Sour 5f055110fa Added Game Boy support
CPU/APU are decent - PPU is still just a scanline renderer
No Super Game Boy support yet
2020-05-18 16:11:08 -04:00

378 lines
11 KiB

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "GbPpu.h"
#include "GbTypes.h"
#include "EventType.h"
#include "Console.h"
#include "Gameboy.h"
#include "VideoDecoder.h"
#include "RewindManager.h"
#include "GbMemoryManager.h"
#include "NotificationManager.h"
#include "../Utilities/Serializer.h"
void GbPpu::Init(Console* console, Gameboy* gameboy, GbMemoryManager* memoryManager, uint8_t* vram, uint8_t* oam)
_console = console;
_gameboy = gameboy;
_memoryManager = memoryManager;
_vram = vram;
_oam = oam;
_state = {};
_state.Mode = PpuMode::HBlank;
_drawModeLength = (_state.ScrollX & 0x07) + 160 + 8 * 5;
_lastFrameTime = 0;
_outputBuffers[0] = new uint16_t[256 * 240];
_outputBuffers[1] = new uint16_t[256 * 240];
memset(_outputBuffers[0], 0, 256 * 240 * sizeof(uint16_t));
memset(_outputBuffers[1], 0, 256 * 240 * sizeof(uint16_t));
_currentBuffer = _outputBuffers[0];
Write(0xFF40, 0x91);
Write(0xFF42, 0x00);
Write(0xFF43, 0x00);
Write(0xFF45, 0x00);
Write(0xFF47, 0xFC);
Write(0xFF48, 0xFF);
Write(0xFF49, 0xFF);
Write(0xFF4A, 0);
Write(0xFF4B, 0);
GbPpuState GbPpu::GetState()
return _state;
void GbPpu::Exec()
if(!_state.LcdEnabled) {
//LCD is disabled, prevent IRQs, etc.
//Not quite correct in terms of frame pacing
if(_gameboy->GetCycleCount() - _lastFrameTime > 70224) {
//More than a full frame's worth of time has passed since the last frame, send another blank frame
_lastFrameTime = _gameboy->GetCycleCount();
void GbPpu::ExecCycle()
if(_state.Cycle == 456) {
_state.Cycle = 0;
if(_state.Scanline == 144) {
_state.Mode = PpuMode::VBlank;
if(_state.Status & GbPpuStatusFlags::VBlankIrq) {
} else if(_state.Scanline == 154) {
_state.Scanline = 0;
if(_state.Scanline < 144) {
_state.Mode = PpuMode::OamEvaluation;
_drawModeLength = (_state.ScrollX & 0x07) + 160 + 8 * 5;
if(_state.Status & GbPpuStatusFlags::OamIrq) {
if(_state.LyCompare == _state.Scanline && (_state.Status & GbPpuStatusFlags::CoincidenceIrq)) {
_console->ProcessPpuCycle(_state.Scanline, _state.Cycle);
//TODO: Dot-based renderer, currently draws at the end of the scanline
if(_state.Scanline < 144) {
if(_state.Cycle < 80) {
if(_state.Cycle == 79) {
_state.Mode = PpuMode::Drawing;
} else if(_state.Mode == PpuMode::Drawing) {
if(_drawModeLength == 0) {
_state.Mode = PpuMode::HBlank;
if(_state.Status & GbPpuStatusFlags::HBlankIrq) {
void GbPpu::GetPalette(uint16_t out[4], uint8_t palCfg)
constexpr uint16_t rgbPalette[4] = { 0x7FFF, 0x6318, 0x318C, 0x0000 };
out[0] = rgbPalette[palCfg & 0x03];
out[1] = rgbPalette[(palCfg >> 2) & 0x03];
out[2] = rgbPalette[(palCfg >> 4) & 0x03];
out[3] = rgbPalette[(palCfg >> 6) & 0x03];
void GbPpu::RenderScanline()
uint16_t bgColors[4];
uint16_t oamColors[2][4];
GetPalette(bgColors, _state.BgPalette);
GetPalette(oamColors[0], _state.ObjPalette0);
GetPalette(oamColors[1], _state.ObjPalette1);
uint8_t visibleSprites[10] = {};
uint8_t spriteCount = 0;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 0xA0; i += 4) {
int16_t sprY = (int16_t)_oam[i] - 16;
if(_state.Scanline >= sprY && _state.Scanline < sprY + (_state.LargeSprites ? 16 : 8)) {
visibleSprites[spriteCount] = i;
if(spriteCount == 10) {
if(spriteCount > 1) {
//Sort sprites by their X position first, and then by their index when X values are equal
std::sort(visibleSprites, visibleSprites + spriteCount, [=](uint8_t a, uint8_t b) {
if(_oam[a + 1] == _oam[b + 1]) {
return a < b;
} else {
return _oam[a + 1] < _oam[b + 1];
uint8_t xOffset;
uint8_t yOffset;
uint16_t tilemapAddr;
uint16_t baseTile = _state.BgTileSelect ? 0 : 0x1000;
for(int x = 0; x < 160; x++) {
uint8_t bgColor = 0;
uint16_t outOffset = _state.Scanline * 256 + x;
if(_state.BgEnabled) {
if(_state.WindowEnabled && x >= _state.WindowX - 7 && _state.Scanline >= _state.WindowY) {
//Draw window content instead
tilemapAddr = _state.WindowTilemapSelect ? 0x1C00 : 0x1800;
xOffset = x - (_state.WindowX - 7);
yOffset = _state.Scanline - _state.WindowY;
} else {
//Draw regular tilemap
tilemapAddr = _state.BgTilemapSelect ? 0x1C00 : 0x1800;
xOffset = _state.ScrollX + x;
yOffset = _state.ScrollY + _state.Scanline;
uint8_t row = yOffset >> 3;
uint8_t tileY = yOffset & 0x07;
uint8_t column = xOffset >> 3;
uint8_t tileIndex = _vram[tilemapAddr + column + row * 32];
uint16_t tileRowAddr = baseTile + (baseTile ? (int8_t)tileIndex * 16 : tileIndex * 16) + tileY * 2;
uint8_t shift = 7 - (xOffset & 0x07);
bgColor = ((_vram[tileRowAddr] >> shift) & 0x01) | (((_vram[tileRowAddr + 1] >> shift) & 0x01) << 1);
_currentBuffer[outOffset] = bgColors[bgColor];
if(_state.SpritesEnabled && spriteCount) {
for(int i = 0; i < spriteCount; i++) {
uint8_t sprIndex = visibleSprites[i];
int16_t sprX = (int16_t)_oam[sprIndex + 1] - 8;
if(x >= sprX && x < sprX + 8) {
int16_t sprY = (int16_t)_oam[sprIndex] - 16;
uint8_t sprTile = _oam[sprIndex + 2];
bool bgPriority = (_oam[sprIndex + 3] & 0x80);
bool vMirror = (_oam[sprIndex + 3] & 0x40);
bool hMirror = (_oam[sprIndex + 3] & 0x20);
bool palette = (_oam[sprIndex + 3] & 0x10);
uint8_t sprOffsetY = vMirror ? (_state.LargeSprites ? 15 : 7) - (_state.Scanline - sprY) : (_state.Scanline - sprY);
if(_state.LargeSprites) {
sprTile &= 0xFE;
uint8_t sprShiftX = hMirror ? (x - sprX) : 7 - (x - sprX);
uint16_t sprTileAddr = sprTile * 16 + sprOffsetY * 2;
uint8_t sprColor = ((_vram[sprTileAddr] >> sprShiftX) & 0x01) | (((_vram[sprTileAddr + 1] >> sprShiftX) & 0x01) << 1);
if(sprColor > 0 && (bgColor == 0 || !bgPriority)) {
_currentBuffer[outOffset] = oamColors[(int)palette][sprColor];
void GbPpu::SendFrame()
_console->GetVideoDecoder()->UpdateFrameSync(_currentBuffer, 256, 239, _state.FrameCount, false);
if(_console->GetRewindManager()->IsRewinding()) {
_console->GetVideoDecoder()->UpdateFrameSync(_currentBuffer, 256, 239, _state.FrameCount, true);
} else {
_console->GetVideoDecoder()->UpdateFrame(_currentBuffer, 256, 239, _state.FrameCount);
//TODO move this somewhere that makes more sense
uint8_t prevInput = _memoryManager->ReadInputPort();
uint8_t newInput = _memoryManager->ReadInputPort();
if(prevInput != newInput) {
_currentBuffer = _currentBuffer == _outputBuffers[0] ? _outputBuffers[1] : _outputBuffers[0];
uint8_t GbPpu::Read(uint16_t addr)
switch(addr) {
case 0xFF40: return _state.Control;
case 0xFF41:
//FF41 - STAT - LCDC Status (R/W)
return (
(_state.Status & 0xF8) |
((_state.LyCompare == _state.Scanline) ? 0x04 : 0x00) |
case 0xFF42: return _state.ScrollY; //FF42 - SCY - Scroll Y (R/W)
case 0xFF43: return _state.ScrollX; //FF43 - SCX - Scroll X (R/W)
case 0xFF44: return _state.Scanline; //FF44 - LY - LCDC Y-Coordinate (R)
case 0xFF45: return _state.LyCompare; //FF45 - LYC - LY Compare (R/W)
case 0xFF47: return _state.BgPalette; //FF47 - BGP - BG Palette Data (R/W) - Non CGB Mode Only
case 0xFF48: return _state.ObjPalette0; //FF48 - OBP0 - Object Palette 0 Data (R/W) - Non CGB Mode Only
case 0xFF49: return _state.ObjPalette1; //FF49 - OBP1 - Object Palette 1 Data (R/W) - Non CGB Mode Only
case 0xFF4A: return _state.WindowY; //FF4A - WY - Window Y Position (R/W)
case 0xFF4B: return _state.WindowX; //FF4B - WX - Window X Position minus 7 (R/W)
return 0;
void GbPpu::Write(uint16_t addr, uint8_t value)
switch(addr) {
case 0xFF40:
_state.Control = value;
if(_state.LcdEnabled != ((value & 0x80) != 0)) {
_state.LcdEnabled = (value & 0x80) != 0;
if(!_state.LcdEnabled) {
//Reset LCD to top of screen when it gets turned on
_state.Cycle = 0;
_state.Scanline = 0;
_state.Mode = PpuMode::HBlank;
//Send a blank (white) frame
_lastFrameTime = _gameboy->GetCycleCount();
std::fill(_currentBuffer, _currentBuffer + 256 * 239, 0x7FFF);
_state.WindowTilemapSelect = (value & 0x40) != 0;
_state.WindowEnabled = (value & 0x20) != 0;
_state.BgTileSelect = (value & 0x10) != 0;
_state.BgTilemapSelect = (value & 0x08) != 0;
_state.LargeSprites = (value & 0x04) != 0;
_state.SpritesEnabled = (value & 0x02) != 0;
_state.BgEnabled = (value & 0x01) != 0;
case 0xFF41: _state.Status = value & 0xF8; break;
case 0xFF42: _state.ScrollY = value; break;
case 0xFF43: _state.ScrollX = value; break;
case 0xFF45: _state.LyCompare = value; break;
case 0xFF46:
//OAM DMA - TODO, restrict CPU accesses to high ram during this?
for(int i = 0; i < 0xA0; i++) {
WriteOam(i, _memoryManager->Read((value << 8) | i, MemoryOperationType::DmaRead));
case 0xFF47: _state.BgPalette = value; break;
case 0xFF48: _state.ObjPalette0 = value; break;
case 0xFF49: _state.ObjPalette1 = value; break;
case 0xFF4A: _state.WindowY = value; break;
case 0xFF4B: _state.WindowX = value; break;
uint8_t GbPpu::ReadVram(uint16_t addr)
if((int)_state.Mode <= (int)PpuMode::OamEvaluation) {
return _vram[addr & 0x1FFF];
} else {
return 0xFF;
void GbPpu::WriteVram(uint16_t addr, uint8_t value)
if((int)_state.Mode <= (int)PpuMode::OamEvaluation) {
_vram[addr & 0x1FFF] = value;
uint8_t GbPpu::ReadOam(uint8_t addr)
if(addr < 0xA0) {
if((int)_state.Mode <= (int)PpuMode::VBlank) {
return _oam[addr];
} else {
return 0xFF;
return 0;
void GbPpu::WriteOam(uint8_t addr, uint8_t value)
if(addr < 0xA0 && (int)_state.Mode <= (int)PpuMode::VBlank) {
_oam[addr] = value;
void GbPpu::Serialize(Serializer& s)
_state.Scanline, _state.Cycle, _state.Mode, _state.LyCompare, _state.BgPalette, _state.ObjPalette0, _state.ObjPalette1,
_state.ScrollX, _state.ScrollY, _state.WindowX, _state.WindowY, _state.Control, _state.LcdEnabled, _state.WindowTilemapSelect,
_state.WindowEnabled, _state.BgTileSelect, _state.BgTilemapSelect, _state.LargeSprites, _state.SpritesEnabled, _state.BgEnabled,
_state.Status, _state.FrameCount, _lastFrameTime