#pragma once #include "stdafx.h" #include #include "../Utilities/FolderUtilities.h" #include "../Utilities/IpsPatcher.h" #include "RomData.h" #include "MessageManager.h" #include "MapperFactory.h" #include "GameDatabase.h" class FdsLoader { private: const size_t FdsDiskSideCapacity = 65500; private: void AddGaps(vector& diskSide, uint8_t* readBuffer) { //Start image with 28300 bits of gap diskSide.insert(diskSide.end(), 28300 / 8, 0); for(size_t j = 0; j < FdsDiskSideCapacity;) { uint8_t blockType = readBuffer[j]; uint32_t blockLength = 1; switch(blockType) { case 1: blockLength = 56; break; //Disk header case 2: blockLength = 2; break; //File count case 3: blockLength = 16; break; //File header case 4: blockLength = 1 + readBuffer[j - 3] + readBuffer[j - 2] * 0x100; break; default: return; //End parsing when we encounter an invalid block type (This is what Nestopia apppears to do) } if(blockType == 0) { diskSide.push_back(blockType); } else { diskSide.push_back(0x80); diskSide.insert(diskSide.end(), &readBuffer[j], &readBuffer[j] + blockLength); //Fake CRC value diskSide.push_back(0x4D); diskSide.push_back(0x62); //Insert 976 bits of gap after a block diskSide.insert(diskSide.end(), 976 / 8, 0); } j += blockLength; } } vector RebuildFdsFile(vector> diskData, bool needHeader) { vector output; output.reserve(diskData.size() * FdsDiskSideCapacity + 16); if(needHeader) { uint8_t header[16] = { 'F', 'D', 'S', '\x1a', (uint8_t)diskData.size(), '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' }; output.insert(output.end(), header, header + sizeof(header)); } for(vector &diskSide : diskData) { bool inGap = true; size_t i = 0, len = diskSide.size(); size_t gapNeeded = FdsDiskSideCapacity; uint32_t fileSize = 0; while(i < len) { if(inGap) { if(diskSide[i] == 0x80) { inGap = false; } i++; } else { uint32_t blockLength = 1; switch(diskSide[i]) { case 1: blockLength = 56; break; //Disk header case 2: blockLength = 2; break; //File count case 3: blockLength = 16; fileSize = diskSide[i + 13] + diskSide[i + 14] * 0x100; break; //File header case 4: blockLength = 1 + fileSize; break; } output.insert(output.end(), &diskSide[i], &diskSide[i] + blockLength); gapNeeded -= blockLength; i += blockLength; i += 2; //Skip CRC after block inGap = true; } } output.insert(output.end(), gapNeeded, 0); } return output; } void LoadDiskData(vector& romFile, RomData &romData) { uint8_t numberOfSides = 0; size_t fileOffset = 0; bool hasHeader = memcmp(romFile.data(), "FDS\x1a", 4) == 0; if(hasHeader) { numberOfSides = romFile[4]; fileOffset = 16; } else { numberOfSides = (uint8_t)(romFile.size() / 65500); } for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfSides; i++) { romData.FdsDiskData.push_back(vector()); vector &fdsDiskImage = romData.FdsDiskData.back(); AddGaps(fdsDiskImage, &romFile[fileOffset]); fileOffset += FdsDiskSideCapacity; //Ensure the image is 65500 bytes if(fdsDiskImage.size() < FdsDiskSideCapacity) { fdsDiskImage.resize(FdsDiskSideCapacity); } } } vector LoadBios() { //For FDS, the PRG ROM is the FDS BIOS (8k) vector biosData; ifstream biosFile("FdsBios.bin", ios::in | ios::binary); if(biosFile) { return vector(std::istreambuf_iterator(biosFile), {}); } else { MessageManager::SendNotification(ConsoleNotificationType::FdsBiosNotFound); } return {}; } public: void SaveIpsFile(string filename, vector &originalDiskData, vector> ¤tDiskData) { bool needHeader = (memcmp(originalDiskData.data(), "FDS\x1a", 4) == 0); vector newData = RebuildFdsFile(currentDiskData, needHeader); vector ipsData = IpsPatcher::CreatePatch(originalDiskData, newData); string fdsSaveFilepath = FolderUtilities::CombinePath(FolderUtilities::GetSaveFolder(), FolderUtilities::GetFilename(filename, false) + ".ips"); ofstream outputIps(fdsSaveFilepath, ios::binary); if(outputIps) { outputIps.write((char*)ipsData.data(), ipsData.size()); outputIps.close(); } } RomData LoadRom(vector& romFile, string filename) { //Apply save data (saved as an IPS file), if found string fdsSaveFilepath = FolderUtilities::CombinePath(FolderUtilities::GetSaveFolder(), FolderUtilities::GetFilename(filename, false) + ".ips"); romFile = IpsPatcher::PatchBuffer(fdsSaveFilepath, romFile); RomData romData; romData.MapperID = MapperFactory::FdsMapperID; romData.Mirroring = MirroringType::Vertical; romData.PrgRom = LoadBios(); romData.System = GameSystem::FDS; if(romData.PrgRom.size() != 0x2000) { romData.Error = true; } else { LoadDiskData(romFile, romData); } //Setup default controllers GameDatabase::InitializeInputDevices("", GameSystem::FDS); return romData; } };