#include "stdafx.h" #include "../Lua/lua.hpp" #include "LuaScriptingContext.h" #include "LuaApi.h" #include "LuaCallHelper.h" #include "DebuggerTypes.h" #include "Debugger.h" LuaScriptingContext* LuaScriptingContext::_context = nullptr; uint32_t LuaScriptingContext::_timeout = 1000; LuaScriptingContext::LuaScriptingContext(Debugger* debugger) : ScriptingContext(debugger) { } LuaScriptingContext::~LuaScriptingContext() { if(_lua) { //Cleanup all references, this is required to prevent crashes that can occur when calling lua_close std::unordered_set references; for(int i = (int)CallbackType::CpuRead; i <= (int)CallbackType::PpuWrite; i++) { for(int addr = 0; addr < 0x10000; addr++ ){ for(int &ref : _callbacks[i][addr]) { references.emplace(ref); } } } for(int i = (int)EventType::Reset; i <= (int)EventType::StateSaved; i++) { for(int &ref : _eventCallbacks[i]) { references.emplace(ref); } } for(const int &ref : references) { luaL_unref(_lua, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref); } lua_close(_lua); _lua = nullptr; } } void LuaScriptingContext::SetScriptTimeout(uint32_t timeout) { _timeout = timeout; } void LuaScriptingContext::ExecutionCountHook(lua_State *lua, lua_Debug *ar) { if(_context->_timer.GetElapsedMS() > _timeout) { luaL_error(lua, (std::string("Maximum execution time (") + std::to_string(_timeout) + " ms) exceeded.").c_str()); } } bool LuaScriptingContext::LoadScript(string scriptName, string scriptContent, Debugger* debugger) { _scriptName = scriptName; int iErr = 0; _lua = luaL_newstate(); _context = this; LuaApi::SetContext(this); luaL_openlibs(_lua); luaL_requiref(_lua, "emu", LuaApi::GetLibrary, 1); Log("Loading script..."); if((iErr = luaL_loadbufferx(_lua, scriptContent.c_str(), scriptContent.size(), ("@" + scriptName).c_str(), nullptr)) == 0) { _timer.Reset(); lua_sethook(_lua, LuaScriptingContext::ExecutionCountHook, LUA_MASKCOUNT, 1000); if((iErr = lua_pcall(_lua, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0)) == 0) { //Script loaded properly Log("Script loaded successfully."); return true; } } if(lua_isstring(_lua, -1)) { Log(lua_tostring(_lua, -1)); } return false; } void LuaScriptingContext::UnregisterMemoryCallback(CallbackType type, int startAddr, int endAddr, int reference) { ScriptingContext::UnregisterMemoryCallback(type, startAddr, endAddr, reference); luaL_unref(_lua, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, reference); } void LuaScriptingContext::UnregisterEventCallback(EventType type, int reference) { ScriptingContext::UnregisterEventCallback(type, reference); luaL_unref(_lua, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, reference); } void LuaScriptingContext::InternalCallMemoryCallback(uint16_t addr, uint8_t &value, CallbackType type) { if(_callbacks[(int)type][addr].empty()) { return; } _timer.Reset(); _context = this; lua_sethook(_lua, LuaScriptingContext::ExecutionCountHook, LUA_MASKCOUNT, 1000); LuaApi::SetContext(this); for(int &ref : _callbacks[(int)type][addr]) { int top = lua_gettop(_lua); lua_rawgeti(_lua, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref); lua_pushinteger(_lua, addr); lua_pushinteger(_lua, value); if(lua_pcall(_lua, 2, LUA_MULTRET, 0) != 0) { Log(lua_tostring(_lua, -1)); } else { int returnParamCount = lua_gettop(_lua) - top; if(returnParamCount && lua_isinteger(_lua, -1)) { int newValue = (int)lua_tointeger(_lua, -1); value = (uint8_t)newValue; } lua_settop(_lua, top); } } } int LuaScriptingContext::InternalCallEventCallback(EventType type) { if(_eventCallbacks[(int)type].empty()) { return 0; } _timer.Reset(); _context = this; lua_sethook(_lua, LuaScriptingContext::ExecutionCountHook, LUA_MASKCOUNT, 1000); LuaApi::SetContext(this); LuaCallHelper l(_lua); for(int &ref : _eventCallbacks[(int)type]) { lua_rawgeti(_lua, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref); if(lua_pcall(_lua, 0, 0, 0) != 0) { Log(lua_tostring(_lua, -1)); } } return l.ReturnCount(); }