using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Mesen.GUI.Debugger { [Flags] public enum LineSymbol { None = 0, Circle = 1, CircleOutline = 2, Arrow = 4, } public class LineProperties { public Color? BgColor; public Color? FgColor; public Color? OutlineColor; public LineSymbol Symbol; } public partial class ctrlTextbox : Control { public event EventHandler ScrollPositionChanged; private string[] _contents = new string[0]; private int[] _lineNumbers = new int[0]; private Dictionary _lineNumberIndex = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary _lineProperties = new Dictionary(); private bool _showLineNumbers = false; private bool _showLineInHex = false; private int _cursorPosition = 0; private int _scrollPosition = 0; private string _searchString = null; private string _header = null; public ctrlTextbox() { InitializeComponent(); this.ResizeRedraw = true; this.DoubleBuffered = true; } public string[] TextLines { set { _contents = value; _lineNumbers = new int[_contents.Length]; _lineNumberIndex.Clear(); for(int i = _contents.Length - 1; i >=0; i--) { _lineNumbers[i] = i; _lineNumberIndex[i] = i; } this.Invalidate(); } } public int LineCount { get { return _contents.Length; } } public int[] CustomLineNumbers { set { _lineNumbers = value; _lineNumberIndex.Clear(); int i = 0; foreach(int line in _lineNumbers) { _lineNumberIndex[line] = i; i++; } this.Invalidate(); } } public string Header { set { this._header = value; this.Invalidate(); } } public bool Search(string searchString, bool searchBackwards, bool isNewSearch) { if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchString)) { this._searchString = null; this.Invalidate(); return true; } else { int startPosition; int endPosition; this._searchString = searchString.ToLowerInvariant(); int searchOffset = (searchBackwards ? -1 : 1); if(isNewSearch) { startPosition = this.CursorPosition; endPosition = this.CursorPosition - searchOffset; if(endPosition < 0) { endPosition = _contents.Length - 1; } else if(endPosition >= _contents.Length) { endPosition = 0; } } else { startPosition = this.CursorPosition + searchOffset; endPosition = this.CursorPosition; if(startPosition < 0) { startPosition = _contents.Length - 1; } else if(startPosition >= _contents.Length) { startPosition = 0; } } for(int i = startPosition; i != endPosition; i += searchOffset) { string line = _contents[i].ToLowerInvariant(); if(line.Contains(searchString)) { this.ScrollToLineIndex(i); return true; } //Continue search from start/end of document if(!searchBackwards && i == this._contents.Length - 1) { i = 0; } else if(searchBackwards && i == 0) { i = this._contents.Length - 1; } } this.Invalidate(); return _contents[_cursorPosition].ToLowerInvariant().Contains(this._searchString); } } public void ClearLineStyles() { _lineProperties.Clear(); this.Invalidate(); } public void SetLineColor(int lineNumber, Color? fgColor = null, Color? bgColor = null, Color? outlineColor = null, LineSymbol symbol = LineSymbol.None) { if(lineNumber != -1) { if(_lineNumberIndex.ContainsKey(lineNumber)) { LineProperties properties = new LineProperties() { BgColor = bgColor, FgColor = fgColor, OutlineColor = outlineColor, Symbol = symbol }; _lineProperties[_lineNumberIndex[lineNumber]] = properties; this.Invalidate(); } } } public int GetLineIndex(int lineNumber) { if(_lineNumberIndex.ContainsKey(lineNumber)) { return _lineNumberIndex[lineNumber]; } else { foreach(int line in _lineNumbers) { if(line > lineNumber) { return Math.Max(0, GetLineIndex(line) - 1); } } } return -1; } public int GetLineNumber(int lineIndex) { return _lineNumbers[lineIndex]; } public void ScrollToLineIndex(int lineIndex) { if(lineIndex < this.ScrollPosition || lineIndex > this.GetLastVisibleLineIndex()) { //Line isn't currently visible, scroll it to the middle of the viewport this.ScrollPosition = lineIndex - this.GetNumberVisibleLines()/2; } this.CursorPosition = lineIndex; } public void ScrollToLineNumber(int lineNumber) { int lineIndex = this.GetLineIndex(lineNumber); if(lineIndex >= 0) { ScrollToLineIndex(lineIndex); } } private int GetMargin(Graphics g) { return this.ShowLineNumbers ? (int)(g.MeasureString("W", this.Font).Width * 6) : 0; } public string GetWordUnderLocation(Point position) { using(Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(this.Handle)) { int marginLeft = this.GetMargin(g); int positionX = position.X - marginLeft; int lineOffset = this.GetLineAtPosition(position.Y); if(positionX >= 0 && this.ScrollPosition + lineOffset < _contents.Length) { string text = _contents[this.ScrollPosition + lineOffset]; int charIndex = -1; int previousWidth = 0; for(int i = 0, len = text.Length; i < len; i++) { int width = (int)g.MeasureString(text.Substring(0, i+1), this.Font).Width; if(width >= positionX && previousWidth <= positionX) { charIndex = i; break; } previousWidth = width; } if(charIndex >= 0) { List wordDelimiters = new List(new char[] { ' ', ',' }); if(wordDelimiters.Contains(text[charIndex])) { return string.Empty; } else { int endIndex = text.IndexOfAny(wordDelimiters.ToArray(), charIndex); if(endIndex == -1) { endIndex = text.Length; } int startIndex = text.LastIndexOfAny(wordDelimiters.ToArray(), charIndex); return text.Substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex - startIndex - 1); } } } } return string.Empty; } private int GetLineAtPosition(int yPos) { if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this._header)) { yPos -= this.LineHeight; } return Math.Max(0, yPos / this.LineHeight); } private int GetLastVisibleLineIndex() { return this.ScrollPosition + this.GetNumberVisibleLines() - 1; } public int GetNumberVisibleLines() { Rectangle rect = this.ClientRectangle; return this.GetLineAtPosition(rect.Height); } [Browsable(false)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public int CursorPosition { get { return _cursorPosition; } set { _cursorPosition = Math.Min(this._contents.Length - 1, Math.Max(0, value)); if(_cursorPosition < this.ScrollPosition) { this.ScrollPosition = _cursorPosition; } else if(_cursorPosition > this.GetLastVisibleLineIndex()) { this.ScrollPosition = _cursorPosition - this.GetNumberVisibleLines() + 1; } this.Invalidate(); } } public int CurrentLine { get { return _lineNumbers[_cursorPosition]; } } [Browsable(false)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public int ScrollPosition { get { return _scrollPosition; } set { value = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(value, this._contents.Length-1)); _scrollPosition = value; if(this.ScrollPositionChanged != null) { ScrollPositionChanged(this, null); } this.Invalidate(); } } public bool ShowLineNumbers { get { return _showLineNumbers; } set { _showLineNumbers = value; } } public bool ShowLineInHex { get { return _showLineInHex; } set { _showLineInHex = value; } } private int LineHeight { get { return this.Font.Height - 1; } } protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) { this.Focus(); base.OnMouseDown(e); } protected override void OnMouseClick(MouseEventArgs e) { if(e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left) { int clickedLine = this.GetLineAtPosition(e.Y); this.CursorPosition = this.ScrollPosition + clickedLine; } base.OnMouseClick(e); } private void DrawLine(Graphics g, int currentLine, int marginLeft, int positionY) { if(this.ShowLineNumbers) { //Show line number string lineNumber = _lineNumbers[currentLine] >= 0 ? _lineNumbers[currentLine].ToString(_showLineInHex ? "X4" : "") : ".."; float width = g.MeasureString(lineNumber, this.Font).Width; g.DrawString(lineNumber, this.Font, Brushes.Gray, marginLeft - width, positionY); } if(currentLine == this.CursorPosition) { //Highlight current line g.FillRectangle(Brushes.AliceBlue, marginLeft, positionY, this.ClientRectangle.Width - marginLeft, this.LineHeight); } Color textColor = Color.Black; if(_lineProperties.ContainsKey(currentLine)) { //Process background, foreground, outline color and line symbol LineProperties lineProperties = _lineProperties[currentLine]; textColor = lineProperties.FgColor ?? Color.Black; float stringLength = g.MeasureString(_contents[currentLine], this.Font).Width; if(lineProperties.BgColor.HasValue) { using(Brush bgBrush = new SolidBrush(lineProperties.BgColor.Value)) { g.FillRectangle(bgBrush, marginLeft + 1, positionY + 1, stringLength, this.LineHeight-1); } } if(lineProperties.OutlineColor.HasValue) { using(Pen outlinePen = new Pen(lineProperties.OutlineColor.Value, 1)) { g.DrawRectangle(outlinePen, marginLeft + 1, positionY + 1, stringLength, this.LineHeight-1); } } if(lineProperties.Symbol.HasFlag(LineSymbol.Circle)) { using(Brush brush = new SolidBrush(lineProperties.OutlineColor.Value)) { g.FillEllipse(brush, 1, positionY + 2, this.LineHeight - 3, this.LineHeight - 3); } } if(lineProperties.Symbol.HasFlag(LineSymbol.CircleOutline) && lineProperties.OutlineColor.HasValue) { using(Pen pen = new Pen(lineProperties.OutlineColor.Value, 1)) { g.DrawEllipse(pen, 1, positionY + 2, this.LineHeight - 3, this.LineHeight - 3); } } if(lineProperties.Symbol.HasFlag(LineSymbol.Arrow)) { int arrowY = positionY + this.LineHeight / 2 + 1; using(Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black, this.LineHeight * 0.33f)) { //Outline g.DrawLine(pen, 3, arrowY, 3 + this.LineHeight * 0.25f, arrowY); pen.EndCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.ArrowAnchor; g.DrawLine(pen, 3 + this.LineHeight * 0.25f, arrowY, 3 + this.LineHeight * 0.75f, arrowY); //Fill pen.Width-=2f; pen.Color = lineProperties.BgColor.Value; pen.EndCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.Square; g.DrawLine(pen, 4, arrowY, 3 + this.LineHeight * 0.25f - 1, arrowY); pen.EndCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.ArrowAnchor; g.DrawLine(pen, 3 + this.LineHeight * 0.25f, arrowY, this.LineHeight * 0.75f + 1, arrowY); } } } using(Brush fgBrush = new SolidBrush(textColor)) { int searchIndex; if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this._searchString) && (searchIndex = _contents[currentLine].ToLowerInvariant().IndexOf(this._searchString)) >= 0) { //Draw colored search string string searchString = _contents[currentLine].Substring(searchIndex, this._searchString.Length); StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat(StringFormat.GenericTypographic) { FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.MeasureTrailingSpaces }; float searchStringWidth = g.MeasureString(searchString, this.Font, Int32.MaxValue, stringFormat).Width; g.DrawString(_contents[currentLine].Substring(0, searchIndex), this.Font, fgBrush, marginLeft, positionY); float offsetX = g.MeasureString(_contents[currentLine].Substring(0, searchIndex), this.Font, Int32.MaxValue, stringFormat).Width; using(Brush selBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.White), selBgBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.CornflowerBlue)) { g.FillRectangle(selBgBrush, marginLeft+offsetX+1, positionY, searchStringWidth+2, this.LineHeight); g.DrawString(searchString, this.Font, selBrush, marginLeft+offsetX, positionY); } offsetX += searchStringWidth; g.DrawString(_contents[currentLine].Substring(searchIndex+this._searchString.Length), this.Font, fgBrush, marginLeft+offsetX, positionY); } else { g.DrawString(_contents[currentLine], this.Font, fgBrush, marginLeft, positionY); } } } protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe) { pe.Graphics.PixelOffsetMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality; using(Brush lightGrayBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(240,240,240))) { using(Pen grayPen = new Pen(Color.LightGray)) { Rectangle rect = this.ClientRectangle; pe.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, rect); int marginLeft = this.GetMargin(pe.Graphics); if(this.ShowLineNumbers) { pe.Graphics.FillRectangle(lightGrayBrush, 0, 0, marginLeft, rect.Bottom); pe.Graphics.DrawLine(grayPen, marginLeft, rect.Top, marginLeft, rect.Bottom); } int currentLine = this.ScrollPosition; int positionY = 0; if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this._header)) { pe.Graphics.FillRectangle(lightGrayBrush, marginLeft, 0, rect.Right, this.LineHeight); pe.Graphics.DrawString(_header, this.Font, Brushes.Gray, marginLeft, positionY); positionY += this.LineHeight; } while(positionY < rect.Bottom && currentLine < _contents.Length) { this.DrawLine(pe.Graphics, currentLine, marginLeft, positionY); positionY += this.LineHeight; currentLine++; } } } } } }