1625 lines
49 KiB
1625 lines
49 KiB
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Ppu.h"
#include "Console.h"
#include "MemoryManager.h"
#include "Cpu.h"
#include "Spc.h"
#include "InternalRegisters.h"
#include "ControlManager.h"
#include "VideoDecoder.h"
#include "NotificationManager.h"
#include "DmaController.h"
#include "MessageManager.h"
#include "../Utilities/HexUtilities.h"
Ppu::Ppu(shared_ptr<Console> console)
_console = console;
_regs = console->GetInternalRegisters();
_outputBuffers[0] = new uint16_t[512 * 478];
_outputBuffers[1] = new uint16_t[512 * 478];
memset(_outputBuffers[0], 0, 512 * 478);
memset(_outputBuffers[1], 0, 512 * 478);
_currentBuffer = _outputBuffers[0];
_layerConfig[0] = {};
_layerConfig[1] = {};
_layerConfig[2] = {};
_layerConfig[3] = {};
_cgramAddress = 0;
_vram = new uint8_t[Ppu::VideoRamSize];
memset(_vram, 0, Ppu::VideoRamSize);
memset(_oamRam, 0, Ppu::SpriteRamSize);
memset(_cgram, 0, Ppu::CgRamSize);
_vramAddress = 0;
_vramIncrementValue = 1;
_vramAddressRemapping = 0;
_vramAddrIncrementOnSecondReg = false;
delete[] _vram;
delete[] _outputBuffers[0];
delete[] _outputBuffers[1];
uint32_t Ppu::GetFrameCount()
return _frameCount;
PpuState Ppu::GetState()
return {
void Ppu::Exec()
if(_cycle == 340) {
_cycle = -1;
if(_scanline == (_overscanMode ? 240 : 225)) {
//Reset OAM address at the start of vblank?
if(!_forcedVblank) {
_internalOamAddress = (_oamRamAddress << 1);
if(_regs->IsNmiEnabled()) {
} else if(_scanline == 240 && _cycle == 0 && _frameCount & 0x01) {
//Skip 1 tick every other frame
} else if(_scanline == 261) {
_scanline = 0;
_rangeOver = false;
_timeOver = false;
if(_mosaicEnabled) {
_mosaicStartScanline = 0;
if(_regs->IsVerticalIrqEnabled() && !_regs->IsHorizontalIrqEnabled() && _scanline == _regs->GetVerticalTimer()) {
//An IRQ will occur sometime just after the V Counter reaches the value set in $4209/$420A.
if(_regs->IsHorizontalIrqEnabled() && _cycle == _regs->GetHorizontalTimer() && (!_regs->IsVerticalIrqEnabled() || _scanline == _regs->GetVerticalTimer())) {
//An IRQ will occur sometime just after the H Counter reaches the value set in $4207/$4208.
if(_cycle == 278 && _scanline <= (_overscanMode ? 239 : 224)) {
if(_scanline != 0) {
} else {
} else if(_cycle == 134) {
//TODO Approximation
void Ppu::EvaluateNextLineSprites()
memset(_spritePriority, 0xFF, sizeof(_spritePriority));
memset(_spritePixels, 0xFF, sizeof(_spritePixels));
memset(_spritePalette, 0, sizeof(_spritePalette));
_spriteCount = 0;
uint16_t screenY = _scanline;
uint16_t baseAddr = _enableOamPriority ? (_internalOamAddress & 0x1FC) : 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 512; i += 4) {
uint16_t addr = (baseAddr + i) & 0x1FF;
uint8_t y = _oamRam[addr + 1];
uint8_t highTableOffset = addr >> 4;
uint8_t shift = ((addr >> 2) & 0x03) << 1;
uint8_t highTableValue = _oamRam[0x200 | highTableOffset] >> shift;
uint8_t largeSprite = (highTableValue & 0x02) >> 1;
uint8_t height = _oamSizes[_oamMode][largeSprite][1] << 3;
if(_objInterlace) {
height /= 2;
uint8_t startY = y + 16;
uint8_t endY = y + height + 16;
if(startY > screenY + 16 || endY <= screenY + 16) {
//Not visible on this scanline
SpriteInfo &info = _sprites[_spriteCount];
info.LargeSprite = largeSprite;
uint8_t width = _oamSizes[_oamMode][info.LargeSprite][0] << 3;
uint16_t sign = (highTableValue & 0x01) << 8;
info.X = (int16_t)((sign | _oamRam[addr]) << 7) >> 7;
info.Y = y;
if(info.X != -256 && (info.X + width <= 0 || info.X > 255)) {
//Sprite is not visible (and must be ignored for time/range flag calculations)
//Sprites at X=-256 are always used when considering Time/Range flag calculations, but not actually drawn.
info.TileRow = (_oamRam[addr + 2] & 0xF0) >> 4;
info.TileColumn = _oamRam[addr + 2] & 0x0F;
uint8_t flags = _oamRam[addr + 3];
info.UseSecondTable = (flags & 0x01) != 0;
info.Palette = (flags >> 1) & 0x07;
info.Priority = (flags >> 4) & 0x03;
info.HorizontalMirror = (flags & 0x40) != 0;
info.VerticalMirror = (flags & 0x80) != 0;
if(_spriteCount < 32) {
} else {
_rangeOver = true;
uint16_t spriteTileCount = 0;
for(int i = (int16_t)_spriteCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
SpriteInfo &info = _sprites[i];
uint8_t height = _oamSizes[_oamMode][info.LargeSprite][1] << 3;
uint8_t width = _oamSizes[_oamMode][info.LargeSprite][0] << 3;
uint8_t yOffset;
int rowOffset;
int yGap = (screenY - info.Y);
if(_objInterlace) {
yGap <<= 1;
yGap |= (_frameCount & 0x01);
if(info.VerticalMirror) {
yOffset = (height - 1 - yGap) & 0x07;
rowOffset = (height - 1 - yGap) >> 3;
} else {
yOffset = yGap & 0x07;
rowOffset = yGap >> 3;
uint8_t row = (info.TileRow + rowOffset) & 0x0F;
int prevColumnOffset = -1;
for(int x = std::max<int16_t>(info.X, 0); x < info.X + width && x < 256; x++) {
uint8_t xOffset;
int columnOffset;
if(info.HorizontalMirror) {
xOffset = (width - (x - info.X) - 1) & 0x07;
columnOffset = (width - (x - info.X) - 1) >> 3;
} else {
xOffset = (x - info.X) & 0x07;
columnOffset = (x - info.X) >> 3;
if(prevColumnOffset != columnOffset) {
if(spriteTileCount > 34) {
_timeOver = true;
prevColumnOffset = columnOffset;
uint8_t column = (info.TileColumn + columnOffset) & 0x0F;
uint8_t tileIndex = (row << 4) | column;
uint16_t tileStart = ((_oamBaseAddress + (tileIndex << 4) + (info.UseSecondTable ? _oamAddressOffset : 0)) & 0x7FFF) << 1;
uint16_t color = GetTilePixelColor<4>(tileStart + yOffset * 2, 7 - xOffset);
if(color != 0) {
uint16_t paletteRamOffset = 256 + (((info.Palette << 4) + color) << 1);
_spritePixels[x] = _cgram[paletteRamOffset] | (_cgram[paletteRamOffset + 1] << 8);
_spritePriority[x] = info.Priority;
_spritePalette[x] = info.Palette;
template<bool forMainScreen>
void Ppu::RenderMode0()
RenderSprites<3, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<0, 2, true, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<1, 2, true, forMainScreen, 64>();
RenderSprites<2, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<0, 2, false, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<1, 2, false, forMainScreen, 64>();
RenderSprites<1, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<2, 2, true, forMainScreen, 128>();
RenderTilemap<3, 2, true, forMainScreen, 192>();
RenderSprites<0, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<2, 2, false, forMainScreen, 128>();
RenderTilemap<3, 2, false, forMainScreen, 192>();
template<bool forMainScreen>
void Ppu::RenderMode1()
if(_mode1Bg3Priority) {
RenderTilemap<2, 2, true, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<3, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<0, 4, true, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<1, 4, true, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<2, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<0, 4, false, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<1, 4, false, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<1, forMainScreen>();
if(!_mode1Bg3Priority) {
RenderTilemap<2, 2, true, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<0, true>();
RenderTilemap<2, 2, false, forMainScreen>();
template<bool forMainScreen>
void Ppu::RenderMode2()
RenderSprites<3, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<0, 4, true, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<2, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<1, 4, true, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<1, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<0, 4, false, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<0, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<1, 4, false, forMainScreen>();
template<bool forMainScreen>
void Ppu::RenderMode3()
RenderSprites<3, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<0, 8, true, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<2, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<1, 4, true, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<1, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<0, 8, false, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<0, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<1, 4, false, forMainScreen>();
template<bool forMainScreen>
void Ppu::RenderMode4()
RenderSprites<3, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<0, 8, true, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<2, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<1, 4, true, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<1, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<0, 8, false, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<0, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<1, 4, false, forMainScreen>();
template<bool forMainScreen>
void Ppu::RenderMode5()
RenderSprites<3, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<0, 4, true, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<2, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<1, 2, true, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<1, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<0, 4, false, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<0, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<1, 2, false, forMainScreen>();
template<bool forMainScreen>
void Ppu::RenderMode6()
RenderSprites<3, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<0, 4, true, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<2, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<1, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemap<0, 4, false, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<0, forMainScreen>();
template<bool forMainScreen>
void Ppu::RenderMode7()
RenderSprites<3, forMainScreen>();
RenderSprites<2, forMainScreen>();
if(_mode7.ExtBgEnabled) {
RenderTilemapMode7<1, forMainScreen, true>();
RenderSprites<1, forMainScreen>();
RenderTilemapMode7<0, forMainScreen, false>();
RenderSprites<0, forMainScreen>();
if(_mode7.ExtBgEnabled) {
RenderTilemapMode7<1, forMainScreen, false>();
void Ppu::RenderScanline()
_pixelsDrawn = 0;
_subPixelsDrawn = 0;
memset(_rowPixelFlags, 0, sizeof(_rowPixelFlags));
memset(_subScreenFilled, 0, sizeof(_subScreenFilled));
if(_forcedVblank) {
switch(_bgMode) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
//Process sprites for next scanline
template<bool forMainScreen>
void Ppu::RenderBgColor()
if((forMainScreen && _pixelsDrawn == 256) || (!forMainScreen && _subPixelsDrawn == 256)) {
uint16_t bgColor = _cgram[0] | (_cgram[1] << 8);
for(int x = 0; x < 256; x++) {
if(forMainScreen) {
if(!_rowPixelFlags[x]) {
uint8_t pixelFlags = PixelFlags::Filled | ((_colorMathEnabled & 0x20) ? PixelFlags::AllowColorMath : 0);
_mainScreenBuffer[x] = bgColor;
_rowPixelFlags[x] = pixelFlags;
} else {
if(!_subScreenFilled[x]) {
_subScreenBuffer[x] = bgColor;
template<uint8_t priority, bool forMainScreen>
void Ppu::RenderSprites()
if(!IsRenderRequired<forMainScreen>(Ppu::SpriteLayerIndex)) {
uint8_t activeWindowCount = 0;
if(forMainScreen) {
if(_windowMaskMain[Ppu::SpriteLayerIndex]) {
activeWindowCount = (uint8_t)_window[0].ActiveLayers[Ppu::SpriteLayerIndex] + (uint8_t)_window[1].ActiveLayers[Ppu::SpriteLayerIndex];
} else {
if(_windowMaskSub[Ppu::SpriteLayerIndex]) {
activeWindowCount = (uint8_t)_window[0].ActiveLayers[Ppu::SpriteLayerIndex] + (uint8_t)_window[1].ActiveLayers[Ppu::SpriteLayerIndex];
if(forMainScreen) {
for(int x = 0; x < 256; x++) {
if(!_rowPixelFlags[x] && _spritePriority[x] == priority) {
if(activeWindowCount && ProcessMaskWindow<Ppu::SpriteLayerIndex>(activeWindowCount, x)) {
//This pixel was masked
_mainScreenBuffer[x] = _spritePixels[x];
_rowPixelFlags[x] |= PixelFlags::Filled | (((_colorMathEnabled & 0x10) && _spritePalette[x] > 3) ? PixelFlags::AllowColorMath : 0);
} else {
for(int x = 0; x < 256; x++) {
if(!_subScreenFilled[x] && _spritePriority[x] == priority) {
if(activeWindowCount && ProcessMaskWindow<Ppu::SpriteLayerIndex>(activeWindowCount, x)) {
//This pixel was masked
_subScreenBuffer[x] = _spritePixels[x];
_subScreenFilled[x] = true;
template<uint8_t layerIndex, uint8_t bpp, bool processHighPriority, bool forMainScreen, uint16_t basePaletteOffset, bool hiResMode, bool largeTileWidth, bool largeTileHeight, uint8_t activeWindowCount, bool applyMosaic, bool directColorMode>
void Ppu::RenderTilemap()
if(!IsRenderRequired<forMainScreen>(layerIndex)) {
/* Current scanline (in interlaced mode, switches between even and odd rows every frame */
uint16_t realY = IsDoubleHeight() ? ((_frameCount & 0x01) ? ((_scanline << 1) + 1) : (_scanline << 1)) : _scanline;
/* True when the entire scanline has to be replaced by a mosaic pattern */
bool mosaicScanline = applyMosaic && (realY - _mosaicStartScanline) % _mosaicSize != 0;
/* Keeps track of whether or not the pixel is allowed to participate in color math */
uint8_t pixelFlags = PixelFlags::Filled | (((_colorMathEnabled >> layerIndex) & 0x01) ? PixelFlags::AllowColorMath : 0);
/* The current layer's options */
LayerConfig &config = _layerConfig[layerIndex];
/* Layer's tilemap start address */
uint16_t tilemapAddr = config.TilemapAddress >> 1;
/* Layer's CHR data start address */
uint16_t chrAddr = config.ChrAddress;
/* The current row of tiles (e.g scanlines 16-23 is row 2) */
uint16_t row = (realY + config.VScroll) >> (largeTileHeight ? 4 : 3);
/* The vertical offset to read in the tile we're processing */
uint8_t baseYOffset = (realY + config.VScroll) & 0x07;
/* Tilemap offset based on the current row & tilemap size options */
uint16_t addrVerticalScrollingOffset = config.VerticalMirroring ? ((row & 0x20) << (config.HorizontalMirroring ? 6 : 5)) : 0;
/* The start address for tiles on this row */
uint16_t baseOffset = tilemapAddr + addrVerticalScrollingOffset + ((row & 0x1F) << 5);
uint16_t vScroll = config.VScroll;
uint16_t hScroll = hiResMode ? (config.HScroll << 1) : config.HScroll;
//"Offset per tile" mode (modes 2, 4 and 6 support this)
bool offsetPerTileMode = (_bgMode & 0x03) == 2;
/* The current pixel x position (normally 0-255, but 0-511 in hi-res mode - even on subscreen, odd on main screen) */
uint16_t realX;
/* The current column index (in terms of 8x8 or 16x16 tiles) */
uint16_t column;
/* The tilemap address to read the tile data from */
uint16_t addr;
for(int x = 0; x < 256; x++) {
if(hiResMode) {
realX = (x << 1) + (forMainScreen ? 1 : 0);
} else {
realX = x;
if(offsetPerTileMode) {
ProcessOffsetMode<layerIndex, largeTileWidth, largeTileHeight>(x, realX, realY, hScroll, vScroll, addr);
//Need to recalculate this because vScroll may change from one tile to another
baseYOffset = (realY + vScroll) & 0x07;
} else {
column = (realX + hScroll) >> (largeTileWidth ? 4 : 3);
addr = (baseOffset + (column & 0x1F) + (config.HorizontalMirroring ? ((column & 0x20) << 5) : 0)) << 1;
//Skip pixels that were filled by previous layers (or that don't match the priority level currently being processed)
if(forMainScreen) {
if(_rowPixelFlags[x] || ((uint8_t)processHighPriority != ((_vram[addr + 1] & 0x20) >> 5))) {
} else {
if(_subScreenFilled[x] || ((uint8_t)processHighPriority != ((_vram[addr + 1] & 0x20) >> 5))) {
if(activeWindowCount && ProcessMaskWindow<layerIndex>(activeWindowCount, x)) {
//This pixel was masked, skip it
if(applyMosaic && (mosaicScanline || x % _mosaicSize != 0)) {
//If this is not the top-left pixels in the mosaic pattern, override it with the top-left pixel data
_mainScreenBuffer[x] = _mosaicColor[x];
_rowPixelFlags[x] = pixelFlags;
if(forMainScreen) {
} else {
//The pixel is empty, not clipped and not part of a mosaic pattern, process it
bool vMirror = (_vram[addr + 1] & 0x80) != 0;
bool hMirror = (_vram[addr + 1] & 0x40) != 0;
uint16_t tileIndex = ((_vram[addr + 1] & 0x03) << 8) | _vram[addr];
if(largeTileWidth || largeTileHeight) {
tileIndex = (
tileIndex +
(largeTileHeight ? (((realY + vScroll) & 0x08) ? (vMirror ? 0 : 16) : (vMirror ? 16 : 0)) : 0) +
(largeTileWidth ? (((realX + hScroll) & 0x08) ? (hMirror ? 0 : 1) : (hMirror ? 1 : 0)) : 0)
) & 0x3FF;
uint16_t tileStart = chrAddr + tileIndex * 8 * bpp;
uint8_t yOffset = vMirror ? (7 - baseYOffset) : baseYOffset;
uint16_t pixelStart = tileStart + yOffset * 2;
uint8_t xOffset = (realX + hScroll) & 0x07;
uint8_t shift = hMirror ? xOffset : (7 - xOffset);
uint16_t color = GetTilePixelColor<bpp>(pixelStart, shift);
if(color > 0) {
/* Ignore palette bits for 256-color layers */
uint16_t paletteColor;
if(bpp == 8 && directColorMode) {
uint8_t palette = (_vram[addr + 1] >> 2) & 0x07;
paletteColor = (
(((color & 0x07) | (palette & 0x01)) << 1) |
(((color & 0x38) | ((palette & 0x02) << 1)) << 3) |
(((color & 0xC0) | ((palette & 0x04) << 3)) << 7)
} else {
uint8_t palette = bpp == 8 ? 0 : (_vram[addr + 1] >> 2) & 0x07;
uint16_t paletteRamOffset = basePaletteOffset + (palette * (1 << bpp) + color) * 2;
paletteColor = _cgram[paletteRamOffset] | (_cgram[paletteRamOffset + 1] << 8);
if(forMainScreen) {
DrawMainPixel<applyMosaic>(x, paletteColor, pixelFlags);
} else {
DrawSubPixel(x, paletteColor);
template<uint8_t layerIndex, bool largeTileWidth, bool largeTileHeight>
void Ppu::ProcessOffsetMode(uint8_t x, uint16_t realX, uint16_t realY, uint16_t &hScroll, uint16_t &vScroll, uint16_t &addr)
constexpr uint16_t enableBit = layerIndex == 0 ? 0x2000 : 0x4000;
LayerConfig &config = _layerConfig[layerIndex];
hScroll = config.HScroll;
vScroll = config.VScroll;
//TODO: Check+fix behavior with 16x16 tiles
//TODO: Test mode 4/6 behavior
if((realX + hScroll) & ~0x07) {
//For all tiles after the first tile on the row, check if an active offset exists and use it
uint16_t columnOffset = (((x - 8) & ~0x07) + (_layerConfig[2].HScroll & ~0x07)) >> 3;
uint16_t rowOffset = (_layerConfig[2].VScroll >> 3);
uint16_t hOffsetAddr = _layerConfig[2].TilemapAddress + (columnOffset << 1) + (rowOffset << 6);
if(_bgMode == 4) {
int16_t offsetValue = _vram[hOffsetAddr] | (_vram[hOffsetAddr + 1] << 8);
if((offsetValue & 0x8000) == 0 && (offsetValue & enableBit)) {
hScroll = (hScroll & 0x07) | ((x & ~0x07) + (offsetValue & 0x3F8));
if((offsetValue & 0x8000) != 0 && (offsetValue & enableBit)) {
vScroll = (offsetValue & 0x3FF);
} else {
uint16_t vOffsetAddr = hOffsetAddr + 0x40;
int16_t hOffsetValue = _vram[hOffsetAddr] | (_vram[hOffsetAddr + 1] << 8);
int16_t vOffsetValue = _vram[vOffsetAddr] | (_vram[vOffsetAddr + 1] << 8);
if(hOffsetValue & enableBit) {
hScroll = (hScroll & 0x07) | ((x & ~0x07) + (hOffsetValue & 0x3F8));
if(vOffsetValue & enableBit) {
vScroll = (vOffsetValue & 0x3FF);
//Recalculate the tile's address based on the new scroll offsets
uint16_t tilemapAddr = config.TilemapAddress >> 1;
uint16_t offsetModeRow = (realY + vScroll) >> (largeTileHeight ? 4 : 3);
uint16_t offsetModeColumn = (realX + hScroll) >> (largeTileWidth ? 4 : 3);
uint16_t addrVerticalScrollingOffset = config.VerticalMirroring ? ((offsetModeRow & 0x20) << (config.HorizontalMirroring ? 6 : 5)) : 0;
uint16_t offsetModeBaseAddress = tilemapAddr + addrVerticalScrollingOffset + ((offsetModeRow & 0x1F) << 5);
addr = (offsetModeBaseAddress + (offsetModeColumn & 0x1F) + (config.HorizontalMirroring ? ((offsetModeColumn & 0x20) << 5) : 0)) << 1;
template<bool forMainScreen>
bool Ppu::IsRenderRequired(uint8_t layerIndex)
if(forMainScreen) {
if(_pixelsDrawn == 256 || ((_mainScreenLayers >> layerIndex) & 0x01) == 0) {
//This screen is disabled, or we've drawn all pixels already
return false;
} else {
if(_subPixelsDrawn == 256 || ((_subScreenLayers >> layerIndex) & 0x01) == 0) {
//This screen is disabled, or we've drawn all pixels already
return false;
return true;
template<uint8_t bpp>
uint16_t Ppu::GetTilePixelColor(const uint16_t pixelStart, const uint8_t shift)
uint16_t color;
if(bpp == 2) {
color = (((_vram[pixelStart + 0] >> shift) & 0x01) << 0);
color |= (((_vram[pixelStart + 1] >> shift) & 0x01) << 1);
} else if(bpp == 4) {
color = (((_vram[pixelStart + 0] >> shift) & 0x01) << 0);
color |= (((_vram[pixelStart + 1] >> shift) & 0x01) << 1);
color |= (((_vram[pixelStart + 16] >> shift) & 0x01) << 2);
color |= (((_vram[pixelStart + 17] >> shift) & 0x01) << 3);
} else if(bpp == 8) {
color = (((_vram[pixelStart + 0] >> shift) & 0x01) << 0);
color |= (((_vram[pixelStart + 1] >> shift) & 0x01) << 1);
color |= (((_vram[pixelStart + 16] >> shift) & 0x01) << 2);
color |= (((_vram[pixelStart + 17] >> shift) & 0x01) << 3);
color |= (((_vram[pixelStart + 32] >> shift) & 0x01) << 4);
color |= (((_vram[pixelStart + 33] >> shift) & 0x01) << 5);
color |= (((_vram[pixelStart + 48] >> shift) & 0x01) << 6);
color |= (((_vram[pixelStart + 49] >> shift) & 0x01) << 7);
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("unsupported bpp");
return color;
template<uint8_t layerIndex, bool forMainScreen, bool processHighPriority, bool applyMosaic, bool directColorMode>
void Ppu::RenderTilemapMode7()
if(!IsRenderRequired<forMainScreen>(layerIndex)) {
constexpr auto clip = [](int32_t val) { return (val & 0x2000) ? (val | ~0x3ff) : (val & 0x3ff); };
int32_t lutX[256];
int32_t lutY[256];
int32_t hScroll = ((int32_t)_mode7.HScroll << 19) >> 19;
int32_t vScroll = ((int32_t)_mode7.VScroll << 19) >> 19;
int32_t centerX = ((int32_t)_mode7.CenterX << 19) >> 19;
int32_t centerY = ((int32_t)_mode7.CenterY << 19) >> 19;
uint16_t realY = _mode7.VerticalMirroring ? (255 - _scanline) : _scanline;
lutX[0] = (
((_mode7.Matrix[0] * clip(hScroll - centerX)) & ~63) +
((_mode7.Matrix[1] * realY) & ~63) +
((_mode7.Matrix[1] * clip(vScroll - centerY)) & ~63) +
(centerX << 8)
lutY[0] = (
((_mode7.Matrix[2] * clip(hScroll - centerX)) & ~63) +
((_mode7.Matrix[3] * realY) & ~63) +
((_mode7.Matrix[3] * clip(vScroll - centerY)) & ~63) +
(centerY << 8)
for(int x = 1; x < 256; x++) {
lutX[x] = lutX[x - 1] + _mode7.Matrix[0];
lutY[x] = lutY[x - 1] + _mode7.Matrix[2];
uint8_t pixelFlags = PixelFlags::Filled | (((_colorMathEnabled >> layerIndex) & 0x01) ? PixelFlags::AllowColorMath : 0);
for(int x = 0; x < 256; x++) {
uint16_t realX = _mode7.HorizontalMirroring ? (255 - x) : x;
if(forMainScreen) {
if(_rowPixelFlags[x]) {
} else {
if(_subScreenFilled[x]) {
int32_t xOffset = (lutX[realX] >> 8);
int32_t yOffset = (lutY[realX] >> 8);
uint8_t tileIndex;
if(!_mode7.LargeMap) {
yOffset &= 0x3FF;
xOffset &= 0x3FF;
tileIndex = _vram[(((yOffset & ~0x07) << 4) | (xOffset >> 3)) << 1];
} else {
if(yOffset < 0 || yOffset > 0x3FF || xOffset < 0 || xOffset > 0x3FF) {
if(_mode7.FillWithTile0) {
tileIndex = 0;
} else {
//Draw nothing for this pixel, we're outside the map
} else {
tileIndex = _vram[(((yOffset & ~0x07) << 4) | (xOffset >> 3)) << 1];
uint16_t colorIndex;
if(layerIndex == 1) {
uint8_t color = _vram[(((tileIndex << 6) + ((yOffset & 0x07) << 3) + (xOffset & 0x07)) << 1) + 1];
if(((uint8_t)processHighPriority << 7) != (color & 0x80)) {
//Wrong priority, skip this pixel
colorIndex = (color & 0x7F);
} else {
colorIndex = (_vram[(((tileIndex << 6) + ((yOffset & 0x07) << 3) + (xOffset & 0x07)) << 1) + 1]);
if(colorIndex > 0) {
uint16_t paletteColor;
if(directColorMode) {
paletteColor = ((colorIndex & 0x07) << 2) | ((colorIndex & 0x38) << 4) | ((colorIndex & 0xC0) << 7);
} else {
paletteColor = _cgram[colorIndex << 1] | (_cgram[(colorIndex << 1) + 1] << 8);
if(forMainScreen) {
DrawMainPixel<applyMosaic>(x, paletteColor, pixelFlags);
} else {
DrawSubPixel(x, paletteColor);
template<bool applyMosaic>
void Ppu::DrawMainPixel(uint8_t x, uint16_t color, uint8_t flags)
_mainScreenBuffer[x] = color;
_rowPixelFlags[x] = flags;
if(applyMosaic && x % _mosaicSize == 0) {
//This is the source for the mosaic pattern, store it for use in the next scanlines
for(int i = 0; i < _mosaicSize && x + i < 256; i++) {
_mosaicColor[x + i] = color;
void Ppu::DrawSubPixel(uint8_t x, uint16_t color)
_subScreenBuffer[x] = color;
_subScreenFilled[x] = true;
void Ppu::ApplyColorMath()
if(!_colorMathEnabled) {
uint8_t activeWindowCount = (uint8_t)_window[0].ActiveLayers[Ppu::ColorWindowIndex] + (uint8_t)_window[1].ActiveLayers[Ppu::ColorWindowIndex];
for(int x = 0; x < 256; x++) {
if(_rowPixelFlags[x] & PixelFlags::AllowColorMath) {
uint8_t halfShift = _colorMathHalveResult ? 1 : 0;
uint16_t &mainPixel = _mainScreenBuffer[x];
bool isInsideWindow = activeWindowCount && ProcessMaskWindow<Ppu::ColorWindowIndex>(activeWindowCount, x);
//Set color to black as needed based on clip mode
switch(_colorMathClipMode) {
case ColorWindowMode::Never: break;
case ColorWindowMode::OutsideWindow:
if(!isInsideWindow) {
mainPixel = 0;
halfShift = 0;
case ColorWindowMode::InsideWindow:
if(isInsideWindow) {
mainPixel = 0;
halfShift = 0;
case ColorWindowMode::Always: mainPixel = 0; break;
//Prevent color math as needed based on mode
switch(_colorMathPreventMode) {
case ColorWindowMode::Never: break;
case ColorWindowMode::OutsideWindow:
if(!isInsideWindow) {
case ColorWindowMode::InsideWindow:
if(isInsideWindow) {
case ColorWindowMode::Always: continue;
uint16_t otherPixel;
if(_colorMathAddSubscreen) {
if(_subScreenFilled[x]) {
otherPixel = _subScreenBuffer[x];
} else {
//there's nothing in the subscreen at this pixel, use the fixed color and disable halve operation
otherPixel = _fixedColor;
halfShift = 0;
} else {
otherPixel = _fixedColor;
if(_colorMathSubstractMode) {
uint16_t r = std::max((mainPixel & 0x001F) - (otherPixel & 0x001F), 0) >> halfShift;
uint16_t g = std::max(((mainPixel >> 5) & 0x001F) - ((otherPixel >> 5) & 0x001F), 0) >> halfShift;
uint16_t b = std::max(((mainPixel >> 10) & 0x001F) - ((otherPixel >> 10) & 0x001F), 0) >> halfShift;
mainPixel = r | (g << 5) | (b << 10);
} else {
uint16_t r = std::min(((mainPixel & 0x001F) + (otherPixel & 0x001F)) >> halfShift, 0x1F);
uint16_t g = std::min((((mainPixel >> 5) & 0x001F) + ((otherPixel >> 5) & 0x001F)) >> halfShift, 0x1F);
uint16_t b = std::min((((mainPixel >> 10) & 0x001F) + ((otherPixel >> 10) & 0x001F)) >> halfShift, 0x1F);
mainPixel = r | (g << 5) | (b << 10);
template<bool forMainScreen>
void Ppu::ApplyBrightness()
if(_screenBrightness != 15) {
for(int x = 0; x < 256; x++) {
uint16_t &pixel = (forMainScreen ? _mainScreenBuffer : _subScreenBuffer)[x];
uint16_t r = (pixel & 0x1F) * _screenBrightness / 15;
uint16_t g = ((pixel >> 5) & 0x1F) * _screenBrightness / 15;
uint16_t b = ((pixel >> 10) & 0x1F) * _screenBrightness / 15;
pixel = r | (g << 5) | (b << 10);
void Ppu::ApplyHiResMode()
uint16_t scanline = _scanline - 1;
uint32_t screenY = IsDoubleHeight() ? ((_frameCount & 0x01) ? ((scanline << 1) + 1) : (scanline << 1)) : (scanline << 1);
uint32_t baseAddr = (screenY << 9);
if(IsDoubleWidth()) {
for(int i = 0; i < 512; i += 2) {
_currentBuffer[baseAddr + i] = _subScreenBuffer[i >> 1];
_currentBuffer[baseAddr + i + 1] = _mainScreenBuffer[i >> 1];
} else {
for(int i = 0; i < 512; i += 2) {
_currentBuffer[baseAddr + i] = _mainScreenBuffer[i >> 1];
_currentBuffer[baseAddr + i + 1] = _mainScreenBuffer[i >> 1];
if(!IsDoubleHeight()) {
memcpy(_currentBuffer + baseAddr + 512, _currentBuffer + baseAddr, 512 * 2);
template<uint8_t layerIndex>
bool Ppu::ProcessMaskWindow(uint8_t activeWindowCount, int x)
if(activeWindowCount == 1) {
if(_window[0].ActiveLayers[layerIndex]) {
return _window[0].PixelNeedsMasking<layerIndex>(x);
} else {
return _window[1].PixelNeedsMasking<layerIndex>(x);
} else {
switch(_maskLogic[layerIndex]) {
case WindowMaskLogic::Or: return _window[0].PixelNeedsMasking<layerIndex>(x) | _window[1].PixelNeedsMasking<layerIndex>(x);
case WindowMaskLogic::And: return _window[0].PixelNeedsMasking<layerIndex>(x) & _window[1].PixelNeedsMasking<layerIndex>(x);
case WindowMaskLogic::Xor: return _window[0].PixelNeedsMasking<layerIndex>(x) ^ _window[1].PixelNeedsMasking<layerIndex>(x);
case WindowMaskLogic::Xnor: return !(_window[0].PixelNeedsMasking<layerIndex>(x) ^ _window[1].PixelNeedsMasking<layerIndex>(x));
void Ppu::ProcessWindowMaskSettings(uint8_t value, uint8_t offset)
_window[0].ActiveLayers[0 + offset] = (value & 0x02) != 0;
_window[0].ActiveLayers[1 + offset] = (value & 0x20) != 0;
_window[0].InvertedLayers[0 + offset] = (value & 0x01) != 0;
_window[0].InvertedLayers[1 + offset] = (value & 0x10) != 0;
_window[1].ActiveLayers[0 + offset] = (value & 0x08) != 0;
_window[1].ActiveLayers[1 + offset] = (value & 0x80) != 0;
_window[1].InvertedLayers[0 + offset] = (value & 0x04) != 0;
_window[1].InvertedLayers[1 + offset] = (value & 0x40) != 0;
void Ppu::SendFrame()
uint16_t width = 512;
uint16_t height = _overscanMode ? 478 : 448;
if(_screenInterlace) {
_console->GetVideoDecoder()->UpdateFrameSync(_currentBuffer, width, height, _frameCount);
} else {
_console->GetVideoDecoder()->UpdateFrame(_currentBuffer, width, height, _frameCount);
_currentBuffer = _currentBuffer == _outputBuffers[0] ? _outputBuffers[1] : _outputBuffers[0];
uint8_t* Ppu::GetVideoRam()
return _vram;
uint8_t* Ppu::GetCgRam()
return _cgram;
uint8_t* Ppu::GetSpriteRam()
return _oamRam;
bool Ppu::IsDoubleHeight()
return _screenInterlace && (_bgMode == 5 || _bgMode == 6);
bool Ppu::IsDoubleWidth()
return _hiResMode || _bgMode == 5 || _bgMode == 6;
void Ppu::LatchLocationValues()
_horizontalLocation = _cycle;
_verticalLocation = _scanline;
_locationLatched = true;
void Ppu::UpdateVramReadBuffer()
uint16_t addr = GetVramAddress();
_vramReadBuffer = _vram[addr << 1] | (_vram[(addr << 1) + 1] << 8);
uint16_t Ppu::GetVramAddress()
uint16_t addr = _vramAddress;
switch(_vramAddressRemapping) {
case 0: return addr;
case 1: return (addr & 0xFF00) | ((addr & 0xE0) >> 5) | ((addr & 0x1F) << 3);
case 2: return (addr & 0xFE00) | ((addr & 0x1C0) >> 6) | ((addr & 0x3F) << 3);
case 3: return (addr & 0xFC00) | ((addr & 0x380) >> 7) | ((addr & 0x7F) << 3);
uint8_t Ppu::Read(uint16_t addr)
switch(addr) {
case 0x2134: return ((int16_t)_mode7.Matrix[0] * ((int16_t)_mode7.Matrix[1] >> 8)) & 0xFF;
case 0x2135: return (((int16_t)_mode7.Matrix[0] * ((int16_t)_mode7.Matrix[1] >> 8)) >> 8) & 0xFF;
case 0x2136: return (((int16_t)_mode7.Matrix[0] * ((int16_t)_mode7.Matrix[1] >> 8)) >> 16) & 0xFF;
case 0x2137:
//SLHV - Software Latch for H/V Counter
//Latch values on read, and return open bus
case 0x2138: {
//OAMDATAREAD - Data for OAM read
uint8_t value;
if(_internalOamAddress < 512) {
value = _oamRam[_internalOamAddress];
_console->ProcessPpuRead(_internalOamAddress, value, SnesMemoryType::SpriteRam);
} else {
value = _oamRam[0x200 | (_internalOamAddress & 0x1F)];
_console->ProcessPpuRead(0x200 | (_internalOamAddress & 0x1F), value, SnesMemoryType::SpriteRam);
_internalOamAddress = (_internalOamAddress + 1) & 0x3FF;
return value;
case 0x2139: {
//VMDATALREAD - VRAM Data Read low byte
uint8_t returnValue = (uint8_t)_vramReadBuffer;
_console->ProcessPpuRead(GetVramAddress(), returnValue, SnesMemoryType::VideoRam);
if(!_vramAddrIncrementOnSecondReg) {
_vramAddress = (_vramAddress + _vramIncrementValue) & 0x7FFF;
return returnValue;
case 0x213A: {
//VMDATAHREAD - VRAM Data Read high byte
uint8_t returnValue = (uint8_t)(_vramReadBuffer >> 8);
_console->ProcessPpuRead(GetVramAddress() + 1, returnValue, SnesMemoryType::VideoRam);
if(_vramAddrIncrementOnSecondReg) {
_vramAddress = (_vramAddress + _vramIncrementValue) & 0x7FFF;
return returnValue;
case 0x213B: {
uint8_t value = _cgram[_cgramAddress];
_console->ProcessPpuRead(_cgramAddress, value, SnesMemoryType::CGRam);
_cgramAddress = (_cgramAddress + 1) & (Ppu::CgRamSize - 1);
return value;
case 0x213C: {
//OPHCT - Horizontal Scanline Location
uint8_t value;
if(_horizontalLocToggle) {
//"Note that the value read is only 9 bits: bits 1-7 of the high byte are PPU2 Open Bus."
value = ((_horizontalLocation & 0x100) >> 8) | ((addr >> 8) & 0xFE);
} else {
value = _horizontalLocation & 0xFF;
_horizontalLocToggle = !_horizontalLocToggle;
return value;
case 0x213D: {
//OPVCT - Vertical Scanline Location
uint8_t value;
if(_verticalLocationToggle) {
//"Note that the value read is only 9 bits: bits 1-7 of the high byte are PPU2 Open Bus."
value = ((_verticalLocation & 0x100) >> 8) | ((addr >> 8) & 0xFE);
} else {
value = _verticalLocation & 0xFF;
_verticalLocationToggle = !_verticalLocationToggle;
return value;
case 0x213E:
//STAT77 - PPU Status Flag and Version
//TODO open bus on bit 4
return (
(_timeOver ? 0x80 : 0) |
(_rangeOver ? 0x40 : 0) |
0x01 //PPU (5c77) chip version
case 0x213F: {
//STAT78 - PPU Status Flag and Version
//TODO open bus on bit 5
uint8_t value = (
((_frameCount & 0x01) ? 0x80 : 0) |
(_locationLatched ? 0x40 : 0) |
//TODO (_isPal ? 0x10 : 0)
0x02 //PPU (5c78) chip version
if(_regs->GetIoPortOutput() & 0x80) {
_locationLatched = false;
//"The high/low selector is reset to <20>elow<6F>f when $213F is read" (the selector is NOT reset when the counter is latched)
_horizontalLocToggle = false;
_verticalLocationToggle = false;
return value;
MessageManager::DisplayMessage("Debug", "Unimplemented register read: " + HexUtilities::ToHex(addr));
return addr >> 8;
void Ppu::Write(uint32_t addr, uint8_t value)
switch(addr) {
case 0x2100:
_forcedVblank = (value & 0x80) != 0;
_screenBrightness = value & 0x0F;
//TODO : Also, writing this register on the first line of V-Blank (225 or 240, depending on overscan) when force blank is currently active causes the OAM Address Reset to occur.
case 0x2101:
_oamMode = (value & 0xE0) >> 5;
_oamBaseAddress = (value & 0x07) << 13;
_oamAddressOffset = (((value & 0x18) >> 3) + 1) << 12;
case 0x2102:
_oamRamAddress = (_oamRamAddress & 0x100) | value;
_internalOamAddress = (_oamRamAddress << 1);
case 0x2103:
_oamRamAddress = (_oamRamAddress & 0xFF) | ((value & 0x01) << 8);
_internalOamAddress = (_oamRamAddress << 1);
_enableOamPriority = (value & 0x80) != 0;
case 0x2104:
if(_internalOamAddress < 512) {
if(_internalOamAddress & 0x01) {
_console->ProcessPpuWrite(_internalOamAddress - 1, _oamWriteBuffer, SnesMemoryType::SpriteRam);
_oamRam[_internalOamAddress - 1] = _oamWriteBuffer;
_console->ProcessPpuWrite(_internalOamAddress, value, SnesMemoryType::SpriteRam);
_oamRam[_internalOamAddress] = value;
} else {
_oamWriteBuffer = value;
} else {
uint16_t address = 0x200 | (_internalOamAddress & 0x1F);
if((_internalOamAddress & 0x01) == 0) {
_oamWriteBuffer = value;
_console->ProcessPpuWrite(address, value, SnesMemoryType::SpriteRam);
_oamRam[address] = value;
_internalOamAddress = (_internalOamAddress + 1) & 0x3FF;
case 0x2105:
if(_bgMode != (value & 0x07)) {
MessageManager::DisplayMessage("Debug", "Entering mode: " + std::to_string(value & 0x07));
_bgMode = value & 0x07;
_mode1Bg3Priority = (value & 0x08) != 0;
_layerConfig[0].LargeTiles = (value & 0x10) != 0;
_layerConfig[1].LargeTiles = (value & 0x20) != 0;
_layerConfig[2].LargeTiles = (value & 0x40) != 0;
_layerConfig[3].LargeTiles = (value & 0x80) != 0;
case 0x2106:
//MOSAIC - Screen Pixelation
_mosaicSize = ((value & 0xF0) >> 4) + 1;
_mosaicEnabled = value & 0x0F;
if(_mosaicEnabled) {
//"If this register is set during the frame, the <20>estarting scanline<6E>f is the current scanline, otherwise it is the first visible scanline of the frame."
_mosaicStartScanline = _scanline;
case 0x2107: case 0x2108: case 0x2109: case 0x210A:
//BG 1-4 Tilemap Address and Size (BG1SC, BG2SC, BG3SC, BG4SC)
_layerConfig[addr - 0x2107].TilemapAddress = (value & 0xFC) << 9;
_layerConfig[addr - 0x2107].HorizontalMirroring = (value & 0x01) != 0;
_layerConfig[addr - 0x2107].VerticalMirroring = (value & 0x02) != 0;
case 0x210B: case 0x210C:
//BG1+2 / BG3+4 Chr Address (BG12NBA / BG34NBA)
_layerConfig[(addr - 0x210B) * 2].ChrAddress = (value & 0x0F) << 13;
_layerConfig[(addr - 0x210B) * 2 + 1].ChrAddress = (value & 0xF0) << 9;
case 0x210D:
//M7HOFS - Mode 7 BG Horizontal Scroll
//BG1HOFS - BG1 Horizontal Scroll
_mode7.HScroll = ((value << 8) | (_mode7.ValueLatch)) & 0x1FFF;
_mode7.ValueLatch = value;
//no break, keep executing to set the matching BG1 HScroll register, too
case 0x210F: case 0x2111: case 0x2113:
//BGXHOFS - BG1/2/3/4 Horizontal Scroll
_layerConfig[(addr - 0x210D) >> 1].HScroll = ((value << 8) | (_hvScrollLatchValue & ~0x07) | (_hScrollLatchValue & 0x07)) & 0x3FF;
_hvScrollLatchValue = value;
_hScrollLatchValue = value;
case 0x210E:
//M7VOFS - Mode 7 BG Vertical Scroll
//BG1VOFS - BG1 Vertical Scroll
_mode7.VScroll = ((value << 8) | (_mode7.ValueLatch)) & 0x1FFF;
_mode7.ValueLatch = value;
//no break, keep executing to set the matching BG1 HScroll register, too
case 0x2110: case 0x2112: case 0x2114:
//BGXVOFS - BG1/2/3/4 Vertical Scroll
_layerConfig[(addr - 0x210E) >> 1].VScroll = ((value << 8) | _hvScrollLatchValue) & 0x3FF;
_hvScrollLatchValue = value;
case 0x2115:
//VMAIN - Video Port Control
switch(value & 0x03) {
case 0: _vramIncrementValue = 1; break;
case 1: _vramIncrementValue = 32; break;
case 2:
case 3: _vramIncrementValue = 128; break;
//TODO : Remapping is not implemented yet
_vramAddressRemapping = (value & 0x0C) >> 2;
_vramAddrIncrementOnSecondReg = (value & 0x80) != 0;
case 0x2116:
//VMADDL - VRAM Address low byte
_vramAddress = (_vramAddress & 0x7F00) | value;
case 0x2117:
//VMADDH - VRAM Address high byte
_vramAddress = (_vramAddress & 0x00FF) | ((value & 0x7F) << 8);
case 0x2118:
//VMDATAL - VRAM Data Write low byte
_console->ProcessPpuWrite(GetVramAddress() << 1, value, SnesMemoryType::VideoRam);
_vram[GetVramAddress() << 1] = value;
if(!_vramAddrIncrementOnSecondReg) {
_vramAddress = (_vramAddress + _vramIncrementValue) & 0x7FFF;
case 0x2119:
//VMDATAH - VRAM Data Write high byte
_console->ProcessPpuWrite((GetVramAddress() << 1) + 1, value, SnesMemoryType::VideoRam);
_vram[(GetVramAddress() << 1) + 1] = value;
if(_vramAddrIncrementOnSecondReg) {
_vramAddress = (_vramAddress + _vramIncrementValue) & 0x7FFF;
case 0x211A:
//M7SEL - Mode 7 Settings
_mode7.LargeMap = (value & 0x80) != 0;
_mode7.FillWithTile0 = (value & 0x40) != 0;
_mode7.HorizontalMirroring = (value & 0x01) != 0;
_mode7.VerticalMirroring = (value & 0x02) != 0;
case 0x211B: case 0x211C: case 0x211D: case 0x211E:
//M7A/B/C/D - Mode 7 Matrix A/B/C/D (A/B are also used with $2134/6)
_mode7.Matrix[addr - 0x211B] = (value << 8) | _mode7.ValueLatch;
_mode7.ValueLatch = value;
case 0x211F:
//M7X - Mode 7 Center X
_mode7.CenterX = ((value << 8) | _mode7.ValueLatch);
_mode7.ValueLatch = value;
case 0x2120:
//M7Y - Mode 7 Center Y
_mode7.CenterY = ((value << 8) | _mode7.ValueLatch);
_mode7.ValueLatch = value;
case 0x2121:
//CGRAM Address(CGADD)
_cgramAddress = value * 2;
case 0x2122:
//CGRAM Data write (CGDATA)
_console->ProcessPpuWrite(_cgramAddress, value, SnesMemoryType::CGRam);
_cgram[_cgramAddress] = value;
_cgramAddress = (_cgramAddress + 1) & (Ppu::CgRamSize - 1);
case 0x2123:
//W12SEL - Window Mask Settings for BG1 and BG2
ProcessWindowMaskSettings(value, 0);
case 0x2124:
//W34SEL - Window Mask Settings for BG3 and BG4
ProcessWindowMaskSettings(value, 2);
case 0x2125:
//WOBJSEL - Window Mask Settings for OBJ and Color Window
ProcessWindowMaskSettings(value, 4);
case 0x2126:
//WH0 - Window 1 Left Position
_window[0].Left = value;
case 0x2127:
//WH1 - Window 1 Right Position
_window[0].Right = value;
case 0x2128:
//WH2 - Window 2 Left Position
_window[1].Left = value;
case 0x2129:
//WH3 - Window 2 Right Position
_window[1].Right = value;
case 0x212A:
//WBGLOG - Window mask logic for BG
_maskLogic[0] = (WindowMaskLogic)(value & 0x03);
_maskLogic[1] = (WindowMaskLogic)((value >> 2) & 0x03);
_maskLogic[2] = (WindowMaskLogic)((value >> 4) & 0x03);
_maskLogic[3] = (WindowMaskLogic)((value >> 6) & 0x03);
case 0x212B:
//WOBJLOG - Window mask logic for OBJs and Color Window
_maskLogic[4] = (WindowMaskLogic)((value >> 0) & 0x03);
_maskLogic[5] = (WindowMaskLogic)((value >> 2) & 0x03);
case 0x212C:
//TM - Main Screen Designation
_mainScreenLayers = value & 0x1F;
case 0x212D:
//TS - Subscreen Designation
_subScreenLayers = value & 0x1F;
case 0x212E:
//TMW - Window Mask Designation for the Main Screen
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
_windowMaskMain[i] = ((value >> i) & 0x01) != 0;
case 0x212F:
//TSW - Window Mask Designation for the Subscreen
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
_windowMaskSub[i] = ((value >> i) & 0x01) != 0;
case 0x2130:
//CGWSEL - Color Addition Select
_colorMathClipMode = (ColorWindowMode)((value >> 6) & 0x03);
_colorMathPreventMode = (ColorWindowMode)((value >> 4) & 0x03);
_colorMathAddSubscreen = (value & 0x02) != 0;
_directColorMode = (value & 0x01) != 0;
case 0x2131:
//CGADSUB - Color math designation
_colorMathEnabled = value & 0x3F;
_colorMathSubstractMode = (value & 0x80) != 0;
_colorMathHalveResult = (value & 0x40) != 0;
case 0x2132:
//COLDATA - Fixed Color Data
if(value & 0x80) { //B
_fixedColor = (_fixedColor & ~0x7C00) | ((value & 0x1F) << 10);
if(value & 0x40) { //G
_fixedColor = (_fixedColor & ~0x3E0) | ((value & 0x1F) << 5);
if(value & 0x20) { //R
_fixedColor = (_fixedColor & ~0x1F) | (value & 0x1F);
case 0x2133:
//SETINI - Screen Mode/Video Select
//_externalSync = (value & 0x80) != 0; //NOT USED
_mode7.ExtBgEnabled = (value & 0x40) != 0;
_hiResMode = (value & 0x08) != 0;
_overscanMode = (value & 0x04) != 0;
_objInterlace = (value & 0x02) != 0;
_screenInterlace = (value & 0x01) != 0;
MessageManager::DisplayMessage("Debug", "Unimplemented register write: " + HexUtilities::ToHex(addr) + " = " + HexUtilities::ToHex(value));
/* Everything below this point is used to select the proper arguments for templates */
template<uint8_t layerIndex, uint8_t bpp, bool processHighPriority, bool forMainScreen, uint16_t basePaletteOffset, bool hiResMode, bool largeTileWidth, bool largeTileHeight, uint8_t activeWindowCount, bool applyMosaic>
void Ppu::RenderTilemap()
if(_directColorMode) {
RenderTilemap<layerIndex, bpp, processHighPriority, forMainScreen, basePaletteOffset, hiResMode, largeTileWidth, largeTileHeight, activeWindowCount, applyMosaic, true>();
} else {
RenderTilemap<layerIndex, bpp, processHighPriority, forMainScreen, basePaletteOffset, hiResMode, largeTileWidth, largeTileHeight, activeWindowCount, applyMosaic, false>();
template<uint8_t layerIndex, uint8_t bpp, bool processHighPriority, bool forMainScreen, uint16_t basePaletteOffset, bool hiResMode, bool largeTileWidth, bool largeTileHeight, uint8_t activeWindowCount>
void Ppu::RenderTilemap()
bool applyMosaic = forMainScreen && ((_mosaicEnabled >> layerIndex) & 0x01) != 0;
if(applyMosaic) {
RenderTilemap<layerIndex, bpp, processHighPriority, forMainScreen, basePaletteOffset, hiResMode, largeTileWidth, largeTileHeight, activeWindowCount, true>();
} else {
RenderTilemap<layerIndex, bpp, processHighPriority, forMainScreen, basePaletteOffset, hiResMode, largeTileWidth, largeTileHeight, activeWindowCount, false>();
template<uint8_t layerIndex, uint8_t bpp, bool processHighPriority, bool forMainScreen, uint16_t basePaletteOffset, bool hiResMode, bool largeTileWidth, bool largeTileHeight>
void Ppu::RenderTilemap()
uint8_t activeWindowCount = 0;
if((forMainScreen && _windowMaskMain[layerIndex]) || (!forMainScreen && _windowMaskSub[layerIndex])) {
activeWindowCount = (uint8_t)_window[0].ActiveLayers[layerIndex] + (uint8_t)_window[1].ActiveLayers[layerIndex];
if(activeWindowCount == 0) {
RenderTilemap<layerIndex, bpp, processHighPriority, forMainScreen, basePaletteOffset, hiResMode, largeTileWidth, largeTileHeight, 0>();
} else if(activeWindowCount == 1) {
RenderTilemap<layerIndex, bpp, processHighPriority, forMainScreen, basePaletteOffset, hiResMode, largeTileWidth, largeTileHeight, 1>();
} else {
RenderTilemap<layerIndex, bpp, processHighPriority, forMainScreen, basePaletteOffset, hiResMode, largeTileWidth, largeTileHeight, 2>();
template<uint8_t layerIndex, uint8_t bpp, bool processHighPriority, bool forMainScreen, uint16_t basePaletteOffset, bool hiResMode>
void Ppu::RenderTilemap()
bool largeTileWidth = _layerConfig[layerIndex].LargeTiles | hiResMode;
bool largeTileHeight = _layerConfig[layerIndex].LargeTiles;
if(largeTileWidth) {
if(largeTileHeight) {
RenderTilemap<layerIndex, bpp, processHighPriority, forMainScreen, basePaletteOffset, hiResMode, true, true>();
} else {
RenderTilemap<layerIndex, bpp, processHighPriority, forMainScreen, basePaletteOffset, hiResMode, true, false>();
} else {
if(largeTileHeight) {
RenderTilemap<layerIndex, bpp, processHighPriority, forMainScreen, basePaletteOffset, hiResMode, false, true>();
} else {
RenderTilemap<layerIndex, bpp, processHighPriority, forMainScreen, basePaletteOffset, hiResMode, false, false>();
template<uint8_t layerIndex, uint8_t bpp, bool processHighPriority, bool forMainScreen, uint16_t basePaletteOffset>
void Ppu::RenderTilemap()
if(_bgMode == 5 || _bgMode == 6) {
RenderTilemap<layerIndex, bpp, processHighPriority, forMainScreen, basePaletteOffset, true>();
} else {
RenderTilemap<layerIndex, bpp, processHighPriority, forMainScreen, basePaletteOffset, false>();
template<uint8_t layerIndex, bool forMainScreen, bool processHighPriority>
void Ppu::RenderTilemapMode7()
bool applyMosaic = forMainScreen && ((_mosaicEnabled >> layerIndex) & 0x01) != 0;
if(applyMosaic) {
RenderTilemapMode7<layerIndex, forMainScreen, processHighPriority, true>();
} else {
RenderTilemapMode7<layerIndex, forMainScreen, processHighPriority, false>();
template<uint8_t layerIndex, bool forMainScreen, bool processHighPriority, bool applyMosaic>
void Ppu::RenderTilemapMode7()
if(_directColorMode) {
RenderTilemapMode7<layerIndex, forMainScreen, processHighPriority, applyMosaic, true>();
} else {
RenderTilemapMode7<layerIndex, forMainScreen, processHighPriority, applyMosaic, false>();