#pragma once #include "stdafx.h" #include "MessageManager.h" #include "GameClient.h" #include "../Utilities/SimpleLock.h" enum EmulationFlags : uint64_t { Paused = 0x01, ShowFPS = 0x02, VerticalSync = 0x04, AllowInvalidInput = 0x08, RemoveSpriteLimit = 0x10, UseHdPacks = 0x20, HasFourScore = 0x40, PauseOnMovieEnd = 0x0100, PauseWhenInBackground = 0x0200, AllowBackgroundInput = 0x0400, ReduceSoundInBackground = 0x0800, MuteSoundInBackground = 0x1000, FdsFastForwardOnLoad = 0x2000, FdsAutoLoadDisk = 0x4000, Mmc3IrqAltBehavior = 0x8000, SwapDutyCycles = 0x10000, DisableGameDatabase = 0x20000, AutoConfigureInput = 0x40000, ShowLagCounter = 0x80000, SilenceTriangleHighFreq = 0x100000, ReduceDmcPopping = 0x200000, DisableBackground = 0x400000, DisableSprites = 0x800000, ForceBackgroundFirstColumn = 0x1000000, ForceSpritesFirstColumn = 0x2000000, DisablePpu2004Reads = 0x4000000, DisableNoiseModeFlag = 0x8000000, DisablePaletteRead = 0x10000000, DisableOamAddrBug = 0x20000000, DisablePpuReset = 0x40000000, EnableOamDecay = 0x80000000, UseNes101Hvc101Behavior = 0x100000000, ShowFrameCounter = 0x200000000, ShowGameTimer = 0x400000000, FdsAutoInsertDisk = 0x800000000, Turbo = 0x2000000000, InBackground = 0x4000000000, NsfPlayerEnabled = 0x8000000000, DisplayMovieIcons = 0x10000000000, HidePauseOverlay = 0x20000000000, UseCustomVsPalette = 0x40000000000, AdaptiveSpriteLimit = 0x80000000000, DisableOsd = 0x100000000000, DisableGameSelectionScreen = 0x200000000000, ConfirmExitResetPower = 0x400000000000, NsfRepeat = 0x800000000000, NsfShuffle = 0x1000000000000, ForceMaxSpeed = 0x4000000000000000, ConsoleMode = 0x8000000000000000, }; enum class AudioChannel { Square1 = 0, Square2 = 1, Triangle = 2, Noise = 3, DMC = 4, FDS = 5, MMC5 = 6, VRC6 = 7, VRC7 = 8, Namco163 = 9, Sunsoft5B = 10 }; enum class EqualizerFilterType { None = 0, Butterworth = 1, Chebyshev1 = 2, Chebyshev2 = 3 }; enum class NesModel { Auto = 0, NTSC = 1, PAL = 2, Dendy = 3, }; enum class RamPowerOnState { AllZeros = 0, AllOnes = 1, Random = 2 }; enum class ScaleFilterType { xBRZ = 0, HQX = 1, Scale2x = 2, _2xSai = 3, Super2xSai = 4, SuperEagle = 5, Prescale = 6, }; enum class VideoFilterType { None = 0, NTSC = 1, BisqwitNtscQuarterRes = 2, BisqwitNtscHalfRes = 3, BisqwitNtsc = 4, xBRZ2x = 5, xBRZ3x = 6, xBRZ4x = 7, xBRZ5x = 8, xBRZ6x = 9, HQ2x = 10, HQ3x = 11, HQ4x = 12, Scale2x = 13, Scale3x = 14, Scale4x = 15, _2xSai = 16, Super2xSai = 17, SuperEagle = 18, Prescale2x = 19, Prescale3x = 20, Prescale4x = 21, Prescale6x = 22, Prescale8x = 23, Prescale10x = 24, HdPack = 999 }; enum class VideoResizeFilter { NearestNeighbor = 0, Bilinear = 1 }; enum class VideoAspectRatio { NoStretching = 0, Auto = 1, NTSC = 2, PAL = 3, Standard = 4, Widescreen = 5, Custom = 6 }; struct OverscanDimensions { uint32_t Left = 0; uint32_t Right = 0; uint32_t Top = 0; uint32_t Bottom = 0; uint32_t GetPixelCount() { return GetScreenWidth() * GetScreenHeight(); } uint32_t GetScreenWidth() { return 256 - Left - Right; } uint32_t GetScreenHeight() { return 240 - Top - Bottom; } }; struct PictureSettings { double Brightness = 0; double Contrast = 0; double Saturation = 0; double Hue = 0; double ScanlineIntensity = 0; }; struct NtscFilterSettings { double Sharpness = 0; double Gamma = 0; double Resolution = 0; double Artifacts = 0; double Fringing = 0; double Bleed = 0; bool MergeFields = false; double YFilterLength = 0; double IFilterLength = 0; double QFilterLength = 0; }; enum class ConsoleType { Nes = 0, Famicom = 1 }; enum class ControllerType { None = 0, StandardController = 1, Zapper = 2, ArkanoidController = 3, }; enum class ExpansionPortDevice { None = 0, Zapper = 1, FourPlayerAdapter = 2, ArkanoidController = 3, OekaKidsTablet = 4, }; struct KeyMapping { uint32_t A = 0; uint32_t B = 0; uint32_t Up = 0; uint32_t Down = 0; uint32_t Left = 0; uint32_t Right = 0; uint32_t Start = 0; uint32_t Select = 0; uint32_t TurboA = 0; uint32_t TurboB = 0; uint32_t TurboStart = 0; uint32_t TurboSelect = 0; uint32_t Microphone = 0; bool HasKeySet() { return A || B || Up || Down || Left || Right || Start || Select || TurboA || TurboB || TurboStart || TurboSelect || Microphone; } }; struct KeyMappingSet { KeyMapping Mapping1; KeyMapping Mapping2; KeyMapping Mapping3; KeyMapping Mapping4; uint32_t TurboSpeed; }; struct EmulatorKeyMappings { uint32_t FastForward; uint32_t Rewind; uint32_t RewindTenSecs; uint32_t RewindOneMin; uint32_t Pause; uint32_t Reset; uint32_t PowerCycle; uint32_t PowerOff; uint32_t Exit; uint32_t MoveToNextStateSlot; uint32_t MoveToPreviousStateSlot; uint32_t SaveState; uint32_t LoadState; uint32_t SwitchDiskSide; uint32_t InsertNextDisk; uint32_t InsertCoin1; uint32_t InsertCoin2; uint32_t VsServiceButton; uint32_t TakeScreenshot; uint32_t IncreaseSpeed; uint32_t DecreaseSpeed; uint32_t ToggleCheats; uint32_t ToggleAudio; uint32_t RunSingleFrame; }; struct EmulatorKeyMappingSet { EmulatorKeyMappings KeySet1 = {}; EmulatorKeyMappings KeySet2 = {}; }; enum class Language { SystemDefault = 0, English = 1, French = 2, Japanese = 3, Russian = 4, Spanish = 5, Ukrainian = 6, Portuguese = 7, Catalan = 8 }; enum class StereoFilter { None = 0, Delay = 1, Panning = 2, }; enum class PpuModel { Ppu2C02 = 0, Ppu2C03 = 1, Ppu2C04A = 2, Ppu2C04B = 3, Ppu2C04C = 4, Ppu2C04D = 5, Ppu2C05A = 6, Ppu2C05B = 7, Ppu2C05C = 8, Ppu2C05D = 9, Ppu2C05E = 10 }; enum class InputDisplayPosition { TopLeft = 0, TopRight = 1, BottomLeft = 2, BottomRight = 3 }; struct InputDisplaySettings { uint8_t VisiblePorts; InputDisplayPosition DisplayPosition; bool DisplayHorizontally; }; class EmulationSettings { private: static uint16_t _versionMajor; static uint8_t _versionMinor; static uint8_t _versionRevision; static uint32_t _ppuPaletteArgb[11][64]; static uint32_t _defaultPpuPalette[64]; static uint32_t _currentPalette[64]; static uint8_t _paletteLut[11][64]; static uint64_t _flags; static Language _displayLanguage; static bool _audioSettingsChanged; static uint32_t _audioLatency; static double _channelVolume[11]; static double _channelPanning[11]; static EqualizerFilterType _equalizerFilterType; static vector _bandGains; static vector _bands; static double _masterVolume; static uint32_t _sampleRate; static StereoFilter _stereoFilter; static int32_t _stereoDelay; static double _stereoAngle; static double _reverbStrength; static double _reverbDelay; static uint32_t _crossFeedRatio; static NesModel _model; static PpuModel _ppuModel; static uint32_t _emulationSpeed; static uint32_t _turboSpeed; static uint32_t _rewindSpeed; static uint32_t _rewindBufferSize; static bool _hasOverclock; static uint32_t _overclockRate; static bool _overclockAdjustApu; static bool _disableOverclocking; static uint32_t _extraScanlinesBeforeNmi; static uint32_t _extraScanlinesAfterNmi; static double _effectiveOverclockRate; static double _effectiveOverclockRateSound; static OverscanDimensions _overscan; static VideoFilterType _videoFilterType; static double _videoScale; static VideoAspectRatio _aspectRatio; static double _customAspectRatio; static VideoResizeFilter _resizeFilter; static PictureSettings _pictureSettings; static NtscFilterSettings _ntscFilterSettings; static bool _backgroundEnabled; static bool _spritesEnabled; static ConsoleType _consoleType; static ExpansionPortDevice _expansionDevice; static ControllerType _controllerTypes[4]; static KeyMappingSet _controllerKeys[4]; static bool _needControllerUpdate; static uint32_t _zapperDetectionRadius; static int32_t _nsfAutoDetectSilenceDelay; static int32_t _nsfMoveToNextTrackTime; static bool _nsfDisableApuIrqs; static InputDisplaySettings _inputDisplaySettings; static uint32_t _autoSaveDelay; static bool _autoSaveNotify; static EmulatorKeyMappingSet _emulatorKeys; static RamPowerOnState _ramPowerOnState; static SimpleLock _lock; public: static uint32_t GetMesenVersion() { return (_versionMajor << 16) | (_versionMinor << 8) | _versionRevision; } static string GetMesenVersionString() { return std::to_string(_versionMajor) + "." + std::to_string(_versionMinor) + "." + std::to_string(_versionRevision); } static void SetFlags(uint64_t flags) { if((_flags & flags) != flags) { //Need a lock to prevent flag changes from being ignored due to multithreaded access LockHandler lock = _lock.AcquireSafe(); _flags |= flags; _backgroundEnabled = !CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::DisableBackground); _spritesEnabled = !CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::DisableSprites); if(flags & EmulationFlags::UseCustomVsPalette) { UpdateCurrentPalette(); } } } static void SetFlagState(EmulationFlags flag, bool enabled) { if(enabled) { SetFlags(flag); } else { ClearFlags(flag); } } static void ClearFlags(uint64_t flags) { if((_flags & flags) != 0) { //Need a lock to prevent flag changes from being ignored due to multithreaded access LockHandler lock = _lock.AcquireSafe(); _flags &= ~flags; _backgroundEnabled = !CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::DisableBackground); _spritesEnabled = !CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::DisableSprites); if(flags & EmulationFlags::UseCustomVsPalette) { UpdateCurrentPalette(); } } } static bool CheckFlag(EmulationFlags flag) { return (_flags & flag) == flag; } static void SetDisplayLanguage(Language lang) { _displayLanguage = lang; } static Language GetDisplayLanguage() { return _displayLanguage; } static bool IsPaused() { return CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::Paused) || (CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::InBackground) && CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::PauseWhenInBackground) && !GameClient::Connected()); } static void SetNesModel(NesModel model) { _model = model; } static NesModel GetNesModel() { return _model; } static void SetPpuModel(PpuModel ppuModel) { _ppuModel = ppuModel; UpdateCurrentPalette(); } static void UpdateCurrentPalette() { if(CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::UseCustomVsPalette)) { for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { _currentPalette[i] = _ppuPaletteArgb[0][_paletteLut[(int)_ppuModel][i]]; } } else { memcpy(_currentPalette, _ppuPaletteArgb[(int)_ppuModel], sizeof(_currentPalette)); } } static PpuModel GetPpuModel() { return _ppuModel; } //0: Muted, 0.5: Default, 1.0: Max volume static void SetChannelVolume(AudioChannel channel, double volume) { _channelVolume[(int)channel] = volume; } static void SetMasterVolume(double volume) { _masterVolume = volume; } static void SetChannelPanning(AudioChannel channel, double panning) { _channelPanning[(int)channel] = panning; _audioSettingsChanged = true; } static double GetBandGain(int band) { if(band < (int)_bandGains.size()) { return _bandGains[band]; } else { return 0; } } static void SetBandGain(int band, double gain) { if(band < (int)_bandGains.size()) { _bandGains[band] = gain; } _audioSettingsChanged = true; } static vector GetEqualizerBands() { return _bands; } static void SetEqualizerBands(double *bands, uint32_t bandCount); static EqualizerFilterType GetEqualizerFilterType() { return _equalizerFilterType; } static void SetEqualizerFilterType(EqualizerFilterType filter) { _equalizerFilterType = filter; _audioSettingsChanged = true; } static void SetSampleRate(uint32_t sampleRate) { _sampleRate = sampleRate; _audioSettingsChanged = true; } static uint32_t GetSampleRate() { return _sampleRate; } static void SetAudioLatency(uint32_t msLatency) { _audioLatency = msLatency; _audioSettingsChanged = true; } static void SetStereoFilter(StereoFilter stereoFilter) { _stereoFilter = stereoFilter; _audioSettingsChanged = true; } static void SetStereoDelay(int32_t delay) { _stereoDelay = delay; _audioSettingsChanged = true; } static void SetStereoPanningAngle(double angle) { _stereoAngle = angle; _audioSettingsChanged = true; } static void SetReverbParameters(double strength, double delay) { _reverbStrength = strength; _reverbDelay = delay; _audioSettingsChanged = true; } static StereoFilter GetStereoFilter() { return _stereoFilter; } static int32_t GetStereoDelay() { return _stereoDelay; } static double GetStereoPanningAngle() { return _stereoAngle; } static double GetReverbStrength() { return _reverbStrength; } static double GetReverbDelay() { return _reverbDelay; } static void SetCrossFeedRatio(uint32_t ratio) { _crossFeedRatio = ratio; _audioSettingsChanged = true; } static bool NeedAudioSettingsUpdate() { bool value = _audioSettingsChanged; if(value) { _audioSettingsChanged = false; } return value; } static uint32_t GetCrossFeedRatio() { return _crossFeedRatio; } //0: No limit, Number: % of default speed (50/60fps) static void SetEmulationSpeed(uint32_t emulationSpeed, bool displaySpeed = false) { if(_emulationSpeed != emulationSpeed) { _emulationSpeed = emulationSpeed; if(displaySpeed) { MessageManager::DisplayMessage("EmulationSpeed", _emulationSpeed == 0 ? "EmulationMaximumSpeed" : "EmulationSpeedPercent", std::to_string(_emulationSpeed)); } } } static void IncreaseEmulationSpeed() { if(_emulationSpeed > 0 && _emulationSpeed < 450) { EmulationSettings::SetEmulationSpeed(_emulationSpeed + (_emulationSpeed < 100 ? 25 : 50), true); } else { EmulationSettings::SetEmulationSpeed(0, true); } } static void DecreaseEmulationSpeed() { if(_emulationSpeed == 0) { EmulationSettings::SetEmulationSpeed(450, true); } else if(_emulationSpeed > 25) { EmulationSettings::SetEmulationSpeed(_emulationSpeed - (_emulationSpeed <= 100 ? 25 : 50), true); } } static void SetTurboRewindSpeed(uint32_t turboSpeed, uint32_t rewindSpeed) { _turboSpeed = turboSpeed; _rewindSpeed = rewindSpeed; } static uint32_t GetRewindSpeed() { return _rewindSpeed; } static void SetRewindBufferSize(uint32_t seconds); static uint32_t GetRewindBufferSize() { return _rewindBufferSize; } static uint32_t GetEmulationSpeed(bool ignoreTurbo = false); static void UpdateEffectiveOverclockRate() { if(_disableOverclocking) { _effectiveOverclockRate = 100; } else { _effectiveOverclockRate = _overclockRate; } _hasOverclock = _effectiveOverclockRate != 100; _audioSettingsChanged = true; } static void DisableOverclocking(bool disabled) { _disableOverclocking = disabled; UpdateEffectiveOverclockRate(); } static uint32_t GetOverclockRateSetting() { return _overclockRate; } static bool HasOverclock() { return _hasOverclock; } static double GetOverclockRate() { return _effectiveOverclockRate; } static bool GetOverclockAdjustApu() { return _overclockAdjustApu; } static void SetOverclockRate(uint32_t overclockRate, bool adjustApu) { if(_overclockRate != overclockRate || _overclockAdjustApu != adjustApu) { _overclockRate = overclockRate; _overclockAdjustApu = adjustApu; UpdateEffectiveOverclockRate(); MessageManager::SendNotification(ConsoleNotificationType::ConfigChanged); MessageManager::DisplayMessage("ClockRate", std::to_string((uint32_t)EmulationSettings::GetOverclockRate()) + "%"); } } static uint32_t GetPpuExtraScanlinesBeforeNmi() { return _disableOverclocking ? 0 : _extraScanlinesBeforeNmi; } static uint32_t GetPpuExtraScanlinesAfterNmi() { return _disableOverclocking ? 0 : _extraScanlinesAfterNmi; } static void SetPpuNmiConfig(uint32_t extraScanlinesBeforeNmi, uint32_t extraScanlinesAfterNmi) { if(_extraScanlinesBeforeNmi != extraScanlinesBeforeNmi || _extraScanlinesAfterNmi != extraScanlinesAfterNmi) { if(extraScanlinesBeforeNmi > 0 || extraScanlinesAfterNmi > 0) { MessageManager::DisplayMessage("PPU", "ScanlineTimingWarning"); } _extraScanlinesBeforeNmi = extraScanlinesBeforeNmi; _extraScanlinesAfterNmi = extraScanlinesAfterNmi; UpdateEffectiveOverclockRate(); } } static void SetOverscanDimensions(uint8_t left, uint8_t right, uint8_t top, uint8_t bottom) { if(_overscan.Left != left || _overscan.Right != right || _overscan.Top != top || _overscan.Bottom != bottom) { _overscan.Left = left; _overscan.Right = right; _overscan.Top = top; _overscan.Bottom = bottom; } } static OverscanDimensions GetOverscanDimensions() { return _overscan; } static double GetChannelVolume(AudioChannel channel) { return _channelVolume[(int)channel]; } static double GetMasterVolume() { return _masterVolume; } static double GetChannelPanning(AudioChannel channel) { return _channelPanning[(int)channel]; } static uint32_t GetAudioLatency() { return _audioLatency; } static void SetVideoFilterType(VideoFilterType videoFilterType) { _videoFilterType = videoFilterType; } static VideoFilterType GetVideoFilterType() { return _videoFilterType; } static void SetVideoResizeFilter(VideoResizeFilter videoResizeFilter) { _resizeFilter = videoResizeFilter; } static VideoResizeFilter GetVideoResizeFilter() { return _resizeFilter; } static void SetVideoAspectRatio(VideoAspectRatio aspectRatio, double customRatio) { _aspectRatio = aspectRatio; _customAspectRatio = customRatio; } static bool GetBackgroundEnabled() { return _backgroundEnabled; } static bool GetSpritesEnabled() { return _spritesEnabled; } static void SetPictureSettings(double brightness, double contrast, double saturation, double hue, double scanlineIntensity) { _pictureSettings.Brightness = brightness; _pictureSettings.Contrast = contrast; _pictureSettings.Saturation = saturation; _pictureSettings.Hue = hue; _pictureSettings.ScanlineIntensity = scanlineIntensity; } static PictureSettings GetPictureSettings() { return _pictureSettings; } static void SetNtscFilterSettings(double artifacts, double bleed, double fringing, double gamma, double resolution, double sharpness, bool mergeFields, double yFilterLength, double iFilterLength, double qFilterLength) { _ntscFilterSettings.Artifacts = artifacts; _ntscFilterSettings.Bleed = bleed; _ntscFilterSettings.Fringing = fringing; _ntscFilterSettings.Gamma = gamma; _ntscFilterSettings.Resolution = resolution; _ntscFilterSettings.Sharpness = sharpness; _ntscFilterSettings.MergeFields = mergeFields; _ntscFilterSettings.YFilterLength = yFilterLength; _ntscFilterSettings.IFilterLength = iFilterLength; _ntscFilterSettings.QFilterLength = qFilterLength; } static NtscFilterSettings GetNtscFilterSettings() { return _ntscFilterSettings; } static double GetAspectRatio(); static void SetVideoScale(double scale) { if(_videoScale != scale) { _videoScale = scale; } } static double GetVideoScale() { return _videoScale; } static uint32_t* GetRgbPalette() { return _currentPalette; } static void GetRgbPalette(uint32_t* paletteBuffer) { memcpy(paletteBuffer, _ppuPaletteArgb[0], sizeof(_ppuPaletteArgb[0])); } static void SetRgbPalette(uint32_t* paletteBuffer) { memcpy(_ppuPaletteArgb[0], paletteBuffer, sizeof(_ppuPaletteArgb[0])); UpdateCurrentPalette(); } static bool IsDefaultPalette() { return memcmp(_defaultPpuPalette, GetRgbPalette(), sizeof(_defaultPpuPalette)) == 0; } static void SetExpansionDevice(ExpansionPortDevice expansionDevice) { _expansionDevice = expansionDevice; _needControllerUpdate = true; } static ExpansionPortDevice GetExpansionDevice() { return _expansionDevice; } static void SetConsoleType(ConsoleType type) { _consoleType = type; _needControllerUpdate = true; } static ConsoleType GetConsoleType() { return _consoleType; } static void SetControllerType(uint8_t port, ControllerType type) { _controllerTypes[port] = type; _needControllerUpdate = true; } static ControllerType GetControllerType(uint8_t port) { return _controllerTypes[port]; } static void SetControllerKeys(uint8_t port, KeyMappingSet keyMappings) { _controllerKeys[port] = keyMappings; _needControllerUpdate = true; } static KeyMappingSet GetControllerKeys(uint8_t port) { return _controllerKeys[port]; } static void SetEmulatorKeys(EmulatorKeyMappingSet keyMappings) { _emulatorKeys = keyMappings; } static EmulatorKeyMappingSet GetEmulatorKeys() { return _emulatorKeys; } static bool NeedControllerUpdate() { if(_needControllerUpdate) { _needControllerUpdate = false; return true; } else { return false; } } static void SetZapperDetectionRadius(uint32_t detectionRadius) { _zapperDetectionRadius = detectionRadius; } static uint32_t GetZapperDetectionRadius() { return _zapperDetectionRadius; } static bool HasZapper() { return _controllerTypes[0] == ControllerType::Zapper || _controllerTypes[1] == ControllerType::Zapper || (_consoleType == ConsoleType::Famicom && _expansionDevice == ExpansionPortDevice::Zapper); } static bool HasArkanoidPaddle() { return _controllerTypes[0] == ControllerType::ArkanoidController || _controllerTypes[1] == ControllerType::ArkanoidController || (_consoleType == ConsoleType::Famicom && _expansionDevice == ExpansionPortDevice::ArkanoidController); } static void SetNsfConfig(int32_t autoDetectSilence, int32_t moveToNextTrackTime, bool disableApuIrqs) { _nsfAutoDetectSilenceDelay = autoDetectSilence; _nsfMoveToNextTrackTime = moveToNextTrackTime; _nsfDisableApuIrqs = disableApuIrqs; } static int32_t GetNsfAutoDetectSilenceDelay() { return _nsfAutoDetectSilenceDelay; } static int32_t GetNsfMoveToNextTrackTime() { return _nsfMoveToNextTrackTime; } static bool GetNsfDisableApuIrqs() { return _nsfDisableApuIrqs; } static void SetInputDisplaySettings(uint8_t visiblePorts, InputDisplayPosition displayPosition, bool displayHorizontally) { _inputDisplaySettings = { visiblePorts, displayPosition, displayHorizontally }; } static InputDisplaySettings GetInputDisplaySettings() { return _inputDisplaySettings; } static void SetRamPowerOnState(RamPowerOnState state) { _ramPowerOnState = state; } static RamPowerOnState GetRamPowerOnState() { return _ramPowerOnState; } static void SetAutoSaveOptions(uint32_t delayInMinutes, bool showMessage) { _autoSaveDelay = delayInMinutes; _autoSaveNotify = showMessage; } static uint32_t GetAutoSaveDelay(bool &showMessage) { showMessage = _autoSaveNotify; return _autoSaveDelay; } };