using Mesen.GUI.Config; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Mesen.GUI.Forms { public class BaseForm : Form { public delegate void ProcessCmdKeyHandler(Keys keyData, ref bool processed); public event ProcessCmdKeyHandler OnProcessCmdKey; protected ToolTip toolTip; private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components; private bool _iconSet = false; protected int _inMenu = 0; private static Timer _tmrUpdateBackground; private static bool _needResume = false; public BaseForm() { InitializeComponent(); } protected virtual bool IsConfigForm { get { return false; } } public static void StartBackgroundTimer() { _tmrUpdateBackground = new Timer(); _tmrUpdateBackground.Start(); _tmrUpdateBackground.Tick += tmrUpdateBackground_Tick; } public static void StopBackgroundTimer() { _tmrUpdateBackground?.Stop(); } private static void tmrUpdateBackground_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Form focusedForm = null; foreach(Form form in Application.OpenForms) { if(form.ContainsFocus) { focusedForm = form; break; } } bool needPause = focusedForm == null && ConfigManager.Config.PreferenceInfo.PauseWhenInBackground; if(focusedForm != null) { needPause |= ConfigManager.Config.PreferenceInfo.PauseWhenInMenusAndConfig && focusedForm is BaseForm && (((BaseForm)focusedForm)._inMenu > 0 || ((BaseForm)focusedForm).IsConfigForm); needPause |= ConfigManager.Config.PreferenceInfo.PauseWhenInMenusAndConfig && !(focusedForm is BaseInputForm) && !focusedForm.GetType().FullName.Contains("Debugger"); needPause |= ConfigManager.Config.PreferenceInfo.PauseWhenInDebuggingTools && focusedForm.GetType().FullName.Contains("Debugger"); } if(needPause) { if(!InteropEmu.IsPaused(InteropEmu.ConsoleId.Master)) { _needResume = true; InteropEmu.Pause(InteropEmu.ConsoleId.Master); } } else if(_needResume) { InteropEmu.Resume(InteropEmu.ConsoleId.Master); _needResume = false; } InteropEmu.SetFlag(EmulationFlags.InBackground, focusedForm == null); } protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData) { bool processed = false; if(keyData != Keys.None) { OnProcessCmdKey?.Invoke(keyData, ref processed); } return processed || base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData); } public void Show(object sender, IWin32Window owner = null) { if(sender is ToolStripMenuItem) { ToolStripItem menuItem = (ToolStripMenuItem)sender; if(menuItem.Image == null) { menuItem = menuItem.OwnerItem; } this.Icon = menuItem.Image; } CenterOnParent(owner); base.Show(); } private void CenterOnParent(IWin32Window owner) { Form parent = (Form)owner; Point point = parent.PointToScreen(new Point(parent.Width / 2, parent.Height / 2)); this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; this.Top = point.Y - this.Height / 2; this.Left = point.X - this.Width / 2; } public DialogResult ShowDialog(object sender, IWin32Window owner = null) { if(sender is ToolStripMenuItem) { ToolStripItem menuItem = (ToolStripMenuItem)sender; if(menuItem.Image == null) { menuItem = menuItem.OwnerItem; } this.Icon = menuItem.Image; return base.ShowDialog(owner); } else if(sender is IWin32Window) { return base.ShowDialog(sender as IWin32Window); } else { return base.ShowDialog(); } } protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); if(!DesignMode) { if(!_iconSet) { base.Icon = Properties.Resources.MesenIcon; } } int tabIndex = 0; ThemeHelper.FixMonoColors(this); InitializeTabIndexes(this, ref tabIndex); ResourceHelper.ApplyResources(this); } private void InitializeTabIndexes(TableLayoutPanel tlp, ref int tabIndex) { tlp.TabIndex = tabIndex; tabIndex++; for(int i = 0; i < tlp.RowCount; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < tlp.ColumnCount; j++) { Control ctrl = tlp.GetControlFromPosition(j, i); if(ctrl != null) { if(ctrl is TableLayoutPanel) { InitializeTabIndexes(((TableLayoutPanel)ctrl), ref tabIndex); } else { InitializeTabIndexes(ctrl, ref tabIndex); } } } } } private void InitializeTabIndexes(Control container, ref int tabIndex) { container.TabIndex = tabIndex; tabIndex++; foreach(Control ctrl in container.Controls) { if(ctrl is TableLayoutPanel) { InitializeTabIndexes(((TableLayoutPanel)ctrl), ref tabIndex); } else { InitializeTabIndexes(ctrl, ref tabIndex); } } } public new Image Icon { set { if(value != null) { Bitmap b = new Bitmap(value); Icon i = System.Drawing.Icon.FromHandle(b.GetHicon()); base.Icon = i; i.Dispose(); _iconSet = true; } } } public new SizeF AutoScaleDimensions { set { if(!Program.IsMono) { base.AutoScaleDimensions = value; } } } public new AutoScaleMode AutoScaleMode { set { if(Program.IsMono) { base.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.None; } else { base.AutoScaleMode = value; } } } protected void RestoreLocation(Point? location, Size? size = null) { if(!location.HasValue || size.HasValue && size.Value.IsEmpty) { return; } this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; if(!Screen.AllScreens.Any((screen) => screen.Bounds.Contains(location.Value))) { //If no screen contains the top left corner of the form, reset it to the primary screen this.Location = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Location; } else { this.Location = location.Value; } if(size != null) { this.Size = size.Value; } } private void InitializeComponent() { this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container(); this.toolTip = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip(this.components); this.SuspendLayout(); // // toolTip // this.toolTip.AutomaticDelay = 0; this.toolTip.AutoPopDelay = 32700; this.toolTip.InitialDelay = 10; this.toolTip.ReshowDelay = 10; // // BaseForm // this.Name = "BaseForm"; this.ResumeLayout(false); } } }