<MessageID="CouldNotInstallRuntime">The Visual Studio Runtime could not be installed properly.</Message>
<MessageID="ErrorWhileCheckingUpdates">An error has occurred while trying to check for updates.

Error details:
<MessageID="FdsBiosNotFound">FDS bios not found. The bios is required to run FDS games.

Select bios file now?</Message>
<MessageID="FdsDiskSide">Disk {0} Side {1}</Message>
<MessageID="FileNotFound">File not found: {0}</Message>
<MessageID="InvalidFdsBios">The selected bios file is invalid.</Message>
<MessageID="HDNesTooltip">This option allows Mesen to load HDNes-format HD packs if they are found.

HD Packs should be placed in the "HdPacks" folder in a subfolder matching the name of the ROM.
e.g: MyRom.nes should have their HD Pack in "HdPacks\MyRom\hires.txt".

Note: Support for HD Packs is a work in progress and some limitations remain.</Message>
<MessageID="MesenUpToDate">You are running the latest version of Mesen</Message>
<MessageID="PatchAndReset">Patch and reset the current game?</Message>
<MessageID="SelectRomIps">Please select a ROM matching the IPS patch file.</Message>
<MessageID="UnableToDownload">Unable to download file. Check your internet connection and try again.

<MessageID="UnableToStartMissingDependencies">Mesen must download and install the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 runtime to continue. Would you like to automatically download the runtime from Microsoft's website and install it now?"</Message>
<MessageID="UnableToStartMissingFiles">Mesen was unable to start due to missing files.

Error: WinMesen.dll is missing.</Message>
<MessageID="UnexpectedError">An unexpected error has occurred.

Error details:
<MessageID="UpdateDownloadFailed">Download failed - the file appears to be corrupted. Please visit the Mesen website to download the latest version manually.</Message>
<MessageID="Net45NotFound">The Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 could not be found. Please download and install the latest version of the .NET Framework from Microsoft's website and try again.</Message>