191 lines
6.3 KiB
191 lines
6.3 KiB
using Mesen.GUI.Config;
using Mesen.GUI.Debugger.Labels;
using Mesen.GUI.Debugger.Workspace;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Mesen.GUI.Debugger.Integration
public class WlaDxImporter : ISymbolProvider
private Dictionary<int, SourceFileInfo> _sourceFiles = new Dictionary<int, SourceFileInfo>();
private Dictionary<string, AddressInfo> _addressByLine = new Dictionary<string, AddressInfo>();
private Dictionary<string, SourceCodeLocation> _linesByAddress = new Dictionary<string, SourceCodeLocation>();
public DateTime SymbolFileStamp { get; private set; }
public string SymbolPath { get; private set; }
public List<SourceFileInfo> SourceFiles { get { return _sourceFiles.Values.ToList(); } }
public AddressInfo? GetLineAddress(SourceFileInfo file, int lineIndex)
AddressInfo address;
if(_addressByLine.TryGetValue(file.Name.ToString() + "_" + lineIndex.ToString(), out address)) {
return address;
return null;
public string GetSourceCodeLine(int prgRomAddress)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public SourceCodeLocation GetSourceCodeLineInfo(AddressInfo address)
string key = address.Type.ToString() + address.Address.ToString();
SourceCodeLocation location;
if(_linesByAddress.TryGetValue(key, out location)) {
return location;
return null;
public SourceSymbol GetSymbol(string word, int prgStartAddress, int prgEndAddress)
return null;
public AddressInfo? GetSymbolAddressInfo(SourceSymbol symbol)
return null;
public SourceCodeLocation GetSymbolDefinition(SourceSymbol symbol)
return null;
public List<SourceSymbol> GetSymbols()
return new List<SourceSymbol>();
public int GetSymbolSize(SourceSymbol srcSymbol)
return 1;
public void Import(string path, bool silent)
string basePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(path);
Regex labelRegex = new Regex(@"^([0-9a-fA-F]{2,4}):([0-9a-fA-F]{4}) ([^\s]*)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
Regex fileRegex = new Regex(@"^([0-9a-fA-F]{4}) ([0-9a-fA-F]{8}) (.*)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
Regex addrRegex = new Regex(@"^([0-9a-fA-F]{2,4}):([0-9a-fA-F]{4}) ([0-9a-fA-F]{4}):([0-9a-fA-F]{8})", RegexOptions.Compiled);
Dictionary<string, CodeLabel> labels = new Dictionary<string, CodeLabel>();
bool isGameboy = EmuApi.GetRomInfo().CoprocessorType == CoprocessorType.Gameboy;
for(int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) {
string str = lines[i].Trim();
if(str == "[labels]") {
for(; i < lines.Length; i++) {
if(lines[i].Length > 0) {
Match m = labelRegex.Match(lines[i]);
if(m.Success) {
int bank = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
string label = m.Groups[3].Value;
label = label.Replace('.', '_').Replace(':', '_').Replace('$', '_');
if(!LabelManager.LabelRegex.IsMatch(label)) {
//ignore labels that don't respect the label naming restrictions
AddressInfo absAddr;
if(isGameboy) {
int addr = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
if(addr >= 0x8000) {
AddressInfo relAddr = new AddressInfo() { Address = addr, Type = SnesMemoryType.GameboyMemory };
absAddr = DebugApi.GetAbsoluteAddress(relAddr);
} else {
absAddr = new AddressInfo() { Address = bank * 0x4000 + (addr & 0x3FFF), Type = SnesMemoryType.GbPrgRom };
} else {
int addr = (bank << 16) | Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
AddressInfo relAddr = new AddressInfo() { Address = addr, Type = SnesMemoryType.CpuMemory };
absAddr = DebugApi.GetAbsoluteAddress(relAddr);
if(absAddr.Address < 0) {
string orgLabel = label;
int j = 1;
while(labels.ContainsKey(label)) {
label = orgLabel + j.ToString();
labels[label] = new CodeLabel() {
Label = label,
Address = (UInt32)absAddr.Address,
MemoryType = absAddr.Type,
Comment = "",
Flags = CodeLabelFlags.None,
Length = 1
} else {
} else if(str == "[source files]") {
for(; i < lines.Length; i++) {
if(lines[i].Length > 0) {
Match m = fileRegex.Match(lines[i]);
if(m.Success) {
int fileId = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
//int fileCrc = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
string filePath = m.Groups[3].Value;
string fullPath = Path.Combine(basePath, filePath);
_sourceFiles[fileId] = new SourceFileInfo() {
Name = filePath,
Data = File.Exists(fullPath) ? File.ReadAllLines(fullPath) : new string[0]
} else {
} else if(str == "[addr-to-line mapping]") {
for(; i < lines.Length; i++) {
if(lines[i].Length > 0) {
Match m = addrRegex.Match(lines[i]);
if(m.Success) {
int bank = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
int addr = (bank << 16) | Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
int fileId = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
int lineNumber = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[4].Value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
if(lineNumber <= 1) {
//Ignore line number 0 and 1, seems like bad data?
AddressInfo absAddr = new AddressInfo() { Address = addr, Type = SnesMemoryType.PrgRom };
_addressByLine[_sourceFiles[fileId].Name + "_" + lineNumber.ToString()] = absAddr;
_linesByAddress[absAddr.Type.ToString() + absAddr.Address.ToString()] = new SourceCodeLocation() { File = _sourceFiles[fileId], LineNumber = lineNumber };
} else {
LabelManager.SetLabels(labels.Values, true);