2020-12-19 23:31:32 +03:00

312 lines
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* Input/Output interface for Lua programs
* LuaSocket toolkit
#include "lua.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
#include "compat.h"
#include "buffer.h"
* Internal function prototypes
static int recvraw(p_buffer buf, size_t wanted, luaL_Buffer* b);
static int recvline(p_buffer buf, luaL_Buffer* b);
static int recvall(p_buffer buf, luaL_Buffer* b);
static int buffer_get(p_buffer buf, const char** data, size_t* count);
static void buffer_skip(p_buffer buf, size_t count);
static int sendraw(p_buffer buf, const char* data, size_t count, size_t* sent);
/* min and max macros */
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? x : y)
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? x : y)
* Exported functions
* Initializes module
int buffer_open(lua_State* L)
return 0;
* Initializes C structure
void buffer_init(p_buffer buf, p_io io, p_timeout tm)
buf->first = buf->last = 0;
buf->io = io;
buf->tm = tm;
buf->received = buf->sent = 0;
buf->birthday = timeout_gettime();
* object:getstats() interface
int buffer_meth_getstats(lua_State* L, p_buffer buf)
lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)buf->received);
lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)buf->sent);
lua_pushnumber(L, timeout_gettime() - buf->birthday);
return 3;
* object:setstats() interface
int buffer_meth_setstats(lua_State* L, p_buffer buf)
buf->received = (long)luaL_optnumber(L, 2, (lua_Number)buf->received);
buf->sent = (long)luaL_optnumber(L, 3, (lua_Number)buf->sent);
if (lua_isnumber(L, 4)) buf->birthday = timeout_gettime() - lua_tonumber(L, 4);
lua_pushnumber(L, 1);
return 1;
* object:send() interface
int buffer_meth_send(lua_State* L, p_buffer buf)
int top = lua_gettop(L);
int err = IO_DONE;
size_t size = 0, sent = 0;
const char* data = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &size);
long start = (long)luaL_optnumber(L, 3, 1);
long end = (long)luaL_optnumber(L, 4, -1);
if (start < 0) start = (long)(size + start + 1);
if (end < 0) end = (long)(size + end + 1);
if (start < 1) start = (long)1;
if (end > (long)size) end = (long)size;
if (start <= end) err = sendraw(buf, data + start - 1, end - start + 1, &sent);
/* check if there was an error */
if (err != IO_DONE)
lua_pushstring(L, buf->io->error(buf->io->ctx, err));
lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)(sent + start - 1));
lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)(sent + start - 1));
/* push time elapsed during operation as the last return value */
lua_pushnumber(L, timeout_gettime() - timeout_getstart(buf->tm));
return lua_gettop(L) - top;
* object:receive() interface
int buffer_meth_receive(lua_State* L, p_buffer buf)
int err = IO_DONE, top = lua_gettop(L);
luaL_Buffer b;
size_t size;
const char* part = luaL_optlstring(L, 3, "", &size);
/* initialize buffer with optional extra prefix
* (useful for concatenating previous partial results) */
luaL_buffinit(L, &b);
luaL_addlstring(&b, part, size);
/* receive new patterns */
if (!lua_isnumber(L, 2))
const char* p = luaL_optstring(L, 2, "*l");
if (p[0] == '*' && p[1] == 'l') err = recvline(buf, &b);
else if (p[0] == '*' && p[1] == 'a') err = recvall(buf, &b);
luaL_argcheck(L, 0, 2, "invalid receive pattern");
/* get a fixed number of bytes (minus what was already partially
* received) */
double n = lua_tonumber(L, 2);
size_t wanted = (size_t)n;
luaL_argcheck(L, n >= 0, 2, "invalid receive pattern");
if (size == 0 || wanted > size)
err = recvraw(buf, wanted - size, &b);
/* check if there was an error */
if (err != IO_DONE)
/* we can't push anyting in the stack before pushing the
* contents of the buffer. this is the reason for the complication */
lua_pushstring(L, buf->io->error(buf->io->ctx, err));
lua_pushvalue(L, -2);
lua_replace(L, -4);
/* push time elapsed during operation as the last return value */
lua_pushnumber(L, timeout_gettime() - timeout_getstart(buf->tm));
return lua_gettop(L) - top;
* Determines if there is any data in the read buffer
int buffer_isempty(p_buffer buf)
return buf->first >= buf->last;
* Internal functions
* Sends a block of data (unbuffered)
#define STEPSIZE 8192
static int sendraw(p_buffer buf, const char* data, size_t count, size_t* sent)
p_io io = buf->io;
p_timeout tm = buf->tm;
size_t total = 0;
int err = IO_DONE;
while (total < count && err == IO_DONE)
size_t done = 0;
size_t step = (count - total <= STEPSIZE) ? count - total : STEPSIZE;
err = io->send(io->ctx, data + total, step, &done, tm);
total += done;
*sent = total;
buf->sent += total;
return err;
* Reads a fixed number of bytes (buffered)
static int recvraw(p_buffer buf, size_t wanted, luaL_Buffer* b)
int err = IO_DONE;
size_t total = 0;
while (err == IO_DONE)
size_t count;
const char* data;
err = buffer_get(buf, &data, &count);
count = MIN(count, wanted - total);
luaL_addlstring(b, data, count);
buffer_skip(buf, count);
total += count;
if (total >= wanted) break;
return err;
* Reads everything until the connection is closed (buffered)
static int recvall(p_buffer buf, luaL_Buffer* b)
int err = IO_DONE;
size_t total = 0;
while (err == IO_DONE)
const char* data;
size_t count;
err = buffer_get(buf, &data, &count);
total += count;
luaL_addlstring(b, data, count);
buffer_skip(buf, count);
if (err == IO_CLOSED)
if (total > 0) return IO_DONE;
else return IO_CLOSED;
else return err;
* Reads a line terminated by a CR LF pair or just by a LF. The CR and LF
* are not returned by the function and are discarded from the buffer
static int recvline(p_buffer buf, luaL_Buffer* b)
int err = IO_DONE;
while (err == IO_DONE)
size_t count, pos;
const char* data;
err = buffer_get(buf, &data, &count);
pos = 0;
while (pos < count && data[pos] != '\n')
/* we ignore all \r's */
if (data[pos] != '\r')
luaL_addchar(b, data[pos]);
if (pos < count)
/* found '\n' */
buffer_skip(buf, pos + 1); /* skip '\n' too */
break; /* we are done */
else /* reached the end of the buffer */
buffer_skip(buf, pos);
return err;
* Skips a given number of bytes from read buffer. No data is read from the
* transport layer
static void buffer_skip(p_buffer buf, size_t count)
buf->received += count;
buf->first += count;
if (buffer_isempty(buf))
buf->first = buf->last = 0;
* Return any data available in buffer, or get more data from transport layer
* if buffer is empty
static int buffer_get(p_buffer buf, const char** data, size_t* count)
int err = IO_DONE;
p_io io = buf->io;
p_timeout tm = buf->tm;
if (buffer_isempty(buf))
size_t got;
err = io->recv(io->ctx, buf->data, BUF_SIZE, &got, tm);
buf->first = 0;
buf->last = got;
*count = buf->last - buf->first;
*data = buf->data + buf->first;
return err;