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// SimpleMath.inl -- Simplified C++ Math wrapper for DirectXMath
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=248929
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma once
* Vector2
// Comparision operators
inline bool Vector2::operator == ( const Vector2& V ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat2( &V );
return XMVector2Equal( v1, v2 );
inline bool Vector2::operator != ( const Vector2& V ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat2( &V );
return XMVector2NotEqual( v1, v2 );
// Assignment operators
inline Vector2& Vector2::operator+= (const Vector2& V)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat2( &V );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorAdd(v1,v2);
XMStoreFloat2( this, X );
return *this;
inline Vector2& Vector2::operator-= (const Vector2& V)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat2( &V );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorSubtract(v1,v2);
XMStoreFloat2( this, X );
return *this;
inline Vector2& Vector2::operator*= (const Vector2& V)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat2( &V );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorMultiply(v1,v2);
XMStoreFloat2( this, X );
return *this;
inline Vector2& Vector2::operator*= (float S)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorScale(v1,S);
XMStoreFloat2( this, X );
return *this;
inline Vector2& Vector2::operator/= (float S)
using namespace DirectX;
assert( S != 0.0f );
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorScale(v1, 1.f/S);
XMStoreFloat2( this, X );
return *this;
// Binary operators
inline Vector2 operator+ (const Vector2& V1, const Vector2& V2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( &V1 );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat2( &V2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorAdd(v1,v2);
Vector2 R;
XMStoreFloat2( &R, X );
return R;
inline Vector2 operator- (const Vector2& V1, const Vector2& V2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( &V1 );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat2( &V2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorSubtract(v1,v2);
Vector2 R;
XMStoreFloat2( &R, X );
return R;
inline Vector2 operator* (const Vector2& V1, const Vector2& V2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( &V1 );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat2( &V2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorMultiply(v1,v2);
Vector2 R;
XMStoreFloat2( &R, X );
return R;
inline Vector2 operator* (const Vector2& V, float S)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( &V );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorScale(v1,S);
Vector2 R;
XMStoreFloat2( &R, X );
return R;
inline Vector2 operator/ (const Vector2& V1, const Vector2& V2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( &V1 );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat2( &V2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorDivide(v1,v2);
Vector2 R;
XMStoreFloat2( &R, X );
return R;
inline Vector2 operator* (float S, const Vector2& V)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( &V );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorScale(v1,S);
Vector2 R;
XMStoreFloat2( &R, X );
return R;
// Vector operations
inline bool Vector2::InBounds( const Vector2& Bounds ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat2( &Bounds );
return XMVector2InBounds( v1, v2 );
inline float Vector2::Length() const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector2Length( v1 );
return XMVectorGetX( X );
inline float Vector2::LengthSquared() const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector2LengthSq( v1 );
return XMVectorGetX( X );
inline float Vector2::Dot( const Vector2& V ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat2( &V );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector2Dot( v1, v2 );
return XMVectorGetX( X );
inline void Vector2::Cross( const Vector2& V, Vector2& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat2( &V );
XMVECTOR R = XMVector2Cross( v1, v2 );
XMStoreFloat2( &result, R );
inline Vector2 Vector2::Cross( const Vector2& V ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat2( &V );
XMVECTOR R = XMVector2Cross( v1, v2 );
Vector2 result;
XMStoreFloat2( &result, R );
return result;
inline void Vector2::Normalize()
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector2Normalize( v1 );
XMStoreFloat2( this, X );
inline void Vector2::Normalize( Vector2& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector2Normalize( v1 );
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
inline void Vector2::Clamp( const Vector2& vmin, const Vector2& vmax )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat2( &vmin );
XMVECTOR v3 = XMLoadFloat2( &vmax );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorClamp( v1, v2, v3 );
XMStoreFloat2( this, X );
inline void Vector2::Clamp( const Vector2& vmin, const Vector2& vmax, Vector2& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat2( &vmin );
XMVECTOR v3 = XMLoadFloat2( &vmax );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorClamp( v1, v2, v3 );
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
// Static functions
inline float Vector2::Distance( const Vector2& v1, const Vector2& v2 )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat2( &v2 );
XMVECTOR V = XMVectorSubtract( x2, x1 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector2Length( V );
return XMVectorGetX( X );
inline float Vector2::DistanceSquared( const Vector2& v1, const Vector2& v2 )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat2( &v2 );
XMVECTOR V = XMVectorSubtract( x2, x1 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector2LengthSq( V );
return XMVectorGetX( X );
inline void Vector2::Min( const Vector2& v1, const Vector2& v2, Vector2& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat2( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorMin( x1, x2 );
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
inline Vector2 Vector2::Min( const Vector2& v1, const Vector2& v2 )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat2( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorMin( x1, x2 );
Vector2 result;
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector2::Max( const Vector2& v1, const Vector2& v2, Vector2& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat2( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorMax( x1, x2 );
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
inline Vector2 Vector2::Max( const Vector2& v1, const Vector2& v2 )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat2( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorMax( x1, x2 );
Vector2 result;
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector2::Lerp( const Vector2& v1, const Vector2& v2, float t, Vector2& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat2( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorLerp( x1, x2, t );
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
inline Vector2 Vector2::Lerp( const Vector2& v1, const Vector2& v2, float t )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat2( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorLerp( x1, x2, t );
Vector2 result;
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector2::SmoothStep( const Vector2& v1, const Vector2& v2, float t, Vector2& result )
using namespace DirectX;
t = (t > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : ((t < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : t); // Clamp value to 0 to 1
t = t*t*(3.f - 2.f*t);
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat2( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorLerp( x1, x2, t );
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
inline Vector2 Vector2::SmoothStep( const Vector2& v1, const Vector2& v2, float t )
using namespace DirectX;
t = (t > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : ((t < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : t); // Clamp value to 0 to 1
t = t*t*(3.f - 2.f*t);
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat2( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorLerp( x1, x2, t );
Vector2 result;
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector2::Barycentric( const Vector2& v1, const Vector2& v2, const Vector2& v3, float f, float g, Vector2& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat2( &v2 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat2( &v3 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorBaryCentric( x1, x2, x3, f, g );
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
inline Vector2 Vector2::Barycentric( const Vector2& v1, const Vector2& v2, const Vector2& v3, float f, float g )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat2( &v2 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat2( &v3 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorBaryCentric( x1, x2, x3, f, g );
Vector2 result;
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector2::CatmullRom( const Vector2& v1, const Vector2& v2, const Vector2& v3, const Vector2& v4, float t, Vector2& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat2( &v2 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat2( &v3 );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat2( &v4 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorCatmullRom( x1, x2, x3, x4, t );
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
inline Vector2 Vector2::CatmullRom( const Vector2& v1, const Vector2& v2, const Vector2& v3, const Vector2& v4, float t )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat2( &v2 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat2( &v3 );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat2( &v4 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorCatmullRom( x1, x2, x3, x4, t );
Vector2 result;
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector2::Hermite( const Vector2& v1, const Vector2& t1, const Vector2& v2, const Vector2& t2, float t, Vector2& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat2( &t1 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat2( &v2 );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat2( &t2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorHermite( x1, x2, x3, x4, t );
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
inline Vector2 Vector2::Hermite( const Vector2& v1, const Vector2& t1, const Vector2& v2, const Vector2& t2, float t )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat2( &t1 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat2( &v2 );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat2( &t2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorHermite( x1, x2, x3, x4, t );
Vector2 result;
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector2::Reflect( const Vector2& ivec, const Vector2& nvec, Vector2& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR i = XMLoadFloat2( &ivec );
XMVECTOR n = XMLoadFloat2( &nvec );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector2Reflect( i, n );
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
inline Vector2 Vector2::Reflect( const Vector2& ivec, const Vector2& nvec )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR i = XMLoadFloat2( &ivec );
XMVECTOR n = XMLoadFloat2( &nvec );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector2Reflect( i, n );
Vector2 result;
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector2::Refract( const Vector2& ivec, const Vector2& nvec, float refractionIndex, Vector2& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR i = XMLoadFloat2( &ivec );
XMVECTOR n = XMLoadFloat2( &nvec );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector2Refract( i, n, refractionIndex );
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
inline Vector2 Vector2::Refract( const Vector2& ivec, const Vector2& nvec, float refractionIndex )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR i = XMLoadFloat2( &ivec );
XMVECTOR n = XMLoadFloat2( &nvec );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector2Refract( i, n, refractionIndex );
Vector2 result;
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector2::Transform( const Vector2& v, const Quaternion& quat, Vector2& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v );
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( &quat );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Rotate( v1, q );
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
inline Vector2 Vector2::Transform( const Vector2& v, const Quaternion& quat )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v );
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( &quat );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Rotate( v1, q );
Vector2 result;
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector2::Transform( const Vector2& v, const Matrix& m, Vector2& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v );
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector2TransformCoord( v1, M );
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
inline Vector2 Vector2::Transform( const Vector2& v, const Matrix& m )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v );
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector2TransformCoord( v1, M );
Vector2 result;
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector2::Transform( const Vector2* varray, size_t count, const Matrix& m, Vector2* resultArray )
using namespace DirectX;
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m );
XMVector2TransformCoordStream( resultArray, sizeof(XMFLOAT2), varray, sizeof(XMFLOAT2), count, M );
inline void Vector2::Transform( const Vector2& v, const Matrix& m, Vector4& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v );
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector2Transform( v1, M );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
inline void Vector2::Transform( const Vector2* varray, size_t count, const Matrix& m, Vector4* resultArray )
using namespace DirectX;
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m );
XMVector2TransformStream( resultArray, sizeof(XMFLOAT4), varray, sizeof(XMFLOAT2), count, M );
inline void Vector2::TransformNormal( const Vector2& v, const Matrix& m, Vector2& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v );
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector2TransformNormal( v1, M );
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
inline Vector2 Vector2::TransformNormal( const Vector2& v, const Matrix& m )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v );
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector2TransformNormal( v1, M );
Vector2 result;
XMStoreFloat2( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector2::TransformNormal( const Vector2* varray, size_t count, const Matrix& m, Vector2* resultArray )
using namespace DirectX;
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m );
XMVector2TransformNormalStream( resultArray, sizeof(XMFLOAT2), varray, sizeof(XMFLOAT2), count, M );
* Vector3
// Comparision operators
inline bool Vector3::operator == ( const Vector3& V ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat3( &V );
return XMVector3Equal( v1, v2 );
inline bool Vector3::operator != ( const Vector3& V ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat3( &V );
return XMVector3NotEqual( v1, v2 );
// Assignment operators
inline Vector3& Vector3::operator+= (const Vector3& V)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat3( &V );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorAdd(v1,v2);
XMStoreFloat3( this, X );
return *this;
inline Vector3& Vector3::operator-= (const Vector3& V)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat3( &V );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorSubtract(v1,v2);
XMStoreFloat3( this, X );
return *this;
inline Vector3& Vector3::operator*= (const Vector3& V)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat3( &V );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorMultiply(v1,v2);
XMStoreFloat3( this, X );
return *this;
inline Vector3& Vector3::operator*= (float S)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorScale(v1,S);
XMStoreFloat3( this, X );
return *this;
inline Vector3& Vector3::operator/= (float S)
using namespace DirectX;
assert( S != 0.0f );
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorScale(v1, 1.f/S);
XMStoreFloat3( this, X );
return *this;
// Urnary operators
inline Vector3 Vector3::operator- () const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorNegate( v1 );
Vector3 R;
XMStoreFloat3( &R, X );
return R;
// Binary operators
inline Vector3 operator+ (const Vector3& V1, const Vector3& V2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( &V1 );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat3( &V2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorAdd(v1,v2);
Vector3 R;
XMStoreFloat3( &R, X );
return R;
inline Vector3 operator- (const Vector3& V1, const Vector3& V2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( &V1 );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat3( &V2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorSubtract(v1,v2);
Vector3 R;
XMStoreFloat3( &R, X );
return R;
inline Vector3 operator* (const Vector3& V1, const Vector3& V2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( &V1 );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat3( &V2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorMultiply(v1,v2);
Vector3 R;
XMStoreFloat3( &R, X );
return R;
inline Vector3 operator* (const Vector3& V, float S)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( &V );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorScale(v1,S);
Vector3 R;
XMStoreFloat3( &R, X );
return R;
inline Vector3 operator/ (const Vector3& V1, const Vector3& V2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( &V1 );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat3( &V2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorDivide(v1,v2);
Vector3 R;
XMStoreFloat3( &R, X );
return R;
inline Vector3 operator* (float S, const Vector3& V)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( &V );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorScale(v1,S);
Vector3 R;
XMStoreFloat3( &R, X );
return R;
// Vector operations
inline bool Vector3::InBounds( const Vector3& Bounds ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat3( &Bounds );
return XMVector3InBounds( v1, v2 );
inline float Vector3::Length() const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Length( v1 );
return XMVectorGetX( X );
inline float Vector3::LengthSquared() const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3LengthSq( v1 );
return XMVectorGetX( X );
inline float Vector3::Dot( const Vector3& V ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat3( &V );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Dot( v1, v2 );
return XMVectorGetX( X );
inline void Vector3::Cross( const Vector3& V, Vector3& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat3( &V );
XMVECTOR R = XMVector3Cross( v1, v2 );
XMStoreFloat3( &result, R );
inline Vector3 Vector3::Cross( const Vector3& V ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat3( &V );
XMVECTOR R = XMVector3Cross( v1, v2 );
Vector3 result;
XMStoreFloat3( &result, R );
return result;
inline void Vector3::Normalize()
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Normalize( v1 );
XMStoreFloat3( this, X );
inline void Vector3::Normalize( Vector3& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Normalize( v1 );
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
inline void Vector3::Clamp( const Vector3& vmin, const Vector3& vmax )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat3( &vmin );
XMVECTOR v3 = XMLoadFloat3( &vmax );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorClamp( v1, v2, v3 );
XMStoreFloat3( this, X );
inline void Vector3::Clamp( const Vector3& vmin, const Vector3& vmax, Vector3& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat3( &vmin );
XMVECTOR v3 = XMLoadFloat3( &vmax );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorClamp( v1, v2, v3 );
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
// Static functions
inline float Vector3::Distance( const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2 )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat3( &v2 );
XMVECTOR V = XMVectorSubtract( x2, x1 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Length( V );
return XMVectorGetX( X );
inline float Vector3::DistanceSquared( const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2 )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat3( &v2 );
XMVECTOR V = XMVectorSubtract( x2, x1 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3LengthSq( V );
return XMVectorGetX( X );
inline void Vector3::Min( const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2, Vector3& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat3( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorMin( x1, x2 );
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
inline Vector3 Vector3::Min( const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2 )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat3( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorMin( x1, x2 );
Vector3 result;
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector3::Max( const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2, Vector3& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat3( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorMax( x1, x2 );
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
inline Vector3 Vector3::Max( const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2 )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat3( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorMax( x1, x2 );
Vector3 result;
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector3::Lerp( const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2, float t, Vector3& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat3( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorLerp( x1, x2, t );
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
inline Vector3 Vector3::Lerp( const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2, float t )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat3( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorLerp( x1, x2, t );
Vector3 result;
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector3::SmoothStep( const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2, float t, Vector3& result )
using namespace DirectX;
t = (t > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : ((t < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : t); // Clamp value to 0 to 1
t = t*t*(3.f - 2.f*t);
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat3( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorLerp( x1, x2, t );
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
inline Vector3 Vector3::SmoothStep( const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2, float t )
using namespace DirectX;
t = (t > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : ((t < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : t); // Clamp value to 0 to 1
t = t*t*(3.f - 2.f*t);
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat3( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorLerp( x1, x2, t );
Vector3 result;
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector3::Barycentric( const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2, const Vector3& v3, float f, float g, Vector3& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat3( &v2 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat3( &v3 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorBaryCentric( x1, x2, x3, f, g );
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
inline Vector3 Vector3::Barycentric( const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2, const Vector3& v3, float f, float g )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat3( &v2 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat3( &v3 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorBaryCentric( x1, x2, x3, f, g );
Vector3 result;
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector3::CatmullRom( const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2, const Vector3& v3, const Vector3& v4, float t, Vector3& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat3( &v2 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat3( &v3 );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat3( &v4 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorCatmullRom( x1, x2, x3, x4, t );
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
inline Vector3 Vector3::CatmullRom( const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2, const Vector3& v3, const Vector3& v4, float t )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat3( &v2 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat3( &v3 );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat3( &v4 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorCatmullRom( x1, x2, x3, x4, t );
Vector3 result;
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector3::Hermite( const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& t1, const Vector3& v2, const Vector3& t2, float t, Vector3& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat3( &t1 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat3( &v2 );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat3( &t2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorHermite( x1, x2, x3, x4, t );
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
inline Vector3 Vector3::Hermite( const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& t1, const Vector3& v2, const Vector3& t2, float t )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat3( &t1 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat3( &v2 );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat3( &t2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorHermite( x1, x2, x3, x4, t );
Vector3 result;
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector3::Reflect( const Vector3& ivec, const Vector3& nvec, Vector3& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR i = XMLoadFloat3( &ivec );
XMVECTOR n = XMLoadFloat3( &nvec );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Reflect( i, n );
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
inline Vector3 Vector3::Reflect( const Vector3& ivec, const Vector3& nvec )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR i = XMLoadFloat3( &ivec );
XMVECTOR n = XMLoadFloat3( &nvec );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Reflect( i, n );
Vector3 result;
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector3::Refract( const Vector3& ivec, const Vector3& nvec, float refractionIndex, Vector3& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR i = XMLoadFloat3( &ivec );
XMVECTOR n = XMLoadFloat3( &nvec );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Refract( i, n, refractionIndex );
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
inline Vector3 Vector3::Refract( const Vector3& ivec, const Vector3& nvec, float refractionIndex )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR i = XMLoadFloat3( &ivec );
XMVECTOR n = XMLoadFloat3( &nvec );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Refract( i, n, refractionIndex );
Vector3 result;
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector3::Transform( const Vector3& v, const Quaternion& quat, Vector3& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v );
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( &quat );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Rotate( v1, q );
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
inline Vector3 Vector3::Transform( const Vector3& v, const Quaternion& quat )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v );
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( &quat );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Rotate( v1, q );
Vector3 result;
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector3::Transform( const Vector3& v, const Matrix& m, Vector3& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v );
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3TransformCoord( v1, M );
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
inline Vector3 Vector3::Transform( const Vector3& v, const Matrix& m )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v );
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3TransformCoord( v1, M );
Vector3 result;
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector3::Transform( const Vector3* varray, size_t count, const Matrix& m, Vector3* resultArray )
using namespace DirectX;
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m );
XMVector3TransformCoordStream( resultArray, sizeof(XMFLOAT3), varray, sizeof(XMFLOAT3), count, M );
inline void Vector3::Transform( const Vector3& v, const Matrix& m, Vector4& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v );
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Transform( v1, M );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
inline void Vector3::Transform( const Vector3* varray, size_t count, const Matrix& m, Vector4* resultArray )
using namespace DirectX;
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m );
XMVector3TransformStream( resultArray, sizeof(XMFLOAT4), varray, sizeof(XMFLOAT3), count, M );
inline void Vector3::TransformNormal( const Vector3& v, const Matrix& m, Vector3& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v );
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3TransformNormal( v1, M );
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
inline Vector3 Vector3::TransformNormal( const Vector3& v, const Matrix& m )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v );
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3TransformNormal( v1, M );
Vector3 result;
XMStoreFloat3( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector3::TransformNormal( const Vector3* varray, size_t count, const Matrix& m, Vector3* resultArray )
using namespace DirectX;
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m );
XMVector3TransformNormalStream( resultArray, sizeof(XMFLOAT3), varray, sizeof(XMFLOAT3), count, M );
* Vector4
// Comparision operators
inline bool Vector4::operator == ( const Vector4& V ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat4( &V );
return XMVector4Equal( v1, v2 );
inline bool Vector4::operator != ( const Vector4& V ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat4( &V );
return XMVector4NotEqual( v1, v2 );
// Assignment operators
inline Vector4& Vector4::operator+= (const Vector4& V)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat4( &V );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorAdd(v1,v2);
XMStoreFloat4( this, X );
return *this;
inline Vector4& Vector4::operator-= (const Vector4& V)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat4( &V );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorSubtract(v1,v2);
XMStoreFloat4( this, X );
return *this;
inline Vector4& Vector4::operator*= (const Vector4& V)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat4( &V );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorMultiply(v1,v2);
XMStoreFloat4( this, X );
return *this;
inline Vector4& Vector4::operator*= (float S)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorScale(v1,S);
XMStoreFloat4( this, X );
return *this;
inline Vector4& Vector4::operator/= (float S)
using namespace DirectX;
assert( S != 0.0f );
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorScale(v1, 1.f/S);
XMStoreFloat4( this, X );
return *this;
// Urnary operators
inline Vector4 Vector4::operator- () const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorNegate( v1 );
Vector4 R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, X );
return R;
// Binary operators
inline Vector4 operator+ (const Vector4& V1, const Vector4& V2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( &V1 );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat4( &V2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorAdd(v1,v2);
Vector4 R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, X );
return R;
inline Vector4 operator- (const Vector4& V1, const Vector4& V2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( &V1 );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat4( &V2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorSubtract(v1,v2);
Vector4 R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, X );
return R;
inline Vector4 operator* (const Vector4& V1, const Vector4& V2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( &V1 );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat4( &V2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorMultiply(v1,v2);
Vector4 R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, X );
return R;
inline Vector4 operator* (const Vector4& V, float S)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( &V );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorScale(v1,S);
Vector4 R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, X );
return R;
inline Vector4 operator/ (const Vector4& V1, const Vector4& V2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( &V1 );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat4( &V2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorDivide(v1,v2);
Vector4 R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, X );
return R;
inline Vector4 operator* (float S, const Vector4& V)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( &V );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorScale(v1,S);
Vector4 R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, X );
return R;
// Vector operations
inline bool Vector4::InBounds( const Vector4& Bounds ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat4( &Bounds );
return XMVector4InBounds( v1, v2 );
inline float Vector4::Length() const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector4Length( v1 );
return XMVectorGetX( X );
inline float Vector4::LengthSquared() const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector4LengthSq( v1 );
return XMVectorGetX( X );
inline float Vector4::Dot( const Vector4& V ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat4( &V );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector4Dot( v1, v2 );
return XMVectorGetX( X );
inline void Vector4::Cross( const Vector4& v1, const Vector4& v2, Vector4& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( &v2 );
XMVECTOR R = XMVector4Cross( x1, x2, x3 );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, R );
inline Vector4 Vector4::Cross( const Vector4& v1, const Vector4& v2 ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( &v2 );
XMVECTOR R = XMVector4Cross( x1, x2, x3 );
Vector4 result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, R );
return result;
inline void Vector4::Normalize()
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector4Normalize( v1 );
XMStoreFloat4( this, X );
inline void Vector4::Normalize( Vector4& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector4Normalize( v1 );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
inline void Vector4::Clamp( const Vector4& vmin, const Vector4& vmax )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat4( &vmin );
XMVECTOR v3 = XMLoadFloat4( &vmax );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorClamp( v1, v2, v3 );
XMStoreFloat4( this, X );
inline void Vector4::Clamp( const Vector4& vmin, const Vector4& vmax, Vector4& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat4( &vmin );
XMVECTOR v3 = XMLoadFloat4( &vmax );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorClamp( v1, v2, v3 );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
// Static functions
inline float Vector4::Distance( const Vector4& v1, const Vector4& v2 )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( &v2 );
XMVECTOR V = XMVectorSubtract( x2, x1 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector4Length( V );
return XMVectorGetX( X );
inline float Vector4::DistanceSquared( const Vector4& v1, const Vector4& v2 )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( &v2 );
XMVECTOR V = XMVectorSubtract( x2, x1 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector4LengthSq( V );
return XMVectorGetX( X );
inline void Vector4::Min( const Vector4& v1, const Vector4& v2, Vector4& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorMin( x1, x2 );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
inline Vector4 Vector4::Min( const Vector4& v1, const Vector4& v2 )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorMin( x1, x2 );
Vector4 result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector4::Max( const Vector4& v1, const Vector4& v2, Vector4& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorMax( x1, x2 );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
inline Vector4 Vector4::Max( const Vector4& v1, const Vector4& v2 )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorMax( x1, x2 );
Vector4 result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector4::Lerp( const Vector4& v1, const Vector4& v2, float t, Vector4& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorLerp( x1, x2, t );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
inline Vector4 Vector4::Lerp( const Vector4& v1, const Vector4& v2, float t )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorLerp( x1, x2, t );
Vector4 result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector4::SmoothStep( const Vector4& v1, const Vector4& v2, float t, Vector4& result )
using namespace DirectX;
t = (t > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : ((t < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : t); // Clamp value to 0 to 1
t = t*t*(3.f - 2.f*t);
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorLerp( x1, x2, t );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
inline Vector4 Vector4::SmoothStep( const Vector4& v1, const Vector4& v2, float t )
using namespace DirectX;
t = (t > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : ((t < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : t); // Clamp value to 0 to 1
t = t*t*(3.f - 2.f*t);
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( &v2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorLerp( x1, x2, t );
Vector4 result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector4::Barycentric( const Vector4& v1, const Vector4& v2, const Vector4& v3, float f, float g, Vector4& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( &v2 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( &v3 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorBaryCentric( x1, x2, x3, f, g );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
inline Vector4 Vector4::Barycentric( const Vector4& v1, const Vector4& v2, const Vector4& v3, float f, float g )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( &v2 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( &v3 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorBaryCentric( x1, x2, x3, f, g );
Vector4 result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector4::CatmullRom( const Vector4& v1, const Vector4& v2, const Vector4& v3, const Vector4& v4, float t, Vector4& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( &v2 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( &v3 );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat4( &v4 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorCatmullRom( x1, x2, x3, x4, t );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
inline Vector4 Vector4::CatmullRom( const Vector4& v1, const Vector4& v2, const Vector4& v3, const Vector4& v4, float t )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( &v2 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( &v3 );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat4( &v4 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorCatmullRom( x1, x2, x3, x4, t );
Vector4 result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector4::Hermite( const Vector4& v1, const Vector4& t1, const Vector4& v2, const Vector4& t2, float t, Vector4& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( &t1 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( &v2 );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat4( &t2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorHermite( x1, x2, x3, x4, t );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
inline Vector4 Vector4::Hermite( const Vector4& v1, const Vector4& t1, const Vector4& v2, const Vector4& t2, float t )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v1 );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( &t1 );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( &v2 );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat4( &t2 );
XMVECTOR X = XMVectorHermite( x1, x2, x3, x4, t );
Vector4 result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector4::Reflect( const Vector4& ivec, const Vector4& nvec, Vector4& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR i = XMLoadFloat4( &ivec );
XMVECTOR n = XMLoadFloat4( &nvec );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector4Reflect( i, n );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
inline Vector4 Vector4::Reflect( const Vector4& ivec, const Vector4& nvec )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR i = XMLoadFloat4( &ivec );
XMVECTOR n = XMLoadFloat4( &nvec );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector4Reflect( i, n );
Vector4 result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector4::Refract( const Vector4& ivec, const Vector4& nvec, float refractionIndex, Vector4& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR i = XMLoadFloat4( &ivec );
XMVECTOR n = XMLoadFloat4( &nvec );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector4Refract( i, n, refractionIndex );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
inline Vector4 Vector4::Refract( const Vector4& ivec, const Vector4& nvec, float refractionIndex )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR i = XMLoadFloat4( &ivec );
XMVECTOR n = XMLoadFloat4( &nvec );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector4Refract( i, n, refractionIndex );
Vector4 result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector4::Transform( const Vector2& v, const Quaternion& quat, Vector4& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v );
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( &quat );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Rotate( v1, q );
X = XMVectorSelect( g_XMIdentityR3, X, g_XMSelect1110 ); // result.w = 1.f
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
inline Vector4 Vector4::Transform( const Vector2& v, const Quaternion& quat )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat2( &v );
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( &quat );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Rotate( v1, q );
X = XMVectorSelect( g_XMIdentityR3, X, g_XMSelect1110 ); // result.w = 1.f
Vector4 result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector4::Transform( const Vector3& v, const Quaternion& quat, Vector4& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v );
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( &quat );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Rotate( v1, q );
X = XMVectorSelect( g_XMIdentityR3, X, g_XMSelect1110 ); // result.w = 1.f
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
inline Vector4 Vector4::Transform( const Vector3& v, const Quaternion& quat )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat3( &v );
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( &quat );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Rotate( v1, q );
X = XMVectorSelect( g_XMIdentityR3, X, g_XMSelect1110 ); // result.w = 1.f
Vector4 result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector4::Transform( const Vector4& v, const Quaternion& quat, Vector4& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v );
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( &quat );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Rotate( v1, q );
X = XMVectorSelect( v1, X, g_XMSelect1110 ); // result.w = v.w
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
inline Vector4 Vector4::Transform( const Vector4& v, const Quaternion& quat )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v );
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( &quat );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Rotate( v1, q );
X = XMVectorSelect( v1, X, g_XMSelect1110 ); // result.w = v.w
Vector4 result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector4::Transform( const Vector4& v, const Matrix& m, Vector4& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v );
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector4Transform( v1, M );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
inline Vector4 Vector4::Transform( const Vector4& v, const Matrix& m )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( &v );
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector4Transform( v1, M );
Vector4 result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
return result;
inline void Vector4::Transform( const Vector4* varray, size_t count, const Matrix& m, Vector4* resultArray )
using namespace DirectX;
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( &m );
XMVector4TransformStream( resultArray, sizeof(XMFLOAT4), varray, sizeof(XMFLOAT4), count, M );
* Matrix
// Comparision operators
inline bool Matrix::operator == ( const Matrix& M ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&_11) );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&_21) );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&_31) );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&_41) );
XMVECTOR y1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._11) );
XMVECTOR y2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._21) );
XMVECTOR y3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._31) );
XMVECTOR y4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._41) );
return ( XMVector4Equal( x1, y1 )
&& XMVector4Equal( x2, y2 )
&& XMVector4Equal( x3, y3 )
&& XMVector4Equal( x4, y4 ) ) != 0;
inline bool Matrix::operator != ( const Matrix& M ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&_11) );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&_21) );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&_31) );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&_41) );
XMVECTOR y1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._11) );
XMVECTOR y2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._21) );
XMVECTOR y3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._31) );
XMVECTOR y4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._41) );
return ( XMVector4NotEqual( x1, y1 )
&& XMVector4NotEqual( x2, y2 )
&& XMVector4NotEqual( x3, y3 )
&& XMVector4NotEqual( x4, y4 ) ) != 0;
// Assignment operators
inline Matrix& Matrix::operator+= (const Matrix& M)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_11) );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_21) );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_31) );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_41) );
XMVECTOR y1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._11) );
XMVECTOR y2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._21) );
XMVECTOR y3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._31) );
XMVECTOR y4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._41) );
x1 = XMVectorAdd( x1, y1 );
x2 = XMVectorAdd( x2, y2 );
x3 = XMVectorAdd( x3, y3 );
x4 = XMVectorAdd( x4, y4 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_11), x1 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_21), x2 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_31), x3 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_41), x4 );
return *this;
inline Matrix& Matrix::operator-= (const Matrix& M)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_11) );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_21) );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_31) );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_41) );
XMVECTOR y1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._11) );
XMVECTOR y2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._21) );
XMVECTOR y3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._31) );
XMVECTOR y4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._41) );
x1 = XMVectorSubtract( x1, y1 );
x2 = XMVectorSubtract( x2, y2 );
x3 = XMVectorSubtract( x3, y3 );
x4 = XMVectorSubtract( x4, y4 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_11), x1 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_21), x2 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_31), x3 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_41), x4 );
return *this;
inline Matrix& Matrix::operator*= (const Matrix& M)
using namespace DirectX;
XMMATRIX M1 = XMLoadFloat4x4( this );
XMMATRIX M2 = XMLoadFloat4x4( &M );
XMMATRIX X = XMMatrixMultiply( M1, M2 );
XMStoreFloat4x4( this, X );
return *this;
inline Matrix& Matrix::operator*= (float S)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_11) );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_21) );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_31) );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_41) );
x1 = XMVectorScale( x1, S );
x2 = XMVectorScale( x2, S );
x3 = XMVectorScale( x3, S );
x4 = XMVectorScale( x4, S );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_11), x1 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_21), x2 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_31), x3 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_41), x4 );
return *this;
inline Matrix& Matrix::operator/= (float S)
using namespace DirectX;
assert( S != 0.f );
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_11) );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_21) );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_31) );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_41) );
float rs = 1.f / S;
x1 = XMVectorScale( x1, rs );
x2 = XMVectorScale( x2, rs );
x3 = XMVectorScale( x3, rs );
x4 = XMVectorScale( x4, rs );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_11), x1 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_21), x2 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_31), x3 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_41), x4 );
return *this;
inline Matrix& Matrix::operator/= (const Matrix& M)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_11) );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_21) );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_31) );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_41) );
XMVECTOR y1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._11) );
XMVECTOR y2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._21) );
XMVECTOR y3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._31) );
XMVECTOR y4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._41) );
x1 = XMVectorDivide( x1, y1 );
x2 = XMVectorDivide( x2, y2 );
x3 = XMVectorDivide( x3, y3 );
x4 = XMVectorDivide( x4, y4 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_11), x1 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_21), x2 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_31), x3 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&_41), x4 );
return *this;
// Urnary operators
inline Matrix Matrix::operator- () const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR v1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&_11) );
XMVECTOR v2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&_21) );
XMVECTOR v3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&_31) );
XMVECTOR v4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&_41) );
v1 = XMVectorNegate( v1 );
v2 = XMVectorNegate( v2 );
v3 = XMVectorNegate( v3 );
v4 = XMVectorNegate( v4 );
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._11), v1 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._21), v2 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._31), v3 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._41), v4 );
return R;
// Binary operators
inline Matrix operator+ (const Matrix& M1, const Matrix& M2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._11) );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._21) );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._31) );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._41) );
XMVECTOR y1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._11) );
XMVECTOR y2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._21) );
XMVECTOR y3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._31) );
XMVECTOR y4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._41) );
x1 = XMVectorAdd( x1, y1 );
x2 = XMVectorAdd( x2, y2 );
x3 = XMVectorAdd( x3, y3 );
x4 = XMVectorAdd( x4, y4 );
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._11), x1 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._21), x2 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._31), x3 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._41), x4 );
return R;
inline Matrix operator- (const Matrix& M1, const Matrix& M2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._11) );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._21) );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._31) );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._41) );
XMVECTOR y1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._11) );
XMVECTOR y2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._21) );
XMVECTOR y3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._31) );
XMVECTOR y4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._41) );
x1 = XMVectorSubtract( x1, y1 );
x2 = XMVectorSubtract( x2, y2 );
x3 = XMVectorSubtract( x3, y3 );
x4 = XMVectorSubtract( x4, y4 );
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._11), x1 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._21), x2 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._31), x3 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._41), x4 );
return R;
inline Matrix operator* (const Matrix& M1, const Matrix& M2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMMATRIX m1 = XMLoadFloat4x4( &M1 );
XMMATRIX m2 = XMLoadFloat4x4( &M2 );
XMMATRIX X = XMMatrixMultiply( m1, m2 );
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, X );
return R;
inline Matrix operator* (const Matrix& M, float S)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._11) );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._21) );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._31) );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._41) );
x1 = XMVectorScale( x1, S );
x2 = XMVectorScale( x2, S );
x3 = XMVectorScale( x3, S );
x4 = XMVectorScale( x4, S );
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._11), x1 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._21), x2 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._31), x3 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._41), x4 );
return R;
inline Matrix operator/ (const Matrix& M, float S)
using namespace DirectX;
assert( S != 0.f );
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._11) );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._21) );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._31) );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._41) );
float rs = 1.f / S;
x1 = XMVectorScale( x1, rs );
x2 = XMVectorScale( x2, rs );
x3 = XMVectorScale( x3, rs );
x4 = XMVectorScale( x4, rs );
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._11), x1 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._21), x2 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._31), x3 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._41), x4 );
return R;
inline Matrix operator/ (const Matrix& M1, const Matrix& M2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._11) );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._21) );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._31) );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._41) );
XMVECTOR y1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._11) );
XMVECTOR y2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._21) );
XMVECTOR y3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._31) );
XMVECTOR y4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._41) );
x1 = XMVectorDivide( x1, y1 );
x2 = XMVectorDivide( x2, y2 );
x3 = XMVectorDivide( x3, y3 );
x4 = XMVectorDivide( x4, y4 );
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._11), x1 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._21), x2 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._31), x3 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._41), x4 );
return R;
inline Matrix operator* (float S, const Matrix& M)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._11) );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._21) );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._31) );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M._41) );
x1 = XMVectorScale( x1, S );
x2 = XMVectorScale( x2, S );
x3 = XMVectorScale( x3, S );
x4 = XMVectorScale( x4, S );
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._11), x1 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._21), x2 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._31), x3 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&R._41), x4 );
return R;
// Matrix operations
inline bool Matrix::Decompose( Vector3& scale, Quaternion& rotation, Vector3& translation )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR s, r, t;
if ( !XMMatrixDecompose( &s, &r, &t, *this ) )
return false;
XMStoreFloat3( &scale, s );
XMStoreFloat4( &rotation, r );
XMStoreFloat3( &translation, t );
return true;
inline Matrix Matrix::Transpose() const
using namespace DirectX;
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( this );
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixTranspose( M ) );
return R;
inline void Matrix::Transpose( Matrix& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( this );
XMStoreFloat4x4( &result, XMMatrixTranspose( M ) );
inline Matrix Matrix::Invert() const
using namespace DirectX;
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( this );
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixInverse( &det, M ) );
return R;
inline void Matrix::Invert( Matrix& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( this );
XMStoreFloat4x4( &result, XMMatrixInverse( &det, M ) );
inline float Matrix::Determinant() const
using namespace DirectX;
XMMATRIX M = XMLoadFloat4x4( this );
return XMVectorGetX( XMMatrixDeterminant( M ) );
// Static functions
inline Matrix Matrix::Identity()
using namespace DirectX;
return Matrix( 1.f, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1.f, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1.f, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1.f );
inline Matrix Matrix::CreateTranslation( const Vector3& position )
using namespace DirectX;
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixTranslation( position.x, position.y, position.z ) );
return R;
inline Matrix Matrix::CreateTranslation( float x, float y, float z )
using namespace DirectX;
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixTranslation( x, y, z ) );
return R;
inline Matrix Matrix::CreateScale( const Vector3& scales )
using namespace DirectX;
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixScaling( scales.x, scales.y, scales.z ) );
return R;
inline Matrix Matrix::CreateScale( float xs, float ys, float zs )
using namespace DirectX;
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixScaling( xs, ys, zs ) );
return R;
inline Matrix Matrix::CreateScale( float scale )
using namespace DirectX;
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixScaling( scale, scale, scale ) );
return R;
inline Matrix Matrix::CreateRotationX( float radians )
using namespace DirectX;
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixRotationX( radians ) );
return R;
inline Matrix Matrix::CreateRotationY( float radians )
using namespace DirectX;
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixRotationY( radians ) );
return R;
inline Matrix Matrix::CreateRotationZ( float radians )
using namespace DirectX;
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixRotationZ( radians ) );
return R;
inline Matrix Matrix::CreateFromAxisAngle( const Vector3& axis, float angle )
using namespace DirectX;
Matrix R;
XMVECTOR a = XMLoadFloat3( &axis );
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixRotationAxis( a, angle ) );
return R;
inline Matrix Matrix::CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView( float fov, float aspectRatio, float nearPlane, float farPlane )
using namespace DirectX;
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixPerspectiveFovRH( fov, aspectRatio, nearPlane, farPlane ) );
return R;
inline Matrix Matrix::CreatePerspective( float width, float height, float nearPlane, float farPlane )
using namespace DirectX;
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixPerspectiveRH( width, height, nearPlane, farPlane ) );
return R;
inline Matrix Matrix::CreatePerspectiveOffCenter( float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float nearPlane, float farPlane )
using namespace DirectX;
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixPerspectiveOffCenterRH( left, right, bottom, top, nearPlane, farPlane ) );
return R;
inline Matrix Matrix::CreateOrthographic( float width, float height, float zNearPlane, float zFarPlane )
using namespace DirectX;
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixOrthographicRH( width, height, zNearPlane, zFarPlane ) );
return R;
inline Matrix Matrix::CreateOrthographicOffCenter( float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNearPlane, float zFarPlane )
using namespace DirectX;
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixOrthographicOffCenterRH( left, right, bottom, top, zNearPlane, zFarPlane ) );
return R;
inline Matrix Matrix::CreateLookAt( const Vector3& eye, const Vector3& target, const Vector3& up )
using namespace DirectX;
Matrix R;
XMVECTOR eyev = XMLoadFloat3( &eye );
XMVECTOR targetv = XMLoadFloat3( &target );
XMVECTOR upv = XMLoadFloat3( &up );
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixLookAtRH( eyev, targetv, upv ) );
return R;
inline Matrix Matrix::CreateWorld( const Vector3& position, const Vector3& forward, const Vector3& up )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR zaxis = XMVector3Normalize( XMVectorNegate( XMLoadFloat3( &forward ) ) );
XMVECTOR yaxis = XMLoadFloat3( &up );
XMVECTOR xaxis = XMVector3Normalize( XMVector3Cross( yaxis, zaxis ) );
yaxis = XMVector3Cross( zaxis, xaxis );
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat3( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT3*>( &R._11 ), xaxis );
XMStoreFloat3( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT3*>( &R._21 ), yaxis );
XMStoreFloat3( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT3*>( &R._31 ), zaxis );
R._14 = R._24 = R._34 = 0.f;
R._41 = position.x; R._42 = position.y; R._43 = position.z;
R._44 = 1.f;
return R;
inline Matrix Matrix::CreateFromQuaternion( const Quaternion& rotation )
using namespace DirectX;
Matrix R;
XMVECTOR quatv = XMLoadFloat4( &rotation );
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixRotationQuaternion( quatv ) );
return R;
inline Matrix Matrix::CreateFromYawPitchRoll( float yaw, float pitch, float roll )
using namespace DirectX;
Matrix R;
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixRotationRollPitchYaw( pitch, yaw, roll ) );
return R;
inline Matrix Matrix::CreateShadow( const Vector3& lightDir, const Plane& plane )
using namespace DirectX;
Matrix R;
XMVECTOR light = XMLoadFloat3( &lightDir );
XMVECTOR planev = XMLoadFloat4( &plane );
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixShadow( planev, light ) );
return R;
inline Matrix Matrix::CreateReflection( const Plane& plane )
using namespace DirectX;
Matrix R;
XMVECTOR planev = XMLoadFloat4( &plane );
XMStoreFloat4x4( &R, XMMatrixReflect( planev ) );
return R;
inline void Matrix::Lerp( const Matrix& M1, const Matrix& M2, float t, Matrix& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._11) );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._21) );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._31) );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._41) );
XMVECTOR y1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._11) );
XMVECTOR y2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._21) );
XMVECTOR y3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._31) );
XMVECTOR y4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._41) );
x1 = XMVectorLerp( x1, y1, t );
x2 = XMVectorLerp( x2, y2, t );
x3 = XMVectorLerp( x3, y3, t );
x4 = XMVectorLerp( x4, y4, t );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&result._11), x1 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&result._21), x2 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&result._31), x3 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&result._41), x4 );
inline Matrix Matrix::Lerp( const Matrix& M1, const Matrix& M2, float t )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR x1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._11) );
XMVECTOR x2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._21) );
XMVECTOR x3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._31) );
XMVECTOR x4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M1._41) );
XMVECTOR y1 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._11) );
XMVECTOR y2 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._21) );
XMVECTOR y3 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._31) );
XMVECTOR y4 = XMLoadFloat4( reinterpret_cast<const XMFLOAT4*>(&M2._41) );
x1 = XMVectorLerp( x1, y1, t );
x2 = XMVectorLerp( x2, y2, t );
x3 = XMVectorLerp( x3, y3, t );
x4 = XMVectorLerp( x4, y4, t );
Matrix result;
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&result._11), x1 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&result._21), x2 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&result._31), x3 );
XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast<XMFLOAT4*>(&result._41), x4 );
return result;
inline void Matrix::Transform( const Matrix& M, const Quaternion& rotation, Matrix& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR quatv = XMLoadFloat4( &rotation );
XMMATRIX M0 = XMLoadFloat4x4( &M );
XMMATRIX M1 = XMMatrixRotationQuaternion( quatv );
XMStoreFloat4x4( &result, XMMatrixMultiply( M0, M1 ) );
inline Matrix Matrix::Transform( const Matrix& M, const Quaternion& rotation )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR quatv = XMLoadFloat4( &rotation );
XMMATRIX M0 = XMLoadFloat4x4( &M );
XMMATRIX M1 = XMMatrixRotationQuaternion( quatv );
Matrix result;
XMStoreFloat4x4( &result, XMMatrixMultiply( M0, M1 ) );
return result;
* Plane
inline Plane::Plane(const Vector3& point1, const Vector3& point2, const Vector3& point3 )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR P0 = XMLoadFloat3( &point1 );
XMVECTOR P1 = XMLoadFloat3( &point2 );
XMVECTOR P2 = XMLoadFloat3( &point3 );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMPlaneFromPoints( P0, P1, P2 ) );
inline Plane::Plane(const Vector3& point, const Vector3& normal)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR P = XMLoadFloat3( &point );
XMVECTOR N = XMLoadFloat3( &normal );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMPlaneFromPointNormal( P, N ) );
// Comparision operators
inline bool Plane::operator == ( const Plane& p ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR p1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR p2 = XMLoadFloat4( &p );
return XMPlaneEqual( p1, p2 );
inline bool Plane::operator != ( const Plane& p ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR p1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR p2 = XMLoadFloat4( &p );
return XMPlaneNotEqual( p1, p2 );
// Plane operations
inline void Plane::Normalize()
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR p = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMPlaneNormalize( p ) );
inline void Plane::Normalize( Plane& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR p = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMPlaneNormalize( p ) );
inline float Plane::Dot( const Vector4& v ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR p = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR v0 = XMLoadFloat4( &v );
return XMVectorGetX( XMPlaneDot( p, v0 ) );
inline float Plane::DotCoordinate( const Vector3& position ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR p = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR v0 = XMLoadFloat3( &position );
return XMVectorGetX( XMPlaneDotCoord( p, v0 ) );
inline float Plane::DotNormal( const Vector3& normal ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR p = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR n0 = XMLoadFloat3( &normal );
return XMVectorGetX( XMPlaneDotNormal( p, n0 ) );
// Static functions
inline void Plane::Transform( const Plane& plane, const Matrix& M, Plane& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR p = XMLoadFloat4( &plane );
XMMATRIX m0 = XMLoadFloat4x4( &M );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMPlaneTransform( p, m0 ) );
inline Plane Plane::Transform( const Plane& plane, const Matrix& M )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR p = XMLoadFloat4( &plane );
XMMATRIX m0 = XMLoadFloat4x4( &M );
Plane result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMPlaneTransform( p, m0 ) );
return result;
inline void Plane::Transform( const Plane& plane, const Quaternion& rotation, Plane& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR p = XMLoadFloat4( &plane );
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( &rotation );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Rotate( p, q );
X = XMVectorSelect( p, X, g_XMSelect1110 ); // result.d = plane.d
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
inline Plane Plane::Transform( const Plane& plane, const Quaternion& rotation )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR p = XMLoadFloat4( &plane );
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( &rotation );
XMVECTOR X = XMVector3Rotate( p, q );
X = XMVectorSelect( p, X, g_XMSelect1110 ); // result.d = plane.d
Plane result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, X );
return result;
* Quaternion
// Comparision operators
inline bool Quaternion::operator == ( const Quaternion& q ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR q2 = XMLoadFloat4( &q );
return XMQuaternionEqual( q1, q2 );
inline bool Quaternion::operator != ( const Quaternion& q ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR q2 = XMLoadFloat4( &q );
return XMQuaternionNotEqual( q1, q2 );
// Assignment operators
inline Quaternion& Quaternion::operator+= (const Quaternion& q)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR q2 = XMLoadFloat4( &q );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMVectorAdd( q1, q2 ) );
return *this;
inline Quaternion& Quaternion::operator-= (const Quaternion& q)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR q2 = XMLoadFloat4( &q );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMVectorSubtract( q1, q2 ) );
return *this;
inline Quaternion& Quaternion::operator*= (const Quaternion& q)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR q2 = XMLoadFloat4( &q );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMQuaternionMultiply( q1, q2 ) );
return *this;
inline Quaternion& Quaternion::operator*= (float S)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMVectorScale( q, S ) );
return *this;
inline Quaternion& Quaternion::operator/= (const Quaternion& q)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR q2 = XMLoadFloat4( &q );
q2 = XMQuaternionInverse( q2 );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMQuaternionMultiply( q1, q2 ) );
return *this;
// Urnary operators
inline Quaternion Quaternion::operator- () const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( this );
Quaternion R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, XMVectorNegate( q ) );
return R;
// Binary operators
inline Quaternion operator+ (const Quaternion& Q1, const Quaternion& Q2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q1 = XMLoadFloat4( &Q1 );
XMVECTOR q2 = XMLoadFloat4( &Q2 );
Quaternion R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, XMVectorAdd( q1, q2 ) );
return R;
inline Quaternion operator- (const Quaternion& Q1, const Quaternion& Q2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q1 = XMLoadFloat4( &Q1 );
XMVECTOR q2 = XMLoadFloat4( &Q2 );
Quaternion R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, XMVectorSubtract( q1, q2 ) );
return R;
inline Quaternion operator* (const Quaternion& Q1, const Quaternion& Q2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q1 = XMLoadFloat4( &Q1 );
XMVECTOR q2 = XMLoadFloat4( &Q2 );
Quaternion R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, XMQuaternionMultiply( q1, q2 ) );
return R;
inline Quaternion operator* (const Quaternion& Q, float S)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( &Q );
Quaternion R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, XMVectorScale( q, S ) );
return R;
inline Quaternion operator/ (const Quaternion& Q1, const Quaternion& Q2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q1 = XMLoadFloat4( &Q1 );
XMVECTOR q2 = XMLoadFloat4( &Q2 );
q2 = XMQuaternionInverse( q2 );
Quaternion R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, XMQuaternionMultiply( q1, q2 ) );
return R;
inline Quaternion operator* (float S, const Quaternion& Q)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q1 = XMLoadFloat4( &Q );
Quaternion R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, XMVectorScale( q1, S ) );
return R;
// Quaternion operations
inline float Quaternion::Length() const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( this );
return XMVectorGetX( XMQuaternionLength( q ) );
inline float Quaternion::LengthSquared() const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( this );
return XMVectorGetX( XMQuaternionLengthSq( q ) );
inline void Quaternion::Normalize()
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMQuaternionNormalize( q ) );
inline void Quaternion::Normalize( Quaternion& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMQuaternionNormalize( q ) );
inline void Quaternion::Conjugate()
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMQuaternionConjugate( q ) );
inline void Quaternion::Conjugate( Quaternion& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMQuaternionConjugate( q ) );
inline void Quaternion::Inverse( Quaternion& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMQuaternionInverse( q ) );
inline float Quaternion::Dot( const Quaternion& q ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR q1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR q2 = XMLoadFloat4( &q );
return XMVectorGetX( XMQuaternionDot( q1, q2 ) );
// Static functions
inline Quaternion Quaternion::CreateFromAxisAngle( const Vector3& axis, float angle )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR a = XMLoadFloat3( &axis );
Quaternion R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, XMQuaternionRotationAxis( a, angle ) );
return R;
inline Quaternion Quaternion::CreateFromYawPitchRoll( float yaw, float pitch, float roll )
using namespace DirectX;
Quaternion R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYaw( pitch, yaw, roll ) );
return R;
inline Quaternion Quaternion::CreateFromRotationMatrix( const Matrix& M )
using namespace DirectX;
XMMATRIX M0 = XMLoadFloat4x4( &M );
Quaternion R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, XMQuaternionRotationMatrix( M0 ) );
return R;
inline void Quaternion::Lerp( const Quaternion& q1, const Quaternion& q2, float t, Quaternion& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR Q0 = XMLoadFloat4( &q1 );
XMVECTOR Q1 = XMLoadFloat4( &q2 );
XMVECTOR dot = XMVector4Dot( Q0, Q1 );
if ( XMVector4GreaterOrEqual( dot, XMVectorZero() ) )
R = XMVectorLerp( Q0, Q1, t );
XMVECTOR tv = XMVectorReplicate( t );
XMVECTOR t1v = XMVectorReplicate( 1.f - t );
XMVECTOR X0 = XMVectorMultiply( Q0, t1v );
XMVECTOR X1 = XMVectorMultiply( Q1, tv );
R = XMVectorSubtract( X0, X1 );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMQuaternionNormalize( R ) );
inline Quaternion Quaternion::Lerp( const Quaternion& q1, const Quaternion& q2, float t )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR Q0 = XMLoadFloat4( &q1 );
XMVECTOR Q1 = XMLoadFloat4( &q2 );
XMVECTOR dot = XMVector4Dot( Q0, Q1 );
if ( XMVector4GreaterOrEqual( dot, XMVectorZero() ) )
R = XMVectorLerp( Q0, Q1, t );
XMVECTOR tv = XMVectorReplicate( t );
XMVECTOR t1v = XMVectorReplicate( 1.f - t );
XMVECTOR X0 = XMVectorMultiply( Q0, t1v );
XMVECTOR X1 = XMVectorMultiply( Q1, tv );
R = XMVectorSubtract( X0, X1 );
Quaternion result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMQuaternionNormalize( R ) );
return result;
inline void Quaternion::Slerp( const Quaternion& q1, const Quaternion& q2, float t, Quaternion& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR Q0 = XMLoadFloat4( &q1 );
XMVECTOR Q1 = XMLoadFloat4( &q2 );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMQuaternionSlerp( Q0, Q1, t ) );
inline Quaternion Quaternion::Slerp( const Quaternion& q1, const Quaternion& q2, float t )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR Q0 = XMLoadFloat4( &q1 );
XMVECTOR Q1 = XMLoadFloat4( &q2 );
Quaternion result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMQuaternionSlerp( Q0, Q1, t ) );
return result;
inline void Quaternion::Concatenate( const Quaternion& q1, const Quaternion& q2, Quaternion& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR Q0 = XMLoadFloat4( &q1 );
XMVECTOR Q1 = XMLoadFloat4( &q2 );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMQuaternionMultiply( Q1, Q0 ) );
inline Quaternion Quaternion::Concatenate( const Quaternion& q1, const Quaternion& q2 )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR Q0 = XMLoadFloat4( &q1 );
XMVECTOR Q1 = XMLoadFloat4( &q2 );
Quaternion result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMQuaternionMultiply( Q1, Q0 ) );
return result;
* Color
inline Color::Color( const DirectX::PackedVector::XMCOLOR& Packed )
using namespace DirectX;
XMStoreFloat4( this, PackedVector::XMLoadColor( &Packed ) );
inline Color::Color( const DirectX::PackedVector::XMUBYTEN4& Packed )
using namespace DirectX;
XMStoreFloat4( this, PackedVector::XMLoadUByteN4( &Packed ) );
// Comparision operators
inline bool Color::operator == ( const Color& c ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR c2 = XMLoadFloat4( &c );
return XMColorEqual( c1, c2 );
inline bool Color::operator != ( const Color& c ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR c2 = XMLoadFloat4( &c );
return XMColorNotEqual( c1, c2 );
// Assignment operators
inline Color& Color::operator+= (const Color& c)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR c2 = XMLoadFloat4( &c );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMVectorAdd( c1, c2 ) );
return *this;
inline Color& Color::operator-= (const Color& c)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR c2 = XMLoadFloat4( &c );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMVectorSubtract( c1, c2 ) );
return *this;
inline Color& Color::operator*= (const Color& c)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR c2 = XMLoadFloat4( &c );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMVectorMultiply( c1, c2 ) );
return *this;
inline Color& Color::operator*= (float S)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMVectorScale( c, S ) );
return *this;
inline Color& Color::operator/= (const Color& c)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c1 = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR c2 = XMLoadFloat4( &c );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMVectorDivide( c1, c2 ) );
return *this;
// Urnary operators
inline Color Color::operator- () const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c = XMLoadFloat4( this );
Color R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, XMVectorNegate( c ) );
return R;
// Binary operators
inline Color operator+ (const Color& C1, const Color& C2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c1 = XMLoadFloat4( &C1 );
XMVECTOR c2 = XMLoadFloat4( &C2 );
Color R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, XMVectorAdd( c1, c2 ) );
return R;
inline Color operator- (const Color& C1, const Color& C2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c1 = XMLoadFloat4( &C1 );
XMVECTOR c2 = XMLoadFloat4( &C2 );
Color R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, XMVectorSubtract( c1, c2 ) );
return R;
inline Color operator* (const Color& C1, const Color& C2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c1 = XMLoadFloat4( &C1 );
XMVECTOR c2 = XMLoadFloat4( &C2 );
Color R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, XMVectorMultiply( c1, c2 ) );
return R;
inline Color operator* (const Color& C, float S)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c = XMLoadFloat4( &C );
Color R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, XMVectorScale( c, S ) );
return R;
inline Color operator/ (const Color& C1, const Color& C2)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c1 = XMLoadFloat4( &C1 );
XMVECTOR c2 = XMLoadFloat4( &C2 );
Color R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, XMVectorDivide( c1, c2 ) );
return R;
inline Color operator* (float S, const Color& C)
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c1 = XMLoadFloat4( &C );
Color R;
XMStoreFloat4( &R, XMVectorScale( c1, S ) );
return R;
// Color operations
inline DirectX::PackedVector::XMCOLOR Color::BGRA() const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR clr = XMLoadFloat4( this );
PackedVector::XMCOLOR Packed;
PackedVector::XMStoreColor( &Packed, clr );
return Packed;
inline DirectX::PackedVector::XMUBYTEN4 Color::RGBA() const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR clr = XMLoadFloat4( this );
PackedVector::XMUBYTEN4 Packed;
PackedVector::XMStoreUByteN4( &Packed, clr );
return Packed;
inline Vector3 Color::ToVector3() const
return Vector3( x, y, z );
inline Vector4 Color::ToVector4() const
return Vector4( x, y, z, w );
inline void Color::Negate()
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMColorNegative( c) );
inline void Color::Negate( Color& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMColorNegative( c ) );
inline void Color::Saturate()
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMVectorSaturate( c ) );
inline void Color::Saturate( Color& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMVectorSaturate( c ) );
inline void Color::Premultiply()
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR a = XMVectorSplatW( c );
a = XMVectorSelect( g_XMIdentityR3, a, g_XMSelect1110 );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMVectorMultiply( c, a ) );
inline void Color::Premultiply( Color& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMVECTOR a = XMVectorSplatW( c );
a = XMVectorSelect( g_XMIdentityR3, a, g_XMSelect1110 );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMVectorMultiply( c, a ) );
inline void Color::AdjustSaturation( float sat )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMColorAdjustSaturation( c, sat ) );
inline void Color::AdjustSaturation( float sat, Color& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMColorAdjustSaturation( c, sat ) );
inline void Color::AdjustContrast( float contrast )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMStoreFloat4( this, XMColorAdjustContrast( c, contrast ) );
inline void Color::AdjustContrast( float contrast, Color& result ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR c = XMLoadFloat4( this );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMColorAdjustContrast( c, contrast ) );
// Static functions
inline void Color::Modulate( const Color& c1, const Color& c2, Color& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR C0 = XMLoadFloat4( &c1 );
XMVECTOR C1 = XMLoadFloat4( &c2 );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMColorModulate( C0, C1 ) );
inline Color Color::Modulate( const Color& c1, const Color& c2 )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR C0 = XMLoadFloat4( &c1 );
XMVECTOR C1 = XMLoadFloat4( &c2 );
Color result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMColorModulate( C0, C1 ) );
return result;
inline void Color::Lerp( const Color& c1, const Color& c2, float t, Color& result )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR C0 = XMLoadFloat4( &c1 );
XMVECTOR C1 = XMLoadFloat4( &c2 );
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMVectorLerp( C0, C1, t ) );
inline Color Color::Lerp( const Color& c1, const Color& c2, float t )
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR C0 = XMLoadFloat4( &c1 );
XMVECTOR C1 = XMLoadFloat4( &c2 );
Color result;
XMStoreFloat4( &result, XMVectorLerp( C0, C1, t ) );
return result;
* Ray
// Comparision operators
inline bool Ray::operator == ( const Ray& r ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR r1p = XMLoadFloat3( &position );
XMVECTOR r2p = XMLoadFloat3( &r.position );
XMVECTOR r1d = XMLoadFloat3( &direction );
XMVECTOR r2d = XMLoadFloat3( &r.direction );
return XMVector3Equal( r1p, r2p ) && XMVector3Equal( r1d, r2d );
inline bool Ray::operator != ( const Ray& r ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR r1p = XMLoadFloat3( &position );
XMVECTOR r2p = XMLoadFloat3( &r.position );
XMVECTOR r1d = XMLoadFloat3( &direction );
XMVECTOR r2d = XMLoadFloat3( &r.direction );
return XMVector3NotEqual( r1p, r2p ) && XMVector3NotEqual( r1d, r2d );
// Ray operators
inline bool Ray::Intersects( const BoundingSphere& sphere, _Out_ float& Dist ) const
return sphere.Intersects( position, direction, Dist );
inline bool Ray::Intersects( const BoundingBox& box, _Out_ float& Dist ) const
return box.Intersects( position, direction, Dist );
inline bool Ray::Intersects( const Vector3& tri0, const Vector3& tri1, const Vector3& tri2, _Out_ float& Dist ) const
return DirectX::TriangleTests::Intersects( position, direction, tri0, tri1, tri2, Dist );
inline bool Ray::Intersects( const Plane& plane, _Out_ float& Dist ) const
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR p = XMLoadFloat4( &plane );
XMVECTOR dir = XMLoadFloat3( &direction );
XMVECTOR nd = XMPlaneDotNormal( p, dir );
if ( XMVector3LessOrEqual( XMVectorAbs( nd ), g_RayEpsilon ) )
Dist = 0.f;
return false;
// t = -(dot(n,origin) + D) / dot(n,dir)
XMVECTOR pos = XMLoadFloat3( &position );
XMVECTOR v = XMPlaneDotNormal( p, pos );
v = XMVectorAdd( v, XMVectorSplatW(p) );
v = XMVectorDivide( v, nd );
float dist = - XMVectorGetX( v );
if (dist < 0)
Dist = 0.f;
return false;
Dist = dist;
return true;