using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using Be.Windows.Forms; using Mesen.GUI.Controls; using Mesen.GUI.Forms; namespace Mesen.GUI.Debugger { public partial class frmAssembler : BaseForm { private UInt16 _startAddress; private UInt16 _blockLength; private bool _hasParsingErrors = false; private bool _containedRtiRts = false; private bool _isEditMode = false; private bool _startAddressValid = true; public frmAssembler(string code = "", UInt16 startAddress = 0, UInt16 blockLength = 0) { InitializeComponent(); if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(code)) { btnCancel.Text = "Close"; btnOk.Enabled = false; btnOk.Visible = false; } else { _isEditMode = true; _containedRtiRts = ContainsRtiOrRts(code); } _startAddress = startAddress; _blockLength = blockLength; txtCode.Font = new Font(BaseControl.MonospaceFontFamily, 10); ctrlHexBox.Font = new Font(BaseControl.MonospaceFontFamily, 10, FontStyle.Regular); ctrlHexBox.SelectionForeColor = Color.White; ctrlHexBox.SelectionBackColor = Color.FromArgb(31, 123, 205); ctrlHexBox.InfoBackColor = Color.FromArgb(235, 235, 235); ctrlHexBox.InfoForeColor = Color.Gray; ctrlHexBox.Width = ctrlHexBox.RequiredWidth; ctrlHexBox.ByteProvider = new StaticByteProvider(new byte[0]); txtStartAddress.Text = _startAddress.ToString("X4"); txtCode.Text = code; txtCode.Select(0, 0); toolTip.SetToolTip(picSizeWarning, "Warning: The new code exceeds the original code's length." + Environment.NewLine + "Applying this modification will overwrite other portions of the code and potentially cause problems."); toolTip.SetToolTip(picStartAddressWarning, "Warning: Start address is invalid. Must be a valid hexadecimal string."); UpdateWindow(); } private bool ContainsRtiOrRts(string code) { return Regex.IsMatch(code, "^\\s*(RTI|RTS)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline); } private bool SizeExceeded { get { return ctrlHexBox.ByteProvider.Length > _blockLength; } } private bool NeedRtiRtsWarning { get { return _containedRtiRts && !ContainsRtiOrRts(txtCode.Text); } } private bool IsIdentical { get { if(ctrlHexBox.ByteProvider.Length != _blockLength) { return false; } else { for(int i = 0; i < ctrlHexBox.ByteProvider.Length; i++) { if(InteropEmu.DebugGetMemoryValue(DebugMemoryType.CpuMemory, (UInt32)(_startAddress + i)) != ctrlHexBox.ByteProvider.ReadByte(i)) { return false; } } return true; } } } private void UpdateWindow() { short[] byteCode = InteropEmu.DebugAssembleCode(txtCode.Text, _startAddress); List convertedByteCode = new List(); List errorList = new List(); string[] codeLines = txtCode.Text.Replace("\r", "").Split('\n'); int line = 1; foreach(short s in byteCode) { if(s >= 0) { convertedByteCode.Add((byte)s); } else if(s == (int)AssemblerSpecialCodes.EndOfLine) { line++; } else if(s < (int)AssemblerSpecialCodes.EndOfLine) { string message = "unknown error"; switch((AssemblerSpecialCodes)s) { case AssemblerSpecialCodes.ParsingError: message = "Invalid syntax"; break; case AssemblerSpecialCodes.OutOfRangeJump: message = "Relative jump is out of range (-128 to 127)"; break; case AssemblerSpecialCodes.LabelRedefinition: message = "Cannot redefine an existing label"; break; case AssemblerSpecialCodes.MissingOperand: message = "Operand is missing"; break; case AssemblerSpecialCodes.OperandOutOfRange: message = "Operand is out of range (invalid value)"; break; case AssemblerSpecialCodes.InvalidHex: message = "Hexadecimal string is invalid"; break; case AssemblerSpecialCodes.InvalidSpaces: message = "Operand cannot contain spaces"; break; case AssemblerSpecialCodes.TrailingText: message = "Invalid text trailing at the end of line"; break; case AssemblerSpecialCodes.UnknownLabel: message = "Unknown label"; break; case AssemblerSpecialCodes.InvalidInstruction: message = "Invalid instruction"; break; } errorList.Add(new ErrorDetail() { Message = message + " - " + codeLines[line-1], LineNumber = line }); line++; } } _hasParsingErrors = errorList.Count > 0; lstErrors.BeginUpdate(); lstErrors.Items.Clear(); lstErrors.Items.AddRange(errorList.ToArray()); lstErrors.EndUpdate(); ctrlHexBox.ByteProvider = new StaticByteProvider(convertedByteCode.ToArray()); if(_isEditMode) { lblByteUsage.Text = ctrlHexBox.ByteProvider.Length.ToString() + " / " + _blockLength.ToString(); lblByteUsage.ForeColor = SizeExceeded ? Color.Red : Color.Black; picSizeWarning.Visible = SizeExceeded; btnOk.Image = _hasParsingErrors || NeedRtiRtsWarning || SizeExceeded ? Properties.Resources.Warning : null; bool isIdentical = IsIdentical; lblNoChanges.Visible = isIdentical; btnOk.Enabled = !isIdentical && _startAddressValid && ctrlHexBox.ByteProvider.Length > 0; } else { lblNoChanges.Visible = false; lblByteUsage.Text = ctrlHexBox.ByteProvider.Length.ToString(); } picStartAddressWarning.Visible = !_startAddressValid; } private void txtCode_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateWindow(); } private void txtCode_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if(e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.V || e.Shift && e.KeyCode == Keys.Insert) { txtCode.Paste(DataFormats.GetFormat("Text")); e.Handled = true; } } private void txtCode_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblLineNumber.Text = (txtCode.GetLineFromCharIndex(txtCode.GetFirstCharIndexOfCurrentLine()) + 1).ToString(); } private void txtStartAddress_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { _startAddress = UInt16.Parse(txtStartAddress.Text, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); _startAddressValid = true; } catch { _startAddressValid = false; } UpdateWindow(); } private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List warningMessages = new List(); if(_hasParsingErrors) { warningMessages.Add("Warning: The code contains parsing errors - lines with errors will be ignored."); } if(SizeExceeded) { warningMessages.Add("Warning: The new code exceeds the original code's length." + Environment.NewLine + "Applying this modification will overwrite other portions of the code and potentially cause problems."); } if(NeedRtiRtsWarning) { warningMessages.Add("Warning: The code originally contained an RTI/RTS instruction and it no longer does - this will probably cause problems."); } if(!_startAddressValid) { warningMessages.Add("Warning: Start address is invalid. Must be a valid hexadecimal string."); } if(warningMessages.Count == 0 || MessageBox.Show(string.Join(Environment.NewLine+Environment.NewLine, warningMessages.ToArray()) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "OK?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK) { byte lastByte = ctrlHexBox.ByteProvider.ReadByte(ctrlHexBox.ByteProvider.Length - 1); bool endsWithRtiRts = lastByte == 0x40 || lastByte == 0x60; int byteGap = (int)(_blockLength - ctrlHexBox.ByteProvider.Length); List bytes = new List(((StaticByteProvider)ctrlHexBox.ByteProvider).Bytes); if(byteGap > 0) { //Pad data with NOPs as needed int insertPoint = endsWithRtiRts ? bytes.Count - 1 : bytes.Count; for(int i = 0; i < byteGap; i++) { bytes.Insert(insertPoint, 0xEA); //0xEA = NOP } } InteropEmu.DebugSetMemoryValues(DebugMemoryType.CpuMemory, (UInt32)_startAddress, bytes.ToArray()); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } } private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); } enum AssemblerSpecialCodes { OK = 0, EndOfLine = -1, ParsingError = -2, OutOfRangeJump = -3, LabelRedefinition = -4, MissingOperand = -5, OperandOutOfRange = -6, InvalidHex = -7, InvalidSpaces = -8, TrailingText = -9, UnknownLabel = -10, InvalidInstruction = -11, } private void lstErrors_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(lstErrors.SelectedItem != null) { int lineNumber = (lstErrors.SelectedItem as ErrorDetail).LineNumber; int scrollIndex = txtCode.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(Math.Max(0, lineNumber-1-txtCode.NumberOfVisibleLines/2)); txtCode.SelectionStart = scrollIndex + 2; txtCode.ScrollToCaret(); int errorIndex = txtCode.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(lineNumber-1); txtCode.SelectionStart = errorIndex + 2; txtCode.Focus(); } } private class ErrorDetail { public string Message { get; set; } public int LineNumber { get; set; } public override string ToString() { return "Line " + LineNumber.ToString() + ": " + this.Message; } } } public class ZoomlessRichTextBox : RichTextBox { public int NumberOfVisibleLines { get { int topIndex = this.GetCharIndexFromPosition(new Point(1, 1)); int bottomIndex = this.GetCharIndexFromPosition(new Point(1, this.Height - 1)); int topLine = this.GetLineFromCharIndex(topIndex); int bottomLine = this.GetLineFromCharIndex(bottomIndex); return bottomLine - topLine + 1; } } protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { const int WM_SCROLLWHEEL = 0x20A; bool ctrl = Control.ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Control); bool wheel = m.Msg == WM_SCROLLWHEEL; if(!ctrl || !wheel) { //Block mouse wheel messages base.WndProc(ref m); } } protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e) { e.SuppressKeyPress = e.Control && e.Shift && (e.KeyValue == (int)Keys.Oemcomma || e.KeyValue == (int)Keys.OemPeriod); base.OnKeyDown(e); } } }