#include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include "../Utilities/HexUtilities.h" #include "../Utilities/StringUtilities.h" #include "Assembler.h" #include "Cpu.h" #include "CpuDisUtils.h" #include "DisassemblyInfo.h" #include "LabelManager.h" static const std::regex instRegex = std::regex( "^\\s*([a-zA-Z]{3})[\\s]*(#%|#){0,1}([([]{0,1})[\\s]*([$]{0,1})([^\\[\\],)(;:]*)[\\s]*((,[$][0-9a-f]{1,2}|,x\\)|\\),y|,x|,y|,s\\),y|,s|\\)|\\],y|\\]){0,1})\\s*(;*)(.*)", std::regex_constants::icase); static const std::regex isCommentOrBlank = std::regex("^\\s*([;]+.*$|\\s*$)", std::regex_constants::icase); static const std::regex labelRegex = std::regex("^\\s*([@_a-zA-Z][@_a-zA-Z0-9]*):(.*)", std::regex_constants::icase); static const std::regex byteRegex = std::regex( "^\\s*[.]db\\s+((\\$[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2}[ ])*)(\\$[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2})+\\s*(;*)(.*)$", std::regex_constants::icase); void Assembler::ProcessLine(string code, uint32_t& instructionAddress, vector& output, std::unordered_map& labels, bool firstPass, std::unordered_map& currentPassLabels) { //Remove extra spaces as part of processing size_t offset = code.find_first_of(',', 0); if (offset != string::npos) { code.erase(std::remove(code.begin() + offset + 1, code.end(), ' '), code.end()); } offset = code.find_first_of(')', 0); if (offset != string::npos) { code.erase(std::remove(code.begin() + offset + 1, code.end(), ' '), code.end()); } //Determine if the line is blank, a comment, a label or code std::smatch match; if (std::regex_search(code, match, byteRegex)) { vector bytes = StringUtilities::Split(match.str(1) + match.str(3), ' '); for (string& byte : bytes) { output.push_back((uint8_t)(HexUtilities::FromHex(byte.substr(1)))); instructionAddress++; } output.push_back(AssemblerSpecialCodes::EndOfLine); } else if (std::regex_search(code, match, labelRegex)) { string label = match.str(1); string afterLabel = match.str(2); if (currentPassLabels.find(match.str(1)) != currentPassLabels.end()) { output.push_back(AssemblerSpecialCodes::LabelRedefinition); } else { labels[match.str(1)] = instructionAddress; currentPassLabels[match.str(1)] = instructionAddress; ProcessLine(afterLabel, instructionAddress, output, labels, firstPass, currentPassLabels); } return; } else if (std::regex_search(code, match, isCommentOrBlank)) { output.push_back(AssemblerSpecialCodes::EndOfLine); return; } else if (std::regex_search(code, match, instRegex) && match.size() > 1) { LineData lineData; AssemblerSpecialCodes result = GetLineData(match, lineData, labels, firstPass); if (result == AssemblerSpecialCodes::OK) { AssembleInstruction(lineData, instructionAddress, output, firstPass); } else { output.push_back(result); } } else { output.push_back(AssemblerSpecialCodes::ParsingError); } } AssemblerSpecialCodes Assembler::GetLineData(std::smatch match, LineData& lineData, std::unordered_map& labels, bool firstPass) { bool isBinary = match.str(2).length() > 1 && match.str(2)[1] == '%'; //Immediate + binary: "#%" lineData.OpCode = match.str(1); lineData.IsImmediate = !match.str(2).empty(); lineData.IsHex = !match.str(4).empty(); lineData.HasComment = !match.str(8).empty(); lineData.OperandSuffix = match.str(6); lineData.HasOpeningParenthesis = match.str(3) == "("; lineData.HasOpeningBracket = match.str(3) == "["; std::transform(lineData.OperandSuffix.begin(), lineData.OperandSuffix.end(), lineData.OperandSuffix.begin(), ::toupper); std::transform(lineData.OpCode.begin(), lineData.OpCode.end(), lineData.OpCode.begin(), ::toupper); bool foundSpace = false; for (char c : match.str(5)) { if (c != ' ' && c != '\t') { if (foundSpace) { //can't have spaces in operands (except at the very end) return AssemblerSpecialCodes::InvalidSpaces; } else if (lineData.IsHex && !((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f'))) { //invalid hex return AssemblerSpecialCodes::InvalidHex; } else if (isBinary && c != '0' && c != '1') { return AssemblerSpecialCodes::InvalidBinaryValue; } lineData.Operand.push_back(c); } else { foundSpace = true; } } if (isBinary) { //Convert the binary value to hex if (lineData.Operand.size() == 0) { return AssemblerSpecialCodes::MissingOperand; } else if (lineData.Operand.size() <= 8) { lineData.IsHex = true; int value = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < lineData.Operand.size(); i++) { value <<= 1; value |= lineData.Operand[i] == '1' ? 1 : 0; } lineData.Operand = HexUtilities::ToHex(value, false); } else { return AssemblerSpecialCodes::OperandOutOfRange; } } if (!lineData.HasComment && !match.str(9).empty()) { //something is trailing at the end of the line, and it's not a comment return AssemblerSpecialCodes::TrailingText; } if (!lineData.IsHex) { bool allNumeric = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < lineData.Operand.size(); i++) { if (lineData.Operand[i] == '-' && i == 0 && lineData.Operand.size() > 1) { //First char is a minus sign, and more characters follow, continue continue; } if ((lineData.Operand[i] < '0' || lineData.Operand[i] > '9')) { allNumeric = false; break; } } if (allNumeric && !lineData.Operand.empty()) { //Operand is not empty, and it only contains decimal values lineData.IsDecimal = true; } else { lineData.IsDecimal = false; } } return GetAddrModeAndOperandSize(lineData, labels, firstPass); } AssemblerSpecialCodes Assembler::GetAddrModeAndOperandSize(LineData& lineData, std::unordered_map& labels, bool firstPass) { int opSize = 0; bool invalid = false; string operand = lineData.Operand; if (lineData.IsHex) { if (operand.size() == 0) { return AssemblerSpecialCodes::MissingOperand; } else if (operand.size() <= 2) { opSize = 1; } else if (operand.size() <= 4) { opSize = 2; } else if (operand.size() <= 6) { opSize = 3; } else { return AssemblerSpecialCodes::OperandOutOfRange; } } else if (lineData.IsDecimal) { int value = std::stoi(operand.c_str()); if (value < -0x800000) { //< -2^23 is invalid return AssemblerSpecialCodes::OperandOutOfRange; } else if (value < -0x8000) { opSize = 3; } else if (value < -0x80) { opSize = 2; } else if (value <= 0xFF) { opSize = 1; } else if (value <= 0xFFFF) { opSize = 2; } else if (value <= 0xFFFFFF) { opSize = 3; } else { //>= 2^23 is invalid return AssemblerSpecialCodes::OperandOutOfRange; } } else if (!operand.empty()) { //Check if the operand is a known label auto findResult = labels.find(operand); if (findResult != labels.end()) { lineData.Operand = HexUtilities::ToHex((uint16_t)findResult->second); lineData.IsHex = true; opSize = 2; } else if (operand.size() == 1 && (operand[0] == 'A' || operand[0] == 'a') && lineData.OperandSuffix.empty() && ! lineData.IsHex && !lineData.IsImmediate && !lineData.HasOpeningParenthesis && !lineData.HasOpeningBracket) { //Allow optional "A" after AddrMode == Accumulator instructions lineData.Mode = AddrMode::Acc; opSize = 0; } else { int32_t addr = _labelManager->GetLabelRelativeAddress(operand); if (addr > 0xFFFF) { lineData.Operand = HexUtilities::ToHex24(addr); lineData.IsHex = true; opSize = 3; } else if (addr > 0xFF) { lineData.Operand = HexUtilities::ToHex((uint16_t)addr); lineData.IsHex = true; opSize = 2; } else if (addr >= 0) { lineData.Operand = HexUtilities::ToHex((uint8_t)addr); lineData.IsHex = true; opSize = 1; } else { if (firstPass) { //First pass, we couldn't find a matching label, so it might be defined later on //Pretend it exists for now _needSecondPass = true; lineData.Operand = "FFFF"; lineData.IsHex = true; opSize = 2; } else { return AssemblerSpecialCodes::UnknownLabel; } } } } else { //No operand opSize = 0; } if (lineData.Mode == AddrMode::Imp) { if (lineData.OperandSuffix.substr(0, 2) == ",$") { //Used by MVP, MVN opSize = 2; lineData.Mode = AddrMode::BlkMov; uint8_t dest = HexUtilities::FromHex(lineData.OperandSuffix.substr(2)); lineData.Operand += HexUtilities::ToHex(dest); } else if (lineData.IsImmediate) { if (lineData.HasOpeningParenthesis || lineData.HasOpeningBracket || opSize == 0) { invalid = true; } else if (opSize >= 3) { invalid = true; } lineData.Mode = opSize == 2 ? AddrMode::Imm16 : AddrMode::Imm8; //or Rel } else if (lineData.HasOpeningBracket) { if (lineData.OperandSuffix == "]") { switch (opSize) { case 1: lineData.Mode = AddrMode::DirIndLng; break; case 2: lineData.Mode = AddrMode::AbsIndLng; break; default: invalid = true; break; } } else if (lineData.OperandSuffix == "],Y") { if (opSize == 1) { lineData.Mode = AddrMode::DirIndLngIdxY; } else { invalid = true; } } } else if (lineData.HasOpeningParenthesis) { if (lineData.OperandSuffix == ")") { lineData.Mode = opSize == 1 ? AddrMode::DirInd : AddrMode::AbsInd; } else if (lineData.OperandSuffix == ",X)") { lineData.Mode = opSize == 1 ? AddrMode::DirIdxIndX : AddrMode::AbsIdxXInd; } else if (lineData.OperandSuffix == "),Y") { if (opSize == 1) { lineData.Mode = AddrMode::DirIndIdxY; } else { return AssemblerSpecialCodes::OperandOutOfRange; } } else if (lineData.OperandSuffix == ",S),Y") { if (opSize == 1) { lineData.Mode = AddrMode::StkRelIndIdxY; } else { return AssemblerSpecialCodes::OperandOutOfRange; } } else { invalid = true; } } else { if (lineData.OperandSuffix == ",X") { if (opSize == 3) { lineData.Mode = AddrMode::AbsLngIdxX; } else if (opSize == 2) { lineData.Mode = AddrMode::AbsIdxX; } else if (opSize == 1) { //Sometimes zero page addressing is not available, even if the operand is in the zero page lineData.Mode = AddrMode::DirIdxX; } else { invalid = true; } } else if (lineData.OperandSuffix == ",Y") { if (opSize == 2) { lineData.Mode = AddrMode::AbsIdxY; } else if (opSize == 1) { //Sometimes zero page addressing is not available, even if the operand is in the zero page lineData.Mode = AddrMode::DirIdxY; } else { invalid = true; } } else if (lineData.OperandSuffix == ",S") { if (opSize == 1) { lineData.Mode = AddrMode::StkRel; } else { return AssemblerSpecialCodes::OperandOutOfRange; } } else if (lineData.OperandSuffix.empty()) { if (opSize == 0) { lineData.Mode = AddrMode::Imp; //or Acc } else if (opSize == 3) { lineData.Mode = AddrMode::AbsLng; } else if (opSize == 2) { lineData.Mode = AddrMode::Abs; } else if (opSize == 1) { //Sometimes zero page addressing is not available, even if the operand is in the zero page lineData.Mode = AddrMode::Dir; } else { invalid = true; } } else { invalid = true; } } } /*if(lineData.Mode == AddrMode::None) { invalid = true; }*/ lineData.OperandSize = opSize; return invalid ? AssemblerSpecialCodes::ParsingError : AssemblerSpecialCodes::OK; } bool Assembler::IsOpModeAvailable(string& opCode, AddrMode mode) { return _availableModesByOpName[opCode].find((int)mode) != _availableModesByOpName[opCode].end(); } void Assembler::AssembleInstruction(LineData& lineData, uint32_t& instructionAddress, vector& output, bool firstPass) { bool foundMatch = false; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { AddrMode opMode = CpuDisUtils::OpMode[i]; if (lineData.OpCode == CpuDisUtils::OpName[i]) { bool modeMatch = opMode == lineData.Mode; if (!modeMatch) { if (lineData.Mode == AddrMode::Imp && (opMode == AddrMode::Acc || opMode == AddrMode::Stk)) { modeMatch = true; } else if (lineData.Mode == AddrMode::Imm8 && opMode == AddrMode::Sig8) { modeMatch = true; } else if ((lineData.Mode == AddrMode::Imm8 || lineData.Mode == AddrMode::Imm16) && (opMode == AddrMode::ImmX || opMode == AddrMode::ImmM)) { modeMatch = true; } else if ((opMode == AddrMode::Rel || opMode == AddrMode::RelLng) && (lineData.Mode == AddrMode::AbsLng || lineData.Mode == AddrMode::Abs || lineData.Mode == AddrMode::Dir)) { bool lngBranch = opMode == AddrMode::RelLng; modeMatch = true; //Convert "absolute" jump to a relative jump int value = lineData.IsHex ? HexUtilities::FromHex(lineData.Operand) : std::stoi(lineData.Operand); if (lineData.Mode == AddrMode::Abs) { value |= (instructionAddress & 0xFF0000); } int32_t addressGap; if (lineData.Mode == AddrMode::Dir) { addressGap = (int8_t)value; } else { addressGap = value - (instructionAddress + (lngBranch ? 3 : 2)); } if (addressGap > (lngBranch ? 32767 : 127) || addressGap < (lngBranch ? -32768 : -128)) { //Gap too long, can't jump that far if (!firstPass) { //Pretend this is ok on first pass, we're just trying to find all labels output.push_back(AssemblerSpecialCodes::OutOfRangeJump); return; } } //Update data to match relative jump lineData.OperandSize = lngBranch ? 2 : 1; lineData.IsHex = true; lineData.Operand = lngBranch ? HexUtilities::ToHex((uint16_t)addressGap) : HexUtilities::ToHex((uint8_t)addressGap); } } if (modeMatch) { output.push_back(i); instructionAddress += (lineData.OperandSize + 1); if (lineData.OperandSize == 1) { int value = lineData.IsHex ? HexUtilities::FromHex(lineData.Operand) : std::stoi(lineData.Operand); output.push_back(value & 0xFF); } else if (lineData.OperandSize == 2) { int value = lineData.IsHex ? HexUtilities::FromHex(lineData.Operand) : std::stoi(lineData.Operand); output.push_back(value & 0xFF); output.push_back((value >> 8) & 0xFF); } else if (lineData.OperandSize == 3) { int value = lineData.IsHex ? HexUtilities::FromHex(lineData.Operand) : std::stoi(lineData.Operand); output.push_back(value & 0xFF); output.push_back((value >> 8) & 0xFF); output.push_back((value >> 16) & 0xFF); } foundMatch = true; break; } } } if (!foundMatch) { output.push_back(AssemblerSpecialCodes::InvalidInstruction); } else { output.push_back(AssemblerSpecialCodes::EndOfLine); } } Assembler::Assembler(shared_ptr labelManager) { _labelManager = labelManager; } Assembler::~Assembler() { } uint32_t Assembler::AssembleCode(string code, uint32_t startAddress, int16_t* assembledCode) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 255; i++) { if (_availableModesByOpName.find(CpuDisUtils::OpName[i]) == _availableModesByOpName.end()) { _availableModesByOpName[CpuDisUtils::OpName[i]] = std::unordered_set(); } _availableModesByOpName[CpuDisUtils::OpName[i]].emplace((int)CpuDisUtils::OpMode[i]); } std::unordered_map temporaryLabels; std::unordered_map currentPassLabels; size_t i = 0; vector output; output.reserve(1000); uint32_t originalStartAddr = startAddress; vector codeLines; codeLines.reserve(100); while (i < code.size()) { size_t offset = code.find_first_of('\n', i); string line; if (offset != string::npos) { line = code.substr(i, offset - i); i = offset + 1; } else { line = code.substr(i); i = code.size(); } codeLines.push_back(line); } //Make 2 passes - first one to find all labels, second to assemble _needSecondPass = false; for (string& line : codeLines) { ProcessLine(line, startAddress, output, temporaryLabels, true, currentPassLabels); } if (_needSecondPass) { currentPassLabels.clear(); output.clear(); startAddress = originalStartAddr; for (string& line : codeLines) { ProcessLine(line, startAddress, output, temporaryLabels, false, currentPassLabels); } } memcpy(assembledCode, output.data(), std::min(100000, (int)output.size()) * sizeof(uint16_t)); return (uint32_t)output.size(); }