using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using Mesen.GUI.Config; using Be.Windows.Forms; using Mesen.GUI.Controls; using static Be.Windows.Forms.DynamicByteProvider; using Mesen.GUI.Forms; using Mesen.GUI.Debugger.Labels; namespace Mesen.GUI.Debugger.Controls { public partial class ctrlHexViewer : BaseControl { private FindOptions _findOptions; private StaticByteProvider _byteProvider; private SnesMemoryType _memoryType; private int SelectionStartAddress { get { return (int)ctrlHexBox.SelectionStart; } } private int SelectionEndAddress { get { return (int)(ctrlHexBox.SelectionStart + (ctrlHexBox.SelectionLength == 0 ? 0 : (ctrlHexBox.SelectionLength - 1))); } } public ctrlHexViewer() { InitializeComponent(); this.BaseFont = new Font(BaseControl.MonospaceFontFamily, 10, FontStyle.Regular); this.ctrlHexBox.ContextMenuStrip = this.ctxMenuStrip; this.ctrlHexBox.SelectionForeColor = Color.White; this.ctrlHexBox.SelectionBackColor = Color.FromArgb(31, 123, 205); this.ctrlHexBox.ShadowSelectionColor = Color.FromArgb(100, 60, 128, 200); this.ctrlHexBox.InfoBackColor = Color.FromArgb(235, 235, 235); this.ctrlHexBox.InfoForeColor = Color.Gray; this.ctrlHexBox.HighlightCurrentRowColumn = true; } protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); if(!IsDesignMode) { cboNumberColumns.SelectedIndex = ConfigManager.Config.Debug.HexEditor.ColumnCount; InitShortcuts(); } } private void InitShortcuts() { mnuAddToWatch.InitShortcut(this, nameof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig.MemoryViewer_AddToWatch)); mnuEditBreakpoint.InitShortcut(this, nameof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig.MemoryViewer_EditBreakpoint)); mnuEditLabel.InitShortcut(this, nameof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig.MemoryViewer_EditLabel)); mnuMarkAsCode.InitShortcut(this, nameof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig.MarkAsCode)); mnuMarkAsCode.Click += (s, e) => MarkSelectionAs(CdlFlags.Code); mnuMarkAsData.InitShortcut(this, nameof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig.MarkAsData)); mnuMarkAsData.Click += (s, e) => MarkSelectionAs(CdlFlags.Data); mnuMarkAsUnidentifiedData.InitShortcut(this, nameof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig.MarkAsUnidentified)); mnuMarkAsUnidentifiedData.Click += (s, e) => MarkSelectionAs(CdlFlags.None); } public new void Focus() { this.ctrlHexBox.Focus(); } public byte[] GetData() { return this._byteProvider != null ? this._byteProvider.Bytes.ToArray() : new byte[0]; } public void RefreshData(SnesMemoryType memoryType) { if(_memoryType != memoryType) { _memoryType = memoryType; _byteProvider = null; } byte[] data = DebugApi.GetMemoryState(this._memoryType); if(data != null) { bool changed = true; if(this._byteProvider != null && data.Length == this._byteProvider.Length) { changed = false; for(int i = 0; i < this._byteProvider.Length; i++) { if(this._byteProvider.Bytes[i] != data[i]) { changed = true; break; } } } if(changed) { if(_byteProvider == null || _byteProvider.Length != data.Length) { _byteProvider = new StaticByteProvider(data); _byteProvider.ByteChanged += (int byteIndex, byte newValue, byte oldValue) => { DebugApi.SetMemoryValue(_memoryType, (UInt32)byteIndex, newValue); }; _byteProvider.BytesChanged += (int byteIndex, byte[] values) => { DebugApi.SetMemoryValues(_memoryType, (UInt32)byteIndex, values, values.Length); }; this.ctrlHexBox.ByteProvider = _byteProvider; } else { _byteProvider.SetData(data); } this.ctrlHexBox.Refresh(); } } } private int ColumnCount { get { return Int32.Parse(this.cboNumberColumns.Text); } } public int RequiredWidth { get { return this.ctrlHexBox.RequiredWidth; } } private void cboNumberColumns_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.ctrlHexBox.Focus(); this.ctrlHexBox.BytesPerLine = this.ColumnCount; this.ctrlHexBox.UseFixedBytesPerLine = true; ConfigManager.Config.Debug.HexEditor.ColumnCount = this.cboNumberColumns.SelectedIndex; ConfigManager.ApplyChanges(); } public Font HexFont { get { return this.ctrlHexBox.Font; } } private int _textZoom = 100; public int TextZoom { get { return _textZoom; } set { if(value >= 30 && value <= 500) { _textZoom = value; this.UpdateFont(); } } } private Font _baseFont = new Font(BaseControl.MonospaceFontFamily, BaseControl.DefaultFontSize, FontStyle.Regular); public Font BaseFont { get { return _baseFont; } set { if(!value.Equals(_baseFont)) { _baseFont = value; this.UpdateFont(); } } } public void UpdateFont() { this.ctrlHexBox.Font = new Font(BaseFont.FontFamily, BaseFont.Size * _textZoom / 100f, BaseFont.Style); } public void GoToAddress(int address) { this.ctrlHexBox.ScrollByteIntoView(GetData().Length - 1); this.ctrlHexBox.ScrollByteIntoView(address); this.ctrlHexBox.Select(address, 0); this.ctrlHexBox.Focus(); } public void GoToAddress() { GoToAddress address = new GoToAddress(); int currentAddr = (int)(this.ctrlHexBox.CurrentLine - 1) * this.ctrlHexBox.BytesPerLine; address.Address = (UInt32)currentAddr; using(frmGoToLine frm = new frmGoToLine(address, (_byteProvider.Length - 1).ToString("X").Length)) { frm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; Point topLeft = this.PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0)); frm.Location = new Point(topLeft.X + (this.Width - frm.Width) / 2, topLeft.Y + (this.Height - frm.Height) / 2); if(frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { GoToAddress((int)address.Address); } } } public void OpenSearchBox(bool forceFocus = false) { this._findOptions = new Be.Windows.Forms.FindOptions(); this._findOptions.Type = chkTextSearch.Checked ? FindType.Text : FindType.Hex; this._findOptions.MatchCase = false; this._findOptions.Text = this.cboSearch.Text; this._findOptions.WrapSearch = true; bool focus = !this.panelSearch.Visible; this.panelSearch.Visible = true; if(Program.IsMono) { //Mono doesn't resize the TLP properly for some reason when set to autosize this.tlpMain.RowStyles[2].SizeType = System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Absolute; this.tlpMain.RowStyles[2].Height = 30; } if(focus || forceFocus) { this.cboSearch.Focus(); this.cboSearch.SelectAll(); } } private void CloseSearchBox() { this.panelSearch.Visible = false; if(Program.IsMono) { //Mono doesn't resize the TLP properly for some reason when set to autosize this.tlpMain.RowStyles[2].SizeType = System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Absolute; this.tlpMain.RowStyles[2].Height = 0; } this.Focus(); } protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData) { UpdateActionAvailability(); if(keyData == ConfigManager.Config.Debug.Shortcuts.Find) { this.OpenSearchBox(true); return true; } else if(keyData == ConfigManager.Config.Debug.Shortcuts.IncreaseFontSize) { this.TextZoom += 10; return true; } else if(keyData == ConfigManager.Config.Debug.Shortcuts.DecreaseFontSize) { this.TextZoom -= 10; return true; } else if(keyData == ConfigManager.Config.Debug.Shortcuts.ResetFontSize) { this.TextZoom = 100; return true; } if(this.cboSearch.Focused) { if(keyData == Keys.Escape) { this.CloseSearchBox(); return true; } } return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData); } public void FindNext() { this.OpenSearchBox(); if(this.UpdateSearchOptions()) { if(this.ctrlHexBox.Find(this._findOptions, HexBox.eSearchDirection.Next) == -1) { this.lblSearchWarning.Text = "No matches found!"; } } } public void FindPrevious() { this.OpenSearchBox(); if(this.UpdateSearchOptions()) { if(this.ctrlHexBox.Find(this._findOptions, HexBox.eSearchDirection.Previous) == -1) { this.lblSearchWarning.Text = "No matches found!"; } } } private void picCloseSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.CloseSearchBox(); } private void picSearchPrevious_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { this.FindPrevious(); } private void picSearchNext_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { this.FindNext(); } private byte[] GetByteArray(string hexText, ref bool hasWildcard) { hexText = hexText.Replace(" ", ""); try { List bytes = new List(hexText.Length/2); for(int i = 0; i < hexText.Length; i+=2) { if(i == hexText.Length - 1) { bytes.Add((byte)(Convert.ToByte(hexText.Substring(i, 1), 16) << 4)); hasWildcard = true; } else { bytes.Add(Convert.ToByte(hexText.Substring(i, 2), 16)); } } return bytes.ToArray(); } catch { return new byte[0]; } } private bool UpdateSearchOptions() { bool invalidSearchString = false; this._findOptions.MatchCase = this.chkMatchCase.Checked; if(this.chkTextSearch.Checked) { this._findOptions.Type = FindType.Text; this._findOptions.Text = this.cboSearch.Text; this._findOptions.HasWildcard = false; } else { this._findOptions.Type = FindType.Hex; bool hasWildcard = false; this._findOptions.Hex = this.GetByteArray(this.cboSearch.Text, ref hasWildcard); this._findOptions.HasWildcard = hasWildcard; invalidSearchString = this._findOptions.Hex.Length == 0 && this.cboSearch.Text.Trim().Length > 0; } this.lblSearchWarning.Text = ""; bool emptySearch = this._findOptions.Text.Length == 0 || (!this.chkTextSearch.Checked && (this._findOptions.Hex == null || this._findOptions.Hex.Length == 0)); if(invalidSearchString) { this.lblSearchWarning.Text = "Invalid search string"; } else if(!emptySearch) { return true; } return false; } private void cboSearch_TextUpdate(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(this.UpdateSearchOptions()) { if(this.ctrlHexBox.Find(this._findOptions, HexBox.eSearchDirection.Incremental) == -1) { this.lblSearchWarning.Text = "No matches found!"; } } } private void cboSearch_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if(e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { this.FindNext(); if(this.cboSearch.Items.Contains(this.cboSearch.Text)) { this.cboSearch.Items.Remove(this.cboSearch.Text); } this.cboSearch.Items.Insert(0, this.cboSearch.Text); e.Handled = true; e.SuppressKeyPress = true; } } private void chkTextSearch_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.UpdateSearchOptions(); } public event EventHandler RequiredWidthChanged { add { this.ctrlHexBox.RequiredWidthChanged += value; } remove { this.ctrlHexBox.RequiredWidthChanged -= value; } } [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public IByteCharConverter ByteCharConverter { get { return this.ctrlHexBox.ByteCharConverter; } set { this.ctrlHexBox.ByteCharConverter = value; } } [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public IByteColorProvider ByteColorProvider { get { return this.ctrlHexBox.ByteColorProvider; } set { this.ctrlHexBox.ByteColorProvider = value; } } [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public bool StringViewVisible { get { return this.ctrlHexBox.StringViewVisible; } set { this.ctrlHexBox.StringViewVisible = value; } } [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public bool ReadOnly { get { return this.ctrlHexBox.ReadOnly; } set { this.ctrlHexBox.ReadOnly = value; } } [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public bool HighDensityMode { get { return this.ctrlHexBox.HighDensityMode; } set { this.ctrlHexBox.HighDensityMode = value; } } [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public bool EnablePerByteNavigation { get { return this.ctrlHexBox.EnablePerByteNavigation; } set { this.ctrlHexBox.EnablePerByteNavigation = value; } } [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public bool ByteEditingMode { get { return this.ctrlHexBox.ByteEditingMode; } set { this.ctrlHexBox.ByteEditingMode = value; } } [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public bool HighlightCurrentRowColumn { get { return this.ctrlHexBox.HighlightCurrentRowColumn; } set { this.ctrlHexBox.HighlightCurrentRowColumn = value; } } public delegate void ByteMouseHoverHandler(int address, Point position); public event ByteMouseHoverHandler ByteMouseHover; private void ctrlHexBox_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { BytePositionInfo? bpi = ctrlHexBox.GetRestrictedHexBytePositionInfo(e.Location); if(bpi.HasValue) { Point position = ctrlHexBox.GetBytePosition(bpi.Value.Index); ByteMouseHover?.Invoke((int)bpi.Value.Index, new Point(position.X + (int)(ctrlHexBox.CharSize.Width * 2.5), position.Y + (int)(ctrlHexBox.CharSize.Height * 1.1))); } else { ByteMouseHover?.Invoke(-1, Point.Empty); } } private void ctrlHexBox_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { ByteMouseHover?.Invoke(-1, Point.Empty); } private void UpdateLocationLabel() { if(ctrlHexBox.SelectionLength > 0) { this.lblLocation.Text = $"Selection: ${ctrlHexBox.SelectionStart.ToString("X4")} - ${(ctrlHexBox.SelectionStart + ctrlHexBox.SelectionLength - 1).ToString("X4")}, {ctrlHexBox.SelectionLength} bytes (${ctrlHexBox.SelectionLength.ToString("X2")})"; } else { this.lblLocation.Text = $"Location: ${ctrlHexBox.SelectionStart.ToString("X4")}"; } } private void ctrlHexBox_SelectionStartChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateLocationLabel(); } private void ctrlHexBox_SelectionLengthChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateLocationLabel(); } private void mnuCopy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ctrlHexBox.CopyHex(); } private void mnuPaste_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ctrlHexBox.Paste(); } private void mnuSelectAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ctrlHexBox.SelectAll(); } private void UpdateActionAvailability() { UInt32 startAddress = (UInt32)SelectionStartAddress; UInt32 endAddress = (UInt32)SelectionEndAddress; string address = "$" + startAddress.ToString("X4"); string addressRange; if(startAddress != endAddress) { addressRange = "$" + startAddress.ToString("X4") + "-$" + endAddress.ToString("X4"); } else { addressRange = address; } mnuEditLabel.Text = $"Edit Label ({address})"; mnuEditBreakpoint.Text = $"Edit Breakpoint ({addressRange})"; mnuAddToWatch.Text = $"Add to Watch ({addressRange})"; if(_memoryType.IsRelativeMemory()) { AddressInfo relAddress = new AddressInfo() { Address = (int)startAddress, Type = _memoryType }; AddressInfo absAddress = DebugApi.GetAbsoluteAddress(relAddress); mnuEditLabel.Enabled = absAddress.Address != -1 && absAddress.Type.SupportsLabels(); mnuAddToWatch.Enabled = _memoryType.SupportsWatch(); } else { mnuEditLabel.Enabled = _memoryType.SupportsLabels(); mnuAddToWatch.Enabled = false; } if(_memoryType == SnesMemoryType.CpuMemory || _memoryType == SnesMemoryType.GameboyMemory) { AddressInfo start = DebugApi.GetAbsoluteAddress(new AddressInfo() { Address = (int)startAddress, Type = _memoryType }); AddressInfo end = DebugApi.GetAbsoluteAddress(new AddressInfo() { Address = (int)endAddress, Type = _memoryType }); if(start.Address >= 0 && end.Address >= 0 && start.Address <= end.Address && ((start.Type == SnesMemoryType.PrgRom && end.Type == SnesMemoryType.PrgRom) || (start.Type == SnesMemoryType.GbPrgRom && end.Type == SnesMemoryType.GbPrgRom))) { mnuMarkSelectionAs.Text = "Mark selection as... (" + addressRange + ")"; mnuMarkSelectionAs.Enabled = true; } else { mnuMarkSelectionAs.Text = "Mark selection as..."; mnuMarkSelectionAs.Enabled = false; } } else if(_memoryType == SnesMemoryType.PrgRom || _memoryType == SnesMemoryType.GbPrgRom) { mnuMarkSelectionAs.Text = "Mark selection as... (" + addressRange + ")"; mnuMarkSelectionAs.Enabled = true; } else { mnuMarkSelectionAs.Text = "Mark selection as..."; mnuMarkSelectionAs.Enabled = false; } mnuEditBreakpoint.Enabled = true; } private void MarkSelectionAs(CdlFlags type) { if(_memoryType != SnesMemoryType.CpuMemory && _memoryType != SnesMemoryType.PrgRom && _memoryType != SnesMemoryType.GameboyMemory && _memoryType != SnesMemoryType.GbPrgRom) { return; } int start = SelectionStartAddress; int end = SelectionEndAddress; if(_memoryType == SnesMemoryType.CpuMemory || _memoryType == SnesMemoryType.GameboyMemory) { start = DebugApi.GetAbsoluteAddress(new AddressInfo() { Address = start, Type = _memoryType }).Address; end = DebugApi.GetAbsoluteAddress(new AddressInfo() { Address = end, Type = _memoryType }).Address; } if(start >= 0 && end >= 0 && start <= end) { DebugApi.MarkBytesAs(_memoryType.ToCpuType(), (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, type); DebugWindowManager.GetDebugger(_memoryType.ToCpuType())?.RefreshDisassembly(); } RefreshData(_memoryType); } private void mnuAddToWatch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(_memoryType.SupportsWatch()) { string[] toAdd = Enumerable.Range(SelectionStartAddress, SelectionEndAddress - SelectionStartAddress + 1).Select((num) => $"[${num.ToString("X6")}]").ToArray(); WatchManager.GetWatchManager(_memoryType.ToCpuType()).AddWatch(toAdd); } } private void mnuEditBreakpoint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UInt32 startAddress = (UInt32)SelectionStartAddress; UInt32 endAddress = (UInt32)SelectionEndAddress; BreakpointAddressType addressType = startAddress == endAddress ? BreakpointAddressType.SingleAddress : BreakpointAddressType.AddressRange; Breakpoint bp = BreakpointManager.GetMatchingBreakpoint(startAddress, endAddress, _memoryType); if(bp == null) { bp = new Breakpoint() { Address = startAddress, MemoryType = _memoryType, CpuType = _memoryType.ToCpuType(), StartAddress = startAddress, EndAddress = endAddress, AddressType = addressType, BreakOnWrite = true, BreakOnRead = true }; if(bp.IsCpuBreakpoint) { bp.BreakOnExec = true; } } BreakpointManager.EditBreakpoint(bp); } private void mnuEditLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UInt32 address = (UInt32)ctrlHexBox.SelectionStart; SnesMemoryType memType = _memoryType; if(!memType.SupportsLabels()) { AddressInfo relAddress = new AddressInfo() { Address = (int)address, Type = memType }; AddressInfo absAddress = DebugApi.GetAbsoluteAddress(relAddress); if(absAddress.Address < 0 || !absAddress.Type.SupportsLabels()) { return; } address = (uint)absAddress.Address; memType = absAddress.Type; } CodeLabel label = LabelManager.GetLabel(address, memType); if(label == null) { label = new CodeLabel() { Address = address, MemoryType = memType }; } ctrlLabelList.EditLabel(label); } private void ctxMenuStrip_Opening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { UpdateActionAvailability(); } } }