using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using FastColoredTextBoxNS; using Mesen.GUI.Config; using Mesen.GUI.Controls; using Mesen.GUI.Forms; using Mesen.GUI.Properties; namespace Mesen.GUI.Debugger { public partial class frmScript : BaseForm { private InteropEmu.NotificationListener _notifListener; private int _scriptId = -1; private string _filePath = null; private DateTime _lastTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue; private AutocompleteMenu _popupMenu; private string _originalText = ""; public frmScript(bool forceBlank = false) { InitializeComponent(); _popupMenu = new AutocompleteMenu(txtScriptContent, this); _popupMenu.ImageList = new ImageList(); _popupMenu.ImageList.Images.Add(Resources.Enum); _popupMenu.ImageList.Images.Add(Resources.Function); _popupMenu.SelectedColor = Color.LightBlue; _popupMenu.SearchPattern = @"[\w\.]"; List items = new List(); _availableFunctions.Sort((a, b) => { int type = a[0].CompareTo(b[0]); if(type == 0) { return a[1].CompareTo(b[1]); } else { return -type; } }); foreach(List item in _availableFunctions) { MethodAutocompleteItem autocompleteItem = new MethodAutocompleteItem(item[1]); autocompleteItem.ImageIndex = item[0] == "func" ? 1 : 0; autocompleteItem.ToolTipTitle = item[2]; if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item[3])) { autocompleteItem.ToolTipText = "Parameters" + Environment.NewLine + item[3] + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; } if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item[4])) { autocompleteItem.ToolTipText += "Return Value" + Environment.NewLine + item[4] + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; } if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item[5])) { autocompleteItem.ToolTipText += "Description" + Environment.NewLine + item[5] + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; } items.Add(autocompleteItem); } _popupMenu.Items.SetAutocompleteItems(items); UpdateRecentScripts(); mnuTutorialScript.Checked = ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.ScriptStartupBehavior == ScriptStartupBehavior.ShowTutorial; mnuBlankWindow.Checked = ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.ScriptStartupBehavior == ScriptStartupBehavior.ShowBlankWindow; mnuAutoLoadLastScript.Checked = ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.ScriptStartupBehavior == ScriptStartupBehavior.LoadLastScript; if(!forceBlank) { if(mnuAutoLoadLastScript.Checked && mnuRecentScripts.DropDownItems.Count > 0) { string scriptToLoad = ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.RecentScripts.Where((s) => File.Exists(s)).FirstOrDefault(); if(scriptToLoad != null) { LoadScriptFile(scriptToLoad, false); } } else if(mnuTutorialScript.Checked) { using(Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Mesen.GUI.Debugger.Example.lua")) { using(StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { txtScriptContent.Text = reader.ReadToEnd(); _originalText = txtScriptContent.Text; txtScriptContent.ClearUndo(); } } } } if(!ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.ScriptWindowSize.IsEmpty) { this.Size = ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.ScriptWindowSize; } mnuSaveBeforeRun.Checked = ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.SaveScriptBeforeRun; if(ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.ScriptCodeWindowHeight >= ctrlSplit.Panel1MinSize) { if(ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.ScriptCodeWindowHeight == Int32.MaxValue) { ctrlSplit.CollapsePanel(); } else { ctrlSplit.SplitterDistance = ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.ScriptCodeWindowHeight; } } txtScriptContent.Font = new Font(BaseControl.MonospaceFontFamily, BaseControl.DefaultFontSize); txtScriptContent.Zoom = ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.ScriptZoom; if(!this.DesignMode) { this._notifListener = new InteropEmu.NotificationListener(); this._notifListener.OnNotification += this._notifListener_OnNotification; } } private void _notifListener_OnNotification(InteropEmu.NotificationEventArgs e) { if(e.NotificationType == InteropEmu.ConsoleNotificationType.GameStopped) { this._scriptId = -1; this.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { lblScriptActive.Visible = false; })); } } protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e) { if(!SavePrompt()) { e.Cancel = true; return; } if(_scriptId >= 0) { InteropEmu.DebugRemoveScript(_scriptId); } ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.ScriptWindowSize = this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Maximized ? this.RestoreBounds.Size : this.Size; ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.SaveScriptBeforeRun = mnuSaveBeforeRun.Checked; if(mnuAutoLoadLastScript.Checked) { ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.ScriptStartupBehavior = ScriptStartupBehavior.LoadLastScript; } else if(mnuTutorialScript.Checked) { ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.ScriptStartupBehavior = ScriptStartupBehavior.ShowTutorial; } else { ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.ScriptStartupBehavior = ScriptStartupBehavior.ShowBlankWindow; } ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.ScriptCodeWindowHeight = ctrlSplit.Panel2.Height <= 2 ? Int32.MaxValue : ctrlSplit.SplitterDistance; ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.ScriptZoom = txtScriptContent.Zoom; ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.AutoLoadLastScript = mnuAutoLoadLastScript.Checked; ConfigManager.ApplyChanges(); base.OnClosing(e); } protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData) { if(keyData == Keys.Escape) { StopScript(); } return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData); } private void LoadScript() { using(OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog()) { ofd.SetFilter("Lua scripts (*.lua)|*.lua"); if(ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.RecentScripts.Count > 0) { ofd.InitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.RecentScripts[0]); } if(ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { LoadScriptFile(ofd.FileName); } } } private bool SavePrompt() { if(_originalText != txtScriptContent.Text) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("You have unsaved changes for this script - would you like to save them?", "Script Window", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel); if((result == DialogResult.Yes && !SaveScript()) || result == DialogResult.Cancel) { return false; } } return true; } private void LoadScriptFile(string filepath, bool runScript = true) { if(File.Exists(filepath)) { if(!SavePrompt()) { return; } string content = File.ReadAllText(filepath); SetFilePath(filepath); txtScriptContent.Text = content; txtScriptContent.ClearUndo(); ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.AddRecentScript(filepath); UpdateRecentScripts(); if(runScript) { RunScript(); } _originalText = txtScriptContent.Text; _lastTimestamp = File.GetLastWriteTime(filepath); } } private void UpdateRecentScripts() { mnuRecentScripts.DropDownItems.Clear(); foreach(string recentScript in ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.RecentScripts) { if(File.Exists(recentScript)) { ToolStripMenuItem tsmi = new ToolStripMenuItem(); tsmi.Text = Path.GetFileName(recentScript); tsmi.Click += (object sender, EventArgs args) => { LoadScriptFile(recentScript); }; mnuRecentScripts.DropDownItems.Add(tsmi); } } mnuRecentScripts.Enabled = mnuRecentScripts.DropDownItems.Count > 0; } private void RunScript() { if(_filePath != null && mnuSaveBeforeRun.Checked && txtScriptContent.UndoEnabled) { txtScriptContent.SaveToFile(_filePath, Encoding.UTF8); } _scriptId = InteropEmu.DebugLoadScript(txtScriptContent.Text, _scriptId); if(_scriptId < 0) { MessageBox.Show("Error while loading script."); } else { lblScriptActive.Visible = true; } } private void StopScript() { _scriptId = InteropEmu.DebugLoadScript(string.Empty, _scriptId); if(_scriptId < 0) { MessageBox.Show("Error while stopping script."); } else { lblScriptActive.Visible = false; } } private bool SaveScript() { if(_filePath != null && txtScriptContent.UndoEnabled) { txtScriptContent.SaveToFile(_filePath, Encoding.UTF8); _originalText = txtScriptContent.Text; return true; } else { return SaveAs("NewScript.lua"); } } private bool SaveAs(string newName) { using(SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog()) { sfd.FileName = newName; if(ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.RecentScripts.Count > 0) { sfd.InitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.RecentScripts[0]); } sfd.SetFilter("Lua scripts (*.lua)|*.lua"); if(sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { SetFilePath(sfd.FileName); txtScriptContent.SaveToFile(_filePath, Encoding.UTF8); ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.AddRecentScript(sfd.FileName); UpdateRecentScripts(); _originalText = txtScriptContent.Text; return true; } } return false; } private void SetFilePath(string filePath) { _filePath = filePath; this.Text = $"{Path.GetFileName(_filePath)} - Script Window"; } private void mnuOpen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LoadScript(); } private void btnRun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RunScript(); } private void mnuClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); } private void mnuRun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RunScript(); } private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveScript(); } private void mnuSaveAs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveAs(Path.GetFileName(this._filePath)); } private void btnOpen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LoadScript(); } private void mnuStop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StopScript(); } private void btnStop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StopScript(); } private void tmrLog_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(_scriptId >= 0) { string newLog = InteropEmu.DebugGetScriptLog(_scriptId); if(txtLog.Text != newLog) { txtLog.SuspendLayout(); txtLog.Text = newLog; txtLog.SelectionStart = newLog.Length; txtLog.ScrollToCaret(); txtLog.ResumeLayout(); } } mnuSave.Enabled = btnSave.Enabled = txtScriptContent.Text != _originalText; if(_filePath != null && File.Exists(_filePath) && mnuAutoReload.Checked) { if(_lastTimestamp < File.GetLastWriteTime(_filePath)) { LoadScriptFile(_filePath); } } } private void mnuView_DropDownOpening(object sender, EventArgs e) { mnuShowLogWindow.Checked = ctrlSplit.Panel2.Height > 5; } private void mnuShowLogWindow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(mnuShowLogWindow.Checked) { ctrlSplit.ExpandPanel(); } else { ctrlSplit.CollapsePanel(); } } private void mnuCopy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtScriptContent.Copy(); } private void mnuCut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtScriptContent.Cut(); } private void mnuPaste_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtScriptContent.Paste(); } private void mnuSelectAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtScriptContent.SelectAll(); } private void mnuIncreaseFontSize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtScriptContent.ChangeFontSize(2); } private void mnuDecreaseFontSize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtScriptContent.ChangeFontSize(-2); } private void mnuResetFontSize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtScriptContent.RestoreFontSize(); } private void mnuNewScript_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DebugWindowManager.OpenScriptWindow(true); } private void mnuAutoLoadLastScript_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { mnuAutoLoadLastScript.Checked = true; mnuTutorialScript.Checked = false; mnuBlankWindow.Checked = false; } private void mnuTutorialScript_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { mnuAutoLoadLastScript.Checked = false; mnuTutorialScript.Checked = true; mnuBlankWindow.Checked = false; } private void mnuBlankWindow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { mnuAutoLoadLastScript.Checked = false; mnuTutorialScript.Checked = false; mnuBlankWindow.Checked = true; } static readonly List> _availableFunctions = new List>() { new List {"enum", "emu", "", "", "", "", "" }, new List {"func","emu.addEventCallback","emu.addEventCallback(function, type)","function - A Lua function.\ntype - *Enum* See eventCallbackType.","Returns an integer value that can be used to remove the callback by calling removeEventCallback.","Registers a callback function to be called whenever the specified event occurs.",}, new List {"func","emu.removeEventCallback","emu.removeEventCallback(reference, type)","reference - The value returned by the call to[addEventCallback] (#addEventCallback).\ntype - *Enum* See eventCallbackType.","","Removes a previously registered callback function.",}, new List {"func","emu.addMemoryCallback","emu.addMemoryCallback(function, type, startAddress, endAddress)","function - A Lua function.\ntype - *Enum* See memCallbackType\nstartAddress - *Integer* Start of the CPU memory address range to register the callback on.\nendAddress - *Integer* End of the CPU memory address range to register the callback on.","Returns an integer value that can be used to remove the callback by callingremoveMemoryCallback.","Registers a callback function to be called whenever the specified event occurs."}, new List {"func","emu.removeMemoryCallback","emu.removeMemoryCallback(reference, type, startAddress, endAddress)","reference - The value returned by the call to[addMemoryCallback] (#addMemoryCallback).\ntype - *Enum* See memCallbackType.\nstartAddress - *Integer* Start of the CPU memory address range to unregister the callback from.\nendAddress - *Integer* End of the CPU memory address range to unregister the callback from.","","Removes a previously registered callback function."}, new List {"func","",", type)","address - *Integer* The address/offset to read from.\ntype - *Enum* The type of memory to read from. See memType.","An 8-bit (read) or 16-bit (readWord) value.","Reads a value from the specified memory type.\nThe read / readWord variants may cause side-effects that can alter the emulation's behavior.\nThe debugRead/debugReadWord variants have no side-effects."}, new List {"func","emu.readWord","emu.readWord(address, type)","address - *Integer* The address/offset to read from.\ntype - *Enum* The type of memory to read from. See memType.","An 8-bit (read) or 16-bit (readWord) value.","Reads a value from the specified memory type.\nThe read / readWord variants may cause side-effects that can alter the emulation's behavior.\nThe debugRead/debugReadWord variants have no side-effects."}, new List {"func","emu.debugRead","emu.debugRead(address, type)","address - *Integer* The address/offset to read from.\ntype - *Enum* The type of memory to read from. See memType.","An 8-bit (read) or 16-bit (readWord) value.","Reads a value from the specified memory type.\nThe read / readWord variants may cause side-effects that can alter the emulation's behavior.\nThe debugRead/debugReadWord variants have no side-effects."}, new List {"func","emu.debugReadWord","emu.debugReadWord(address, type)","address - *Integer* The address/offset to read from.\ntype - *Enum* The type of memory to read from. See memType.","An 8-bit (read) or 16-bit (readWord) value.","Reads a value from the specified memory type.\nThe read / readWord variants may cause side-effects that can alter the emulation's behavior.\nThe debugRead/debugReadWord variants have no side-effects."}, new List {"func","emu.write","emu.write(address, value, type)","address - *Integer* The address/offset to write to.\nvalue - *Integer* The value to write.\ntype - *Enum* The type of memory to write to. See memType.","","Writes an 8-bit or 16-bit value to the specified memory type.\nNormally read-only types such as PRG-ROM or CHR-ROM can be written to when using [memType.prgRom]\n(#memType) or memType.chrRom.\nChanges will remain in effect until a power cycle occurs.\nTo revert changes done to ROM, see revertPrgChrChanges.\nThe write / writeWord variants may cause side-effects that can alter the emulation's behavior.\nThe debugWrite/debugWriteWord variants have no side-effects."}, new List {"func","emu.writeWord","emu.writeWord(address, value, type)","address - *Integer* The address/offset to write to.\nvalue - *Integer* The value to write.\ntype - *Enum* The type of memory to write to. See memType.","","Writes an 8-bit or 16-bit value to the specified memory type.\nNormally read-only types such as PRG-ROM or CHR-ROM can be written to when using [memType.prgRom]\n(#memType) or memType.chrRom.\nChanges will remain in effect until a power cycle occurs.\nTo revert changes done to ROM, see revertPrgChrChanges.\nThe write / writeWord variants may cause side-effects that can alter the emulation's behavior.\nThe debugWrite/debugWriteWord variants have no side-effects."}, new List {"func","emu.debugWrite","emu.debugWrite(address, value, type)","address - *Integer* The address/offset to write to.\nvalue - *Integer* The value to write.\ntype - *Enum* The type of memory to write to. See memType.","","Writes an 8-bit or 16-bit value to the specified memory type.\nNormally read-only types such as PRG-ROM or CHR-ROM can be written to when using [memType.prgRom]\n(#memType) or memType.chrRom.\nChanges will remain in effect until a power cycle occurs.\nTo revert changes done to ROM, see revertPrgChrChanges.\nThe write / writeWord variants may cause side-effects that can alter the emulation's behavior.\nThe debugWrite/debugWriteWord variants have no side-effects."}, new List {"func","emu.debugWriteWord","emu.debugWriteWord(address, value, type)","address - *Integer* The address/offset to write to.\nvalue - *Integer* The value to write.\ntype - *Enum* The type of memory to write to. See memType.","","Writes an 8-bit or 16-bit value to the specified memory type.\nNormally read-only types such as PRG-ROM or CHR-ROM can be written to when using [memType.prgRom]\n(#memType) or memType.chrRom.\nChanges will remain in effect until a power cycle occurs.\nTo revert changes done to ROM, see revertPrgChrChanges.\nThe write / writeWord variants may cause side-effects that can alter the emulation's behavior.\nThe debugWrite/debugWriteWord variants have no side-effects."}, new List {"func","emu.revertPrgChrChanges","emu.revertPrgChrChanges()","","","Reverts all modifications done to PRG-ROM and CHR-ROM via write/writeWord calls."}, new List {"func","emu.drawPixel","emu.drawPixel(x, y, color, duration)","x - *Integer* X position\ny - *Integer* Y position\ncolor - *Integer* Color\nduration - *Integer* Number of frames to display(Default: 1 frame)","","Draws a pixel at the specified (x, y) coordinates using the specified color for a specific number of frames."}, new List {"func","emu.drawLine","emu.drawLine(x, y, x2, y2, color, duration)","x - *Integer* X position(start of line)\ny - *Integer* Y position(start of line)\nx2 - *Integer* X position(end of line)\ny2 - *Integer* Y position(end of line)\ncolor - *Integer* Color\nduration - *Integer* Number of frames to display(Default: 1 frame)","","Draws a line between(x, y) to(x2, y2) using the specified color for a specific number of frames."}, new List {"func","emu.drawRectangle","emu.drawRectangle(x, y, width, height, color, fill, duration)","x - *Integer* X position\ny - *Integer* Y position\nwidth - *Integer* The rectangle's width\nheight - *Integer* The rectangle's height\ncolor - *Integer* Color\nfill - * Boolean* Whether or not to draw an outline, or a filled rectangle.\nduration - *Integer* Number of frames to display(Default: 1 frame)","","Draws a rectangle between(x, y) to(x+width, y+height) using the specified color for a specific number of frames.\nIf *fill* is false, only the rectangle's outline will be drawn."}, new List {"func","emu.drawString","emu.drawString(x, y, text, textColor, backgroundColor, duration)","x - *Integer* X position\ny - *Integer* Y position\ntext- *String* The text to display\ntextColor - *Integer* Color to use for the text\nbackgroundColor - *Integer* Color to use for the text's background color\nduration - *Integer* Number of frames to display(Default: 1 frame)","","Draws text at(x, y) using the specified text and colors for a specific number of frames."}, new List {"func","emu.clearScreen","emu.clearScreen()","","","Removes all drawings from the screen."}, new List {"func","emu.getPixel","emu.getPixel(x, y)","x - *Integer* X position\ny - *Integer* Y position","*Integer* ARGB color","Returns the color(in ARGB format) of the PPU's output for the specified location."}, new List {"func","emu.displayMessage","emu.displayMessage(category, text)","category - *String* The category is the portion shown between brackets[]\ntext - *String* Text to show on the screen","","Displays a message on the main window in the format '[category] text'"}, new List {"func","emu.log","emu.log(text)","text - *String* Text to log","","Logs the given string in the script's log window - useful for debugging scripts."}, new List {"func","emu.getState","emu.getState()","","* Table* Current emulation state","Return a table containing information about the state of the CPU, PPU, APU and cartridge."}, new List {"func","emu.setState","emu.setState(state)","state - *Table* A table containing the state of the emulation to apply.","","Updates the CPU and PPU's state.\nThe* state* parameter must be a table in the same format as the one returned by getState()\nNote: the state of the APU or cartridge cannot be modified by using setState()." }, new List {"func","emu.breakExecution","emu.breakExecution()","","","Breaks the execution of the game and displays the debugger window."}, new List {"func","emu.execute","emu.execute(count, type)","count - *Integer* The number of cycles or instructions to run before breaking\ntype - *Enum* See executeCountType","","Runs the emulator for the specified number of cycles/instructions and then breaks the execution."}, new List {"func","emu.reset","emu.reset()","","","Resets the current game."}, new List {"func","emu.resume","emu.resume()","","","Resumes execution after breaking."}, new List {"func","emu.rewind","emu.rewind(seconds)","seconds - *Integer* The number of seconds to rewind","","Instantly rewinds the emulation by the number of seconds specified.\n Note: this can only be called from within a 'StartFrame' event callback."}, new List {"func","emu.saveSavestate","emu.saveSavestate()","","*String* A string containing a binary blob representing the emulation's current state.","Creates a savestate and returns it as a binary string. (The savestate is not saved on disk)\n Note: this can only be called from within a 'StartFrame' event callback."}, new List {"func","emu.loadSavestate","emu.loadSavestate(savestate)","savestate - *String* A binary blob representing a savestate, as returned by saveSavestate()","","Loads the specified savestate.\nNote: this can only be called from within a 'StartFrame' event callback."}, new List {"func","emu.getInput","emu.getInput(port)","port - *Integer* The port number to read (0 to 3)","*Table* A table containing the status of all 8 buttons.","Returns a table containing the status of all 8 buttons: { a, b, select, start, up, down, left, right }"}, new List {"func","emu.setInput","emu.setInput(port, input)","port - *Integer* The port number to apply the input to (0 to 3)\ninput - *Table* A table containing the state of all 8 buttons (as returned by getInput)","","Buttons enabled via setInput are permanently enabled until they are disabled by a subsequent call to setInput.\nThis means you will need to call setInput with an empty table (e.g: emu.setInput(0, { }) to restore the emulator's default behavior."}, new List {"func","emu.getMouseState","emu.getMouseState()","","*Table* The mouse's state","Returns a table containing the position and the state of all 3 buttons: { x, y, left, middle, right }"}, new List {"func","emu.addCheat","emu.addCheat(cheatCode)","cheatCode - *String* A game genie format cheat code.","","Activates a game genie cheat code (6 or 8 characters).\nNote: cheat codes added via this function are not permanent and not visible in the UI."}, new List {"func","emu.clearCheats","emu.clearCheats()","","","Removes all active cheat codes (has no impact on cheat codes saved within the UI)"}, new List {"func","emu.takeScreenshot","emu.takeScreenshot()","","*String* A binary string containing a PNG image.","Takes a screenshot and returns a PNG file as a string.\nThe screenshot is not saved to the disk."}, new List {"enum","emu.eventType","emu.eventType.[value]","","","Values:\nreset = 0,\nnmi = 1,\nirq = 2,\nstartFrame = 3,\nendFrame = 4,\ncodeBreak = 5\n\nUsed by addEventCallback / removeEventCallback calls."}, new List {"enum","emu.eventType.reset","Triggered when a soft reset occurs","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.eventType.nmi","Triggered when an nmi occurs","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.eventType.irq","Triggered when an irq occurs","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.eventType.startFrame","Triggered at the start of a frame (cycle 0, scanline -1)","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.eventType.endFrame","Triggered at the end of a frame (cycle 0, scanline 241)","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.eventType.codeBreak","Triggered when code execution breaks (e.g due to a breakpoint, etc.)","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.executeCountType","emu.executeCountType.[value]","","","Values:\ncpuCycles = 0,\nppuCycles = 1,\ncpuInstructions = 2\n\nUsed by execute calls." }, new List {"enum","emu.executeCountType.cpuCycles","Count the number of CPU cycles","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.executeCountType.ppuCycles","Count the number of PPU cycles","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.executeCountType.cpuInstructions","Count the number of CPU instructions","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.memCallbackType","emu.memCallbackType.[value]","","","Values:\ncpuRead = 0,\ncpuWrite = 1,\ncpuExec = 2,\nppuRead = 3,\nppuWrite = 4\n\nUsed by addMemoryCallback / removeMemoryCallback calls."}, new List {"enum","emu.memCallbackType.cpuRead","Triggered when a read instruction is executed","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.memCallbackType.cpuWrite","Triggered when a write instruction is executed","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.memCallbackType.cpuExec","Triggered when any memory read occurs due to the CPU's code execution","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.memCallbackType.ppuRead","Triggered when the PPU reads from its memory bus","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.memCallbackType.ppuWrite","Triggered when the PPU writes to its memory bus","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.memType","emu.memType.[value]", "","","Values:\ncpu = 0,\nppu = 1,\npalette = 2,\noam = 3,\nsecondaryOam = 4,\nprgRom = 5,\nchrRom = 6,\nchrRam = 7,\nworkRam = 8,\nsaveRam = 9\n\nUsed by read / write calls."}, new List {"enum","emu.memType.cpu","CPU memory - $0000 to $FFFF","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.memType.ppu","PPU memory - $0000 to $3FFF","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.memType.palette","Palette memory - $00 to $3F","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.memType.oam","OAM memory - $00 to $FF","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.memType.secondaryOam","$00 to $1F","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.memType.prgRom","PRG ROM - Range varies by game","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.memType.chrRom","CHR ROM - Range varies by game","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.memType.chrRam","CHR RAM - Range varies by game","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.memType.workRam","Work RAM - Range varies by game","","",""}, new List {"enum","emu.memType.saveRam","Save RAM - Range varies by game","","",""}, }; } public class MethodAutocompleteItem : AutocompleteItem { string firstPart; string lastPart; public MethodAutocompleteItem(string text) : base(text) { var i = text.LastIndexOf('.'); if(i < 0) { firstPart = text; } else { firstPart = text.Substring(0, i); lastPart = text.Substring(i + 1); } } public override CompareResult Compare(string fragmentText) { int i = fragmentText.LastIndexOf('.'); if(i < 0) { if(firstPart.StartsWith(fragmentText) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastPart)) { return CompareResult.VisibleAndSelected; } //if (firstPart.ToLower().Contains(fragmentText.ToLower())) // return CompareResult.Visible; } else { var fragmentFirstPart = fragmentText.Substring(0, i); var fragmentLastPart = fragmentText.Substring(i + 1); if(firstPart != fragmentFirstPart) { return CompareResult.Hidden; } if(lastPart != null && lastPart.StartsWith(fragmentLastPart)) { return CompareResult.VisibleAndSelected; } if(lastPart != null && lastPart.ToLower().Contains(fragmentLastPart.ToLower())) { return CompareResult.Visible; } } return CompareResult.Hidden; } public override string GetTextForReplace() { if(lastPart == null) { return firstPart; } return firstPart + "." + lastPart; } public override string ToString() { if(lastPart == null) { return firstPart; } return lastPart; } } }