#include "stdafx.h" #include "APU.h" #include "CPU.h" #include "SquareChannel.h" #include "TriangleChannel.h" #include "NoiseChannel.h" #include "DeltaModulationChannel.h" #include "ApuFrameCounter.h" #include "EmulationSettings.h" #include "SoundMixer.h" #include "MemoryManager.h" APU::APU(shared_ptr console) { _nesModel = NesModel::Auto; _apuEnabled = true; _needToRun = false; _console = console; _mixer = _console->GetSoundMixer(); _settings = _console->GetSettings(); _squareChannel[0].reset(new SquareChannel(AudioChannel::Square1, _console, _mixer.get(), true)); _squareChannel[1].reset(new SquareChannel(AudioChannel::Square2, _console, _mixer.get(), false)); _triangleChannel.reset(new TriangleChannel(AudioChannel::Triangle, _console, _mixer.get())); _noiseChannel.reset(new NoiseChannel(AudioChannel::Noise, _console, _mixer.get())); _deltaModulationChannel.reset(new DeltaModulationChannel(AudioChannel::DMC, _console, _mixer.get())); _frameCounter.reset(new ApuFrameCounter(_console)); _console->GetMemoryManager()->RegisterIODevice(_squareChannel[0].get()); _console->GetMemoryManager()->RegisterIODevice(_squareChannel[1].get()); _console->GetMemoryManager()->RegisterIODevice(_frameCounter.get()); _console->GetMemoryManager()->RegisterIODevice(_triangleChannel.get()); _console->GetMemoryManager()->RegisterIODevice(_noiseChannel.get()); _console->GetMemoryManager()->RegisterIODevice(_deltaModulationChannel.get()); Reset(false); } APU::~APU() { } void APU::SetNesModel(NesModel model, bool forceInit) { if(_nesModel != model || forceInit) { //Finish the current apu frame before switching model Run(); _nesModel = model; _squareChannel[0]->SetNesModel(model); _squareChannel[1]->SetNesModel(model); _triangleChannel->SetNesModel(model); _noiseChannel->SetNesModel(model); _deltaModulationChannel->SetNesModel(model); _frameCounter->SetNesModel(model); _mixer->SetNesModel(model); } } void APU::FrameCounterTick(FrameType type) { //Quarter & half frame clock envelope & linear counter _squareChannel[0]->TickEnvelope(); _squareChannel[1]->TickEnvelope(); _triangleChannel->TickLinearCounter(); _noiseChannel->TickEnvelope(); if(type == FrameType::HalfFrame) { //Half frames clock length counter & sweep _squareChannel[0]->TickLengthCounter(); _squareChannel[1]->TickLengthCounter(); _triangleChannel->TickLengthCounter(); _noiseChannel->TickLengthCounter(); _squareChannel[0]->TickSweep(); _squareChannel[1]->TickSweep(); } } uint8_t APU::GetStatus() { uint8_t status = 0; status |= _squareChannel[0]->GetStatus() ? 0x01 : 0x00; status |= _squareChannel[1]->GetStatus() ? 0x02 : 0x00; status |= _triangleChannel->GetStatus() ? 0x04 : 0x00; status |= _noiseChannel->GetStatus() ? 0x08 : 0x00; status |= _deltaModulationChannel->GetStatus() ? 0x10 : 0x00; status |= _console->GetCpu()->HasIrqSource(IRQSource::FrameCounter) ? 0x40 : 0x00; status |= _console->GetCpu()->HasIrqSource(IRQSource::DMC) ? 0x80 : 0x00; return status; } uint8_t APU::ReadRAM(uint16_t addr) { //$4015 read Run(); uint8_t status = GetStatus(); //Reading $4015 clears the Frame Counter interrupt flag. _console->GetCpu()->ClearIrqSource(IRQSource::FrameCounter); return status; } uint8_t APU::PeekRAM(uint16_t addr) { if(_console->GetEmulationThreadId() == std::this_thread::get_id()) { //Only run the APU (to catch up) if we're running this in the emulation thread (not 100% accurate, but we can't run the APU from any other thread without locking) Run(); } return GetStatus(); } void APU::WriteRAM(uint16_t addr, uint8_t value) { //$4015 write Run(); //Writing to $4015 clears the DMC interrupt flag. //This needs to be done before setting the enabled flag for the DMC (because doing so can trigger an IRQ) _console->GetCpu()->ClearIrqSource(IRQSource::DMC); _squareChannel[0]->SetEnabled((value & 0x01) == 0x01); _squareChannel[1]->SetEnabled((value & 0x02) == 0x02); _triangleChannel->SetEnabled((value & 0x04) == 0x04); _noiseChannel->SetEnabled((value & 0x08) == 0x08); _deltaModulationChannel->SetEnabled((value & 0x10) == 0x10); } void APU::GetMemoryRanges(MemoryRanges &ranges) { ranges.AddHandler(MemoryOperation::Read, 0x4015); ranges.AddHandler(MemoryOperation::Write, 0x4015); } void APU::Run() { //Update framecounter and all channels //This is called: //-At the end of a frame //-Before APU registers are read/written to //-When a DMC or FrameCounter interrupt needs to be fired int32_t cyclesToRun = _currentCycle - _previousCycle; while(cyclesToRun > 0) { _previousCycle += _frameCounter->Run(cyclesToRun); //Reload counters set by writes to 4003/4008/400B/400F after running the frame counter to allow the length counter to be clocked first //This fixes the test "len_reload_timing" (tests 4 & 5) _squareChannel[0]->ReloadCounter(); _squareChannel[1]->ReloadCounter(); _noiseChannel->ReloadCounter(); _triangleChannel->ReloadCounter(); _squareChannel[0]->Run(_previousCycle); _squareChannel[1]->Run(_previousCycle); _noiseChannel->Run(_previousCycle); _triangleChannel->Run(_previousCycle); _deltaModulationChannel->Run(_previousCycle); } } void APU::SetNeedToRun() { _needToRun = true; } bool APU::NeedToRun(uint32_t currentCycle) { if(_needToRun || _deltaModulationChannel->NeedToRun()) { //Need to run whenever we alter the length counters //Need to run every cycle when DMC is running to get accurate emulation (CPU stalling, interaction with sprite DMA, etc.) _needToRun = false; return true; } uint32_t cyclesToRun = currentCycle - _previousCycle; return _frameCounter->NeedToRun(cyclesToRun) || _deltaModulationChannel->IrqPending(cyclesToRun); } void APU::Exec() { _currentCycle++; if(_currentCycle == SoundMixer::CycleLength - 1) { EndFrame(); } else if(NeedToRun(_currentCycle)) { Run(); } } void APU::EndFrame() { Run(); _squareChannel[0]->EndFrame(); _squareChannel[1]->EndFrame(); _triangleChannel->EndFrame(); _noiseChannel->EndFrame(); _deltaModulationChannel->EndFrame(); _mixer->PlayAudioBuffer(_currentCycle); _currentCycle = 0; _previousCycle = 0; } void APU::ProcessCpuClock() { if(_apuEnabled) { if(_settings->GetOverclockRate() == 100 || !_settings->GetOverclockAdjustApu()) { Exec(); } else { _cyclesNeeded += 1.0 / ((double)_settings->GetOverclockRate() / 100.0); while(_cyclesNeeded >= 1.0) { Exec(); _cyclesNeeded--; } } } } void APU::Reset(bool softReset) { _apuEnabled = true; _cyclesNeeded = 0; _currentCycle = 0; _previousCycle = 0; _squareChannel[0]->Reset(softReset); _squareChannel[1]->Reset(softReset); _triangleChannel->Reset(softReset); _noiseChannel->Reset(softReset); _deltaModulationChannel->Reset(softReset); _frameCounter->Reset(softReset); } void APU::StreamState(bool saving) { if(saving) { //End the APU frame - makes it simpler to restore sound after a state reload EndFrame(); } else { _previousCycle = 0; _currentCycle = 0; } SnapshotInfo squareChannel0{ _squareChannel[0].get() }; SnapshotInfo squareChannel1{ _squareChannel[1].get() }; SnapshotInfo triangleChannel{ _triangleChannel.get() }; SnapshotInfo noiseChannel{ _noiseChannel.get() }; SnapshotInfo deltaModulationChannel{ _deltaModulationChannel.get() }; SnapshotInfo frameCounter{ _frameCounter.get() }; SnapshotInfo mixer{ _mixer.get() }; Stream(_nesModel, squareChannel0, squareChannel1, triangleChannel, noiseChannel, deltaModulationChannel, frameCounter, mixer, _cyclesNeeded); } void APU::AddExpansionAudioDelta(AudioChannel channel, int16_t delta) { _mixer->AddDelta(channel, _currentCycle, delta); } void APU::SetApuStatus(bool enabled) { _apuEnabled = enabled; } bool APU::IsApuEnabled() { //Adding extra lines before/after NMI temporarely turns off the APU //This appears to result in less side-effects than spreading out the APU's //load over the entire PPU frame, like what was done before. //This is most likely due to the timing of the Frame Counter & DMC IRQs. return _apuEnabled; } void APU::FillDmcReadBuffer() { _deltaModulationChannel->FillReadBuffer(); } ApuState APU::GetState() { ApuState state; state.Dmc = _deltaModulationChannel->GetState(); state.FrameCounter = _frameCounter->GetState(); state.Noise = _noiseChannel->GetState(); state.Square1 = _squareChannel[0]->GetState(); state.Square2 = _squareChannel[1]->GetState(); state.Triangle = _triangleChannel->GetState(); return state; }