
443 lines
12 KiB

#include <algorithm>
#include "LinuxKeyManager.h"
#include "LinuxGameController.h"
#include "../Utilities/FolderUtilities.h"
#include "../Core/ControlManager.h"
#include "../Core/Console.h"
static vector<KeyDefinition> _keyDefinitions = {
{ "", 9, "Esc", "" },
{ "", 10, "1", "" },
{ "", 11, "2", "" },
{ "", 12, "3", "" },
{ "", 13, "4", "" },
{ "", 14, "5", "" },
{ "", 15, "6", "" },
{ "", 16, "7", "" },
{ "", 17, "8", "" },
{ "", 18, "9", "" },
{ "", 19, "0", "" },
{ "", 20, "-", "" },
{ "", 21, "=", "" },
{ "", 22, "Backspace", "" },
{ "", 23, "Tab", "" },
{ "", 24, "Q", "" },
{ "", 25, "W", "" },
{ "", 26, "E", "" },
{ "", 27, "R", "" },
{ "", 28, "T", "" },
{ "", 29, "Y", "" },
{ "", 30, "U", "" },
{ "", 31, "I", "" },
{ "", 32, "O", "" },
{ "", 33, "P", "" },
{ "", 34, "[", "" },
{ "", 35, "]", "" },
{ "", 36, "Enter", "" },
{ "", 37, "Ctrl", "" },
{ "", 38, "A", "" },
{ "", 39, "S", "" },
{ "", 40, "D", "" },
{ "", 41, "F", "" },
{ "", 42, "G", "" },
{ "", 43, "H", "" },
{ "", 44, "J", "" },
{ "", 45, "K", "" },
{ "", 46, "L", "" },
{ "", 47, ";", "" },
{ "", 48, "'", "" },
{ "", 49, "`", "" },
{ "", 50, "Shift", "" },
{ "", 51, "\\", "" },
{ "", 52, "Z", "" },
{ "", 53, "X", "" },
{ "", 54, "C", "" },
{ "", 55, "V", "" },
{ "", 56, "B", "" },
{ "", 57, "N", "" },
{ "", 58, "M", "" },
{ "", 59, ",", "" },
{ "", 60, ".", "" },
{ "", 61, "/", "" },
{ "", 62, "Right Shift", "" },
{ "", 63, "Numpad *", "" },
{ "", 64, "Alt", "" },
{ "", 65, "Spacebar", "" },
{ "", 66, "Caps Lock", "" },
{ "", 67, "F1", "" },
{ "", 68, "F2", "" },
{ "", 69, "F3", "" },
{ "", 70, "F4", "" },
{ "", 71, "F5", "" },
{ "", 72, "F6", "" },
{ "", 73, "F7", "" },
{ "", 74, "F8", "" },
{ "", 75, "F9", "" },
{ "", 76, "F10", "" },
{ "", 77, "Num Lock", "" },
{ "", 78, "Scroll Lock", "" },
{ "", 79, "Numpad 7", "" },
{ "", 80, "Numpad 8", "" },
{ "", 81, "Numpad 9", "" },
{ "", 82, "Numpad -", "" },
{ "", 83, "Numpad 4", "" },
{ "", 84, "Numpad 5", "" },
{ "", 85, "Numpad 6", "" },
{ "", 86, "Numpad +", "" },
{ "", 87, "Numpad 1", "" },
{ "", 88, "Numpad 2", "" },
{ "", 89, "Numpad 3", "" },
{ "", 90, "Numpad 0", "" },
{ "", 91, "Numpad .", "" },
{ "", 92, "ISO_Level3_Shift", "" },
{ "", 94, "Pipe", "" },
{ "", 95, "F11", "" },
{ "", 96, "F12", "" },
{ "", 98, "Katakana", "" },
{ "", 99, "Hiragana", "" },
{ "", 100, "Henkan_Mode", "" },
{ "", 101, "Hiragana_Katakana", "" },
{ "", 102, "Muhenkan", "" },
{ "", 104, "Numpad Enter", "" },
{ "", 105, "Control_R", "" },
{ "", 106, "Numpad /", "" },
{ "", 107, "Print", "" },
{ "", 108, "Right Alt", "" },
{ "", 109, "Linefeed", "" },
{ "", 110, "Home", "" },
{ "", 111, "Up Arrow", "" },
{ "", 112, "Page Up", "" },
{ "", 113, "Left Arrow", "" },
{ "", 114, "Right Arrow", "" },
{ "", 115, "End", "" },
{ "", 116, "Down Arrow", "" },
{ "", 117, "Page Down", "" },
{ "", 118, "Insert", "" },
{ "", 119, "Delete", "" },
{ "", 121, "XF86AudioMute", "" },
{ "", 122, "XF86AudioLowerVolume", "" },
{ "", 123, "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", "" },
{ "", 124, "XF86PowerOff", "" },
{ "", 125, "KP_Equal", "" },
{ "", 126, "PlusMinus", "" },
{ "", 127, "Pause", "" },
{ "", 128, "XF86LaunchA", "" },
{ "", 129, "KP_Decimal", "" },
{ "", 130, "Hangul", "" },
{ "", 131, "Hangul_Hanja", "" },
{ "", 133, "Super_L", "" },
{ "", 134, "Super_R", "" },
{ "", 135, "Menu", "" },
{ "", 136, "Cancel", "" },
{ "", 137, "Redo", "" },
{ "", 138, "SunProps", "" },
{ "", 139, "Undo", "" },
{ "", 140, "SunFront", "" },
{ "", 141, "XF86Copy", "" },
{ "", 142, "XF86Open", "" },
{ "", 143, "XF86Paste", "" },
{ "", 144, "Find", "" },
{ "", 145, "XF86Cut", "" },
{ "", 146, "Help", "" },
{ "", 147, "XF86MenuKB", "" },
{ "", 148, "XF86Calculator", "" },
{ "", 150, "XF86Sleep", "" },
{ "", 151, "XF86WakeUp", "" },
{ "", 152, "XF86Explorer", "" },
{ "", 153, "XF86Send", "" },
{ "", 155, "XF86Xfer", "" },
{ "", 156, "XF86Launch1", "" },
{ "", 157, "XF86Launch2", "" },
{ "", 158, "XF86WWW", "" },
{ "", 159, "XF86DOS", "" },
{ "", 160, "XF86ScreenSaver", "" },
{ "", 161, "XF86RotateWindows", "" },
{ "", 162, "XF86TaskPane", "" },
{ "", 163, "XF86Mail", "" },
{ "", 164, "XF86Favorites", "" },
{ "", 165, "XF86MyComputer", "" },
{ "", 166, "XF86Back", "" },
{ "", 167, "XF86Forward", "" },
{ "", 169, "XF86Eject", "" },
{ "", 170, "XF86Eject", "" },
{ "", 171, "XF86AudioNext", "" },
{ "", 172, "XF86AudioPlay", "" },
{ "", 173, "XF86AudioPrev", "" },
{ "", 174, "XF86AudioStop", "" },
{ "", 175, "XF86AudioRecord", "" },
{ "", 176, "XF86AudioRewind", "" },
{ "", 177, "XF86Phone", "" },
{ "", 179, "XF86Tools", "" },
{ "", 180, "XF86HomePage", "" },
{ "", 181, "XF86Reload", "" },
{ "", 182, "XF86Close", "" },
{ "", 185, "XF86ScrollUp", "" },
{ "", 186, "XF86ScrollDown", "" },
{ "", 187, "Paren Left", "" },
{ "", 188, "Paren Right", "" },
{ "", 189, "XF86New", "" },
{ "", 190, "Redo", "" },
{ "", 191, "XF86Tools", "" },
{ "", 192, "XF86Launch5", "" },
{ "", 193, "XF86Launch6", "" },
{ "", 194, "XF86Launch7", "" },
{ "", 195, "XF86Launch8", "" },
{ "", 196, "XF86Launch9", "" },
{ "", 198, "XF86AudioMicMute", "" },
{ "", 199, "XF86TouchpadToggle", "" },
{ "", 200, "XF86TouchpadOn", "" },
{ "", 201, "XF86TouchpadOff", "" },
{ "", 203, "Mode_switch", "" },
{ "", 204, "NoSymbol", "" },
{ "", 205, "NoSymbol", "" },
{ "", 206, "NoSymbol", "" },
{ "", 207, "NoSymbol", "" },
{ "", 208, "XF86AudioPlay", "" },
{ "", 209, "XF86AudioPause", "" },
{ "", 210, "XF86Launch3", "" },
{ "", 211, "XF86Launch4", "" },
{ "", 212, "XF86LaunchB", "" },
{ "", 213, "XF86Suspend", "" },
{ "", 214, "XF86Close", "" },
{ "", 215, "XF86AudioPlay", "" },
{ "", 216, "XF86AudioForward", "" },
{ "", 218, "Print", "" },
{ "", 220, "XF86WebCam", "" },
{ "", 223, "XF86Mail", "" },
{ "", 224, "XF86Messenger", "" },
{ "", 225, "XF86Search", "" },
{ "", 226, "XF86Go", "" },
{ "", 227, "XF86Finance", "" },
{ "", 228, "XF86Game", "" },
{ "", 229, "XF86Shop", "" },
{ "", 231, "Cancel", "" },
{ "", 232, "XF86MonBrightnessDown", "" },
{ "", 233, "XF86MonBrightnessUp", "" },
{ "", 234, "XF86AudioMedia", "" },
{ "", 235, "XF86Display", "" },
{ "", 236, "XF86KbdLightOnOff", "" },
{ "", 237, "XF86KbdBrightnessDown", "" },
{ "", 238, "XF86KbdBrightnessUp", "" },
{ "", 239, "XF86Send", "" },
{ "", 240, "XF86Reply", "" },
{ "", 241, "XF86MailForward", "" },
{ "", 242, "XF86Save", "" },
{ "", 243, "XF86Documents", "" },
{ "", 244, "XF86Battery", "" },
{ "", 245, "XF86Bluetooth", "" },
{ "", 246, "XF86WLAN", "" },
LinuxKeyManager::LinuxKeyManager(shared_ptr<Console> console)
_console = console;
vector<string> buttonNames = {
"A", "B", "C", "X", "Y", "Z", "L1", "R1", "L2", "R2", "Select", "Start", "L3", "R3",
"X+", "X-", "Y+", "Y-", "Z+", "Z-",
"X2+", "X2-", "Y2+", "Y2-", "Z2+", "Z2-",
"Right", "Left", "Down", "Up",
"Right 2", "Left 2", "Down 2", "Up 2",
"Right 3", "Left 3", "Down 3", "Up 3",
"Right 4", "Left 4", "Down 4", "Up 4",
"Trigger", "Thumb", "Thumb2", "Top", "Top2",
"Pinkie", "Base", "Base2", "Base3", "Base4",
"Base5", "Base6", "Dead"
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < (int)buttonNames.size(); j++) {
_keyDefinitions.push_back({ "", (uint32_t)(0x10000 + i * 0x100 + j), "Pad" + std::to_string(i + 1) + " " + buttonNames[j], "" });
for(KeyDefinition &keyDef : _keyDefinitions) {
_keyNames[keyDef.keyCode] = keyDef.description;
_keyCodes[keyDef.description] = keyDef.keyCode;
_disableAllKeys = false;
_stopUpdateDeviceThread = false;
_stopUpdateDeviceThread = true;
void LinuxKeyManager::RefreshState()
//Only needed to detect poll controller input
bool LinuxKeyManager::IsKeyPressed(uint32_t key)
if(_disableAllKeys) {
return false;
if(key >= 0x10000) {
uint8_t gamepadPort = (key - 0x10000) / 0x100;
uint8_t gamepadButton = (key - 0x10000) % 0x100;
if(_controllers.size() > gamepadPort) {
return _controllers[gamepadPort]->IsButtonPressed(gamepadButton);
} else if(key < 0x200) {
return _keyState[key & 0xFF] != 0;
return false;
bool LinuxKeyManager::IsMouseButtonPressed(MouseButton button)
switch(button) {
case MouseButton::LeftButton: return _mouseState[0];
case MouseButton::RightButton: return _mouseState[1];
case MouseButton::MiddleButton: return _mouseState[2];
return false;
vector<uint32_t> LinuxKeyManager::GetPressedKeys()
vector<uint32_t> pressedKeys;
for(size_t i = 0; i < _controllers.size(); i++) {
for(int j = 0; j <= 54; j++) {
if(_controllers[i]->IsButtonPressed(j)) {
pressedKeys.push_back(0x10000 + i * 0x100 + j);
for(int i = 0; i < 0x200; i++) {
if(_keyState[i]) {
return pressedKeys;
string LinuxKeyManager::GetKeyName(uint32_t key)
auto keyDef = _keyNames.find(key);
if(keyDef != _keyNames.end()) {
return keyDef->second;
return "";
uint32_t LinuxKeyManager::GetKeyCode(string keyName)
auto keyDef = _keyCodes.find(keyName);
if(keyDef != _keyCodes.end()) {
return keyDef->second;
return 0;
void LinuxKeyManager::UpdateDevices()
//Only needed to detect newly plugged in devices
void LinuxKeyManager::CheckForGamepads(bool logInformation)
vector<int> connectedIDs;
for(int i = _controllers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(!_controllers[i]->IsDisconnected()) {
vector<string> files = FolderUtilities::GetFilesInFolder("/dev/input/", {}, false);
for(size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
string filename = FolderUtilities::GetFilename(files[i], false);
if(filename.find("event", 0) == 0) {
int deviceId = 0;
try {
deviceId = std::stoi(filename.substr(5));
} catch(std::exception e) {
if(std::find(connectedIDs.begin(), connectedIDs.end(), deviceId) == connectedIDs.end()) {
std::shared_ptr<LinuxGameController> controller = LinuxGameController::GetController(_console, deviceId, logInformation);
if(controller) {
void LinuxKeyManager::StartUpdateDeviceThread()
_updateDeviceThread = std::thread([=]() {
while(!_stopUpdateDeviceThread) {
//Check for newly plugged in controllers every 5 secs
vector<shared_ptr<LinuxGameController>> controllersToAdd;
vector<int> indexesToRemove;
for(int i = _controllers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(_controllers[i]->IsDisconnected()) {
if(!indexesToRemove.empty() || !controllersToAdd.empty()) {
for(int index : indexesToRemove) {
for(std::shared_ptr<LinuxGameController> controller : controllersToAdd) {
void LinuxKeyManager::SetKeyState(uint16_t scanCode, bool state)
if(scanCode > 0x1FF) {
_mouseState[scanCode & 0x03] = state;
} else {
scanCode &= 0xFF;
if(scanCode == 105) {
//Left + Right Ctrl
scanCode = 37;
} else if(scanCode == 62) {
//Left + Right Shift
scanCode = 50;
} else if(scanCode == 108) {
//Left + Right Alt
scanCode = 64;
_keyState[scanCode & 0xFF] = state;
void LinuxKeyManager::ResetKeyState()
memset(_mouseState, 0, sizeof(_mouseState));
memset(_keyState, 0, sizeof(_keyState));
void LinuxKeyManager::SetDisabled(bool disabled)
_disableAllKeys = disabled;