#include "stdafx.h" #include #include "Disassembler.h" #include "DisassemblyInfo.h" #include "BaseMapper.h" #include "MemoryManager.h" #include "CPU.h" #include "LabelManager.h" #include "../Utilities/HexUtilities.h" #include "../Utilities/StringUtilities.h" #include "Debugger.h" Disassembler::Disassembler(MemoryManager* memoryManager, BaseMapper* mapper, Debugger* debugger) { _debugger = debugger; _memoryManager = memoryManager; _mapper = mapper; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < mapper->GetMemorySize(DebugMemoryType::PrgRom); i++) { _disassembleCache.push_back(shared_ptr(nullptr)); } for(uint32_t i = 0; i < mapper->GetMemorySize(DebugMemoryType::WorkRam); i++) { _disassembleWorkRamCache.push_back(shared_ptr(nullptr)); } for(uint32_t i = 0; i < mapper->GetMemorySize(DebugMemoryType::SaveRam); i++) { _disassembleSaveRamCache.push_back(shared_ptr(nullptr)); } for(uint32_t i = 0; i < 0x800; i++) { _disassembleMemoryCache.push_back(shared_ptr(nullptr)); } BuildOpCodeTables(false); } Disassembler::~Disassembler() { } void Disassembler::BuildOpCodeTables(bool useLowerCase) { string opName[256] = { // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F "BRK", "ORA", "STP", "SLO", "NOP", "ORA", "ASL", "SLO", "PHP", "ORA", "ASL", "ANC", "NOP", "ORA", "ASL", "SLO", //0 "BPL", "ORA", "STP", "SLO", "NOP", "ORA", "ASL", "SLO", "CLC", "ORA", "NOP", "SLO", "NOP", "ORA", "ASL", "SLO", //1 "JSR", "AND", "STP", "RLA", "BIT", "AND", "ROL", "RLA", "PLP", "AND", "ROL", "ANC", "BIT", "AND", "ROL", "RLA", //2 "BMI", "AND", "STP", "RLA", "NOP", "AND", "ROL", "RLA", "SEC", "AND", "NOP", "RLA", "NOP", "AND", "ROL", "RLA", //3 "RTI", "EOR", "STP", "SRE", "NOP", "EOR", "LSR", "SRE", "PHA", "EOR", "LSR", "ALR", "JMP", "EOR", "LSR", "SRE", //4 "BVC", "EOR", "STP", "SRE", "NOP", "EOR", "LSR", "SRE", "CLI", "EOR", "NOP", "SRE", "NOP", "EOR", "LSR", "SRE", //5 "RTS", "ADC", "STP", "RRA", "NOP", "ADC", "ROR", "RRA", "PLA", "ADC", "ROR", "ARR", "JMP", "ADC", "ROR", "RRA", //6 "BVS", "ADC", "STP", "RRA", "NOP", "ADC", "ROR", "RRA", "SEI", "ADC", "NOP", "RRA", "NOP", "ADC", "ROR", "RRA", //7 "NOP", "STA", "NOP", "SAX", "STY", "STA", "STX", "SAX", "DEY", "NOP", "TXA", "XAA", "STY", "STA", "STX", "SAX", //8 "BCC", "STA", "STP", "AHX", "STY", "STA", "STX", "SAX", "TYA", "STA", "TXS", "TAS", "SHY", "STA", "SHX", "AXA", //9 "LDY", "LDA", "LDX", "LAX", "LDY", "LDA", "LDX", "LAX", "TAY", "LDA", "TAX", "LAX", "LDY", "LDA", "LDX", "LAX", //A "BCS", "LDA", "STP", "LAX", "LDY", "LDA", "LDX", "LAX", "CLV", "LDA", "TSX", "LAS", "LDY", "LDA", "LDX", "LAX", //B "CPY", "CMP", "NOP", "DCP", "CPY", "CMP", "DEC", "DCP", "INY", "CMP", "DEX", "AXS", "CPY", "CMP", "DEC", "DCP", //C "BNE", "CMP", "STP", "DCP", "NOP", "CMP", "DEC", "DCP", "CLD", "CMP", "NOP", "DCP", "NOP", "CMP", "DEC", "DCP", //D "CPX", "SBC", "NOP", "ISC", "CPX", "SBC", "INC", "ISC", "INX", "SBC", "NOP", "SBC", "CPX", "SBC", "INC", "ISC", //E "BEQ", "SBC", "STP", "ISC", "NOP", "SBC", "INC", "ISC", "SED", "SBC", "NOP", "ISC", "NOP", "SBC", "INC", "ISC" //F }; bool unofficial[256] = { // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F false,false,true, true, true, false,false,true, false,false,false,true, true, false,false,true, //0 false,false,true, true, true, false,false,true, false,false,true, true, true, false,false,true, //1 false,false,true, true, false,false,false,true, false,false,false,true, false,false,false,true, //2 false,false,true, true, true, false,false,true, false,false,true, true, true, false,false,true, //3 false,false,true, true, true, false,false,true, false,false,false,true, false,false,false,true, //4 false,false,true, true, true, false,false,true, false,false,true, true, true, false,false,true, //5 false,false,true, true, true, false,false,true, false,false,false,true, false,false,false,true, //6 false,false,true, true, true, false,false,true, false,false,true, true, true, false,false,true, //7 true, false,true, true, false,false,false,true, false,true, false,true, false,false,false,true, //8 false,false,true, true, false,false,false,true, false,false,false,true, true, false,true, true, //9 false,false,false,true, false,false,false,true, false,false,false,true, false,false,false,true, //A false,false,true, true, false,false,false,true, false,false,false,true, false,false,false,true, //B false,false,true, true, false,false,false,true, false,false,false,true, false,false,false,true, //C false,false,true, true, true, false,false,true, false,false,true, true, true, false,false,true, //D false,false,true, true, false,false,false,true, false,false,false,true, false,false,false,true, //E false,false,true, true, true, false,false,true, false,false,true, true, true, false,false,true //F }; AddrMode opMode[256] = { Imp, IndX, None, IndX, Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero, Imp, Imm, Acc, Imm, Abs, Abs, Abs, Abs, Rel, IndY, None, IndYW, ZeroX, ZeroX, ZeroX, ZeroX, Imp, AbsY, Imp, AbsYW, AbsX, AbsX, AbsXW, AbsXW, Abs, IndX, None, IndX, Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero, Imp, Imm, Acc, Imm, Abs, Abs, Abs, Abs, Rel, IndY, None, IndYW, ZeroX, ZeroX, ZeroX, ZeroX, Imp, AbsY, Imp, AbsYW, AbsX, AbsX, AbsXW, AbsXW, Imp, IndX, None, IndX, Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero, Imp, Imm, Acc, Imm, Abs, Abs, Abs, Abs, Rel, IndY, None, IndYW, ZeroX, ZeroX, ZeroX, ZeroX, Imp, AbsY, Imp, AbsYW, AbsX, AbsX, AbsXW, AbsXW, Imp, IndX, None, IndX, Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero, Imp, Imm, Acc, Imm, Ind, Abs, Abs, Abs, Rel, IndY, None, IndYW, ZeroX, ZeroX, ZeroX, ZeroX, Imp, AbsY, Imp, AbsYW, AbsX, AbsX, AbsXW, AbsXW, Imm, IndX, Imm, IndX, Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero, Imp, Imm, Imp, Imm, Abs, Abs, Abs, Abs, Rel, IndYW, None, IndY, ZeroX, ZeroX, ZeroY, ZeroY, Imp, AbsYW, Imp, AbsY, AbsXW, AbsXW, AbsYW, AbsY, Imm, IndX, Imm, IndX, Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero, Imp, Imm, Imp, Imm, Abs, Abs, Abs, Abs, Rel, IndY, None, IndY, ZeroX, ZeroX, ZeroY, ZeroY, Imp, AbsY, Imp, AbsY, AbsX, AbsX, AbsY, AbsY, Imm, IndX, Imm, IndX, Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero, Imp, Imm, Imp, Imm, Abs, Abs, Abs, Abs, Rel, IndY, None, IndYW, ZeroX, ZeroX, ZeroX, ZeroX, Imp, AbsY, Imp, AbsYW, AbsX, AbsX, AbsXW, AbsXW, Imm, IndX, Imm, IndX, Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero, Imp, Imm, Imp, Imm, Abs, Abs, Abs, Abs, Rel, IndY, None, IndYW, ZeroX, ZeroX, ZeroX, ZeroX, Imp, AbsY, Imp, AbsYW, AbsX, AbsX, AbsXW, AbsXW, }; for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if(useLowerCase) { string name = opName[i]; std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), ::tolower); DisassemblyInfo::OPName[i] = name + (unofficial[i] ? "* " : " "); } else { DisassemblyInfo::OPName[i] = opName[i] + (unofficial[i] ? "* " : " "); } DisassemblyInfo::IsUnofficialCode[i] = unofficial[i]; DisassemblyInfo::OPMode[i] = opMode[i]; switch(DisassemblyInfo::OPMode[i]) { case AddrMode::Abs: case AddrMode::AbsX: case AddrMode::AbsXW: case AddrMode::AbsY: case AddrMode::AbsYW: case AddrMode::Ind: DisassemblyInfo::OPSize[i] = 3; break; case AddrMode::Imm: case AddrMode::IndX: case AddrMode::IndY: case AddrMode::IndYW: case AddrMode::Rel: case AddrMode::Zero: case AddrMode::ZeroX: case AddrMode::ZeroY: DisassemblyInfo::OPSize[i] = 2; break; default: DisassemblyInfo::OPSize[i] = 1; break; } } } bool Disassembler::IsUnofficialOpCode(uint8_t opCode) { return DisassemblyInfo::IsUnofficialCode[opCode]; } bool Disassembler::IsJump(uint8_t opCode) { return opCode == 0x10 || opCode == 0x30|| opCode == 0x50 || opCode == 0x70 || opCode == 0x90 || opCode == 0xB0 || opCode == 0xD0 || opCode == 0xF0 || opCode == 0x4C || opCode == 0x20; } bool Disassembler::IsUnconditionalJump(uint8_t opCode) { return opCode == 0x40 || opCode == 0x60 || opCode == 0x6C || opCode == 0x4C || opCode == 0x20; } void Disassembler::GetInfo(AddressTypeInfo &info, uint8_t** source, uint32_t &size, vector> **cache) { switch(info.Type) { case AddressType::InternalRam: *source = _memoryManager->GetInternalRAM(); *cache = &_disassembleMemoryCache; size = 0x800; break; case AddressType::PrgRom: *source = _mapper->GetPrgRom(); *cache = &_disassembleCache; size = _mapper->GetMemorySize(DebugMemoryType::PrgRom); break; case AddressType::WorkRam: *source = _mapper->GetWorkRam(); *cache = &_disassembleWorkRamCache; size = _mapper->GetMemorySize(DebugMemoryType::WorkRam); break; case AddressType::SaveRam: *source = _mapper->GetSaveRam(); *cache = &_disassembleSaveRamCache; size = _mapper->GetMemorySize(DebugMemoryType::SaveRam); break; } } uint32_t Disassembler::BuildCache(AddressTypeInfo &info, uint16_t cpuAddress, bool isSubEntryPoint) { if(info.Type == AddressType::InternalRam) { uint16_t memoryAddr = info.Address & 0x7FF; if(!_disassembleMemoryCache[memoryAddr]) { shared_ptr disInfo(new DisassemblyInfo(_memoryManager->GetInternalRAM()+memoryAddr, isSubEntryPoint)); _disassembleMemoryCache[memoryAddr] = disInfo; memoryAddr += disInfo->GetSize(); } else if(isSubEntryPoint) { _disassembleMemoryCache[memoryAddr]->SetSubEntryPoint(); } return memoryAddr; } else { vector> *cache; uint8_t *source; uint32_t size; GetInfo(info, &source, size, &cache); int32_t absoluteAddr = info.Address; if(info.Address >= 0) { shared_ptr disInfo = (*cache)[info.Address]; if(!disInfo) { while(info.Address < (int32_t)size && !(*cache)[absoluteAddr]) { bool isJump = IsUnconditionalJump(source[absoluteAddr]); disInfo = shared_ptr(new DisassemblyInfo(source+absoluteAddr, isSubEntryPoint)); isSubEntryPoint = false; (*cache)[absoluteAddr] = disInfo; absoluteAddr += disInfo->GetSize(); if(isJump) { //Hit a jump/return instruction, can't assume that what follows is actual code, stop disassembling break; } } } else { if(isSubEntryPoint) { disInfo->SetSubEntryPoint(); } uint8_t opCode = source[info.Address]; if(IsJump(opCode)) { uint16_t jumpDest = disInfo->GetOpAddr(cpuAddress); if(jumpDest != cpuAddress) { AddressTypeInfo addressInfo; _debugger->GetAbsoluteAddressAndType(jumpDest, &addressInfo); const uint8_t jsrCode = 0x20; if(addressInfo.Address >= 0) { BuildCache(addressInfo, jumpDest, opCode == jsrCode); } } } absoluteAddr += disInfo->GetSize(); } } return absoluteAddr; } } void Disassembler::InvalidateCache(AddressTypeInfo &info) { int32_t addr; vector> *cache = nullptr; switch(info.Type) { case AddressType::InternalRam: addr = info.Address & 0x7FF; cache = &_disassembleMemoryCache; break; case AddressType::WorkRam: addr = info.Address; cache = &_disassembleWorkRamCache; break; case AddressType::SaveRam: addr = info.Address; cache = &_disassembleSaveRamCache; break; } if(cache && addr >= 0) { for(int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { int offsetAddr = (int)addr - i; if(offsetAddr >= 0) { if((*cache)[offsetAddr] != nullptr) { if((*cache)[offsetAddr]->GetSize() >= (uint32_t)i + 1) { //Invalidate any instruction that overlapped this address (*cache)[offsetAddr] = nullptr; } } } } (*cache)[addr] = nullptr; } } void Disassembler::RebuildPrgRomCache(uint32_t absoluteAddr, int32_t length) { for(int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { int offsetAddr = (int)absoluteAddr - i; if(offsetAddr >= 0) { if(_disassembleCache[offsetAddr] != nullptr) { if(_disassembleCache[offsetAddr]->GetSize() >= (uint32_t)i + 1) { //Invalidate any instruction that overlapped this address _disassembleCache[offsetAddr] = nullptr; } } } } bool isSubEntryPoint = false; if(_disassembleCache[absoluteAddr]) { isSubEntryPoint = _disassembleCache[absoluteAddr]->IsSubEntryPoint(); } for(int i = absoluteAddr, end = absoluteAddr + length; i < end; i++) { _disassembleCache[i] = nullptr; } uint16_t memoryAddr = _debugger->GetRelativeAddress(absoluteAddr, AddressType::PrgRom); AddressTypeInfo info = { (int32_t)absoluteAddr, AddressType::PrgRom }; BuildCache(info, memoryAddr, isSubEntryPoint); } static const char* hexTable[256] = { "00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "0A", "0B", "0C", "0D", "0E", "0F", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "1A", "1B", "1C", "1D", "1E", "1F", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "2A", "2B", "2C", "2D", "2E", "2F", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "3A", "3B", "3C", "3D", "3E", "3F", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "4A", "4B", "4C", "4D", "4E", "4F", "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "57", "58", "59", "5A", "5B", "5C", "5D", "5E", "5F", "60", "61", "62", "63", "64", "65", "66", "67", "68", "69", "6A", "6B", "6C", "6D", "6E", "6F", "70", "71", "72", "73", "74", "75", "76", "77", "78", "79", "7A", "7B", "7C", "7D", "7E", "7F", "80", "81", "82", "83", "84", "85", "86", "87", "88", "89", "8A", "8B", "8C", "8D", "8E", "8F", "90", "91", "92", "93", "94", "95", "96", "97", "98", "99", "9A", "9B", "9C", "9D", "9E", "9F", "A0", "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "A6", "A7", "A8", "A9", "AA", "AB", "AC", "AD", "AE", "AF", "B0", "B1", "B2", "B3", "B4", "B5", "B6", "B7", "B8", "B9", "BA", "BB", "BC", "BD", "BE", "BF", "C0", "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5", "C6", "C7", "C8", "C9", "CA", "CB", "CC", "CD", "CE", "CF", "D0", "D1", "D2", "D3", "D4", "D5", "D6", "D7", "D8", "D9", "DA", "DB", "DC", "DD", "DE", "DF", "E0", "E1", "E2", "E3", "E4", "E5", "E6", "E7", "E8", "E9", "EA", "EB", "EC", "ED", "EE", "EF", "F0", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "FA", "FB", "FC", "FD", "FE", "FF" }; static string emptyString; void Disassembler::GetLine(string &out, string code, string comment, int32_t cpuAddress, int32_t absoluteAddress) { GetCodeLine(out, code, comment, cpuAddress, absoluteAddress, emptyString, emptyString, false, false); } void Disassembler::GetCodeLine(string &out, string &code, string &comment, int32_t cpuAddress, int32_t absoluteAddress, string &byteCode, string &addressing, bool speculativeCode, bool isIndented) { char buffer[1000]; int pos = 0; char* ptrBuf = buffer; int* ptrPos = &pos; auto writeChar = [=](char c) -> void { if(*ptrPos < 999) { ptrBuf[(*ptrPos)++] = c; } }; auto writeHex = [=](const char* hex) -> void { if(*ptrPos < 950) { ptrBuf[(*ptrPos)++] = hex[0]; ptrBuf[(*ptrPos)++] = hex[1]; } }; auto writeStr = [=](string &str) -> void { uint32_t len = (uint32_t)str.size(); if(*ptrPos + len < 950) { memcpy(ptrBuf + (*ptrPos), str.c_str(), len); (*ptrPos) += len; } else { len = 950 - *ptrPos; memcpy(ptrBuf + (*ptrPos), str.c_str(), len); (*ptrPos) += len; } }; //Fields: //Flags | CpuAddress | AbsAddr | ByteCode | Code | Addressing | Comment if(cpuAddress >= 0) { if(speculativeCode) { writeChar(isIndented ? '6' : '2'); writeChar('\x1'); } else { writeChar((_debugger->IsMarkedAsCode(cpuAddress) || absoluteAddress == -1) ? (isIndented ? '5' : '1') : (isIndented ? '4' : '0')); writeChar('\x1'); } writeHex(hexTable[(cpuAddress >> 8) & 0xFF]); writeHex(hexTable[cpuAddress & 0xFF]); writeChar('\x1'); } else { writeChar('1'); writeChar('\x1'); writeChar('\x1'); } if(absoluteAddress >= 0) { if(absoluteAddress > 0xFFFFFF) { writeHex(hexTable[(absoluteAddress >> 24) & 0xFF]); } if(absoluteAddress > 0xFFFF) { writeHex(hexTable[(absoluteAddress >> 16) & 0xFF]); } writeHex(hexTable[(absoluteAddress >> 8) & 0xFF]); writeHex(hexTable[absoluteAddress & 0xFF]); } writeChar('\x1'); writeStr(byteCode); writeChar('\x1'); writeStr(code); writeChar('\x1'); writeStr(addressing); writeChar('\x1'); if(!comment.empty()) { writeChar(';'); writeStr(comment); } writeChar('\x1'); ptrBuf[(*ptrPos)++] = 0; out.append(buffer, pos - 1); } void Disassembler::GetSubHeader(string &out, DisassemblyInfo *info, string &label, uint16_t relativeAddr, uint16_t resetVector, uint16_t nmiVector, uint16_t irqVector) { if(info->IsSubEntryPoint()) { if(label.empty()) { GetLine(out); GetLine(out, "__sub start__"); } else { GetLine(out); GetLine(out, "__" + label + "()__"); } } else if(relativeAddr == resetVector) { GetLine(out); GetLine(out, "--reset--"); } else if(relativeAddr == irqVector) { GetLine(out); GetLine(out, "--irq--"); } else if(relativeAddr == nmiVector) { GetLine(out); GetLine(out, "--nmi--"); } } string Disassembler::GetCode(AddressTypeInfo &addressInfo, uint32_t endAddr, uint16_t memoryAddr, bool showEffectiveAddresses, bool showOnlyDiassembledCode, State& cpuState, shared_ptr memoryManager, shared_ptr labelManager) { string output; output.reserve(10000000); int32_t dbRelativeAddr = 0; int32_t dbAbsoluteAddr = 0; string dbBuffer; uint16_t resetVector = memoryManager->DebugReadWord(CPU::ResetVector); uint16_t nmiVector = memoryManager->DebugReadWord(CPU::NMIVector); uint16_t irqVector = memoryManager->DebugReadWord(CPU::IRQVector); vector> *cache; uint8_t *source; uint32_t mask = addressInfo.Type == AddressType::InternalRam ? 0x7FF : 0xFFFFFFFF; uint32_t size; uint8_t* internalRam = _memoryManager->GetInternalRAM(); GetInfo(addressInfo, &source, size, &cache); string unknownBlockHeader = showOnlyDiassembledCode ? "----" : "__unknown block__"; uint32_t addr = addressInfo.Address; uint32_t byteCount = 0; bool skippingCode = false; shared_ptr cdl = _debugger->GetCodeDataLogger(); string label; string commentString; string commentLines; shared_ptr infoRef; DisassemblyInfo* info; bool speculativeCode; string spaces = " "; string effAddress; string code; string byteCode; while(addr <= endAddr) { labelManager->GetLabelAndComment(memoryAddr, label, commentString); commentLines.clear(); speculativeCode = false; if(commentString.find_first_of('\n') != string::npos) { for(string &str : StringUtilities::Split(commentString, '\n')) { GetLine(commentLines, "", str); } commentString.clear(); } infoRef = (*cache)[addr&mask]; info = infoRef.get(); if(!info && (_debugger->CheckFlag(DebuggerFlags::DisassembleEverything) || _debugger->CheckFlag(DebuggerFlags::DisassembleEverythingButData) && !cdl->IsData(addr))) { speculativeCode = true; info = new DisassemblyInfo(source + (addr & mask), false); } if(info && addr + info->GetSize() <= endAddr) { if(byteCount > 0) { GetLine(output, dbBuffer, "", dbRelativeAddr, dbAbsoluteAddr); byteCount = 0; } if(skippingCode) { GetLine(output, unknownBlockHeader, "", (uint16_t)(memoryAddr - 1), addr - 1); skippingCode = false; } GetSubHeader(output, info, label, memoryAddr, resetVector, nmiVector, irqVector); output += commentLines; if(!label.empty()) { GetLine(output, label + ":"); } byteCode.clear(); code.clear(); effAddress.clear(); info->GetEffectiveAddressString(effAddress, cpuState, memoryManager.get(), labelManager.get()); info->ToString(code, memoryAddr, memoryManager.get(), labelManager.get()); info->GetByteCode(byteCode); GetCodeLine(output, code, commentString, memoryAddr, source != internalRam ? addr : -1, byteCode, effAddress, speculativeCode, true); if(info->IsSubExitPoint()) { GetLine(output, "__sub end__"); GetLine(output); } if(speculativeCode) { //For unverified code, check if a verified instruction starts between the start of this instruction and its end. //If so, we need to realign the disassembler to the start of the next verified instruction for(uint32_t i = 0; i < info->GetSize(); i++) { addr++; memoryAddr++; if(addr > endAddr || (*cache)[addr&mask]) { //Verified code found, stop incrementing address counters break; } } } else { addr += info->GetSize(); memoryAddr += info->GetSize(); } } else { if((!label.empty() || !commentString.empty()) && skippingCode) { GetLine(output, unknownBlockHeader, "", (uint16_t)(memoryAddr - 1), addr - 1); skippingCode = false; } if(!skippingCode && showOnlyDiassembledCode) { if(label.empty()) { GetLine(output, "__unknown block__", "", memoryAddr, addr); if(!commentString.empty()) { GetLine(output, "", commentString); } } else { GetLine(output, "__" + label + "__", "", memoryAddr, addr); if(!commentString.empty()) { GetLine(output, "", commentString); } output += commentLines; } skippingCode = true; } if(!showOnlyDiassembledCode) { if(byteCount >= 8 || ((!label.empty() || !commentString.empty()) && byteCount > 0)) { GetLine(output, dbBuffer, "", dbRelativeAddr, dbAbsoluteAddr); byteCount = 0; } if(byteCount == 0) { dbBuffer = ".db"; output += commentLines; if(!label.empty()) { GetLine(output, label + ":"); } dbRelativeAddr = memoryAddr; dbAbsoluteAddr = addr; } dbBuffer += " $" + HexUtilities::ToHex(source[addr&mask]); if(!label.empty() || !commentString.empty()) { GetLine(output, dbBuffer, commentString, dbRelativeAddr, dbAbsoluteAddr); byteCount = 0; } else { byteCount++; } } addr++; memoryAddr++; } if(speculativeCode) { delete info; } } if(byteCount > 0) { GetLine(output, dbBuffer, "", dbRelativeAddr, dbAbsoluteAddr); } if(skippingCode) { GetLine(output, "----", "", (uint16_t)(memoryAddr - 1), addr - 1); } return output; } shared_ptr Disassembler::GetDisassemblyInfo(AddressTypeInfo &info) { switch(info.Type) { case AddressType::InternalRam: return _disassembleMemoryCache[info.Address & 0x7FF]; case AddressType::PrgRom: return _disassembleCache[info.Address]; case AddressType::WorkRam: return _disassembleWorkRamCache[info.Address]; case AddressType::SaveRam: return _disassembleSaveRamCache[info.Address]; } return nullptr; }