268 lines
7.6 KiB
268 lines
7.6 KiB
#pragma once
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "PpuTypes.h"
#include "../Utilities/ISerializable.h"
class Console;
class InternalRegisters;
class MemoryManager;
class Ppu : public ISerializable
constexpr static uint32_t SpriteRamSize = 544;
constexpr static uint32_t CgRamSize = 512;
constexpr static uint32_t VideoRamSize = 0x10000;
constexpr static int SpriteLayerIndex = 4;
constexpr static int ColorWindowIndex = 5;
shared_ptr<Console> _console;
shared_ptr<InternalRegisters> _regs;
shared_ptr<MemoryManager> _memoryManager;
//Temporary data used for the tilemap/tile fetching
LayerData _layerData[4];
uint16_t _hOffset = 0;
uint16_t _vOffset = 0;
uint16_t _fetchBgStart = 0;
uint16_t _fetchBgEnd = 0;
//Temporary data used by the sprite evaluation/fetching
SpriteInfo _currentSprite = {};
uint8_t _oamEvaluationIndex = 0;
uint8_t _oamTimeIndex = 0;
uint16_t _fetchSpriteStart = 0;
uint16_t _fetchSpriteEnd = 0;
uint16_t _spriteEvalStart = 0;
uint16_t _spriteEvalEnd = 0;
bool _spriteFetchingDone = false;
uint8_t _spriteIndexes[32] = {};
uint8_t _spriteCount = 0;
uint8_t _spriteTileCount = 0;
bool _forcedVblank = false;
uint8_t _screenBrightness = 0;
uint16_t _scanline = 0;
uint32_t _frameCount = 0;
uint16_t _vblankStart;
uint8_t _oddFrame = 0;
uint16_t _drawStartX = 0;
uint16_t _drawEndX = 0;
uint8_t _bgMode = 0;
bool _mode1Bg3Priority = false;
uint8_t _mainScreenLayers = 0;
uint8_t _subScreenLayers = 0;
LayerConfig _layerConfig[4] = {};
WindowConfig _window[2] = {};
WindowMaskLogic _maskLogic[6] = {};
bool _windowMaskMain[5] = {};
bool _windowMaskSub[5] = {};
Mode7Config _mode7 = {};
uint16_t *_vram = nullptr;
uint16_t _vramAddress = 0;
uint8_t _vramIncrementValue = 0;
uint8_t _vramAddressRemapping = 0;
bool _vramAddrIncrementOnSecondReg = 0;
uint16_t _vramReadBuffer = 0;
uint8_t _ppu1OpenBus = 0;
uint8_t _ppu2OpenBus = 0;
uint8_t _cgramAddress = 0;
uint8_t _cgramWriteBuffer = 0;
bool _cgramAddressLatch = false;
uint16_t _cgram[Ppu::CgRamSize >> 1] = {};
uint16_t *_outputBuffers[2] = {};
uint16_t *_currentBuffer = nullptr;
bool _useHighResOutput = false;
uint16_t _pixelsDrawn = 0;
uint16_t _subPixelsDrawn = 0;
uint8_t _rowPixelFlags[256] = {};
uint16_t _mainScreenBuffer[256] = {};
bool _subScreenFilled[256] = {};
uint16_t _subScreenBuffer[256] = {};
uint32_t _mosaicColor[4] = {};
uint8_t _mosaicSize = 0;
uint8_t _mosaicEnabled = 0;
uint16_t _mosaicScanlineCounter = 0;
uint8_t _oamMode = 0;
uint16_t _oamBaseAddress = 0;
uint16_t _oamAddressOffset = 0;
uint8_t _oamRam[Ppu::SpriteRamSize] = {};
uint16_t _oamRamAddress = 0;
bool _enableOamPriority = false;
uint16_t _internalOamAddress = 0;
uint8_t _oamWriteBuffer = 0;
bool _timeOver = false;
bool _rangeOver = false;
bool _hiResMode = false;
bool _screenInterlace = false;
bool _objInterlace = false;
bool _overscanMode = false;
bool _directColorMode = false;
ColorWindowMode _colorMathClipMode = ColorWindowMode::Never;
ColorWindowMode _colorMathPreventMode = ColorWindowMode::Never;
bool _colorMathAddSubscreen = false;
uint8_t _colorMathEnabled = 0;
bool _colorMathSubstractMode = false;
bool _colorMathHalveResult = false;
uint16_t _fixedColor = 0;
uint8_t _hvScrollLatchValue = 0;
uint8_t _hScrollLatchValue = 0;
uint16_t _horizontalLocation = 0;
bool _horizontalLocToggle = false;
uint16_t _verticalLocation = 0;
bool _verticalLocationToggle = false;
bool _locationLatched = false;
bool _allowFrameSkip = false;
uint8_t _configVisibleLayers = 0xFF;
uint8_t _spritePriority[256] = {};
uint8_t _spritePalette[256] = {};
uint8_t _spriteColors[256] = {};
uint8_t _spritePriorityCopy[256] = {};
uint8_t _spritePaletteCopy[256] = {};
uint8_t _spriteColorsCopy[256] = {};
template<uint8_t priority, bool forMainScreen>
void RenderSprites();
template<bool hiResMode>
void GetTilemapData(uint8_t layerIndex, uint8_t columnIndex);
template<bool hiResMode, uint8_t bpp, bool secondTile = false>
void GetChrData(uint8_t layerIndex, uint8_t column, uint8_t plane);
void GetHorizontalOffsetByte(uint8_t columnIndex);
void GetVerticalOffsetByte(uint8_t columnIndex);
void FetchTileData();
template<bool forMainScreen> void RenderMode0();
template<bool forMainScreen> void RenderMode1();
template<bool forMainScreen> void RenderMode2();
template<bool forMainScreen> void RenderMode3();
template<bool forMainScreen> void RenderMode4();
template<bool forMainScreen> void RenderMode5();
template<bool forMainScreen> void RenderMode6();
template<bool forMainScreen> void RenderMode7();
template<bool forMainScreen>
void RenderBgColor();
template<uint8_t layerIndex, uint8_t bpp, bool processHighPriority, bool forMainScreen, uint16_t basePaletteOffset = 0>
__forceinline void RenderTilemap();
template<uint8_t layerIndex, uint8_t bpp, bool processHighPriority, bool forMainScreen, uint16_t basePaletteOffset, bool hiResMode>
__forceinline void RenderTilemap();
template<uint8_t layerIndex, uint8_t bpp, bool processHighPriority, bool forMainScreen, uint16_t basePaletteOffset, bool hiResMode, uint8_t activeWindowCount>
__forceinline void RenderTilemap();
template<uint8_t layerIndex, uint8_t bpp, bool processHighPriority, bool forMainScreen, uint16_t basePaletteOffset, bool hiResMode, uint8_t activeWindowCount, bool applyMosaic>
__forceinline void RenderTilemap();
template<uint8_t layerIndex, uint8_t bpp, bool processHighPriority, bool forMainScreen, uint16_t basePaletteOffset, bool hiResMode, uint8_t activeWindowCount, bool applyMosaic, bool directColorMode>
void RenderTilemap();
template<bool forMainScreen>
__forceinline bool IsRenderRequired(uint8_t layerIndex);
template<uint8_t bpp>
__forceinline uint8_t GetTilePixelColor(const uint16_t chrData[4], const uint8_t shift);
template<uint8_t layerIndex, bool forMainScreen, bool processHighPriority>
__forceinline void RenderTilemapMode7();
template<uint8_t layerIndex, bool forMainScreen, bool processHighPriority, bool applyMosaic>
__forceinline void RenderTilemapMode7();
template<uint8_t layerIndex, bool forMainScreen, bool processHighPriority, bool applyMosaic, bool directColorMode>
void RenderTilemapMode7();
__forceinline void DrawMainPixel(uint8_t x, uint16_t color, uint8_t flags);
__forceinline void DrawSubPixel(uint8_t x, uint16_t color);
void ApplyColorMath();
void ApplyColorMathToPixel(uint16_t &pixelA, uint16_t pixelB, int x, bool isInsideWindow);
template<bool forMainScreen>
void ApplyBrightness();
void ConvertToHiRes();
void ApplyHiResMode();
template<uint8_t layerIndex>
bool ProcessMaskWindow(uint8_t activeWindowCount, int x);
void ProcessWindowMaskSettings(uint8_t value, uint8_t offset);
void UpdateVramReadBuffer();
uint16_t GetVramAddress();
void SendFrame();
bool IsDoubleHeight();
bool IsDoubleWidth();
Ppu(shared_ptr<Console> console);
virtual ~Ppu();
void PowerOn();
void Reset();
void EvaluateNextLineSprites();
void FetchSpriteData();
void FetchSpritePosition(uint16_t oamAddress);
void FetchSpriteAttributes(uint16_t oamAddress);
void FetchSpriteTile(bool secondCycle);
void RenderScanline();
uint32_t GetFrameCount();
uint16_t GetScanline();
uint16_t GetCycle();
uint16_t GetVblankStart();
PpuState GetState();
bool ProcessEndOfScanline(uint16_t hClock);
uint16_t GetLastScanline();
bool IsHighResOutput();
uint16_t* GetScreenBuffer();
uint8_t* GetVideoRam();
uint8_t* GetCgRam();
uint8_t* GetSpriteRam();
void LatchLocationValues();
void UpdateOamAddress();
uint16_t GetOamAddress();
uint8_t Read(uint16_t addr);
void Write(uint32_t addr, uint8_t value);
void Serialize(Serializer &s) override;
}; |