using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using Mesen.GUI.Config; using Mesen.GUI.Controls; using Mesen.GUI.Forms; namespace Mesen.GUI.Debugger { public partial class frmTraceLogger : BaseForm { private int _lineCount; private bool _loggingEnabled = false; private string _lastFilename; private EntityBinder _entityBinder = new EntityBinder(); private UInt64 _previousCycleCount; private string _previousTrace; private volatile bool _refreshRunning; private bool _initialized; private CodeTooltipManager _tooltipManager; private GoToDestination _destination; public frmTraceLogger() { InitializeComponent(); DebugInfo debugInfo = ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo; RestoreLocation(debugInfo.TraceLoggerLocation, debugInfo.TraceLoggerSize); _tooltipManager = new CodeTooltipManager(this, txtTraceLog); txtTraceLog.BaseFont = new Font(debugInfo.TraceFontFamily, debugInfo.TraceFontSize, debugInfo.TraceFontStyle); txtTraceLog.TextZoom = debugInfo.TraceTextZoom; mnuAutoRefresh.Checked = debugInfo.TraceAutoRefresh; _lineCount = debugInfo.TraceLineCount; _entityBinder.Entity = debugInfo.TraceLoggerOptions; _entityBinder.AddBinding("ShowByteCode", chkShowByteCode); _entityBinder.AddBinding("ShowCpuCycles", chkShowCpuCycles); _entityBinder.AddBinding("ShowEffectiveAddresses", chkShowEffectiveAddresses); _entityBinder.AddBinding("ShowMemoryValues", chkShowMemoryValues); _entityBinder.AddBinding("ShowExtraInfo", chkShowExtraInfo); _entityBinder.AddBinding("ShowPpuFrames", chkShowFrameCount); _entityBinder.AddBinding("ShowPpuCycles", chkShowPpuCycles); _entityBinder.AddBinding("ShowPpuScanline", chkShowPpuScanline); _entityBinder.AddBinding("ShowRegisters", chkShowRegisters); _entityBinder.AddBinding("IndentCode", chkIndentCode); _entityBinder.AddBinding("UseLabels", chkUseLabels); _entityBinder.AddBinding("ExtendZeroPage", chkExtendZeroPage); _entityBinder.AddBinding("UseWindowsEol", chkUseWindowsEol); _entityBinder.AddBinding("StatusFormat", cboStatusFlagFormat); _entityBinder.AddBinding("OverrideFormat", chkOverrideFormat); _entityBinder.UpdateUI(); this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.picExpressionWarning, "Condition contains invalid syntax or symbols."); this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.picHelp, "When a condition is given, instructions will only be logged by the trace logger if the condition returns a value not equal to 0 or false." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + frmBreakpoint.GetConditionTooltip(false)); this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.picFormatHelp, "You can customize the trace logger's output by enabling the 'Override' option and altering the format." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "The following tags are available: " + Environment.NewLine + "[ByteCode]: The byte code for the instruction (1 to 3 bytes)." + Environment.NewLine + "[Disassembly]: The disassembly for the current instruction." + Environment.NewLine + "[EffectiveAddress]: The effective address used for indirect addressing modes." + Environment.NewLine + "[MemoryValue]: The value stored at the memory location referred to by the instruction." + Environment.NewLine + "[PC]: Program Counter" + Environment.NewLine + "[A]: A register" + Environment.NewLine + "[X]: X register" + Environment.NewLine + "[Y]: Y register" + Environment.NewLine + "[SP]: Stack Pointer" + Environment.NewLine + "[P]: Processor Flags" + Environment.NewLine + "[Cycle]: The current PPU cycle." + Environment.NewLine + "[Scanline]: The current PPU scanline." + Environment.NewLine + "[FrameCount]: The current PPU frame." + Environment.NewLine + "[CycleCount]: The current CPU cycle (32-bit signed value, resets to 0 at power on)" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "You can also specify some options by using a comma. e.g:" + Environment.NewLine + "[Cycle,3] will display the cycle and pad out the output to always be 3 characters wide." + Environment.NewLine + "[Scanline,h] will display the scanline in hexadecimal." + Environment.NewLine + "[Align,50]: Align is a special tag that is useful when trying to align some content. [Align,50] will make the next tag start on column 50." ); this._initialized = true; } private void InitShortcuts() { mnuIncreaseFontSize.InitShortcut(this, nameof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig.IncreaseFontSize)); mnuDecreaseFontSize.InitShortcut(this, nameof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig.DecreaseFontSize)); mnuResetFontSize.InitShortcut(this, nameof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig.ResetFontSize)); mnuRefresh.InitShortcut(this, nameof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig.Refresh)); mnuCopy.InitShortcut(this, nameof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig.Copy)); mnuSelectAll.InitShortcut(this, nameof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig.SelectAll)); mnuEditInMemoryViewer.InitShortcut(this, nameof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig.CodeWindow_EditInMemoryViewer)); mnuViewInDisassembly.InitShortcut(this, nameof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig.MemoryViewer_ViewInDisassembly)); } protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); UpdateMenu(); tmrUpdateLog.Start(); RefreshLog(true, true); InitShortcuts(); } protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e) { tmrUpdateLog.Stop(); while(_refreshRunning) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); } base.OnFormClosing(e); DebugInfo debugInfo = ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo; debugInfo.TraceAutoRefresh = mnuAutoRefresh.Checked; debugInfo.TraceLineCount = _lineCount; debugInfo.TraceLoggerSize = this.WindowState != FormWindowState.Normal ? this.RestoreBounds.Size : this.Size; debugInfo.TraceLoggerLocation = this.WindowState != FormWindowState.Normal ? this.RestoreBounds.Location : this.Location; debugInfo.TraceFontFamily = txtTraceLog.BaseFont.FontFamily.Name; debugInfo.TraceFontSize = txtTraceLog.BaseFont.Size; debugInfo.TraceFontStyle = txtTraceLog.BaseFont.Style; debugInfo.TraceTextZoom = txtTraceLog.TextZoom; _entityBinder.UpdateObject(); ConfigManager.ApplyChanges(); if(_loggingEnabled) { InteropEmu.DebugStopTraceLogger(); } } protected void UpdateFormatOptions() { if(!chkOverrideFormat.Checked) { string format = "[PC,h] "; if(chkShowByteCode.Checked) { format += "[ByteCode,11h] "; } format += "[Disassembly]"; int alignValue = 40; if(chkShowEffectiveAddresses.Checked) { format += "[EffectiveAddress]"; alignValue += 8; } if(chkShowMemoryValues.Checked) { format += " [MemoryValue,h]"; alignValue += 6; } format += "[Align," + alignValue.ToString() + "] "; if(chkShowRegisters.Checked) { format += "A:[A,h] X:[X,h] Y:[Y,h] "; switch(cboStatusFlagFormat.GetEnumValue()) { case StatusFlagFormat.Hexadecimal: format += "P:[P,h]"; break; case StatusFlagFormat.CompactText: format += "P:[P]"; break; case StatusFlagFormat.Text: format += "P:[P,8]"; break; } format += " SP:[SP,h] "; } if(chkShowPpuCycles.Checked) { format += "CYC:[Cycle,3] "; } if(chkShowPpuScanline.Checked) { format += "SL:[Scanline,3] "; } if(chkShowFrameCount.Checked) { format += "FC:[FrameCount] "; } if(chkShowCpuCycles.Checked) { format += "CPU Cycle:[CycleCount]"; } txtFormat.Text = format.Trim(); } txtFormat.ReadOnly = !chkOverrideFormat.Checked; chkShowByteCode.Enabled = !chkOverrideFormat.Checked; chkShowRegisters.Enabled = !chkOverrideFormat.Checked; chkShowPpuCycles.Enabled = !chkOverrideFormat.Checked; chkShowPpuScanline.Enabled = !chkOverrideFormat.Checked; chkShowFrameCount.Enabled = !chkOverrideFormat.Checked; chkShowCpuCycles.Enabled = !chkOverrideFormat.Checked; chkShowEffectiveAddresses.Enabled = !chkOverrideFormat.Checked; chkShowMemoryValues.Enabled = !chkOverrideFormat.Checked; cboStatusFlagFormat.Enabled = !chkOverrideFormat.Checked; if(_initialized) { RefreshLog(false, true); } } private void SetOptions() { _entityBinder.UpdateObject(); TraceLoggerOptions options = (TraceLoggerOptions)_entityBinder.Entity; InteropTraceLoggerOptions interopOptions = new InteropTraceLoggerOptions(); interopOptions.IndentCode = options.IndentCode; interopOptions.ShowExtraInfo = options.ShowExtraInfo; interopOptions.UseLabels = options.UseLabels; interopOptions.UseWindowsEol = options.UseWindowsEol; interopOptions.ExtendZeroPage = options.ExtendZeroPage; interopOptions.Condition = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(txtCondition.Text); Array.Resize(ref interopOptions.Condition, 1000); interopOptions.Format = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(txtFormat.Text.Replace("\t", "\\t")); Array.Resize(ref interopOptions.Format, 1000); InteropEmu.DebugSetTraceOptions(interopOptions); } private void btnStartLogging_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using(SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog()) { sfd.SetFilter("Trace logs (*.txt)|*.txt"); sfd.FileName = "Trace - " + InteropEmu.GetRomInfo().GetRomName() + ".txt"; sfd.InitialDirectory = ConfigManager.DebuggerFolder; if(sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _lastFilename = sfd.FileName; SetOptions(); InteropEmu.DebugStartTraceLogger(sfd.FileName); btnStartLogging.Enabled = false; btnStopLogging.Enabled = true; btnOpenTrace.Enabled = false; _loggingEnabled = true; } } } private void btnStopLogging_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { InteropEmu.DebugStopTraceLogger(); btnStartLogging.Enabled = true; btnStopLogging.Enabled = false; btnOpenTrace.Enabled = true; } private void btnOpenTrace_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(_lastFilename); } catch { } } private void RefreshLog(bool scrollToBottom, bool forceUpdate) { if(_refreshRunning) { return; } _refreshRunning = true; SetOptions(); Task.Run(() => { //Update trace log in another thread for performance DebugState state = new DebugState(); InteropEmu.DebugGetState(ref state); if(_previousCycleCount != state.CPU.CycleCount || forceUpdate) { string newTrace = InteropEmu.DebugGetExecutionTrace((UInt32)_lineCount); _previousCycleCount = state.CPU.CycleCount; _previousTrace = newTrace; int index = 0; string line = null; Func readLine = () => { if(index < newTrace.Length) { int endOfLineIndex = newTrace.IndexOf('\n', index); line = newTrace.Substring(index, endOfLineIndex - index); index = endOfLineIndex + 1; return true; } else { return false; } }; List programCounter = new List(30000); List byteCode = new List(30000); List lineContent = new List(30000); List indent = new List(30000); bool showByteCode = false; while(readLine()) { string[] parts = line.Split('\x1'); programCounter.Add(Int32.Parse(parts[0], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)); byteCode.Add(parts[1]); string content = parts[2]; while(true) { string str = content.TrimStart(); if(str.StartsWith(parts[0])) { content = str.Substring(4); } else if(str.StartsWith(parts[1])) { content = str.Substring(11); showByteCode = true; } else if(str.StartsWith(parts[1].Replace("$", ""))) { content = str.Substring(8); showByteCode = true; } else { break; } } lineContent.Add(content); indent.Add(0); } this.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { txtTraceLog.ShowContentNotes = showByteCode; txtTraceLog.ShowSingleContentLineNotes = showByteCode; txtTraceLog.LineIndentations = indent.ToArray(); txtTraceLog.LineNumbers = programCounter.ToArray(); txtTraceLog.TextLineNotes = byteCode.ToArray(); txtTraceLog.TextLines = lineContent.ToArray(); if(scrollToBottom) { txtTraceLog.ScrollToLineIndex(txtTraceLog.LineCount - 1); } })); } _refreshRunning = false; }); } private void UpdateMenu() { mnu30000Lines.Checked = _lineCount == 30000; mnu15000Lines.Checked = _lineCount == 15000; mnu10000Lines.Checked = _lineCount == 10000; mnu5000Lines.Checked = _lineCount == 5000; mnu1000Lines.Checked = _lineCount == 1000; mnu100Lines.Checked = _lineCount == 100; if(_lineCount >= 1000) { tmrUpdateLog.Interval = 250; } else { tmrUpdateLog.Interval = 150; } } private void tmrUpdateLog_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(txtCondition.Text.Length > 0) { EvalResultType resultType; InteropEmu.DebugEvaluateExpression(txtCondition.Text, out resultType, false); picExpressionWarning.Visible = (resultType == EvalResultType.Invalid); } else { picExpressionWarning.Visible = false; } if(mnuAutoRefresh.Checked) { RefreshLog(false, false); } } private void SetLineCount(int count) { _lineCount = count; UpdateMenu(); RefreshLog(false, true); } private void mnu30000Lines_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetLineCount(30000); } private void mnu15000Lines_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetLineCount(15000); } private void mnu10000Lines_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetLineCount(10000); } private void mnu5000Lines_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetLineCount(5000); } private void mnu1000Lines_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetLineCount(1000); } private void mnu100Lines_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetLineCount(100); } private void mnuRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RefreshLog(false, true); } private void mnuIncreaseFontSize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtTraceLog.TextZoom += 10; } private void mnuDecreaseFontSize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtTraceLog.TextZoom -= 10; } private void mnuResetFontSize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtTraceLog.TextZoom = 100; } private void mnuSelectFont_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtTraceLog.BaseFont = FontDialogHelper.SelectFont(txtTraceLog.BaseFont); } private void chkOptions_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateFormatOptions(); } private void cboStatusFlagFormat_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateFormatOptions(); } private void txtFormat_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(chkOverrideFormat.Checked) { //Only save format string when override flag is set ((TraceLoggerOptions)_entityBinder.Entity).Format = txtFormat.Text; } } private void chkOverrideFormat_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(chkOverrideFormat.Checked) { string format = ((TraceLoggerOptions)_entityBinder.Entity).Format; if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(format)) { format = txtFormat.Text; } txtFormat.Text = format; } UpdateFormatOptions(); } private void mnuCopy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string[] lines = _previousTrace.Split('\n'); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(int i = txtTraceLog.SelectionStart, end = txtTraceLog.SelectionStart + txtTraceLog.SelectionLength; i <= end && i < lines.Length; i++) { sb.Append(lines[i]); } Clipboard.SetText(sb.ToString()); txtTraceLog.CopySelection(true, true, false); } private void mnuSelectAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtTraceLog.SelectAll(); } private void mnuViewInDisassembly_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { frmDebugger debugger = DebugWindowManager.GetDebugger(); if(_destination != null && debugger != null) { debugger.GoToDestination(_destination); } } private void mnuEditInMemoryViewer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(_destination != null) { DebugWindowManager.OpenMemoryViewer(_destination); } } private void txtTraceLog_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if(e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { string suffix = ""; string word = txtTraceLog.GetWordUnderLocation(e.Location); if(word.StartsWith("$")) { _destination = new GoToDestination() { CpuAddress = Int32.Parse(word.Substring(1), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier) }; suffix += " (" + word + ")"; } else { CodeLabel label = LabelManager.GetLabel(word); if(label != null) { _destination = new GoToDestination() { Label = label }; suffix += " (" + label.Label + ")"; } else { //Use the current row's address _destination = new GoToDestination() { CpuAddress = txtTraceLog.CurrentLine, }; suffix += " ($" + txtTraceLog.CurrentLine.ToString("X4") + ")"; } } mnuViewInDisassembly.Enabled = DebugWindowManager.GetDebugger() != null; mnuEditInMemoryViewer.Enabled = true; mnuEditInMemoryViewer.Text = "Edit in Memory Viewer" + suffix; mnuViewInDisassembly.Text = "View in Disassembly" + suffix; } } private void btnClearLog_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { InteropEmu.DebugClearTraceLog(); RefreshLog(true, true); } } }