType != CoprocessorType::Gameboy) { InitCoprocessor(); } LoadBattery(); } void BaseCartridge::RegisterHandlers(MemoryMappings &mm) { if(MapSpecificCarts(mm) || _coprocessorType == CoprocessorType::GSU || _coprocessorType == CoprocessorType::SDD1 || _coprocessorType == CoprocessorType::SPC7110 || _coprocessorType == CoprocessorType::CX4) { MapBsxMemoryPack(mm); return; } if(_flags & CartFlags::LoRom) { mm.RegisterHandler(0x00, 0x7D, 0x8000, 0xFFFF, _prgRomHandlers); mm.RegisterHandler(0x80, 0xFF, 0x8000, 0xFFFF, _prgRomHandlers); if(_saveRamSize > 0) { if(_prgRomSize >= 1024 * 1024 * 2) { //For games >= 2mb in size, put ROM at 70-7D/F0-FF:0000-7FFF (e.g: Fire Emblem: Thracia 776) mm.RegisterHandler(0x70, 0x7D, 0x0000, 0x7FFF, _saveRamHandlers); mm.RegisterHandler(0xF0, 0xFF, 0x0000, 0x7FFF, _saveRamHandlers); } else { //For games < 2mb in size, put save RAM at 70-7D/F0-FF:0000-FFFF (e.g: Wanderers from Ys) mm.RegisterHandler(0x70, 0x7D, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, _saveRamHandlers); mm.RegisterHandler(0xF0, 0xFF, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, _saveRamHandlers); } } } else if(_flags & CartFlags::HiRom) { mm.RegisterHandler(0x00, 0x3F, 0x8000, 0xFFFF, _prgRomHandlers, 8); mm.RegisterHandler(0x40, 0x7D, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, _prgRomHandlers, 0); mm.RegisterHandler(0x80, 0xBF, 0x8000, 0xFFFF, _prgRomHandlers, 8); mm.RegisterHandler(0xC0, 0xFF, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, _prgRomHandlers, 0); mm.RegisterHandler(0x20, 0x3F, 0x6000, 0x7FFF, _saveRamHandlers); mm.RegisterHandler(0xA0, 0xBF, 0x6000, 0x7FFF, _saveRamHandlers); } else if(_flags & CartFlags::ExHiRom) { //First half is at the end mm.RegisterHandler(0xC0, 0xFF, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, _prgRomHandlers, 0); mm.RegisterHandler(0x80, 0xBF, 0x8000, 0xFFFF, _prgRomHandlers, 8); //mirror //Last part of the ROM is at the start mm.RegisterHandler(0x40, 0x7D, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, _prgRomHandlers, 0, 0x400); mm.RegisterHandler(0x00, 0x3F, 0x8000, 0xFFFF, _prgRomHandlers, 8, 0x400); //mirror //Save RAM mm.RegisterHandler(0x20, 0x3F, 0x6000, 0x7FFF, _saveRamHandlers); mm.RegisterHandler(0x70, 0x7D, 0x0000, 0x7FFF, _saveRamHandlers); mm.RegisterHandler(0xA0, 0xBF, 0x6000, 0x7FFF, _saveRamHandlers); } MapBsxMemoryPack(mm); } void BaseCartridge::LoadEmbeddedFirmware() { //Attempt to detect/load the firmware from the end of the rom file, if it exists if((_coprocessorType >= CoprocessorType::DSP1 && _coprocessorType <= CoprocessorType::DSP4) || (_coprocessorType >= CoprocessorType::ST010 && _coprocessorType <= CoprocessorType::ST011)) { uint32_t firmwareSize = 0; if((_prgRomSize & 0x7FFF) == 0x2000) { firmwareSize = 0x2000; } else if((_prgRomSize & 0xFFFF) == 0xD000) { firmwareSize = 0xD000; } _embeddedFirmware.resize(firmwareSize); memcpy(_embeddedFirmware.data(), _prgRom + (_prgRomSize - firmwareSize), firmwareSize); _prgRomSize -= firmwareSize; } } void BaseCartridge::InitCoprocessor() { _coprocessor.reset(NecDsp::InitCoprocessor(_coprocessorType, _console, _embeddedFirmware)); _necDsp = dynamic_cast(_coprocessor.get()); if(_coprocessorType == CoprocessorType::SA1) { _coprocessor.reset(new Sa1(_console)); _sa1 = dynamic_cast(_coprocessor.get()); _needCoprocSync = true; } else if(_coprocessorType == CoprocessorType::GSU) { _coprocessor.reset(new Gsu(_console, _coprocessorRamSize)); _gsu = dynamic_cast(_coprocessor.get()); _needCoprocSync = true; } else if(_coprocessorType == CoprocessorType::SDD1) { _coprocessor.reset(new Sdd1(_console)); } else if(_coprocessorType == CoprocessorType::SPC7110) { _coprocessor.reset(new Spc7110(_console, _hasRtc)); } else if(_coprocessorType == CoprocessorType::Satellaview) { //Share save file across all .bs files that use the BS-X bios _console->GetBatteryManager()->Initialize("BsxBios"); if(!_bsxMemPack) { //Create an empty memory pack if the BIOS was loaded directly (instead of a .bs file) vector emptyMemPack; _bsxMemPack.reset(new BsxMemoryPack(_console, emptyMemPack, false)); } _coprocessor.reset(new BsxCart(_console, _bsxMemPack.get())); _bsx = dynamic_cast(_coprocessor.get()); } else if(_coprocessorType == CoprocessorType::CX4) { _coprocessor.reset(new Cx4(_console)); _cx4 = dynamic_cast(_coprocessor.get()); _needCoprocSync = true; } else if(_coprocessorType == CoprocessorType::OBC1 && _saveRamSize > 0) { _coprocessor.reset(new Obc1(_console, _saveRam, _saveRamSize)); } else if(_coprocessorType == CoprocessorType::SGB) { _coprocessor.reset(new SuperGameboy(_console)); _sgb = dynamic_cast(_coprocessor.get()); _needCoprocSync = true; } } bool BaseCartridge::MapSpecificCarts(MemoryMappings &mm) { string name = GetCartName(); string code = GetGameCode(); if(GetCartName() == "DEZAEMON") { //LOROM with mirrored SRAM? mm.RegisterHandler(0x00, 0x7D, 0x8000, 0xFFFF, _prgRomHandlers); mm.RegisterHandler(0x80, 0xFF, 0x8000, 0xFFFF, _prgRomHandlers); mm.RegisterHandler(0x70, 0x7D, 0x0000, 0x7FFF, _saveRamHandlers); mm.RegisterHandler(0xF0, 0xFF, 0x8000, 0xFFFF, _saveRamHandlers); //Mirrors mm.RegisterHandler(0x70, 0x7D, 0x8000, 0xFFFF, _saveRamHandlers); mm.RegisterHandler(0xF0, 0xFF, 0x0000, 0x7FFF, _saveRamHandlers); return true; } else if(code == "ZDBJ" || code == "ZR2J" || code == "ZSNJ") { //BSC-1A5M-02, BSC-1A7M-01 //Games: Sound Novel Tsukuuru, RPG Tsukuuru, Derby Stallion 96 mm.RegisterHandler(0x00, 0x3F, 0x8000, 0xFFFF, _prgRomHandlers); mm.RegisterHandler(0x80, 0x9F, 0x8000, 0xFFFF, _prgRomHandlers, 0, 0x200); mm.RegisterHandler(0xA0, 0xBF, 0x8000, 0xFFFF, _prgRomHandlers, 0, 0x100); if(_saveRamSize > 0) { mm.RegisterHandler(0x70, 0x7D, 0x0000, 0x7FFF, _saveRamHandlers); mm.RegisterHandler(0xF0, 0xFF, 0x0000, 0x7FFF, _saveRamHandlers); } return true; } return false; } void BaseCartridge::MapBsxMemoryPack(MemoryMappings& mm) { string code = GetGameCode(); if(!_bsxMemPack && code.size() == 4 && code[0] == 'Z' && _cartInfo.DeveloperId == 0x33) { //Game with data pack slot (e.g Sound Novel Tsukuuru, etc.) vector saveData = _console->GetBatteryManager()->LoadBattery(".bs"); if(saveData.empty()) { //Make a 1 megabyte flash cartridge by default (use $FF for all bytes) saveData.resize(0x100000, 0xFF); } _bsxMemPack.reset(new BsxMemoryPack(_console, saveData, true)); if(_flags & CartFlags::LoRom) { mm.RegisterHandler(0xC0, 0xEF, 0x0000, 0x7FFF, _bsxMemPack->GetMemoryHandlers()); mm.RegisterHandler(0xC0, 0xEF, 0x8000, 0xFFFF, _bsxMemPack->GetMemoryHandlers()); } else { mm.RegisterHandler(0x20, 0x3F, 0x8000, 0xFFFF, _bsxMemPack->GetMemoryHandlers(), 8); mm.RegisterHandler(0x60, 0x7D, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, _bsxMemPack->GetMemoryHandlers()); mm.RegisterHandler(0xA0, 0xBF, 0x8000, 0xFFFF, _bsxMemPack->GetMemoryHandlers(), 8); mm.RegisterHandler(0xE0, 0xFF, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, _bsxMemPack->GetMemoryHandlers()); } //TODO: SA-1 cartridges, etc. } } void BaseCartridge::ApplyConfigOverrides() { string name = GetCartName(); if(name == "POWERDRIVE" || name == "DEATH BRADE" || name == "RPG SAILORMOON") { //These games work better when ram is initialized to $FF EmulationConfig cfg = _console->GetSettings()->GetEmulationConfig(); cfg.RamPowerOnState = RamState::AllOnes; _console->GetSettings()->SetEmulationConfig(cfg); } else if(name == "SUPER KEIBA 2") { //Super Keiba 2 behaves incorrectly if save ram is filled with 0s EmulationConfig cfg = _console->GetSettings()->GetEmulationConfig(); cfg.RamPowerOnState = RamState::Random; _console->GetSettings()->SetEmulationConfig(cfg); } } void BaseCartridge::LoadSpc() { _spcData.reset(new SpcFileData(_prgRom)); SetupCpuHalt(); } bool BaseCartridge::LoadGameboy(VirtualFile &romFile, bool sgbEnabled) { _gameboy.reset(Gameboy::Create(_console, romFile, sgbEnabled)); if(!_gameboy) { return false; } _cartInfo = { }; _headerOffset = Gameboy::HeaderOffset; if(_gameboy->IsSgb()) { GameboyConfig cfg = _console->GetSettings()->GetGameboyConfig(); if(FirmwareHelper::LoadSgbFirmware(_console, &_prgRom, _prgRomSize, cfg.UseSgb2)) { LoadRom(); if(_coprocessorType != CoprocessorType::SGB) { //SGB bios file isn't a recognized SGB bios, try again without SGB mode return LoadGameboy(romFile, false); } } else { //Couldn't load the SGB bios, try again with in GB/GBC mode return LoadGameboy(romFile, false); } } else { _coprocessorType = CoprocessorType::Gameboy; SetupCpuHalt(); } return true; } void BaseCartridge::SetupCpuHalt() { //Setup a fake LOROM rom that runs STP right away to disable the main CPU _flags = CartFlags::LoRom; delete[] _prgRom; _prgRom = new uint8_t[0x8000]; _prgRomSize = 0x8000; memset(_prgRom, 0, 0x8000); //Set reset vector to $8000 _prgRom[0x7FFC] = 0x00; _prgRom[0x7FFD] = 0x80; //JML $008000 instruction at $8000 _prgRom[0] = 0x5C; _prgRom[1] = 0x00; _prgRom[2] = 0x80; _prgRom[3] = 0x00; } void BaseCartridge::Serialize(Serializer &s) { s.StreamArray(_saveRam, _saveRamSize); if(_coprocessor) { s.Stream(_coprocessor.get()); } if(_bsxMemPack) { s.Stream(_bsxMemPack.get()); } if(_gameboy) { s.Stream(_gameboy.get()); } } string BaseCartridge::GetGameCode() { string code; if(_cartInfo.GameCode[0] > ' ') { code += _cartInfo.GameCode[0]; } if(_cartInfo.GameCode[1] > ' ') { code += _cartInfo.GameCode[1]; } if(_cartInfo.GameCode[2] > ' ') { code += _cartInfo.GameCode[2]; } if(_cartInfo.GameCode[3] > ' ') { code += _cartInfo.GameCode[3]; } return code; } string BaseCartridge::GetCartName() { int nameLength = 21; for(int i = 0; i < 21; i++) { if(_cartInfo.CartName[i] == 0) { nameLength = i; break; } } string name = string(_cartInfo.CartName, nameLength); size_t lastNonSpace = name.find_last_not_of(' '); if(lastNonSpace != string::npos) { return name.substr(0, lastNonSpace + 1); } else { return name; } } ConsoleRegion BaseCartridge::GetRegion() { uint8_t destCode = _cartInfo.DestinationCode; if((destCode >= 0x02 && destCode <= 0x0C) || destCode == 0x11 || destCode == 0x12) { return ConsoleRegion::Pal; } return ConsoleRegion::Ntsc; } void BaseCartridge::DisplayCartInfo() { MessageManager::Log("-----------------------------"); MessageManager::Log("File: " + VirtualFile(_romPath).GetFileName()); MessageManager::Log("Game: " + GetCartName()); string gameCode = GetGameCode(); if(!gameCode.empty()) { MessageManager::Log("Game code: " + gameCode); } if(_flags & CartFlags::ExHiRom) { MessageManager::Log("Type: ExHiROM"); } else if(_flags & CartFlags::ExLoRom) { MessageManager::Log("Type: ExLoROM"); } else if(_flags & CartFlags::HiRom) { MessageManager::Log("Type: HiROM"); } else if(_flags & CartFlags::LoRom) { MessageManager::Log("Type: LoROM"); } if(_coprocessorType != CoprocessorType::None) { string coProcMessage = "Coprocessor: "; switch(_coprocessorType) { case CoprocessorType::None: coProcMessage += ""; break; case CoprocessorType::CX4: coProcMessage += "CX4"; break; case CoprocessorType::SDD1: coProcMessage += "S-DD1"; break; case CoprocessorType::DSP1: coProcMessage += "DSP1"; break; case CoprocessorType::DSP1B: coProcMessage += "DSP1B"; break; case CoprocessorType::DSP2: coProcMessage += "DSP2"; break; case CoprocessorType::DSP3: coProcMessage += "DSP3"; break; case CoprocessorType::DSP4: coProcMessage += "DSP4"; break; case CoprocessorType::GSU: coProcMessage += "Super FX (GSU1/2)"; break; case CoprocessorType::OBC1: coProcMessage += "OBC1"; break; case CoprocessorType::RTC: coProcMessage += "RTC"; break; case CoprocessorType::SA1: coProcMessage += "SA1"; break; case CoprocessorType::Satellaview: coProcMessage += "Satellaview"; break; case CoprocessorType::SPC7110: coProcMessage += "SPC7110"; break; case CoprocessorType::ST010: coProcMessage += "ST010"; break; case CoprocessorType::ST011: coProcMessage += "ST011"; break; case CoprocessorType::ST018: coProcMessage += "ST018"; break; case CoprocessorType::Gameboy: coProcMessage += "Game Boy"; break; case CoprocessorType::SGB: coProcMessage += "Super Game Boy"; break; } MessageManager::Log(coProcMessage); } if(_flags & CartFlags::FastRom) { MessageManager::Log("FastROM"); } if(_flags & CartFlags::CopierHeader) { MessageManager::Log("Copier header found."); } MessageManager::Log("Map Mode: $" + HexUtilities::ToHex(_cartInfo.MapMode)); MessageManager::Log("Rom Type: $" + HexUtilities::ToHex(_cartInfo.RomType)); MessageManager::Log("File size: " + std::to_string(_prgRomSize / 1024) + " KB"); MessageManager::Log("ROM size: " + std::to_string((0x400 << _cartInfo.RomSize) / 1024) + " KB"); if(_saveRamSize > 0) { MessageManager::Log("SRAM size: " + std::to_string(_saveRamSize / 1024) + " KB" + (_hasBattery ? " (with battery)" : "")); } if(_coprocessorRamSize > 0) { MessageManager::Log("Coprocessor RAM size: " + std::to_string(_coprocessorRamSize / 1024) + " KB"); } if(_hasBattery) { MessageManager::Log("Battery: yes"); } MessageManager::Log("-----------------------------"); } NecDsp* BaseCartridge::GetDsp() { return _necDsp; } Sa1* BaseCartridge::GetSa1() { return _sa1; } Cx4* BaseCartridge::GetCx4() { return _cx4; } SuperGameboy* BaseCartridge::GetSuperGameboy() { return _sgb; } BsxCart* BaseCartridge::GetBsx() { return _bsx; } BsxMemoryPack* BaseCartridge::GetBsxMemoryPack() { return _bsxMemPack.get(); } Gsu* BaseCartridge::GetGsu() { return _gsu; } Gameboy* BaseCartridge::GetGameboy() { return _gameboy.get(); } void BaseCartridge::RunCoprocessors() { //These coprocessors are run at the end of the frame, or as needed if(_necDsp) { _necDsp->Run(); } } BaseCoprocessor* BaseCartridge::GetCoprocessor() { return _coprocessor.get(); } vector>& BaseCartridge::GetPrgRomHandlers() { return _prgRomHandlers; } vector>& BaseCartridge::GetSaveRamHandlers() { return _saveRamHandlers; } SpcFileData* BaseCartridge::GetSpcData() { return _spcData.get(); }