diff --git a/Docs/content/gettingstarted/_index.md b/Docs/content/gettingstarted/_index.md
index 264fb293..fba27dea 100644
--- a/Docs/content/gettingstarted/_index.md
+++ b/Docs/content/gettingstarted/_index.md
@@ -126,11 +126,17 @@ Mesen has a number of shortcut keys that you may find useful:
* **Ctrl-O**: Open a file
* **Ctrl-R**: Reset the game
* **Escape**: Pause/resume the game
+* **Alt-1 to Alt-6**: Change the video scale.
* **F1 to F8**: Load save state in the corresponding slot.
* **Shift-F1 to Shift-F7**: Save a save state in the corresponding slot.
* **Ctrl-S**: Manually save a save state to a file.
* **Ctrl-L**: Manually load a save state from a file.
-* **Alt-1 to Alt-6**: Change the video scale.
+* **Tab**: Hold the tab key to fast forward the emulation (defaults to 300% speed)
+* **Backspace**: Hold the backspace key to rewind the emulation, frame-by-frame.
+{{% notice tip %}}
+If you load a state by mistake, you can use the rewind feature to undo the load state action.
+{{% /notice %}}
The [shortcut keys](/configuration/preferences.html#shortcut-keys) can be customized in the [preferences](/configuration/preferences.html).