ZEEXIPIE Your team runs faster SZXLKEVK Infinite lives - 1P game OLZNEE Don't die when touched PAEIXKNY Most enemies die instantly SZESPUVK Infinite rolls AEUSGZAP Rapid fire ALKUTGEL Hit anywhere (1 of 4) SXULIKSO Hit anywhere (2 of 4) SZELGKSO Hit anywhere (3 of 4) SZKULGAX Hit anywhere (4 of 4) IESUTYZA Start with 6 lives - 1P game AESUTYZE Start with 9 lives - 1P game IAKUUAZA After continue, P1 has 6 lives in 2P game AAKUUAZE After continue, P1 has 9 lives in 2P game IASUOAZA P2 has 6 lives - 2P game AASUOAZE P2 has 9 lives - 2P game PASIOALE Start with 9 rolls - both players
0x02 Infinite lives
0x03 Infinite rolls (alt)
0x88 Invincibility
SUTXGN Infinite power-ups SGOUZUVK Infinite weapon upgrade time OUNLAZGA Infinite energy SXVLZXSE Infinite energy (alt 2) (1 of 2) VVOULXVK Infinite energy (alt 2) (2 of 2) NSKIELGA Don't instantly die from touching boss planes LEEPXLAE Always shoot power shots ZESNLLLE 10 power points GOSNLLLA 20 power points TOSNLLLE 30 power points AENSKLAP Hit anywhere (1 of 7) GZESEGEL Hit anywhere (2 of 7) SLSKOEOO Hit anywhere (3 of 7) SXOINUOO Hit anywhere (4 of 7) SXXGVEOO Hit anywhere (5 of 7) SZKTSXOO Hit anywhere (6 of 7) SZVGSVOO Hit anywhere (7 of 7) AEVYZLAE Start on mission 5 ZOVYZLAA Start on mission 10 GOVYZLAE Start on mission 15 TXVYZLAA Start on mission 20
0x01 Infinite power points
0x60 Invincibility
0x09 Infinite energy (alt)
ATPXIG Invincibility AEUOLTPA Infinite lives SXUPZGVG Infinite time NNXOYGEK Slow down timer AVXOYGEG Speed up timer OXUONISX Autofire AEUOVIGA Start with and keep laser missiles PEUPPTLA Start with 1 life (1 of 2) PLVOLTLL Start with 1 life (2 of 2) TEUPPTLA Start with 6 lives (1 of 2) TLVOLTLL Start with 6 lives (2 of 2) PEUPPTLE Start with 9 lives (1 of 2) PLVOLTLU Start with 9 lives (2 of 2) XZEAUOOZ Start on world XX (1 of 3) VAEASPSA Start on world XX (2 of 3) PAEAKPAA Start on world 2 (3 of 3) ZAEAKPAA Start on world 3 (3 of 3) LAEAKPAA Start on world 4 (3 of 3) GAEAKPAA Start on world 5 (3 of 3) IAEAKPAA Start on world 6 (3 of 3) TAEAKPAA Start on world 7 (3 of 3)
0x05 No enemies or pitfalls
SZUYASVK Infinite continues PEXKLZLE 9 continues TEXKLZLA 6 continues PEXKLZLA No continues instead of 2 GEKKYZAA Start with all equipment ZEKKYZAA Start with half equipment XVXGGXSX Start on level XX (1 of 2) OXXGIXTE Start on level XX (2 of 2) ZEXGTZZA Start on level 2 (3 of 3) LEXGTZZA Start on level 3 (3 of 3) GEXGTZZA Start on level 4 (3 of 3)
0x19 Infinite time
0x09 Infinite time (one's digit) in half-pipe
0x09 Infinite time (ten's digit) in half-pipe
EIUUSLEY Invincibility - Orin EINGVPEY Invincibility - Cutrus SXOUSUSE Infinite health - Orin SXNGNOSE Infinite health - Cutrus GXOUSUSE Most attacks won't damage Orin GXNGNOSE Most attacks won't damage Cutrus AGVXGXYZ Start with more health - Orin AGVXIXYZ Start with more health - Cutrus SAOVUTVA Start with all weapons YGVXTXYX Start with max ammo SXSLKVSE Infinite ammo YZVXTZAE Start with some item power GXSLKVSE Never lose item power once gained VTOVNTVA Start with Dagger
0x02 Have Boomerang
0x04 Have Ice Ball
0x08 Have Power Ball
0x33 Have Dagger, Boomerang, Molotov Cocktail, Hand Gun
0xFA Doors never close once opened
0x10 Invincibility - Orin (blinking)
0x10 Invincibility - Cutrus (blinking)
0x00 Bosses have no invulnerability time
0x00 Bosses defeated instantly
0x4F Infinite health - Orin (alt)
0x4F Infinite health - Cutrus (alt)
0x4F Infinite item power
PEIGPN Infinite lives (lives never decrease) VVIGAY Infinite lives (lives increase when you die) AVVTXYSZ Invincible against touching enemies AEXSLIEG Invincible against walls (does not stop music) EIESEIEY Invincibility (1 of 2) EYESKTEI Invincibility (2 of 2) ESSYIPEP Hit anywhere (1 of 4) EUNNZPEI Hit anywhere (2 of 4) EUUYPPEP Hit anywhere (3 of 4) GZOYAZAL Hit anywhere (4 of 4) ZANGKGPA Start on level 2 LANGKGPA Start on level 3 IANGKGPA Start on level 4 TANGKGPA Start on level 6
0x00 Invincibility (music stops if you touch a wall) (1 of 2)
0x00 Invincibility (music stops if you touch a wall) (2 of 2)
0x01 Speed up level 1
0x02 Speed up level 2
0x03 Speed up level 3
AVISVG Invincibility EIKVVIEY One hit kills GXUIZIAI No enemies SXPATK Invincibility PEVGGALA Start with 1 life - 1st game only TEVGGALA Start with 6 lives - 1st game only PEVGGALE Start with 9 lives - 1st game only GXSVAUVK Infinite lives GXKKZSVK Infinite life GXEVLVVK Infinite Things AINEGYEI Walk through walls (1 of 2) ASEAYYEI Walk through walls (2 of 2) GXEZGTEP Get items from anywhere - from above GXEXLTEL Get items from anywhere - from below GXOZITEP Get items from anywhere - from the right GXOXYTEP Get items from anywhere - from the left ELEZOGEP No Piranha Plant enemies PEKGTAAA Start in the tree ZEKGTAAA Start in the crypt LEKGTAAA Start in the hallway AEKGTAAE Start in Fester's room PEKGTAAE Start in Pugsly's room ZEKGTAAE Start in the toy room LEKGTAAE Start in Wednesday's room GEKGTAAE Start in the attic YEKGTAAE Start in a secret room AOKGTAAA Start in a secret room POKGTAAA Start in a secret room IOKGTAAE Start in the bone room PXKGTAAA Start in the freezer ZXKGTAAA Start in the furnace AXKGTAAA Start in Gomez's room ATGKAG Invincibility SZGKAK Infinite health AAKGYGPA Infinite health (alt) ESVONGEY Enemies can't move horizontally EIEOEIEY Enemies can't move vertically APKOOIAL No enemies EIEKYGEY Sweets count as extra lives also GXOVPYEY Always able to fly (alt) GXUTKPEY Invincibility status effect PEVKZTIA Start with 1 life PEVKZTIE Start with 9 lives SXUGZKVK Infinite lives SULGZK Infinite lives (alt) PENKZTZA Start with 1 heart GENKZTZA Start with 4 hearts AASVUGIL Always able to fly AOVTETAO Mega-jump
0x02 Infinite health (alt 2)
0x09 Infinite lives (alt 2)
ATGGNY Invincibility SZGGNN Infinite health OTKGSYSV Infinite health (alt) GPKZGEAZ Start with less health - bronze dragon AIKZGEAZ Start with more health - bronze dragon TPKZIEGU Start with less health - silver dragon AIKZIEGL Start with more health - silver dragon ZZKZTAAS Start with less health - gold dragon ITKZTAAI Start with more health - gold dragon GZKKNNSE Weapon power doesn't weaken with health TTXGIALT Gold dragon has excellent armor class YGXKAAPG Gold dragon flies faster ATXGYAGV Silver dragon flies faster YIXGTALI Bronze dragon flies faster SUOAZGSP Infinite HP for party in most battles AOULILAZ Faster timer when lock-picking ASULILAZ Slower timer when lock-picking ENULILAZ Very slow timer when lock-picking SXKUTSVK Infinite Knock Rings (1 of 2) AEKUISAI Infinite Knock Rings (2 of 2) IEVANKZA Start with 50% less gold on a character that you create YEVANKZE Start with 50% more gold on a character that you create GOVANKZA Start with 100% more gold on a character that you create SOLAUN Create super characters XGLAUN Girdle Of Giant strength (Must be used to be effective) (1 of 2) GGLAUP Girdle Of Giant strength (Must be used to be effective) (2 of 2) TLGAXL Extra EXP points AXLALN One hit ends battle with no gold or EXP AEVXKGPA Invincibility SXOYOSVK Infinite health SKOYOSVK Infinite vitality SXNLISSE Infinite lives AAEZKLLA Hit anywhere (1 of 4) AVSXKSOL Hit anywhere (2 of 4) OUEXNSOO Hit anywhere (3 of 4) OUEXSVOO Hit anywhere (4 of 4) EYSXZAEI Hold jump to float AEUZNTPA Don't die when hitting spikes SAKZSYVT Don't lose pet when hitting spikes SUEZEXLN Mega-jumping Master Higgins AAKXGTZA Gain 99 lives after gaining 100 fruit GXUUGOSO Keep items after dying - after 1st stage AAEZYIGA Start a new game to view ending (1 of 2) LAEZLSZA Start a new game to view ending (2 of 2) PESZAALA Start with 2 lives TESZAALA Start with 7 lives PESZAALE Start with 9 lives VTVZZESE Start with 2 Red Taylors VTVZIESE Start with 2 Blue Taylors VTVXAESE Start with 2 Classies VTVXLESE Start with 2 Don-Dons VTVXTESE Start with 2 Poleys VTNZPESE Start with 2 Boomerangs VTNZGESE Start with 2 Axes VTNZYESE Start with 2 invincibility crystals ENUSOTEI Invincibility AVSSVVOZ Invincibility (alt) SXNLOKVK Infinite lives VTUIGEVK Infinite health SZUIGEVK Infinite health (alt) AAKSEYZA Infinite health against hitting objects PITXUZ Infinite Axes NULLEX Infinite Axes plus get an extra Red Camptosaurus ESKIEIEL Hit anywhere (1 of 7) OLEIKVOO Hit anywhere (2 of 7) OLXIOVOO Hit anywhere (3 of 7) OUEISVOO Hit anywhere (4 of 7) SXUSSIAX Hit anywhere (5 of 7) TEUSNSNY Hit anywhere (6 of 7) ZEUSVIUG Hit anywhere (7 of 7) AAKXINIG Get fruits from anywhere SXXLEGSA Never lose Dinosaur (1 of 3) SZESEYSA Never lose Dinosaur (2 of 3) SZVSVYSA Never lose Dinosaur (3 of 3) KOOUZOYS Multi-jump (hold jump to float) (1 of 2) UXXLPOYI Multi-jump (hold jump to float) (2 of 2) VNXUIZZE Hold jump to float AENZTPAZ Reversible skateboard ALKXAAAZ Faster running SXSUAOSU Higher jump (1 of 2) GEXULGPA Higher jump (2 of 2) PEXVAALA Start with 2 lives TEXVAALA Start with 7 lives PEXVAALE Start with 10 lives ATPNTI Invincibility AVXNXPVG Infinite health ATXYKZEL Infinite time SZSTGVVK Infinite candles SXKYUOVK Infinite lives LAKUTGTA 'Life' costs less GAKUTGTE 'Life' costs more GAKUYKAA 'Freeze' costs less YAKUYKAE 'Freeze' costs more IASLAKZA 'Invincible' costs less GPSLAKZA 'Invincible' costs more TASLPKGA 'Life Up' costs less APSLPKGE 'Life Up' costs more PEVEIALA Start with 1 life TEVEIALA Start with 6 lives PEVEIALE Start with 9 lives SXKYUOVK Never lose a life in 'attractions' NYKULZKU More 'Freeze' time AGKULZKL Less 'Freeze' time EGSUYXGL More 'Invincible' time EYKVNKXN Mega-jump PAVAZPLA Start with less health in attractions IAVAZPLA Start with more health in attractions PAVAZPLE Start with even more health in attractions SXXNXPVG Almost infinite health in attractions GXELLXSN All items for free (1 of 2) AAXUAXGY All items for free (2 of 2) GZOVLLVG Infinite lives PEKVIZYA Infinite health (1 of 2) SXOOUKVK Infinite health (2 of 2) EZNATKKZ Always have X weapon (1 of 3) XTNEAGYE Always have X weapon (2 of 3) PANAYGOG Always have pistol (3 of 3) ZANAYGOG Always have knife (3 of 3) LANAYGOG Always have ugly stick (3 of 3) IANAYGOG Always have whip (3 of 3) IEOVAYGA Start a new game to view the ending (game A or B) AAETAGZA Start with 1 life IAETAGZA Start with 6 lives AAETAGZE Start with 9 lives UYEVGKPU Start on level XX (1 of 3) AAEVAGGA Start on level XX (2 of 3) PAEVZGAA Start on level 2 (3 of 3) ZAEVZGAA Start on level 3 (3 of 3) LAEVZGAA Start on level 4 (3 of 3) GAEVZGAA Start on level 5 (3 of 3) IAEVZGAA Start on level 6 (3 of 3) TAEVZGAA Start on level 7 (3 of 3) YAEVZGAA Start on level 8 (3 of 3)
0x00 One hit kills (1 of 5)
0x00 One hit kills (2 of 5)
0x00 One hit kills (3 of 5)
0x00 One hit kills (4 of 5)
0x00 One hit kills (5 of 5)
0x63 Infinite bullets
0x01 Have the Gun
0x02 Have the Knife
0x03 Have the Ugly Stick
0x05 Have the Whip
0x07 Infinite health (alt)
ATLAEZ Invincibility GKNONOSU Hit anywhere (1 of 3) XPEPOZLE Hit anywhere (1 of 3) YGEPEZGV Hit anywhere (1 of 3) SZEETTVG Start with infinite lives AESEPGZA Start with 1 life IESEPGZA Start with 6 lives AESEPGZE Start with 9 lives SZUENZVG Start with infinite life hearts GESEIGZA Start with 4 life hearts AESEIGZE Start with 8 life hearts VVEAPISA Start as Macho-Riki IEVASPIG Once Macho, stay Macho VKEAPISA Start and stay as Macho-Riki AEKAOPZA Don't fall into the pits (you'll still lose any special ability you currently have) TKSAAGSA Start on stage XX (1 of 2) ZEKEIGAA Start on stage 2-1 (2 of 2) GEKEIGAA Start on stage 3-1 (2 of 2) TEKEIGAA Start on stage 4-1 (2 of 2) AEKEIGAE Start on stage 4-2 (2 of 2) ZEKEIGAE Start on stage 4-3 (2 of 2) GEKEIGAE Start on stage 4-4 (2 of 2) SXVVYTVG Infinite health PAXSEIZE Start with 9 ropes PAXSEIZA Start with 1 rope SZSUAUVK Infinite rope PAXIUIZE Start with 9 units of food PAXIUIZA Start with 1 unit of food SZXUIUVK Infinite supply of food LANNLXPE More time for Episode 1 IANNGXLE More time for Episode 2 GPNNIZLP More time for Episode 3 SZENLZVG Infinite time GZVSUGSA Start on Episode XX (1 of 2) PAVSXGAA Start on Episode 2 (2 of 2) ZAVSXGAA Start on Episode 3 (2 of 2) TASLIEUY Always have shot ability AEEOEPTA Invincibility (1 of 3) AEKGOAIG Invincibility (2 of 3) SXUGOTVT Invincibility (3 of 3) SXOPSPVG Infinite lives SZSUAAVG Infinite shots EPNZVYEY Chests are always open EIXUYPEL Hit anywhere (1 of 2) GGULAOZA Hit anywhere (2 of 2) GXVZEGEY Walk through anything VYKZUVNN Walk faster (1 of 4) VYXZSVNN Walk faster (2 of 4) ZAUXNTPA Walk faster (3 of 4) ZAXXOTPA Walk faster (4 of 4) PEKPOAIA 1 life for Lolo PEKPOAIE 9 lives for Lolo AVUXXLVT Invincibility GENXEEUY Always have shot ability GZXPVLVG Infinite lives PESPXPIA Start with 1 life ZESPXPIE Start with 10 lives YESPXPIE Start with 15 lives ZAEPSZAA Start with 2 magic shots GAEPSZAA Start with 4 magic shots GXNXUAVG Never lose magic shots GEUPKPAA Start on world 5 PEUPKPAE Start on world 10 TEUPKPAE Start on world 15 LOUPKPAA Start on world 20 AOUPKPAE Start on world 25 IOUPKPAE Start on world 30 ZEOAKXUY Always have shot ability AVNPTTVT Invincibility (1 of 2) ATXAVIVT Invincibility (2 of 2) SXOASZVG Infinite shots for each room on pick-up SUTTXU Infinite health SXOESKSE Infinite health SKKAPVVK Infinite Bombs SZNEUKVK Infinite lives AAKAOUEP Get Bombs from anywhere (press down) (1 of 2) AAVAEUUP Get Bombs from anywhere (press down) (2 of 2) TAVEYGYA Rocky loses no health when flying when you have full health TAVEAGZA Rocky loses more health when flying when you have full health AANAIGPA Bullwinkle loses no health when headbutting AANAPGGE Bullwinkle loses more health when headbutting AEEIGXZA Start with no Bombs (1 of 2) AAOEYEZA Start with no Bombs (2 of 2) PAOEZAGA Start with 2 lives TPOEYEZE Start with 30 bombs VZOGGPVG Infinite lives AEEUVAIL Hit anywhere (1 of 4) AINVPLEL Hit anywhere (2 of 4) ASKLEGEL Hit anywhere (3 of 4) ASVKYLEL Hit anywhere (4 of 4) PEUZIALA Start with 1 Tom - P1 PANXLLLA Start with 1 Tom - P2 TEUZIALA Start with 6 Toms - P1 TANXLLLA Start with 6 Toms - P2 PEUZIALE Start with 9 Toms - P1 PANXLLLE Start with 9 Toms - P2 IAXGTSZA Only 5 T's lost from skulls OGSZZSVU Start at the river - P1 KISZZSVL Start in the forest - P1 NISZZSVU Start in the house - P1 XTSZZSVU Start in the sky - P1 SYSZZSVL Start in the cave - P1 ZEEZALPA Start at the river - P2 (1 of 2) AEEXZLLE Start at the river - P2 (2 of 2) LEEZALPA Start in the forest - P2 (1 of 2) IEEXZLLE Start in the forest - P2 (2 of 2) GEEZALPA Start in the house - P2 (1 of 2) ZOEXZLLA Start in the house - P2 (2 of 2) IEEZALPA Start in the sky - P2 (1 of 2) YOEXZLLA Start in the sky - P2 (2 of 2) TEEZALPA Start in the cave - P2 (1 of 2) GOEXZLLE Start in the cave - P2 (2 of 2) SKXVPZVG Infinite lives SKNAXZVG Infinite missiles SZKOLZSA Invincibility SLLOPK Infinite lives SXIPPS Invincibility SXKKNSSE Infinite energy (1 of 2) SZEGOVSE Infinite energy (2 of 2) ESSXAYEY Invincibility (1 of 2) ENSXIYEI Invincibility (2 of 2) SGUPKGVG Infinite lives SZUPKGVG Infinite lives outside fortress PAVPKZLA Start with 1 life TAVPKZLA Start with 6 lives PAVPKZLE Start with 9 lives APKZNGIA Double Bombs on pick-up AAKPSTPA Infinite Beam Bullets GXKKSIST Don't take damage inside fortress (1 of 2) GXNKNIST Don't take damage inside fortress (2 of 2) YYNXUZGV Extra energy on pick-up(1 of 2) YNEZEZGV Extra energy on pick-up(2 of 2) XZSOXXPZ Start on level XX (1 of 3) VASOKZSA Start on level XX (2 of 3) PASOUZYA Start on level 2 (3 of 3) ZASOUZYA Start on level 3 (3 of 3) LASOUZYA Start on level 4 (3 of 3) GASOUZYA Start on level 5 (3 of 3) IASOUZYA Start on level 6 (3 of 3) TASOUZYA Start on level 7 (3 of 3) SUTAPX Infinite lives SLTXSN Infinite health PAUGVILA Start with 1 life TAUGVILA Start with 6 lives PAUGVILE Start with 9 lives PVXKKKLI Start at last mission reached TPVAPXYE Start with 30 missiles IZVAPXYE Start with 45 missiles GXSZAPVG Start with infinite missiles IEVAISYA Sets missiles to 5 when you refuel TOVAISYE Sets missiles to 30 when you refuel
0x00 Infinite health (alt)
0x02 Infinite lives (alt)
SAXANGSZ Infinite life AANEKLPA Infinite hearts IEOESPLA Infinite time SZNEKPSE Infinite lives AVSANLAP Multi-jump (01 of 15) ASSOGYTS Multi-jump (02 of 15) ASSOGLTS Multi-jump (03 of 15) SZUOEASA Multi-jump (04 of 15) SZSOEAGA Multi-jump (05 of 15) AZSOOEOK Multi-jump (06 of 15) ZASOXEAE Multi-jump (07 of 15) EPSOUAEL Multi-jump (08 of 15) SASOSESX Multi-jump (09 of 15) OZVPEAES Multi-jump (10 of 15) IAVPOEGA Multi-jump (11 of 15) SAVPXESX Multi-jump (12 of 15) EIVPUAIV Multi-jump (13 of 15) IAVPVATZ Multi-jump (14 of 15) IAVOEEAA Multi-jump (15 of 15)
0x01 Invincibility (blinking)
0x00 Have no special weapon
0x01 Have Axe
0x02 Have Cross
0x03 Have Dagger
0x04 Have Holy Water
0x0B Have Clock
0x02 Trevor Belmont - Have fully powered whip
SXKTAYSE Infinite health OZOGZLVK Infinite lives SXUZGAAX Infinite time KXXSXZKA Clock doesn't use hearts KXVISZKA Weapons don't use hearts ASEGUPIA Start with 80 hearts LVEGUPIA Start with 99 hearts KXVVPYSA Can't add hearts GZUKLUSE Keep weapon after losing a life AEELATPA Start with rapid-fire shots AVASEI Invincibility SXESEIVG Infinite health SXXSVGVG Infinite lives AENSANPZ Can't be slowed down by signs and grass, prevents suspension from being shot (1 of 3) SZEIOAVG Can't be slowed down by signs and grass, prevents suspension from being shot (2 of 3) SZSIOASA Can't be slowed down by signs and grass, prevents suspension from being shot (3 of 3) SZEUSZSA Infinite energy SXKGYXSE Infinite lives SXEKKESE Infinite Apples ESNKNGEY Invincibility (1 of 2) ESEYUPEY Invincibility (2 of 2) SXZNIG Invincibility AVGLXA Infinite time (alt) SXGNXE Infinite lives (alt) AASGITZA Start with 1 life PASGITZA Start with 2 lives EVKNKAPA Infinite lives AVULEESZ Infinite time NNXYKPZU 255 points for each present collected GVXYKPZL 108 points for each present collected PAKLTPTA Only need 1 diamond for an extra life OZXKXZOU X balloons needed to complete a level (1 of 2) LAXKUZPI 3 balloons needed to complete a level (2 of 2) ZAXKUZPI 2 balloons needed to complete a level (2 of 2) PAXKUZPI 1 balloon needed to complete a level (2 of 2)
0x90 Always spring-jump
SXOPNKVK Invincibility (1 of 3) YEKVUPGV Invincibility (2 of 3) YESIGIGV Invincibility (3 of 3) AEOLYVIA Hit anywhere (1 of 2) ATKYZIST Hit anywhere (2 of 2) SXUYUXSE Infinite health SUEUTXSO Infinite time SZKVZXVK Infinite lives SXOSNKVT Infinite gun heat IPUZTALA Super-jump (1 of 2) IPUXPALA Super-jump (2 of 2) AASGKNYA Invincible against long falls NNKVNPAE Always have Radar SZVXVXVK Infinite Radar SXXSNKVK Infinite ammo for Machine gun SZVSSKVK Infinite ammo for Grenade Launcher SZKLVSVK Infinite ammo for Grenade Launcher 2 SZEIUOVK Infinite ammo for Flame Thrower TUVUYLZG Level skip (pause and press any key (except left)
0x4A Invincibility (alt)
0x12 Infinite health (alt)
0x09 Infinite time (1 of 3)
0x09 Infinite time (2 of 3)
0x09 Infinite time (3 of 3)
0x3F Infinite weapon 1
0x20 Infinite weapon 2
0x1C Infinite weapon 3
0x32 Infinite weapon 4
0x00 Rescue all now
OUYKKT Infinite lives SUANPN Infinite time OLZEEP Don't lose life when touched SZUNYXVK Infinite time GUONPPLL Set timer to 440 PAOGPIGA Start with 1 life - both players AAOGPIGE Start with 8 lives - both players PAVKGIAA Start with Flame Thrower ZAVKGIAA Start with Fireball LAVKGIAA Start with Laser AEEKXONY Don't lose life when shot or touched AANGVXNY Don't lose life from falling down holes PEXGGLGA 1 life after continue AEXGGLGE 8 lives after continue KUNNXLAA Start on round X (1 of 3) LENNULAZ Start on round X (2 of 3) PENNELAP Start on round 2 (3 of 3) ZENNELAP Start on round 3 (3 of 3) LENNELAP Start on round 4 (3 of 3) GENNELAP Start on round 5 (3 of 3) IENNELAP Start on round 6 (3 of 3) TENNELAP Start on round 7 (3 of 3) OUXKZPOP Invincibility SXSPYZVG Infinite lives PASATLLA Start with 1 life TASATLLA Start with double lives PASATLLE Start with triple lives NYKAYLLE Start with all weapons available GZNAILSA Keep power up after death GZNAYLSA Keep energy after death GAEOUEAA Thunder uses 25% normal energy TEXLPTZA Triple energy gained on 'E' pick-up ZEULGTGA Less energy lost on 'Bad E' pick-ups SZEGGASA Shield doesn't use energy IZNAEGSA You can re-use weapon after selecting ESNIZLEY Invincibility AVOXGOOZ Invincible against enemies ATXZPOOZ Invincible against bullets AVNZAOOZ Invincible against area boss AAXGNYPA Start with infinite lives PEOVIZGA Start with 1 life AEOVIZGE Start with 8 lives GZSZIZSP Infinite mega-power PEOVPZGA Start with no bullets YEOVPZGA Start with 600 bullets AAVYLTPA Infinite ammo SLVYGTSP Infinite ammo (alt) PAVKUIZA Gain 10 bullets on pick-up LAVKUIZA Gain 30 bullets on pick-up PEXALTIA Start with 1 life - P1 AEXALTIE Start with 8 lives - P1 ZEXALTIE Start with 10 lives - P1 GOXALTIA Start with 20 lives - P1 PEVALTIA Start with 1 life - P2 AEVALTIE Start with 8 lives - P2 ZEVALTIE Start with 10 lives - P2 GOVALTIA Start with 20 lives - P2 PEXAPTAA Start on level 2 - P1 ZEXAPTAA Start on level 3 - P1 LEXAPTAA Start on level 4 - P1 PEVAPTAA Start on level 2 - P2 ZEVAPTAA Start on level 3 - P2 LEVAPTAA Start on level 4 - P2 GLUOZGLV Less joust time GZXXLUVK Stop joust timer GLOEGALV Less cannonball time GZEPGOVK Stop cannonball time GLKXXZLV Less wall time GXOXEXVS Stop wall timer LTXATNIL More assault time PZXATNIU Less assault time GZSAINVK Stop assault timer LTSOZOIL More power ball time - level 1 LTSOLOAL More power ball time - level 2 LTSOGPLL More power ball time - level 3 LTSOIOTZ More power ball time - level 4 ZUUPYNPP More time to answer questions YEUPYNPO Less time to answer questions AANZATEG Infinite chances GZVPOZEI Never miss a shot - both players ALXLNZGU More time for a quarter (1 of 2) ALNLPPGU More time for a quarter (2 of 2) ZLXLNZGL Less time for a quarter (1 of 2) ZLNLPPGL Less time for a quarter (2 of 2) AVNPLAAZ Run faster without ball (1 of 2) ATVPAPAZ Run faster without ball (2 of 2) IXVOPAGA Super speed (1 of 2) IZSPGPGA Super speed (2 of 2) AASSIEUT Unrestricted ground movement AAKIGAGA Unrestricted flying movement SZEOKASA Invincibility SGXEYPVG Infinite lives OZNEATVK Infinite lives - both players SZNEATVG Infinite lives (alt) AESXNALL Paddle hits ball anywhere (1 of 2) ASVZNAEP Paddle hits ball anywhere (2 of 2) PAOPUGLA Start with 1 life - P1 TAOPUGLA Start with 6 lives - P1 PAOPUGLE Start with 9 lives - P1 SXVATAAX No lasers VVZZPP Square ball GZOONGPA Start on boss level AAOONGPA Start on level 00 PAOONGPA Start on level 01 ZAOONGPA Start on level 02 LAOONGPA Start on level 03 GAOONGPA Start on level 04 IAOONGPA Start on level 05 TAOONGPA Start on level 06 YAOONGPA Start on level 07 AAOONGPE Start on level 08 PAOONGPE Start on level 09 ZAOONGPE Start on level 10 LAOONGPE Start on level 11 GAOONGPE Start on level 12 IAOONGPE Start on level 13 TAOONGPE Start on level 14 YAOONGPE Start on level 15 APOONGPA Start on level 16 PPOONGPA Start on level 17 ZPOONGPA Start on level 18 LPOONGPA Start on level 19 GPOONGPA Start on level 20 IPOONGPA Start on level 21 YPOONGPA Start on level 22 YPOONGPA Start on level 23 APOONGPE Start on level 24 PPOONGPE Start on level 25 ZPOONGPE Start on level 26 LPOONGPE Start on level 27 GPOONGPE Start on level 28 IPOONGPE Start on level 29 TPOONGPE Start on level 30 YPOONGPE Start on level 31 AZOONGPA Start on level 32 PZOONGPA Start on level 33 ZZOONGPA Start on level 34 LZOONGPA Start on level 35 GZOONGPA Start on level 36 AAXXXTEG Hit anywhere AAKPZNAP Walk through walls (1 of 4) AAOPYNYA Walk through walls (2 of 4) AEEOZNKP Walk through walls (3 of 4) AESOGTTP Walk through walls (4 of 4) PAKETILA Start with 1 life TAKETILA Start with 6 lives PAKETILE Start with 9 lives SZULXKVK Infinite lives ZAKATIIA Start with fewer hearts PAKATIIE Start with more hearts LAEPYSYA Less damage from powerful monsters GZOPTIST Infinite health IPUAGSLA Start with 20 continues TAUAGSLA Start with 5 continues
0xFF Unlock doors (enable only when at a door otherwise you'll move very slowly)
0x40 Have Fire Ball
0x01 Start on stage 02
0x02 Start on stage 03
0x03 Start on stage 04
0x04 Start on stage 05
0x05 Start on stage 06
0x06 Start on stage 07
0x07 Start on stage 08
0x08 Start on stage 09
0x09 Start on stage 10
0x0A Start on stage 11
0x0B Start on stage 12
0x0C Start on stage 13
0x0D Start on stage 14
0x0E Start on stage 15
0x0F Start on stage 16
0x10 Start on stage 17
0x11 Start on stage 18
0x12 Start on stage 19
0x13 Start on stage 20
0x14 Start on stage 21
0x15 Start on stage 22
0x16 Start on stage 23
0x17 Start on stage 24
0x18 Start on stage 25
0x19 Start on stage 26
0x1A Start on stage 27
0x1B Start on stage 28
0x1C Start on stage 29
0x1D Start on stage 30
0x1E Start on stage 31
0x07 Have Ultimate Bow status
0x07 Have Ultimate Arrow status
0x0A Have all armor (1 of 2)
0x05 Infinite health (alt)
0x0A Have all armor (2 of 2)
0x03 Max item slots
0xFF Have Ring, Necklace, Mirror
OXXUAKOK Invincibility (1 of 2) AEXUPGLA Invincibility (2 of 2) SXESXPSA Infinite fuel SZNUAZSA Infinite Missiles EYNAGPEI Invincibility AUEKGUAP Infinite SP (spell) SZUGTISA Infinite health GXKSKPEL Hit anywhere (1 of 2) GXUISPAL Hit anywhere (2 of 2) EEEEIZYY Multi-jump (1 of 3) EEEEYZAP Multi-jump (2 of 3) ZUOAPZIL Multi-jump (3 of 3) AZKAVZGO Double health and SP PAKEKZAA Start with Blast Spell ZAKEKZAA Start with Bind Spell GPKAXZGA Start with extra weapon power SZUGEUVK Keep weapons after death IEUEUGZA Start with double lives (1 of 2) IASAXZZA Start with double lives (2 of 2) AEUEUGZE Start with triple lives (1 of 2) AASAXZZE Start with triple lives (2 of 2)
0x03 Invincibility (alt)
0x03 Infinite lives
GZUZLISA Infinite health (after first 2 units) AAULLYPA Infinite time AOKEOPEL Collect items from anywhere AEKNLPZA Start with 1 life IEKNLPZA Start with 6 lives AEKNLPZE Start with 9 lives AXKNYOGA Start with energy boost YASVAYIA Start with extra time GASVAYIA Start with less time
0x59 Infinite time (alt)
0x0F Infinite health
0x09 Infinite lives
SUVEAOVK Infinite lives SXOUYYAX Partial invincibility (1 of 4) SZNUPZAX Partial invincibility (2 of 4) SZOLPGAX Partial invincibility (3 of 4) SXUAAPAX Partial invincibility (4 of 4) SXYYTO Infinite health SKYYGK Infinite lives
0x03 Infinite lives (alt)
0x3C Infinite health (alt)
0x14 Invincibility (alt)
AVTYTP Invincibility SZOZTGVG Infinite lives SXNZTLVG Infinite health (blinking) (1 of 2) SZXXLGVG Infinite health (blinking) (2 of 2) SXKPTIVG Infinite time SAUXGISZ Invincibility SLNZUSVK Infinite lives ASEUZLEY Enable unlimited morphs TEOLYULE Enable secret weapons morph GXEUZLAI Can always morph LENUGAPE Start with hidden weapon 1 IENUGAPE Start with hidden weapon 2 SGKTZXVK Infinite lives AENEXZIA Invincibility - Street stages (1 of 3) AONENZYL Invincibility - Street stages (2 of 3) APUEKLEY Invincibility - Street stages (3 of 3) SZKEGOVK Never lose a life in Hill Valley game SXOELOVK Never lose a life in Cafe game SXKALOVK Never lose a life in School game SXVELOVK Never lose a life in Dancing Hall game AVVOUZSZ Disable all timers PEXEGAGA Start with 1 life AEXEGAGE Start with 8 lives ZAXKZZPA Start with 20 lives LAXKZZPA Start with 30 lives SXXELOVK Infinite lives ZAXKYZPA Start with 20 nuclear fuel units LAXKYZPA Start with 30 nuclear fuel units PEKASEPO Quicker shots GZKAKGSA Keep shots GZEEPZST Infinite fuel (1 of 2) GZOEZZST Infinite fuel (2 of 2) APEETPEY Infinite health SZOEAOSE Infinite health (alt) SZNKASVK Infinite lives GXOKASVK Infinite continues SGVYOUVK Infinite time AAUPIOGI Hit anywhere AIEAZPAP Invincibility (1 of 3) AVSOYOSZ Invincibility (2 of 3) ELEAPOZE Invincibility (3 of 3) AOUSNGEY One hit kills PENXYZLA Start with 1 life and 1 continue TENXYZLA Start with double lives and continues PENXYZLE Start with triple lives and continues PESAIYIE Gain double usual energy from drinks
0x01 Have the Nunchaku
0x02 Have the Knife
0x00 One hit kills on bosses (1 of 2)
0x00 One hit kills on bosses (2 of 2)
XTOPAKEV Balls are considered strikes PAEGAPEP Play as girls team (2 of 2) PYEGZPLP Play as girls team (1 of 2)
0x00 Team 1 score is 0
0x00 Team 2 score is 0
0x00 Have 0 outs
0x02 Have 2 outs
SUNGXOSO Infinite health SIXILYVI Infinite time SZOITNVK Don't die at time out OZOIYPVK Infinite lives SGESGZVG Infinite lives (alt) PAXITALA Start with 1 life TAXITALA Start with 6 lives PAXITALE Start with 9 lives GEUZZYAA Start on level 5 PEUZZYAE Start on level 10 TEUZZYAE Start on level 15
0x14 Infinite health (alt)
SUNNIZVI Infinite lives AENYPPZA Start with 1 life IENYPPZA Start with 6 lives AENYPPZE Start with 9 lives PEUYTLZA Start with only one balloon AVXTNYKA Balloons are unburstable LATTEX Enemies can't burst balloons GENNIPAA Start on level 5 - 2P only PENNIPAE Start on level 10 - 2P only TENNIPAE Start on level 15 - 2P only
0x02 Infinite lives - P1
0x02 Infinite lives - P2
SKXSLUVK Infinite lives SGXXXOVK Infinite energy SGXSYKVK Infinite time GAUXTAGZ Invincibility PAVIOTLE Start with 9 lives GANSOTTE Start with max health GEXULGAE Max health when you die instead of 00 AYNGOIEP Each Ring worth 10 AAXZKZAG Invincible to enemies AESZOPAG Invincible to shots ASNLSZAL Invincible to lava AIOSKZAP Disable invincibility flickering PEUTITAE Dice always at 9 in bonus island SZSZSNVK Infinite errors in quizes SZELVUVK Don't loose health when you touch lava ESUSAIEY Invincibility (blinks) SXKSKNVK Infinite Z's SZVAAVVK Can re-enter Barbie's dream an infinite number of times AEEEYAZA Cannot re-enter Barbie's dream PEEZEZIE Start with 9 Z's - 1st credit only PEEZEZIA Start with 1 Z - 1st credit only OZSIZYSX Balls are considered strikes PESEPTLA 1 strike and you're out ZESEPTLA 2 strikes and you're out IESEPTLA 5 strikes and you're out SZVAYTVT Strikes aren't counted SZNAATVT Balls aren't counted PESALTGA 1 ball and you walk ZESALTGA 2 balls and you walk LESALTGA 3 balls and you walk PESALTGE 9 balls and you walk OXVZITVV Strike outs aren't allowed AEVSPGLA Balls are considered strikes OXKILGEN Balls are considered strikes SZSSZSVV Strikes do not count SXSITKVV Balls do not count PAVIPILA One strike for an out ZAVIPILA Two strikes for an out GAVIPILA Four strikes for an out IAVIPILA Five strikes for an out (only 3 show on screen) PESSIGGA One ball for a walk ZESSIGGA Two balls for a walk LESSIGGA Three balls for a walk IESSIGGA Five balls for a walk (only 3 show on screen) TESSIGGA Six balls for a walk (only 3 show on screen) PANILTLA One out per side instead of 3 - against human players ZANILTLA Two outs per side - against human players GANILTLA Four outs per side - against human players PAOAILLA One out per side instead of 3 - against computer ZAOAILLA Two outs per side - against computer GAOAILLA Four outs per side - against computer PEXPVGLZ Game ends after 1 inning LEXPVGLZ Game ends after 2 innings TEXPVGLZ Game ends after 3 innings AEXPVGLX Game ends after 4 innings ZEXPVGLX Game ends after 5 innings GEXPVGLX Game ends after 6 innings TEXPVGLX Game ends after 7 innings AOXPVGLZ Game ends after 8 innings NYVPOETE Balls are counted as strikes (1 of 2) TAVPUEON Balls are counted as strikes (2 of 2) SXOPSEVV Some strikes aren't counted AEOPXAZA 1 strike and you're out PEOPXAZA 2 strikes and you're out SXKOXEVV Balls aren't counted SXOAIUVV Strike outs aren't counted PEOEGLLA Each strike out counts as 3 outs ZEOEGLLA Each strike out counts as 2 outs IEOEGLLA 5 strike outs allowed PEOEGLLA 9 strike outs allowed SZSYGNVV Computer can't score (1 of 2) SZSNTNVN Computer can't score (2 of 2) SZNXGUVV Balls do not count SXOXYUVV Strikes do not count PEOXGLZA 2 strikes and you're out LEOXGLZA 4 strikes and you're out AANZGLLA 1 ball and you walk PANZGLLA 2 balls and you walk ZANZGLLA 3 balls and you walk PANPUTAA Some batters start with count of 1 and 1 - 2P mode (1 of 2) PEOETGAA Some batters start with count of 1 and 1 - 2P mode (2 of 2) ZEOETGAA Some batters start with count of 2 and 2 - 2P mode (1 of 2) ZANPUTAA Some batters start with count of 2 and 2 - 2P mode (2 of 2) SXKKIVGK Balls are considered strikes PEOGOALA 1 strike and you're out - most of the time ZEOGOALA 2 strikes and you're out - most of the time SZOEVXVV Outs aren't counted PAOEUZZA Only 2 outs allowed AAOEUZZA Only 1 out allowed SXNAXOVV Strikes aren't counted (1 of 2) SXSGUKVV Strikes aren't counted (2 of 2) SZEEXXVV Balls aren't counted (1 of 2) SZEESXVV Balls aren't counted (2 of 2) SXOLZOSE Invincibility (1 of 3) SZSZKXSE Invincibility (2 of 3) SZXZONSE Invincibility (3 of 3) SZEGLVSE Infinite health SKSKGKVK Infinite weapons SZVUIASE Invincible to bosses SZXZONSE Protection from enemy bullets SZSZKXSE Protection from collisions SXSATXSE Protection from electric grids AEUAOLZE Jump higher AOUAOLZA Jump very high AEXILGZA Start with 1 life GVXILGZA Start with 100 lives GAVXVLZA Each Backpack Energy Capsule counts as two AAVXVLZE Each Backpack Energy Capsule counts as four AAKOPIZA Invincibility lasts until the end of stage GEOSPKVN Start with 7 Backpack Energy Capsules instead of none GEOSTKTA Start with 3 life increments instead of 8 GASOTOTA Continue game with 3 life increments instead of 8 SZXSZSVK Infinite lives GXEUIOSE Don't get stunned when hit AEUUAPGA Stand your ground (1 of 2) GXKLAOKE Stand your ground (2 of 2) VNULTONN Intense knock-back when hit (may get stuck if you knock back into a wall) (1 of 2) PEUUGPAA Intense knock-back when hit (may get stuck if you knock back into a wall) (2 of 2)
0x00 Bosses lose health quickly
0x08 Infinite health
0x0A Infinite Baterangs
0x00 Invincibility after first hit
0x02 Start on stage 1-2
0x04 Start on stage 1-3
0x06 Start on stage 2-1
0x08 Start on stage 2-2
0x0A Start on stage 3-1
0x0C Start on stage 3-2
0x0E Start on stage 3-3
0x10 Start on stage 4-1
0x12 Start on stage 4-2
0x14 Start on stage 4-3
0x16 Start on stage 5-1
0x18 Start on stage 5-2
0x1A Start on stage 6-1
0x1C Start on stage 6-2
0x1E Start on stage 6-3
0x20 Start on stage 7-1
0x22 Start on stage 7-2
PPOPEZVG Infinite health SKGGTT Infinite health (alt) SKGGGT Regenerates health meter (except Joker's gun) SXEPOGSA Infinite weapons SZKPNUGK Hit anywhere + one hit kills SZUGGTVG Infinite lives AEESKGZA Start with 1 life IEESKGZA Start with 6 lives AEESKGZE Start with 9 lives GEEPOTPA Extra health on heart pick-up GZNOUGST Infinite bullets on pick-up GPSPXVZA Double usual bullets on pick-up IASPXVZA Half usual bullets on pick-up SNUPIKKI Multi-jump
0xA4 Invincibility
0x08 Infinite health (alt 2)
0x63 Infinite weapons (alt)
0xFF Super gun (cannot change weapons)
PAOGVSPX Enable level select SXSKGKVK Infinite Batarangs ESUXIPEP Hit anywhere (excludes driving stages) (1 of 2) ESUZZPEP Hit anywhere (excludes driving stages) (2 of 2) GZOZIZEL One hit kills (excludes driving stages) AAVASZZA Don't lose health from spin attack GZEGLVSE Almost infinite lives and health AUSAPPAP Small hearts give more health YAKZTIZE Power punch YAKXLIIE Power slide attack ZPKXZIIE Power jump kick GESAKIPA Walk faster horizontally (1 of 2) GEVEVIPA Walk faster horizontally (2 of 2) PAXELAIE Start with 9 Batarangs YLOALEAX Start with full health APOALEAZ Start with less health
0x41 Infinite health (alt)
0x09 Infinite Batarangs (alt)
0x00 0 health - Enemy 1
0x00 0 health - Enemy 2
0x00 0 health - Enemy 3
0x15 Invincibility (blinking)
SXSOEZSA Infinite life SXSSNASA Infinite health ENOAPGEI Invincibility APVEIGES Hit anywhere (1 of 2) ATVETKVT Hit anywhere (2 of 2) AEVESSOT Get items from anywhere (press down) (1 of 2) GXVANIEL Get items from anywhere (press down) (2 of 2) AAUGPAAO Start with less stamina AZUGPAAP Start with more stamina AAEGOZZA Start with Sandals of Hermes GZUKGASA Start with XX (1 of 3) GZUKTASA Start with XX (2 of 3) PAUGYAAA Start with Staff of Fennel (3 of 3) ZAUGYAAA Start with Sword (3 of 3) LAUGYAAA Start with Divine Sword (3 of 3) PEUAUGIA 1 round per level LEUAUGIA 3 rounds per level SZUAOSOU Each ship can take only one hit SAXAOISP You only have RIM-66 missiles VASEOGSA Start on level XX (1 of 3) VASASGSA Start on level XX (2 of 3) PASAKGAA Start on level 2 (3 of 3) ZASAKGAA Start on level 3 (3 of 3) LASAKGAA Start on level 4 (3 of 3) GASAKGAA Start on level 5 (3 of 3) IASAKGAA Start on level 6 (3 of 3) TASAKGAA Start on level 7 (3 of 3) YASAKGAA Start on level 8 (3 of 3) GXXZZLVI Infinite lives OUAILU One hit kills GXEILUSO Enemies easier to kill EYSAUVEI Mega-jumping AEUZITPA Super fast punching YXUKXNAE Maximum health from flies AENTAIPL Force 2-player mode AENVZILA Start with 0 lives PENVZILA Start with 1 life TENVZILA Start with 6 lives PENVZILE Start with 9 lives ZAXAALAA Start on level 2 - Wookie Hole LAXAALAA Start on level 3 - Turbo Tunnel GAXAALAA Start on level 4 - Arctic Cavern IAXAALAA Start on level 5 - Surf City TAXAALAA Start on level 6 - Karnath's Lair YAXAALAA Start on level 7 - Volkmire's Inferno AAXAALAE Start on level 8 - Intruder Excluder PAXAALAE Start on level 9 - Terra Tubes ZAXAALAE Start on level 10 - Rat Race LAXAALAE Start on level 11 - Clinger Winger GAXAALAE Start on level 12 - The Revolution AOUKXNAA Double health from flies
0x05 Infinite lives (alt)
0x02 Invincibility
IEEOOALA Start with full lives AEEOOALA Start with 1 life GXXLAAVI Infinite lives (except stage 4) GZSOXPVI Infinite lives on stage 4 PEVELZZE Start with 10 continues IYKNIKGX Bonus score gives invincibility (instead of invincibility pod) YPSYPGIE Longer invincibility ILSYPGIA Even longer invincibility AOSEVAZA Double Dragon super punch AOUEUAGA Battletoads super punch AXUIPOYA Stronger enemies
0x05 Infinite lives - P1
0x05 Infinite lives - P2
0x00 0 hits to SMASH! enemies (1 of 6)
0x00 0 hits to SMASH! enemies (2 of 6)
0x00 0 hits to SMASH! enemies (3 of 6)
0x00 0 hits to SMASH! enemies (4 of 6)
0x00 0 hits to SMASH! enemies (5 of 6)
0x00 0 hits to SMASH! enemies (6 of 6)
SUESZGVK Infinite lives SLNKKYVK Infinite hits SUXSAZVV Infinite time AIXTPLEI Hit anywhere - sting attack (1 of 2) APXTZULU Hit anywhere - sting attack (2 of 2) EINTILEY Invincibility SXNTLPSA Invincibility (alt) SXSGOSVK Infinite lives SZXNXTAX Keep pick-ups GZSSTTEI Don't get stunned PAXYKGLA Start with 1 life TAXYKGLA Start with 6 lives PAXYKGLE Start with 9 lives GXNKNTAL Fly quicker (1 of 2) GZOKUYAP Fly quicker (2 of 2) EIEISGEY Invincibility SZOSYNSE Invincibility (blinking) AAOITYPA Infinite hits SZOIYKVK Infinite lives PEOAAALA Start with 1 life TEOAAALA Start with 6 lives PEOAAALE Start with 9 lives PEOAIAZA Take fewer hits to die (1 of 2) PENSYLZA Take fewer hits to die (2 of 2) AANIGYPA Each round is XX (1 of 3) OZVSYYSE Each round is XX (2 of 3) ZANIANTI Each round is 0:20 (3 of 3) LANIANTI Each round is 0:30 (3 of 3) GANIANTI Each round is 0:40 (3 of 3) IANIANTI Each round is 0:50 (3 of 3) ZANIGYPA Each round is 2:00 LANIGYPA Each round is 3:00 GANIGYPA Each round is 4:00 IANIGYPA Each round is 5:00 TANIGYPA Each round is 6:00 YANIGYPA Each round is 7:00 AANIGYPE Each round is 8:00 PANIGYPE Each round is 9:00 PAOSUZIA Each match is 1 round instead of 5 ZAOSUZIA Each match is 2 rounds LAOSUZIA Each match is 3 rounds GAOSUZIA Each match is 4 rounds TAOSUZIA Each match is 6 rounds SXVSAZVG Infinite time (round never ends) ZLEAZETP Start with 50 resistance points ZLEAPEAZ Start with 50 strength points ZLEALAGP Start with 50 reflex points TGEAZETP Start with 70 resistance points TGEAPEAZ Start with 70 strength points TGEALAGP Start with 70 reflex points AEETOPZA Gain more XX in training (1 of 2) AAEVVAGE Gain more strength and reflex points in training (2 of 2) APEVVAGA Gain more resistance points in training (2 of 2) OXNSGIOU All physical types are XX (1 of 2) TONSIIZE All physical types are 30 (may cause graphic errors) (2 of 2) ZUNSIIZA All physical types are 50 (may cause graphic errors) (2 of 2) SLOSGVSO Infinite health SUXIUXSO Infinite health SUNSVXSO Infinite health SUVSEXSO Infinite health SUVIKXSO Infinite health SXNNEISA Invincibility PEUYITLA Start with 1 life TEUAITLA Start with 6 lives PEUYITLE Start with 9 lives SXOTPAVG Infinite lives SUOTPAVK Infinite lives (alt) ANENAKLL Slower timer AXENAKLL Faster timer AEEYYZPA Never lose bones when buying XXXYITSZ Start on XX (1 of 3) VEKYAVSE Start on XX (2 of 3) AOUGTAE Start on Monster Island (3 of 3) ZOUGTAE Start on Terror Island (3 of 3) EIXVIPEY Always enable instant win level SUKXVUVS Infinite nitros NNKXXLGV Longer nitro boost AXKXXLGT Shorter nitro boost GEKAOKAA Engines are half price PEKAOKAE Engines cost more LEKAXGTA Tires are half price PEKAXGTE Tires cost more ZEKAUGGA Transmission work is half price AEKAUGGE Transmission work is double price PEKAKGZA Suspension is half price TEKAKGZA Suspension is triple price VTVUYOVN P1 gets P2's nitros (1 of 2) SZVUAOSE P1 gets P2's nitros (2 of 2) SZKUPXVK Infinite skeleton keys SZEKUOSE Infinite coins for locals OUOOUEOO Infinite Good Stuff SXOTTOSE Phone call segments cost only 1 coin OOKKUTIO Ted starts with 99 coins instead of 15 OOSVAPIO Bill starts with 99 coins IEKKUTIP Ted starts with 5 coins IESVAPIP Bill starts with 5 coins EUEKTLEP Accelerate faster SZUETKVK Infinite 'free time' in the pits SXOAZVVK Freeze timer while crew works on car in pits SZSUNXSE Infinite health ATEPAVAL Walk through walls (1 of 2) AVUPAVAL Walk through walls (2 of 2) PAXAYGAA Start on level 2 ZAXAYGAA Start on level 3 AAKTZTIG Hit anywhere - normal enemies (1 of 2) AEOLVGTZ Hit anywhere - normal enemies (1 of 2) AVSTYNVG Invincibility SZNUIYVG Infinite lives in main game SXUEZPVG Infinite lives in sub-game SXSTYNVK Don't take damage from bullets and collisions VTNZXVVK Don't take damage from spikes SZUOAOVK Don't take damange from bullets and collisions in sub-game ATOVUGAZ Hit anywhere (1 of 5) AVKOPEEP Hit anywhere (2 of 5) AVNVUKAL Hit anywhere (3 of 5) AVXENVSL Hit anywhere (4 of 5) SZKTVUOO Hit anywhere (5 of 5) XYXUUOEN Autofire - main game AAKUOOZA Use with BIO Code 11 for improved autofire with normal gun AAUGSZZA Start with 1 life IAUGSZZA Start with double lives AAUGSZZE Start with triple lives VGKKNXUK Start with 3-way gun LAUKOZAA Start with 3 life energy capsules (1 of 2) XTUKUXVU Start with 3 life energy capsules (2 of 2)
0xFF Always have fish checking out your lure
0x00 Fish on screen will always bite your lure
0x01 Rank 1st place
AINXIYEI Invincibility in mini-game GEUGTTYA Faster timer GOUGTTYA Slower timer PAXZLGIA Players can take only one punch AAOSSAAZ Player with puck doesn't slow down YASGITLA Start a new game to view the ending XVLAKO Infinite car health NNKKGZAE Start with all abilities LTEKPLAA Start with 99 of each weapon NYEKPLAE Start with 99 of each weapon and max Hover YAASLY Enemies are killed instantly SZUGYIVG Infinite lives AAEGZLZA Start with 1 life IAEGZLZA Start with 6 lives AAEGZLZE Start with 9 lives SZXOALVG Infinite Hover GZSOEEVK Infinite Homing Missiles GXKPEOVK Infinite Thunderbreaks GXSOVXVK Infinite Multi-Warheads IAEKPLAA Start with 5 of each weapon ZAEKPLAE Start with 10 of each weapon YAEKPLAE Start with 15 of each weapon PENKTXAE Start on world 2 ZENKTXAE Start on world 3 LENKTXAE Start on world 4 GENKTXAE Start on world 5 IENKTXAE Start on world 6 TENKTXAE Start on world 7 YENKTXAE Start on world 8 OXNKIXPE Start at the boss of world X (1 of 2) AENKTXAA Start at the boss of world 1 (2 of 2) PENKTXAA Start at the boss of world 2 (2 of 2) ZENKTXAA Start at the boss of world 3 (2 of 2) LENKTXAA Start at the boss of world 4 (2 of 2) GENKTXAA Start at the boss of world 5 (2 of 2) IENKTXAA Start at the boss of world 6 (2 of 2) TENKTXAA Start at the boss of world 7 (2 of 2) YENKTXAA Start at the boss of world 8 (2 of 2) ZGUKZITP Die to see ending
0x00 Invincibility
0xFF Infinite Hover (alt)
0xFF Full Gun Power - Jason
0x03 Infinite lives (alt)
0xFF Infinite health (alt)
0x00 Most end bosses die instantly
0x63 Infinite Homing Missiles (alt)
0x63 Infinite Thunderbreaks (alt)
0x63 Infinite Multi-Warheads (alt)
GENTUIZA Line is a 1000 yards long AESVOXEG Catch fish right after they bite - most of the time PESVOXEK When fish bite they are close to the boat OOSVOXEK Line is set to 153 feet PESVXIAA Pull fish in quicker OZSVKKPV Vitality always at max (1 of 2) YASVSGPE Vitality always at max (2 of 2) SUOVAEVS Infinite health SUUVYEVS Infinite lives EIXTAGEY Invincibility (1 of 2) EIVTVIEY Invincibility (2 of 2) PESYAPAA Multi-jump
0x02 Invincibility (blinking)
0x02 Infinite lives (alt)
0x03 Infinite health (alt)
AEEGYKAP Balls are considered strikes OXVGITSX Immune to explosions SZIGAT Infinite time SXPKAG Infinite lives AAOGTYYL Hit anywhere (1 of 2) AAOKIYAL Hit anywhere (2 of 2) AAVKXZZA Remove all breakable blocks AEZKLL Start with 1 life PEZKLU Start with 10 lives VPGKGG Decrease time VYGKGK Increase timer ZELGYU Start on stage 10 GOLGYL Start on stage 20 TOLGYU Start on stage 30 AXLGYU Start on stage 40 ZULGYL Start on stage 50 AXKKALAP Start with double power Bomb blasts AUKKALAP Start with triple power Bomb blasts EEKKALAP Start with maximum power Bomb blasts NYXKUIEX Increase Bomb detonation time AYXKUIEZ Reduce Bomb detonation time GXEKLGSA Never lose Detonator after pick-up AESKGUIZ Start with Detonator, max Bomb power and use up to 10 Bombs XZEGNIVZ Use up to 10 Bombs (1 of 2) PAEKEIGN Use up to 10 Bombs (2 of 2) OXEKVPSX Start with and keep Detonator (1 of 2) AESKNKTA Start with and keep Detonator (2 of 2) OZNKNNPK Walk through walls (1 of 2) AEEGEYPA Walk through walls (2 of 2)
0x00 Invincibility
0x01 Immune to explosions (alt)
0xEE Infinite time (alt)
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0x80 Max Bomb power
0x0A Use up to 10 Bombs (alt)
0x01 Walk through walls (alt)
0x01 Have Detonator
0x32 Start on stage 50 (alt)
GXKGKXVK Infinite lives GXXONEVK Infinite time SZXATLOU Hit anywhere (all enemies killed with one bomb) (3 of 4) LPXAYUYX Hit anywhere (all enemies killed with one bomb) (1 of 4) PTXEAUPZ Hit anywhere (all enemies killed with one bomb) (2 of 4) XTXEPLEE Hit anywhere (all enemies killed with one bomb) (4 of 4) AAKLVPAZ Remove all breakable blocks (1 of 2) SZKUNPAX Remove all breakable blocks (2 of 2) LVXOUELL Slower timer TOXOUELU Faster timer AEKAZYLA Always have Detonator YNEOLXLK Bomb has a longer fuse AXEOLXLG Bomb has a shorter fuse GXOLSXVS Stop Bombs from exploding EASPTANG Dollar sign acts as flame face GYSPTANG Dollar sign acts as Bomb KASPTANK Dollar sign acts as heart with Bomb OPSPTANG Dollar sign acts as skate OZSPTANK Dollar sign acts as vest for a short time GAXKSTAA Super start (1 of 2) GASKKTAA Super start (2 of 2) OXXAPYSX Immune to explosions (1 of 2) PEXAZNVZ Immune to explosions (2 of 2) OXOEGYSX Walk through walls (1 of 2) PEOEINSZ Walk through walls (2 of 2) AEEGEPZA Start with 1 life IEEGEPZA Start with 6 lives AEEGEPZE Start with 9 lives
0x05 Invincibility (except in normal game) - P1
0x05 Invincibility (except in normal game) - P2
0x05 Invincibility (except in normal game) - P3
0x0C Max Bomb quantity - P1
0x0C Max Bomb quantity - P2
0x0C Max Bomb quantity - P3
0x0C Max Bomb power - P1
0x0C Max Bomb power - P2
0x0C Max Bomb power - P3
0x09 Infinite lives - P1
0x09 Infinite time (hundred's digit)
0x09 Infinite time (ten's digit)
0x09 Infinite time (one's digit)
SZVZINVK Infinite lives AAXXZILA Hit anywhere (1 of 2) LINXTZYZ Hit anywhere (2 of 2) AEKAAAZA Start with 1 life IEKAAAZA Start with 6 lives AEKAAAZE Start with 9 lives GEUAAEGA Start with less initial energy (but more maximum energy) AOUAAEGE Start with more energy GXEEYEGA Super-jump when normal GXVPIKSE Keep speed up after powered down GASZTYAA Gain energy from picking up smiles YEXELAAA Start on stage 2-1 IEXELAAE Start on stage 3-1 ZOXELAAA Start on stage 4-1 YOXELAAA Start on Stage 5-1 PXXELAAA Start on stage 6-1 AAEGLTPA Invincibility (1 of 3) AVKKPLSZ Invincibility (2 of 3) IKEKYOYX Invincibility (3 of 3) AEUGVGIZ One Diamond needed to open exit SLEZXTVI Infinite lives SXSGSYAX Infinite time PAKIELLA Start with 1 life TAKIELLA Start with 6 lives PAKIELLE Start with 9 lives PEOXEYLA 1 life after continue TEOXEYLA 6 lives after continue PEOXEYLE 9 lives after continue YOSGXNYU Speed up timer NNSGXNYU Slow down timer NUNTZUKU Infinite lives SXNTPUVK Infinite lives (alt) ASVIAPEI Invincibility SZKLVZAX Invincibility after getting hit SUXLISVS Infinite energy (except falling off cliffs) SXXLISVS Infinite health AEVGPPPA Infinite time SXNKGOSE Infinite time (alt) (1 of 2) SXNGYOSE Infinite time (alt) (2 of 2) SZNVVSVK Infinite ammo ZEVGPPPA Faster timer UUETEIZE Infinite weapons (except scene 1 daytime) AANGYZIA Always have 63 ammo NNSNGPZE Disable axe VAVEILSA Start in XX (1 of 2) PAVEGLAA Start in Milwaukee (2 of 2) ZAVEGLAA Start in Atlanta (2 of 2) LAVEGLAA Start in Los Angeles (2 of 2) GAVEGLAA Start in Las Vegas (2 of 2) GZUKYPVG Infinite lives - both players GZKSLZVG Infinite weapon time LTUKTLAA Start each life with 3-way firing and 99 seconds PEUKPZLA Start with 1 life - P1 PEKGGZLA Start with 1 life - P2 TEUKPZLA Start with 6 lives - P1 TEKGGZLA Start with 6 lives - P2 PEUKPZLE Start with 9 lives - P1 PEKGGZLE Start with 9 lives - P2 ZANKLZPA Start on level 2 LANKLZPA Start on level 3 GANKLZPA Start on level 4 IANKLZPA Start on level 5 AAKAIAPE View slideshow (1 of 4) VTXEXPSA View slideshow (2 of 4) EAXEUPGV View slideshow (3 of 4) GAUASOLE View slideshow (4 of 4) SZEOLLVG Infinite credits PAUKEZLA Start with 1 life - both players TAUKEZLA Start with 6 lives - both players PAUKEZLE Start with 9 lives - both players ZAUGEZPE Start on level 10 PPUGEZPE Start on level 25 ZLUGEZPA Start on level 50 LGUGEZPE Start on level 75 ZAOGOLGA Skip only 2 levels ZAOGOLGE Skip 10 levels AAUILSPP Lots of bubble power ZANEAGPA Monsters move faster (1 of 2) NNEEAKVN Monsters move faster (2 of 2) LANEAGPA Monsters move super fast (1 of 2) NNEEAKSN Monsters move super fast (2 of 2) LANEIGZA Angry monsters move faster (1 of 2) SNEEIKVN Angry monsters move faster (2 of 2) AANSIGTA Always wear turbo shoes (1 of 2) AESIPGTA Always wear turbo shoes (2 of 2)
0x2F Invincibility - P1
0x2F Invincibility - P2
0x09 Infinite lives - P1
0x09 Infinite lives - P2
0x02 Have Long Shot
0x04 Have Rapid Shot
0x06 Have Long Rapid Shot
0x45 Have Lightning Shot
0x0A Float
AEUEOYEL Multi-jump (1 of 2) AEXAUYAP Multi-jump (2 of 2) GXOEZTEL Hit anywhere (1 of 4) GZNEYTEL Hit anywhere (2 of 4) OXEAGVPV Hit anywhere (3 of 4) OXOEYVPV Hit anywhere (4 of 4) SLKSVUSO One hit kills ENKEVGAP All characters always selectable AESGILPE Press Start to complete the level (1 of 4) AESKALPA Press Start to complete the level (2 of 4) GOSGYUPE Press Start to complete the level (3 of 4) OXSGGUPK Press Start to complete the level (4 of 4) PEUKEIZE Start a new game to view ending AAELXYZA Start with 1 life IAELXYZA Start with 6 lives PAELXYZE Start with 10 lives AEXGVYZA 1 life after continue IEXGVYZA 6 lives after continue PEXGVYZE 10 lives after continue SZVKOTVG Infinite lives TAOLKYGP Start with 1/2 health EPELVNKE Double Bucky's special health KZELVNKA Triple Bucky's special health KAEUXNGE All characters start with normal special health EPEUXNGE All characters start with 2x special health KZEUXNGA All characters start with 3x special health
0x01 Play as Jenny
0x02 Play as Dead Eye
0x03 Play as Blinky
0x04 Play as Willy DuWitt
0x09 Infinite lives - all characters
0x14 Infinite health - all characters
ATYZPL Invincibility SXEZGUSE Infinite health SZVIGKVK Infinite lives LAOANZTE Mega-jumping Bugs AEOXPZGE Two hearts of energy gained on pick-up PEOXPZGA Less energy gained on pick-up ATNZALAL Stunned for longer IPNZALAL Stunned for less time AASAKOTL Use hammer when stunned SZOKGPVG Start with infinite lives PAUGPAIA Start with 1 life ZAUGPAIE Start with 10 lives GXETZZEI Invincibility GXKGZZEY Baddies go as fast as Bugs Bunny GASGAAPA Make platforms invisible PXXTGGEN Start with super rabbit punches (1 of 2) PXXTAGAO Start with super rabbit punches (2 of 2) SZOKGAAX Start on level XX (1 of 2) PEXYVYAE Start on level 10 (2 of 2) LOXYVYAA Start on level 20 (2 of 2) IOXYVYAE Start on level 30 (2 of 2) YXXYVYAA Start on level 40 (2 of 2) PEOGXALA Start with 1 turn PEOGXALE Start with 9 turns EAXOLVGL Slower timer YPXOLVGU Faster timer ZESXVGGA Quicker turning TOVOUEYE More time from Large Glop Clocks YEVOUEYA Less time from Large Glop Clocks SXNKSKVK Infinite turns PAXGSILA 1 turn after continuing PAXGSILE 9 turns after continuing YEEKSAPA Start on Floor 2 LOEKSAPA Start on Floor 4 YOEKSAPE Start on Floor 6 LXEKSAPE Start on Floor 8 AAVPNLGP Jump OK, even with no power ZAUZAIPA Gain double power on every pick-up AGVONLAA Jump OK at any speed PANPNLIE Set jump OK speed to 190 LANPNLIA Set jump OK speed to 130 GEOAGGAA Start on scene 5 PEOAGGAE Start on scene 10 TEOAGGAE Start on scene 15 PEOLATIE Extra lives for Eagle level AEOLPTGE Extra lives for Albatross level TEOLZTLA Extra lives for Ace level VNOTENVK Infinite lives LAXTTPPA More power for weapons ZAXTTPPE Maximum power for weapons PASVTPZE Increase cobalt power picked up VTVNIPSA Start with laser VTNYPPSA Start with rotating pod OUVNAXOO Never lose weapon power KXNYLZSA Never lose speed up KXVNYZSA Never lose weapons KXNYPZSA Never lose rotating pod AVVNLXOZ Never lose anything SZSTVAVI Start with infinite lives AASGKLGE Start with 8 lives SLKIZYVI Start with infinite peppers APVGSLIA Start with double peppers GZVIAZEI Anti-gravity shoes YPESOUGO Peter Pepper gets super speed SZKNNIAX Fast play for experts SXVSSXSU Monsters always move slowly SXVSSXSU Monsters move at XX speed (1 of 2) GOVSVXAO Monsters move at double speed (2 of 2) YOVSVXAO Monsters move at quadruple speed (2 of 2) ENNOLGEI Invincibility GXEOZZVI Infinite lives SSEOZZVI Infinite lives (alt) UNUOTTNN Start with 9 lives - both players UNUOTTNY Start with 1 life - both players KYVEOZUY Start with 20 Grenades NYVEOZUY Start with 50 Grenades AEUXSIPA Infinite Grenades GAVXNGGE 12 Grenades on pick-up ZAVXNGGA 2 Grenades on pick-up AKOPLZEG Shorter immunity NNOPLLEK Longer immunity
0x02 Invincibility - P1
0x01 Invincibility - P2
0x09 Infinite Grenades - P1
0xFB Infinite Grenades - P2 (1 of 2)
0xFB Infinite Grenades - P2 (2 of 2)
OXSYZVON Massive run power (1 of 3) ASSYLTEY Massive run power (2 of 3) XVSYGTVN Massive run power (3 of 3) OLNUNEOO Infinite life - Captain America and Hawkeye, 1P mode SZSULYVG Infinite continues GPNXIUZA Large power stones worth 20 points TPNXIUZE Large power stones worth 30 points ZLNXIUZA Large power stones worth 50 points ZAUZILPE Small power stones worth 10 points LSUPUELO Hawkeye shoots arrows faster VYNXTXNN Faster Captain America and Hawkeye - one direction only (1 of 2) ZEEZAZPA Faster Captain America and Hawkeye - one direction only (2 of 2) SYNXTXNN Even faster Captain America and Hawkeye - one direction only (1 of 2) LEEZAZPA Even faster Captain America and Hawkeye - one direction only (2of 2)
0x0F Infinite life - Captain America, 1P mode
0x0F Infinite life - Hawkeye, 1P mode
0x63 Have 99 Red Gems - Captain America, 1P mode
0x63 Have 99 Red Gems - Hawkeye, 1P mode
SLATVK Infinite health SZATZN Infinite lives SZATEK Invincibility
0x09 Max blast level
0x80 Infinite blast meter
0x01 Have Door Key
0x01 Have Corkscrew
0x01 Have Power Boots
0x01 Have Teleport Wand
0x01 Have Latern
0x01 Have Mystical Gems of Lascorbanos
0x01 Have Coins of Tenure
0x01 Have Crown of the Ages
SZNKNUSE Invincibility SKNLYVVK Infinite lives (alt) SXNLYVVK Infinite lives - outside levels SZSUGVVK Infinite lives - inside levels PAETITGE Start with 10 lives - inside levels PAETITGA Start with 2 lives - inside levels SZNXGXVK Infinite power - outside levels (1 of 2) SZVXPKVK Infinite power - outside levels (2 of 2) SXXXEUVK Infinite power - inside levels (1 of 2) SZEUGKVK Infinite power - inside levels (2 of 2) AANVAEGZ Start inside level 1 instead of outside PENVIGGA Start with 2 lives instead of 5 - outside levels PENVIGGE Start with 10 lives - outside levels OZKAIGVK Infinite lives SGKAIGVG Infinite lives (alt) PEUITIIA Start with 1 life ZEUITIIE Start with 10 lives OZXPUZVK Infinite Maverick missiles OXKPVGVK Infinite Hawk Bombs LESITITA Start with half Hawk Bombs GOSITITA Start with 20 Hawk Bombs AESSZIZE Start with 8 Phoenix and Maverick missiles GENXKGZA Double cost of Hawk Bombs GAXZKIZA Double cost of Phoenix missiles ZAOZEIIE Double cost of Maverick missiles ESOOVIEY Invincibility (PRG0) OZKAIGVK Infinite lives SGKAIGVG Infinite lives (alt) PEUITIIA Start with 1 life ZEUITIIE Start with 10 lives OZXPUZVK Infinite Maverick missiles OXKPVGVK Infinite Hawk Bombs LESITITA Start with half Hawk Bombs GOSITITA Start with 20 Hawk Bombs AESSZIZE Start with 8 Phoenix and Maverick missiles GENXKGZA Double cost of Hawk Bombs GAXZKIZA Double cost of Phoenix missiles ZAOZEIIE Double cost of Maverick missiles OXKEPTES Always win hand in Blackjack OXOEIIEO Can always bet all money in Blackjack SZOOUKGK Always win hand in Poker VAVAKXAT Can always bet all money in Poker AZKKYOTG Start new game with $82 instead of $200 EGKKYOTK Start new game with $512 AZSGGPAA Start new game with $21,171 EGSGGPAE Start new game with $131,272 AASKPPAE Start new game with $1,342,377 AZSKPPAA Start new game with $5,368,909 PAOASGIE Can't double down in blackjack (game will say you do not have enough money) PAKAVIIE Can't split in blackjack (game will say you do not have enough money) SXKTEISA Invincibility SLOKZLVI Infinite lives SIOKZLVI Infinite lives (alt) PEVGYPLA Start with 1 life TEVGYPLA Start with 6 lives PEVGYPLE Start with 9 lives IAOGTZZA Start with 5 continues AAOGTZZE Start with 8 continues SZNXYAVG Infinite time SXNIOUVK Infinite energy SZOSYSVK Infinite lives PEVPULAP Stop Skeletons from fighting GEOGYZPA Faster fighting ZPSLONLP Super strong enemies SZVUSNVK No harm from most enemy attacks YNOLSYAE Infinite health NYXKLAGE Super health ZAXGLAAA Start with Knives LAXGLAAA Start with Knives and Mace EAXGLAAA Start with Armor UAXGLAAA Start with Armor, Knives and Mace SXUEXSSE Invincibility SXKAVIVG Infinite lives ATSXATEY Infinite keys LKUZTZZU 75 lives instead of 50 POUZTZZU 25 lives instead of 50 SXKNKLVG Don't lose life from 'reset' or 'back' options SZOEIUVK Use sword (press 'B') as long as you like XXOAZGYA Now you can move while using sword IAEEALYP Must use with the last code for permanent sword-wielding ability GAXEGIZA Supercharged speed-up (1 of 2) GAUEGIZA Supercharged speed-up (2 of 2) AAXEGIZE Turbo fuel-injected 16-valve speed-up (1 of 2) AAUEGIZE Turbo fuel-injected 16-valve speed-up (2 of 2) SKSTZTSZ Invincibility VXNVXAVG Invincibility after one hit SZSVLYSE Infinite health OXNGLZVK Infinite lives SXXXYAAX Infinite time KZSSEZKA Infinite hearts (1 of 2) KXESUZKA Infinite hearts (2 of 2) AXOGOPIE Start with 40 hearts ASOGOPIA Start with 80 hearts GZOGYUSE Keep weapons after dying ZEUTAYAA Gain triple shot on weapon pick-up NAPOLN Don't get knocked back when hit SKPPEL Jump 3x as high EVPPEL Jump 2x as high OZOOIKSE Multi-jump (01 of 12) PAOOTGLG Multi-jump (02 of 12) SAOOYGPE Multi-jump (03 of 12) GTXPAKVV Multi-jump (04 of 12) GAXPPKGT Multi-jump (05 of 12) ZGXPZGGE Multi-jump (06 of 12) AXKOZKSZ Multi-jump (07 of 12) PEKOLGGP Multi-jump (08 of 12) KOKOGGIA Multi-jump (09 of 12) AVOPZYEP Multi-jump (10 of 12) VEEOGGSV Multi-jump (11 of 12) KOEOIGOZ Multi-jump (12 of 12) PANKXPGA Start with 1 life (1 of 2) PANGSAGA Start with 1 life (2 of 2) AANKXPGE Start with 8 lives (1 of 2) AANGSAGE Start with 8 lives (2 of 2) VXOLEOVE Start on last level (1 of 3) PEEUEPLE Start on last level (2 of 3) ZOEUSPAA Start on last level (3 of 3)
0x63 Infinite lives (alt)
0x40 Infinite health (alt)
0x02 Invincibility (blinking)
0x02 Have the best Whip
0x63 Infinite hearts (disable at end of stage)
0x08 Have the Knife
0x09 Have the Cross
0x0B Have the Holy Water
0x0D Have the Axe
0x0F Have the Stopwatch
0x00 Bosses have no health
SXXXYAAX Infinite time NAPOLN Don't get knocked back when hit SKPPEL Jump 3x as high EVPPEL Jump 2x as high OZOOIKSE Multi-jump (01 of 12) PAOOTGLG Multi-jump (02 of 12) SAOOYGPE Multi-jump (03 of 12) GTXPAKVV Multi-jump (04 of 12) GAXPPKGT Multi-jump (05 of 12) ZGXPZGGE Multi-jump (06 of 12) AXKOZKSZ Multi-jump (07 of 12) PEKOLGGP Multi-jump (08 of 12) KOKOGGIA Multi-jump (09 of 12) AVOPZYEP Multi-jump (10 of 12) VEEOGGSV Multi-jump (11 of 12) KOEOIGOZ Multi-jump (12 of 12) AAOVLSVG Hit anywhere (Whip) (1 of 2) AAXVLSVL Hit anywhere (Whip) (2 of 2) VXOLEOVE Start on last level (1 of 3) PEEUEPLE Start on last level (2 of 3) ZOEUSPAA Start on last level (3 of 3) IGGOON Walk through walls SXKKAXSE Keep sub-weapon after dying
0x63 Infinite lives
0x40 Infinite health
0x02 Invincibility (blinking)
0x02 Have the best Whip
0x63 Infinite hearts (disable at end of stage)
0x08 Have the Knife
0x09 Have the Cross
0x0B Have the Holy Water
0x0D Have the Axe
0x0F Have the Stopwatch
0x00 Bosses have no health
EIKELTEY Invincibility LZUAINVI Invincibility (enemies die on contact) (1 of 2) OAUATYNE Invincibility (enemies die on contact) (2 of 2) SZSSYLSA Infinite health GXOGGZVG Infinite lives IAXIOPVG Infinite Laurels SXOEPOVK Infinite Laurel time SZUISPVG Infinite Garlic SXOSLYSA Stops time (always daytime) KATAZY Small hearts worth 100 EESEOPAP Multi-jump (01 of 11) ESSEXPLP Multi-jump (02 of 11) GESEUPEX Multi-jump (03 of 11) GKSESPAX Multi-jump (04 of 11) OESENPVE Multi-jump (05 of 11) PXSEEPLE Multi-jump (06 of 11) SNSANOGT Multi-jump (07 of 11) SXSAVOSZ Multi-jump (08 of 11) UNVEOPAE Multi-jump (09 of 11) VVSEVOSV Multi-jump (10 of 11) XVSEKPEN Multi-jump (11 of 11) AALSPT Whip can destroy any block (1 of 4) AAZSAT Whip can destroy any block (2 of 4) APISIT Whip can destroy any block (3 of 4) XVPIPV Whip can destroy any block (4 of 4) INIEEA Whip destroys all enemies/townspeople on screen AENESAPT Hit anywhere - whip (3 of 3) AAOANPYG Hit anywhere - whip (1 of 3) AAOEKPGI Hit anywhere - whip (2 of 3) AAXAVPAG One hit kills AXVENOAL Jump higher (4 1/3 blocks) ELEEOZAL Hit anywhere - Sub-weapons (1 of 2) ELXANZAL Hit anywhere - Sub-weapons (2 of 2) EIOIOGEY Whip much faster PAZNGO Start with 100 Experience (E) AISKTIAL Start with more health PASGLILA Start with 1 life TASGLILA Start with 6 lives PASGLILE Start with 9 lives IZSKZIAI Start with 25 hearts IYSKZIAI Start with 75 hearts SANXTPSZ Always get the best ending EVUELANT Invincibility against water (1 of 8) VNUEGAEK Invincibility against water (7 of 8) EYKEYPEI Towns never sleep (can enter doors) (2 of 2) EUXEPZEI Enemies always drop large hearts (1 of 3) SXXETXSU Enemies always drop large hearts (2 of 3) XNUAAZGE Enemies always drop large hearts (3 of 3) ZASATYPA Move faster (4 of 4) VYNAANNN Move faster (1 of 4) AEXEYYPP Towns never sleep (can enter doors) (1 of 2) VYOAEONN Move faster (2 of 4) ZAOEUPPA Move faster (3 of 4) EYNGEIEI Ponds open instantly without needing a Crystal EYNIVAEL Can use sub-weapons regardless of Heart count GENTUIYA Buy Thorn Whip and receive the Flame Whip (do not buy any other whips) NYXVOTAX Buy a White Crystal and receive the Red Crystal and all of Dracula's Relics ESOVETEY Faster dialog text VKVYEVNN Invincibility against water (8 of 8) UEVYOVNN Invincibility against water (6 of 8) PEVYXVNY Invincibility against water (5 of 8) GKVYUVNN Invincibility against water (2 of 8) KNVYKVNY Invincibility against water (4 of 8) KKVYSVNY Invincibility against water (3 of 8) AIKAIAEI Invincibility against poisonous swamps and spikes ANVAZLEI Walk through walls ZASATYPA Walk faster (4 of 4) VYNAANNN Walk faster (1 of 4) VYOAEONN Walk faster (2 of 4) ZAOEUPPA Walk faster (3 of 4)
0x03 Infinite lives (alt)
0xF0 Infinite hearts
0x7F Have all Daggers, Holy Water, Diamond, Flame and Oak Stake
0x99 Infinite Laurels (alt)
0x08 Infinite Garlic on pick-up
0x50 Infinite health (alt)
0x02 Stops time (time set to 12:02)
0x20 Have White Crystal
0x3F Have all Dracula's parts and White Crystal
0x40 Have Blue Crystal
0x5F Have all Dracula's parts and Blue Crystal
0x60 Have Red Crystal
0x7F Have all Dracula's parts and Red Crystal
0x0F Have Garlic, Laurels, Silk Bag and Magic Cross
0x04 Have Fire Whip
0x02 Invincibility (alt 2)
EIOAZPEY Invincibility (disable if you cannot enter a door) SZKLPZSA Invincibility (disable if you cannot enter a door) (alt) OXEEZZSE Infinite health OXOAUPSE Infinite lives AEELYXAP Hit anywhere (Whip) AVVAELAP Multi-jump (01 of 15) EISOKAIV Multi-jump (02 of 15) EPSPKAEL Multi-jump (03 of 15) IASONATZ Multi-jump (04 of 15) IASOXEGA Multi-jump (05 of 15) IAVPOEAA Multi-jump (06 of 15) OZSOOAES Multi-jump (07 of 15) PSSPINYG Multi-jump (08 of 15) PSVPYUYG Multi-jump (09 of 15) SASOUESX Multi-jump (10 of 15) SASPVESX Multi-jump (11 of 15) SZSPOAGA Multi-jump (12 of 15) SZUPOASA Multi-jump (13 of 15) TZSPXEOG Multi-jump (14 of 15) ZASPUEAE Multi-jump (15 of 15) ATUEGXSA No knock-back when hurt PALUYL Start with 9500 seconds OOKPPAIE Start each stage with 99 hearts AAUPLLAG Bosses have no health LAUPLVPA High jump ZEVOGTPA Walk twice as fast to the right VYXOANNN Walk twice as fast to the left OPELUZEP Infinite hearts
0x00 Remove invincibility blinking
0x01 Start on stage 02 (glitchy if you die)
0x02 Start on stage 03 (glitchy if you die)
0x03 Start on stage 04 (glitchy if you die)
0x04 Start on stage 05 (glitchy if you die)
0x05 Start on stage 06 (glitchy if you die)
0x06 Start on stage 07 (glitchy if you die)
0x07 Start on stage 08 (glitchy if you die)
0x08 Start on stage 09 (glitchy if you die)
0x09 Start on stage 10 (glitchy if you die)
0x0A Start on stage 11 (glitchy if you die)
0x0B Start on stage 12 (glitchy if you die)
0x0C Start on stage 13 (glitchy if you die)
0x0D Start on stage 14 (glitchy if you die)
0x0E Start on stage 15 (glitchy if you die)
0x99 Infinite lives (alt)
0x01 Enable Sypha
0x02 Enable Grant
0x03 Enable Alucard
0x40 Infinite health (alt)
0x02 Invincibility (blinking) (disable if you cannot enter a door)
0x99 Infinite hearts
0x02 Have Triple Shot (III)
0x01 Trevor Belmont's sub-weapon - Axe
0x02 Trevor Belmont's sub-weapon - Cross
0x03 Trevor Belmont's sub-weapon - Dagger
0x04 Trevor Belmont's sub-weapon - Holy Water
0x0B Trevor Belmont's sub-weapon - Clock
0x05 Sypha Belnades' sub-weapon - Fire Spell
0x06 Sypha Belnades' sub-weapon - Ice Spell
0x07 Sypha Belnades' sub-weapon - Lightning Spell
0x08 Grant Danasty's sub-weapon - Dagger
0x09 Grant Danasty's sub-weapon - Axe
0x0B Grant Danasty's sub-weapon - Clock
0x02 Trevor Belmont has best Whip
0x02 Alucard has best attack
ATNXPAEY Invincibility SZXZAPVG Infinite health OZOEXYVK Infinite lives SZSTZXSO Infinite health OUOVZKOO Infinite lives ASXTVGEI Always have Bombs PAOUYALA 1 foul loses the game (instead of 3) - only in 10-ball in party mode ZAOUYALA 2 fouls in a row loses the game - only on 9 and 10-ball in party mode SLNUKXSO Fouls don't count - only on 9 and 10-ball and rotation in party mode SUOLXXSO Number of fouls is not cleared after a good shot (3 fouls don't have to be in a row to lose) - only on 10-ball in party mode OZVETASX Always break in XX (1 of 2) AAVEYEST Always break in 9 or 10-ball (2 of 2) - P1 PAVEYEST Always break in 9 or 10-ball (2 of 2) - P2 SXEZGUVK Infinite health - level 4 SXUXGUVK Infinite health - level 1 and 2 SXSXGUVK Infinite health - level 3 SXXUIXVK Infinite lives - level 4 SZEUYUVK Infinite lives - level 3 SZNUAUVK Infinite lives - level 1 and 2 AAVKNLTI Move pieces anywhere (1 of 3) SZNGULSA Move pieces anywhere (3 of 3) SZNKELSA Move pieces anywhere (2 of 3) AOEITEEN Infinite health AAKGSGPA Multi-jump (1 of 2) SXXKEOZA Multi-jump (2 of 2) ATUEENSL Freeze mechanical bulldog AVKAVNSL Freeze mechanical mice AVOPTESL Freeze buzzer AVNOLKSL Freeze buzz bomb AVVPZSSL Freeze racket-rod ATSOYKSL Freeze ditz ATSPANSL Freeze hawk bomber AVVOOUSL Freeze bouncing boxes ZEXKNPTE Mega-jump GAEIIEVI Never get stunned IVEKINEO Press Start to finish the level SZEAYZVG Infinite lives SZEXIYSA Infinite power AEOAAZZA Start with 1 life IEOAAZZA Start with double lives AEOAAZZE Start with triple lives GEVAKVAA Half regular power gained from food PENXATZA Slow down power loss on the ground LENXTVPA Slow down power loss in the air ZANEVSUT Infinite Gau (shots) AASXOAGE Double Gau (shots) on candy pick-up IEOALZPA Start on Stage 5 (1 of 2) GEOAPZAA Start on Stage 5 (2 of 2) ZEOALZPE Start on Stage 10 (1 of 2) PEOAPZAE Start on Stage 10 (2 of 2) SYNNPGLA Invincibility in normal levels (1 of 3) TANNAGZS Invincibility in normal levels (2 of 3) AZNYYKSZ Invincibility in normal levels (3 of 3) GZEYPSSE Infinite power (health) SZEYPSSE Infinite power (health) (alt) AASVNAZA Full health from food NNOTNLAE Start with lots of weapons ZEVGGAPA Start on stage 2 (starts on stage 1 after continuing) LEVGGAPA Start on stage 3 (starts on stage 1 after continuing) GEVGGAPA Start on stage 4 (starts on stage 1 after continuing) IEVGGAPA Start on stage 5 (starts on stage 1 after continuing) TEVGGAPA Start on stage 6 (starts on stage 1 after continuing)
0x7A Infinite power (health) (alt 2)
SZNSTPVG Infinite lives IEKEYIZA Start with double lives AEKEYIZE Start with triple lives SXKPZGVG Infinite Oil AXSAPIIA Start with extra Oil PEKEIIAA Start on level 1 ZEKEIIAA Start on level 2 LEKEIIAA Start on level 3 GEKEIIAA Start on level 4 IEKEIIAA Start on level 5
0x09 Infinite lives - both players
0x63 Infinite Oil - both players
0xFF MI is very high
ENOPLZEI Invincibility (1 of 2) ESSPPAEY Invincibility (2 of 2) SZEGZISA Infinite health SXNZKSVK Infinite barrier hits VZSULOVV Don't die when power hits zero VNNGNUSO Start with 1 of each item SXKZGSVS Infinite supply of all items bought AVUGAGST All items in shop are free TAUGKGKY Start with extra cash (1 of 2) UPUGVKXO Start with extra cash (2 of 2) AAEKVGAO Start with 50% power (1 of 3) AEVZNPAO Start with 50% power (2 of 3) ZAOGXGGA Start with 50% power (3 of 3) APEKVGAO Start with 150% power (1 of 3) TAOGXGGA Start with 150% power (2 of 3) AOVZNPAO Start with 150% power (3 of 3) AZEKVGAP Start with 200% power (1 of 3) AAOGXGGE Start with 200% power (2 of 3) AXVZNPAP Start with 200% power (3 of 3)
0x10 Infinite health (alt)
PASGVGLA Start with 2 lives IASGVGLA Start with 6 lives YASGVGLA Start with 8 lives PASGVGLE Start with 10 lives SXEKKSVK Infinite lives SZVPOKVK Protection from most hits PAKGUGLA Start with 1 continue IAKGUGLA Start with 5 continues YAKGUGLA Start with 7 continues PAKGUGLE Start with 9 continues ULOTSYTN Infinite continues SUNPXXSO Don't burn money at campfire AXOKNGAP Start with 2x health (does not show on meter) AEOKNGAO Start with 1/2 health VTVKVKSE Start with $100 VTVKUKSE Start with $10,000 VGVKUKSE Start with $650,000 (displays $xx0000 until you pick up first money bag) YONKKXAP Some bags contain mega-money, some contain no money
0x10 Infinite health
0x03 Infinite lives (alt)
GXLILL Infinite lives - both players GZPGSL Infinite time PAGKGL Start with 1 life - both players APGKGL Start with 10 lives - both players TEYIGL Increase extra time VTSKPLSA Start with 1 life - P2 IEVISZZA Shoot more rays AOVSOZAZ Shoot shorter rays ASVSOZAZ Shoot longer rays AASIAYGA Enemy can go thru gold bars GZSSNGST Immune to weapon damage SXUAAOVK Start with infinite lives AAUVGZGA Start with 1 life AAUVGZGE Start with 9 lives
0x01 Start with Dual Gun
0x02 Start with ATG
0x03 Start with Rapid Fire
0x04 Start with 3-Way Gun
0x01 Start with Twin Missile
0x02 Start with Homing Missile
0x03 Start with Homing Missile 1
0x04 Start with Homing Missile 2
0x05 Start with Firebomb
0x06 Start with Mines
0x01 Start with Armor
0x02 Start with Super Armor
0x03 Start with Hyper Armor
0x01 Start with Turbo Engine
0x02 Start with Super Engine
0x03 Start with Hyper Engine
0x00 Start with Rope
0x01 Start with Ladder
0x09 Start with infinite lives (alt)
ATVXKLEI Invincibility SZUXZVVK Infinite continue options SZEVNOVK Don't lose life after dying from damage SZVTSOVK Don't lose life after dying from time running out ENXTPVSA Never lose your power-ups (1 of 2) LEXTZVAX Never lose your power-ups (2 of 2) VVXEAUSE Gain an extra minute (1 of 2) LOXEPLIP Gain an extra minute (2 of 2) EIXLPGEL Hit anywhere (1 of 6) ESKZXGEL Hit anywhere (2 of 6) KPULZGNO Hit anywhere (3 of 6) OLKXOSOO Hit anywhere (4 of 6) TAXLZGZO Hit anywhere (5 of 6) YOKZUKZP Hit anywhere (6 of 6)
0x05 Infinite time (disable before finishing a level) (alt)
0x03 Max Speed
0x03 Max Missile power
0x09 Infinite lives
0x00 Only 1 mine needed for mine removing stages
0x1A Invincibility (blinking)
0x0C Infinite health
0x00 Boss HP will be at minimum
0x02 Start on stage 02 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x01 Start on stage 02 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x03 Start on stage 03 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x02 Start on stage 03 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x04 Start on stage 04 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x03 Start on stage 04 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x05 Start on stage 05 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x04 Start on stage 05 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x06 Start on stage 06 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x05 Start on stage 06 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x07 Start on stage 07 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x06 Start on stage 07 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x08 Start on stage 08 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x07 Start on stage 08 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x09 Start on stage 09 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x08 Start on stage 09 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x0A Start on stage 10 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x09 Start on stage 10 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x0B Start on stage 11 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x0A Start on stage 11 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x0C Start on stage 12 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x0B Start on stage 12 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x0D Start on stage 13 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x0C Start on stage 13 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x0E Start on stage 14 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x0D Start on stage 14 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x0F Start on stage 15 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x0E Start on stage 15 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x10 Start on stage 16 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x0F Start on stage 16 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x11 Start on stage 17 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x10 Start on stage 17 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x12 Start on stage 18 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x11 Start on stage 18 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x13 Start on stage 19 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x12 Start on stage 19 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x14 Start on stage 20 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x13 Start on stage 20 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x15 Start on stage 21 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x14 Start on stage 21 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x16 Start on stage 22 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x15 Start on stage 22 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x17 Start on stage 23 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x16 Start on stage 23 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x18 Start on stage 24 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x17 Start on stage 24 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
0x19 Start on stage 25 (disable after stage begins) (1 of 2)
0x18 Start on stage 25 (disable after stage begins) (2 of 2)
SZSSGIAX Invincibility STVPVOON Infinite health (1 of 2) AASOVZPA Infinite health (2 of 2) SZVOSOSE Infinite health (alt) SZOVKNVK Infinite lives AAOXLZPA Infinite Machine Gun AENXZPPA Infinite Gun GTOVEYZL Double usual bullets on new life PPOVEYZU Half bullets on new life VVNVGKSE Start with Machine Gun and 256 bullets VTOTONSE Machine Gun with 256 bullets on new life SXKEVNOU Upper level jump (1 of 2) ONEOYEXN Upper level jump (2 of 2) GZOTONSE Keep Machine Gun after dying (1 of 2) GZEVVNSE Keep Machine Gun after dying (2 of 2) AASIVEAL Hit anywhere (1 of 4) APOOSGLA Hit anywhere (2 of 4) GLXPEGLP Hit anywhere (3 of 4) SZOOKKSU Hit anywhere (4 of 4) AEESIIGA Have Bomb (can exit level without the Bomb) PENTAGLA Start with 1 life TENTAGLA Start with 6 lives PENTAGLE Start with 9 lives GTETLIZL Start with double usual bullets PPETLIZU Start with half usual bullets
0x3F Infinite Gun (alt)
0x3F Infinite Machine Gun (alt)
0x0A Infinite lives (alt)
0x09 Have all children rescued
0x09 Have all adults rescued
0x04 Infinite health (alt 2)
0xFF Have all adults and children rescued
SUUOKPVI Infinite lives EIEPXZEY Invincibility ZAUAYAPA Start on level 2 IAUAYAPA Start on level 5 ZAUAYAPE Start on level 10 YAUAYAPE Start on level 15 GPUAYAPA Start on level 20 ATNITPSA Invincibility EZEGNOVG Infinite lives SZEGNOVK Infinite lives (alt) XVULASXK Infinite Grenades AAEIEYGP Get items from anywhere (1 of 2) AAKIAVKI Get items from anywhere (2 of 2) AENTTLLI Hit anywhere (1 of 2) AAETTGLG Hit anywhere (2 of 2) AEELGNPA Walk through anything (1 of 2) AASLLYTA Walk through anything (2 of 2) AEKKIILA Start with 1 life - both players TEKKIILA Start with 6 lives - both players PEKKIILE Start with 9 lives - both players AOSGIIIA Start with double rations of grenades
0x00 Have rapid fire - both players
0xE9 Have all power-ups - both players
SXUEYYAX Invincibility (1 of 2) SZVAPGAX Invincibility (2 of 2) SXKISTVG Infinite lives (1 of 2) SZVSULVG Infinite lives (2 of 2) SXSTOOSE Infinite health ESVIYPEY Invincibility (1 of 2) SEVIIPSZ Invincibility (2 of 2) SXOVLIAX Invincibility (alt) GZVTAPAX Infinite lives SZVTLPSA Infinite lives (alt) VVKSZOSU Infinite energy (will display wrong info) SXXTAIAX Infinite energy for Farron SUPILU Infinite fire power GPEYUXTA Maximum energy without Life Crystal GZXVPPAX Don't use up money when buying things (1 of 2) GZUTZPAX Don't use up money when buying things (2 of 2) AAVIGTZA Super-jump without Flight Crystal (1 of 2) PAVITTLA Super-jump without Flight Crystal (2 of 2) IOUSLVTA Increase super-jump to mega-jump IKUSLVTA Increase super-jump to super-mega-jump SXNVZPAX Invincibility SZUSOPVI Infinite lives SXKVPZAX Invincibility SLTIYG Invincibility (blinking) AAVITGIA Invincibility (blinking) (alt) SLAIUZ Start with infinite lives GXIIUX Keep weapons after losing life ATKSZSOZ Multi-jump - both players (1 of 7) AZNITGSL Multi-jump - both players (2 of 7) NPNIYGEU Multi-jump - both players (3 of 7) SUEIAGVI Multi-jump - both players (4 of 7) SUVSOPSP Multi-jump - both players (5 of 7) VINSAGEY Multi-jump - both players (6 of 7) XTNSPKAE Multi-jump - both players (7 of 7) UNVSYVKN Jump higher (1 of 2) XNVSPVUN Jump higher (2 of 2) ESEVALEP Hit anywhere (1 of 4) GXXTPLEL Hit anywhere (2 of 4) GZNVYLEL Hit anywhere (3 of 4) SXKTYLAX Hit anywhere (4 of 4) VYVIPNNN Run twice as fast (1 of 2) ZASSIYPA Run twice as fast (2 of 2) LLKSIAIX Press Start to complete the level PEIIXZ Start new life with Machine Gun ZEIIXZ Start new life with Fireball LEIIXZ Start new life with Spread Gun GEIIXZ Start new life with Laser ALNKPKYL Start on level x PANGIGAA Start on level 2 ZANGIGAA Start on level 3 LANGIGAA Start on level 4 GANGIGAA Start on level 5 IANGIGAA Start on level 6 TANGIGAA Start on level 7 YANGIGAA Start on level 8
0x99 Have 99 lives
0x01 Have Machine Gun - P1
0x02 Have Fireball - P1
0x03 Have Spread Gun - P1
0x04 Have Laser - P1
0x18 Have Clone Attack (glitch weapon) - P1
0x01 Have Machine Gun - P2
0x02 Have Fireball - P2
0x03 Have Spread Gun - P2
0x04 Have Laser - P2
0x41 Invincibility (blinking) (alt 2)
0xFE Invincibility (star effect) - P1
0xFE Invincibility (star effect) - P2
SXKXZIAX Invincibility (1 of 2) SXUZPIAX Invincibility (2 of 2) OUOXVKOO Infinite lives (alt) AANVIAPA Infinite lives - all characters PAUYTTLE Start with 9 lives - all characters TAUYTTLA Start with 6 lives - all characters PAUYTTLA Start with 1 life - all characters OUEXNKOO Keep weapons after death GXUVTKVK Infinite lives SXSTOTVG Infinite Bombs SXVVKTVG Infinite Erasers AZNZEYAE Lots of Erasers LEVLGZPA Start with 3 Bombs TEVLGZPA Start with 6 Bombs PEVLGZPE Start with 9 Bombs PEKGYAZA Start with 2 lives (1 of 2) PAKZKYZA Start with 2 lives (2 of 2) TEKGYAZA Start with 7 lives (1 of 2) TAKZKYZA Start with 7 lives (2 of 2) PEKGYAZE Start with 10 lives (1 of 2) PAKZKYZE Start with 10 lives (2 of 2) LEKKGAPA Start with 3 Erasers (1 of 2) LAVXXYPA Start with 3 Erasers (2 of 2) TEKKGAPA Start with 6 Erasers (1 of 2) TAVXXYPA Start with 6 Erasers (2 of 2) PEKKGAPE Start with 9 Erasers (1 of 2) PAVXXYPE Start with 9 Erasers (2 of 2)
0x00 Infinite energy
GNXPAUTS Hit anywhere (1 of 2) OXOOIUOK Hit anywhere (2 of 2)
0x08 Infinite health
OUNKEUOO Infinite lives SZNUXAVG Infinite lives ASVUAIIA Start with 50 Gold OOVUAIIE Start with 99 Gold SUNEITVI Infinite lives SLOEGVVS Infinite Bombs PAOGKLAA Start on stage 2 ZAOGKLAA Start on stage 3 LAOGKLAA Start on stage 4 GAOGKLAA Start on stage 5 IAOGKLAA Start on stage 6 TAOGKLAA Start on stage 7 ENVOALEI Invincibility (1 of 2) ESVPLLEY Invincibility (2 of 2) OZNEPYES Infinite energy (1 of 2) SANELNSX Infinite energy (2 of 2) SXNNUXSE Protection from enemies (1 of 2) SZEXLEVK Protection from enemies (2 of 2) SXUEYOVK Infinite lives AEKOUPTA Walk through walls AAOPETLA Faster sword charge OZNOOKZK Always fire X shot (1 of 2) PANOXKZG Always fire charged shot (2 of 2) LANOXKZG Always fire bracelet charged shot (2 of 2) SZEPEVGK Allow sword charge while moving NYVSPZGV First pupil gives you more gold SXNOVXSE Magic doesn't use up MP AASVVNYA Immune to poison AEKTSNYA Immune to paralysis TEOTVYGA Stronger poison ZEOTVYGA Weaker poison SZUOIVSE Don't get charged for boarding at Inn (1 of 2) SZKPLVSE Don't get charged for boarding at Inn (2 of 2) SXVPUOSE Don't get charged for items in shops (1 of 2) SXVOOOSE Don't get charged for items in shops (2 of 2) VVOGUOSE Start with some gold SXUYAKVK Infinite level time PENOYLLA Start with level time at 1 minute ZENOYLLA Start with level time at 2 minutes IENOYLLA Start with level time at 5 minutes PENOYLLE Start with level time at 9 minutes AAXEZAZA Goals worth 0 points PAXEZAZA Goals worth 1 points IAXEZAZA Goals worth 5 points PAXEZAZE Goals worth 9 points LTXEZAZA Goals worth mega points SZVZGOVK Start with infinite lives NYEATXNY Start with 1 life UYEATXNN Start with 5 lives AAEATXNN Start with 18 lives GOOZZPZA 20 Genocides on new life SZNPVOVK Infinite Bombs SXEUSSVK Infinite Genocides SXOPUSVK Infinite Shields SZNOLNVK Infinite Seekers NNOEPPAE Start with Rear Laser GZKZZOSE Keep Rear Laser after death GZKXAOSE Keep Mace after death (1 of 2) GZKZIOSE Keep Mace after death (2 of 2) GPUETZPA Start new life with 20 Shields (1 of 2) GOOZYPPA Start new life with 20 Shields (2 of 2) GPKAZZIA Start with 20 Seekers and Bouncers (1 of 2) GOOXGPIA Start with 20 Seekers and Bouncers (2 of 2) AZUALZGO Start with double Bombs (1 of 2) AXEXIPGO Start with double Bombs (2 of 2)
0x00 Invincibility
0xFF Infinite lives
SZELSOVS Infinite turbos SXVASVSO Infinite fuel NYUOZLGV Start with $255,000 SVKLTOSO Everything costs how much you have OUVZAXOO Don't take damage in the front SXKGUSSE Infinite health
0x37 Infinite health (alt) (1 of 2)
0x37 Infinite health (alt) (2 of 2)
0x04 Infinite lives
EYUEIPEI Invincibility AVVNSOOG Infinite health GZOGSUVK Infinite lives SGOGSUVK Infinite lives (alt) AVUEUOSZ Infinite gas (if you avoid the Go missions) IYEAKPAY More gas on pick-up AUXAYAEY One hit kills SXNYUOSE Start with infinite health PYSKXPLY Start with 2 lives IYSKXPLY Start with 6 lives AYSKXPLN Start with 9 lives XVUGLNSX Invincibility SZVPTOVK Can't lose lives in rooms SZUPLOVK Can't lose lives in elevator shaft PENPIALA Start with 1 life TENPIALA Start with 6 lives PENPIALE Start with 9 lives LVNPIALA Start with 99 lives NYSXAOAN Oxygen used up more slowly in shaft AYXXSNNY Oxygen used up more quickly in rooms SZOPISVK Infinite Oxygen AAEPZIPA No damage from shots and collisions VTNSEXSX Infinite Bombs in elevator shaft VVVSXXSX Infinite Bombs in rooms VVOSSXSX Infinite Detonators in shafts VTESNUSX Infinite Detonators in rooms VTEZIKSX Infinite Keys in shafts VVOXTOSX Infinite Keys in rooms OZEPOISE Start on level XX (1 of 2) IAEPXSVI Start on level 5 (2 of 2) ZAEPXSVS Start on level 10 (2 of 2) YAEPXSVS Start on level 15 (2 of 2) GPEPXSVI Start on level 20 (2 of 2) SXSPZGSA Infinite health AANLZKZG Hit anywhere
0x00 Walk through walls (1 of 4)
0x00 Walk through walls (2 of 4)
0x00 Walk through walls (3 of 4)
0x00 Walk through walls (4 of 4)
0xFF Infinite health (alt)
0x01 Have Sword
0x01 Have Long Sword
0x99 Infinite Small Spears
0x99 Infinite Long Spears
0x99 Infinite Three Rock
0x99 Infinite Four Rock
0x99 Infinite Potions
0x01 Have Key
0x99 Infinite Red Potions
0x01 Have Ring
0x01 Have Pendant
NYKNIUNO Start with more fuel YIKNIUNO Start with less fuel SXEYPUSU Faster acceleration AAVOEXNY Tires don't burst SNXOSKEY Better left-hand cornering IEUNLLLA Maximum acceleration (1 of 2) SXEYPUSU Maximum acceleration (2 of 2)
0xFF Infinite fuel
0x02 Lap 02
0x03 Lap 03
0x04 Lap 04
0x05 Lap 05
0x06 Lap 06
0x07 Lap 07
0x08 Lap 08
0x09 Lap 09
0x0A Lap 10
0x01 Always 1st place
0x00 Always excellent condition - front left tire
0x00 Always excellent condition - front right tire
0x00 Always excellent conditon - rear left tire
0x00 Always excellent condition - rear right tire
0x00 Always excellent condition - engine
0x15 Max speed
OXXOXOPX Invincibility GXSONPST Infinite HP YYXELPZU Start with 127 Ludder LGXELPZU Start with 75 Ludder ZEUPKYPE 1 Ludder gives 10 on pick-up GOUPUYIA 5 Ludder gives 20 on pick-up GXUGLVON Shopkeeper forgets to charge you
0xFA Always max Ludder
0x10 Slot 1 - Splendor (game's best sword)
0x04 Slot 2 - Hyper Helm
0x08 Slot 3 - Shield Of Kings
0x0C Slot 4 - Hyper Armor
0x14 Slot 5 - Hyper Boots
0x1A Slot 6 - Parallel Shot
0xFF Max HP
0x07 All belts burned (door on the right in the beginning of the game is now open)
SLNZOXSO Infinite energy SXXZIEVK Infinite lives OLUZEVOO Infinite shots SLNZOXSO Infinite energy SXXZIEVK Infinite lives OLUZEVOO Infinite shots SXVIOTSA Invincibility GXTGEY Infinite lives GXYSGI Infinite Smart Bombs PELGNY Start with 1 life TELGNY Start with 6 lives PELGNN Start with 9 lives YETVIL Super speed (1 of 2) YAZVPG Super speed (2 of 2) ZAVVALGO Only 10 soldiers in your Garrison AZVVALGO 40 soldiers in your Garrison AAEOUPPA Soldiers for free LAEOUPPA Triple the cost of soldiers GAEOKOAA Halve the cost of knights APEOKOAA Double the cost of knights YAEOSOYA Halve the cost of catapults ZAEOVPGO Halve the cost of castles SZUEUZAX Invincibility AESVLTPA Infinite powers and lives SXSIYASA Infinite lives SZKGTTSA Infinite health (life) VTVTAESX Phoenix always rescues you SLNNANSO Infinite Fire, Lightning, Power Beams on pick-up VTNXAOSE Extra dart strength ALXGAYSU Hit anywhere (1 of 3) ATXGPNEP Hit anywhere (2 of 3) SXNKPVGK Hit anywhere (3 of 3) ATNXAOSA Start on level X (1 of 2) PANZLPAA Start on level 2 (2 of 2) ZANZLPAA Start on level 3 (2 of 2) LANZLPAA Start on level 4 (2 of 2) GANZLPAA Start on level 5 (2 of 2) IANZLPAA Start on level 6 (2 of 2) XZNZGPSA Start with 44 X (1 of 2) VEEZYOSE Start with 44 Red Spheres (2 of 2) VEEXZOSE Start with 44 Black Spheres (2 of 2) VANXLOSE Start with 44 Fire Spheres (2 of 2) VANXTOSE Start with 44 Lightning bolts (2 of 2) VEEZPOSE Start with 44 Power beams (2 of 2) AEVSUIZA Start with 1 life IEVSUIZA Start with 6 lives AEVSUIZE Start with 9 lives
0x0F Infinite Power
0x99 Infinite lives (alt)
0x08 Infinite health (life) (alt)
0x99 Infinite Keys
0x99 Infinite Red Spheres
0x99 Infinite Black Spheres
0x99 Infinite Phoenix
EOSOPALA Invincibility (blinking) (1 of 3) GXSPPAEY Invincibility (blinking) (2 of 3) OXSOAAES Invincibility (blinking) (3 of 3)
0x63 Start with 99 Tank units
0x63 Start with 99 Tank #2 units
0x63 Start with 99 Truck units
0x63 Start with 99 Troop units
0x63 Start with 99 Grenade units
0x93 Start with 99 Stationary Artillery units
0x63 Start with 99 Transport Trucks
0x63 Start with 99 Heavy Airplane units
0x63 Start with 99 Light Airplane units
SXVSVIVG Infinite lives ISNEUUOP Less energy NNNEUUOO More energy XTNVSNXK Don't lose special weapon in sub-game
0x99 Infinite energy (ten-thousand's digit)
0x75 Infinite energy (hundred's digit)
0x76 Infinite energy (ten's and one's digit)
0xFF Infinite Ruby Laser
0xFF Infinite Torpedos
PAVTXGLA Start with 1 life OZNNZGSK No random battles (1 of 2) SXSYYKPU No random battles (2 of 2) SZUYTUGK Walk anywhere AEKPZZGT Buy 300 provisions for no money AENLULZL Dagger costs nothing AEVLKGZL Bandana costs nothing AENUKLGT Flail costs nothing AEXLXGGT Robe costs nothing AEUUXLGP Elixir A costs nothing AEXUVLGT Resurrect costs nothing AEXLVUEG Steed costs nothing AEEUKUEG Gullwing costs nothing AEKPIZYZ Buy 30,000 provisions for no money (1 of 2) AEKPTZAP Buy 30,000 provisions for no money (2 of 2) AEXUOKGZ Leather costs nothing (1 of 2) AEXUXGPA Leather costs nothing (2 of 2) GXVOINSV Infinite health AOVOGNAU Take more damage SZXZEOVK Infinite hand gun bullets SXVXZEVK Infinite machine gun bullets GOEPIOZA More super punches on pick-up SZKZIXVK Infinite super punches SZEXIXVK Infinite tear gas KYVZAANY Mega-jump
0x09 Infinite health (alt)
0x31 Infinite hand gun bullets (alt)
SXEZTYSA Infinite health against Pistol ammo SXOZIYSA Infinite health against Submachine Gun ammo SXXZLYSA Infinite health against punches ATNALXVG Infinite Pistol ammo ATNEIXVG Infinite Submachine Gun ammo ATVEIZSZ Infinite ammo on all guns AVUNGPSZ Infinite time PEOKIPAP Start with 1 life point instead of 16 ZEOKIPAP Start with 2 life points GEOKIPAP Start with 4 life points AEOKIPAO Start with 8 life point GEOKIPAO Start with 12 life points GOOKIPAP Start with 20 life points SXOYYUSE Lose foot health very slowly AEXGPOYA Start with no Pistol ammo instead of 15 IEXGPOYA Start with 5 Pistol ammo ZEXGPOYE Start with 10 Pistol ammo GOXGPOYA Start with 20 Pistol ammo POXGPOYE Start with 25 Pistol ammo ENUYPOGL Time runs at 1/4 normal speed KUUYPOGL Time runs at 1/3 normal speed ANUYPOGU Time runs at 1/2 normal speed TOUYPOGU Time runs at 2x normal speed GOUYPOGL Time runs at 3x normal speed YEUYPOGU Time runs at 4x normal speed
0x05 Invincibility
0x00 Immune to flashes
0x00 0 crooks left
0x10 Infinite health (alt)
0x60 Infinite time (alt)
0xFF Have all items
0x14 Infinite pistol ammo (alt)
0x64 Infinite Submachine Gun ammo (alt)
0x07 Infinite Submachine Gun cartridges
0x05 Infinite C4
0x07 Infinite flashes
0x00 Infinite feet health
0x03 Infinite lives - both players
0x18 Start on stage 25 (disable after loading stage)
0x31 Start on stage 50 (disable after loading stage)
0x4A Start on stage 75 (disable after loading stage)
0x63 Start on stage 99 (disable after loading stage)
GZETIZEI Instant inflate and explode PEETOPLA Start with 1 life - both players AEETOPLE Start with 8 lives - both players SZXLSVVK Never lose lives from touching water SXVKLVVK Never lose lives from Fygar's flame SXNIPEVK Never lose lives from hitting enemies OZNYPUPX Turbo speed (1 of 2) ZANYZLLA Turbo speed (2 of 2) SXSYOPVG Infinite health SXVAYTVG Infinite lives PAONOGAE Start with weapons IAUGZUPA Less rocks on pick-up SZEYTVVK Infinite rocks on pick-up SXEUIUVK Infinite rope on pick-up SXEXTEVK Infinite dynamite on pick-up
0x09 Infinite time (disable before exiting stage)
GXXGXGST Infinite health AEVLIPZA Maximum health from Chili Dogs SXUKOKVK Infinite lives ZESSTSPO Only 10 Magnum Bullets allowed (1 of 2) ZEVIZSPO Only 10 Magnum Bullets allowed (2 of 2) ZUSSTSPP 50 Magnum Bullets allowed (1 of 2) ZUVIZSPP 50 Magnum Bullets allowed (2 of 2) PANSGIIA Start with 1 life ZANSGIIE Start with 10 lives
0x63 Infinite Time Bombs
0x63 Infinite Hot Dogs
0x63 Infinite Spear Gun
0x63 Infinite Bazooka
0x63 Infinie Rope
0x63 Infinite Armor Vest
0x63 Infinite Mask
0x63 Infinite Flashlight
0x63 Infinite Prybars
SXXVKGSA Invincible against barrels SXUTXISA Invincible against fireballs NYUITVLK Hammer lasts 3.4 times longer SXNGOZVG Infinite lives PENKNPLA Start with 1 life PENKNPLE Start with 9 lives AVVGELEY Invincibility SZNKOPVI Start with infinite lives PEEGITLA Start with 1 life PEEGITLE Start with 9 lives ZEKKGYEE Reduce the time for pros ZAOSZAPA Normal spray more powerful ZLOSLAAA Normal spray longer AASSYPPA Spray cuts through baddies AAKVZALL Normal bees explode TEXKVGLA Speeding Stanley SXYAOP Donkey Kong - Infinite lives PETANA Donkey Kong - Start with 1 life TETANA Donkey Kong - Start with 6 lives PETANE Donkey Kong - Start with 9 lives AEVAVSIA Donkey Kong - Controllable jump EAKOLSLG Donkey Kong - Keep hammer longer SZZGTP Donkey Kong Jr - Infinite lives PATLST Donkey Kong Jr - Start with 1 life TATLST Donkey Kong Jr - Start with 6 lives PATLSV Donkey Kong Jr - Start with 9 lives AEKGAUIA Donkey Kong Jr - Controllable jump EAVGVIAG Donkey Kong Jr - Faster single vine climbing PAXIPAIA Donkey Kong Jr - Can fall onto platforms EXSKSGEY Donkey Kong Jr - Speed up (1 of 2) EXUKNGEY Donkey Kong Jr - Speed up (2 of 2) PAUIEZIA Cannot die from falling from a high platform AAKILSZA Always answer correctly (1 of 2) AAUILSZP Always answer correctly (2 of 2) SXXANUVK Infinite time to answer questions EEUTLZZE Infinite lives AEUTLZZA Start with 1 life IEUTLZZA Start with 6 lives AEUTLZZE Start with 9 lives VKKYXLVT Gain hearts quickly EKINNL Gain a heart every time you hit an enemy XTKNXEZK More health - P2 or computer XTKYOEZK More health - P1 IIIOOO No enemies IIIEOO Enemies will not fight back KOTKOK Slow motion AAUNYLPA Infinite time AZUYZLAL Timer will count down faster APUYZLAL Timer will count down super-fast NYZSIU Disable level 4 wall trap
0x01 Start on mission 2 (disable after stage begins)
0x02 Start on mission 3 (disable after stage begins)
0x03 Start on mission 4 (disable after stage begins)
0x07 Start with all hearts
0x64 Infinite health
AANELEAZ Invincibility (blinking) - both players ZYZPPA No enemies OZULYPOU Enemies die automatically (1 of 2) YZUUAOPZ Enemies die automatically (2 of 2) SZXAYKVS Never lose lives from falling SXOANXVS Never lose lives from low energy SZVESUVS Never lose lives from water PAVUELZA Uppercut after only two punches NNEVOIAE Slow down gameplay NYSVETGE Start with 259 lives - P1 AASVETGE Start with 8 lives - P1 AAVVSTGE Start with 8 lives - P2 PASVETGA Start with 1 life - P1 PAVVSTGA Start with 1 life - P2 PAUTXTAA Start on mission 2 ZAUTXTAA Start on mission 3 LAUTXTAA Start on mission 4 IAUTXTAA Start on mission 5 TAUTXTAA Start on mission 6 PAUTXTAE Start on mission 7 GAUTXTAE Start on mission 8 TAUTXTAE Start at final boss TALTXV Start at final boss (alt)
0xF0 Invincibility
0x00 Enemies die after one knockdown (disable at final boss) (1 of 2)
0x00 Enemies die after one knockdown (disable at final boss) (2 of 2)
AANELEAZ Invincibility (blinking) - both players ZYZPPA No enemies OZULYPOU Enemies die automatically (1 of 2) YZUUAOPZ Enemies die automatically (2 of 2) SZXAYKVS Never lose lives from falling SXOANXVS Never lose lives from low energy SZVESUVS Never lose lives from water PAVUELZA Uppercut after only two punches NNEVOIAE Slow down gameplay NYSVETGE Start with 259 lives - P1 AASVETGE Start with 8 lives - P1 AAVVSTGE Start with 8 lives - P2 PASVETGA Start with 1 life - P1 PAVVSTGA Start with 1 life - P2 PAUTXTAA Start on mission 2 ZAUTXTAA Start on mission 3 LAUTXTAA Start on mission 4 IAUTXTAA Start on mission 5 TAUTXTAA Start on mission 6 PAUTXTAE Start on mission 7 GAUTXTAE Start on mission 8 TAUTXTAE Start at final boss TALTXV Start at final boss (alt)
0xF0 Invincibility
0x00 Enemies die after one knockdown (disable at final boss) (1 of 2)
0x00 Enemies die after one knockdown (disable at final boss) (2 of 2)
SZUUPAAX Infinite health - Bill, Jimmy and Chin NNEPXGGS Start with 255 health - Billy and Jimmy NNEONGGV Start with 255 health - Chin NNEOXKZK Start with 255 health - Ranzou GVEPXGGI More health - Billy and Jimmy GVEOXKZG More health - Ranzou ZXEPXGGS Less health - Billy and Jimmy IXEOXKZG Less health - Ranzou ZUEONGGT Less health - Chin OZVLGASX More powerful punch, weapon and high kick LVOPKGIA Start with 99 weapon use - Billy, Jimmy and Chin AAELIGPA Infinite special weapons - everyone (1 of 2) GZXUPUVS Infinite special weapons - everyone (2 of 2) AEULUKYA Start with Chin enabled AEKLVKAA Start with Ranzou enabled AEKNPPIA Start with Jimmy enabled
0x40 Infinite health - P1
0x40 Infinite health - P2
KNEKPKEY CPU scores add to your score KNEKPKEN CPU never scores
0x50 50 points - team 1
0x50 50 points - team 2
KNEKPKEY CPU scores add to your score KNEKPKEN CPU never scores
0x50 50 points - team 1
0x50 50 points - team 2
ESSUGTEY Play as girl GXKIKIST Infinite life LTKKVPZL Start with 99 life PPKKVPZU Start with 25 life AEEGUZLE Mega-jump AKSSKIGP More invincibility time GESSKIGP Less invincibility time GZEYEEVK Infinite Gun ammo on pick-up OVKIKISV Take minimal damage (1 of 2) PEKISIGY Take minimal damage (2 of 2) TVOSSITG Take more damage and Shield Suit has no effect (1 of 2) AEOSKIYA Take more damage and Shield Suit has no effect (2 of 2) PASKSPAA Start with Shield Suit (1 of 2) ZISKNPLG Start with Shield Suit (2 of 2)
0x03 Invincibility (blinking)
0xFF Infinite life (alt)
0x63 Infinite Gun ammo
0x63 Infinite Machine Gun ammo
0x63 Infinite Grenades
GZXVTKVK Infinite life (1 of 2) GZXTTSVK Infinite life (2 of 2) KENLKVSE Start with 16 coins GXNLKVSE Keep coins from previous games NXNSZEOO Instant game restart NKNGVYUK Multi-jump (1 of 6) PXNKENOK Multi-jump (2 of 6) PENKOYGA Multi-jump (3 of 6) ENNKXYEI Multi-jump (4 of 6) PENKSYAA Multi-jump (5 of 6) OUNKNYUK Multi-jump (6 of 6) GZNEVIVT Vitamin capsules don't fall (press down) GEXPYGLA 5 in a row needed to complete a vertical line instead of 4 IEXPYGLA 6 in a row needed to complete a vertical line instead of 4 TEXPYGLA 7 in a row needed to complete a vertical line instead of 4 GAKPPZLA 5 in a row needed to complete a horizontal line instead of 4 IAKPPZLA 6 in a row needed to complete a horizontal line instead of 4 TAKPPZLA 7 in a row needed to complete a horizontal line instead of 4 AUVONUAO More pieces sent across to other player when two or more rows or columns are eliminated at once in a 2P game GXXOZGVT No pieces sent across to other player when two or more rows or columns are eliminated at once in a 2P game (1 of 2) GZKPGZVT No pieces sent across to other player when two or more rows or columns are eliminated at once in a 2P game (2 of 2) SZSGAVSE Infinite Blood SVNKTSVV Infinite time EYEVAIEI Invincibility AESSILPA Invincible to spikes SZSVGISA Infinite health KAUIEGSZ Max Dragon energy YYXSYZAE Always shoot special
0x4F Invincibility (alt)
0x08 Infinite health (alt)
0x18 Max Dragon energy (alt)
0x00 Have green shots
0x01 Have red shots
0x02 Have blue shots
0x01 Hard mode
SZVOSZVG Infinite health (POW) EAXAILGT Start with 128 health (POW) KAOETLSA Start with 24 Wind Waves (turtle shells) (hold B then press A)
0x63 Infinite health (POW) (alt)
0x0F Infinite Red Power Pole time (spin attack)
0x09 Infinite Wind Waves (turtle shells) (hold B then press A)
EXAXEU Invincibility and three heads after one hit (blinking) OZVZOZVG Infinite health OXNLEIES Hit anywhere (1 of 2) OXXLOIES Hit anywhere (2 of 2) VEOIKAKA Always gold dragon mode KXOIKAKA Always blue dragon mode
0x00 Invincibility
SXOIVLSA Infinite Magic Power AEVGUIZA Take no damage in swamp VVOYYTSA Start with 256 gold coins VKOIVLSA All spells use only one magic point YAKKEVYA Barriers cause half usual damage ASUZYTEP One hit kills ZUKLUSGP Prince of Midenhall - Start with 50 HP LVKLUSGP Prince of Midenhall - Start with 99 HP AXKLOIIE Prince of Midenhall - Start with 40 strength points ASKLOIIA Prince of Midenhall - Start with 80 strength points AXKLXIGE Prince of Midenhall - Start with 40 agility points ASKLXIGA Prince of Midenhall - Start with 80 agility points ZUKLNSYP Prince of Cannock - Start with 50 HP LVKLNSYP Prince of Cannock - Start with 99 HP AXKLSIGE Prince of Cannock - Start with 40 strength points GUKLSIGE Prince of Cannock - Start with 60 strength points TOKLVIGE Prince of Cannock - Start with 30 agility points GUKLVIGE Prince of Cannock - Start with 60 agility points AXKUEITE Prince of Cannock - Start with 40 magic points GUKUEITE Prince of Cannock - Start with 60 magic points ZUKUUIAZ Princess of Moonbrooke - Start with 50 HP LVKUUIAZ Princess of Moonbrooke - Start with 99 HP POKUOIZE Princess of Moonbrooke - Start with 25 strength points ZUKUOIZA Princess of Moonbrooke - Start with 50 strength points AXKUXITO Princess of Moonbrooke - Start with 40 agility points AXKUKSGO Princess of Moonbrooke - Start with 40 magic points NYUOYPZU King gives 255 gold PASPZPAA King gives mega-gold YTVUGZYE Player starts with increased strength and/or attack power VYVUGZYE Player starts with greatly increased strength and/or attack power LTNLPZIA Player starts with increased agility and/or defense NYNLPZIE Player starts with greatly increased agility and/or defense LTNLTZYA Player starts with increased vitality and/or HP NYNLTZYE Player starts with greatly increased vitality and/or HP LTNULZTA Player starts with increased magic, maximum magic points and/or intelligence NYNULZTE Player starts with greatly increased magic, maximum magic points and/or intelligence ZVELAZGA Player starts with increased luck VNELAZGE Player starts with greatly increased luck LTVUIZPA Wizard starts with increased strength and/or attack power VYVUIZPE Wizard starts with greatly increased strength and/or attack power ZTNLZZGA Wizard starts with increased agility and/or defense NYNLZZGE Wizard starts with greatly increased agility and/or defense ZTNLYZZA Wizard starts with increased vitality and/or maximum HP OPNLYZZE Wizard starts with greatly increased vitality and/or maximum HP LTNUGXPA Wizard starts with increased magic, intelligence and/or maximum magic LVELPZZA Wizard starts with increased luck VNELPZZE Wizard starts with greatly increased luck ZTVUTZLA Pilgrim starts with increased strength and/or attack power VYVUTZLE Pilgrim starts with greatly increased strength and/or attack power ZTNLLZGA Pilgrim starts with increased agility and/or defense LTNUAZLA Pilgrim starts with increased vitality and/or maximum HP VYNUAZLE Pilgrim starts with greatly increased vitality and/or maximum HP LTNUIXAA Pilgrim starts with increased magic and/or intelligence VYNUIXAE Pilgrim starts with greatly increased magic and/or intelligence ZVELZZLA Pilgrim starts with increased luck VNELZZLE Pilgrim starts with greatly increased luck LTNLAXPA Soldier starts with increased strength and/or attack power VYNLAXPE Soldier starts with greatly increased strength and/or attack power ZTNLIZZA Soldier starts with increased agility and/or defense LTNUZZYA Soldier starts with increased vitality and/or maximum HP IAOZENNY Start with 6 battle-axes TAOZENNY Start with 6 broadswords YAOZENNY Start with 6 wizard's wands YAOZENNN Start with 6 demon's axes GPOZENNY Start with 6 multi-edge swords IPOZENNY Start with 6 staffs of force TPOZENNY Start with 6 swords of illusion APOZENNN Start with 6 falcon swords AZOZENNN Start with 6 armor of radiance ATVATGSL No damage and lose no MP - all members. Don't combine any of the start with items codes POSOAPZU Chapter 1 - Start with 25 gold GVSOAPZL Chapter 1 - Start with 100 gold NNSOAPZU Chapter 1 - Start with 255 gold AIXOZAYS Chapter 1 - Start with lots 'o gold YEEXYXLO Chapter 1 - Start with 15 HP GVEXYXLP Chapter 1 - Start with 100 HP NNEXYXLO Chapter 1 - Start with 255 HP LNKPLONY Chapter 1 - Start with final key TEKPLONN Chapter 1 - Start with metal babble sword LOKPLONY Chapter 1 - Start with multi-edge sword PEKPLONN Chapter 1 - Start with thorn whip AKKPLONY Chapter 1 - Start with shield of strength LKKPLONY Chapter 1 - Start with dragon shield LNKPLONY Chapter 1 - Start with final key and chain sickle (1 of 2) GEKPGONY Chapter 1 - Start with final key and chain sickle (2 of 2) TEKPLONN Chapter 1 - Start with metal babble sword and boomerang (1 of 2) LEKPGONN Chapter 1 - Start with metal babble sword and boomerang (2 of 2) LOKPLONY Chapter 1 - Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring (1 of 2) PSKPGONN Chapter 1 - Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring (2 of 2) PEKPLONN Chapter 1 - Start with thorn whip and demon hammer (1 of 2) ZOKPGONY Chapter 1 - Start with thorn whip and demon hammer (2 of 2) AKKPLONY Chapter 1 - Start with shield of strength and meteorite armband (1 of 2) ASKPGONY Chapter 1 - Start with shield of strength and meteorite armband (2 of 2) LKKPLONY Chapter 1 - Start with dragon shield and iron fan (1 of 2) IEKPGONN Chapter 1 - Start with dragon shield and iron fan (2 of 2) ZUSOPPGT Chapter 2 - Start with 50 gold NNSOPPGV Chapter 2 - Start with 255 gold AIXOZAYS Chapter 2 - Start with lots of gold GVOZAZAP Chapter 2, Alena - Start with 100 HP NNOZAZAO Chapter 2, Alena - Start with 255 HP LNKOZONY Chapter 2, Alena - Start with final key ZOKOZONN Chapter 2, Alena - Start with fire claw LOKOZONY Chapter 2, Alena - Start with multi-edge sword PEKOZONN Chapter 2, Alena - Start with thorn whip LEKOLONN Chapter 2, Alena - Start with boomerang LNKOZONY Chapter 2, Alena - Start with final key and fire claw (1 of 2) ZOKOLONN Chapter 2, Alena - Start with final key and fire claw (2 of 2) LOKOZONY Chapter 2, Alena - Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring (1 of 2) PSKOLONN Chapter 2, Alena - Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring (2 of 2) PEKOZONN Chapter 2, Alena - Start with thorn whip and demon hammer (1 of 2) ZOKOLONY Chapter 2, Alena - Start with thorn whip and demon hammer (2 of 2) AKKOZONY Chapter 2, Alena - Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band (1 of 2) ASKOLONY Chapter 2, Alena - Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band (2 of 2) LKKOZONY Chapter 2, Alena - Start with dragon shield and iron fan (1 of 2) IEKOLONN Chapter 2, Alena - Start with dragon shield and iron fan (2 of 2) LNUPLONY Chapter 2, Brey - Start with final key TOUPLONN Chapter 2, Brey - Start with magma staff LOUPLONY Chapter 2, Brey - Start with multi-edge sword PEUPLONN Chapter 2, Brey - Start with thorn whip AKUPLONY Chapter 2, Brey - Start with shield of strength LKUPLONY Chapter 2, Brey - Start with dragon shield LEUPGONN Chapter 2, Brey - Start with boomerang LNUPLONY Chapter 2, Brey - Start with final key and magma staff (1 of 2) TOUPGONN Chapter 2, Brey - Start with final key and magma staff (2 of 2) LOUPLONY Chapter 2, Brey - Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring (1 of 2) PSUPGONN Chapter 2, Brey - Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring (2 of 2) PEUPLONN Chapter 2, Brey - Start with thorn whip and demon hammer (1 of 2) ZOUPGONY Chapter 2, Brey - Start with thorn whip and demon hammer (2 of 2) AKUPLONY Chapter 2, Brey - Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band (1 of 2) ASUPGONY Chapter 2, Brey - Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band (2 of 2) LKUPLONY Chapter 2, Brey - Start with dragon shield and iron fan (1 of 2) IEUPGONN Chapter 2, Brey - Start with dragon shield and iron fan (2 of 2) LNOOLONY Chapter 2, Cristo - Start with final key TEOOLONN Chapter 2, Cristo - Start with metal babble sword LOOOLONY Chapter 2, Cristo - Start with multi-edge sword PEOOLONN Chapter 2, Cristo - Start with thorn whip AKOOLONY Chapter 2, Cristo - Start with shield of strength LKOOLONY Chapter 2, Cristo - Start with dragon shield LNOOLONY Chapter 2, Cristo - Start with final key and chain sickle (1 of 2) GEOOGONY Chapter 2, Cristo - Start with final key and chain sickle (2 of 2) TEOOLONN Chapter 2, Cristo - Start with metal babble sword and boomerang (1 of 2) LEOOGONN Chapter 2, Cristo - Start with metal babble sword and boomerang (2 of 2) LOOOLONY Chapter 2, Cristo - Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring (1 of 2) PSOOGONN Chapter 2, Cristo - Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring (2 of 2) PEOOLONN Chapter 2, Cristo - Start with thorn whip and demon hammer (1 of 2) ZOOOGONY Chapter 2, Cristo - Start with thorn whip and demon hammer (2 of 2) AKOOLONY Chapter 2, Cristo - Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band (1 of 2) ASOOGONY Chapter 2, Cristo - Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band (2 of 2) LKOOLONY Chapter 2, Cristo - Start with dragon shield and iron fan (1 of 2) IEOOGONN Chapter 2, Cristo - Start with dragon shield and iron fan (2 of 2) AOEXTZGP Chapter 3 - Start with 16 HP GVEXTZGP Chapter 3 - Start with 100 HP NNEXTZGO Chapter 3 - Start with 255 HP GVSOZPAA Chapter 3 - Start with 100 gold NNSOZPAE Chapter 3 - Start with 255 gold UNUOLONY Chapter 3 - Start with final key LEUOLONN Chapter 3 - Start with metal babble sword TOUOLONY Chapter 3 - Start with multi-edge sword LEUOLONN Chapter 3 - Start with thorn whip PKUOLONY Chapter 3 - Start with shield of strength AKUOLONY Chapter 3 - Start with dragon shield LNUOLONY Chapter 3 - Start with final key and chain sickle (1 of 2) GEUOGONY Chapter 3 - Start with final key and chain sickle (2 of 2) TEUOLONN Chapter 3 - Start with metal babble sword and boomerang (1 of 2) LEUOGONN Chapter 3 - Start with metal babble sword and boomerang (2 of 2) LOUOLONY Chapter 3 - Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring (1 of 2) PSUOGONN Chapter 3 - Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring (2 of 2) PEUOLONN Chapter 3 - Start with thorn whip and demon hammer (1 of 2) ZOUOGONY Chapter 3 - Start with thorn whip and demon hammer (2 of 2) AKUOLONY Chapter 3 - Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band (1 of 2) ASUOGONY Chapter 3 - Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band (2 of 2) LKUOLONY Chapter 3 - Start with dragon shield and iron fan (1 of 2) IEUOGONN Chapter 3 - Start with dragon shield and iron fan (2 of 2) GVEXLZZP Chapter 4, Nara - Starts with 100 HP NNEXLZZO Chapter 4, Nara - Starts with 255 HP LNXPLONY Chapter 4, Nara - Start with final key TEXPLONN Chapter 4, Nara - Start with metal babble sword LOXPLONY Chapter 4, Nara - Start with multi-edge sword PEXPLONN Chapter 4, Nara - Start with thorn whip AKXPLONY Chapter 4, Nara - Start with shield of strength LKXPLONY Chapter 4, Nara - Start with dragon shield LNXPLONY Chapter 4, Nara - Start with final key and chain sickle (1 of 2) GEXPGONY Chapter 4, Nara - Start with final key and chain sickle (2 of 2) TEXPLONN Chapter 4, Nara - Start with metal babble sword and boomerang (1 of 2) LEXPGONN Chapter 4, Nara - Start with metal babble sword and boomerang (2 of 2) LOXPLONY Chapter 4, Nara - Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring (1 of 2) PSXPGONN Chapter 4, Nara - Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring (2 of 2) PEXPLONN Chapter 4, Nara - Start with thorn whip and demon hammer (1 of 2) ZOXPGONY Chapter 4, Nara - Start with thorn whip and demon hammer (2 of 2) AKXPLONY Chapter 4, Nara - Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band (1 of 2) ASXPGONY Chapter 4, Nara - Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band (2 of 2) LKXPLONY Chapter 4, Nara - Start with dragon shield and iron fan (1 of 2) IEXPGONN Chapter 4, Nara - Start with dragon shield and iron fan (2 of 2) GVEXGZAP Chapter 4, Mara - Starts with 100 HP NNEXGZAO Chapter 4, Mara - Starts with 255 HP LNXOPONY Chapter 4, Mara - Start with final key TOXOPONN Chapter 4, Mara - Start with magma staff LOXOPONY Chapter 4, Mara - Start with multi-edge sword PEXOPONN Chapter 4, Mara - Start with thorn whip AKXOPONY Chapter 4, Mara - Start with shield of strength LKXOPONY Chapter 4, Mara - Start with dragon shield LNXOPONY Chapter 4, Mara - Start with final key and chain sickle (1 of 2) GEXOZONY Chapter 4, Mara - Start with final key and chain sickle (2 of 2) TEXOPONN Chapter 4, Mara - Start with metal babble sword and boomerang (1 of 2) LEXOZONN Chapter 4, Mara - Start with metal babble sword and boomerang (2 of 2) LOXOPONY Chapter 4, Mara - Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring (1 of 2) PSXOZONN Chapter 4, Mara - Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring (2 of 2) PEXOPONN Chapter 4, Mara - Start with thorn whip and demon hammer (1 of 2) ZOXOZONY Chapter 4, Mara - Start with thorn whip and demon hammer (2 of 2) AKXOPONY Chapter 4, Mara - Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band (1 of 2) ASXOZONY Chapter 4, Mara - Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band (2 of 2) LKXOPONY Chapter 4, Mara - Start with dragon shield and iron fan (1 of 2) IEXOZONN Chapter 4, Mara - Start with dragon shield and iron fan (2 of 2) LNOPIONY Chapter 5 - Start with final key PXOPIONY Chapter 5 - Start with zenithian sword GKOPIONY Chapter 5 - Start with zenithian shield YUOPIONY Chapter 5 - Start with zenithian armor LKOPIONN Chapter 5 - Start with zenithian helmet AEXSGEKY Infinite E (health) AAXITVNY Infinite lives IAVNPYAP Less energy gained on pick-up YZVNPYAP More energy gained on pick-up SXKYUOVK Infinite Candle energy (1 of 2) SXVYXOVK Infinite Candle energy (2 of 2) NNXSGSUY Start with 1 extra life KNXSGSUN Start with 6 extra lives NNXSGSUN Start with 9 extra lives PEUIGIAA Start with Axe ZEUIGIAA Start with Fireball PANSZIAA Start on level 2 ZANSZIAA Start on level 3 LANSZIAA Start on level 4
0x1F Infinite E (health) (alt)
0xFF Infinite Gold (hundred's digit)
0xFF Infinite Gold (ten's digit)
0xFF Infinite Gold (one's digit)
SZNIPPVG Infinite ammo AAXSGZSY Hit anywhere AASIAUZA Always get the perfect bonus (1 of 2) ALSIPLEI Always get the perfect bonus (2 of 2) GEOKTPLA Enable game D (hit select three times)
0x03 Infinite ammo (alt)
IAVKKZVG Ducks never fly away - Game A SXUUVLAX Invincibility AEEUEUZZ No breaking eggs from falling EISVZLEY Invincibility (1 of 2) EIEEGAEY Invincibility (2 of 2) ATVVXLEZ Infinite health AANVSLPA Infinite health (alt) SXUIEKVK Infinite lives AAESULZA Start with 1 life IAESULZA Start with 6 lives AAESULZE Start with 9 lives LAVTNLPA Lose half normal health (in easy game) OVUVAZSV Infinite time ZAXSKLIE Double usual time (1 of 3) SXNIUKOU Double usual time (2 of 3) SZNISESU Double usual time (3 of 3) EUOTYULU Multi-jump (1 of 5) UVXVALVT Multi-jump (2 of 5) AOUVILEY Multi-jump (3 of 5) NAETLKLL Multi-jump (4 of 5) GXOTPTEY Multi-jump (5 of 5) ZEOVYGPA Walk 2x faster GEOVYGPA Walk 4x faster
0x01 Invincibility (star effect) (disable after a boss)
0xFA Invincibility (blinking)
0x1E All levels cleared except the Amazon
0x01 Have the Skeleton Key, Mine Key and Remote Control (1 of 2)
0xFF Have the Skeleton Key, Mine Key and Remote Control (2 of 2)
0x09 Infinite time (hundred's digit)
0x09 Infinite time (ten's digit)
0x09 Infinite time (one's digit)
0x09 Have $9,000,000
0x00 Infinite health (alt) (1 of 3)
0x00 Infinite health (alt) (2 of 3)
0x00 Infinite health (alt) (3 of 3)
ESOTVAEY Invincibility SZONTZSA Infinite health GZXGZGVG Infinite lives SGXGZGVG Infinite lives (alt) ENVVIPNP Multi-jump (1 of 4) PXVVPOVP Multi-jump (2 of 4) XOVVTPXT Multi-jump (3 of 4) ZKVVGOGK Multi-jump (4 of 4) APONPXAA Take more damage GAONPXAA Take less damage ZAONPXAA Take very little damage PAXSPZAA Have lots of money IEKSPLPA $5,000 cash from small diamonds PEKSPLPE $9,000 cash from small diamonds ASNKPAAL Start with full energy AONKPAAL Start with a lot less energy AAEKAPZA Start with 1 life IAEKAPZA Start with 6 lives AAEKAPZE Start with 9 lives SLUSSIVI Infinite energy SZUSIYVG Infinite time SLUSSIVI Infinite energy SZUSIYVG Infinite time SXVLTLSA Take no damage except from scorpions GTKIITAA Start with 100 gold pieces OVVLGLSV Take less damage (1 of 2) ZEVLIUYL Take less damage (2 of 2) ZAKIITAA Start with 512 gold pieces (1 of 2) PGKSGTAG Start with 512 gold pieces (2 of 2) PXSTLZPG Stay at the Inn for free (1 of 2) AXSTYZAG Stay at the Inn for free (2 of 2) PXUVXTPG Items at Grocer's shop are free (1 of 2) AXUVVTAG Items at Grocer's shop are free (2 of 2) PXENPLPG Items at Armory are free (1 of 2) AXENILAG Items at Armory are free (2 of 2) ATSIOGSZ No harm from spikes AAVNVPLA No harm from any dinosaur AVNTNKXA Infinite shield TAXGLPPA Start on level 2 ZAXGLPPE Start on level 3 TAXGLPPE Start on level 4 ZPXGLPPA Start on level 5 YEXIYLLA Mega-jump power LANSIZPA Speed up left and right PANSAEPX Mostly invincible (1 of 2) GZNITAVG Mostly invincible (2 of 2) OUEPXNOO Infinite power-ups SXVAULVT No steps (1 of 2) SXVANLVT No steps (2 of 2) SZEANGVT No rotates (1 of 2) SZEAUGVT No rotates (2 of 2) GXEUOUVK Infinite lives - P1 AAULNLZA Start with 1 life - P1 IAULNLZA Start with 6 lives - P1 AAULNLZE Start with 9 lives - P1 IEVUULZA Start with 6 lives - P2 AEVUULZE Starts with 9 lives - P2 GASTLPTA Can only shoot one bullet PESIAYLA Slower man (1 of 2) NNUSZNSN Slower man (2 of 2) IESIAYLA Faster man (1 of 2) XNUSZNSN Faster man (2 of 2) ZAVTLOAE Faster bullets (1 of 2) VYVTYOEY Faster bullets (2 of 2) GAVTLOAA Slower bullets (1 of 2) KYVTYOEN Slower bullets (2 of 2) GEONGPZA Faster enemy (1 of 2) XNXNGOVN Faster enemy (2 of 2) PEONGPZA Slower enemy (1 of 2) NNXNGOVN Slower enemy (2 of 2) IZEEZZGA Start with 36 nitros AAEEZZGA Start with 0 nitros SZVSVNVS Almost infinite nitros - no on buoy stage IENEYPPA Boat starts with full turbo, steering, hull, max engine power SXUGOEVS Have full hull strength KAAISZ Computer boat goes crazy AEXOSTPA Chests worth lots of gold SZNIIGSA Infinite HP AEXIYVPE Quick level up SZUTEPSA Infinite ESP SXXTYUVV Never overheat SZOSKTSP Never crash YEXIKOYA Recover fast after crashes PEXIEZLA Reduced enemy bikes in game B AAUSEYAO Timer runs at half speed GAUSEYAP Timer runs at quarter speed ENUKGEAP Turbo speed on button A (1 of 2) GESGPALA Turbo speed on button A (2 of 2) EVUKGEAP Mega turbo speed on button A (1 of 2) TESGPALA Mega turbo speed on button A (2 of 2) ATSVIASP Never crash when holding forward (1 of 3) ATVTLASP Never crash when holding forward (2 of 3) ATVSUGSP Never crash when holding forward (3 of 3) SLNKSTVI Never lose speed (even if you crash) AAEYSAPA Infinite obstacles in design mode AAEVXXAL Start racing before gate opens (1 of 4) AAXGXSIP Start racing before gate opens (2 of 4) AAXSOXYL Start racing before gate opens (3 of 4) APUSOTEI Start racing before gate opens (4 of 4) AASKOZLA Press Start to complete current race (uses your race position for the verdict) (1 of 2) ZISKEZOL Press Start to complete current race (uses your race position for the verdict) (2 of 2) SZUZKAVI Infinite lives SXNSKIVG Infinite time SAUSTPVG Infinite time ATOTPGVT Invincibility SXXIIZSA Don't lose speed when driving over grass/dirt (1 of 2) SXXSLZSA Don't lose speed when driving over grass/dirt (2 of 2) SXEKYLSA Don't lose speed when skidding in the road SXXOATSA Invincibility
0x00 Invincibility (alt)
0x63 Infinite AAM Missiles
0x63 Infinite AGM Missiles
0x63 Infinite Flares
0x63 Infinite Chaff
0xFF Have 5 million+ points
0x09 Infinite type 1 missiles
0x09 Infinite type 2 missiles
0x09 Infinite type 3 missiles
0x09 Billions of points
0x09 Infinite lives
0x09 Infinite lives
ZESOGALE 10 strikes allowed SXKKESVK Infinite time to answer a question SXVIAAVG Infinite lives PAOAZAZE Start with 10 lives AAVYPXAA Spiders, bats, ants and rats do no damage ZEKYVZGV Start with 10 stars instead of 100 YYUZPSTE Play bubble sub-game only TYUZPSTE Play river sub-game only IYUZPSTE Play mine sub-game only ZYUZPSTE Play puzzle sub-game ony
0x09 Infinite Gold (1 of 6)
0x09 Infinite Gold (2 of 6)
0x09 Infinite Gold (3 of 6)
0x09 Infinite Gold (4 of 6)
0x09 Infinite Gold (5 of 6)
0x09 Infinite Gold (6 of 6)
0x09 Infinite lives
OZEVYTVK Infinite lives PAXVOPLA Start with 1 life TAXVOPLA Start with 6 lives PAXVOPLE Start with 9 lives OXETOAVK Keep bought weapon for a life AAOVKTPA Autofire on all weapons PASVYYAA Start on level 2 ZASVYYAA Start on level 3 LASVYYAA Start on level 4 GASVYYAA Start on level 5 IASVYYAA Start on level 6 TASVYYAA Start on level 7 OXETOAVK Keep bought weapon until next shop visit (1 of 2) OGOVATSE Keep bought weapon until next shop visit (2 of 2) AAVZSPZA Get 250 arrows when buying any amount of arrows SZXGINVK Infinite batteries SXOLYOVK Infinite bombs GXSAASVK Infinite Sede magic GXNEZSVK Infinite Saba magic SAOEGPST Infinite HP (1 of 2) SEUUEAST Infinite HP (2 of 2) GZXXZUSE Don't get charged in shops for items you can afford (1 of 3) GZXXYUSE Don't get charged in shops for items you can afford (2 of 3) GZUZGUSE Don't get charged in shops for items you can afford (3 of 3) GXOGZESV Infinite P (health) (1 of 2) GXOKLESV Infinite P (health) (2 of 2) AEENEZZA Infinite M (magic) SXXNUOSE Infinite Gold (1 of 3) SXUYUOSE Infinite Gold (2 of 3) SXUNUOSE Infinite Gold (3 of 3) AXXSNTAP Start with double P (health) AUXSNTAP Start with triple P (health) IASEPSZA Start with half normal amount of Gold GPSEPSZA Start with double normal amount of Gold AVXVGPSZ Jump in direction you are facing AAUTAEOY Slow mode (1 of 3) AAKTPAKY Slow mode (2 of 3) AAUTZAPA Slow mode (3 of 3)
0x48 Invincibility
0x02 Walk faster
0xFF Infinite Gold (alt)
0x50 Infinite M (magic) (alt)
0x0A Have Wing Boots ability (hold up and A)
0x55 Infinite P (health) (alt)
GXOGZESV Infinite P (health) (1 of 2) GXOKLESV Infinite P (health) (2 of 2) AEENEZZA Infinite M (magic) SXXNUOSE Infinite Gold (1 of 3) SXUYUOSE Infinite Gold (2 of 3) SXUNUOSE Infinite Gold (3 of 3) AXXSNTAP Start with double P (health) AUXSNTAP Start with triple P (health) IASEPSZA Start with half normal amount of Gold GPSEPSZA Start with double normal amount of Gold AVXVGPSZ Jump in direction you are facing AAUTAEOY Slow mode (1 of 3) AAKTPAKY Slow mode (2 of 3) AAUTZAPA Slow mode (3 of 3)
0x48 Invincibility
0x02 Walk faster
0xFF Infinite Gold (alt)
0x50 Infinite M (magic) (alt)
0x0A Have Wing Boots ability (hold up and A)
0x55 Infinite P (health) (alt)
SUNNGNSO Infinite time AEUYKPPA Infinite lives APUGAGZO Start with 9 lives IPUGAGZP Start with 6 lives APUGAGZP Start with 1 life AAEENAZA Hearts can't be replenished from bottles GAEENAZA Bottles replenish more hearts AAEENAZE Bottles replenish even more hearts ZAOSOZPA 1 Felix icon gives 2 (1 of 2) APNSOXPO 1 Felix icon gives 2 (2 of 2) ELEEATEP No sound effects AONEXTAL Weapon has longer reach AYOIPPEI Walk through walls (1 of 2) AYXSZPEI Walk through walls (2 of 2)
0x03 Invincibility (blinking)
0x19 Infinite lives (alt)
0x0A Infinite special
0x19 Have 99 Felix icons (1 of 2)
0x19 Have 99 Felix icons (2 of 2)
0x01 Play as Magic/Balloon Felix
0x02 Play as Buggy/Plane Felix
0x03 Play as Tank Felix
AYIPOG Invincibility XVEPUKVK Infinite health SZUSYOSE Infinite Money SZNIYOVK Infinite T.N.T on pick-up SXSITEVK Infinite Vice Grips on pick-up SZVVXUVK Infinite Missiles on pick-up SXVSLEVK Infinite Potions on pick-up SZEIYOVK Infinite Invisible Potions on pick-up SXUITEVK Infinite Nooses on pick-up
0xC0 Invincibility (alt)
0x03 Infinite health (alt) (1 of 2)
0x03 Infinite health (alt) (2 of 2)
0x04 Max health
0x08 Have level 8 Gun
0x04 Have level 4 Whip
0x64 Infinite Bulbs
0x64 Infinite Invisible Potions
0x64 Infinite Keys
0x64 Infinite Money (alt)
0x64 Infinite Missiles
0x64 Infinite Nooses
0x64 Infinite Potions
0x64 Infinite T.N.T
0x64 Infinite Vice Grips
SXESLTSA Infinite health SXSZAVSE Infinite health (1 of 2) SXOGGNSE Infinite health (2 of 2) SZVLOLVI Infinite lives SZNOOSVK Infinite time PEIOOT Gain 65535 EXP from every battle EAZLLL Enemies don't attack SZULIEVS LIFE spell never uses up Magic Points SZVULEVS LIF2 spell never uses up Magic Points TESGTYZA Magic users start with 6 Magic Points PESGTYZE Magic users start with 9 Magic Points ELEXVLEY Non-magic users can use level 1 magic (1 of 3) AESGANGA Non-magic users can use level 1 magic (2 of 3) AESGGNAA Non-magic users can use level 1 magic (3 of 3) AZOUGAEP Start with 800 Gold (1 of 2) LAOUIAPA Start with 800 Gold (2 of 2) NYOUTAAE 999999+ Gold GXSZPKSV Almost infinite Gold (1 of 2) GXSXZKSV Almost infinite Gold (2 of 2) OOTPVP No random battles TGKLPALZ Double Fighter Hit Points GPKUAEZA Double Fighter's Hit ZTKUPAIU Double Fighter's Evade ZAKLTAIE Double Fighter's Luck GLSLPETO Double Thief's Hit Points TASLYAZA Triple Thief's Damage ZASUAAIE Double Thief's Hit GYSUPEZL Double Thief's Evade TPSLTEYE Double Thief's Luck ZGVLPAPZ Double Black Belt's Hit Points TAVLYAZA Triple Black Belt's Damage ZAVUAAIE Double Black Belt's Hit ZTVUPAIU Double Black Belt's Evade ZAVLTAIE Double Black Belt's Luck GLNLPETO Double Red Mage's Hit Points ZANLYAIE Double Red Mage's Damage TANUAAYE Double Red Mage's Hit GYNUPEZL Double Red Mage's Evade ZANLTAIE Double Red Mage's Luck AUELPEGO Double White Mage's Hit Points TEELYAZA Triple White Mage's Damage ZEEUAAIE Double White Mage's Hit ZVEUPAIU Double White Mage's Evade ZEELTAIE Double White Mage's Luck ZUOLPEPP Double Black Mage's Hit Points LEOLYAPA Triple Black Mage's Damage ZEOUAAIE Double Black Mage's Hit GNOUPEZL Double Black Mage's Evade GOOLTEZA Double Black Mage's Luck GIUYZSYE Skip intro screens (1 of 2) SXNUXAAX Skip intro screens (2 of 2)
0xFF No random battles (alt)
0x01 Have Lute
0x01 Have Crown
0x01 Have Crystal
0x01 Have Herb
0x01 Have Key
0x01 Have TNT
0x01 Have Adamant
0x01 Have Slab
0x01 Have Ruby
0x01 Have Rod
0x01 Have Floater
0x01 Have Chime
0x01 Have Tail
0x01 Have Cube
0x01 Have Bottle
0x01 Have Oxyale
0x01 Have Canoe
0x01 Have first Crystal lit
0x01 Have second Crystal lit
0x01 Have third Crystal lit
0x01 Have last Crystal lit
0xFF Character 1 - 255 HP
0x63 Character 1 - 99 STR
0x63 Character 1 - 99 AGL
0x63 Character 1 - 99 INT
0x63 Character 1 - 99 VIT
0x63 Character 1 - 99 Luck
0xFF Character 1 - 255 Damage
0xFF Character 1 - 255 Hit %
0xFF Character 1 - 255 Absorb
0xFF Character 1 - 255 Evade %
0xFF Character 2 - 255 HP
0x63 Character 2 - 99 STR
0x63 Character 2 - 99 AGL
0x63 Character 2 - 99 INT
0x63 Character 2 - 99 VIT
0x63 Character 2 - 99 Luck
0xFF Character 2 - 255 Damage
0xFF Character 2 - 255 Hit %
0xFF Character 2 - 255 Absorb
0xFF Character 2 - 255 Evade %
0xFF Character 3 - 255 HP
0x63 Character 3 - 99 STR
0x63 Character 3 - 99 AGL
0x63 Character 3 - 99 INT
0x63 Character 3 - 99 VIT
0x63 Character 3 - 99 Luck
0xFF Character 3 - 255 Damage
0xFF Character 3 - 255 Hit %
0xFF Character 3 - 255 Absorb
0xFF Character 3 - 255 Evade %
0xFF Character 4 - 255 HP
0x63 Character 4 - 99 STR
0x63 Character 4 - 99 AGL
0x63 Character 4 - 99 INT
0x63 Character 4 - 99 VIT
0x63 Character 4 - 99 Luck
0xFF Character 4 - 255 Damage
0xFF Character 4 - 255 Hit %
0xFF Character 4 - 255 Absorb
0xFF Character 4 - 255 Evade %
0x08 Character 1 - Infinite level 1 magic use (1 of 2)
0x08 Character 1 - Infinite level 1 magic use (2 of 2)
0x08 Character 1 - Infinite level 2 magic use (1 of 2)
0x08 Character 1 - Infinite level 2 magic use (2 of 2)
0x08 Character 1 - Infinite level 3 magic use (1 of 2)
0x08 Character 1 - Infinite level 3 magic use (2 of 2)
0x08 Character 1 - Infinite level 4 magic use (1 of 2)
0x08 Character 1 - Infinite level 4 magic use (2 of 2)
0x08 Character 1 - Infinite level 5 magic use (1 of 2)
0x08 Character 1 - Infinite level 5 magic use (2 of 2)
0x08 Character 1 - Infinite level 6 magic use (1 of 2)
0x08 Character 1 - Infinite level 6 magic use (2 of 2)
0x08 Character 1 - Infinite level 7 magic use (1 of 2)
0x08 Character 1 - Infinite level 7 magic use (2 of 2)
0x08 Character 1 - Infinite level 8 magic use (1 of 2)
0x08 Character 1 - Infinite level 8 magic use (2 of 2)
SXOXUUSE Infinite capacity points. You still have to have enough points to make the job change, but no points will be subtracted from your total XVULAASV All items in shops are free. You must have enough to cover the item, but will not be charged PUNPGKYY Knife casts a FIRE spell when used as a item in battle TENPGKYN Knife casts a FIRE3 spell when used as a item in battle IONPGKYY Knife casts a BOLT3 spell when used as a item in battle IONPGKYN Knife casts a ICE3 spell when used as a item in battle PENPGKYY Knife casts a DEATH spell when used as a item in battle ZENPGKYY Knife casts a METEO spell when used as a item in battle LENPGKYN Knife casts a HEAL spell when used as a item in battle ZENPGKYN Knife casts a CURE4 spell when used as a item in battle TENOGKYN Dagger casts a FIRE3 spell when used as a item in battle IONOGKYY Dagger casts a BOLT3 spell when used as a item in battle IONOGKYN Dagger casts a ICE3 spell when used as a item in battle PENOGKYY Dagger casts a DEATH spell when used as a item in battle ZENOGKYY Dagger casts a METEO spell when used as a item in battle LENOGKYN Dagger casts a HEAL spell when used as a item in battle ZENOGKYN Dagger casts a CURE4 spell when used as a item in battle TAXPGSYN Long Sword casts a FIRE3 spell when used as a item in battle IPXPGSYY Long Sword casts a BOLT3 spell when used as a item in battle IPXPGSYN Long Sword casts a ICE3 spell when used as a item in battle PAXPGSYY Long Sword casts a DEATH spell when used as a item in battle ZAXPGSYY Long Sword casts a METEO spell when used as a item in battle LAXPGSYN Long Sword casts a HEAL spell when used as a item in battle ZAXPGSYN Long Sword casts a CURE4 spell when used as a item in battle AEENYKAA Automatically finish levels OZOXOTES Invincibility PAOEPALA Start with 1 life TAOEPALA Start with 6 lives PAOEPALE Start with 9 lives
0x1F Infinite Missiles
0x1F Infinite ammo
0x26 Infinite fuel
SXXGAIAX Invincibility SZSGUGSA Infinite health SXKKYPVG Infinite lives SZSVGTVG Infinite time OTSGOGSV One hit kills you TEELTPPA Sweep kick damages enemies more AEOLGPLE Straight kick damages enemies more AAUKVGGA Can't be knocked back by big thugs EISGUPEY Pogo stick OTSGOGSV Take minimum damage from all enemies (1 of 2) PASGXKOI Take minimum damage from all enemies (2 of 2) OVOUZPSV Any attack mega-damages enemies (1 of 2) ZEOULOOS Any attack mega-damages enemies (2 of 2) PEKKGALA Start with 1 life TEKKGALA Start with 6 lives PEKKGALE Start with 9 lives
0x01 Invincibility (blinking)
0x38 Infinite health (alt)
0x09 Infinite time (alt)
0x07 Infinite Bomb
0x07 Infinite power
GZUOZYVG Infinite radar-guided missiles - bombing/strafing screen PAOALZTE Start with 9 radar-guided missiles - bombing/strafing screen GZUOLKVK Infinite missiles - cockpit screen GAKGKGAA Start on mission 3 ZAKGKGAE Start on mission 6 APKGKGAA Start on mission 9 TPKGKGAA Start on mission 12 OZKZTXOK Start each mission with 6 missiles (1 of 2) AAKXGZPA Start each mission with 6 missiles (2 of 2) AVOPZOVG Invincibility SXOAAEVK Infinite lives SZNTZKVK Infinite energy (hearts) (1 of 2) SXOPZOVK Infinite energy (hearts) (2 of 2) AAVAYPZA Start with 1 life IAVAYPZA Start with 6 lives AAVAYPZE Start with 9 lives LTNELOZA Start with 99 coins PEEAAPAA Start with Slingshot ZEEAAPAA Start with Axe GEEAAPAA Start with Bomb YESTZZIE 15 coins on pick-up ZESTZZIA 2 coins on pick-up AAUAXTLA Slingshot doesn't use up coins AAUAUTLA Axe doesn't use up coins AAUAKVZA Bomb doesn't use up coins AETEKI Infinite Firepower LOKOEPPA Max power charge (1 of 4) LPEZLPPA Max power charge (2 of 4) LOEPLPPA Max power charge (3 of 4) LPUOLZPA Max power charge (4 of 4)
0x09 Infinite lives
0x03 Infinite energy (hearts) (alt)
0xFF Infinite coins
0x0C Max power charge (alt)
0x00 One hit kills on most bosses
AVEPKOSA Invincibility SXEETEVK Infinite lives AANONPPA Infinite energy SXEPKOSE Infinite energy (alt) AASALPZA Start with 1 life instead of 3 GASALPZA Start with 5 lives AASALPZE Start with 9 lives LANONPPA Enemies do more damage (3 hearts) SXXOUVSE Infinite stone hammers once obtained VTNEXOSE Start on level 2 PANELPLA Start with 1 heart ZANELPLA Start with 2 hearts TANELPLA Start with 6 hearts PANELPLE Start with 9 hearts GOEATOGA Start with max power ZEEEUYPA Get bowling ball instead of stone hammer LEEEUYPA Get mystery item instead of stone hammer PAKAVPAA Continue on Level 2 ZAKAVPAA Continue on Level 3 LAKAVPAA Continue on Level 4 GAKAVPAA Continue on Level 5 IAKAVPAA Continue on Level 6 TAKAVPAA Continue on Level 7 YAKAVPAA Continue on Level 8 AAKAVPAE Continue on Level 9 PAKAVPAE Continue on Level 10 VEKLTAKZ Start with infinite lives GXEEEPVG Start with infinite time PANATALA Start with 1 life TANATALA Start with 6 lives PANATALE Start with 9 lives TAOXULLA Start with double KO power
0x00 Finish levels automatically
0x03 Infinite lives
0x03 Max Bounce
0x80 One hit kills on Fires
SXNKIKSE Infinite life SZVGKOVK Infinite lives SXOZPKSE Infinite KO's (1 of 2) SZSKLXSE Infinite KO's (2 of 2) SZXEZZVG Infnite Credits SZSXPESE Invincibility (01 of 10) SZSXAKSE Invincibility (02 of 10) SXXXVUSE Invincibility (03 of 10) SXEPXNSE Invincibility (04 of 10) SZVOTNSE Invincibility (05 of 10) SXOXSXSE Invincibility (06 of 10) SXUZONSE Invincibility (07 of 10) SXNXKSSE Invincibility (08 of 10) SZXOPVSE Invincibility (09 of 10) SZOOTVSE Invincibility (10 of 10) IXSOTTVG Infinite fuel SXUIXEVK Infinite nitro ATKSXAAZ Better nitro AAVSOAZA Psycho speed ATNUVUSZ Items cost nothing ATNUVUSZ Items for free (1 of 2) ATVUKLST Items for free (2 of 2) SZOKYLVG Infinite lives PENKLGLA Start with 1 life TENKLGLA Start with 6 lives PENKLGLE Start with 9 lives GASSNZGE Slower flight meter ZASSNZGA Faster flight meter SZVSXXVK Infinite flight power TONGZKZE Start with 30 units of health (1 of 2) TPXKYUZE Start with 30 units of health (2 of 2) IENGZKZA Start with 5 units of health (1 of 2) IAXKYUZA Start with 5 units of health (2 of 2) ZAOIVAPA Faster flying left and right (1 of 2) ZAUIUZPA Faster flying left and right (2 of 2)
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0xFF Infinite health
0xFF Infinite Flight meter (alt)
ZEVKLGAA Invincibility SZKEPASA Invincible after you die once (may get stuck in boss stages) (1 of 2) SZEGPASA Invincible after you die once (may get stuck in boss stages) (2 of 2) SXKELLSA Infinite health (1 of 5) SZNOYASA Infinite health (2 of 5) SXKEOLSA Infinite health (3 of 5) SXUOZASA Infinite health (4 of 5) SXUOGASA Infinite health (5 of 5) PEOGYPLA Start with 0 continue SZEEULSA Can't collect extra energy EEKAYLEL Die after one hit
0x08 Infinite health (alt)
OLNKSVOO Infinite hands SLKIAASP Freeze time (disable at end of level so counter can decrease) IYVSIKEI One saved to beat level (1 of 3) OZVSZGSX One saved to beat level (2 of 3) PAVSTGGA One saved to beat level (3 of 3) AAOGUTZV No score decrease with loss of men (1 of 2) ALOGXTSZ No score decrease with loss of men (2 of 2) LTOGUTZT Each dead man, one to score instead of five ZOOTYTGZ Start with half ammo AEUTLYZZ Infinite ammo LEOVAYTA Fewer errors allowed OXOTYNOK Infinite errors allowed ZAUTLTPA Start at level 2 LAUTLTPA Start at level 3 GAUTLTPA Start at level 4 IAUTLTPA Start at level 5 GAKVYVAO Start with half health GZVAYLSA Infinite health
0x09 Infinite time in bonus stages (disable to continue)
0x3C Automatically finish stage
0x24 Infinite ammo - P1
0x18 Infinite health - P1
0x00 Infinite errors allowed - P1
0x24 Infinite ammo - P2
0x18 Infinite health - P2
0x00 Infinite errors allowed - P2
SZEXSYAX Invincibility SZESKSSE Infinite health OTEIVISV Infinite health for active counselor ZZOUAGTE Vitamins heal active counselor better AZEVXLGE Vitamins heal others better INNLIZGY Autofire SZNUGYAX Infinite child save time GAEUZIAE Everyone can jump high SZSLUEVK Infinite children (1 of 2) IYKLSEAY Infinite children (2 of 2) AIKIUGEI Hit anywhere AEOSOGZP One hit kills AESGXZZZ Enemies die automatically AEKGKLZA No enemies (1 of 2) SXXISXVN No enemies (2 of 2) SZVLGXOU Turbo running (1 of 2) YPVLIXAV Turbo running (2 of 2) YEEGIZSZ Throw rocks straight IEVANTPA Start with 55 children (1 of 2) YUNESVYA Start with 55 children (2 of 2)
0x03 Invincibility (alt)
0xFF Infinite health (alt)
0x09 Infinite Medicine
0x05 Infinite Children
0x09 Infinite child save time (alt)
0x00 Have the Torch
0x01 Have the Knife
0x02 Have the Axe
0x03 Have the Stone
0x04 Have the Cleaver
0x05 Have the Pitchfork
0x01 Have the Lighter Torch
0x01 Have the Flashlight
0x01 Have the Key
0x00 Jason has no health
0x00 Play as George
0x01 Play as Mark
0x02 Play as Paul
0x03 Play as Laura
0x04 Play as Debbie
0x05 Play as Crissy
0x00 Set time - day
0x01 Set time - dusk
0x02 Set time - night
ESVOGGEY Invincibility (1 of 2) XVNPAKAU Invincibility (2 of 2) SXVXOVSE Infinite ammo SXNETUSE Infinite time AENATLPA Infinite time (alt) GOUTKSIA More health - Duke GOUTSSGA More health - Blizzard GOUTVSZA More health - Snake Eyes GOUTNSLA More health - Capt. Grid-Iron GOUVESPA More health - Rock and Roll TEUTKSIA Less health - Duke TEUTSSGA Less health - Blizzard IEUTVSZA Less health - Snake Eyes IEUTNSLA Less health - Capt. Grid-Iron GEUVESPA Less health - Rock and Roll ALNVIKAY Shorter immunity NYNVIKAN Longer immunity AAUEPPLA Max health on pick-up OLNTYKOO Infinite health AXNVKIYP Mega-jump - Duke AXNVSIZP Mega-jump - Blizzard AXNVVSGP Mega-jump - Snake Eyes AXNVNIGP Mega-jump - Capt. Grid-Iron AZETETAP Mega-jump - Rock and Roll EISPUZEY Invincibility (1 of 2) XTSPNXAU Invincibility (2 of 2) YUKETLPE Start with all characters IAEELGPA Start with 500 bullets PENVSYIA Start with 1 life OUSTLSOO Infinite health AESVPSAY Don't flash after getting hit PUSVPSAN Flash about half as long after getting hit AASEZIPA Infinite time SUOPEUVS Infinite Mines SXSTLSOP Infinite stamina (1 of 2) SUOAISSO Infinite stamina (2 of 2) GAXPPYPA Each Pow worth increases player level by one GXSUZVSE Infinite bullets after obtaining a power up shell (1 of 2) GXVLTVSE Infinite bullets after obtaining a power up shell (2 of 2) SXSUZVSE Infinite ammo (1 of 4) SXVLTVSE Infinite ammo (2 of 4) SXSLIVVK Infinite ammo (3 of 4) SXVUPVSE Infinite ammo (4 of 4) SZUKVPVG Infinite time EIKANTEY Invincibility SXXGSVVK Infinite credits AINPXZEL Get items from anywhere (1 of 2) YPNPUXPX Get items from anywhere (2 of 2) AIUPKZEL Hit anywhere (1 of 7) APUPSZGX Hit anywhere (2 of 7) ASEOEPEL Hit anywhere (3 of 7) EUEZTGGN Hit anywhere (4 of 7) GKEZIKOS Hit anywhere (5 of 7) KXEZYGIA Hit anywhere (6 of 7) ZUEOOOAI Hit anywhere (7 of 7) EIUNTPEY Invincibility VXUSUTVG Infinite lives ATETKOOZ Invincibility SSVGILEA Start with double shot (1 of 2) PZKGNISO Start with double shot (2 of 2) XVOKVUXK Infinite lives AVNTKEOZ Keep double ship after being destroyed PESEGPGT Only one part to collect PXVIIEOK Always get a perfect bonus (1 of 2) AEVITEAZ Always get a perfect bonus (2 of 2)
0x05 Infinite lives (alt) (1 of 2)
0x05 Infinite lives (alt) (2 of 2)
ATNVSAVZ Invincibility XVOKVUXK Infinite lives GXOKOTEI Play challenge stages only OXSTZPSX Can't be caught by tractor beam (1 of 2) YESTLOPY Can't be caught by tractor beam (2 of 2) KPNIPZEA Press Start for next wave (1 of 3) GANIZZIA Press Start for next wave (2 of 3) AAVSIZPA Press Start for next wave (3 of 3) GGVSGXOX Press Start for extra life (1 of 3) EZVSIZPE Press Start for extra life (2 of 3) UGVSTZSE Press Start for extra life (3 of 3) GXEVPAEI Start with twin shots PAKKKILA Start with 1 life TAKKKILA Start with 6 lives
0x05 Infinite lives (alt) (1 of 2)
0x05 Infinite lives (alt) (2 of 2)
SLKPAEVS Infinite time GXNXSVSN Reduce damage free of charge SXKZEPAX No damage from falling OXNNVPSX Take less damage (1 of 2) PENNNOZP Take less damage (2 of 2) SXUXSOSU More damage from falling (2 of 2) ALVUVYLZ More damage from falling (2 of 2) TEEOZGVV More damage from shots (1 of 2) NUEOLKVN More damage from shots (2 of 2)
0x00 Always in 1st place - P1
0x00 Always in 1st place - P2
0x00 Always in 1st place - P3
0x00 Always in 1st place - P4
0x09 Infinite time (one's digit)
0x09 Infinite time (ten's digit)
0x09 Infinite time (hundred's digit)
OXSELPSX Infinite fight OESAKAIE Invincibility (except Doppelganger when it mimics you) KVNVYLIA Invincible against spikes APOEGLEP Walk through walls SLNAEYSP Infinite health (1 of 2) SLVPOASP Infinite health (2 of 2) PAOXVLAE Infinite Keys (1 of 2) SAXZOLSZ Infinite Keys (2 of 2) XVOONAVK Infinite time in puzzle and treasure rooms
0x01 Have Invisibility - P1
0x02 Have Repulsiveness - P1
0x04 Have Reflective Shot - P1
0x10 Have Super Shot - P1
0x20 Have Invulnerability - P1
0x01 Have Invisibility - P2
0x02 Have Repulsiveness - P2
0x04 Have Reflective Shot - P2
0x10 Have Super Shot - P2
0x20 Have Invulnerability - P2
0x3F Have all power-ups - P1
0x3F Have all power-ups - P2
0x1E Infinite time in puzzle and treasure rooms
SLNAEYSP Infinite health (1 of 2) SLVPOASP Infinite health (2 of 2) PAOXVLAE Infinite Keys (1 of 2) SAXZOLSZ Infinite Keys (2 of 2) XVOONAVK Infinite time in puzzle and treasure rooms
0x01 Have Invisibility - P1
0x02 Have Repulsiveness - P1
0x04 Have Reflective Shot - P1
0x10 Have Super Shot - P1
0x20 Have Invulnerability - P1
0x01 Have Invisibility - P2
0x02 Have Repulsiveness - P2
0x04 Have Reflective Shot - P2
0x10 Have Super Shot - P2
0x20 Have Invulnerability - P2
0x3F Have all power-ups - P1
0x3F Have all power-ups - P2
0x1E Infinite time in puzzle and treasure rooms
PAOVYAAA Infinite Keys (new game) (1 of 2) SZVTEUVS Infinite Keys (new game) (2 of 2) SLXSNNSO Infinite health (1 of 2) SLETYXSO Infinite health (2 of 2) OTXSSYSV Take less damage (1 of 2) ZAXSVYAA Take less damage (2 of 2) XVOTGXSU Infinite time in treasure rooms ZLVVVIGT Weaker poison EGVVVIGV Stronger poison IAUTEUZA 5 super shots on pick-up GPUTEUZA 20 super shots on pick-up AYETVUGU Invincibility lasts longer LPETVUGU Invincibility doesn't last as long ANNTUXGU Repulsiveness lasts longer LONTUXGU Repulsiveness doesn't last as long AYOTKUGU Invisibility lasts longer LPOTKUGU Invisibility doesn't last as long APUVTIEP Walk through walls (1 of 2) ELSVGIEP Walk through walls (2 of 2)
0xFF Have Invulnerability - P1
0xFF Have Invulnerability - P2
0xFF Have Invulnerability - P3
0xFF Have Invulnerability - P4
0xFF Have Repulsiveness - P1
0xFF Have Repulsiveness - P2
0xFF Have Repulsiveness - P3
0xFF Have Repulsiveness - P4
0xFF Have Reflective Shot - P1
0xFF Have Reflective Shot - P2
0xFF Have Reflective Shot - P3
0xFF Have Reflective Shot - P4
0x0A Have Super Shot - P1
0x0A Have Super Shot - P2
0x0A Have Super Shot - P3
0x0A Have Super Shot - P4
0xFF Have Transportability - P1
0xFF Have Transportability - P2
0xFF Have Transportability - P3
0xFF Have Transportability - P4
0xFF Infinite health - P1
0xFF Infinite health - P2
0xFF Infinite health - P3
0xFF Infinite health - P4
0x04 Infinite Keys - P1
0x04 Infinite Keys - P2
0x04 Infinite Keys - P3
0x09 Infinite Keys - P4
0x03 Infinite Potions - P1
0x03 Infinite Potions - P2
0x03 Infinite Potions - P3
0x03 Infinite Potions - P4
AOONKZEY Invincibility (1 of 2) OXNYSXPK Invincibility (2 of 2) AAVTTNAA Can always use super punches OXVNSAOU Knock down opponent with 1 super punch (1 of 2) PKVNVEVZ Knock down opponent with 1 super punch (2 of 2)
0x43 Infinite health
0x01 Knock down opponent with 1 punch
AVVETNTI Start with $1,000,000 SXKZAZVG Infinite fuel OXOXKPVK Immune to ghosts on Zuul stairway PAEEXKPX Permanent ghost alarm PASPLOPX Permanent ghost vacuum OXSESGSX Self-emptying traps AEEZOAPA Super sprinting up Zuul stairway SZXYVOVV Stay Puft does not climb building during Gozer fight SZVYAUSE Infinite energy during Gozer fight EIUYZLEY Gozer dies in one hit AAXXPTYP No walk up Zuul stairway EINPOYEY Invincibility (1 of 2) ESVOKIEY Invincibility (2 of 2) SUKYAUVS Infinite lives AAXVGGLA Start with 1 life IAXVGGLA Start with 6 lives AAXVGGLE Start with 9 lives SZXPSXVK Infinite continues TAEGTAZA Triple continues ZEEOOXYO Rapid-firing proton rifle KYSOKXVN All Ghostbusters can mega-jump NNXXAPAS Shield lasts longer - car scenes SZOXLNVK Infinite shield - car scenes AEVNGIPA Invincibility SXOITUVK Infinite time ALEYYTEO Hit anywhere (1 of 4) ATENATPA Hit anywhere (2 of 4) OUKYPSOO Hit anywhere (3 of 4) OUUUTVOO Hit anywhere (4 of 4) ZAKILZLA Speed up game GAKILZLA Slow down game TUNKYIAG Start with Axe ZKNKYIAG Start with Dagger GKNKYIAG Start with Fireball YKNKYIAK Start with Cross KXNKYIAK Start with Blue Sphere AAVIZEYA Enable stage select (disable after loading stage) SKITTL Infinite armor PAEKPTLA Start with 1 life - both players TAEKPTLA Start with 6 lives - both players PAEKPTLE Start with 9 lives - both players SZEGNOVK Infinite lives - both players VAEKZVSE Start with 4 lives - P1
0x0F Enable stage select (disable after loading stage) (alt)
0x01 Automatically complete level
0x00 Game difficulty - normal
0x01 Game difficulty - hard
0x02 Game difficulty - harder
0x03 Game difficulty - hardest
0x04 Game difficulty - expert
SZKZOZAX Invincibility SXSXSUSE Infinite health SXEKYVVK Infinite lives
0x09 Infinitel lives (alt)
0xFF Infinite health (alt)
0x00 One hit kills on most enemies (1 of 7)
0x00 One hit kills on most enemies (2 of 7)
0x00 One hit kills on most enemies (3 of 7)
0x00 One hit kills on most enemies (4 of 7)
0x00 One hit kills on most enemies (5 of 7)
0x00 One hit kills on most enemies (6 of 7)
0x00 One hit kills on most enemies (7 of 7)
OGOKLYEN CPU score adds to your score (1 of 2) OGOKYYEN CPU score adds to your score (2 of 2) AZKIANPA Start with more KP - Italy, P2 AIKIANPA Start with a lot of KP - Italy, P2 OPKIANPE Start with mega KP - Italy, P2 AZKIPYYA Start with more TP - Italy, P2 AIKIPYYA Start with a lot of TP - Italy, P2 OPKIPYYE Start with mega TP - Italy, P2 SZEYAPVG Infinite time - Italy, P2 SXNELNSE P2 or computer can't score - Italy, P2
0x30 Infinite power
0x30 Infinite life (health)
AAVGIZLA Ball goes in from anywhere (1 of 3) APVIYLEY Ball goes in from anywhere (2 of 3) ILVSALPK Ball goes in from anywhere (3 of 3) SXEZGYSA Strokes aren't recorded PEXTETIA Some shots can be done more accurately OZOIPGIX Wind always at 9 (1 of 3) PAOIZKAX Wind always at 9 (2 of 3) SXSZZYSA Wind always at 9 (3 of 3) SZOETGSA Infinite health (1 of 3) OXKVXAVK Infinite health (2 of 3) SXKNNPSA Infinite health (3 of 3) SXKVXAVG Health does not gradually decrease GXUVXTSA Infinite bullets in horizontal mode GXKNNPSA Infinite health in horizontal mode GZOEGGST Infinite health in pan/zoom mode GZKLZGST Infinite health in maze ZAVKIAAA Have a health and bullets boost SESEZESX Invincibility SZSUNTSA Infinite health YEUAOPZA Super-jump SSOOUZVI Infinite time SZUGUYVG Infinite lives LEUAOPZA Mega-jump IEUEKPGA Better Jumping Boots on pick-up ZESAPAPA Super-speed SXUASSVK Infinite Bombs on pick-up SZVAESVK Infinite Molotov Bombs on pick-up SZNEEVVK Infinite Sling Shots on pick-up AOSAYVOG Walk through walls (1 of 3) APSAZYEY Walk through walls (2 of 3) SZNAANSE Walk through walls (3 of 3) GAUIZGZA Start with 4 health cells (1 of 2) AGUIYGAZ Start with 4 health cells (2 of 2) AAUIZGZE Start with 8 health cells (1 of 2) EAUIYGAZ Start with 8 health cells (2 of 2) YPVIAGPE Start with all items IAVIAGPA Start with Boomerang PAXSZGLA Start with 1 life TAXSZGLA Start with 6 lives PAXSZGLE Start with 9 lives
0x41 Invincibility (alt)
0x20 Infinite health (alt)
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0x08 Infinite Keys
0xFF Have all Implements
0xFF Have all weapons (1 of 2)
0xFF Have all weapons (2 of 2)
0x08 View ending (enable then disable) (1 of 2)
0x00 View ending (enable then disable) (2 of 2)
AASUTIPA Infinite time ZAEOKAPA Start with double rations of ammo IAEPOAGA Increase timer to 59 seconds (1 of 2) PAEPVAIE Increase timer to 59 seconds (2 of 2) ZAEPOAGA Decrease timer to 25 seconds (1 of 2) IAEPVAIA Decrease timer to 25 seconds (2 of 2)
0x63 Enemies never shoot at you
0x09 Infinite ammo (1 of 2)
0x09 Infinite ammo (2 of 2)
0x09 Infinite time (1 of 2)
0x09 Infinite time (2 of 2)
SXOOYYVI Infinite lives - both players AENELZLA Start with 1 life - both players IENELZLA Start with 6 lives - both players AENELZLE Start with 9 lives - both players KOXOLYSP Keep power capsules NNOEKPIE Increase force field protection YGUONUZS Never lose weapons (1 of 2) YGKPUUIL Never lose weapons (2 of 2) AAOKYAAP Hit anywhere (1 of 2) AAXKGALA Hit anywhere (2 of 2) ATENGIAZ Invincibility
0x01 Invincibility
0x20 Infinite HP
0x20 Infinite MP
0x01 Have Red Sword
0x01 Have Axe
0x01 Have Rod
0x01 Have Morning Star
0x01 Have Harp
0x01 Have Boots
0x01 Have Exit Key
0x01 Have Diamond
0x01 Have Potion
0x01 Have Armor
0x01 Have Shield
0x01 Have Cross
0x01 Have Hourglass
0x01 Have Necklace
0x01 Have Mirror
EKEIXTEA Only need to find Waldo to complete the level EKXSNTAG Only need to find the magic scroll ZEKKOTPA Faster timer GEKKOTPA Much faster timer OZSIEEOV Play the Super Waldo Challenge (1 of 2) GASIOALA Play the Super Waldo Challenge (2 of 2) SXSGKTVG Extra clocks last forever SZXINYVT Extra clocks worth nothing EYESUIEI Invincibility SXKEZPVG Infinite health GAEGEAAA Start with 5 lives PAEGEAAE Start with 10 lives LAEGSAPA Start with 3 balloons TAEGSAPA Start with 6 balloons SZNETEVK Infinite lives SZXEUXVK Infinite Balloons ZAEKXATA Start with only 1 heart (1 of 2) ZEEELATA Start with only 1 heart (2 of 2) AAEKXATE Start with 4 hearts (1 of 2) AEEELATE Start with 4 hearts (2 of 2)
0x09 Invincibility after one hit
0x06 Infinite health (alt)
0x00 One hit kills on bosses
0x05 Infinite Balloons (alt)
0xFF Infinite Crystals
0x03 Infinite lives (alt)
AVKSLZSZ Invincibility AAXTIUNY Infinite health AASIYUYT Hit anywhere (1 of 4) EGSITLIZ Hit anywhere (2 of 4) EISSALEY Hit anywhere (3 of 4) PASSPLIE Hit anywhere (4 of 4) OVOAKLSV Use up minimum shots (1 of 2) PEOASLAP Use up minimum shots (2 of 2) GXOAKLST Never use up shots (To finish the game, save before opening the entrance to corridor 6. Restart with no codes and enter the entrance. Save again, then restart.) AXVAIAAG Start with less health EEVAIAAG Start with more health
0x50 Fighter shape (Adventure and Space mode)
0x52 Fighter shape in TGL mode (Adventure and Space mode)
0x01 Max consecutive firing
0x01 Have 2-way shot
0x02 Have 3-way shot
0x03 Have 4-way shot
0x01 Max weapon power - Blue
0x02 Max weapon power - Green
0x03 Max weapon power - Red
PAKVELAA Start on area 01 LAKVELAA Start on area 03 IAKVELAA Start on area 05 YAKVELAA Start on area 07 PAKVELAE Start on area 09
0x0A Start on area 10
0x01 Start on Corridor 01
0x02 Start on Corridor 02
0x03 Start on Corridor 03
0x04 Start on Corridor 04
0x05 Start on Corridor 05
0x06 Start on Corridor 06
0x07 Start on Corridor 07
0x08 Start on Corridor 08
0x09 Start on Corridor 09
0x0A Start on Corridor 10
0x0B Start on Corridor 11
0x0C Start on Corridor 12
0x0D Start on Corridor 13
0x0E Start on Corridor 14
0x0F Start on Corridor 15
0x10 Start on Corridor 16
0x11 Start on Corridor 17
0x12 Start on Corridor 18
0x13 Start on Corridor 19
0x14 Start on Corridor 20
0x15 Start on Corridor 21
0x16 Start on Corridor 22
EYSTGGEI Invincibility (1 of 2) EIETUGEY Invincibility (2 of 2) SLTKOV Infinite lives - both players SZVKOVVS Infinite lives - both players (alt) SXUTEUSO Keep weapon after death PEXXAEAE Start a new game to view ending LASKYYPO Press Start to complete the level AELGVP Start with 1 life - both players IELGVP Start with 6 lives - both players PELGVO Start with 9 lives - both players
0x05 Infinite lives - P1
0x04 Infinite lives - P2
0x01 Start on stage 02 (disable after loading stage)
0x02 Start on stage 03 (disable after loading stage)
0x03 Start on stage 04 (disable after loading stage)
0x04 Start on stage 05 (disable after loading stage)
0x05 Start on stage 06 (disable after loading stage)
0x06 Start on stage 07 (disable after loading stage)
0x07 Start on stage 08 (disable after loading stage)
0x08 Start on stage 09 (disable after loading stage)
0x09 Start on stage 10 (disable after loading stage)
0xFA Infinite time for tank
0x02 Invincibility - P1
0x02 Invincibility - P2
PAUENALA Start with 1 life TAUENALA Start with 6 lives PAUENALE Start with 9 lives IZSEEAAI Start with 25 bullets PASEKAAA Start with 150 bullets ZASEKAAA Start with 250 bullets PASAUALA Gain 1 bullet on pick-up TASAUALA Gain 6 bullets on pick-up LAKEGYTA Timer set to 04:00 PAKEGYTE Timer set to 10:00 SAKAVEKE Different attack waves AGEZPAAI Invincibility (1 of 2) AGUXGPAI Invincibility (2 of 2) SXVZTXSE Infinite special weapons SXOZYUSE Infinite lives EIEIYYEP One hit kills
0x00 Weapon level 1
0x01 Weapon level 2
0x02 Weapon level 3
0x03 Weapon level 4
0x04 Weapon level 5
0x05 Weapon level 6
0x06 Weapon level 7
0x07 Weapon level 8
0x00 Weapon type 1
0x01 Weapon type 2
0x02 Weapon type 3
0x03 Weapon type 4
0x04 Weapon type 5
0x01 Bomb power level 2
0x02 Bomb power level 3
0x03 Bomb power level 4
0x01 Turbo power level 2
0x02 Turbo power level 3
0x03 Turbo power level 4
0x04 Turbo power level 5
0x02 Start on level 2
0x03 Start on level 3
0x04 Start on level 4
0x05 Start on level 5
0x06 Start on level 6
0x07 Start on level 7
0x08 Start on level 8
0x03 Infinite lives (alt)
0x04 Infinite Bombs
0x02 Invincibility (alt)
PAXVTYLE Start with 9 lives PPXVTYLE Start with 25 lives SXUYTLVG Infinite lives PAUTTYAA Start with all weapons and lots of ammo GAUTTYAA Start with all weapons, lots of ammo, all 4 boots and all 4 rifle icons PEXNALAA Keep weapons after death SZUZKTAX Invincible against enemies ATOXXOOZ Invincible against upward crushing AESZVZLA Climb up through flooring AEOZEZLA Climb down through flooring SUZAAI Infinite lives ZEAAUS Slow down timer PEUAGLIA Start with 1 life ZEUAGLIE Start with 10 lives GOUAGLIA Start with 20 lives OXSXTASX Invincibility AEEOIEZA Infinite lives PAXEGLGA Start with 1 ship ZAXEGLGE Start with 10 ships GAKEATPA Start with 4 phasers AAKEATPE Start with 8 phasers ZEEPYAPA Gain 2 phasers when you die with none GEEPYAPA Gain 4 phasers when you die with none OAKEATPA Start with twin shots + 1 phaser KAKEATPA Start with twin shots + 4 phasers EAKEATPE Start with twin shots + 8 phasers GEEPIAZA Never lose twin shots (1 of 2) OEEPYAPA Never lose twin shots (2 of 2) ESSNPTEY Invincibility (1 of 2) SESYTVSX Invincibility (2 of 2) SXULUKSE Infinite energy (except spikes) SZKZKOVK Infinite lives SZKUZAVG Infinite tries SXXUNTVG Infinite time SZNLIPVG Infinite autos IIUGSOIZ Slower timer GPUGSOIX Faster timer IIVGKOIZ Slower shot clock GPVGKOIX Faster shot clock AVVUEUPA Invincibility SZOTXTVG Infinite lives SXVVVLVI Infinite Bombs ENSTPVSN Autofire - P1 EYNVINSN Autofire - P2 AEKVXLII Hand weapons last 4x longer ZAOVEPAA Only 1 hand weapon ENVVKLEI Infinite hand weapons on pick-up - both players OXVVVLVS Infinite hand weapons and firearms on pick-up - both players XVKZVEXK Enemies don't fire handguns XTOVVEXK Invincibility and invisibility on second life SUKUZISP Infinite Keys OXNUTNPV Infinite Mace AUEXNVAO Slow timer PEKAPLGA 1 penalty AEKAPLGE 8 penalties AOKAPLGA 16 penalties NNUEYLAE Select any level ZESEKLPA Faster left and right movement (1 of 2) ZEVEKLPA Faster left and right movement (2 of 2) SXSOYIVG Infinite penalties (1 of 3) SXOPPLVG Infinite penalties (2 of 3) SXUOZLVG Infinite penalties (3 of 3) ESKGLIEY Invincibility SGOGYPVG Infinite health SXKEOZSA Infinite time SZSXNSVK Infinite lives (1 of 2) SZVZXSVK Infinite lives (2 of 2) SXSSLNSE Invincibility SLONNKSO Infinite lives AVSVTZAZ No random battles IAEKOIAP 5 misses allowed - Game A AZEKOIAP 20 misses allowed - Game A AAOSIASY Hit anywhere - Game B (1 of 2) AAXSPGEA Hit anywhere - Game B (2 of 2) AAOGETPA Infinite misses allowed - all games ZAOGETPA Each miss counts as 2 - all games
0x00 Infinite misses allowed - all games (alt)
AVNYNESA Invincibility SXNYNESE Infinite health SXKVTOVK Infinite lives SZSVLVVK Become almost invincible after losing 1 life point (against most enemies, vacuum cleaner can still kill you) PEEPILLA Start with 1 life instead of 3 IEEPILLA Start with 5 lives YEEPILLA Start with 7 lives PEEPILLE Start with 9 lives POEPILLE Start with 25 lives ZUEPILLA Start with 50 lives LKEPILLE Start with 75 lives LVEPILLA Start with 99 lives SZEYKVVK Infinite lives AENYVGGE Every 4 cookies count as 8 GENYVGGE Every 4 cookies count as 12 AONYVGGA Every 4 cookies count as 16 GONYVGGA Every 4 cookies count as 20 (extra life point) IAOVUGTA Extra life with 5 pizza slices instead of 6 GAOVUGTA Extra life with 4 pizza slices LAOVUGTA Extra life with 3 pizza slices ZAOVUGTA Extra life with 2 pizza slices PAOVUGTA Extra life with every pizza slice SZNYSSVK Infinite power units/life points SZOELKVK Infinite slides on pick-up SZVETKVK Infinite darts on pick-up SZSAAKVK Infinite flying fists on pick-up AEXVNTZA Start with 1 life IEXVNTZA Start with 6 lives AEXVNTZE Start with 9 lives SZONIEVK Infinite lives - P1 GZVIKIST Infinite health - P1 GZNSNIST Infinite health - P2 AENIOIIA Get max health from food - P1 AAEINTIA Get max health from food - P2 AVVIXSGZ No health from food
0x63 Max Green Balls
0x63 Max Green Thimbles
0x6F Infinite health - P1 (alt)
0x09 Infinite lives - P1 (alt)
0x63 Infinite Cakes
PEVGTTIA Start with 1 life LEVGTTIA Start with 3 lives PEVGTTIE Start with 9 lives SXETGYSA Infinite health PEVKZVNY Start with very little health - first life only AKVKZVNY Start with 1/4 health - first life only ANVKZVNY Start with 1/2 health - first life only EUVKZVNY Start with 3/4 health - first life only PESKPTLA Start with 1 continue IESKPTLA Start with 5 continues PESKPTLE Start with 9 continues OZKKEAAU Infinite continues (1 of 2) OZKGVAVK Infinite continues (2 of 2) OZSKYYUK Infinite lives (1 of 2) OZVGZYEN Infinite lives (2 of 2) ATSKZAKZ Invincibility SXKKIAVG Infinite health GXNGLAKA Immune to rocks GZXEAPSA Keep weapons EIUEOLEL Get fruits from anywhere AAKGTOKI Hit anywhere (1 of 3) AAKKYPYA Hit anywhere (2 of 3) OLSGZOOO Hit anywhere (3 of 3) SPEEIIEG Can mega-jump while at rest SPEETSOZ Can mega-jump while running AAEAYIPA Multi-mega-maxi-moon jumps (1 of 2) AEVEZGPZ Multi-mega-maxi-moon jumps (2 of 2) AEKAPIPA Hudson can moonwalk (1 of 2) PEEEZIAA Hudson can moonwalk (2 of 2) GXVAGGEI Multi-jump (1 of 2) GXVEPGEI Multi-jump (2 of 2) ALSAIIEI Skateboard doesn't automatically move forward ATKAEUVI Collectable items never disappear PEEEPALA Start with 1 life TEEEPALA Start with 6 lives PEEEPALE Start with 9 lives SZOEGPVG Start with infinite lives SXEZXZVG Infinite lives SXEUPUVK Infinite time SXUXYSVK Infinite horizontal torpedoes SZUZPVVK Infinite vertical torpedoes AAEUVGPA Maximum power horizontal torpedoes on pick-up (1 of 2) OZEUEKOK Maximum power horizontal torpedoes on pick-up (2 of 2) AASUSGPA Maximum power vertical torpedoes on pick-up (1 of 2) OZSLNKOK Maximum power vertical torpedoes on pick-up (2 of 2) ZANLVKPO Start with 10 horizontal torpedoes ZLNLVKPP Start with 50 horizontal torpedoes LTNLVKPP Start with 99 horizontal torpedoes IANUUKYA Start with 5 vertical torpedoes ZLNUUKYA Start with 50 vertical torpedoes LTNUUKYA Start with 99 vertical torpedoes IEELSKZA Start with 5 caterpillars ZUELSKZA Start with 50 caterpillars LVELSKZA Start with 99 caterpillars IEEUXKZA Start with 5 ECM's ZUEUXKZA Start with 50 ECM's LVEUXKZA Start with 99 ECM's PEVLYAIA Start with 1 life ZEVLYAIE Start with 10 lives AZKAAVZE Boost strength, life, magic GTKAAVZA Super boost strength, life, magic SXSGYYSA Don't take damage from most enemies AEUEKVIA Rapid healing AANOVZZA Rapid magic healing
0x64 Infinite life
0x64 Max STR
0x64 Max EXP
0x64 Max Magic
0xFF Have the Sword
0xFF Have the Shield
0xFF Have the Lamp
0xFF Have the Cross
0xFF Have the Pot
0xFF Have the Medicine
0xFF Have the Key
0xFF Have the Ruby
0xFF Have the Ring
0xFF Have the Jewel
0xFF Have 3 Fairies (1 of 3)
0xFF Have 3 Fairies (2 of 3)
0xFF Have 3 Fairies (3 of 3)
ATKSALAZ Invincibility OKEIPGVS Infinite lives AEXKTGLA Start with 1 life IEXKTGLA Start with 6 lives AEXKTGLE Start with 9 lives GPUKOAZX Super-jump ELKITLEY Enemies bump you instead of killing you VNSKXUNN Double speed (1 of 2) ZESKULPA Double speed (2 of 2) SNSKXUNN Triple speed (1 of 2) LESKULPA Triple speed (2 of 2) SZKLUZAX Invincibility SLSUNESO Infinite energy PEOKUALA Start with 1 life TEOKUALA Start with 6 lives PEOKUALE Start with 9 lives PEXKZLLA 1 life after continue TEXKZLLA 6 lives after continue PEXKZLLE 9 lives after continue AEUGNYPA Infinite lives SUUKKNSO Infinite lives (alt) YESKVGPA 3-way firing, instead of punching PESKVGPE Always throw grenades instead of punches GZSUOAST Immune to most kicks and punches SXVYAUGK Invincibility KAXTLAEA Invincibility (blinking) ESVLZYEY Invincibility SXSNZTVI Infinite lives SXXNVUVS Infinite Missiles for Tank SZONZSVS Infinite Bullets SXEYZSVS Infinite Grenades AAKLAYLY Enemies die automatically (1 of 4) AAOPYOGP Enemies die automatically (2 of 4) ASUUSPEL Enemies die automatically (3 of 4) GXOEATEP Enemies die automatically (4 of 4) AEXUOPPA Hit anywhere (except tanks and helicopters) (1 of 3) LUXUUPLO Hit anywhere (except tanks and helicopters) (2 of 3) OKXUEOPX Hit anywhere (except tanks and helicopters) (3 of 3) AAXTELZA Shoot and walk through walls PAUYPTLA Start with 1 life TAUYPTLA Start with 6 lives PAUYPTLE Start with 9 lives ZUNNLZLT Start with 50 Bullets LTEYALZL Start with 99 Grenades PPEYALZU Start with 25 Grenades
0x09 Infinite lives - P1
0x09 Infinite lives - P2
0xDF Have 3-Way Shot, B Grenades, Super Speed, Knife - P1
0xEF Have F Shot, Long Range, Rapid Fire, B Grenades, Super Speed, Knife - P1
0xDF Have 3-Way Shot, B Grenades, Super Speed, Knife - P2
0xEF Have F Shot, Long Range, Rapid Fire, B Grenades, Super Speed, Knife - P2
0x63 Infinite Bullets - P1
0x63 Infinite Grenades - P2
0x63 Infinite Grenades - P1
0x63 Infinite Bullets - P2
0xFF Infinite Fuel for Tank - P1
0xFF Infinite Fuel for Tank - P2
SXVYAUGK Invincibility KAXTLAEA Invincibility (blinking) ESVLZYEY Invincibility SXSNZTVI Infinite lives SXXNVUVS Infinite Missiles for Tank SZONZSVS Infinite Bullets SXEYZSVS Infinite Grenades AAKLAYLY Enemies die automatically (1 of 4) AAOPYOGP Enemies die automatically (2 of 4) ASUUSPEL Enemies die automatically (3 of 4) GXOEATEP Enemies die automatically (4 of 4) AEXUOPPA Hit anywhere (except tanks and helicopters) (1 of 3) LUXUUPLO Hit anywhere (except tanks and helicopters) (2 of 3) OKXUEOPX Hit anywhere (except tanks and helicopters) (3 of 3) AAXTELZA Shoot and walk through walls PAUYPTLA Start with 1 life TAUYPTLA Start with 6 lives PAUYPTLE Start with 9 lives ZUNNLZLT Start with 50 Bullets LTEYALZL Start with 99 Grenades PPEYALZU Start with 25 Grenades
0x09 Infinite lives - P1
0x09 Infinite lives - P2
0xDF Have 3-Way Shot, B Grenades, Super Speed, Knife - P1
0xEF Have F Shot, Long Range, Rapid Fire, B Grenades, Super Speed, Knife - P1
0xDF Have 3-Way Shot, B Grenades, Super Speed, Knife - P2
0xEF Have F Shot, Long Range, Rapid Fire, B Grenades, Super Speed, Knife - P2
0x63 Infinite Bullets - P1
0x63 Infinite Grenades - P2
0x63 Infinite Grenades - P1
0x63 Infinite Bullets - P2
0xFF Infinite Fuel for Tank - P1
0xFF Infinite Fuel for Tank - P2
OUOUIUOO Infinite health GXOLYLST Don't take damage from most enemies AUNYIYAT Start with half normal health OZUXVEPV Maximum weapon power on pick-up (1 of 2) GAUXNAPA Maximum weapon power on pick-up (2 of 2)
0x32 Infinite health (alt)
0x80 Infinite hearts
0x04 Have Machine Gun
0x01 Start with and keep Arrow
0x04 Start with and keep Bazooka
0x04 Start with and keep Boomerang
0x01 Start with and keep Earthquake
0x01 Start with and keep Elixir
0x04 Start with and keep Grenades
0x04 Start with and keep Land Mines
0x01 Start with and keep Lightning
0x01 Start with and keep Shield
0x04 Start with and keep Sword
0x01 Start with and keep Time Stopper
0x01 Start with and keep Wings
ENKXYGEI Invincibility (1 of 2) ENOPLPEI Invincibility (2 of 2) SXSZTPVG Infinite lives - both players PAVXLPLA Start with 1 life - both players TAVXLPLA Start with 6 lives - both players PAVXLPLE Start with 9 lives - both players PAVZLPAA Start at Combat Simulation Stage 2 ZAVZLPAA Start at Combat Simulation Stage 3 LAVZLPAA Start at Combat Simulation Stage 4 GAVZLPAA Start at Combat Simulation Stage 5 IAVZLPAA Start at Real Combat - 1st Target TAVZLPAA Start at Real Combat - 2nd Target ATSLTKOZ Never lose Pods PAELGGAA Start with V Cannon ZAELGGAA Start with Reflecting Ball LAELGGAA Start with Drilling Laser GAELGGAA Start with Seeking Missile IAELGGAA Start with Seeking Laser GZOLIXVK Enemy's fatigue level doesn't go down GZOUIXVK Your fatigue level doesn't go down YLEUIXYN Your fatigue level goes down faster NYEUIXYN Your fatigue level goes down slower SZSLTXVK Don't lose energy from fighting SZNLPXVV Your fatigue level never rises ZAKSIYPA More damage from fireballs
0x00 Instant kills on enemies
0x0F Infinite health in battle sequences
0xFF Infinite Gold
EIUXYYEY Invincibility KZVGGNKE Infinite health KZNKANKE Infinite lives
0x01 Invincibility (blinking)
SAOOLOIE Infinite health VYONKZGE Infinite health (you can get trapped in certain areas) PAVKGALA Start with 1 life IAVKGALA Start with 5 lives YAVKGALA Start with 7 lives PAVKGALE Start with 9 lives PEUZPALA Continue with 1 life IEUZPALA Continue with 5 lives YEUZPALA Continue with 7 lives PEUZPALE Continue with 9 lives KYSTEGGE Infinite lives SZUEEIVG Infinite lives on bike section PAVAGYIE More lives on ship section PAVAGYIA Fewer lives on ship section PAEPIITE More lives on tank section PAEPIITA Fewer lives on tank section PEXPTALE More lives on castle section PEXPTALA Fewer lives on castle section AEKPXLPA Heart does nothing (may goof up energy bar) SXXXIEVK Infinite credits AEEOYTPA Infinite time IAVTKAPA Super-jump PAVTKAPE Mega-jump PANGPAAA Start on level 2 ZANGPAAA Start on level 3 LANGPAAA Start on level 4 GANGPAAA Start on level 5 IANGPAAA Start on level 6 SZEXOKVK Infinite lives SZXZAEVK Infinite time AEKLULGA Start with 1 life PEKLULGE Start with 10 lives TEKLULGE Start with 15 lives SZSZGUVK Always keep Sword SZUXZVVK Always keep Gun PPKLEKYA Start on level 2 IPKLEKYA Start on level 4 PPKLEKYE Start on level 6 IPKLEKYE Start on level 8 GLKUXGLV Start with less time (1 of 3) LVEXUUGL Start with less time (2 of 3) LTOXVKGL Start with less time (3 of 3)
0xB0 Have all 3 Keys
0x00 0 Maps left
SZEXOKVK Infinite lives SZXZAEVK Infinite time AEKLULGA Start with 1 life PEKLULGE Start with 10 lives TEKLULGE Start with 15 lives SZSZGUVK Always keep Sword SZUXZVVK Always keep Gun PPKLEKYA Start on level 2 IPKLEKYA Start on level 4 PPKLEKYE Start on level 6 IPKLEKYE Start on level 8 GLKUXGLV Start with less time (1 of 3) LVEXUUGL Start with less time (2 of 3) LTOXVKGL Start with less time (3 of 3)
0xB0 Have all 3 Keys
0x00 0 Maps left
ZPSLPXZA Start with more Grenades IASLPXZA Start with fewer Grenades AASLPXZA Start with no Grenades LPKUIZTZ Start with less Spray AAKUIZTZ Start with no Spray SXKXXIVG Never lose Grenades outside buildings SZVKAIVG Never lose Grenades inside buildings SXUXKIVG Never lose Spray outside buildings SZUKYIVG Never lose Spray inside buildings SZKLIKVK Infinite time ILOULXPL Start with less time
0x00 Invincibility
0x06 Max shot power-up
0x03 Infinite lives
SLUVKESO Infinite energy OIOGIIPA Start with X lives (1 of 2) SXUKTKVK Infinite lives (2 of 2) AAUKGGZA Start with 1 life (2 of 2) IAUKGGZA Start with 6 lives (2 of 2) AAUKGGZE Start with 9 lives (2 of 2)
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0xFF Infinite health (alt)
OXXANAVK Infinite lives OZUAXPVK Infinite continues GXXSNKVS Infinite magic ZEOSEGAA Infinite money SEOOTISZ Infinite keys once one is obtained AEEOEAZA Food gives full health AAOPNPZA Drink gives full health OTUIGLSV Super-jump (1 of 2) PAUIILVE Super-jump (2 of 2) LEVEXZAA Start with Axe and Helmet ZEVAVXNY Start with Shield AAOAGUGA Start with Ironsword AASIYPLA Fleet foot jumping OXKSYUPX Fleet foot running LEEEPZAE Start on wind level GOEEPZAA Start on tree level TOEEPZAA Start on water level IOEEPZAA Start on outer fire level LUEEPZAA Start on lower earth level PUEEPZAA Start on lower icefire mountain NYEAVLAE Start a new game with full magic PENAEZLA Start with 1 life (1 of 2) PESEXPLA Start with 1 life (2 of 2) TENAEZLA Start with 6 lives (1 of 2) TESEXPLA Start with 6 lives (2 of 2)
0x00 Have the Dagger
0x01 Have the Sword
0x02 Have the Long Sword
0x03 Have the Axe
0x04 Have the Large Sword
0x05 Have the Ironsword
0x06 Have the Diamond Sword
0x01 Have the Helmet
0x02 Have the Horned Helmet
0x03 Have the Diamond Helmet
0x01 Have the Large Shield
0x02 Have the Diamond Shield
0xFF Infinite health (disable at end of stage)
0xFF Infinite magic once obtained (disable at end of stage)
0x08 Infinite Keys
0x0A Infinite money (alt) (1 of 2)
0x64 Infinite money (alt) (2 of 2)
0x0F Have the Sindarin Treasures
OXOPKZAU Invincibility (1 of 3) SEOPVZSZ Invincibility (2 of 3) UVKTAYXZ Invincibility (3 of 3) XTVSGGTX Infinite health PAXTIZLA Start with 1 life TAXTIZLA Start with 6 lives PAXTIZLE Start with 9 lives SZUVPAVG Infinite lives SZXOXSVK Infinite Bombs AASVTXPA Start with maximum health and Bombs TEOAAYZA More health restored on pick-up PEOAAYZA Less health restored on pick-up VANEYESE Start on Scene X (1 of 3) VEEAZESE Start on Scene X (2 of 3) PANEGAAA Start on Scene 2 (3 of 3) ZANEGAAA Start on Scene 3 (3 of 3) LANEGAAA Start on Scene 4 (3 of 3) GANEGAAA Start on Scene 5 (3 of 3) IANEGAAA Start on Scene 6 (3 of 3)
0x0C Full Power Gun #1
0x0C Full Power Gun #2
0x04 Full speed
0x00 Invincibility (alt)
0x04 Full Power Bombs
AEKISPPA Infinite nitro boosts TEKTYGAA Lots of money and full equipment AAUEIEPP Computer starts with no nitro boosts ZLUEIEPP Computer starts with double nitro boosts ZLEVZSPP Start with double nitro boosts EINSUZEP Drive through walls (1 of 3) EIVINGEP Drive through walls (2 of 3) ESSISZEP Drive through walls (3 of 3) PENTYGLA Start with 1 life GGUTGGOU Infinite money (1 of 3) GGUTIGAV Infinite money (2 of 3) KTUTTKAL Infinite money (3 of 3)
0x63 Infinite nitro boosts - P1
0x03 Infinite lives - P1
0x09 Infinite money - P1 (1 of 4)
0x09 Infinite money - P1 (2 of 4)
0x09 Infinite money - P1 (3 of 4)
0x09 Infinite money - P1 (4 of 4)
ASUVZIEI Invincibility - both players SZPTSI Infinite lives - both players PAPKXZ Start with 1 life - both players PAPKXX Start with 9 lives - both players GXZTSG Keep weapons after death LEZTKG Full weapons after death
0x01 Start on level 2
0x02 Start on level 3
0x03 Start on level 4
0x04 Start on level 5
0x05 Start on level 6
0x09 Infinite lives
0x99 Max score (1 of 3)
0x99 Max score (2 of 3)
0x99 Max score (3 of 3)
0x01 Invincibility - P1
0x01 Invincibility - P2
ESSINLEY Invincibility VXEGXXSE Infinite health PTYSEK Take less damage GKKEAZSK Hit anywhere (1 of 3) OVKEPXPA Hit anywhere (2 of 3) XEKEZZEP Hit anywhere (3 of 3) AEOTTIGA Multi-jump PESIKYYE 9 Tornado Attacks on pick-up PESIVYYE 9 360o Spin Kicks on pick-up PESINYYE 9 Sky Attacks on pick-up AESIKYYA 0 Tornado Attacks on pick-up AESISNPA 0 180o Spin Kicks on pick-up AESIVYYA 0 360o Spin Kicks on pick-up AESINYYA 0 Sky Attacks on pick-up SXSKEXVK Infinite special attacks TAVGXZZA Max health from Energy Bowl PAVGXZZA Less health from Energy Bowl
0x00 One hit kills on bosses
0x07 Infinite health (alt)
0x05 Infinite first special move
0x09 Infinite second special move
EINLYPEY Invincibility (1 of 2) EYNUYPEI Invincibility (2 of 2) SZNYASSO Infinite health PANTTATA Start with 2 lives TANTTATE Start with 15 lives SXEKSOVK Infinite lives XVOTAEXE Start with some weapons AANNSLPA Infinite weapons (Bombs, Flares, Nukes, Bullets) YUSOENYO Slow down rate of air loss (scuba mode) YESOENYO Speed up rate of air loss GZUYZIST Shield doesn't take damage from bullets GZVYPIST Immune to most damage
0x09 Infinite time (minute ten's digit)
0x09 Infinite time (minute one's digit)
0x09 Infinite time (second ten's digit)
0x09 Infinite time (second one's digit)
0x63 Infinite Pistol ammo
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
SZSATSVK Infinite lives SZVEYNSE Infinite shells SZSELSTK Don't lose shells on dying SZSETSVK Don't lose power on dying AEKEPIGP Jaws has no health (1 of 3) AESEGZGP Jaws has no health (2 of 3) SZKEISSE Jaws has no health (3 of 3) AEEZITIA 99 Shells on pick-up AAOOEPIP Hit anywhere AANZPTTZ Collect shells from anywhere AEVZTVZZ Collect Stars from anywhere AENXLSTP Collect Crabs from anywhere ASXILLEP Hit anywhere - bonus stages (1 of 3) GXKITLEL Hit anywhere - bonus stages (2 of 3) GXKIZLEI Hit anywhere - bonus stages (3 of 3) PEOAGZLA Start with 1 life TEOAGZLA Start with double lives
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0x00 Jaws has very little health
0x09 Infinite Strobes
0x3A Exit stage when hit instead of dying
0x10 Jaws is attacked without actually shooting him
0x07 Invincibility (disable to collect items)
SZSLXVVK Infinite lives IEEPPILA Better start (more lives and hearts) GXVLEVVK Don't lose extra hearts on dying ZEVEZLPA 2 power packs on pick-up IEVEZLPA 5 power packs on pick-up AUEOGIAP Start with 30 powerpacks ASEOGIAP Start with 50 powerpacks AAKAIGTA Small hearts gives full health SZEELUVK Infinite hearts GXUENESE Defenses don't use up powerpacks IAUAKAAZ Shield uses fewer powerpacks ZENEIYAP Flashlight uses fewer powerpacks
0x00 Invincibility
0x02 Invincibility (blinking)
0x03 Infinite health
0x0A Infinite lives (alt)
AEVTIPLA Only need 15 points to win game PEVTIPLA Only need 30 points to win game ZEVTIPLA Only need 40 points to win game AEEVAZTA Only need 1 game to win set instead of 6 PEEVAZTA Only need 2 games to win set ZEEVAZTA Only need 3 games to win set GEEVAZTA Only need 4 games to win set IEEVAZTA Only need 5 games to win set EEVVIPEI Must get 2 points after 40 to win and no deuces (always shows advantage after 40) PEKVGPZA Don't need to win by 2 to win tiebreaker ZEUVIPYA 2 points needed to win tiebreaker instead of 7 LEUVIPYA 3 points needed to win tiebreaker GEUVIPYA 4 points needed to win tiebreaker IEUVIPYA 5 points needed to win tiebreaker TEUVIPYA 6 points needed to win tiebreaker ZEUVIPYE 10 points needed to win tiebreaker ESXIZTEY Invincibility (1 of 2) ENXSGTEI Invincibility (2 of 2) SZKVOKVK Infinite health PEUXYALA Start with 1 life instead of 3 - P1 IEUXYALA Start with 5 lives - P1 YEUXYALA Start with 7 lives - P1 PEUXYALE Start with 9 lives - P1 SZNXTEVK Infinite lives - both players SZKVOKVK Protection from most enemy hits SXUVYVVK Protection from water AEXZGLAO Start with 1/2 health (die when bar is 1/2 empty) AAKUEAPE Stone axe and flint do more damage to bosses YAKUEAPE Stone axe and flint do a lot more damage to bosses AASLOAZE Stone wheel and boomerang do more damage to bosses APSLOAZA Stone wheel and boomerang do a lot more damage to bosses APSLVAGA Fire does more damage to bosses AZSLVAGA Fire does a lot more damage to bosses SZVTKUSE Apple and hamburger worth nothing AAVTULAO Apple and hamburger restore health to 1/2 OVUXZAET Start with stone wheel instead of stone axe - P1 XVUXZAET Start with flint instead of stone axe - P1 UVUXZAET Start with fire instead of stone axe - P1 KVUXZAET Start with boomerang instead of stone axe - P1 ZEKZGAAA Start somewhere in level 2
0x0F Infinite health (alt)
0x00 One hit kills on bosses
0x01 Infinite Bombs
0xC2 Immune to explosions (disable at end of level)
0x05 Exit always open (1 of 2)
0xFF Exit always open (2 of 2)
0x01 Infinite Bombs
0xC2 Immune to explosions (disable at end of level)
0x05 Exit always open (1 of 2)
0xFF Exit always open (2 of 2)
OZSXEIEU Hit anywhere (1 of 4) OZVTPYEU Hit anywhere (2 of 4) SXETZNSO Hit anywhere (3 of 4) SZNZESSO Hit anywhere (4 of 4) AEEEIPGA Multi-jump (1 of 2) KXKEPOKK Multi-jump (1 of 2) SZXTSAAX Invincibility (1 of 2) SXUTKAAX Invincibility (2 of 2) SZOAPAVG Invincibility after first hit (blinking) SZUVUZSA Infinite health SZUAUTSA Infinite weapon power YOKSOGZE Start with all six weapons SXNGYLVG Infinite lives PAOSOTLA Start with 1 life TAOSOTLA Start with 6 lives PAOSOTLE Start with 9 lives PEVIULLA 1 life after continue TEVIULLA 6 lives after continue PEVIULLE 9 lives after continue PEKSOGZA Start with Machine Gun GEKSOGZA Start with Laser Gun AEKSOGZE Start with Homing Missiles AOKSOGZA Start with Grenade Launcher IEKSOGZA Start with Machine Gun and Laser Gun OTUVOZSV Protection against most aliens AAXTKAZE Some aliens are tougher PAXTKAZA Some aliens are weaker TOOETOLA Mega-jump AZVALPPA Speed jump (1 of 2) EVNEYENY Speed jump (2 of 2) KVNELEKN Super speed (1 of 2) LPSEYPGA Super speed (2 of 2)
0x0F Infinite health (alt)
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0x3F Infinite weapon power (alt)
0x01 Have Machine Gun
0x02 Have Shot Gun
0x03 Have Laser Gun
0x04 Have Homing Missile
0x05 Have Grenade Launcher
0x00 One hit kills on bosses (2 of 2)
0x00 One hit kills on bosses (1 of 2)
0x01 Start on stage 2
0x02 Start on stage 3
0x03 Start on stage 4
0x04 Start on stage 5 (final stage)
XTSZZIAV Climb anywhere (except in boss fights) (2 of 2) OZSXGSPX Climb anywhere (except in boss fights) (1 of 2) AAXUGGIT Hit anywhere (2 of 2) AAKLIKGG Hit anywhere (1 of 2) SXXKKZVI Infinite lives PEOGLAIA Start with 1 life ZEOGLAIE Start with 9 lives PASGKGAA Turbo flying GXVKOZSP Heavens above? GXSKTASA Start on last level reached (1 of 3) GXSKGASA Start on last level reached (2 of 3) GXVGGASA Start on last level reached (3 of 3) IAVEZLLA Start with 5 lives ZAVEZLLE Start with 10 lives GTVEZLLA Sart with 100 lives SZNOUKVK Infinite lives GZVEOSSE Infinite lives AAVEEYPA Infinite time PENEEIAA Infinite weapons SXXNLKOU Need XX gems to finish levels 1, 3, 4, 7, 9 (1 of 2) ZEKKULAP Need 2 gems to finish levels 1, 3, 4, 7, 9 (2 of 2) GEKKULAP Need 4 gems to finish levels 1, 3, 4, 7, 9 (2 of 2) AEKKULAO Need 8 gems to finish levels 1, 3, 4, 7, 9 (2 of 2) PAEGVGTA Start practice level with 1 life LAEGVGTA Start practice level with 3 lives PAEGVGTE Start practice level with 9 lives PAEGNGIA Start normal level with 1 life LAEGNGIA Start normal level with 3 lives PAEGNGIE Start normal level with 9 lives IAVYZLAA Start with 5 of each weapon APVYZLAA Start with 10 of each weapon AZVYZLAA Start with 20 of each weapon ALVYZLAA Start with 30 of each weapon EPVYZLAA Start with 90 of each weapon
0x99 Infinite lives (alt)
0x00 Need 0 Gems to finish levels 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 13
0x01 Need 1 Gem to finish levels 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 13
0x0D Infinite health
0x99 Infinite 2 Shot Banna ammo
0x99 Infinite Boomarang ammo
0x99 Infinite Coconuts
0x99 Infinite Mask (invincible)
0x99 Infinite time (alt)
0x00 Level select
EIUZUAEY Invincibility SZVGZOSE Infinite health GZUXXKVS Infinite ammo on pick-up PAVPAGZE More bullets picked up from small dinosaurs PAVPAGZA Fewer bullets picked up from small dinosaurs GZEULOVK Infinite lives (first two levels only) ATVGZOSA Immune to most attacks VEXASASA 3-ball bolas picked up (from small dinosaurs, instead of normal bullets) (1 of 2) VEUAXASA 3-ball bolas picked up (from small dinosaurs, instead of normal bullets) (2 of 2) NEXASASA Explosive multi-shots (from small dinosaurs, instead of normal bullets) (1 of 2) NEUAXASA Explosive multi-shots (from small dinosaurs, instead of normal bullets) (2 of 2) AVUUZPSZ Invincibility (1 of 2) ESUZGAEY Invincibility (2 of 2) VZNGNNSE Infinite health AAVGKYPA Don't lose a life from health loss AASSAAPA Don't lose a life from timer AENLSLZA Start with 1 life IENLSLZA Start with 6 lives AENLSLZE Start with 9 lives SZVGSNSE Infinite lives PENUXLZA 1 continue IENUXLZA 6 continues AENUXLZE 9 continues SXEUAESU Infinite chip power NYXIZEYU Slower timer YZXIZEYU Faster timer SXEUAESU Special weapons use minimum chip power (1 of 2) AOEUPEYA Special weapons use minimum chip power (2 of 2) YENUNUZE Start with maximum health (1 of 2) YEXLLUZE Start with maximum health (2 of 2) IENUNUZA Start with less health (1 of 2) IEXLLUZA Start with less health (2 of 2)
0x03 Invincibility (blinking)
0x0A Infinite health (alt)
0x09 Infinite time
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
OXNGYLEN Invincibility (1 of 2) SENKPUVK Invincibility (2 of 2)
0x02 One hit wins stage
0x20 One hit wins round
0x02 One hit wins stage
0x20 One hit wins round
SZSUYZSA Infinite health SZOEKAVG Infinite chances (lives) AEOASANI Win tournaments automatically PENEZTLA Start with 1 chance TENEZTLA Start with 6 chances PENEZTLE Start with 9 chances SXEXLYVG Infinite Crane Kicks SZNXAYVG Infinite Drum Punches on pick-up ASVOKAEL Hit anywhere (1 of 2) GXVOSALA Hit anywhere (2 of 2) AAKVUGGE Start with 8 Crane Kicks - 1P game AAKVKGGE Start with 8 Crane Kicks - 2P game IAKVSGAA Start with 5 Crane Kicks - P1, one on one game AAUXOGPA Prevent girl from moving in final stage ZAKVVGPA Start on stage 2 - 1P game ZAKVNGPA Start on stage 2 - 2P game LAKVVGPA Start on stage 3 - 1P game LAKVNGPA Start on stage 3 - 2P game GAKVVGPA Start on stage 4 - 1P game GAKVNGPA Start on stage 4 - 2P game
0x0F Infinite health (alt)
0x63 Infinite Drum Punches (alt)
0x63 Infinite Crane Kicks (alt)
0x00 Enemy has no health
AESKUKPA Hit anywhere (1 of 3) OXSGOGEU Hit anywhere (2 of 3) SZKKNISP Hit anywhere (3 of 3) ASENYZEI Invincibility after one hit (blinking) SZVKNLSA Invincibility (1 of 3) SXEGXLSA Invincibility (2 of 3) SZNGULSA Invincibility (3 of 3) SXKISXVK Infinite lives ZXLNTS Jump higher GZVZNIVG Infinite time LEEGOYPA Gain 3 of most items NOEGOYPA Gain 97 of most items AEOKSYPA Never lose most items PAUSAAAA Start on stage 2 ZAUSAAAA Start on stage 3 LAUSAAAA Start on stage 4 GAUSAAAA Start on stage 5 IAUSAAAA Start on stage 6 TAUSAAAA Start on stage 7 YAUSAAAA Start on stage 8 AAUSAAAE Start on stage 9 AAOSIAZA Start with 1 life (1 of 2) AESIVTZA Start with 1 life (2 of 2) IAOSIAZA Start with 6 lives (1 of 2) IESIVTZA Start with 6 lives (2 of 2) AAOSIAZE Start with 9 lives (1 of 2) AESIVTZE Start with 9 lives (2 of 2)
0x01 Have Double Flame Shot
0x02 Have Triple Flame Shot
0xFA Invincibility after one hit (blinking) (alt)
0xA7 Infinite time (alt)
0x99 Have 99 Ks
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
SZKNALVT Infinite time AEOEOELL Multi-jump APOSXTSA Invincibility (1 of 3) SZOIOVSE Invincibility (2 of 3) TAOSUTXI Invincibility (3 of 3) SZOIOVSE Infinite health ESUXYPEP Hit anywhere AEVZYTLA Quick level up ITUSLLAT Start with more EXP and magic points PAXSGLLA Start with 1 life IAXSGLLA Start with 5 lives PAXSGLLE Start with 9 lives AXVYEIAG Start with half health EEVYEIAG Start with twice as much health LEVYEIAG Start with very little health OZVZOLEN Invincibility after one hit AAOSOVGL Don't flash at all after getting hit IAOSOVGL Barely flash at all after getting hit IPOSOVGL Don't flash as long after getting hit SUELOISP Infinite magic points SXULYUVK Infinite lives (1 of 2) OXUSZLEN Infinite lives (2 of 2) SEEXPAOL Invincibility (1 of 2) SANXAPOL Invincibility (2 of 2) SXEAATVG Infinite lives SXNGSVVK Infinite time ANTKVT Infinite time (alt) YENKXVZA Faster timer YENKXVZE Slower timer ESSATLEY Win level now GZKATXSE Start on land X (1 of 3) GZUISOSE Start on land X (2 of 3) PAUIOPAA Start on land 2 (3 of 3) ZAUIOPAA Start on land 3 (3 of 3) LAUIOPAA Start on land 4 (3 of 3) OTXSVLON Invincibility AANIOPPP Hit anywhere (1 of 3) AOEIEPZE Hit anywhere (2 of 3) XTNSNPEU Hit anywhere (3 of 3) EOSTEXOZ 99 Hammers on pick-up (1 of 2) KNSTOZPA 99 Hammers on pick-up (2 of 2) NAKSXTPA Small hearts worth 135 ZAKSXTPA Small hearts worth 2 IAKSXTPA Small hearts worth 5 NYKSSVZA Big hearts worth 255 GPKSSVZA Big hearts worth 20 VVXGUYVG Lave restores health AAUEVAPA Immune to becoming eggplant SZSLAPSA No damage from Medusa SKXGUYVG No damage from floor hazards PEEEZPAA Get best ending with 8uuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu code EYNZVYEI Invincibility AANAUAPA Infinite lives SZKEOESE Infinite health AAEAUGLA Full health from hearts ZENANLIA Less health from hearts ZENANLIE More health from hearts GXEZYVVV Mega-jump (don't hold jump down too long or you might get stuck) GZSEIYVG Infinite chances in sub-game (press Start to re-enter the main game)
0x63 Infinite Chips
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0x19 Infinite health (alt)
SEVILPSZ Invincibility SZKKXIVG Infinite lives VZOEOGVT Infinite time ELXKKESZ Hit anywhere - Throwing (1 of 2) TIXKSAYA Hit anywhere - Throwing (2 of 2) ESXPZZEY Multi-jump when falling (1 of 5) KOXPLZKS Multi-jump when falling (2 of 5) OKOOYZOX Multi-jump when falling (3 of 5) PEXPPXSG Multi-jump when falling (4 of 5) PXXPAZES Multi-jump when falling (5 of 5) GEXGUALU Press Start to complete the level (1 of 3) LEXGSALU Press Start to complete the level (2 of 3) OXXGXAIK Press Start to complete the level (3 of 3) PAVGIALA Start with one life TAVGIALA Start with double lives PAVGIALE Start with triple lives PASKOILA One life after continue
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0x03 Invincibility (alt)
SZEESTSA Invincibility (glitchy) (1 of 2) SXVEUISA Invincibility (glitchy) (2 of 2) GXSOKIVG Infinite lives NYUEXOEV Higher jump PAOATZLA Start with 1 life TAOATZLA Start with 6 lives AESUEGPA Infinite time GAUELZTA Less time (1 of 2) GEEPOTTA Less time (2 of 2) AANOVZAP Multi-jump (01 of 16) AEEPKXZA Multi-jump (02 of 16) AEOOUXIZ Multi-jump (03 of 16) APEYXNNY Multi-jump (04 of 16) ATENUNNY Multi-jump (05 of 16) AZENENNY Multi-jump (06 of 16) GAEYUNNY Multi-jump (07 of 16) GZEYENNY Multi-jump (08 of 16) IZENONNN Multi-jump (09 of 16) KTEYSNNN Multi-jump (10 of 16) NNOOKXOE Multi-jump (11 of 16) OAENXNNN Multi-jump (12 of 16) OZEYKNNN Multi-jump (13 of 16) PPEYNNNN Multi-jump (14 of 16) SAEYVNNY Multi-jump (15 of 16) YIEYONNY Multi-jump (16 of 16) AOUAESXE Hit anywhere (1 of 3) AVUAOSAG Hit anywhere (3 of 3) ATOKTXSY Hit anywhere (2 of 3) PEVAYPAA Start on round 2 (1 of 2) PEUETPAA Start on round 2 (2 of 2) ZEVAYPAA Start on round 3 (1 of 2) ZEUETPAA Start on round 3 (2 of 2) LEVAYPAA Start on round 4 (1 of 2) LEUETPAA Start on round 4 (2 of 2) GEVAYPAA Start on round 5 (1 of 2) GEUETPAA Start on round 5 (2 of 2) IEVAYPAA Start on round 6 (1 of 2) IEUETPAA Start on round 6 (2 of 2)
0x00 Invincibility (glitchy) (1 of 2)
0x00 Invincibility (glitchy) (2 of 2)
0x03 Infinite lives (alt)
0x3B Infinite time (alt)
EEKEPPAA Invincibility AANPXXLP Multi-jump (01 of 16) APEYXNNY Multi-jump (02 of 16) ATENUNNY Multi-jump (03 of 16) AZENENNY Multi-jump (04 of 16) GAEYUNNY Multi-jump (05 of 16) GZEYENNY Multi-jump (06 of 16) GZSOXZEY Multi-jump (07 of 16) GZSPKZEY Multi-jump (08 of 16) KTEYSNNN Multi-jump (09 of 16) LPENONNN Multi-jump (10 of 16) NYNPUXOE Multi-jump (11 of 16) OAENXNNN Multi-jump (12 of 16) OZEYKNNN Multi-jump (13 of 16) PPEYNNNN Multi-jump (14 of 16) SAEYVNNY Multi-jump (15 of 16) YIEYONNY Multi-jump (16 of 16) AOOENSXE Hit anywhere (1 of 3) AVXAESAG Hit anywhere (3 of 3) ATUKLXSY Hit anywhere (2 of 3)
0x00 Invincibility (glitchy) (1 of 2)
0x00 Invincibility (glitchy) (2 of 2)
0x03 Infinite lives
0x3B Infinite time
SLSYTPSP Infinite health and lives SZVEPSSE Infinite Rocks PESVAAPE Start with max health (1 of 2) OOSTYAAE Start with max health (2 of 2) PAXVOPZE Start with 9 lives AEUGLKEY Start with all treasures (removes all items from level) LVUKGGAA Start with 99 Bubble Bombs and Money LTUKSIAA Start with 99 Seahorses and Keys SZSKVVVK Infinite lives SXUILKVK Infinite health (2 of 3) SZNIIVSE Infinite health (3 of 3) SXXSTVVK Infinite health (1 of 3) SXXYSPVG Infinite Bubble Bombs
0x06 Infinite health
0x06 Infinite health
0x06 Infinite health
0x06 Infinite health
GZVXTPSA Infinite health AOSUAOGE Start with double usual health TESUAOGA Start with half usual health PESUTPAA Start with a better character ZESUTPAA Start with the best character normally possible IESUTPAA Start with a super character, better than normally Possible OTVXAPSV Only lose 1 HP when hit (1 of 2) PAVXPPAP Only lose 1 HP when hit (2 of 2)
0x0C Infinite health (alt)
AASELZZG Inhale from anywhere (1 of 3) AINEYZEP Inhale from anywhere (2 of 3) SZNEGXSV Inhale from anywhere (3 of 3) AOOEIOOV Hit anywhere (spitting) (1 of 6) AOOETPYE Hit anywhere (spitting) (2 of 6) EANEZAAT Hit anywhere (spitting) (3 of 6) GGNEAESN Hit anywhere (spitting) (4 of 6) GXKEIPEL Hit anywhere (spitting) (5 of 6) VGNEPAGY Hit anywhere (spitting) (6 of 6) PEVXIYGA Start with 2 lives AEVXIYGE Start with 9 lives AOVXIYGA Start with 17 lives ZAKLLXAA Less health from 'pep drinks' APKLLXAA More health from 'pep drinks' YZKLLXAE Full health from 'pep drinks' YONZZNYX Start with less health YKNZZNYX Start with more health SZEPSVSE Infinite health SXKTPKVG Infinite lives EINELGEY Invincibility
0x2F Infinite health (alt)
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0x02 Invincibility (alt)
AASELZZG Inhale from anywhere (1 of 2) GXEAGZEL Inhale from anywhere (2 of 2) AEKAIEIA Hit anywhere (spitting) (1 of 5) AEXAIPTL Hit anywhere (spitting) (2 of 5) AOOAGEOV Hit anywhere (spitting) (3 of 5) AOOAIAYE Hit anywhere (spitting) (4 of 5) GXKEIPEL Hit anywhere (spitting) (5 of 5) PEVXIYGA Start with 2 lives AEVXIYGE Start with 9 lives AOVXIYGA Start with 17 lives ZAKLLXAA Less health from 'pep drinks' APKLLXAA More health from 'pep drinks' YZKLLXAE Full health from 'pep drinks' YONZZNYX Start with less health YKNZZNYX Start with more health SZEPSVSE Infinite health SXKTPKVG Infinite lives EINELGEY Invincibility
0x2F Infinite health (alt)
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0x02 Invincibility (alt)
EIUKGIEY Invincibility XYKTISKN Super-jump SUSKLYVI Infinite lives SZOZIAVG Infinite time SZKGATVG Infinite time underwater AANGLLZA Start with 1 life (and 1 continue) IANGLLZA Start with 6 lives (and 6 continues) AANGLLZE Start with 9 lives (and 9 continues) AAEGNPZA 1 life after continue IAEGNPZA 6 lives after continue AAEGNPZE 9 lives after continue GZEKXPVS Infinite continues GZVKAUSE Start on level X (1 of 2) GAVGYLAA Start on level 2 (2 of 2) AAVGYLAE Start on level 3 (2 of 2) GAVGYLAE Start on level 4 (2 of 2) PPVGYLAA Start on level 5 (2 of 2) IAUUOOAZ Very little team stamina (select the middle team) AGUUOOAZ More team stamina (select the middle team) OPUUOOAX Mega team stamina (select the middle team) GAUUKPZA Power is doubled for the whole team (select the middle team) TAUUKPZA Power is tripled for the whole team (select the middle team) PAUUKPZE Mega power for the whole team (select the middle team) GXEZAVSO Never lose stamina (select the middle team) SZSEZGVT Computer can't score (select the middle team) GZSXTEAU Everyone including computer has 255 skill (select the middle team) (1 of 2) GZSXTESN Everyone including computer has 255 skill (select the middle team) (2 of 2) PAVESGLA Start with 0 drops allowed IAVESGLA Start with 5 drops allowed PANENGGA When starting on level 6, 0 drops allowed IANENGGA When starting on level 6, 5 drops allowed PEOAXGIA When starting on level 11, 0 drops allowed LEOAXGIA When starting on level 11, 3 drops allowed SXXLUGVT Infinite drops
0x00 Level select (can select levels 0-99)
SZXSYTSA Infinite shield SZEXUNVK Infinite missiles GXXZSVVK Infinite laser AEVALAZA Start with 1 life after continue IEVALAZA Start with 6 lives after continue AEVALAZE Start with 9 lives after continue SXXEGEVK Infinite lives (1 of 2) SXKEIEVK Infinite lives (2 of 2) AANKOAZA Start with 1 life (1 of 2) VTNKSESE Start with 1 life (2 of 2) IANKOAZA Start with 6 lives (1 of 2) VTNKSESE Start with 6 lives (2 of 2) SZKZYOSU Start with 99 missiles (1 of 2) LYKXAOTT Start with 99 missiles (2 of 2) SZSZLOSU Start with 99 lasers (1 of 2) PYSZGPGN Start with 99 lasers (2 of 2) SZUZAOSU Start with full gasoline (1 of 2) ATUZPPTV Start with full gasoline (2 of 2) SZUXGOSU Start with full shield (1 of 2) ITUXIOZV Start with full shield (2 of 2) AAKAAPZA Start with 1 life IAKAAPZA Start with 6 lives AAKAAPZE Start with 9 lives SXVLOIVG Infinite lives AEOKYTTP Float spell SXNIVLSA Infinite health PEVGOIGA Quicker supershot GEXYLEAA Less health used on fire spell (1 of 2) IEOYTEPA Less health used on fire spell (2 of 2) EZXEPOOZ Start on stage X (1 of 3) KAXEIPSA Start on stage X (2 of 3) PAXEZPAA Start on stage 2 (3 of 3) ZAXEZPAA Start on stage 3 (3 of 3) LAXEZPAA Start on stage 4 (3 of 3)
0x02 Infinite lives (alt)
0x28 Infinite health (alt)
0x1F Moon-jump (disable in underwater stage)
0x05 Infinite oxygen in underwater stage
0x02 Invincibility (1 of 2)
0x3A Invincibility (2 of 2)
PAKATALA Start with 1 life TAKATALA Start with 6 lives PAKATALE Start with 9 lives AAUXAEZA Infinite health AEOXSLPA Pick-up Super Balls instead of Custard Pies TAKELEPA Start with 6 pies ZPKELEPA Start with 18 pies GXKZPKVK Infinite pies - first life only
0x00 Have Bouncing Ball
0x01 Have Small Rocks
0x09 Infinite throwing items
GXSLVYEI Invincibility against knives AUVZEGTA Infinite health (1 of 2) VEVZOKSX Infinite health (2 of 2) SZUAOAAX Infinite time SUAAXA Infinite lives - both players AASGYXOG Hit anywhere SEZEGG Give P2 an advantage AEVXLSPT Enemies easier to shrug off ZEVXPIGE Enemies harder to shrug off LEEXSYPA Normal enemies do more damage XYUXEUZK Knife thrower harder to beat GZVKIYSA Don't die when time runs out (1 of 2) ATVKYNGG Don't die when time runs out (2 of 2) AVOZLNGG Enemies die when trying to grab you (1 of 4) GXKZTIEI Enemies die when trying to grab you (2 of 4) KVKXPSIK Enemies die when trying to grab you (3 of 4) SXKXZIVZ Enemies die when trying to grab you (4 of 4) PEZELG Start with 1 life - both players PEZELK Start with 9 lives - both players GZLATG Start at last level reached - P1 GZLEPG Start at last level reached - P2 VYNONUNN Walk 2X faster (1 of 2) ZANOVLPA Walk 2X faster (2 of 2) GANOVLPA Walk 4X faster (2 of 2) KYNONUNN Walk 4X faster (2 of 2)
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0x00 Knife Thrower doesn't throw knives (1 of 4)
0x00 Knife Thrower doesn't throw knives (2 of 4)
0x00 Knife Thrower doesn't throw knives (3 of 4)
0x00 Knife Thrower doesn't throw knives (4 of 4)
0x1E Infinite health (disable at end of level)
0x09 Max score (1 of 6)
0x09 Max score (2 of 6)
0x09 Max score (3 of 6)
0x09 Max score (4 of 6)
0x09 Max score (5 of 6)
0x09 Max score (6 of 6)
0x01 Start on floor 2
0x02 Start on floor 3
0x03 Start on floor 4
0x04 Start on floor 5
AESLZLPA Infinite lives AAXGYOZA Invincibility (1 of 2) SXNIALAX Hit anywhere (most enemies) AVUSPVSL Invincibility (2 of 2) PASXSPIA Start with 1 life PASXSPIE Start with 9 lives AEVSPAPA Infinite Miracle Kicks GPVZXPAA Start with 20 Miracle Kicks PASZNPLA Use with warp to start with 1 life TASZNPLA Use with warp to start with 6 lives PASZNPLE Use with warp to start with 9 lives ZAXUEGIA 2 E-balls for an extra life GAOKOGPA Mega-jumps left and right (1 of 2) KYXGOKNN Mega-jumps left and right (2 of 2) OZSZXPSX Start on Castle X (1 of 2) GASZUOSG Start on Castle 2 (2 of 2) AASZUOSK Start on Castle 3 (2 of 2) GASZUOSK Start on Castle 4 (2 of 2) APSZUOSG Start on Castle 5 (2 of 2) GPSZUOSG Start on Castle 6 (2 of 2) APSZUOSK Start on Castle 7 (2 of 2) GPSZUOSK Start on Castle 8 (2 of 2) SXOLSGTG Infinite health SXXLOGVG Infinite lives SZEVZIVG Infinite continues ESXZLAEY One hit kills on bosses VZSAEYVT Red hearts worth nothing AAUVSTLA Start with 1 life TAUVSTLA Start with 7 lives PAUVSTLE Start with 10 lives AASTAILA Continue with 1 life PASTAILA Continue with 2 lives ZASTAILA Continue with 3 lives AAKTOTZA Start with 0 continues IAKTOTZA Start with 5 continues PAKTOTZE Start with 9 continues ZENTAAAA Start on stage 2 - Hamlet GENTAAAA Start on stage 3 - The House IENTAAAA Start on stage 4 - The Freeway TENTAAAA Start on stage 5 - The Office block YENTAAAA Start on stage 6 - The Helicopter AENTAAAE Start on stage 7 - The Film Premiere PENTAAAE Start on Stage 8 - The Cinema ZENTAAAE Start on the end-of-level bad guy
0x2F Infinite health (alt)
0x19 Invincibility (blinking)
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
SXSEEZSA Infinite health EYETYIEI Press Select on controller 2 to skip to next level, A for next screen, B for previous screen
0x09 Infinite lives
0x00 Infinite time (seconds)
SZVPATVG Infinite lives - both players PANENLIA Start with 1 life - both players TANENLIA Start with 6 lives - both players PANENLIE Start with 9 lives - both players KEEAVLSA Start with 1 life - P2 GXUPLGSA Stop irritating shake GZVENLSA Start on level X - P1 (1 of 3) GZNAOLSA Start on level X - P1 (2 of 3) GAVEKLAA Start on level 5 - P1 (3 of 3) PAVEKLAE Start on level 10 - P1 (3 of 3) IAVEKLAE Start on level 14 - P1 (3 of 3) SXSTTPVG Infinite energy SXVIPGVG Infinite Machine Gun ammo SXVSPIVG Infinite Dynamite Sticks SZOSYIVG Infinite Grenades GXSVLGVI Never lose items GXVTZYSA Infinite life GXNTYYVG Infinite magic GZKVUASA Shopkeeper forgets to charge OUOVNPOP No enemies AXXYNYZP Xemn's jumping improved PEXNEYLE Xemn's strength tripled AXXNUYGP Menya's jumping improved TEXNKYZA Menya's strength tripled ZXXNNYGO Roas' jumping improved LEUYEYPA Roas' strength tripled AUUYUNZP Lyll's jumping improved LEUYKYPA Lyll's strength tripled GKPSOS Walk through walls SZNPVLSA Invincibility SXVALZVG Infinite lives - both players KEOATAVA Start with 28 lives - both players GASAOLZA Super-ninja-power running ability YAKXYPGE Super-ninja-power jumping ability (1 of 3) YASZAPGE Super-ninja-power jumping ability (2 of 3) YASZPPGE Super-ninja-power jumping ability (3 of 3) AESXNKZA Hit anywhere with Shurikens (1 of 3) AESZUGTP Hit anywhere with Shurikens (2 of 3) AAEZVIGP Hit anywhere with Sword (1 of 3) AAOZXSAA Hit anywhere with Sword (2 of 3) AEXXNKLT Hit anywhere with x (3 of 3)
0x63 Infinite lives - P1
SZUPNNSE Infinite Courage points SXSKLKSE Buying items for free in most shops (must have enough rubies to purchase the item) SXXKTSSE Infinite Dream points
0xFF Max Rubies
0xFF Max Hope - main character
0xFF Infinite health - main character
0xFF Max Dream - main character (1 of 2)
0xFF Max Dream - main character (2 of 2)
0xFF Max Dream total - main character
0x2A Have #2 Whip
0x2B Have F-Sword
OLYVSK Invincibility (blinking) AVVLAUSZ Infinite life ZTSPSTIP Have the Pink Ring (infinite life) ESKUILTA Have Blue Ring effect OSKUILTA Have Red Ring effect YYKPOYZZ Create character with 8 life hearts NYKPOYZX Create character with 16 life hearts SZVXASVK All items are free (1 of 2) AEVEVALG All items are free (2 of 2) AOEUYTEY No dark rooms PALZZI Reset counter to zero AEOANAEG Fewer enemies AEVATVAA No Zolas OPPEEA Speed writing OXELYLSX Walk faster (1 of 2) EUEUALAA Walk faster (2 of 2) ATKOLPEY Walk through walls in dungeons (1 of 2) SXXOPPSA Walk through walls in dungeons (2 of 2)
0xFF Enemies don't shoot anything
0x24 Get items from anywhere (1 of 2)
0x24 Get items from anywhere (2 of 2)
0x24 Hit anywhere (1 of 2)
0xAD Hit anywhere (2 of 2)
0x60 Invincibility
0x01 Turbo Sword
0x09 Invincibility (blinking) (alt)
0x01 Have Wooden Sword
0x02 Have White Sword
0x03 Have Magic Sword
0x10 Have Bombs
0x01 Have Arrows
0x02 Have Silver Arrows
0x01 Have Bow
0x01 Have Blue Candle
0x02 Have Red Candle
0x01 Have Flute
0x01 Have Enemy Bait
0x01 Have Magic Wand
0x01 Have Raft
0x01 Have Magic Book
0x01 Have Ladder
0x01 Have Magical Key
0x01 Have Power Bracelet
0xFF Have Maps for Dungeons 1-8 and Compass for Dungeon 9 (1 of 2)
0xFF Have Maps for Dungeons 1-8 and Compass for Dungeon 9 (2 of 2)
0xFF Have Map for Dungeon 9
0xFF Infinite Rupies
0x03 Infinite Keys
0xFF Infinite life (alt)
0xFF Have all Tri-Force pieces
0x01 Have Magical Shield
OLYVSK Invincibility (blinking) AVVLAUSZ Infinite life ZTSOOTIP Have the Pink Ring (infinite life) YYKPOYZZ Create character with 8 life hearts NYKPOYZX Create character with 16 life hearts SZVXASVK All items are free (1 of 2) AEVEVALG All items are free (2 of 2) AOEUYTEY No dark rooms PALZZI Reset counter to zero AAXPILGA Almost no enemies in Overworld (1 of 3) AAXPTLIA Almost no enemies in Overworld (2 of 3) AAXPYLTA Almost no enemies in Overworld (3 of 3) AEOANAEG Fewer enemies AEVATVAA No Zolas OPPEEA Speed writing OXELYLSX Walk faster (1 of 2) EUEUALAA Walk faster (2 of 2) ATKPPPEY Walk through walls in dungeons (1 of 2) SXOOYPSA Walk through walls in dungeons (2 of 2)
0xFF Enemies don't shoot anything
0x24 Get items from anywhere (1 of 2)
0x24 Get items from anywhere (2 of 2)
0x24 Hit anywhere (1 of 2)
0xAD Hit anywhere (2 of 2)
0x60 Invincibility
0x01 Turbo Sword
0x09 Invincibility (blinking) (alt)
0x01 Have Wooden Sword
0x02 Have White Sword
0x03 Have Magic Sword
0x10 Have Bombs
0x01 Have Arrows
0x02 Have Silver Arrows
0x01 Have Bow
0x01 Have Blue Candle
0x02 Have Red Candle
0x01 Have Flute
0x01 Have Enemy Bait
0x01 Have Magic Wand
0x01 Have Raft
0x01 Have Magic Book
0x01 Have Ladder
0x01 Have Magical Key
0x01 Have Power Bracelet
0xFF Have Maps for Dungeons 1-8 and Compass for Dungeon 9 (1 of 2)
0xFF Have Maps for Dungeons 1-8 and Compass for Dungeon 9 (2 of 2)
0xFF Have Map for Dungeon 9
0xFF Infinite Rupies
0x03 Infinite Keys
0xFF Infinite life (alt)
0xFF Have all Tri-Force pieces
0x01 Have Magical Shield
PEEALYLA Start with 1 life - P1 TEEALYLA Start with 6 lives - P1 PEEALYLE Start with 9 lives - P1 PANEAYLA Start with 1 life - both players TANEAYLA Start with 6 lives - both players PANEAYLE Start with 9 lives - both players AAEEGLPA Almost infinite health (1 of 2) AEEATIPA Almost infinite health (2 of 2) ZANAIZPA Gain double powers on pick-up (1 of 2) ZEVAPIPA Gain double powers on pick-up (2 of 2) LANAIZPA Gain triple powers on pick-up (1 of 2) ZEVAPZPA Gain triple powers on pick-up (2 of 2)
0x09 Infinite lives - P1
0x01 Have Double shot
0x02 Have Rapid Fire shot
0x03 Have Crazy Ball shot
0x04 Have Firebird ability
0x00 One hit kills on bosses
0x63 Infinite health - P1
OZUUZSPX Balls are considered strikes PEKLAIGA 1 ball and you walk ZEKLAIGA 2 balls and you walk TEKLAIGA 6 balls to walk PASUGILA 1 strike and you're out (fouls don't count as strikes) ZASUGILA 2 strikes and you're out (fouls don't count as strikes) IASUGILA 5 strikes and you're out (fouls don't count as strikes) SXUTLAVG Infinite time SZVVTPVG Infinite climbers SXOVAPVG Infinite floaters SXKTYPVG Infinite bombers SZOTPZVG Infinite blockers SZVTPZVG Infinite builders SXXVLZVG Infinite bashers SZETGLVG Infinite miners SZSTYLVG Infinite diggers OLSSGSOO Infinite ammo when shooting on the ground AKVIXAAP E restores health completely AEVIXAAP E worth nothing AKKSEAAP Extra ammo restores ammo completely AEKSEAAP Extra ammo worth nothing (if you run out of ammo you can't use gun till next stage) AEUYXAAZ No health lost when falling off screen AKUYXAAZ Falling off screen is fatal NNNISAAU Bullet proof vest lasts longer XVUKOOXK Bullet proof vest lasts until end of stage, except when you die from punches or falling off screen OUSSISOO Infinite ammo when shooting in the air (1 of 2) OUXIPSOO Infinite ammo when shooting in the air (2 of 2) XTUGTXXK Start on Level 2 XZUGLXVL Start on Level 3 (1 of 3) LAUGGZNP Start on Level 3 (2 of 3) XTUGIZEK Start on Level 3 (3 of 3)
0x3A Infinite ammo
0x3F Infinite health
0x00 One hit kills on bosses
0x09 Invincibility (blinking) - P1
GZKGILVI Infinite lives OXOSPXOV One hit kills most enemies GZSGLTSP Keep pods after death AAUIPXTP Hit anywhere (1 of 4) AAUSTXIA Hit anywhere (2 of 4) ATNILXOZ Hit anywhere (3 of 4) EIKSZZEP Hit anywhere (4 of 4) TKOYVIGX Press Start to finish the level (1 of 2) ZEOYKIPA Press Start to finish the level (2 of 2) PEKGPTAA Start with Speed ZEKGPTAA Start with Missile LEKGPTAA Start with Ripple GEKGPTAA Start with Laser IEKGPTAA Start with Option TEKGPTAA Start with Force Field PEUTSTAA Start at the volcanic stage ZEUTSTAA Start at the prominence stage LEUTSTAA Start at cell stage 2 GEUTSTAA Start at the temple stage IEUTSTAA Start at the mechanical city stage PEKVNTLA Start with 1 life TEKVNTLA Start with 6 lives
0x63 Infinite lives
0x03 Have upgraded Laser
0x02 Have double Speed
0x03 Have triple speed
0x09 Have Shield
0xC0 Invincibility - P1
0xC0 Invincibility - P2
0x02 Have double Missile
0x01 Have Option
0x01 Enable 30 lives option
0x02 Progress through the stage faster
0x02 Complete the level
SXXKNUVK Cosmo Cop - Infinite lives SZXGXUSE Cosmo Cop - Infinite ammo SZVKEUVK Cosmo Cop - Infinite energy (1 of 2) SZVKUUVK Cosmo Cop - Infinite energy (2 of 2) ATSPASVG Cyber Monster - Infinite misses
0x06 Infinite health
EINEILEY Invincibility (1 of 2) EIVLYGEY Invincibility (2 of 2) SXNEAKVK Infinite lives UPEUYLOG Always hit a homerun (press B while the ball is in play) (2 of 2) AGOLPUNI Always hit a homerun (press B while the ball is in play) (1 of 2) OZUITLEN Balls are considered strikes ESSGSPEY Invincibility (1 of 2) ESEELPEY Invincibility (2 of 2) SXSGNPVG Invincibility after one hit AASGATZA Start with 1 life IASGATZA Start with 6 lives AASGATZE Start with 9 lives SZSSPLVG Infinite lives GZSILLSA Keep red pearls after dying GZSIILSA Keep green pearls after dying PAKKGTAA Start on stage 2 ZAKKGTAA Start on stage 3 LAKKGTAA Start on stage 4 GAKKGTAA Start on stage 5 IAKKGTAA Start on Ursula stage LASIZLAA Get all pearls after dying LAKKGTAA Start with all red pearls (1 of 2) ILKKTVOV Start with all red pearls (2 of 2) LAKKGTAA Start with all green pearls (1 of 2) TLKKTVOV Start with all green pearls (2 of 2) PASGGTLA Start with 1 heart (1 of 2) PAXGAYLA Start with 1 heart (2 of 2) IASGGTLA Start with 5 hearts (1 of 2) IAXGAYLA Start with 5 hearts (2 of 2) SXKTGEVK Infinite life SZOKSLVG Infinite lives PEKKSZLA Start with 1 life TEKKSZLA Start with 6 lives PEKKSZLE Start with 9 lives TOKZKNZA Mega-jump GESLYPPA Speed jumps (1 of 2) UYUUIOVN Speed jumps (2 of 2) ZEXLLPPA Super speed (1 of 2) SYEUPOVN Super speed (2 of 2) PEUKOZAA Start on stage 2 ZEUKOZAA Start on stage 3 LEUKOZAA Start on stage 4 GEUKOZAA Start on stage 5 IEUKOZAA Start on stage 6 TEUKOZAA Start on stage 7 YEUKOZAA Start on stage 8
0x09 Infinite Keys
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0xFF Fly
0x05 Infinite life (alt)
0x03 Invincibility (blinking)
SXSZXNTS Invincibility to water AIULZPEI Invincibility OLKUAOOO Infinite Life AEEOKZPA Mighty Ball always available OZXONUPX All T-Stars ATUOSUSZ T-Star always available AEUUYKIA Infinite Dragon Kicks AAXIVOZP Quick level up AEOSKPZA Max money after fights AVSIOOSZ Infinite money NYUSKXZE Start with 255 Life ZLUSSZPA Start with 50 Attack
0x06 Have Marks
0x08 Have T-Stars
0x08 Have Prism Claw
0x05 Have Prism Sword
0x04 Have Prism Shield
0x04 Have Sacred Robe
0x02 Have Batteries
0x01 Have Whirly Birds
0x01 Have Medicine
0x08 Have Sweet Buns
0x01 Have Meat Bun
APSELZEI Invincibility against enemies GZVEPXSN Infinite health GXOVAGVG Infinite lives ALUAIGEL Hit anywhere AVKXSXVI Collectable items never disappear AOKTPSAE Increase Samson's health gauge AOKTZSAE Increase Kikira's health gauge AXKTLIAP Increase Gamm's health gauge AOKTGIGA Increase K.O.'s health gauge AOKTISAE Increase Samson's health AOKTTSAE Increase Kikira's health AXKTYIAP Increase Gamm's health AOKVAIGA Increase K.O.'s health AAUZEZGE Crystal ball adds 4 units to health gauge AESXVPZE Small hearts give 4 health units
0x08 Infinite health - Little Samson
0x08 Infinite health - Dragon
0x0F Infinite health - Golem
0x04 Infinite health - Mouse
0xFF Instantly win puzzle
0x01 Infinite time
0x23 Infinite health
GXOKIGEY Invincibility (1 of 3) GXOGTGEY Invincibility (2 of 3) GZNGLGEY Invincibility (3 of 3) GZNGYIVG Infinite lives PASKLTIA Start with 1 life ZASKLTIE Start with 10 lives APOIGPAL Moonwalk GAUGVGYA Heavy gravity (1 of 2) AAKGEGGA Heavy gravity (2 of 2) SXSZKPSA Walk anywhere - Overworld ATEXYIST Items are free NNKNTIGV Start with 255 dollars AASXUAPA Infinite regular and silver bullets IEUZTNZA Cheaper silver bullets ZEUZIYIA Cheaper standard bullets ZESYTIIE Start with 10 silver bullet rounds YESYTIIE Start with 15 silver bullet rounds YESYZSZE Start with 15 standard bullet rounds TOSYZSZE Start with 30 standard bullet rounds GZKKYPSA Infinite energy - side views only GZSZNATG Don't lose money when shooting bystanders (1 of 2) GZSXOATT Don't lose money when shooting bystanders (2 of 2)
0xFF Infinite money (1 of 2)
0xFF Infinite money (2 of 2)
0x06 Infinite regular and silver bullets (alt)
0x63 Infinite T.N.T.
0x0C Infinite health
0x00 Level Modifier
0xFF Infinite time to place blocks
SZEENESE Infinite life (blinking) SXUEKUVS Infinite Ammo - Secondary Weapon AEXXZELP Hit anywhere (1 of 2) SXVZLAAX Hit anywhere (2 of 2) ATOXTPEY Invincibility (1 of 2) AEOXLOZA Get items from anywhere YZSXTKZZ Invincibility (2 of 2) PEXIZTLA Start with 1 life TEXIZTLA Start with 6 lives PEXIZTLE Start with 9 lives PEOSKALA 1 life after continue TEOSKALA 6 lives after continue PEOSKALE 9 lives after continue SZNIEEVK Infinite lives GZKINOVK Infinite time SZVSKOVK Infinite vehicle fuel AAEZATZE Full life gained from capsules PAEZATZA Less life gained from capsules LAVSKAPA Full EMDP on a new life ZAVIKAAA Full AGM on a new life ZEOZZTLE 10 Boomerangs on pick-up ZAVXGTLE 10 Fireballs on pick-up ZEUXATLE 10 Bombs on pick-up ZESXTTLE 10 Waves on pick-up
0x00 Enemies die instantly (1 of 2)
0x00 Enemies die instantly (2 of 2)
0x08 Infinite life
0x23 Jump higher
0x03 Rank is 03/03
0x63 Rank left is 99/99 (1 of 2)
0x63 Rank left is 99/99 (2 of 2)
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0xFF Infinite time (alt)
0x63 Infinite Balls
GXKSUOSE Infinite lives EGETYTIA Infinite hearts GLXEIPEK Multi-jump (1 of 3) OZXEGOSX Multi-jump (2 of 3) XTXETPGE Multi-jump (3 of 3) EKNVYIIA Don't lose Golden Arches when hit AOVEGTGE Super-jump (1 of 2) AEVEPTLA Super-jump (2 of 2) AAVNIVGA Always find all cards in level (1 of 4) OZVNPVSX Always find all cards in level (2 of 4) PAVNZVPP Always find all cards in level (3 of 4) XTVNLTGE Always find all cards in level (4 of 4) AEXALGPA Access any level on map AAKSAYZA 1 heart per life (1 of 2) AEKSNPZA 1 heart per life (2 of 2) YAKSAYZA 8 hearts per life (1 of 2) YEKSNPZA 8 hearts per life (2 of 2) PAKILYLA Start with 2 lives TAKILYLA Start with 7 lives PAKILYLE Start with 10 lives GEKALTTA 4 'months' for beginner game PEKALTTE 9 'months' for beginner game TEXAIVGA 6 'months' for standard game GOXAIVGA 20 'months' for standard game EPOEPNAI Humanoids start with $400 (1 of 2) PAOETYZA Humanoids start with $400 (2 of 2) AZOEPNAI Humanoids start with $800 (1 of 2) LAOETYZA Humanoids start with $800 (2 of 2) GPUAAYAG Flappers start with $1300 (1 of 2) IAUAIYTA Flappers start with $1300 (2 of 2) EIUAAYAG Flappers start with $2000 (1 of 2) YAUAIYTA Flappers start with $2000 (2 of 2) ZESELPLA Set bout length timer to 20 TESELPLA Set bout length timer to 60 PESELPLE Set bout length timer to 90 ZEUOUPPA Computer controlled players jump faster ZASXAAPA Computer controlled players speed up OZUEPZSX Invincibility - P1 team (1 of 2) LTUEZXYG Invincibility - P1 team (2 of 2) IVGUEY Never lose bike abilities (colors) VZISZL Infinite lives KKAZNG Infinite energy (1 of 2) UETUXY Infinite energy (2 of 2) KVGLXY Bike never explodes VLTGKZ Infinite shots SXZEIL Super speed (1 of 2) SXLALL Super speed (2 of 2) SZYGYV No winter SZTZSG Infinite time - solo and endurance courses NYEYVYAX Start with full food and water AGOYUYEA Start with less ammo SXVAEVVK Infinite ammo AENEPYAP No damage done to car GENEPYAP Less damage done to car AXNEPYAP More damage done to car AAUAUEAA No damage done to you GAUAUEAA Less damage done to you APUAUEAA More damage done to you AVKVLPAZ A better tune-up AANEPZPA Dynamite is free AAVEGZPA Ammo is free GEEATZYA Cheaper arena pass (1 of 2) GLKELZYL Cheaper arena pass (2 of 2) GXOGZZVG Infinite bullets IASGUSZA Fewer bullets on pick-up GPSGUSZA More bullets on pick-up AZNIEXGL Faster timer GZNGOTOY Immune to physical damage GZOKSSON Immune to weapon damage GXNGPOSN Immune to damage in maze XTNIVXXK Infinite time AYNIEXGL Slower timer (1 of 2) AYVISXGL Slower timer (2 of 2) GXUTAYEI Bypass checksum check (1 of 2) GXXVAYEI Bypass checksum check (2 of 2) GXUVYYEP Disable Game Over AEETNKIT Speed never increases (1 of 2) XXETVGVZ Speed never increases (2 of 2) OTSXLGSV Infinite HP SXEVPLVG Infinite lives TEXAXLLA Get Coins from anywhere OXUYZKPX Invincibility AEEYYGLA Hit anywhere (1 of 5) ALNNIGEP Hit anywhere (2 of 5) SZNNLGSG Hit anywhere (3 of 5) TZNNTKPA Hit anywhere (4 of 5) UGNNGKPE Hit anywhere (5 of 5) PAKTAZLA Start with 1 life TAKTAZLA Start with 6 lives PAKTAZLE Start with 9 lives ZAUTAZIA Start with only 20 Gold Coins POKAOZZU Less energy gained from Bread ZAEEXGIA Less magic gained from Mashroobs SZEAEKVK Never lose Mashroobs
0xFF Infinite HP (alt)
0xFF Gain 65280 EXP for each kill
0x18 Infinite MP
0x25 Infinite Bread
0x25 Infinite Mashroob
0x05 Infinite R. Seeds
0x10 Infinite Carpets
0x08 Infinite Troopers
0x01 Start on area 2 - Wilderness
0x02 Start on area 3 - Lake
0x03 Start on area 4 - Forest
0x04 Start on area 5 - Caverns
0x05 Start on area 6 - Dungeons
0x06 Start on area 7 - Castle
0x07 Start on area 8 - Tower
0x08 Start on the Tower Top boss
SZVVYTVG Infinite lives - 1P game AEEVITPA Infinite lives - 2P game AEKGKLZA Start with 1 life - both players IEKGKLZA Start with 6 lives - both players AEKGKLZE Start with 9 lives - both players
0x02 Infinite lives - P1
0x05 Infinite lives - P2
0x05 Max upgrades - P1
0x05 Max upgrades - P2
SEXGKASZ All codes start out as 0000 ASSSXZEI Invincibility (1 of 2) GXEIOZEY Invincibility (2 of 2) GZENZLVT Disable Hurry! timer GZEKUZVG Infinite time - Bonus stages ATXKIZIA Press Start to complete stage (1 of 6) OZXKAZIK Press Start to complete stage (2 of 6) PAXKGZEY Press Start to complete stage (3 of 6) SAXKZZSE Press Start to complete stage (4 of 6) TLXKLZLX Press Start to complete stage (5 of 6) VAXKPZLZ Press Start to complete stage (6 of 6) SZOSNKVS Ropes don't change color when jumping on them (1 of 2) SZOVZXVS Ropes don't change color when jumping on them (2 of 2) GXKNTPEI Collect Red Balloons from anywhere - Bonus stages (1 of 2) GXSNPPEL Collect Red Balloons from anywhere - Bonus stages (2 of 2) GZNTLTEI Collect items from anywhere - normal stages (1 of 2) GZNVTTEL Collect items from anywhere - normal stages (2 of 2) SXKYTEOO Disable trap floors SZKXITVG Infinite lives AEXXTAZA Start with 1 life IEXXTAZA Start with 6 lives TESXALLA Start with 6 toys PESXALLA Start with 1 toy LESZALAA Start with coins instead of toys PESZALAA Start with fish instead of toys ZESZALAA Start with pots instead of toys OXVXLZVS Infinite time GOOZPLAA Extra 20 seconds to complete beginner race AXOZPLAE Extra 40 seconds to complete beginner race GXEXTLEL Bonus time not added EYNGALEI Don't break from falling OZGGYO Cannot fall into bottomless pits (1 of 3) SZAEUA Cannot fall into bottomless pits (2 of 3) SZEGPXOX Cannot fall into bottomless pits (3 of 3)
0x3C Infinite time (alt)
0x63 Max score - P1 (1 of 3)
0x63 Max score - P1 (2 of 3)
0x63 Max score - P1 (3 of 3)
AVVIEGVI Invincibility VINTPUVK Infinite time - bonus rounds SZNTPUVK Infinite time - bonus rounds (alt) SXNIIZVG Infinite power blocks SXTIEG Infinite lives AVOTINSZ Stops the green fireball from appearing AEETXZPA Stops the red fireball from appearing AAISPL Start with 1 life IAISPL Start with 6 lives AAISPU Start with 9 lives PENGSAAA Move faster ZENGSAAA Move much faster AEUIUGAG Coins kill you VYSYAUKY Mega-jump (1 of 2) VYSYPUKY Mega-jump (2 of 2) EZEKEPKZ Enemies move faster (1 of 2) ZAEKOPNG Enemies move faster (2 of 2) LAEKOPNG Enemies move much faster (2 of 2)
0x04 Infinite lives - P1
0x04 Infinite lives - P2
ZEUUGYAA Get an item after killing one Koopa ZAEALPPA Start on round 2 LAEALPPA Start on round 3 GAEALPPA Start on round 4 IAEALPPA Start on round 5 TAEALPPA Start on round 6 YAEALPPA Start on round 7 SUVOIEVN Invincibility SLXOTYVI Infinite lives SLUPANVS Infinite health SXUNPEVK Infinite lives SZUNTOVK Infinite grenades SZEYIOVK Infinite bullets AEVOAPLA Reduce damage by half GPONAOAZ Magazine holds half normal amount of bullets after first magazine used (1 of 2) GPEYLEAZ Magazine holds half normal amount of bullets after first magazine used (2 of 2) AAOULKPZ Have all weapons (1 of 4) AEULTXVT Have all weapons (2 of 4) AEXLPPZI Have all weapons (3 of 4) OXXLPZEN Have all weapons (4 of 4) IESZXESN Infinite weapons on pick-up SUSZSASP Infinite weapons on pick-up (alt) AUZYGL One hit kills on bosses PENOAYAA Climb up ladders faster VYXOXENN Climb down ladders faster OZSKPZVK Infinite lives AAOGSOLA One hit kills (1 of 2) ESSUNTEP One hit kills (2 of 2) SZKZGZSA Infinite health AVVXLPSZ Invincibility (except against bosses) TAOOYTGA Mega-jump OXSLEEPV Maximum points for shooting bosses (1 of 2) AUSLOEAZ Maximum points for shooting bosses (2 of 2) GOUOTSAP Multi-jump (1 of 4) GXKPVGEL Multi-jump (2 of 4) SUEPLSPX Multi-jump (3 of 4) SOEPGIVP Multi-jump (4 of 4) SUULTVVN Collectable items never disappear XTXLONEK Enemies always drop X (1 of 2) PGOUONLL Enemies always drop extra lives (2 of 2) AGOUONLL Enemies always drop large health refill (2 of 2) YLOUONLU Enemies always drop large weapon refill (2 of 2) TAXOIOGO Start with half energy AASPLAZA Start with 1 life IASPLAZA Start with 6 lives AASPLAZE Start with 9 lives
0x5A Invincibility
0xFF Have all weapons and all stages cleared
0x1C Infinite health (alt)
0x00 Bosses have no invulnerability time
0x03 Infinite lives (alt)
EIUGVTEY Invincibility AIUGVTEY Invincibility (alt) (1 of 2) SAUGKTSZ Invincibility (alt) (2 of 2) SXXTPSSE Infinite health SXUGTPVG Infinite lives GXETTTEL One hit kills (1 of 2) GZUZGTEL One hit kills (2 of 2) LZVSSZYZ Burst-fire from normal weapon TANAOZGA Power-jumps AANAOZGE Super power-jumps APNAOZGA Mega power-jumps GZKEYLAL Maximum weapon energy on pick-up PGEAKOPX Moonwalking SXSSOISA Infinite Heat Man SXSSNZSA Infinite Air Man SZVIUYSA Infinite Wood Man SZUIKLVG Infinite Bubble Man SZVSNLVG Infinite Quick Man SXKSOLVG Infinite Metal Man SXESKLVG Infinite Clash Man SZNIVGVG Infinite 1 SZXTGZVG Infinite 2 SZKTALVG Infinite 3 AXEAUUSZ Multi-jump (1 of 4) LXEEYIYZ Multi-jump (2 of 4) SEEASLGA Multi-jump (3 of 4) VEEAKLEX Multi-jump (4 of 4) SSNLNKVS Collectable items never disappear OUVVASOO Special items re-appear after being collected ASUNZZEP Enemies always drop x (1 of 2) SSUNLXKK Enemies always drop extra lives (2 of 2) OSUNLXKK Enemies always drop large health refill (2 of 2) SSUNLXKG Enemies always drop large weapon refill (2 of 2) AEVAZEKI Able to access already defeated boss stages TEKAIEGO Start with half health PANALALA Start with 1 life TANALALA Start with 6 lives PANALALE Start with 9 lives
0x02 Invincibility (blinking)
0xFF Have all weapons and all stages cleared (1 of 2)
0xFF Have all weapons and all stages cleared (2 of 2)
0x1E Infinite Heat Man once obtained
0x1E Infinite Air Man once obtained
0x1E Infinite Wood Man once obtained
0x1E Infinite Bubble Man once obtained
0x1E Infinite Quick Man once obtained
0x1E Infinite Flash Man once obtained
0x1E Infinite Metal Man once obtained
0x1E Infinite Crash Man once obtained
0x1E Infinite 1 once obtained
0x1E Infinite 2 once obtained
0x1E Infinite 3 once obtained
0x03 Infinite energy tanks
0x04 Infinite lives (alt)
0xFF Atomic Fire always fully charged
0x00 Bosses have no invulnerability time
0x1E Infinite health (alt)
ENXETAEI Invincibility GXVAAASA Infinite health SXVAAASA Infinite health (alt) AEEGXLPA Infinite lives OUNIVVOO Infinite weapons (except Top Man) SXOAZZSA Infinite Top Man AOSYXUAU Hit anywhere (1 of 2) AVSYUUSL Hit anywhere (2 of 2) AEKEZPZA One hit kills YEUKOTGA Mega-jump ASXSTLGP Longer slides NNKIALEE Faster slides NYKGXSGK Move faster ZAKGNIPA Move mega-fast TUOKUIYA Multi-jump (1 of 3) VKUGOIES Multi-jump (2 of 3) GZUKOTEP Multi-jump (3 of 3) SIUUNVVS Collectable items never disappear AEXOXGKI Special items re-appear after being collected EZNLXYEP Enemies always drop x (1 of 3) TANLVNEY Enemies always drop x (2 of 3) IANLUNPA Enemies always drop extra lives (3 of 3) LANLUNPA Enemies always drop large health refill (3 of 3) PANLUNPA Enemies always drop large weapon refill (3 of 3) AAOOGLSI Able to access already defeated boss stages AENKKAZA Start with 1 life IENKKAZA Start with 6 lives AENKKAZE Start with 9 lives PAOONPZA Start with 1 life after continue IAOONPZA Start with 6 lives after continue AAOONPZE Start with 9 lives after continue
0xFF Infinite slide time
0x39 Invincibility (alt)
0x9C Infinite health (alt 2)
0x9C Infinite Gemini Man
0x9C Infinite Needle Man
0x9C Infinite Hard Man
0x9C Infinite Magnet Man
0x9C Infinite Top Man (alt)
0x9C Infinite Snake Man
0x9C Infinite Rush Coil
0x9C Infinite Spark Man
0x9C Infinite Rush Sub
0x9C Infinite Shadow Man
0x9C Infinite Rush Jet
0x03 Infinite lives
0x09 Mega-jump (alt)
GXVEIPSA Infinite health SXVEIPSA Infinite health (alt) SZUGUAVG Infinite lives OUENESOO Infinite weapons GXENESOO Infinite weapon power AEOAIEPA Instant full Mega Buster LXKESKAP Instant full Mega Buster (alt) APKYKXOU Hit anywhere (1 of 2) ATKYSXAZ Hit anywhere (2 of 2) VENOEASZ Always have 10 E-Tanks GXNPZTVG Infinite energy pods on pick-up AAKEYPIE Mega-jump ZOEAIOZP Shorter slides YXEAIOZO Longer slides GEOAGPZA Faster slides ZANKPTPA Faster running (1 of 2) ZEVALLPA Faster running (2 of 2) AUNELEEG Multi-jump (1 of 3) OAEEYPXA Multi-jump (2 of 3) GZUALPEP Multi-jump (3 of 3) AVSUEUVI Collectable items never disappear AAEAGOPY Special items re-appear after being collected AEOLNLTA Enemies always drop x (1 of 3) LEOUXUEY Enemies always drop x (2 of 3) IEOLELGA Enemies always drop large weapon refill (3 of 3) ZEOLELGA Enemies always drop large health refill (3 of 3) AAUKZIZA Start with 1 life IAUKZIZA Start with 6 lives AAUKZIZE Start with 79 lives
0x1F Invincibility
0x03 Infinite lives (alt)
0x9C Infinite health (alt 2)
0x9C Infinite Rush Coil
0x9C Infinite Rush Jet
0x9C Infinite Rush Marine
0x9C Infinite Toad Man
0x9C Infinite Wire
0x9C Infinite Balloon
0x9C Infinite Dive Man
0x9C Infinite Ring Man
0x9C Infinite Drill Man
0x9C Infinite Dust Man
0x9C Infinite Pharaoh Man
0x9C Infinite Bright Man
0x9C Infinite Skull Man
0xFE Infinite time for 3rd Balloon
0xFE Infinite time for 2nd Balloon
0xFE Infinite time for 1st Balloon
0x23 Instant full Mega Buster (alt 2)
0x00 Bosses have no invulnerability time
GXVEIPSA Infinite health SXVEIPSA Infinite health (alt) SZUGUAVG Infinite lives OUENESOO Infinite weapons GXENESOO Infinite weapon power AEOAIEPA Instant full Mega Buster LXKESKAP Instant full Mega Buster (alt) APKYKXOU Hit anywhere (1 of 2) ATKYSXAZ Hit anywhere (2 of 2) VENOEASZ Always have 10 E-Tanks GXNPZTVG Infinite energy pods on pick-up AAKEYPIE Mega-jump ZOEAIOZP Shorter slides YXEAIOZO Longer slides GEOAGPZA Faster slides ZANKPTPA Move faster (1 of 2) ZEVALLPA Move faster (2 of 2) SXEAEASA Cosack can't hurt you AUNELEEG Multi-jump (1 of 3) OAEEYPXA Multi-jump (2 of 3) GZUALPEP Multi-jump (3 of 3) AVSUEUVI Collectable items never disappear AAEAGOPY Special items re-appear after being collected AEOLNLTA Enemies always drop x (1 of 3) LEOUXUEY Enemies always drop x (2 of 3) IEOLELGA Enemies always drop large weapon refill (3 of 3) ZEOLELGA Enemies always drop large health refill (3 of 3) AAUKZIZA Start with 1 life IAUKZIZA Start with 6 lives AAUKZIZE Start with 9 lives
0x1F Invincibility
0x03 Infinite lives (alt)
0x9C Infinite health (alt 2)
0x9C Infinite Rush Coil
0x9C Infinite Rush Jet
0x9C Infinite Rush Marine
0x9C Infinite Toad Man
0x9C Infinite Wire
0x9C Infinite Balloon
0x9C Infinite Dive Man
0x9C Infinite Ring Man
0x9C Infinite Drill Man
0x9C Infinite Dust Man
0x9C Infinite Pharaoh Man
0x9C Infinite Bright Man
0x9C Infinite Skull Man
0xFE Infinite time for 3rd Balloon
0xFE Infinite time for 2nd Balloon
0xFE Infinite time for 1st Balloon
0x23 Instant full Mega Buster (alt 2)
0x00 Bosses have no invulnerability time
OLKOYSOO Infinite weapons (1 of 3) OUNUZSOO Infinite weapons (2 of 3) SZSAGZSA Infinite weapons (3 of 3) OVNLZISV Infinite energy for most weapons (1 of 2) OTKPYISV Infinite energy for most weapons (2 of 2) GXSEYZSA Infinite health SAKEZAIA Invincible against spikes GXXAAIVG Infinite lives APOYYEOU Hit anywhere (1 of 2) ATONAEAZ Hit anywhere (2 of 2) AEUAZOIZ One hit kills XAKSUTEA Start with at least 2 energy tanks VAKSUTEA Start with at least 6 energy tanks XASIOTEA Start with at least 2 mega-tanks VASIOTEA Start with at least 6 mega-tanks GXSEPZVG Infinite mega-tanks on pick-up GZSATPVG Infinite energy tanks on pick-up PEVLLPGA Starting weapons use less energy YEXETAIA Super-jump (1 of 2) ONUELEUN Super-jump (2 of 2) PEXETAIA Mega-jump (1 of 2) NNUELEUY Mega-jump (2 of 2) SAKATAIO Multi-jump (1 of 3) EAVEZAXA Multi-jump (2 of 3) GXOAAAEP Multi-jump (3 of 3) ATKXOVVI Collectable items never disappear AEUOVPSI Special items re-appear after being collected ASEZVTEP Enemies always drop large health refill (1 of 2) PEEZETGA Enemies always drop large health refill (2 of 2)
0x9C Infinite health (alt)
0x9C Infinite Beat
0x9C Infinite Water Wave
0x9C Infinite Gyro Attack
0x9C Infinite Crystal Eye
0x9C Infinite Napalm Bomb
0x9C Infinite Super Arrow
0x9C Infinite Power Stone
0x9C Infinite Gravity Hold
0x9C Infinite Charge Kick
0x9C Infinite Star Crash
0x9C Infinite Rush Coil
0x9C Infinite Rush Jet
0x03 Infinite lives (alt)
0x2D Invincibility
0x00 Bosses have no invulnerability time
ESXAKTEY Invincibility SXEAVNSE Infinite health OUXPXVOO Infinite weapons SZVAIZVG Infinite Rush Jet AENAIOPP Enemies always drop items LEVVNGIA Hit anywhere and shoot to pick-up items AEVVUUZA One hit kills (1 of 2) OXVVXLOU One hit kills (2 of 2) SXEEXTVG Infinite lives (can sometimes die and go to another part of the game) GXEAKYST Infinite health (except fires, falling into pits and spikes) LOOEKGPP Normal shots do more damage TOKENGLP Mega shots do more damage AGEEYOYA Multi-jump (1 of 7) EAOAPOEG Multi-jump (2 of 7) EIOAZPIA Multi-jump (3 of 7) PZOAAOSX Multi-jump (4 of 7) SZEETPEI Multi-jump (5 of 7) XGOALPAU Multi-jump (6 of 7) XTOAGOZE Multi-jump (7 of 7) UKXOTXVI Collectable items never disappear AAUKVIZE Start with 9 lives IAUKVIZA Start with 6 lives AAUKVIZA Start with 1 life
0x36 Invincibility (alt)
0x03 Infinite lives
0x1B Infinite health (alt)
0x00 Super Moonwalk (enable during stages only)
0x00 Bosses have no invulnerability time
0x1B Infinite Beat
0x1B Infinite Yamato
0x1B Infinite W Storm
0x1B Infinite F Blast
0x1B Infinite Plant B
0x1B Infinite Knight
0x1B Infinite C Flash
0x1B Infinite Centaur
0x01 Have the Energy Balancer
ETVVPOAL Infinite health and one hit kills (1 of 5) EYVVLPPP Infinite health and one hit kills (2 of 5) TAVVGPEL Infinite health and one hit kills (3 of 5) XTVVIPZE Infinite health and one hit kills (4 of 5) AAVVZPST Infinite health and one hit kills (levels 1-9, 11, 12 only) (5 of 5) PAVVZPST Infinite health and one hit kills (level 10 only) (5 of 5) OZKYPGSX Multi-jump (1 of 2) XAKYZGZT Multi-jump (2 of 2)
0xFE Level skip - hold B and press Select
0x00 Less down time after hit
SLSIXXVS Infinite lives AAVZLPZA Start with - 1 life IAVZLPZA Start with - 5 lives AAVZLPZE Start with - 9 lives KEXLXKSE P1 has more lives KEXLSKSE P2 has more lives IEXIAIPA More stars on pick-up SZUIOOSU P1 gains P2's speed-ups (1 of 2) VTUSEOVN P1 gains P2's speed-ups (2 of 2)
0x00 Automatically finish level
0xF8 Always shoot power shot
0x01 Auto-fire
0x50 Invincibility
0x01 Start with Flight
SXVTXZVG Infinite life (1 of 2) SZUYPZVG Infinite life (2 of 2) SXELYGVG Invincible against Gas SZSUVZVG Invincible against Electric Floors SXXXETVG Infinite Rations SZSVVYVG Infinite Handgun ammo KXEVUTKA Infinite Mines VXXVETVA Infinite Explosives VXVVKTVA Infinite Missiles SZKVXYVG Infinite Machine Gun ammo KZEVXYKA Infinite Grenades VXKVNTVA Infinite Rockets AAETIUUT Hit anywhere - Punch (1 of 4) AAOTPUNI Hit anywhere - Punch (2 of 4) AAOVPLNI Hit anywhere - Punch (3 of 4) ASVVYZEP Hit anywhere - Punch (4 of 4) AISNYZEY Hit anywhere - Weapons except Grenade Launcher OZSXKGXX Have all weapons (1 of 3) NYSXSGAE Have all weapons (2 of 3) SASXVGSZ Have all weapons (3 of 3) ZASILYPA Start at mystery location 1 GASILYPA Start at mystery location 2 SLNIUGSP Enemies never attack or chase you XZVSAYVZ Start with a X boost (1 of 3) PAVSPNTT Start with a X boost (2 of 3) AEKSZYIE Start with a life boost (3 of 3) GEKSZYIE Start with a super life boost (3 of 3)
0x10 Infinite life (alt)
0xFF Have all weapons (alt)
0xFF Have all equipment (1 of 4)
0xFF Have all equipment (2 of 4)
0xFF Have all equipment (3 of 4)
0x0C Have all equipment (4 of 4)
0xFF Infinite Handgun ammo (alt)
0x0E Infinite Mines (alt)
0x0E Infinite Explosives (alt)
0x0E Infinite Missiles (alt)
0xFF Infinite Machine Gun ammo (alt)
0x3C Infinite Grenades (alt)
0x1E Infinite Rockets (alt)
0x00 Have Rank - 0 Stars
0x01 Have Rank - 1 Star
0x02 Have Rank - 2 Stars
0x03 Have Rank - 3 Stars
0x04 Have Rank - 4 Stars
SZUAXYAX Invincibility SXNPYNSE Infinite health (1 of 2) SZVOEESE Infinite health (2 of 2) SZEYAVVK Infinite lives for Tony PEKSILLA 1 life and 1 Smart Bomb TEKSILLA 6 lives and 6 Smart Bombs PEKSILLE 9 lives and 9 Smart Bombs SZVYISVK Infinite Smart Bombs VNNXTENN Super-jumping Tony ZEEXGAIA Super-speeding Tony PEEXGAIA Mega-speeding Tony AESSAUNY Start on level 2 PESSAUNY Start on level 3 ZESSAUNY Start on level 4 LESSAUNY Start on level 5 GESSAUNY Start on level 6
0x1F Infinite health (alt)
SXKNAIVG Infinite time SZNTGTSA Invincibility (1 of 2) SZOUIYSA Invincibility (2 of 2) TEXUNLZA Start with 6 lives PEXUNLZE Start with 9 lives AASOYYPA Infinite lives NNNLOLAE Start with extra weapons AVKYPSGL Slower timer AXKYPSGL Faster timer AESTKXGA Permanent Fireball AESXXNGY Permanent Shield APKYKKKP Invincibility (01 of 10) ATEPUVSZ Invincibility (02 of 10) AVKYXTAZ Invincibility (03 of 10) AVOYIXSL Invincibility (04 of 10) AVUYTZAZ Invincibility (05 of 10) AVVNYZAZ Invincibility (06 of 10) EPKYUGAZ Invincibility (07 of 10) EPNVLZKA Invincibility (08 of 10) OXEPNOOK Invincibility (09 of 10) PZNVGZZN Invincibility (10 of 10) SXSGNVSE Minimum energy of 30 IIAIII Beam has longer range SZUILUVK Infinite Missiles on pick-up ZENSXLIE Gain 10 Missiles on pick-up YENSXLIE Gain 15 Missiles on pick-up NNNSXLIE Gain 255 Missiles on pick-up YAXGVPLA Start with 70 energy SSAEAI Roll through walls, but loses energy (glitchy) GZUIAAEY Multi-jump (1 of 2) GZOGEIEY Multi-jump (2 of 2) ZONGKNAP High-jump without High Jump Boots GENGKNAO Mega-jump without High Jump Boots GENKSYZO Mega-jump with High Jump Boots EATTOU No enemies AOOKKSAU Always have Screw-Attack effect (1 of 2) AVXGESEA Always have Screw-Attack effect (2 of 2) AAKYLLLA Hit anywhere (1 of 4) GXKNZZEL Hit anywhere (2 of 4) NYUNYIAX Hit anywhere (3 of 4) SXSYZZAX Hit anywhere (4 of 4) AEXSNLTG Get items from anywhere (1 of 2) GXENAGEY Get items from anywhere (2 of 2) AAKYPSPZ Enemies die automatically ALLGKP Infinite health and Missiles, have all items AEXGXTLA Infinite health IZPSTT Break any block AUZTLG Fall through the floor AANSPTGP Easier bomb jumping (1 of 2) AAVIGPZL Easier bomb jumping (2 of 2)
0xFF Have all items
0x01 Infinite energy, Missiles and all items
0x10 Have Maru Mari (Morphing Ball)
0x14 Have Long Beam
0x3F Have Bombs
0x40 Have Wave Beam
0x80 Have Ice Beam
0x01 Infinite time
ESEPKZEY Invincibility (1 of 2) ESVPNZEY Invincibility (2 of 2) OVOPPTSV Infinite health SZSOPZVG Infinite lives PESOIPGA Start with 2 lives IESOIPGA Start with 6 lives AESOIPGE Start with 9 lives GPSIEVGE Mickey and Minnie can shoot on any level (1 of 2) LAVSVTZA Mickey and Minnie can shoot on any level (2 of 2) PAXNAYLE Play with 9 lives GZNXGVVK Infinite lives GAXYSZZA Qualify every race PAOYXZLA Ruff Trux after every race PEUYYYLA Kid out of game after every race GAXNIYAA Start on race 5 PAXNIYAE Start on race 10 TAXNIYAE Start on race 15 LPXNIYAA Start on race 20 APXNIYAE Start on race 25 (Final Race) GAUYOZPA Win Championship race AAOEIAIA Faster Boat acceleration AAOEGAIA Faster Sports Car acceleration AAOETAIA Faster Formula 1 acceleration AAOEYAIA Faster Turbo Wheels(tm) acceleration AAXAAAIA Faster 4x4 acceleration AAXAZAZA Faster Tank acceleration AAXALAIA Faster Chopper acceleration AAXATEPA Quicker Boat deceleration AAXAIEPA Quicker Sports Car deceleration AAXAYEPA Quicker Formula 1 deceleration AAXEAEPA Quicker Turbo Wheels deceleration AAXEPEPA Quicker 4x4 deceleration AAXELAZA Quicker Tank deceleration AAXEGEYA Quicker Chopper deceleration YAEAZAPA Higher bounce for Boats IAEAPAPA Higher bounce for Sports cars YAEALAPA Higher bounce for Formula 1's YAEAGAPA Higher bounce for Turbo Wheels YAEAIAPA Higher bounce for 4x4's YAEAYAPA Higher bounce for Tanks POLESS Drive through vehicles PEKNAYLE Play with 9 lives GXSZZVVK Infinite lives GEKYSZZA Qualify every race PEUYXZLA Ruff Trux after every race PASYNALA Kid out of game after every race GEKNIYAA Start on race 5 PEKNIYAE Start on race 10 TEKNIYAE Start on race 15 LOKNIYAA Start on race 20 AOKNIYAE Start on race 25 (Final Race) GESYOZPA Win Championship race AAOEIAIA Faster Boat acceleration AAOEGAIA Faster Sports Car acceleration AAOETAIA Faster Formula 1 acceleration AAOEYAIA Faster Turbo Wheels(tm) acceleration AAXAAAIA Faster 4x4 acceleration AAXAZAZA Faster Tank acceleration AAXALAIA Faster Chopper acceleration AAXATEPA Quicker Boat deceleration AAXAIEPA Quicker Sports Car deceleration AAXAYEPA Quicker Formula 1 deceleration AAXEAEPA Quicker Turbo Wheels deceleration AAXEPEPA Quicker 4x4 deceleration AAXELAZA Quicker Tank deceleration AAXEGEYA Quicker Chopper deceleration YAEAZAPA Higher bounce for Boats IAEAPAPA Higher bounce for Sports cars YAEALAPA Higher bounce for Formula 1's YAEAGAPA Higher bounce for Turbo Wheels YAEAIAPA Higher bounce for 4x4's YAEAYAPA Higher bounce for Tanks POLESS Drive through vehicles AANGGPLA Start with 1 life IANGGPLA Start with 6 lives AANGGPLE Start with 9 lives VYNGGPLE Start with 255 lives SZSSOLVG Keep weapon after death LANKPPAA Start with best weapon NNEOZAAE More time to refuel LEEOZAAA Less time to refuel OZOOYPSX Start on mission X (1 of 3) XIXPZPPS Start on mission X (2 of 3) PAXPAPIP Start on mission 2 (3 of 3) ZAXPAPIP Start on mission 3 (3 of 3) LAXPAPIP Start on mission 4 (3 of 3) GAXPAPIP Start on mission 5 (3 of 3) IAXPAPIP Start on mission 6 (3 of 3) PANPSEPX Invincibility SXEPNESE Invincibility (alt) (1 of 2) SXVPSUSE Invincibility (alt) (2 of 2) OXOOYNPX Invincibility SXUPPNSE Invincibility (alt) (1 of 2) SZEOXUSE Invincibility (alt) (2 of 2) SXXALNVK Infinite time PAOEZZLA Start with 1 life TAOEZZLA Start with 6 lives PAOEZZLE Start with 9 lives VZUEZNVK Infinite lives AKOEGYAT Less time in game EEOEGYAT More time in game SXOESEVK Enemies don't return from coin transformation SZEEXUVK Power coins are not used up OESPNTLA Disable torture room ZEUOUAPA Jump through walls
0x09 Infinite time (one's digit)
0x09 Infinite time (ten's digit)
0x09 Infinite M's
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
EAXKNYAA Invincibility PEVKTYIA Start with 2 lives (doesn't work on continues) LEVKTYIA Start with 4 lives (doesn't work on continues) YEVKTYIA Start with 8 lives (doesn't work on continues) PEVKTYIE Start with 10 lives (doesn't work on continues) SZKSNIVG Infinite lives PENGZYLA Start with 1 credit IENGZYLA Start with 5 credits YENGZYLA Start with 7 credits PENGZYLE Start with 9 credits SZOOLGVG Infinite credits SZXNUPSA Protection from most hazards SZUEAVOU Cody is weaker SZSATVOU Guy is weaker SZNAGVOU Haggar is weaker OXKAXZSX Gain EXP faster (10 pts at a time) (may be displayed incorrectly) (1 of 2) AOKAUZIA Gain EXP faster (10 pts at a time) (may be displayed incorrectly) (2 of 2) OXKAXZSX Gain EXP much faster (20 pts at a time) (may be displayed incorrectly) (1 of 2) AXKAUZIA Gain EXP much faster (20 pts at a time) (may be displayed incorrectly) (2 of 2) ALKGOAAG Cody starts with 3/4 health (1st life only) AZKGOAAG Cody starts with 1/2 health (1st life only) APKGOAAG Cody starts with 1/4 health (1st life only) ALKSKTAG Cody starts with 3/4 health (after 1st life) AZKSKTAG Cody starts with 1/2 health (after 1st life) APKSKTAG Cody starts with 1/4 health (after 1st life) GZKGXAAL Guy starts with 3/4 health (1st life only) APKGXAAU Guy starts with 1/2 health (1st life only) GAKGXAAU Guy starts with 1/4 health (1st life only) GZSIXTAL Guy starts with 3/4 health (after 1st life) APSIXTAU Guy starts with 1/2 health (after 1st life) GASIXTAU Guy starts with 1/4 health (after 1st life) GLKGUAAS Haggar starts with 3/4 health (1st life only) AZKGUAAS Haggar starts with 1/2 health (1st life only) GPKGUAAI Haggar starts with 1/4 health (1st life only) GLSSETAS Haggar starts with 3/4 health (after 1st life) AZSSETAS Haggar starts with 1/2 health (after 1st life) GPSSETAI Haggar starts with 1/4 health (after 1st life) EXSEYIKZ Cody is stronger and has a super-powerful normal punch (1 of 3) IEVAASLT Cody is stronger and has a super-powerful normal punch (2 of 3) AKEASELA Cody is stronger and has a super-powerful normal punch (3 of 3) AGUAKPZA Guy is stronger and has a super-powerful normal punch (1 of 3) EZEAYTKZ Guy is stronger and has a super-powerful normal punch (2 of 3) IAEEAVLT Guy is stronger and has a super-powerful normal punch (3 of 3) EZXAYTKZ Haggar is stronger and has a super-powerful normal punch (1 of 3) LAXEAVLT Haggar is stronger and has a super-powerful normal punch (2 of 3) AKKEUOIA Haggar is stronger and has a super-powerful normal punch (3 of 3)
0x30 Infinite health
0x25 Invincibility (alt)
0x09 Infinite lives
0x05 Max level
AEEAAAST Invincibility (1 of 2) INUAIZSY Invincibility (2 of 2) ATEALIXZ Infinite health PAXEUPAE Infinite hearts GZKETGST Infinite hearts (alt) ALVAYPEY Start with and have infinite stars AAVEAOTP Infinite stars ALNEVPEY Infinite stars once obtained LASAEPAA Start each round with 3 stars XXXELNVA Infinite time (1 of 2) SUSETNSO Infinite time (2 of 2) SXOEYNVV Infinite time (alt) ATOEXESA No health for opponent (1 of 2) SXKAYKSE No health for opponent (2 of 2) SZSELPAX No health replenishment for opponent SZVAAOIV Take less damage SZVALPAX Take even less damage AAVETLGA Normal punches do more damage YZLOSS Instant win UZLOSS Instant loss AXIONS First knockdown will be a TKO INUAIZSY Opponent cannot block punches ENOZAZPE Skip intro
0x01 Start on match 02 - Von Keiser
0x02 Start on match 03 - Piston Honda
0x03 Start on match 04 - Don Flamenco
0x04 Start on match 05 - King Hippo
0x05 Start on match 06 - Great Tiger
0x06 Start on match 07 - Bald Bull
0x07 Start on match 08 - Piston Honda (2nd match)
0x08 Start on match 09 - Soda Popinski
0x09 Start on match 10 - Bald Bull (2nd match)
0x0A Start on match 11 - Don Flamenco (2nd match)
0x0B Start on match 12 - Mr. Sandman
0x0C Start on match 13 - Super Macho Man
0x0D Start on match 14 - Mike Tyson
0x00 Infinite time (1 of 3)
0x00 Infinite time (2 of 3)
0x00 Infinite time (3 of 3)
0x0A Infinite hearts (alt 2)
0x03 Start with and have infinite stars (alt)
0x60 Infinite health (alt)
0x00 No health for opponent (alt)
0x02 First knockdown will be a TKO (alt) (1 of 2)
0x02 First knockdown will be a TKO (alt) (2 of 2)
AEEAAAST Invincibility (1 of 2) INUAIZSY Invincibility (2 of 2) ATEALIXZ Infinite health PAXEUPAE Infinite hearts GZKETGST Infinite hearts (alt) ALVAYPEY Start with and have infinite stars AAVEAOTP Infinite stars ALNEVPEY Infinite stars once obtained LASAEPAA Start each round with 3 stars SXOEYNVV Infinite time (alt) XXXELNVA Infinite time (1 of 2) SUSETNSO Infinite time (2 of 2) ATOEXESA No health for opponent (1 of 2) SXKAYKSE No health for opponent (2 of 2) SZSELPAX No health replenishment for opponent SZVAAOIV Take less damage SZVALPAX Take even less damage AAVETLGA Normal punches do more damage INUAIZSY Opponent cannot block punches ENOZAZPE Skip intro
0x01 Start on match 02 - Von Keiser
0x02 Start on match 03 - Piston Honda
0x03 Start on match 04 - Don Flamenco
0x04 Start on match 05 - King Hippo
0x05 Start on match 06 - Great Tiger
0x06 Start on match 07 - Bald Bull
0x07 Start on match 08 - Piston Honda (2nd match)
0x08 Start on match 09 - Soda Popinski
0x09 Start on match 10 - Bald Bull (2nd match)
0x0A Start on match 11 - Don Flamenco (2nd match)
0x0B Start on match 12 - Mr. Sandman
0x0C Start on match 13 - Super Macho Man
0x0D Start on match 14 - Mike Tyson
0x00 Infinite time (1 of 3)
0x00 Infinite time (2 of 3)
0x00 Infinite time (3 of 3)
0x0A Infinite hearts (alt 2)
0x03 Start with and have infinite stars (alt)
0x60 Infinite health (alt)
0x00 No health for opponent (alt)
0x02 First knockdown will be a TKO (1 of 2)
0x02 First knockdown will be a TKO (2 of 2)
SUKGETVI Infinite lives - both players PAVKSPGA Start with 1 life - P1 ZAVKSPGE Start with 10 lives - P1 ASESIIEZ Increase territory to half screen AXESIIEZ Increase territory to full screen NKESIIEZ Shrink territory ZEUSXYTE Player's bullets move faster LEUSXYTA Player's bullets move slower
0x00 Invincibility
SZNSLZSA Infinite health AEKGNXAA No health on pick-up AOKGNXAE More health on pick-up ASNPVZLA Floating Milon ASEZZYEI Max power bubbles ESUIGOOG Hit anywhere (1 of 2) GXUIIOAA Hit anywhere (2 of 2) AGSEEZAZ Start with more health AISAOXAL Start with a bigger health bar
0x09 Set money to $900
0x3F Infinite health (alt)
0xFA Have Jump Shoes
0xFA Have Roller Shoes
0xFA Have Saw
0xFA Have Medicine
0xFA Have Lantern
0xFA Have Hammer
0xFA Have Vest
0xFA Have Feather
0xFA Have Tube
0xFA Have Blimp Ship
0xFA Have Sword
0xFA Have Ice Bottle
0xFA Have all Crystals
0xFF Doors always unlocked
AAESVIGT Infinite health (1 of 3) AANNZPGT Infinite health (2 of 3) AAXIOLGT Infinite health (3 of 3)
0x63 Infinite health (alt)
TEOUNKGA Start with less health AOOUNKGA Start with more health SXUETVOU Take less damage ZENETTPA Take more damage ZEULXGIA 2 Type B weapons for Nicholas PEULXGIE 9 Type B weapons for Nicholas IEXUXKZA 5 Type B weapons for Max and Grant YEXUXKZE 15 Type B weapons for Max and Grant AAUPIZPA Infinite Type B weapons for all VKOAVOSX Longer disguise time (1 of 2) GAEOPLPA Longer disguise time (2 of 2)
0x0D Infinite health (1 of 3)
0x0D Infinite health (2 of 3)
0x0D Infinite health (3 of 3)
0x0A Infinite weapons (1 of 3)
0x0A Infinite weapons (2 of 3)
0x09 Infinite weapons (3 of 3)
AEULXZLA Hit anywhere NNSLUZPE One hit kills (1 of 2) OXSLXXOV One hit kills (2 of 2) IEESTTLE Increase projectile limit to 13 AIXALGEL Collect money from anywhere (1 of 2) ALVEOIEL Collect money from anywhere (2 of 2) LAKAPLGA Start a new game for hidden debug TEST MODE menu YAKAPLGA Start a new game to view the ending YLSSOLPU Collect $300 as you pass Go IPSSOLPU Collect $100 as you pass Go AAVZKAYP Pay $0 to get out of jail IPVZKAYO Pay $100 to get out of jail LOOAVKZP Pay $30 for luxury tax IOOAVKZO Pay $100 for luxury tax PUOAVKZP Pay $200 for luxury tax AESAVGPL Pay $0 for income tax LOSAVGPL Pay $30 for income tax IOSAVGPU Pay $100 for income tax YUSAVGPU Pay $300 for income tax YLOSLKLK $300 to buy Boardwalk LIOSLKLG $600 to buy Boardwalk PLOIZGIG $200 to buy Park Place LGOIZGIK $400 to buy Park Place LIOIZGIG $600 to buy Park Place IPOSZGPU Houses on Park Place cost $100 YLOSZGPU Houses on Park Place cost $300 IPXILGPU Houses on Boardwalk cost $100 YLXILGPU Houses on Boardwalk cost $300 YAOAILLA Go Back 7 spaces instead of 3 on Chance SUKEPSVS Invincibility after first hit (1 of 2) OOVAPTEP Invincibility after first hit (2 of 2) SUSEIVVS Infinite energy SLSAASVS Infinite lives AVOEZYSZ Invincibility SXXAYYVG Infinite life against normal enemies VVXAIYVG Infinite life against Guardians APUPZSGE Start with double life (1 of 2) AOKPTKGE Start with double life (2 of 2) GZUPZSGE Start with full life (1 of 2) GXKPTKGE Start with full life (2 of 2) EYEEIIEL One hit kills normal enemies AAUEUIZA One hit kills Guardians VNKETXNN Walk twice as fast (1 of 2) ZEUEAZPA Walk twice as fast (2 of 2) VNNAZKNN Jump twice as far (1 of 2) ZESEYGPA Jump twice as far (2 of 2) PAKOZIAA Start on level 2 ZAKOZIAA Start on level 3 LAKOZIAA Start on level 4 GAKOZIAA Start on level 5 IAKOZIAA Start on level 6 TAKOZIAA Start on level 7 YAKOZIAA Start on level 8 AVSOGTTA Multi-jump (1 of 4) GESPTVGP Multi-jump (2 of 4) NOSOIVEP Multi-jump (3 of 4) SZNOLNSE Multi-jump (4 of 4) SXUSGVVK Infinite lives GAOLOTAA Start a new game with $1024 AGOLOTAA Start a new game with $16,384 ANOEIOGL Slow down timer YOOEIOGU Speed up timer IAOXILAA Start with 5 merits AEEXGTPA Don't take damage GXUESKVK Free equipment (1 of 2) APUAUGEI Free equipment (2 of 2) EIOAAGEY Invincibility (1 of 2) VTOAZKVK Invincibility (2 of 2) SKOEEKVK Infinite health PEVTIAAA Start with 3 Potions ZEVTIAAA Start with 3 Fireballs LEVTIAAA Start with 3 Bombs SKVTTSVK Infinite lives
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0x04 Infinite health (alt)
0x02 Invincibility (alt)
AEUAYTZA 1 life - both players IEUAYTZA 6 lives - both players AEUAYTZE 9 lives - both players KEUEZVSE 1 life - P2 in 2P cooperative and competitive games SXNETZVG Infinite lives - both players in alternating type games SZEALUVK Infinite lives - P2 only, in other type games XVONINZK Super fast turbo speed AAUEZTZA Pinky out of game AASEZTZA Sue out of game
0x0E Only pink ghost escapes from center (1 of 3)
0x1B Only pink ghost escapes from center (2 of 3)
0x0B Only pink ghost escapes from center (3 of 3)
0x09 Max score - P1 (1 of 3)
0x99 Max score - P1 (2 of 3)
0x99 Max score - P1 (3 of 3)
0x09 Infinite lives
0x01 Ghosts stay blue until eaten
0x01 Start on level 2
0x02 Start on level 3
0x03 Start on level 4
0x04 Start on level 5
0x05 Start on level 6
0x02 Start on stage 02
0x03 Start on stage 03
0x04 Start on stage 04
0x05 Start on stage 05
0x06 Start on stage 06
0x07 Start on stage 07
0x08 Start on stage 08
0x09 Start on stage 09
0x0A Start on stage 10
0x06 Infinite lives - P1
0x06 Infinite lives - P2
0x0F Power pill effect always active
SZKANZVG Infinite power AEOGTAIA Start with 1 life ZEOGTAIA Start with 3 lives SEOGTAIA Start with 7 lives PEOGTAIE Start with 10 lives AEESZKNY Don't flash after getting hit LVESZKNY Flash 1/2 as long after getting hit SXEKXGVG Invincibility SZKGNUSE Infinite health XVEITKVE Infinite lives VXEITKVE Infinite time
0x06 Infinite lives (alt)
0x0C Infinite health (alt)
GXNPYAVG Invincibility SXNPYAVG Infinite vitality AEXOGEEY Immune to monster attacks AEUOAENY Immune to shallow water ATSEUYAG Start with more vitality AZSEUYAG Start with less vitality PEUOKPAA Start with Raft and Key GXVOOYSA Never lose Key PENOPTAA Never lose Raft AENXPOTA Invincibility (blinking) - both players XVXVGLVN Infinite health - both players AAOSUPPA Infinite Bullets AEEILGPA Infinite Missiles SUKVTLVI Infinite lives ASUSNYEY Enemies die automatically (1 of 2) PSKIEYUY Enemies die automatically (2 of 2) AASTAPLA Hit anywhere - P1 (1 of 3) ASKIOYKZ Hit anywhere - P1 (2 of 3) YKKIXYTS Hit anywhere - P1 (3 of 3) AAUAZPZA Start with - 1 life IAUAZPZA Start with - 6 lives AAUAZPZE Start with - 9 lives PUVAGAIU More Missiles PEUZPZIA 1 Missile on pick-up PEUZPZIE 9 Missiles on pick-up GASPTLZA 45 Bullets on pick-up PEUAGVSP Always on first shot SZKINZSA No wind TOKYLKYE 30-minute quarters ZEKYLKYE 10-minute quarters KEKLUNSE No timeouts - P2 TEUUNYLA 6 timeouts per half (ignore display) PEUUNYLA 1 timeout per half GZSULOVV No extra time in the pits GANKXZYA Only need 3 laps in South Africa instead of 6 GANKUZYA Only need 3 laps in Mexico instead of 6 GANKKZTA Only need 3 laps in Brazil instead of 5 GANKSZIA Only need 3 laps in Spain instead of 4 GANKVZYA Only need 3 laps in San Marino instead of 6 GANKNZTA Only need 3 laps in Monaco instead of 5 GEEGEZYA Only need 3 laps in Canada instead of 6 GEEGOZIA Only need 3 laps in France instead of 4 GEEGXZTA Only need 3 laps in Great Britian instead of 5 GEEGUZTA Only need 3 laps in Germany instead of 5 GEEGKZTA Only need 3 laps in Hungary instead of 5 GEEGSZTA Only need 3 laps in Belgium instead of 5 GEEGVZYA Only need 3 laps in Italy instead of 6 GEEGNZIA Only need 3 laps in Portugal instead of 4 GEEKEZTA Only need 3 laps in Japan instead of 5 GEEKOZTA Only need 3 laps in Australia instead of 5 AEEKXAAO Start with 1/2 normal tire tread SZSTLEVK Less tire wear PEOXOZAP Full season ends after South Africa ZEOXOZAP Full season ends after Mexico LEOXOZAP Full season ends after Brazil GEOXOZAP Full season ends after Spain IEOXOZAP Full season ends after San Marino TEOXOZAP Full season ends after Monaco YEOXOZAP Full season ends after Canada AEOXOZAO Full season ends after France PEOXOZAO Full season ends after Great Britian ZEOXOZAO Full season ends after Germany LEOXOZAO Full season ends after Hungary GEOXOZAO Full season ends after Belgium IEOXOZAO Full season ends after Italy TEOXOZAO Full season ends after Portugal YEOXOZAO Full season ends after Japan IVSNIOIN Accelerate faster IVSNIOIN Accelerate a lot faster (1 of 2) AAKNALGE Accelerate a lot faster (2 of 2) ZANKXZYA Only need 1 lap on all tracks (1 of 2) SXNKSESU Only need 1 lap on all tracks (2 of 2) SZSTLEVK Almost no tire wear (1 of 2) SZNNXEVK Almost no tire wear (2 of 2) EIOLILEY Invincibility SUUUKNVN Infinite health SUELSUVS Infinite lives SZUPPEVS Infinite 'zzz' EIVKKYEY One hit kills AAOKENIA Hit anywhere (1 of 3) APXGEYEY Hit anywhere (2 of 3) ASNKKTEY Hit anywhere (3 of 3) AEOXAPIA No enemies (1 of 3) OXOZYOSX No enemies (2 of 3) XVOXPPPE No enemies (3 of 3) AESSLAEA Don't lose 'zzz' when hit AAXOLAPA Don't lose 'zzz' when standing still ZAXOLAPA Lose 'zzz' quicker IEULIGLA Mega-jumping teenagers AUKUVPEY Always able to switch characters ESVLNPEY Have all characters (1 of 2) ENSUOPEI Have all characters (2 of 2) SXNTPEVK Freddy will not show up in Nightmare World PAUVEZLA Start with - 1 continue TAUVEZLA Start with - 6 continues PAUVEZLE Start with - 9 continues TKISGT Invincible in fights TKISAI Invincible out of fights EYSKYAEI Invincibility GGNKNTEN Hit anywhere (1 of 3) OSEGEVLP Hit anywhere (2 of 3) VKEGOVOU Hit anywhere (3 of 3) GZSXETEY Multi-jump GZOXLTEL Collect items from anywhere (1 of 2) GZXXTTEL Collect items from anywhere (2 of 2) PEOZEALA Start with - 1 life TEOZEALA Start with - 6 lives PEOZEALE Start with - 9 lives SLKKAOVS Infinite lives IZNXNTZP Mega-jump SYXESUVN Super speed (1 of 2) ZAXEULPA Super speed (2 of 2) PAEPTGAA Start on stage 1-2 ZAEPTGAA Start on stage 2-1 LAEPTGAA Start on stage 2-2 GAEPTGAA Start on stage 3-1 IAEPTGAA Start on stage 3-2 TAEPTGAA Start on stage 4-1 YAEPTGAA Start on stage 4-2 AAEPTGAE Start on stage 5-1 OZTTZO Invincibility ATNTYOOZ Invincibility (alt) SXXVYPSA Infinite health SZETPGVG Infinite lives AEEVSLEA Multi-jump (1 of 5) AEOTXSIP Multi-jump (2 of 5) GXVVSGEI Multi-jump (3 of 5) GZUTSTEI Multi-jump (4 of 5) SXNTVTSA Multi-jump (5 of 5) AAUVLIZE Start with 9 lives IAUVLIZA Start with 6 lives AAUVLIZA Start with 1 life AEXVVYIA Use windmill throwing-star without losing spiritual strength AAETUYIA Use fire-wheel without losing spiritual strength AAVTNYLA Use shuriken without losing spiritual strength APEIKGTA Maximum strength regained from restorer GASETAVT Sound test - hold down and press Start at Tecmo Presents screen AEIIST Hit anywhere (1 of 5) AETIUT Hit anywhere (2 of 5) AETSUT Hit anywhere (3 of 5) AOYIUT Hit anywhere (4 of 5) ESYINT Hit anywhere (5 of 5) AENIXILA Enemies die instantly (1 of 6) AESISTGZ Enemies die instantly (2 of 6) AEVIUTIP Enemies die instantly (3 of 6) AEVSUVPA Enemies die instantly (4 of 6) AONIUTEP Enemies die instantly (5 of 6) ESNINTEP Enemies die instantly (6 of 6)
0x02 Invincibility after first hit (1 of 2)
0x80 Invincibility after first hit (2 of 2)
0x01 Start on stage 1-2
0x02 Start on stage 2-1
0x03 Start on stage 2-2
0x04 Start on stage 2-3
0x05 Start on stage 3-1
0x06 Start on stage 3-2
0x07 Start on stage 3-3
0x08 Start on stage 4-1
0x09 Start on stage 4-2
0x0A Start on stage 4-3
0x0B Start on stage 4-4
0x0C Start on stage 5-1
0x0D Start on stage 5-2
0x0E Start on stage 5-3
0x0F Start on stage 5-4
0x10 Start on stage 6-1
0x11 Start on stage 6-2
0x12 Start on stage 6-3
0x13 Start on stage 6-4 (1st boss)
0x14 Start on stage 6-4 (2nd boss)
0x15 Start on stage 6-5 (final boss)
0x00 One hit kills bosses
SZUGKGAI Invincibility OPOKUXUG Invincibility (alt) EANGKGSA Infinite health SZNGKGSA Infinite health (alt) SXVKLTVG Infinite time SXXGXAVG Infinite lives AEKGVTZA Start with 1 life IEKGVTZA Start with 6 lives (1 of 2) SEKKKTSP Start with 6 lives (2 of 2) AEKGVTZE Start with 9 lives (1 of 2) SEKKKTSP Start with 9 lives (2 of 2) YAOIYOPE Start every life with two shadow ninjas LEUOSATA Half-energy from medicine GEUOSATE Double energy from medicine GXKKUIVA Never lose Ninja power item ZEXGYAPA Fast running Ryu (1 of 2) SNEKYEVN Fast running Ryu (2 of 2) LEXGYAPA Mega-fast running Ryu (1 of 2) KNEKYEVN Mega-fast running Ryu (2 of 2) IAUONEZA Half-energy from Blue Ninja power (1 of 2) IAKOOEZA Half-energy from Blue Ninja power (2 of 2) GPUONEZA Double energy from Blue Ninja power (1 of 2) GPKOOEZA Double energy from Blue Ninja power (2 of 2) GOEPOEZA Double maximum Ninja power from scroll (1 of 2) ZEOOEAPA Double maximum Ninja power from scroll (2 of 2) SVOPXXSN All powers use up only 5 points (1 of 3) SVOOKXSN All powers use up only 5 points (2 of 3) SVXOXXSN All powers use up only 5 points (3 of 3) XXEOSZVZ Infinite Ninja power (1 of 3) LOEOVXIY Infinite Ninja power (2 of 3) PUOOSXLK Infinite Ninja power (3 of 3) AAZVYL Less enemies EASGAPAP Multi-jump (1 of 8) GZSGYPEI Multi-jump (2 of 8) LPKKTOYP Multi-jump (3 of 8) LPSGZPTE Multi-jump (4 of 8) SZESEOSE Multi-jump (5 of 8) SZKKIPEY Multi-jump (6 of 8) SZNSXOSE Multi-jump (7 of 8) VXSSIYVA Multi-jump (8 of 8) AAVKXZUI Hit anywhere (1 of 4) AEEGOXKL Hit anywhere (2 of 4) AEOGXXIA Hit anywhere (3 of 4) ENOKKZEL Hit anywhere (4 of 4)
0x09 Invincibility (alt)
0x16 Infinite health (alt)
0x03 Infinite lives (alt)
0x04 Infinite time (alt) (1 of 2)
0xF4 Infinite time (alt) (2 of 2)
AEVPNYLA Invincibility SXEKVLVG Infinite lives SZEXILSA Infinite health SZVZIIVG Infinite time (timer will still countdown) SXXGNLVG Infinite continues VPKGXKXY Less time AEKXTEYA One hit kills PAXGKGAA Start with upgraded sword (1 of 3) APXKEGAO Start with upgraded sword (2 of 3) APXKKGYA Start with upgraded sword (3 of 3) YYXKEGAO Sword hits several areas of the screen at once (sword upgrade negates the effect) (1 of 2) YYXKKGYE Sword hits several areas of the screen at once (sword upgrade negates the effect) (2 of 2) AESPKYPA No power required for Windmill Throwing Star (1 of 2) AEKOXNZA No power required for Windmill Throwing Star (2 of 2) AEKOUNAA No power required for Fire Wheel Art (1 of 2) AESPENAA No power required for Fire Wheel Art (2 of 2) AEKOVYGP No power required for Invincible Fire Wheel (1 of 2) AESOEYZA No power required for Invincible Fire Wheel (2 of 2) AEKOKNAA No power required for Fire Dragon Balls (1 of 2) AESPONAA No power required for Fire Dragon Balls (2 of 2) AEKOSNZA No power required for Vacuum Wave Art (1 of 2) AESPNYPA No power required for Vacuum Wave Art (2 of 2) AENXOAGP Multi-jump and infinite time (01 of 10) AZSXGIZL Multi-jump and infinite time (02 of 10) EPSXZSUA Multi-jump and infinite time (03 of 10) GXUPZLEL Multi-jump and infinite time (04 of 10) LASXLIEI Multi-jump and infinite time (05 of 10) LPSXASNL Multi-jump and infinite time (06 of 10) OZSXTSNK Multi-jump and infinite time (07 of 10) SZNXIIVG Multi-jump and infinite time (08 of 10) XISXIIVK Multi-jump and infinite time (09 of 10) ZASXPIIE Multi-jump and infinite time (10 of 10) GAEGVGZA Start with 5 lives
0x0A Infinite health (alt)
0x14 Invincibility (alt)
SIVOGKVS Infinite lives SZNPGTAX Invincibility
0x4E Infinite time
AAVPEZPZ Hit anywhere (2 of 3) AANPEZTA Hit anywhere (1 of 3) SXXPXXSE Hit anywhere (3 of 3) AAVEZAZA Start with 1 life IAVEZAZA Start with 6 lives AAVEZAZE Start with 9 lives SZOZUPVG Infinite Feathers SZXXITVG Infinite Stars SXNOGGVG Infinite Boomerangs SXUZZYVG Infinite Fireflames PAXSXALA 1 Feather on pick-up TAXSXALA 6 Feathers on pick-up ZAXSUAGO 10 Stars on pick-up AZXSUAGO 40 Stars on pick-up ZAXSKAGA 1 Boomerang on pick-up ZAXSSAGO 10 Fireflames on pick-up AZXSSAGO 40 Fireflames on pick-up YAEILNYA Less Invincibility time AZEILNYE More Invincibility time AYXXNXAL More powerful 'normal' shots PEXLUIAA Faster players AAUVKZLA 1 minute in tournament mode IAUVKZLA 6 minutes in tournament mode AAUVKZLE 9 minutes in tournament mode AAKTXXPA 1 minutes in match mode ZAKTXXPA 3 minutes in match mode IAKTXXPA 6 minutes in match mode SZUUNAAX Invincibility SXEKUYAX Invincible against spikes SZKUUGSA Infinite health SKNEGUVK Infinite lives (1 of 2) SKSAVEVK Infinite lives (2 of 2) SGEVZOVK Infinite time IEUATOPA Cannon has 5 shots YEUATOPE Cannon has 15 shots SZXPYUVS Cannon has infinite shots GXXATOSO No cannons allowed ZAUAGPGA Only 2 daggers in the fortress GXXPLKVS Infinite daggers in the fortress ZAUETOZA 2 men in the fortress IAUETOZA 5 men in the fortress ZASAGOZA 2 men on the train IASAGOZA 5 men on the train SZVSLTSA Invincibility SZNSXLVG Infinite lives OLUVZUOO Infinite lives SLKVYSOO Infinite Gun ammo
0x17 Infinite health
IEVUNSPA Infinite continues AESSLZTL Never die PESZIGAA Start on mission 2 ZESZIGAA Start on mission 3 LESZIGAA Start on mission 4 GESZIGAA Start on mission 5 IESZIGAA Start on mission 6 AAVSIIPA Infinite magazines AAEIATPA Infinite grenades GANIYIZA Double bullets in each magazine NNESZALE Heal completely between levels GANULZZA Grenades inflict double damage ZAELGPIE Super power drinks PEVKVYYE Increase magazines (1 of 2) PAVSIIIE Increase magazines (2 of 2) PENGXYIE Increase grenades (1 of 2) PAVSIILE Increase grenades (2 of 2)
0x09 Start on level 10
0x13 Start on level 15
0x1D Start on level 30
0x50 Infinite fuel
AVEIXKOZ No random battles AANIESIZ Walk anywhere SXNIETVG Invincibility (blinking) SXULESVK Infinite lives PEEIITAA Enable alternate graphics GPEAPOIE Food not decreased SXXUKVVK Hover tanks never decrease in battle SZKOPOVK Ballistic Missiles never decrease in battle SZSPGOVK Homing Missiles never decrease in battle NZVUKNNP Enemy starts with 0 Missiles ESKALPEL Constantly get 9999999 cash on all planets with 1% or higher tax YYXLIYAE View a planet's stats for high food (1 of 2) OPXUPNOU View a planet's stats for high food (2 of 2) YYOLEAAE View a planet's stats for high people (1 of 2) OPOLKEOU View a planet's stats for high people (2 of 2) YNKUYYAE View a planet's stats for high energy (1 of 2) OOSLLNOU View a planet's stats for high energy (2 of 2) YNEUTYAE View a planet's stats for high fuel (1 of 2) OOOLZNOU View a planet's stats for high fuel (2 of 2) ATVUUZSA Invincibility OLEUSOSU One hit kills AENSLPPA Infinite lives STOLOUON Take less damage when hit from behind AAVGOTPA Infinite bullets AESUNALZ Hit anywhere (1 of 3) GKSUVAEU Hit anywhere (2 of 3) OUVLEEEK Hit anywhere (3 of 3) APKGPLAZ Start with half health (1 of 2) APESYZAZ Start with half health (2 of 2) GZUUNUSE Keep weapons after dying (1 of 2) GZSLOSSE Keep weapons after dying (2 of 2) AEUEIZZA Start with 1 life IEUEIZZA Start with 6 lives AEUEIZZE Start with 9 lives LVUEIZZA Start with 99 lives
0x01 Start on stage 2 (disable after stage begins)
0x02 Start on stage 3 (disable after stage begins)
0x03 Start on stage 4 (disable after stage begins)
0x04 Start on stage 5 (disable after stage begins)
0x05 Start on stage 6 (disable after stage begins)
0xDB Have infinite Gun, Brass Knuckles, Armor Vest
0xE5 Have infinite Knives, Brass Knuckles, Armor Vest
0xF9 Have infinite Grenades, Brass Knuckles, Armor Vest
AZVITOGL Power Pills don't last as long AYVITOGL Power pills last longer NYVITOGU Power pills last extra long GXKITZEY Invincibility EXSSZZKZ 8000+ points for eating ghosts (1 of 3) TESSLXOI 8000+ points for eating ghosts (3 of 3) SXVITZVT 8000+ points for eating ghosts (2 of 3) ATXTZASZ Power Pills don't work PAXVYEYE Only 2 ghosts are edible IAXVYEYE Only 3 ghosts are edible
0x03 Infinite lives
0x15 Power Pill effect always active
GXKITZEY Invincibility AYVITOGL Power pills last longer SZKSATSA Ghosts are re-eatable until Power Pill wears off NYVITOGU Power pills last extra long AZVITOGL Power Pills don't last as long EXSSZZKZ 8000+ points for eating ghosts (1 of 3) SXVITZVT 8000+ points for eating ghosts (2 of 3) TESSLXOI 8000+ points for eating ghosts (3 of 3) ATXTZASZ Power Pills don't work PAXVYEYE Only 2 ghosts are edible IAXVYEYE Only 3 ghosts are edible
0x03 Infinite lives
0x15 Power Pill effect always active
AZVITOGL Power Pills don't last as long AYVITOGL Power pills last longer NYVITOGU Power pills last extra long SZKSATSA Ghosts are re-eatable until Power Pill wears off GXKITZEY Invincibility EXSSZZKZ 8000+ points for eating ghosts (1 of 3) TESSLXOI 8000+ points for eating ghosts (3 of 3) SXVITZVT 8000+ points for eating ghosts (2 of 3) ATXTZASZ Power Pills don't work PAXVYEYE Only 2 ghosts are edible IAXVYEYE Only 3 ghosts are edible NZSSLLIU Pac-Man moves manually AAVSYUAP Walk through walls (1 of 4) AINILGEY Walk through walls (2 of 4) AIUSZGEI Walk through walls (3 of 4) AYVSZGEY Walk through walls (4 of 4)
0x03 Infinite lives
0x15 Power Pill effect always active
SZKIOPVG Infinite lives ANTGUN Trapped ghosts SOLIVA Go through ghosts PEASNA Ghosts worth 3200 points ENUPPAEI Invincibility OZVKGZVK Infinite time SGVKGZVG Infinite time (alt) OXVPPAVK Infinite health - except when you fall on spikes SXVPPAVG Infinite health (alt) AEKPYXVL Hit anywhere (1 of 2) AEVPGZOZ Hit anywhere (2 of 2) AAEGLUPZ Moon-jump GASYZGZA Start with 4 hearts PAOZNIZA Start with 2 lives IAOZNIZA Start with 5 lives SAOSAGVG Infinite lives SZOSAGVG Infinite lives (alt) TASYZGZA Start with 6 hearts (heart meter will be distorted) ZASYZGZE Start with 10 hearts (heart meter will be distorted) ZAOZNIZE Start with 10 lives YAOZNIZE Start with 15 lives AIVYGGLT Start with 80 on timer - 1st level only (1 of 2) AIVKXYLT Start with 80 on timer - 1st level only (2 of 2) TGVYGGLT Start with 70 on timer - 1st level only (1 of 2) TGVKXYLT Start with 70 on timer - 1st level only (2 of 2) GLVYGGLV Start with 60 on timer - 1st level only (1 of 2) GLVKXYLV Start with 60 on timer - 1st level only (2 of 2) SXSEVZVG Infinite lives PAUOEIGA Start with 1 life TAUOEIGA Start with 6 lives OZNOKAVK Infinite papers GOXAUOZA Start with 20 papers GPUONUZA Gain 20 papers on pick-up APNEOZEO Invincibility against moving objects (1 of 2) ATNEXZGA Invincibility against moving objects (2 of 2) SZXOUESE Infinite time in training course AAKPSGTA Invincibility against non-moving objects PAKPUPZA Broken windows count as deliveries ASSOOAEY Deliver from anywhere (must be within range of house) (1 of 2) PEOUYGIA Start with 1 life - Paperboy only LEOUYGIA Start with 3 lives - Paperboy only ZEOUYGIE Start with 10 lives - Paperboy only AAKEZLPA Infinite lives YAELGVZE Start with 15 papers GPELGVZA Start with 20 papers AEVPNLPA Infinite papers IEOAEOZA 5 papers on pick-up YEOAEOZE 15 papers on pick-up GOOAEOZA 20 papers on pick-up
0x03 Invincibility
0x00 Automatically finish levels (1 of 8)
0x00 Automatically finish levels (2 of 8)
0x00 Automatically finish levels (3 of 8)
0x00 Automatically finish levels (4 of 8)
0x00 Automatically finish levels (5 of 8)
0x00 Automatically finish levels (6 of 8)
0x00 Automatically finish levels (7 of 8)
0x00 Automatically finish levels (8 of 8)
0x01 Make the Miracle Icon appear (enable then disable)
0x02 Enemies die automatically
0x0F Infinite Shield on pick-up
VXNIIEVK Infinite lives VVOSPNVG Infinite health SXSZLUSE Infinite health VTVKEGSA Start with Sacred Sword/Bell/Tonten/Talisman (1 of 2) KAVKOGNA Start with Sacred Sword (2 of 2) SAVKOGNA Start with Bell (2 of 2) UAVKOGNA Start with Tonten (2 of 2) XAVKOGNA Start with Talisman (2 of 2) VAVKOGNA Start with X Scrolls (1 of 2) LASKNGAA Start with 3 Scrolls (2 of 2) TASKNGAA Start with 6 Scrolls (2 of 2) OVSZPLSV Take less damage when attacked (1 of 2) PESZZLAA Take less damage when attacked (2 of 2)
0x03 Have strongest punch
0x03 Have strongest kick
0x03 Have highest jump
0x03 Have best Tiger move
0x03 Have best Mirage move
0x01 Have Talisman
0x01 Have Tonten
0x01 Have Sacred Sword
0x01 Have Bell
0x63 Have 99 Scrolls
0x03 Have 3 Crystal Balls
0xC8 Infinite health (alt)
0x00 One hit kills
PANTGZLA Start with only 1 ball TANTGZLA Start with 6 balls PANTGZLE Start with 9 balls OZVVYZVV Infinite balls PASGPALA Start with 1 ball TASGPALA Start with 6 balls PASGPALE Start with 9 balls YZSGPALE Start with lots of balls SUXKLEVS Infinite balls
0x09 Max top score (1 of 5)
0x09 Max top score (2 of 5)
0x09 Max top score (3 of 5)
0x09 Max top score (4 of 5)
0x09 Max top score (5 of 5)
0x09 Infinite balls (alt)
0x63 Infinite Gold - RPG Mode (1 of 3)
0x63 Infinite Gold - RPG Mode (2 of 3)
0x63 Infinite Gold - RPG Mode (3 of 3)
0x0C Max Attack Power - RPG mode
0x63 Infinite balls - Mini Games - P1
0x63 Infinite balls - Mini Games - P2
0x63 Infinite balls - Mini Games - P3
0x63 Infinite balls - Mini Games - P4
0x09 Infinite time (disable to complete round)
0x00 Automatically finish round
0x01 1 distance needed
PAOALPLA Start with 1 wrench TAOALPLA Start with 6 wrenches PAOALPLE Start with 9 wrenches SZKTPUVK Infinite wrenches AAOGZZIA One-way pipes from level 1 IAOGAZLA One-way pipes from level 5 ZAOKPZLE One-way pipes from level 10 KEUAUVSE Tunnels galore GPKIEGZP Pumps instead of reservoirs GPKIEGZP Pumps before reservoirs (1 of 2) ZPKINGGP Pumps before reservoirs (2 of 2) SXKOZPVG Stage 1 - Infinite grenades SZSPYAVG Stage 1 - Start with double capacity magazine AEKESYGE Stage 1 - Double hits SXKAUYVT Stage 1 - Don't take damage GAKEAPIA Start on stage 2 SZVAXTVT Stage 2 - Don't take damage LAEGGATA Start on stage 3 SXKEUZVG Stage 4 - Infinite time IEVEOPLA Stage 4 - Play with more time PAKOIPIE Stage 4 - Double hits ZAKOIPIA Stage 4 - Halve hits GEXEUPTE Stage 4 - Start with double ammo SXKOZPVG Stage 1 - Infinite grenades SZSPYAVG Stage 1 - Start with double capacity magazine AEKESYGE Stage 1 - Double hits SXKAUYVT Stage 1 - Don't take damage GAKEAPIA Start on stage 2 SZVAXTVT Stage 2 - Don't take damage LAEGGATA Start on stage 3 SXKEUZVG Stage 4 - Infinite time IEVEOPLA Stage 4 - Play with more time PAKOIPIE Stage 4 - Double hits ZAKOIPIA Stage 4 - Halve hits GEXEUPTE Stage 4 - Start with double ammo ATGIYP Invincibility against enemy ATISTL Invincibility against shots PAPKNA Start with 1 life TAPKNA Start with 6 lives PAPKNE Start with 9 lives
0x01 Invincibility
0x03 Infinite lives
0x01 Slower enemies
OTKESZSV Infinite health SZSIAAVG Infinite lives SZKAKXOU Take minimum damage AZXSAVAU Mega-jump GZUITAVG Don't lose boomerang strength when you die (1 of 2) GZVITASA Don't lose boomerang strength when you die (2 of 2) GZUSGAVG Don't lose multi-boomerangs when you die (1 of 2) GZVSZASA Don't lose multi-boomerangs when you die (2 of 2) AEOANGZZ Hit anywhere (1 of 2) ENEEUGEP Hit anywhere (2 of 2) AEEIPPPE Press Start to finish the level (don't use on Protect level) (1 of 3) AOEILOIK Press Start to finish the level (don't use on Protect level) (2 of 3) AVEIGOOZ Press Start to finish the level (don't use on Protect level) (3 of 3) YANNLTZA Start a new game to view ending AAXYZYZA Start with 1 life IAXYZYZA Start with 6 lives AAXYZYZE Start with 9 lives
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0x09 Infinite time (1 of 2)
0x99 Infinite time (2 of 2)
0x12 Infinite health (alt)
0x3F Start on last stage
0x09 Infinite Bombs
0x09 Infinite health refills
0x03 Powered up Boomerang
0x02 Triple Boomerang
0x03 Have Suit
0x00 One hit kills on bosses
0xC0 Moon jump (don't jump past top of screen)
GZSILAVG Infinite lives OVSLZLSV Infinite health - except for spikes ATKKXZSZ Infinite time YPKGNXYU Speed up timer YYKGNXYU Slow down timer GXEVXTVG Infinite life tanks GZEIPLVG Infinite energy tanks SAKSZZSZ Throw meter doesn't decrease when boomerang is thrown OVSLZLSV Take minimal damage (1 of 2) PESLLLAA Take minimal damage (2 of 2) OZVULSOK Maximum throwing ability on pick-up (1 of 2) SANLZIVT Maximum throwing ability on pick-up (2 of 2) YAXTNTLA Start a new game to view ending AEKEPTZA Start with 1 life IEKEPTZA Start with 6 lives AEKEPTZE Start with 9 lives
0x07 View ending
0x0F Have max POW
0x01 Have Dual Power-Blades
0x99 Infinite lives (alt)
0x12 Have max energy
0x01 Have Red Power-Blades
0x12 Infinite health (alt)
SZEYXGSA Infinite health
0xFF Max Punch
0xFF Max Stamina
0x00 Instant win
0xFF Infinite health (alt)
VASAOASA Invincibility (normal mode) (1 of 2) OGKKNGVK Invincibility (normal mode) (2 of 2) VVVAXUVK Infinite health (big mode) SZNGGXVK Infinite lives in jungle mode SXXGZOVK Infinite lives in big mode AAVKGPGE Start with double lives AVUGVGSA Infinite health in jungle mode ATEVEISZ Hit anywhere (1 of 5) ATVTEISZ Hit anywhere (2 of 5) ATXTOISZ Hit anywhere (3 of 5) AVNTKGSZ Hit anywhere (4 of 5) AVOVSISZ Hit anywhere (5 of 5) AEOETOPE Mega-jumps in jungle mode NTEENEGE Don't die if you fall down holes (1 of 2) ATOAEEOZ Don't die if you fall down holes (2 of 2) LASEOELA Start each life with Laser Rifle (1 of 2) XLSEUEVX Start each life with Laser Rifle (2 of 2)
0x02 Invincibility
0x09 Infinite lives
SLXAINSO Infinite health (except for deep sword hit or a long fall) SZKLIXSE Infinite time
0x80 Infinite time (alt)
0x03 Infinite health (except for deep sword hit or a long fall) (alt)
ZESUZYPA P1 goals worth 2 LESUZYPA P1 goals worth 3 GESUZYPA P1 goals worth 4 IESUZYPA P1 goals worth 5 TESUZYPA P1 goals worth 6 YESUZYPA P1 goals worth 7 AESUZYPE P1 goals worth 8 ZENLZYPA P2 goals worth 2 LENLZYPA P2 goals worth 3 GENLZYPA P2 goals worth 4 IENLZYPA P2 goals worth 5 TENLZYPA P2 goals worth 6 YENLZYPA P2 goals worth 7 AENLZYPE P2 goals worth 8 VVNPTOSE P1 starts with 1 point VVNOPOSE P2 starts with 1 point VVNOZPNT P1 starts with X points (1 of 2) ZENPIPAA P1 starts with 2 points (2 of 2) GENPIPAA P1 starts with 4 points (2 of 2) TENPIPAA P1 starts with 6 points (2 of 2) AENPIPAE P1 starts with 8 points (2 of 2) ZENPIPAE P1 starts with 10 points (2 of 2) NVNPYPVT P2 starts with X points (1 of 2) ZENPIPAA P2 starts with 2 points (2 of 2) GENPIPAA P2 starts with 4 points (2 of 2) TENPIPAA P2 starts with 6 points (2 of 2) AENPIPAE P2 starts with 8 points (2 of 2) ZENPIPAE P2 starts with 10 points (2 of 2) NTSTIVLE Infinite health and time (1 of 4) OZSTGTVS Infinite health and time (2 of 4) SASTTTEY Infinite health and time (3 of 4) YTSTYVZA Infinite health and time (4 of 4) IEETTZGP Only have 5 seconds to get back into ring ZEETTZGO Only have 10 seconds to get back into ring TOETTZGO Have 30 seconds to get back into ring PEXIKYIA Rounds are only 1 minute LEXIKYIA Rounds are only 3 minutes AEXIKYIE Rounds are 8 minutes ZEXIKYIE Rounds are 10 minutes ZAVVTGLA 2-second pin count IAVVTGLA 5-second pin count YAVVTGLA 7-second pin count
0x00 Pin once to win match
0x3B Infinite time (seconds)
0x09 Infinite time (minutes)
NTSTIVLE Infinite health and time (1 of 4) OZSTGTVS Infinite health and time (2 of 4) SASTTTEY Infinite health and time (3 of 4) YTSTYVZA Infinite health and time (4 of 4) IEETTZGP Only have 5 seconds to get back into ring ZEETTZGO Only have 10 seconds to get back into ring TOETTZGO Have 30 seconds to get back into ring PEXIKYIA Rounds are only 1 minute LEXIKYIA Rounds are only 3 minutes AEXIKYIE Rounds are 8 minutes ZEXIKYIE Rounds are 10 minutes ZAVVTGLA 2-second pin count IAVVTGLA 5-second pin count YAVVTGLA 7-second pin count
0x00 Pin once to win match
0x3B Infinite time (seconds)
0x09 Infinite time (minutes)
0x42 Infinite hearts
0x04 Infinite Stars
0x60 Infinite health
0x01 One-hit knockdowns
ESKTGGEY Invincibility (1 of 2) EVKTTKXK Invincibility (2 of 2) SZNZKOSE Infinite health (1 of 3) SZUZPVSE Infinite health (2 of 3) VZKZNOVE Infinite health (3 of 3) XTSVSNXK Infinite Grenades AESYAPPA Infinite bullets and Rockets AANZGXAZ Hit anywhere (1 of 4) AAOXYXIA Hit anywhere (2 of 4) AAXXAKPA Hit anywhere (3 of 4) AAXXZPZL Hit anywhere (4 of 4) XVOVGXXK Never lose a life against normal enemy XVOEXOXK Never lose a life against end of level enemy GEUUYIZA Faster Punisher PEUYNLAA 150 Machine Gun bullets PEUNXLAA 150 Assault Rifle bullets on pick-up AAEUUPAO Less health on pick-up APEUUPAO More health on pick-up PANVGGAA Stage scrolls 2x as fast ZANVGGAA Stage scrolls 3x as fast LANVGGAA Stage scrolls 4x as fast PEOTYTIA Start with 1 life ZEOTYTIE Start with 10 lives SZNGOISA Infinite health PEOGZALA Start with 1 life TEOGZALA Start with 6 lives PEOGZALE Start with 9 lives SZOKZZVG Infinite lives GOSTNUAU Start with less health GAEGAIAA Start on stage 1 PAEGAIAE Start on stage 2 TAEGAIAE Start on stage 3 AAXGNUPA Mega-jump AAOVNENY Auto-fire and auto-jump
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0x38 Infinite health (alt)
AAUXITIA Press A to destroy blocks (1 of 2) AAUXPTKP Press A to destroy blocks (2 of 2) ITKIPXGL Slower timer TPKIPXGU Faster timer ZEUAIPAE Start on level 2-1 GOUAIPAA Start on level 3-1 TOUAIPAE Start on level 4-1 AXUAIPAE Start on level 5-1 ZUUAIPAA Start on level 6-1 GUUAIPAE Start on level 7-1 TKUAIPAA Start on level 8-1 ASUAIPAA Start on level 9-1 SZSAKNVK Infinite lives SXNZXOVK Infinite life AVXPYIVG Invincibility after first hit SXEXVXVK Infinite Breath Power (1 of 2) SXOZOXVK Infinite Breath Power (2 of 2) SZXZXUVK Infinite Lift Power (1 of 2) SZXZSUVK Infinite Lift Power (2 of 2) OZKGZPSX Clear level automatically SXSZGPVG Infinite lives AESPVGAE Start on level 3 GOSPVGAA Start on level 6 AXSPVGAA Start on level 9 PEUOOGIA Start with 1 life (1 of 2) PAXZLLIA Start with 1 life (2 of 2) ZAXZLLIE Start with 10 lives (1 of 2) ZEUOOGIE Start with 10 lives (2 of 2)
0x01 Start on level 1 round 2
0x02 Start on level 1 round 3
0x03 Start on level 1 round 4
0x04 Start on level 2 round 1
0x05 Start on level 2 round 2
0x06 Start on level 2 round 3
0x07 Start on level 2 round 4
0x08 Start on level 3 round 1
0x09 Start on level 3 round 2
0x0A Start on level 3 round 3
0x0B Start on level 3 round 4
0x0C Start on level 4 round 1
0x0D Start on level 4 round 2
0x0E Start on level 4 round 3
0x0F Start on level 4 round 4
0x10 Start on level 5 round 1
0x11 Start on level 5 round 2
0x12 Start on level 5 round 3
0x13 Start on level 5 round 4
0x14 Start on level 6 round 1
0x15 Start on level 6 round 2
0x16 Start on level 6 round 3
0x17 Start on level 6 round 4
0x18 Start on level 7 round 1
0x19 Start on level 7 round 2
0x1A Start on level 7 round 3
0x1B Start on level 7 round 4
0x1C Start on level 8 round 1
0x1D Start on level 8 round 2
0x1E Start on level 8 round 3
0x1F Start on level 8 round 4
0x20 Start on level 9 round 1
0x21 Start on level 9 round 2
0x22 Start on level 9 round 3
0x23 Start on level 9 round 4
0x63 Infinite lives - P1
TAOGPTLA Boomerang Kid - Start with 6 lives SZOGXVVK Boomerang Kid - Infinite lives PEKGGLLE Linus Spacehead - Start with 9 lives AZKKPNAP Linus Spacehead - Increase oxygen AEULZIPA Linus Spacehead - Never lose oxygen SXEGLYVG Linus Spacehead - Never lose life in the water SZXIILVG Linus Spacehead - Never lose life in the land PAVGILLA Super Robin Hood - Start with 1 life TAVGILLA Super Robin Hood - Start with 6 lives PAVGILLE Super Robin Hood - Start with 9 lives SXNKZIVG Super Robin Hood - Infinite lives AVONISPG Super Robin Hood - Become invincible PAEGLTLE Super Robin Hood - 9 energy hearts, you may lose some hearts when you pick up new ones PEXSZYAA Treasure Island Dizzy - Invincible Dizzy (walk left to arrive at the original starting point) OZNTKASX Treasure Island Dizzy - Walk backwards PEUSYYAA Treasure Island Dizzy - Start with snorkel PEUSYYAA Treasure Island Dizzy - Start with axe (1 of 2) PEKNIZZP Treasure Island Dizzy - Start with axe (2 of 2) PEUSYYAA Treasure Island Dizzy - Start with dynamite (1 of 2) ZEKNIZZP Treasure Island Dizzy - Start with dynamite (2 of 2) PEUSYYAA Treasure Island Dizzy - Start with heavy weight (1 of 2) IEKNIZZP Treasure Island Dizzy - Start with heavy weight (2 of 2) PAVGZILA Go! Dizzy Go! - Start with 1 life TAVGZILA Go! Dizzy Go! - Start with 6 lives PAVGZILE Go! Dizzy Go! - Start with 9 lives ZEEKGIPA Go! Dizzy Go! - Start on world 1, stage 3 GEEKGIPA Go! Dizzy Go! - Start on world 1, stage 5 TEEKGIPA Go! Dizzy Go! - Start on world 2, stage 2 AEEKGIPE Go! Dizzy Go! - Start on world 2, stage 4 AOEKGIPA Go! Dizzy Go! - Start on world 4, stage 2 ZOEKGIPA Go! Dizzy Go! - Start on world 4, stage 4 GOEKGIPA Go! Dizzy Go! - Start on world 5, stage 1 TOEKGIPA Go! Dizzy Go! - Start on world 5, stage 3 AOEKGIPE Go! Dizzy Go! - Start on world 5, stage 5 XVTISU Go! Dizzy Go! - Always kill monsters (1 of 2) XVTIVU Go! Dizzy Go! - Always kill monsters (2 of 2) XVTILU Go! Dizzy Go! - Walk through walls PAKVXGLA Stunt Buggies - Start with 1 life TAKVXGLA Stunt Buggies - Start with 6 lives PAKVXGLE Stunt Buggies - Start with 9 lives SXOXZEVK Stunt Buggies - Infinite lives PEUGEALA F-16 Renegade - Start with 2 lives - 1P game TEUGEALA F-16 Renegade - Start with 7 lives - 1P game PEUGEALE F-16 Renegade - Start with 10 lives - 1P game LEUGSAPA F-16 Renegade - Start on level 3 (1 of 2) PEKGXAAA F-16 Renegade - Start on level 3 (2 of 2) IEUGSAPA F-16 Renegade - Start on level 5 (1 of 2) ZEKGXAAA F-16 Renegade - Start on level 5 (2 of 2) YEUGSAPA F-16 Renegade - Start on level 7 (1 of 2) LEKGXAAA F-16 Renegade - Start on level 7 (2 of 2) PEUGSAPE F-16 Renegade - Start on level 9 (1 of 2) GEKGXAAA F-16 Renegade - Start on level 9 (2 of 2) PASTSVPA C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Start with 1 life IASTSVPA C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Start with 5 lives YASTSVPE C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Start with 15 lives GPSTSVPA C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Start with 20 lives SUKTZUVS C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Infinite lives PAEYOAAA C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Start in Switzerland ZAEYOAAA C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Start in Egypt LAEYOAAA C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Start in Africa PAONILAA C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Always run fast after losing all lives YAONILAE C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Super C.J. after losing all lives AOVLSLEI All missed pitches are strikes - both players EYONXZAL Auto fielding (2 of 3) YAONUZLO Auto fielding (3 of 3) AESNXXPA Auto fielding (1 of 3) GEUGAPPA Max turbo on first pick-up GEKKGPPA Max tires on first pick-up GAVGIPPA Max speed on first pick-up ZEUGAPPA Double turbo on first pick-up ZEKKGPPA Double tires on first pick-up ZAVGIPPA Double speed on first pick-up SXVLGZAK Computer cars go crazy AAEIPPPA Infinite continues
0x80 Auto race at 128 MPH (disable if you get stuck)
0x04 Max Super Sticky Tires
0x04 Max Turbo Acceleration
0x04 Max higher top speed
0x63 Infinite ammo for weapons
0x01 Have Bombs
0x02 Have Missiles
0x00 Have pick-up truck as vehicle
0x01 Have off-road vehicle as vehicle
0x02 Have race car as vehicle
0x00 Always win as 1st place
0x08 "NINTENDO" already spelled out (enable then disable)
0xAD Computer cars go crazy (alt)
GAOGOAPA Max turbo on first pick-up GAXKSAPA Max tires on first pick-up GEKGTYPA Max speed on first pick-up ZAOGOAPA Double turbo on first pick-up ZAXKSAPA Double tires on first pick-up ZEKGTYPA Double speed on first pick-up SZKLOPAK Computer cars go crazy AASIUAPA Infinite continues
0x80 Auto race at 128 MPH (disable if you get stuck)
0x04 Max Super Sticky Tires
0x04 Max Turbo Acceleration
0x04 Max higher top speed
0x63 Infinite ammo for weapons
0x01 Have Bombs
0x02 Have Missiles
0x00 Have pick-up truck as vehicle
0x01 Have off-road vehicle as vehicle
0x02 Have race car as vehicle
0x00 Always win as 1st place
0x08 "NINTENDO" already spelled out (enable then disable)
0xAD Computer cars go crazy (alt)
AESOLAZA Start with 1 credit instead of 3 GESOLAZA Start with 5 credits TESOLAZA Start with 7 credits AESOLAZE Start with 9 credits SUEEGXVS Infinite credits ATUXYGSZ Items in the Model Shop are free if you have enough money PEETEOEG Buckshot costs 10 instead of 2,000 AEEVUPYA Mega Pulse costs 2,080 instead of 20,000 AANTSPIA Scoopers costs 2,200 instead of 15,000 AANTUPLA Dynafit tires costs 2,320 instead of 10,000 AAVVUPLP Mega Motor costs 1,360 instead of 50,000 AAVVOOLA Hyper Motor costs 1,840 instead of 30,000 AEEVOPIA Freeze costs 2,200 instead of 15,000 AEETNPIA Lazer costs 1,200 instead of 14,000 AEETSPGA Bombs costs 1,760 instead of 12,000 AANTOPZA Nobbies costs 1,880 instead of 7,000 AEETUPLA Missile costs 2,320 instead of 10,000 PANVKPGT Nitro costs 10 instead of 1000 PANVXPZL Oil slicks costs 10 instead of 500 PAVVVOEG Skinny tires costs 10 instead of 2,000 AAVTNPTA Gold Motor costs 10 instead of 16,000 (1 of 2) PAVTVPAG Gold Motor costs 10 instead of 16,000 (2 of 2) PEOGNTAA Start on Track 02 ZEOGNTAA Start on Track 03 LEOGNTAA Start on Track 04 GEOGNTAA Start on Track 05 IEOGNTAA Start on Track 06 TEOGNTAA Start on Track 07 YEOGNTAA Start on Track 08 PEOGNTAE Start on Track 09 ZEOGNTAE Start on Track 10 LEOGNTAE Start on Track 11 GEOGNTAE Start on Track 12 IEOGNTAE Start on Track 13 TEOGNTAE Start on Track 14 YEOGNTAE Start on Track 15 AOOGNTAA Start on Track 16 ZOOGNTAA Start on Track 17 LOOGNTAA Start on Track 18 GOOGNTAA Start on Track 19 IOOGNTAA Start on Track 20 TOOGNTAA Start on Track 21 YOOGNTAA Start on Track 22 AOOGNTAE Start on Track 23 POOGNTAE Start on Track 24 LOOGNTAE Start on Track 25 GOOGNTAE Start on Track 26 IOOGNTAE Start on Track 27 TOOGNTAE Start on Track 28 YOOGNTAE Start on Track 29 AEOGNTAE Start on first Tug-O-Truck Challenge POOGNTAA Start on Drag Race ZOOGNTAE Start on second Tug-O-Truck Challenge SXKVLVVS Infinite Lazers on purchase SXSTZKVS Infinite Bombs on purchase SXOVGVVS Infinite Freezes on purchase SZXVGSVS Infinite Buckshot on purchase SZSTTSVS Infinite Missiles on purchase
0x63 Infinite time at continue screen
0x09 Infinite continues
SGSUGLVI Can't down shift IAVUILYA Cars only have 4 gears (1 of 2) IAKXAIYA Cars only have 4 gears (2 of 2) OZNOAAEN Go super fast in 6th gear (1 of 3) NYNOPAIE Go super fast in 6th gear (2 of 3) SAXPGZVT Go super fast in 6th gear (3 of 3) AAKSYIPA Never crash from things outside of the road NYZINV Infinite time GZXIUVIZ Less time to finish each stage GLXIUVIX More time to finish each stage ALXGAIAA Turbo acceleration YYUKGIAU Super Turbo acceleration PEEGPIAA Ultra Turbo acceleration GXKGKTSA Start on stage XX (disable after loading stage) (1 of 2) PAXKPAAA Start on stage 2 (disable after loading stage) (2 of 2) ZAXKPAAA Start on stage 3 (disable after loading stage) (2 of 2) LAXKPAAA Start on stage 4 (disable after loading stage) (2 of 2) GAXKPAAA Start on stage 5 (disable after loading stage) (2 of 2) IAXKPAAA Start on stage 6 (disable after loading stage) (2 of 2) TAXKPAAA Start on stage 7 (disable after loading stage) (2 of 2) YAXKPAAA Start on stage 8 (disable after loading stage) (2 of 2)
0x01 Start on stage 2 (disable after loading stage) (alt)
0x02 Start on stage 3 (disable after loading stage) (alt)
0x03 Start on stage 4 (disable after loading stage) (alt)
0x04 Start on stage 5 (disable after loading stage) (alt)
0x05 Start on stage 6 (disable after loading stage) (alt)
0x06 Start on stage 7 (disable after loading stage) (alt)
0x07 Start on stage 8 (disable after loading stage) (alt)
0x00 Never wipeout when you hit something
0xFF Instant boost
SXUYSZSA No random battles PAEVXXPX Invincibility (1 of 2) PAOVEXPX Invincibility (2 of 2) SZUVUZSA Infinite energy SZUAUTSA Infinite weapons SKNGYLVG Infinite lives AVKEIOOZ Double-jump SXSSESVK Infinite health (1 of 2) SZKSVSVK Infinite health (2 of 2) SXVSIVVK Infinite lives PENGZYIE Start with 9 lives PENGZYIA Start with 1 life SXSIASVK Infinite Bombs SXVVPIAX Infinite Damage LEVKTYPA Start on round 3 TEVKTYPA Start on round 6 PEVKTYPE Start on round 9 AZOIIEGX Can only carry 5 bombs
0x23 0 Damage (1 of 2)
0x23 0 Damage (2 of 2)
0x2C Infinite Bombs (alt)
SIUKLUVV Infinite gas PAUIKTIA Start with 1 life - 1P game ZAUIKTIE Start with 10 lives - 1P game SZEITKVV Infinite lives - 1P game SZOSIKVN Infinite lives - 2P game, both players PAUIKITA Start with 1 life - 2P game, both players (1 of 2) ZAXSTGTA Start with 1 life - 2P game, both players (2 of 2) ZAUIKTIE Start with 10 lives - 2P game, both players (1 of 2) LAXSTGIE Start with 10 lives - 2P game, both players (2 of 2) ATOSXISL Invincibility GOXTZXZA Gain double amount on pick-up GNXTZXZA Gain maximum amount on pick-up SXOVXKVS Infinite weapons AEVSNOZL Hit anywhere IPNEITPP Start with Hand Grenades (1 of 2) IOEALTPP Start with Hand Grenades (2 of 2) ZEEEITIA Start with 2 Medicine Bottles ZVEEITIA Start with 9 Medicine Bottles
0x64 Infinite health
0x23 Max EXP
0x99 Infinite Throwing Knives
0x99 Infinite Missiles type 1
0x99 Infinite Missiles type 2
0x99 Infinite Machine Gun
0x99 Infinite Grenades
0x99 Infinite Red Potions
ATOSXISL Invincibility GOXTZXZA Gain double amount on pick-up GNXTZXZA Gain maximum amount on pick-up AEVSNOZL Hit anywhere SXOVXKVS Infinite weapons IPNEITPP Start with Hand Grenades (1 of 2) IOEALTPP Start with Hand Grenades (2 of 2) ZEEEITIA Start with 2 Medicine Bottles ZVEEITIA Start with 9 Medicine Bottles
0x64 Infinite health
0x23 Max EXP
0x99 Infinite Throwing Knives
0x99 Infinite Missiles type 1
0x99 Infinite Missiles type 2
0x99 Infinite Machine Gun
0x99 Infinite Grenades
0x99 Infinite Red Potions
NYSGLUYN More health - P1 NYVKTUYN More health - P2 YLSGLUYN Less health - P1 YLVKTUYN Less health - P2 NNNGKNYN More health after continue - both players YUNGKNYN Less health after continue - both players AEXLPGAP No harm from falling GXXLALOP No harm from attacks or bad food AXXLPGAP More damage done from falling GEULLLIA Double health from food AEULLLIA Half health from food (1 of 2) ZKULTUZE Half health from food (2 of 2) AAOUOPPA No harm from water (1 of 2) AASLSPPA No harm from water (2 of 2) EEKXYPIA One hit to destroy buildings ASSZGTEY Buildings collapse faster (1 of 2) IOOZUXIA Buildings collapse faster (2 of 2) ASUTPIEL Buildings collapse automatically NYOYXLYE Infinite health NYUVOZTE Infinite lives PEUAPZLA Start with 2 lives IEUAPZLA Start with 6 lives YEUAPZLA Start with 8 lives PEUAPZLE Start with 10 lives VNXELSSO Start with $11 instead of 0 OUEAXXOO Infinite collectibles YPEYOUGU Shorter invincibility after getting hit ITEYOUGL Longer invincibility after getting hit ZAXNPZIA 2 custard pies on pick-up PAXNPZIE 9 custard pies on pick-up OZEEPYES Start on XX level (1 of 2) PAEEZYZZ Start on Rescue the Maiden/Out West levels (2 of 3) SAEELNVV Start on Out West/Robin Hoek levels (3 of 3) ZAEEZYZZ Start on Robin Hoek level (3 of 3) AVSTEXPT Infinite health (1 of 5) INKVNXAO Infinite health (2 of 5) LUKVSZPY Infinite health (3 of 5) OXKVKXSX Infinite health (4 of 5) SEKVVZGA Infinite health (5 of 5) SXUIOTVG Infinite lives AEOSLYZA Start with 1 life - both players IEOSLYZA Start with 6 lives - both players AEOSLYZE Start with 9 lives - both players AIUOZUAZ Start with a super energy boost PEXSYYAA Start on mission 2 ZEXSYYAA Start on mission 3 LEXSYYAA Start on mission 4 TOSVOXTU Timer runs faster EXSVOXTL Timer runs slower
0x59 Infinite time
0x00 Enemies have no health (1 of 3)
0x00 Enemies have no health (2 of 3)
0x00 Enemies have no health (3 of 3)
GZEIPVVK Unlimited power points - 1P game GXKZXYOP Don't lose stamina from fighting LEOSLYTA Rounds are 30 seconds PEOSLYTE Rounds are 90 seconds GXOZOIOP Players can't hurt each other
0x00 No health - P2 / CPU
0x09 Infinite power (ten's digit) - P1
0x09 Infinite power (one's digit) - P1
0x09 Max punch (ten's digit) - P1
0x09 Max punch (one's digit) - P1
0x09 Max speed (ten's digit) - P1
0x09 Max speed (one's digit) - P1
0x09 Max stamina (ten's digit) - P1
0x09 Max stamina (one's digit) - P1
0x09 Infinite time (ten's digit)
0x09 Infinite time (one's digit)
0x00 No hits (hundred's digit) - P1
0x00 No hits (ten's digit) - P1
0x00 No hits (one's digit) - P1
SUNEUKSO Infinite lives LVSNAVYA Start with max stats SUKOOXSO Infinite money (1 of 3) SUSPEXSO Infinite money (2 of 3) SUSPNXSO Infinite money (3 of 3) LZXTXGLP Coins worth max amount of money TOSNAVYE Start with double every attribute YNSNAVYE 127 of all stats LVNYIVYL 99 Stamina YYVOIUYU Max Punch YYVOTUYU Max Kick YYVOYUYU Max Weapon YYNPAUYU Max Throw YYNPPUYU Max Agility YYNPZUYU Max Defense YYNPLUYU Max Strength YYNPGUYU Max Will Power NYNPTUYN Max Stamina OOELVUOU Infinite Stamina (1 of 2) OXVUVUOV Infinite Stamina (2 of 2) SLOXNNSO Infinite Will Power AGENAYAZ Start with double money - P1 AGOYYYAZ Start with double money - P2 PAENIYAA Start with $100 extra - P1 PAONGYAA Start with $100 extra - P2 ENVYZZEI View the credits SZOVUUVK Infinite lives AAEVTGIA Start with 1 life LAEVTGIE Start with 12 lives PPEVTGIA Start with 18 lives IAOTLGPA Start on level 5 ZAOTLGPE Start on level 10 YAOTLGPE Start on level 15 GPOTLGPA Start on level 20 PPOTLGPE Start on level 25 TPOTLGPE Start on level 30 XVUGAOEK Never lose seed (1 of 2) XVXTSUEK Never lose seed (2 of 2) SZEIGEVK Infinite credits GAVLUTZA Double credits PEEAEIIE Extend lifetime of UZ Cannon NNSEOIEE Extend lifetime of Nitro Injector AKSEOIEA Reduce lifetime of Nitro Injector SXVEKSVK Infinite Cruise missiles (1 of 2) ETOENSTP Infinite Cruise missiles (2 of 2) ATNEEISZ Infinite UZ Cannon (1 of 2) LZOENSTO Infinite UZ Cannon (2 of 2) AVSEKSVG Infinite Nitro Injectors (1 of 3) SAOENSTO Infinite Nitro Injectors (2 of 3) GXKEOIEY Infinite Nitro Injectors (3 of 3) SZSEKVVK Infinite Electro Shield (1 of 3) PIOENSTP Infinite Electro Shield (2 of 3) VAXAESSE Infinite Electro Shield (3 of 3)
0xCF Infinite Fuel
0x6D Infinite Reserve Fuel
0xFF Max speed
VAXEOLSA Infinite HP for Robin in main combat EYXAOPAL Infinite HP for Robin in dueling combat GOXLLNAA Bandages give more HP back AOULIUAE Food gives more HP back - Except the Leg of meat AASPIZPA Infinite Arrows
0xFF Infinite Arrows (alt)
0xFF Max EXP points
0x00 Load zero
0xFF Max Agility (1 of 2)
0xFF Max Agility (2 of 2)
0xFF Max Attack (1 of 2)
0xFF Max Attack (2 of 2)
0xFF Max Defense
0xFF Max Level
0xFF Max Gold
VAXEOLSA Infinite HP for Robin in main combat EYXAOPAL Infinite HP for Robin in dueling combat GOXLLNAA Bandages give more HP back AOULIUAE Food gives more HP back - Except the Leg of meat AASPIZPA Infinite Arrows
0xFF Infinite Arrows (alt)
0xFF Max EXP points
0x00 Load zero
0xFF Max Agility (1 of 2)
0xFF Max Agility (2 of 2)
0xFF Max Attack (1 of 2)
0xFF Max Attack (2 of 2)
0xFF Max Defense
0xFF Max Level
0xFF Max Gold
GZUNYXTK No damage from bomb blast GZNNIXTK No damage from monsters and no power drain SUXSNIVI Infinite Mega Bomb after after pick-up XTXGKPVV Infinite Barrier after pick-up IAVTPSZA 5 Super Bombs on pick-up GPVTPSZA 20 Super Bombs on pick-up SZKTYPVG Infinite Super Bombs IEVKLPAA Start with 5 of everything ZEVKLPAE Start with 10 of everything IANGAPPA Set firing range to 5 ZANGAPPE Set firing range to 10 IEVGIPPA Start with defense level at 5 AEVGIPPE Start with defense level at 8 EONGELAP Walk through walls GLUZOAAE Start on level 5 LLNTTZIU Invincibility (1 of 2) SLXUYTAX Invincibility (2 of 2) SXKXYIVT Infinite time SGOTKLIA Infinite ammunition SZKVOTSA No damage from touching enemies SZVVVYSA No damage from enemy bullets AEOXIXLL Bosses die automatically SOKZLNSU Can't harm civilian at the end of level 1 PAOYNILE Triple normal power on power food pick-up PAXNEILE Triple normal time on battery pick-up TPXNEILA Max time on battery pick-up TPOYNILA Full power on power food pick-up YAXSAPPE Use with COP Code 2 to start with machine gun and Cobra gun YAXIGXTE Press Start to finish the level SAESLPSP Start on level X (1 of 3) TTESGPSA Start on level X (2 of 3) PAESZPAA Start on level 2 (3 of 3) ZAESZPAA Start on level 3 (3 of 3) LAESZPAA Start on level 4 (3 of 3) GAESZPAA Start on level 5 (3 of 3) IAESZPAA Start on level 6 (3 of 3)
0x00 Infinite health
0x00 Infinite time (alt)
ENVEUYEI Invincibility AVKTPNOP Infinite health SINKIPVI Infinite lives SGETGYVG Infinite time (1 of 2) SKNVGTVG Infinite time (2 of 2) EINAXLEY No enemies AAEVKALA Each N (Nuke) is worth 10
0x09 Infinite N (one's digit)
0x09 Infinite N (ten's digit) (alt)
0x09 Infinite health (one's digit) (alt)
0x09 Infinite health (ten's digit) (alt)
0x04 Infinite lives (alt)
0xFF Infinite time (alt)
ENVEUYEI Invincibility SINKIPVI Infinite lives EINAXLEY No enemies
0x09 Infinite N (one's digit)
0x09 Infinite N (ten's digit)
0x09 Infinite health (one's digit)
0x09 Infinite health (ten's digit)
0x04 Infinite lives (alt)
0xFF Infinite time
OXONLPSV Infinite efficiency (1 of 2) POONGPXV Infinite efficiency (2 of 2) OUXYPOSO Infinite efficiency (alt) AEENAEUT Hit anywhere GNUNAEKN One hit kills VVKGLATE Lots of repair icons ZLVGIXPP Start with 2x health GAVGIXPO Start with 1/2 health
0x09 Infinite P
0x00 Have main weapon - regular
0x01 Have main weapon - Rapid
0x02 Have main weapon - 3-Way
0x00 Have secondary weapon - Missiles
0x01 Have secondary weapon - Homing Missiles
0x02 Have secondary weapon - Bang
0x0A Infinite health (alt)
SZKIZKSE Infinite lives SZEVGOSE Infinite health
0x14 Infinite health
SLNXYEVS Infinite balls ZEOGSYPA Double amount of Lunarium in storage LEOGSYPA Triple amount of Lunarium in storage LVOKXNGL Lunarium level in backpack at 99 SZSGPUSE Never lose Lunarium in backpack AEOGSYPA Half amount of Lunarium in storage (1 of 2) ZUOKNYAA Half amount of Lunarium in storage (2 of 2) GESLNKAA Start with 1/2 health AOSLNKAA Start with 2x health AOSLNKAE Start with 3x health GZSSINSV Infinite health IAOZZXZA 1/2 normal bullets on pick-up GPOZZXZA 2x normal bullets on pick-up TPOZZXZE 3x normal bullets on pick-up ZAEZGZGO 1/2 silver bullets on pick-up AZEZGZGO 2x silver bullets on pick-up GLEZGZGO 3x silver bullets on pick-up AAVLKIIA Have all weapons with infinite ammo
0x27 Infinite Rocket power
0x63 Have all weapons with infinite ammo (alt)
0x0A Infinite health (alt)
SXKVZVSE Infinite health AENTTTTP Hit anywhere AEOEYZOI Can select any item (you will not be able to see it) AEXEELAP Can always select channel 5 OXEEOYSX Can always buy items SKOKOSVK Infinite lives EIXVATEY Invincibility
0xFF Channels 1-4 completed
0x0E Infinite high cash
0x0F Have all items
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0x0A Infinite health (alt)
ESVSELEY Start with invincibility SLOPOOTS Infinite lives SXOTAGVG Infinite time in extra game TOSKYIAE Start on scene 31 ZANEAPLA 2 strikes and you're out (1 of 3) ZEOUYPLA 2 strikes and you're out (2 of 3) ZEVKGPLA 2 strikes and you're out (3 of 3) PANEAPLA 1 strike and you're out (1 of 3) PEOUYPLA 1 strike and you're out (2 of 3) PEVKGPLA 1 strike and you're out (3 of 3) OOVSLLPA Strikes are not called when batter doesn't swing GANAAPZA Strikes are not called when batter swings PENKLPGA 1 ball for a walk ZENKLPGA 2 balls for a walk LENKLPGA 3 balls for walk OONIALAA Infinite balls (balls are not called) SLNALPVY Infinite balls and strikes PANGIPLA Start with only 1 ball - all players SZKGPXVS Infinite balls - all players PAUKUZLA Start with 1 life TAUKUZLA Start with 6 lives PAUKUZLE Start with 9 lives OXVSAYVK Infinite lives PEVIPYGA 1 fall and you're dead TEVIPYGA 6 falls and you're dead AEVIPYGE 8 falls and you're dead ZAUKNZAA Start on the City Street GAUKNZAA Start on Hit the Beach TAUKNZAA Start on Panic Park SXENAYVG Infinite lives PASAZALE 9 special moves TASAZALA 6 special moves GXVPAZVG Infinite special moves TASATEGA Start with less energy APSATEGE Start with more energy PAKAAGAE Mega-jump GZOENISA Infinite time YPOAUSYU Faster timer YYOAUSYU Slower timer
0x03 Infinite lives (alt)
0x10 Infinite time (alt)
0x0C Infinite health
SZSZGVSE Infinite health SZNTULVG Infinite lives (1 of 2) SZSTULVG Infinite lives (2 of 2) SZEVYZVG Infinite time AKSZANEL Hit anywhere (1 of 3) ATUILYEI Hit anywhere (2 of 3) OXSZPNEX Hit anywhere (3 of 3) EKSTEAGV 200 Machine Gun bullets on pick-up SUOZPXVS 300 Machine Gun bullets and 300 bullets on pick-up GOKVNAZL Gain fewer bullets on pick-up ZLVITYPA Self-replenishing bullets EKXVZAZU Start with 200 bullets EGKVKLZU Start with 200 bullets on each new life LEXTZAAA Start with loads of ammunition (1 of 2) LAKTKLAA Start with loads of ammunition (2 of 2) PEOVLALA Start with 1 life TEOVLALA Start with 6 lives PEOVLALE Start with 9 lives PASPYZLA Start with 1 life after continue TASPYZLA Start with 6 lives after continue PASPYZLE Start with 9 lives after continue AEEVSAZE Start with increased life meter ALVESYOL Start on story X area X (1 of 2) PAVEUYAA Start on story 1 area 02 (2 of 2) ZAVEUYAA Start on story 1 area 03 (2 of 2) LAVEUYAA Start on story 1 area 04 (2 of 2) GAVEUYAA Start on story 1 area 05 (2 of 2) IAVEUYAA Start on story 2 area 06 (2 of 2) TAVEUYAA Start on story 2 area 07 (2 of 2) YAVEUYAA Start on story 2 area 08 (2 of 2) AAVEUYAE Start on story 2 area 09 (2 of 2) PAVEUYAE Start on story 2 area 10 (2 of 2) PEKEXIAA Start on story 3 area 01
0x02 Infinite health (not versus bullets)
0x32 Infinite bullets
0x09 Infinite time (alt) (1 of 3)
0x09 Infinite time (alt) (2 of 3)
0x09 Infinite time (alt) (3 of 3)
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
KAXAGYIA Invincibility (star effect) (1 of 2) KAXEYYIA Invincibility (star effect) (2 of 2) AIUAPPEI Invincibility (except vs bullets) AENASIPA Infinite POW ASKELZEL Hit anywhere (1 of 5) LUKEGXLV Hit anywhere (3 of 5) GGXAAIEU Hit anywhere (2 of 5) YLXAPSGI Hit anywhere (5 of 5) SAXAZSOL Hit anywhere (4 of 5) SAVSNNSX Always have 255 POW GZOEAYVG Infinite lives - P1 GZOEIYVG Infinite lives - P2 PAVSTPIA Start with 1 life - P1 PANITPIA Start with 1 life - P2 ZAVSTPIE Start with 10 lives - P1 ZANITPIE Start with 10 lives - P2 AAUZUNNN Multi-jump (01 of 15) ATUXKNNY Multi-jump (02 of 15) AUSALYOY Multi-jump (03 of 15) AZUXONNY Multi-jump (04 of 15) AZUZVNNY Multi-jump (05 of 15) EYUZKNNY Multi-jump (06 of 15) EYUZNNNN Multi-jump (07 of 15) GAUZONNY Multi-jump (08 of 15) LAUZSNNY Multi-jump (09 of 15) NXSAGNUE Multi-jump (10 of 15) OAUXENNN Multi-jump (11 of 15) OYUXXNNY Multi-jump (12 of 15) PZUZXNNN Multi-jump (13 of 15) SZUZENNY Multi-jump (14 of 15) UAUXUNNN Multi-jump (15 of 15)
0x01 Start on stage 2 (disable after stage begins)
0x02 Start on stage 3 (disable after stage begins)
0x03 Start on stage 4 (disable after stage begins)
0x04 Start on stage 5 (disable after stage begins)
0x05 Start on stage 6 (disable after stage begins)
ATEZOTKA Invincibility APKXSIEY Multi-jump (01 of 10) ATOZTEOZ Multi-jump (02 of 10) AZKXXIGE Multi-jump (03 of 10) GASZOIIA Multi-jump (04 of 10) IZKXUSPZ Multi-jump (05 of 10) SAKXNSSX Multi-jump (06 of 10) SZKXOIXP Multi-jump (07 of 10) XGSZEIZL Multi-jump (08 of 10) XTKXESSX Multi-jump (09 of 10) ZZKXKIAX Multi-jump (10 of 10) SXUZXTSA Infinite health POXXVYSA One hit kills AVOXVTIA Don't be pushed after being hit AAZEZZ Infinite Mind points IEKZPLIZ Have first three items after pressing B once LAVOLTGA Jump higher ALOXKIEL Hit anywhere (1 of 4) ALUZUIEL Hit anywhere (2 of 4) ALXZXIEL Hit anywhere (3 of 4) EYUXOIEL Hit anywhere (4 of 4) AAOZLEAA Pits aren't fatal (side view) ASSOSGEI Walk on water (overhead view) SZUPOOVK Grappling Hook continues to search for land (1 of 2) SZXXGZSA Grappling Hook continues to search for land (2 of 2) AOUGPATE Start with 12 units of health (1 of 2) AOUGZATE Start with 12 units of health (2 of 2) EPSLYIEL Enemies always drop X (1 of 3) OZNUTSPX Enemies always drop X (2 of 3) LANUYIYA Enemies always drop a health potion (3 of 3) GANUYIYA Enemies always drop a Mind unit (3 of 3)
0xFF Start with all equipment (1 of 2)
0xFF Start with all equipment (2 of 2)
0xFF Lots of Tone
0xFF Lots of Last
0xFF Infinite Attack & Assail
0x10 Always have Power Up
ATEZOTKA Invincibility APKXSIEY Multi-jump (01 of 10) ATOZTEOZ Multi-jump (02 of 10) AZKXXIGE Multi-jump (03 of 10) GASZOIIA Multi-jump (04 of 10) IZKXUSPZ Multi-jump (05 of 10) SAKXNSSX Multi-jump (06 of 10) SZKXOIXP Multi-jump (07 of 10) XGSZEIZL Multi-jump (08 of 10) XTKXESSX Multi-jump (09 of 10) ZZKXKIAX Multi-jump (10 of 10) SXUZXTSA Infinite health POXXVYSA One hit kills AVOXVTIA Don't be pushed after being hit AAZEZZ Infinite Mind points IEKZPLIZ Have first three items after pressing B once LAVOLTGA Jump higher EPSLYIEL Enemies always drop X (1 of 3) OZNUTSPX Enemies always drop X (2 of 3) LANUYIYA Enemies always drop a health potion (3 of 3) GANUYIYA Enemies always drop a Mind unit (3 of 3) ALOXKIEL Hit anywhere (1 of 4) ALUZUIEL Hit anywhere (2 of 4) ALXZXIEL Hit anywhere (3 of 4) EYUXOIEL Hit anywhere (4 of 4) AAOZLEAA Pits aren't fatal (side view) ASSOSGEI Walk on water (overhead view) SZUPOOVK Grappling Hook continues to search for land (1 of 2) SZXXGZSA Grappling Hook continues to search for land (2 of 2) AOUGPATE Start with 12 units of health (1 of 2) AOUGZATE Start with 12 units of health (2 of 2)
0xFF Start with all equipment (1 of 2)
0xFF Start with all equipment (2 of 2)
0xFF Lots of Tone
0xFF Lots of Last
0xFF Infinite Attack & Assail
0x10 Always have Power Up
AANSUGPA Infinite health ZUXGKTTA Start with more health ZANVNGLE More health on pick-up AEESVKAA Don't lose speed-ups when hit NNEIKGAK Longer immunity APKSEGAG Shorter immunity PAEIKTTE Faster maximum speed-up (1 of 2) NYEISVXY Faster maximum speed-up (2 of 2) TENIKIGA Faster normal speed-up (1 of 2) XNNISSKN Faster normal speed-up (2 of 2)
0x09 Infinite health - P1
0xC8 Fly
0x40 Infinite Cosmos (1 of 2)
0x40 Infinite Cosmos (2 of 2)
0x40 Infinite health (damage) (1 of 2)
0x40 Infinite health (damage) (2 of 2)
0x40 Start with infinite Cosmos (1 of 2)
0x40 Start with infinite Cosmos (2 of 2)
0x40 Start with infinite health (life) (1 of 2)
0x40 Start with infinite health (life) (2 of 2)
0x40 Infinite Seven Sense (1 of 2)
0x40 Infinite Seven Sense (2 of 2)
0x09 Infinite lives
0x01 Option always on Speed
0x02 Option always on Missile
0x03 Option always on Ripple
0x04 Option always on Laser
0x05 Option always on Option
0x06 Option always on Force
0x20 Invincibility
0x02 Start with and keep Missiles
OUXTYKOO Infinite lives ASVIYIAE View the ending SKNKUEKK Invincibility SZVGEPSA Infinite health SKVNKZVG Infinite lives GVVTAPLA Start with 99 lives ZENVPPIE Start with double health SZOKSPVG Infinite Shield SZVGLYVG Infinite Gun AIOVKYEI Allways able to use shield AIXTXYEI Allways able to use gun YONGAIIE Super-jump (1 of 2) AXVGYGTA Super-jump (2 of 2)
0x07 Infinite health (alt)
0x63 Infinite Gun (alt)
0x63 Infinite Shield
0x00 Invincibility (alt)
SXOPUIVG Infinite lives ZAUNUZAE Energy tube gives full energy boost NNNOUTSY Autofiring capability NNNOUTSN Autofire without having to hold the button down LAEAZYPA Start a new game to view ending PEXSIZLA Start with 1 life TEXSIZLA Start with 6 lives PEXSIZLE Start with 9 lives
0x09 Infinite energy (1 of 2)
0x09 Infinite energy (2 of 2)
SUTEEX Infinite lives PELAGA Start with 1 life TELAGA Start with 6 lives PELAGE Start with 9 lives PEGEUG Slow motion
0xBD Infinite health - P1
0x99 Infinite lives - P1
SZSNIIVG Infinite continues PEEVZAIE 9 continues PEEVZAIA 1 continue GZVXSKSO Don't lose energy from enemy attacks AAVPGIGA Don't lose energy from falling APOEOGGA Maximum energy gained from potion PAOEOGGA Less energy gained from potion AZUAOGGO 40 Throwing Stars on pick-up GPKAVGIA 20 Bombs on pick-up XVKPAVVN Mega-jump XTXXLOSO Some enemies can't move left or right XVESZNVK Infinite torches AIOEPIEL Hit anywhere (1 of 4) GXNALGEL Hit anywhere (2 of 4) GXNEYGEP Hit anywhere (3 of 4) GXSELGEP Hit anywhere (4 of 4) AAKKSPPA Power-ups don't use up gold AXXAZZGO Big coins worth double ZEXAZZGO Big coins worth half YEEAYZIE Small coins worth triple AEVNAIZA Start with 1 life IEVNAIZA Start with 6 lives AEVNAIZE Start with 9 lives GENNZSAA Start with less health
0x7E Invincibility - Robot Suit
0x03 Powered Up - Red Vest
SZEOLXVK Infinite lives AANOLAZA Start with 1 life IANOLAZA Start with 6 lives AANOLAZE Start with 9 lives SZNIPNVK Infinite life IEKONILA Turbo running GAXOTATE Start with double life (1 of 2) GENPGPTE Start with double life (2 of 2) ATXUPAAL No random battles GTEPOAZL Double bonus time for hourglasses PPEPOAZU Half bonus time for hourglasses GEKAILLA More time for level 1 (1 of 2) GAEETTLA More time for level 1 (2 of 2) ZEKAILLA Less time for level 1 (1 of 2) ZAEETTLA Less time for level 1 (2 of 2) GAOAATZA More time for level 2 (1 of 2) AAOAPTZL More time for level 2 (2 of 2) PAOAATZA Less time for level 2 (1 of 2) ZLOAPTZL Less time for level 2 (2 of 2) GAOAZTZA More time for level 3 (1 of 2) ZLOALTAA More time for level 3 (2 of 2) PAOAZTZA Less time for level 3 (1 of 2) AAOALTAA Less time for level 3 (2 of 2) ASUAIVAZ XX usual shots per round (1 of 3) SXVONOOU Double usual shots per round (2 of 3) ASXOVXAZ Double usual shots per round (3 of 3) ANXOVXAX Triple usual shots per round (3 of 3) EXXOVXAZ Quadruple usual shots per round (3 of 3) SXKXNLSA Infinite turns - P1
0x08 Infinite lives
0x04 Infinite Grenades
ZLEPOIAI Start with 50 deck gun shells LTEPOIAI Start with 99 deck gun shells SZXVOPVG Infinite deck gun shells SZSVUPVG Infinite bow torpedoes SXETUPVG Infinite aft torpedoes PAXGXALA Start with 1 life TAXGXALA Start with 6 lives PAXGXALE Start with 9 lives SXSVIZVG Infinite lives using helicopter SZVVGTVG Infinite lives using jeep PEEGSPLA 1 life using helicopter after continue TEEGSPLA 6 lives using helicopter after continue PEEGSPLE 9 lives using helicopter after continue PEOKNPLA 1 life using jeep after continue TEOKNPLA 6 lives using jeep after continue PEOKNPLE 9 lives using jeep after continue PAXKEAAA Start at stage 2 ZAXKEAAA Start at stage 3 LAXKEAAA Start at stage 4 GAXKEAAA Start at stage 5 IAXKEAAA Start at stage 6 TAXKEAAA Start at stage 7 SZETZLSA Keep firepower and speed-ups for helicopter SXOTPTSA Keep firepower and speed-ups for jeep EEOVYUEI Restrict movement area for helicopter EEOVGYEV Restrict movement area for jeep PAOILIIA Start with 1 life - P1 PAKSGIIA Start with 1 life - P2 IAXSGIPA Start with 5 Smart Bombs - P1 IAVIIIPA Start with 5 Smart Bombs - P2 SXEKSNVK Infinite lives - both players NYVTLVGO Infinite Smart Bombs - both players GXEITSSE Keep cosmic weapons after losing a life IEESIIPA Have 5 Smart Bombs on a new life GXEILSSE Keep Orbs after losing a life (1 of 2) GXKIOUSE Keep Orbs after losing a life (2 of 2)
0x09 Infinite lives
XVOYLXXK Infinite time AYNNIXGU Slow down time AZNNIXGL Speed up time PAENGYAA Gain 2 coins for every 1 collected PAOYZNTE Only 10 coins needed to get an extra life GXOXIXVK Buy items for free (1 of 2) GXXLIEVK Buy items for free (2 of 2) IPUYVUGA Super-jump
0x01 Infinite health
0xFF Invincibility (blinking)
0x09 Infinite time (alt)
ESOINPEY Invincibility SZOTESVK Infinite health XVONYXXK Infinite time ANENPXGU Slow down time AXENPXGL Speed up time PAONAYAA Gain 2 coins for every 1 collected PAONTNTE Only 10 coins needed to get an extra life GXXZZOVK Buy items for free (1 of 2) GXXULEVK Buy items for free (2 of 2) SPKTLESU Get all items by selecting them (be sure to get the Paint Can in level 1 and Gun in the Museum) IPKYXUGA Super-jump
0x01 Infinite health (alt)
0xFF Invincibility (blinking)
0x09 Infinite time (alt)
ZOXVGLIE Invincibility SZONIPST Infinite lives SZVVEKVK Infinite health EISVNGEY Lose lives more easily OLUNPPOP Infinite Firecracker Balls PAEZPAAE Start with 99 Firecracker Balls PAXXVGLE Start with 9 lives SZNZPEVK Infinite tries for the card match game KLYUKA Bart flies
0x05 Infinite health (alt)
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0x09 Infinite Firecracker Balls (alt)
SXXNPLAX Invincibility AAUYPYGA Infinite health SZUYZNSE Infinite health (alt) SKNNVEVK Infinite Eyes on pick-up SXNNVEVK Infinite Eyes on pick-up (alt) AAKYKPPA Infinite Cold on pick-up PAVAYYLA Start with 2 lives and 2 credits IAVAYYLA Start with 6 lives and 6 credits YAVAYYLA Start with 8 lives and 8 credits PAVAYYLE Start with 10 lives and 10 credits OLVYAZOP Infinite lives SZENNEVK Infinite credits ASVTOZAZ Eyes worth more on pick-up AXUVSZIA Cold worth more on pick-up ZAUZAYAA Start in chapter 1 level 2 IAUZAYAA Start in chapter 1 level 3
0x14 Infinite health (alt 2)
0x99 Infinite Eyes on pick-up (alt 2)
0x99 Infinite Cold on pick-up (alt)
ZENXTTPA Snowball Blast - More snowballs picked up OOEPVAAV Snowball Blast - Start with more time AKEPVAAT Snowball Blast - Start with less time IOKXITAP Snowball Blast - More time gained IEKXITAP Snowball Blast - Less time gained GAUPVAZA Snowball Blast - Start with more ammo PAUPVAZA Snowball Blast - Start with less ammo IESTEYLA Acro Aerials - More jumps allowed (1 of 2) IAVVNILA Acro Aerials - More jumps allowed (2 of 2) SXUXZPVG Adventure game - Infinite health SXVPTVVK Adventure game - Infinite Paint Clips AANPZPPA Adventure game - Infinite Eggs (1 of 2) AAXOZLPA Adventure game - Infinite Eggs (2 of 2) AAVPTLPA Adventure game - Infinite M-80's (1 of 2) AEEOAPPA Adventure game - Infinite M-80's (2 of 2) AEESAAPG Adventure game - Skate at any speed (1 of 2) AAKATAPG Adventure game - Skate at any speed (2 of 2) PAUYLLLA Stunt Ramp - Only 1 skateboard TAUYLLLA Stunt Ramp - 6 skateboards PAUYLLLE Stunt Ramp - 9 skateboards TAONILLA Stunt Ramp - More time ZAONILLA Stunt Ramp - Less time SZUAKZVG Stunt Ramp - Infinite time TEKOKZIA Stunt Ramp - Super speed SXKPVYVG Stunt Ramp - Infinite skateboards (1 of 2) SXUZGAVG Stunt Ramp - Infinite skateboards (2 of 2) PAUPVAZA Snowball Blast - Start with less ammo GAUPVAZA Snowball Blast - Start with more ammo AKEPVAAT Snowball Blast - Start with less time OOEPVAAV Snowball Blast - Start with more time IEKXITAP Snowball Blast - Less time gained IOKXITAP Snowball Blast - More time gained ZENXTTPA Snowball Blast - More snowballs picked up IAVVNILA Acro Aerials - More jumps allowed (1 of 2) IESTEYLA Acro Aerials - More jumps allowed (2 of 2) SZNOTNVK Infinite continues PEXPTYIA 1 continue PEXPTYIE 9 continues SUOEIVVS Infinite weapons SZONGXVK Infinite time AZONAXGL Faster timer AYONAXGL Slower timer POVPLYZU Half energy for Red Dog and One Eye (1 of 2) POEPZYZU Half energy for Red Dog and One Eye (2 of 2) LVVPLYZL Double energy for Red Dog and One Eye (1 of 2) POEPZYZU Double energy for Red Dog and One Eye (2 of 2) EUVEYNEK Better super-jump (1 of 2) EUVAGNEK Better super-jump (2 of 2) SXEKGZVI Infinite lives VANNVZSA P1 has more lives than P2 AAOKIZPA Shoot more bullets PANYNZLA Start with 1 life - both players TANYNZLA Start with 6 lives - both players PANYNZLE Start with 9 lives - both players IAVNNZPA Start on level 5 (1 of 2) GAVNUZAA Start on level 5 (2 of 2) ZAVNNZPE Start on level 10 (1 of 2) PAVNUZAE Start on level 10 (2 of 2) APVNNZPA Start on level 15 (1 of 2) YAVNUZAE Start on level 15 (2 of 2) GPVNNZPA Start on level 20 (1 of 2) LPVNUZAA Start on level 20 (2 of 2)
0x00 Invincibility - P1
0x00 Invincibility - P2
OZNEAAVS Infinite lives GXUEALVI Infinite Bombs GZNEIOVS Infinite credits GZXATEOZ Start with 1 life - P1 AAUALAGA Start with 1 life - P2 AAUALAGE Start with 9 lives - P2 AAEELOGI Autofire TAVPSTLA Double Bombs TAUAYALA Double credits AANEZPGA 1 life after continue - both players AANEZPGE 9 lives after continue - both players TAXEZAXZ Start with 9 lives - P1 (1 of 2) PZXELENY Start with 9 lives - P1 (2 of 2) EZXAPPKZ Start with maximum firepower (1 of 2) TAXAZOIL Start with maximum firepower (2 of 2) PAOULZAA Ski super fast AAEPLIPA No track obstacles XZXPATVZ Timer at 5 minutes for all tracks (1 of 2) PAXPPVPN Timer at 5 minutes for all tracks (2 of 2) UIVYGXVS Infinite lives OPNXVTTE Get a lot more Grenades OXXUUYVS Infinite Grenades EAOZPZEY Touch and kill most enemies EIEAELEY Invincibility (1 of 2) ESNXPLEY Invincibility (2 of 2) SXKPLVVK Infinite health SXOLXUSE Infinite lives SUKPSOSO Infinite time SXEYOZVG Infinite time AGNNVXTT Faster timer EPNNVXTT Slower timer AEXAYZZA 1 life - both players IEXAYZZA 6 lives - both players AEXAYZZE 9 lives - both players AEUAETZA 1 life - both players, after continue IEUAETZA 6 lives - both players, after continue AEUAETZE 9 lives - both players, after continue PEUEGXNY Start on level 2 ZEUEGXNY Start on level 3 LEUEGXNY Start on level 4 GEUEGXNY Start on level 5 IEUEGXNY Start on level 6 TEUEGXNY Start on level 7 SLOUSVVS Infinite lives - both players ZAXOSGPA Super-jump LAXOSGPA Mega-jump
0x09 Easy win
0x09 Infinite time (alt)
0x03 Infinite lives
0x11 Invincibility (blinking)
0x07 Max tongue height
0x1C Infinite health
SZEVEPSA Invincibility AXXVGYAG Start with half bullets for Beretta M92 EEXVGYAG Start with double bullets for Beretta M92 SZEEOUSE Infinite Beretta ammo SXOASKSE Infinite Shotgun ammo SZKAKKSE Infinite Grenades SXVEOKSE Infinite Missiles XTNTZVEE Infinite ammo for all weapons SXKVKASA Infinite health AEUVOAYA Reduce your injuries by up to 50% XVUYTUZE Play with less health (1 of 2) XTKZXKZE Play with less health (2 of 2) PPUGASTA Start a new game to view ending ZEOVAYPA Start with Machine Gun instead of Beretta (1 of 2) XKXVTYEG Start with Machine Gun instead of Beretta (2 of 2) GEOVAYPA Start with Shotgun instead of Beretta (1 of 2) KKXVTYEG Start with Shotgun instead of Beretta (2 of 2) AXOVAYPA Start with Grenades instead of Beretta (1 of 2) VKXVTYEG Start with Grenades instead of Beretta (2 of 2) EEOVAYPA Start with Missiles instead of Beretta (1 of 2) EKXVTYEK Start with Missiles instead of Beretta (2 of 2) SXSZTEVK Infinite time for Metal Gear battle ESXALLEY One hit defeats Metal Gear SUUAVVVS Invincibility SXNEUYVI Infinite number of chances PAXXPLZE Start with 10 chances instead of 3 (count starts at 9 instead of 2) AAXXPLZA Start with 1 chance (count starts at 0) PAOAYLZE Always get 10 chances after a continue (count restarts at 9) AAOAYLZA Always get 1 chance after a continue (count restarts at 0) OUOOGEOO Don't lose super ability after you lose a chance YAEEYAAE Start with Speed Skates, Power Shots and super snow-throwing PAEEYAAA Start with Speed Skates (don't use with other "start with" codes) ZAEEYAAA Start with Power Shots (don't use with other "start with" codes) GAEEYAAA Start with super snow-throwing ability (don't use with other "start with" codes) GEVZTZAA Start on 5th floor PEVZTZAE Start on 10th floor LOVZTZAA Start on 20th floor IOVZTZAE Start on 30th floor YXVZTZAA Start on 40th floor PUVZTZAA Start on 50th floor APOOKZIP Each half lasts only 10 minutes AIOOKZIP Each half lasts for 50 minutes KASUOTSA Start X goal up (1 of 3) KASUUVSE Start X goal up (2 of 3) PASLVTAA Start 1 goal up (3 of 3) LASLVTAA (3 of 3) Start 3 goals up PAKSZLGA Start with 1 ship and 1 life AAKSZLGE Start with 8 ships and 8 lives SZXONIVG Infinite lives AEXXAVNY Minimum damage taken from walls ZASSTLAA Start on level 3 IASSTLAA Start on level 6 AASSTLAE Start on level 9 ZASSTLAE Start on level 11 AASSZLPE Start with more money SVEKOVON Weapons use up no energy UNSPLSLE Reversed gravity for planet 1 VTSOZVTO Reversed gravity for planet 2 KVOPATGP Reversed gravity for planet 3 XNVOTSZE Reversed gravity for planet 4 ETXPGTAZ Reversed gravity for planet 5 OTUOYVPX Reversed gravity for planet 6 UTEOPTLZ Reversed gravity for planet 7 AOXOLVEV Normal gravity for planet 8 AEXZGVSY No damage taken from walls (1 of 2) AEXXAVNY No damage taken from walls (2 of 2) AEUIOXYA Items for free (1 of 2) GXKSOZSA Items for free (2 of 2) SZVAIAAX Invincibility OUXZYPOP Infinite life XTKKKEXK Infinite lives GZOXLAAX Indestructible fireball AAXZIALZ Continuous fairies KAXOOEVE Start with 40,000 life points GZUPTOSE Start on last level reached VTUPTOSE Start on next level SZUOPOSE Start on level XX (1 of 3) UPUOLPGA Start on level XX (2 of 3) PAUPIPAE Start on level 10 (1 of 3) LPUPIPAA Start on level 20 (3 of 3) IPUPIPAE Start on level 30 (3 of 3) YZUPIPAA Start on level 40 (3 of 3)
0x80 Invincibility (alt)
0x80 Infinite fireballs
0x09 Infinite life (alt)
SZSESXVK Infinite lives SUSPIXVS Infinite Potions PAKAVIGA Start with 1 life AAKAVIGE Start with 8 lives PAXELPLA 1 life after continue AAXELPLE 8 lives after continue GAOEUIZA Start with full flasks of Potions AAOEUIZA Start with no Potions SXUXYGAX Multi-jump
0x04 Infinite Green Potion
0x04 Infinite Yellow Potion
0x04 Infinite Light Purple Potion
0x04 Infinite Dark Purple Potion
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
SZOLGNVK Infinite energy (1 of 2) SXOLYVSO Infinite energy (2 of 2)
0x09 Infinite lives - P1
0x09 Infinite lives - P2
SXEIXKVK Infinite health (1 of 2) SZUSVKSE Infinite health (2 of 2) ATKPAIAZ Invincibility (1 of 3) TUEEYKNN Invincibility (2 of 3) GXOAPKIX Invincibility (3 of 3) AEXAYTAP Invisibility SNEAKEVN Jump higher (1 of 2) EANEEAAA Jump higher (2 of 2) IXOOPSVK Infinite lives AANATPZA Start with 1 life IANATPZA Start with 6 lives AANATPZE Start with 9 lives
0xFF Have a high score
0x63 Infinite lives (alt)
0x09 Infinite Bombs
0x09 Infinite Flares
SXNUIZAX Invincibility SXOKVVSE Infinite health NYXLIIAE Start with all armors, 7 of each fruit, all items, 99 Keys, 255 God's Wrath, 99 Birds APSUAITE Start with max energy SXNKPGSA Infinite energy SXSKEIVG Infinite Vial Of God's Wrath NNSUYGAE Start with all armors, 7 of each fruit, all items, 99 Keys, 255 God's Wrath, 99 Birds APOLZITE Start with max energy SXUKLGSA Infinite energy NNSUYGAE Infinite Vial Of God's Wrath AIVPPPEL Items are free SXOOTXGK Any answer is correct GZSKKGTA Hit anywhere with fruits SXOKXIVG Infinite vials AVSTGSOG Walk through walls (not diagonally) AEOVXIZA Invincibility NYEUYIAE Start with all armors, 7 of each fruit, all items, 99 Keys, 255 God's Wrath, 99 Birds APKLZITE Start with max energy SXVGLGSA Infinite energy SXKGXIVG Infinite Vial Of God's Wrath AAKXGPLA Hit anywhere (1 of 3) AAUXPOLP Hit anywhere (2 of 3) GZUZGPEL Hit anywhere (3 of 3) AXXKLGAX Moon-jump (1 of 4) EEXGILIA Moon-jump (2 of 4) PXXGGUOK Moon-jump (3 of 4) YVXGLUNA Moon-jump (4 of 4) IEVXVTZA Start a new game to view ending SXVPEZSA Infinite health SXKAYOVK Infinite lives SZEUSGVG Infinite lives (alt) SZKUANVK Infinite missiles VXELTVSE Infinite smoke SXSOOZSA No enemies (1 of 2) SZUOVLSA No enemies (2 of 2) AAUEASTA Enemies die automatically (1 of 3) AESXEUYA Enemies die automatically (2 of 3) XVSZXLAV Enemies die automatically (3 of 3) AENOESTA Hit anywhere (1 of 5) AENOKIIP Hit anywhere (2 of 5) AESXEUYA Hit anywhere (3 of 5) AEVOSIGZ Hit anywhere (4 of 5) SXNONISA Hit anywhere (5 of 5) TEEXLILA Double missiles on pick-up YAEZNIYE Slow down timer GXSAKUSE Keep special weapons (1 of 2) GXSANUSE Keep special weapons (2 of 2) ZEEXKIAA Start with 2 extra lives TEEXKIAA Start with 6 extra lives SZVAYUVK Stop black spy's clock SXUELUVK Stop white spy's clock PUEAPLIU Black spy has 100 seconds in a minute PUSAILIU White spy has 100 seconds in a minute ONVZYNUT Black spy has deadly punches IEVZLYIE White spy has deadly punches AEEAAIPA Infinite lives AEUESLZA Start with 1 life IEUESLZA Start with 6 lives AEUESLZE Start with 9 lives LASEXLPA Start at phase 3 IASEXLPA Start at phase 5 AASEXLPE Start at phase 8 SZEEOSVK Never lose your special weapon ZEOOEYPA Gain main weapon on rescuing 9 humans GXEAKKSE Never lose humans on dying (1 of 2) GXSUZXSE Never lose humans on dying (2 of 2) SXOOZTAX Invincibility SINPTKVS Infinite lives SGVTIVVK Infinite time XTSXXYVK Infinite time on continue screen SZEGYUSE Infinite health NNXGVZAE Start a new game with complete map
0x5F Have all weapons (1 of 9)
0x5F Have all weapons (2 of 9)
0x01 Have all weapons (3 of 9)
0x5F Have all weapons (4 of 9)
0x5F Have all weapons (5 of 9)
0x5F Have all weapons (6 of 9)
0x5F Have all weapons (7 of 9)
0x5F Have all weapons (8 of 9)
0x5F Have all weapons (9 of 9)
0x26 Infinite health (alt)
SZKEVTVG Infinite lives AEUAUIZA Start with 1 life IEUAUIZA Start with 6 lives AEUAUIZE Start with 9 lives VYVEGONN Turbo speed SZOEAPVG Infinite lives PEOAPPAA Start with laser GXVPXTVG Infinite shield power ZAOOOYIE Double shield power (1 of 2) ZENOGLIE Double shield power (2 of 2) LEOOVGYE Kirk has more energy GEOOVGYA Kirk has less energy LAUXYAYE McCoy has more energy GAUXYAYA McCoy has less energy LAUZTAYE Spock has more energy GAUZTAYA Spock has less energy LAVZLAYE Security has more energy LAKXAAYE Geologist has more energy GAKXAAYA Geologist has less energy LASXZAYE Biologist has more energy GASXZAYA Biologist has less energy LASZPAYE Historian has more energy GASZPAYA Historian has less energy YEKUYPGA McCoy gives full energy to injured party OUXTPYOP All systems are immune to damage - shields down SXUVTNSE Shields are immune to damage - shields up AGKVTTEP Quicker damage repair APKVTTEP Very quick damage repair EGKVTTEP Slower damage repair ZKNVLEZE Enemy does less damage ATETISVT Stop game time ticking over AAUZPAGY Photon Torpedoes always work AAEXTPNY Phasers always work AAOXPOKT Phasers fire for longer AAVTZVIL Damage is repaired immediately SXVUSTVG Transporter power does not decrease most of the time IANUXTAZ Less transporter power required most of the time GVNZOZIT Stardate does not advance EINONZEY Invincibility (blinking) SZNAXOSE Infinite health (1 of 2) SZEPYSSE Infinite health (2 of 2) SXOPVSSE Infinite Phasers SXNXLXVK Infinite Bombs GZSZSTVG Infinite life support pods GPKIASZA Start with double life support pods TPKIASZE Start with triple life support pods AASLSLLA Barrier won't take damage AOKLVLEI Radar won't take damage ENXLXLEI Cannon won't take damage AAXUXLLA Engine won't take damage AAXAGAZA Start with 1 life IAXAGAZA Start with 6 lives AAXAGAZE Start with 9 lives SZEAYXVK Infinite lives GZSYLSSO Immune to spikes, you can get stuck on them SLVUYNSO Immune to most bullets AAKLNGZA Full energy on big energy pick-ups AAKLUGAX Less energy on big energy pick-ups AGKLUGAZ More energy on big energy pick-ups ZEOKOIPA Always running (1 of 2) ZEKKXIPA Always running (2 of 2) GXNUZIST Immune to most collisions (1 of 2) SLKLYVSO Immune to most collisions (2 of 2) TENLGIYE Start with 14 continues GZVZTNOO Don't take damage from most enemies PESZYPIE 9 harpoons - scene 2 PESZYPIA 1 harpoons - scene 2 GZVZVKVK Infinite harpoons - scene 2 GXSLIISA Infinite energy for ship - scene 2 AEXOETYL Always have Lightsaber PAEGXLAA Start on scene 2 ZAEGXLAA Start on scene 3 LAEGXLAA Start on scene 4 GAEGXLAA Start on scene 5 IAEGXLAA Start on scene 6 TAEGXLAA Start on scene 7 SZKIOGVG Infinite lives AANSOGZA Start with 1 life IANSOGZA Start with 6 lives AANSOGZE Start with 9 lives GEVVGIPA Extra health from capsules PENYGIAA Start at stage 2 ZENYGIAA Start at stage 3 LENYGIAA Start at stage 4 GENYGIAA Start at stage 5 OVUYEGSV Take minimum damage (1 of 2) PEUYOGTA Take minimum damage (2 of 2)
0x01 Play as Bomberking
0x10 Infinite health
SXETAKVK Infinite lives PASTYZLA 1 life with a new character TASTYZLA 6 lives with a new character PAUTGILA 1 life after continue TAUTGILA 6 lives after continue SUXXPSVS Infinite weapons ZUVLZEPP Gain 50 fire weapons on pick-up ZUSUYETP Gain 50 bat weapons on pick-up IEUZZNGA Only 3 hearts needed to use shooting-star AEOZPYTO Only 8 hearts needed to use super-nova VZVZLOSV Infinite health NOPSTU Enemies can't move PEXXYTIA 1 star needed to restore health (1 of 2) PEUZLTIA 1 star needed to restore health (2 of 2) PEXXYTIE 9 stars needed to restore health (1 of 2) PEUZLTIE 9 stars needed to restore health (2 of 2)
0x02 Permanent Anklet (can jump 2 spaces) (1 of 2)
0x01 Permanent Anklet (can jump 2 spaces) (2 of 2)
0x17 Infinite health
0x09 Infinite Blue Stars
0x2E Invincibility after one hit
SZVZSSVK Infinite missiles AOUXXEAA Start with double missiles SZVPXNVV No damage taken from enemy's bullets AVUXNAVP Start with less fuel AEKZZLZE More enemy planes on the screen GZNGNLSP Keep weapons after death PAXKPGLA Start with 1 life TAXKPGLA Start with 6 lives PAXKPGLE Start with 9 lives OZVKKLVS Infinite lives YGNGAKTL Start with XX (1 of 2) PAVKTGAP Start with Dual Cannons (2 of 2) ZAVKTGAP Start with Laser (2 of 2) GAVKTGAP Start with Shoot Right (2 of 2) AAVKTGAO Start with Shoot Left (2 of 2) APVKTGAP Start with Five Direction Firing (2 of 2) AZVKTGAP Start with Three Direction Firing (2 of 2) AGVKTGAP Start with Force field (2 of 2) GZOGIGSA Start at stage X (wait for demo game then press start) (1 of 2) PAEGPLPA Start at stage 2 (wait for demo game then press start) (2 of 2) ZAEGPLPA Start at stage 3 (wait for demo game then press start) (2 of 2) LAEGPLPA Start at stage 4 (wait for demo game then press start) (2 of 2) GAEGPLPA Start at stage 5 (wait for demo game then press start) (2 of 2) IAEGPLPA Start at stage 6 (wait for demo game then press start) (2 of 2) IESKLLAA Skip intro
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0x50 Invincibility
TAOVTXPA Have less time ZPOVTXPA Have more time SZSNTAVG Infinite time GXESTZST Infinite health AONGNAAU Start with less health AVNGNAAL Start with more health PAXTPPAA Start at level 2 ZAXTPPAA Start at level 3 LAXTPPAA Start at level 4 OVESTZSV Take minimum damage (1 of 2) PEESYZAP Take minimum damage (2 of 2) AZNSYIPP Hit anywhere (1 of 3) EINSTIEL Hit anywhere (2 of 3) SZNSLSOS Hit anywhere (3 of 3) AAEETAGA Start with 1 life PAEETAGE Start with 9 lives SZUATPVG Infinite lives AEUIPGZA Infinite health EYSSLGEI Invincibility PEUIPGZA Take less damage LEUIPGZA Take more damage GZOAZPSA Keep power-ups after losing a life AEKIYGZA Keep power-ups when hit ZESESPPA Faster Ken SLUKAZSP Infinite time SXVTVUVK Portal always stays open
0x59 Infinite health
0x00 One hit kills
0x02 Only one win needed to advance
OXNAUKPX Infinite health (1 of 2) PVNAVGIU Infinite health (2 of 2) AANVSZTZ Hit anywhere (1 of 2) AEEVXXPP Hit anywhere (2 of 2) ZAUXEYPE More energy from small capsules (10) GPUXXNZA More energy from big capsules (20) ZAUXKYPE Health from small capsules (10) GPUXVNZA Health from big capsules (20) ZAEXVNAO Double health and energy from all capsules
0x09 Max stats, all tricks, Slide In, Plasma Arrow (1 of 2)
0x01 Max stats, all tricks, Slide In, Plasma Arrow (2 of 2)
0xFF Have all Keys and start on Red Dragon level
0xFF Have all Data Files
0x0A High-jump
0xA7 Plasma Sword is instantly charged
0x63 Infinite power
AESGNZZA Start with 1 life instead of 3 IESGNZZA Start with 6 lives PESGNZZE Start with 9 lives SZSZSKVK Infinite lives AEESPALA Start with 0 turbos instead of 3 TEESPALA Start with 6 turbos PEESPALE Start with 9 turbos VANILVKE Always have 9 coins after a race SZKOEOVV Coins worth nothing on pick-up SLNOYXVS Infinite time - P1 SLXOYUVS Infinite time - P2 ESNNUZEY Enable level skip (Press B then Select) AEEOSGYA Hit anywhere (1 of 2) KKUOXGSO Hit anywhere (2 of 2) SZLZEO Invincibility LLLXZO Invincibility - both players POXXIOIA Hit anywhere AAAZPZ One hit kills AEXVAIZA Activates 10 lives code IOXVZSPE 10 lives code give you 30 GZVAZTSP Keep equiped weapon after dying AEKTLGAE Start a new game to view ending AUOVNXPU Press Start to finish level (1 of 2) GEOVSZPA Press Start to finish level (2 of 2) AEXTLIZA Start with 1 life - both players IEXTLIZA Start with 6 lives - both players AEXTLIZE Start with 9 lives - both players NNXTLIZE Start with 255 lives - both players PEETLIAA Start at area 2 ZEETLIAA Start at area 3 LEETLIAA Start at area 4 GEETLIAA Start at area 5 IEETLIAA Start at area 6 TEETLIAA Start at area 7 ENXVYGEI Stage select after title screen SKVVAGAE Stage select after title screen (alt 2) SKTVAK Stage select after title screen (alt) AENTTTZA Extra life for each enemy killed TEEVIIZA Start with 9 continues SZOVXZVG Infinite continues EUUTGIYS Start game with X Gun (1 of 3) YSXTPSEL Start game with X Gun (2 of 3) ZEUTZIAA Start game with Spray Gun (3 of 3) GEUTZIAA Start game with Fireball Gun (3 of 3) EYYAEA Run faster to the right GXVAATEI Multi-jump - both players (1 of 2) ZUVEPVIV Multi-jump - both players (2 of 2)
0x55 Invincibility (blinking)
0x03 Infinite lives
0x81 Have the Machine Gun
0x82 Have the Spread Gun
0x83 Have the Laser Gun
0x84 Have the Fireball Gun
0x85 Have the Single Shot MG
0x86 Have the Super Fireball Gun
SSASSA Invincibility (Starman effect) SEVVOVSX Invincibility (1 of 2) ESVVKTEY Invincibility (2 of 2) VZTLTN Infinite time SZTLTN Infinite time (alt) SXIOPO Infinite lives - both players SKSOPOVK Infinite lives GZXIPYEP Fireballs hit anywhere APXLLPEY Can move left or right while crouched AATOZA Start with 1 life - both players IATOZA Start with 6 lives - both players AATOZE Start with 9 lives - both players VATOLE Start P1 with 8 lives and P2 with 3 lives GIIIVY Walk through pipes and blocks APZLGK Super-jump from a standing start only TPZLTG Super-jump from running only GPZUAG Super-jump from turbo running only APZLGG Mega-jump from a standing start only APZLTG Mega-jump from running only GAZUAG Mega-jump from turbo running only YAZULG Moon Gravity from a standing start YAZUIG Moon Gravity from a running start YAZUYG Moon Gravity from turbo running only AOAUIG Multi-jump SNAULA Control Mario in entrances that lead to underground PEUEGZAA Control Mario in demo and title screen (1 of 3) ANUETXKY Control Mario in demo and title screen (2 of 3) YEUEYZTA Control Mario in demo and title screen (3 of 3) OZTLLX Always Big Mario (1 of 3) AATLGZ Always Big Mario (2 of 3) SZLIVO Always Big Mario (3 of 3) ZZZLTT Always Fiery Mario OXNLUYSO After falling down a hole, you drop from above GPAIIU Always get 3 fireworks at end of stage VENITZYA Always get 6 fireworks at end of stage LETTTE Goombas don't walk off ledges NULTKA Turn all enemies into Toad AEVAIGYA Gain a 1-up when an enemy is killed or power-up is gained AAOUEIPA Small Mario can break bricks (1 of 2) AENLNGZA Small Mario can break bricks (2 of 2) EZOLNIEI Small Mario can break bricks (3 of 2) AASIYNLT Fireballs can kill Buzzy Beetle AEESGYTL Fireballs can kill Bullet Bill AAXVZAGA Fireballs can kill Podoboo (1 of 2) AEOIAYZL Fireballs can kill Podoboo (2 of 2) AEOIGNTZ Fireballs can kill Bowser's fire AAYAAZ Enable level select YSAOPE Start on World X (1 of 3) YEAOZA Start on World X (2 of 3) PEAPYA Start on World 2 (3 of 3) ZEAPYA Start on World 3 (3 of 3) LEAPYA Start on World 4 (3 of 3) GEAPYA Start on World 5 (3 of 3) IEAPYA Start on World 6 (3 of 3) TEAPYA Start on World 7 (3 of 3) YEAPYA Start on World 8 (3 of 3)
0x00 Always Big/Fiery Mario (1 of 2)
0x01 Always Big Mario (2 of 2)
0x02 Always Fiery Mario (2 of 2)
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0x0C Infinite time (alt 2)
0x06 Invincibility (blinking)
0x18 Invincibility (Starman effect) (alt)
SZNIPPVG DH - Infinite ammo AASIAUZA DH - Always get the perfect bonus (1 of 2) ALSIPLEI DH - Always get the perfect bonus (2 of 2) GEOKTPLA DH - Enable game D (press Select three times) IAVKKZVG DH - Ducks never fly away - Game A AAXSGZSY DH - Hit anywhere
0x03 DH - Infinite ammo (alt)
SSASSA SMB - Invincibility (Starman effect) SEVVOVSX SMB - Invincibility (1 of 2) ESVVKTEY SMB - Invincibility (2 of 2) VZTLTN SMB - Infinite time SZTLTN SMB - Infinite time (alt) SXIOPO SMB - Infinite lives - both players SKSOPOVK SMB - Infinite lives GZXIPYEP SMB - Fireballs hit anywhere APXLLPEY SMB - Can move left or right while crouched AATOZA SMB - Start with 1 life - both players IATOZA SMB - Start with 6 lives - both players AATOZE SMB - Start with 9 lives - both players VATOLE SMB - Start P1 with 8 lives and P2 with 3 lives GIIIVY SMB - Walk through pipes and blocks APZLGK SMB - Super-jump from a standing start only TPZLTG SMB - Super-jump from running only GPZUAG SMB - Super-jump from turbo running only APZLGG SMB - Mega-jump from a standing start only APZLTG SMB - Mega-jump from running only GAZUAG SMB - Mega-jump from turbo running only YAZULG SMB - Moon Gravity from a standing start YAZUIG SMB - Moon Gravity from a running start YAZUYG SMB - Moon Gravity from turbo running only AOAUIG SMB - Multi-jump SNAULA SMB - Control Mario in entrances that lead to underground PEUEGZAA SMB - Control Mario in demo and title screen (1 of 3) ANUETXKY SMB - Control Mario in demo and title screen (2 of 3) YEUEYZTA SMB - Control Mario in demo and title screen (3 of 3) OZTLLX SMB - Always Big Mario (1 of 3) AATLGZ SMB - Always Big Mario (2 of 3) SZLIVO SMB - Always Big Mario (3 of 3) ZZZLTT SMB - Always Fiery Mario OXNLUYSO SMB - After falling down a hole, you drop from above GPAIIU SMB - Always get 3 fireworks at end of stage VENITZYA SMB - Always get 6 fireworks at end of stage LETTTE SMB - Goombas don't walk off ledges NULTKA SMB - Turn all enemies into Toad AEVAIGYA SMB - Gain a 1-up when an enemy is killed or power-up is gained AAOUEIPA SMB - Small Mario can break bricks (1 of 2) AENLNGZA SMB - Small Mario can break bricks (2 of 2) EZOLNIEI SMB - Small Mario can break bricks (3 of 2) AASIYNLT SMB - Fireballs can kill Buzzy Beetle AEESGYTL SMB - Fireballs can kill Bullet Bill AAXVZAGA SMB - Fireballs can kill Podoboo (1 of 2) AEOIAYZL SMB - Fireballs can kill Podoboo (2 of 2) AEOIGNTZ SMB - Fireballs can kill Bowser's fire AAYAAZ SMB - Enable level select YSAOPE SMB - Start on World X (1 of 3) YEAOZA SMB - Start on World X (2 of 3) PEAPYA SMB - Start on World 2 (3 of 3) ZEAPYA SMB - Start on World 3 (3 of 3) LEAPYA SMB - Start on World 4 (3 of 3) GEAPYA SMB - Start on World 5 (3 of 3) IEAPYA SMB - Start on World 6 (3 of 3) TEAPYA SMB - Start on World 7 (3 of 3) YEAPYA SMB - Start on World 8 (3 of 3)
0x09 SMB - Infinite lives (alt)
0x0C SMB - Infinite time (alt 2)
0x06 SMB - Invincibility (blinking)
0x18 SMB - Invincibility (Starman effect) (alt)
SZNIPPVG DH - Infinite ammo AASIAUZA DH - Always get the perfect bonus (1 of 2) ALSIPLEI DH - Always get the perfect bonus (2 of 2) GEOKTPLA DH - Enable game D (press Select three times) IAVKKZVG DH - Ducks never fly away - Game A AAXSGZSY DH - Hit anywhere
0x03 DH - Infinite ammo (alt)
SSASSA SMB - Invincibility (Starman effect) SEVVOVSX SMB - Invincibility (1 of 2) ESVVKTEY SMB - Invincibility (2 of 2) VZTLTN SMB - Infinite time SZTLTN SMB - Infinite time (alt) SXIOPO SMB - Infinite lives - both players SKSOPOVK SMB - Infinite lives GZXIPYEP SMB - Fireballs hit anywhere APXLLPEY SMB - Can move left or right while crouched AATOZA SMB - Start with 1 life - both players IATOZA SMB - Start with 6 lives - both players AATOZE SMB - Start with 9 lives - both players VATOLE SMB - Start P1 with 8 lives and P2 with 3 lives GIIIVY SMB - Walk through pipes and blocks APZLGK SMB - Super-jump from a standing start only TPZLTG SMB - Super-jump from running only GPZUAG SMB - Super-jump from turbo running only APZLGG SMB - Mega-jump from a standing start only APZLTG SMB - Mega-jump from running only GAZUAG SMB - Mega-jump from turbo running only YAZULG SMB - Moon Gravity from a standing start YAZUIG SMB - Moon Gravity from a running start YAZUYG SMB - Moon Gravity from turbo running only AOAUIG SMB - Multi-jump SNAULA SMB - Control Mario in entrances that lead to underground PEUEGZAA SMB - Control Mario in demo and title screen (1 of 3) ANUETXKY SMB - Control Mario in demo and title screen (2 of 3) YEUEYZTA SMB - Control Mario in demo and title screen (3 of 3) OZTLLX SMB - Always Big Mario (1 of 3) AATLGZ SMB - Always Big Mario (2 of 3) SZLIVO SMB - Always Big Mario (3 of 3) ZZZLTT SMB - Always Fiery Mario OXNLUYSO SMB - After falling down a hole, you drop from above GPAIIU SMB - Always get 3 fireworks at end of stage VENITZYA SMB - Always get 6 fireworks at end of stage LETTTE SMB - Goombas don't walk off ledges NULTKA SMB - Turn all enemies into Toad AEVAIGYA SMB - Gain a 1-up when an enemy is killed or power-up is gained AAOUEIPA SMB - Small Mario can break bricks (1 of 2) AENLNGZA SMB - Small Mario can break bricks (2 of 2) EZOLNIEI SMB - Small Mario can break bricks (3 of 2) AASIYNLT SMB - Fireballs can kill Buzzy Beetle AEESGYTL SMB - Fireballs can kill Bullet Bill AAXVZAGA SMB - Fireballs can kill Podoboo (1 of 2) AEOIAYZL SMB - Fireballs can kill Podoboo (2 of 2) AEOIGNTZ SMB - Fireballs can kill Bowser's fire AAYAAZ SMB - Enable level select YSAOPE SMB - Start on World X (1 of 3) YEAOZA SMB - Start on World X (2 of 3) PEAPYA SMB - Start on World 2 (3 of 3) ZEAPYA SMB - Start on World 3 (3 of 3) LEAPYA SMB - Start on World 4 (3 of 3) GEAPYA SMB - Start on World 5 (3 of 3) IEAPYA SMB - Start on World 6 (3 of 3) TEAPYA SMB - Start on World 7 (3 of 3) YEAPYA SMB - Start on World 8 (3 of 3)
0x09 SMB - Infinite lives (alt)
0x0C SMB - Infinite time (alt 2)
0x06 SMB - Invincibility (blinking)
0x18 SMB - Invincibility (Starman effect) (alt)
SZNIPPVG DH - Infinite ammo AASIAUZA DH - Always get the perfect bonus (1 of 2) ALSIPLEI DH - Always get the perfect bonus (2 of 2) GEOKTPLA DH - Enable game D (press Select three times) IAVKKZVG DH - Ducks never fly away - Game A AAXSGZSY DH - Hit anywhere
0x03 DH - Infinite ammo (alt)
SSASSA SMB - Invincibility (Starman effect) SEVVOVSX SMB - Invincibility (1 of 2) ESVVKTEY SMB - Invincibility (2 of 2) VZTLTN SMB - Infinite time SZTLTN SMB - Infinite time (alt) SXIOPO SMB - Infinite lives - both players SKSOPOVK SMB - Infinite lives GZXIPYEP SMB - Fireballs hit anywhere APXLLPEY SMB - Can move left or right while crouched AATOZA SMB - Start with 1 life - both players IATOZA SMB - Start with 6 lives - both players AATOZE SMB - Start with 9 lives - both players VATOLE SMB - Start P1 with 8 lives and P2 with 3 lives GIIIVY SMB - Walk through pipes and blocks APZLGK SMB - Super-jump from a standing start only TPZLTG SMB - Super-jump from running only GPZUAG SMB - Super-jump from turbo running only APZLGG SMB - Mega-jump from a standing start only APZLTG SMB - Mega-jump from running only GAZUAG SMB - Mega-jump from turbo running only YAZULG SMB - Moon Gravity from a standing start YAZUIG SMB - Moon Gravity from a running start YAZUYG SMB - Moon Gravity from turbo running only AOAUIG SMB - Multi-jump SNAULA SMB - Control Mario in entrances that lead to underground PEUEGZAA SMB - Control Mario in demo and title screen (1 of 3) ANUETXKY SMB - Control Mario in demo and title screen (2 of 3) YEUEYZTA SMB - Control Mario in demo and title screen (3 of 3) OZTLLX SMB - Always Big Mario (1 of 3) AATLGZ SMB - Always Big Mario (2 of 3) SZLIVO SMB - Always Big Mario (3 of 3) ZZZLTT SMB - Always Fiery Mario OXNLUYSO SMB - After falling down a hole, you drop from above GPAIIU SMB - Always get 3 fireworks at end of stage VENITZYA SMB - Always get 6 fireworks at end of stage LETTTE SMB - Goombas don't walk off ledges NULTKA SMB - Turn all enemies into Toad AEVAIGYA SMB - Gain a 1-up when an enemy is killed or power-up is gained AAOUEIPA SMB - Small Mario can break bricks (1 of 2) AENLNGZA SMB - Small Mario can break bricks (2 of 2) EZOLNIEI SMB - Small Mario can break bricks (3 of 2) AASIYNLT SMB - Fireballs can kill Buzzy Beetle AEESGYTL SMB - Fireballs can kill Bullet Bill AAXVZAGA SMB - Fireballs can kill Podoboo (1 of 2) AEOIAYZL SMB - Fireballs can kill Podoboo (2 of 2) AEOIGNTZ SMB - Fireballs can kill Bowser's fire AAYAAZ SMB - Enable level select YSAOPE SMB - Start on World X (1 of 3) YEAOZA SMB - Start on World X (2 of 3) PEAPYA SMB - Start on World 2 (3 of 3) ZEAPYA SMB - Start on World 3 (3 of 3) LEAPYA SMB - Start on World 4 (3 of 3) GEAPYA SMB - Start on World 5 (3 of 3) IEAPYA SMB - Start on World 6 (3 of 3) TEAPYA SMB - Start on World 7 (3 of 3) YEAPYA SMB - Start on World 8 (3 of 3)
0x09 SMB - Infinite lives (alt)
0x0C SMB - Infinite time (alt 2)
0x06 SMB - Invincibility (blinking)
0x18 SMB - Invincibility (Starman effect) (alt)
OZXYGLES Invincibility (1 of 2) SAXYTLSZ Invincibility (2 of 2) GZELVXSE Infinite health (except if you hit a spike) SZELVXSE Infinite health (alt) SZNESXVK Infinite lives AEXLATGA Hit anywhere (1 of 3) EVOUYVPZ Hit anywhere (2 of 3) GKXLZVIG Hit anywhere (3 of 3) YPZOTN More sub-space time ANNEEGEY All characters can float SLNZZLVI Infinite magic carpet time SXUASXOU Quick pick-up NNXPZIAV Twice as much time in sub-space AEUEKKGL Jump as high as a squat jump PPXAOIAA Princess has mega-float PAXAOIAA Princess has mega-float and lunar descent PESEGLGA Super moon-jumps - Mario AAEEZGPA Mega moon-jumps - Luigi PENALLGA Super moon-jumps - Toad PAXAPGGA Super moon-jumps - Princess AEXALGZA Speed up enemies AXNAZSAA Super speed enemies (1 of 2) EVNALSEY Super speed enemies (2 of 2) GOEANKAO Walk backwards (2 of 2) USEEEKKA Walk backwards (2 of 2) XVVANSZK Super turbo running (1 of 2) XVNEXSZV Super turbo running (2 of 2) AEVAVIIA Permanent turbo running (1 of 2) AENEEITA Permanent turbo running (2 of 2) AXNAIUAO Fast run - Toad (1 of 2) ESNEAUEV Fast run - Toad (2 of 2) AXSETUAO Super fast run - Mario (1 of 2) ESVAPUEV Super fast run - Mario (2 of 2) AZEEGKAO Super fast run - Luigi (1 of 2) EIEEYKEV Super fast run - Luigi (2 of 2) AZXALKAO Super fast run - Princess (1 of 2) EIXATKEV Super fast run - Princess (2 of 2) AAVENYZA Weak Birdo IAVENYZE Strong Birdo YESUAPTE Strong Wart TPEPLAAX Birdo spits eggs instead of fireballs (in late levels of the game) IUEPSZAA Start on World X (1 of 3) TEEPVZPA Start on World X (2 of 3) PEEPUZAG Start on World 2 (3 of 3) ZEEPUZAG Start on World 3 (3 of 3) LEEPUZAG Start on World 4 (3 of 3) GEEPUZAG Start on World 5 (3 of 3) IEEPUZAG Start on World 6 (3 of 3) TEEPUZAG Start on World 7 (3 of 3)
0xFA Invincibility (alt)
0x09 Infinite coins
0x00 Multi-jump
0xFA Infinite magic carpet time (alt)
0x00 One hit kills on bosses
0x09 Receive small heart for every enemy defeated
0xFA Infinite sub-space time
0xFA All characters can float (alt)
0xFA Stopwatch always active
0x04 Only 1 Cherry needed for Starman
0x04 Only 1 big Radish needed for Stopwatch
0x01 Start on World 2 (alt)
0x02 Start on World 3 (alt)
0x03 Start on World 4 (alt)
0x04 Start on World 5 (alt)
0x05 Start on World 6 (alt)
0x06 Start on World 7 (alt)
OZXYGLES Invincibility (1 of 2) SAXYTLSZ Invincibility (2 of 2) GZELVXSE Infinite health (except if you hit a spike) SZELVXSE Infinite health (alt) SZNESXVK Infinite lives AEXLATGA Hit anywhere (1 of 3) EVOUYVPZ Hit anywhere (2 of 3) GKXLZVIG Hit anywhere (3 of 3) ANNEEGEY All characters can float SLNZZLVI Infinite magic carpet time SXUASXOU Quick pick-up NNXPZIAV Twice as much time in sub-space AEUEKKGL Jump as high as a squat jump PPXAOIAA Princess has mega-float PAXAOIAA Princess has mega-float and lunar descent PESEGLGA Super moon-jumps - Mario AAEEZGPA Mega moon-jumps - Luigi PENALLGA Super moon-jumps - Toad PAXAPGGA Super moon-jumps - Princess AEXALGZA Speed up enemies AXNAZSAA Super speed enemies (1 of 2) EVNALSEY Super speed enemies (2 of 2) GOEANKAO Walk backwards (2 of 2) USEEEKKA Walk backwards (2 of 2) XVVANSZK Super turbo running (1 of 2) XVNEXSZV Super turbo running (2 of 2) AEVAVIIA Permanent turbo running (1 of 2) AENEEITA Permanent turbo running (2 of 2) AXNAIUAO Fast run - Toad (1 of 2) ESNEAUEV Fast run - Toad (2 of 2) AXSETUAO Super fast run - Mario (1 of 2) ESVAPUEV Super fast run - Mario (2 of 2) AZEEGKAO Super fast run - Luigi (1 of 2) EIEEYKEV Super fast run - Luigi (2 of 2) AZXALKAO Super fast run - Princess (1 of 2) EIXATKEV Super fast run - Princess (2 of 2) GXUESIEY Hawkeye at end of level always open IUEPSZAA Start on World X (1 of 3) TEEPVZPA Start on World X (2 of 3) PEEPUZAG Start on World 2 (3 of 3) ZEEPUZAG Start on World 3 (3 of 3) LEEPUZAG Start on World 4 (3 of 3) GEEPUZAG Start on World 5 (3 of 3) IEEPUZAG Start on World 6 (3 of 3) TEEPUZAG Start on World 7 (3 of 3)
0xFA Invincibility
0x09 Infinite coins
0x00 Multi-jump
0xFA Infinite magic carpet time (alt)
0x00 One hit kills on bosses
0x09 Receive small heart for every enemy defeated
0xFA Infinite sub-space time
0xFA All characters can float (alt)
0xFA Stopwatch always active
0x04 Only 1 Cherry needed for Starman
0x04 Only 1 big Radish needed for Stopwatch
0x01 Start on World 2 (alt)
0x02 Start on World 3 (alt)
0x03 Start on World 4 (alt)
0x04 Start on World 5 (alt)
0x05 Start on World 6 (alt)
0x06 Start on World 7 (alt)
SZKIKXSE Invincibility after changing up from Super Mario (Raccoon, Frog, ect.) EXKXGLIA Invincibility as miniture stone Mario AEVGEVZZ Invincibility (Starman effect) XUKXGLIE Invincibility as Super Mario UXKXGLIA Invincibility as Fire Mario NXKXGLIE Invincibility as Raccoon Mario OUKXGLIE Invincibility as Frog Mario XNKXGLIE Invincibility as Sledgehammer Mario SLXPLOVS Infinite lives - both players SXUZENVK Infinite time YPXXLVGE Infinite items - Mario ZITGAG 1-Up from every enemy you stomp AEKPTZGA 1 life after continue - both players AEKPTZGE 9 lives after continue - both players PEEULAGT 1-up for each coin (1 of 2) PEOLAAGT 1-up for each coin (2 of 2) ZEEULAGV 1-up for each 10 coins (1 of 2) ZEOLAAGV 1-up for each 10 coins (2 of 2) NKGZSO Start a new game to see the ending OXKIPZOS Move anywhere on the map (1 of 2) APKSALAZ Move anywhere on the map (2 of 2) ELKZYVEK Power-jumps EZKZYVEK Super power-jumps EAKZYVEK Mega power-jumps SXEZSKOZ Multi-jump SXEZSKOX Multi-jump (alt) GZUXNGEI Multi-jump (alt 2) OXKZELSX Super speed running XVUXNUEE Turbo-charged running AANZKLLA Raise P meter while standing still (hold B) AEXXYVIG Fireballs hit anywhere (1 of 2) AEXZAVUG Fireballs hit anywhere (2 of 2) AAKXTIYP Fireballs turn most solid objects into coins (1 of 2) AAVZAIIA Fireballs turn most solid objects into coins (2 of 2) GZSSOLEP Tail hits anywhere SZUEXNSO Restore powers after playing an action scene LGNXKGPL Always get a White Ship after passing a level AEOSSZPA Change to XX if you fall off screen and die (1 of 2) PAOZTGAA Change to Super Mario if you fall off screen and die (2 of 2) ZAOZTGAA Change to Fire Mario if you fall off screen and die (2 of 2) LAOZTGAA Change to Raccoon Mario if you fall off screen and die (2 of 2) GAOZTGAA Change to Frog Mario if you fall off screen and die (2 of 2) IAOZTGAA Change to Tanooki Mario if you fall off screen and die (2 of 2) TAOZTGAA Change to Sledgehammer Mario if you fall off screen and die (2 of 2) AANAOTLA Press Start to complete level (do not use on final ship/castle level for each map) (1 of 2) GPNAETTY Press Start to complete level (do not use on final ship/castle level for each map) (2 of 2) ZEUXKGAA Start a new game as Fire Mario LEUXKGAA Start a new game as Raccoon Mario GEUXKGAA Start a new game as Frog Mario IEUXKGAA Start a new game as Tanooki Mario TEUXKGAA Start a new game as Sledgehammer Mario PEUZUGAA Start on World 2 ZEUZUGAA Start on World 3 LEUZUGAA Start on World 4 GEUZUGAA Start on World 5 IEUZUGAA Start on World 6 TEUZUGAA Start on World 7 YEUZUGAA Start on World 8 GGNUGGXE Unused level - Plains 1 (1 of 2) NZNUIKUL Unused level - Plains 1 (2 of 2) KZNUGGXE Unused level - Plains 2 (1 of 2) OZNUIKUL Unused level - Plains 2 (2 of 2)
0x7F P meter always full
0x01 Invincibility as Super Mario (alt)
0x02 Invincibility as Fire Mario (alt)
0x03 Invincibility as Raccoon Mario (alt)
0x04 Invincibility as Frog Mario (alt)
0x05 Invincibility as Tanooki
0x06 Invincibility as Sledgehammer Mario (alt)
GOZSXX Never die if hit while little (stops music) SZKIKXSE Invincibility after changing up from Super Mario (Raccoon, Frog, ect.) EXKXGLIA Invincibility as miniture stone Mario AEVGEVZZ Invincibility (Starman effect) SLXPLOVS Infinite lives - both players SXUZENVK Infinite time ZITGAG 1-Up from every enemy you stomp AEKPTZGA 1 life after continue - both players AEKPTZGE 9 lives after continue - both players PEEULAGT 1-up for each coin (1 of 2) PEOLAAGT 1-up for each coin (2 of 2) ZEEULAGV 1-up for each 10 coins (1 of 2) ZEOLAAGV 1-up for each 10 coins (2 of 2) NKGZSO Start a new game to see the ending OXKIPZOS Move anywhere on the map (1 of 2) APKSALAZ Move anywhere on the map (2 of 2) ELKZYVEK Power-jumps EZKZYVEK Super power-jumps EAKZYVEK Mega power-jumps SXEZSKOZ Multi-jump SXEZSKOX Multi-jump (alt) GZUXNGEI Multi-jump (alt 2) OXKZELSX Super speed running XVUXNUEE Turbo-charged running AANZKLLA Raise P meter while standing still (hold B) YPXXLVGE Infinite items - Mario AEXXYVIG Fireballs hit anywhere (1 of 2) AEXZAVUG Fireballs hit anywhere (2 of 2) AAKXTIYP Fireballs turn most solid objects into coins (1 of 2) AAVZAIIA Fireballs turn most solid objects into coins (2 of 2) GZSSOLEP Tail hits anywhere SZUEXNSO Restore powers after playing an action scene LGNXKGPL Always get a White Ship after passing a level ZEUXKGAA Start a new game as Fire Mario LEUXKGAA Start a new game as Raccoon Mario GEUXKGAA Start a new game as Frog Mario IEUXKGAA Start a new game as Tanooki Mario TEUXKGAA Start a new game as Sledgehammer Mario XUKXGLIE Invincibility as Super Mario UXKXGLIA Invincibility as Fire Mario NXKXGLIE Invincibility as Raccoon Mario OUKXGLIE Invincibility as Frog Mario XNKXGLIE Invincibility as Sledgehammer Mario AEOSSZPA Change to XX if you fall off screen and die (1 of 2) PAOZTGAA Change to Super Mario if you fall off screen and die (2 of 2) ZAOZTGAA Change to Fire Mario if you fall off screen and die (2 of 2) LAOZTGAA Change to Raccoon Mario if you fall off screen and die (2 of 2) GAOZTGAA Change to Frog Mario if you fall off screen and die (2 of 2) IAOZTGAA Change to Tanooki Mario if you fall off screen and die (2 of 2) TAOZTGAA Change to Sledgehammer Mario if you fall off screen and die (2 of 2) AANAOTLA Press Start to complete level (do not use on final ship/castle level for each map) (1 of 2) GPNAETTY Press Start to complete level (do not use on final ship/castle level for each map) (2 of 2) PEUZUGAA Start on World 2 ZEUZUGAA Start on World 3 LEUZUGAA Start on World 4 GEUZUGAA Start on World 5 IEUZUGAA Start on World 6 TEUZUGAA Start on World 7 YEUZUGAA Start on World 8 GGNUGGXE Unused level - Plains 1 (1 of 2) NZNUIKUL Unused level - Plains 1 (2 of 2) KZNUGGXE Unused level - Plains 2 (1 of 2) OZNUIKUL Unused level - Plains 2 (2 of 2)
0x7F P meter always full
0x01 Invincibility as Super Mario (alt)
0x02 Invincibility as Fire Mario (alt)
0x03 Invincibility as Raccoon Mario (alt)
0x04 Invincibility as Frog Mario (alt)
0x05 Invincibility as Tanooki
0x06 Invincibility as Sledgehammer Mario (alt)
SZKSASVK Infinite lives - 1P game SXESTSVK Infinite lives - P1 SXXSZSVK Infinite lives - P2 PAVIPALA Start with 1 life - both players TAVIPALA Start with 6 lives - both players PAVIPALE Start with 9 lives - both players LEXKNYZA Start with 30 bullets PEXKNYZA Start with 10 bullets AEOYILPA Infinite bullets LENLELZA 30 bullets gained on pick-up PENLELZA 10 bullets gained on pick-up
0xFF Invincibility (blinking) - both players
SZETVUVK Infinite continues YASSPALA 6 continues PASSPALA No continues GXSGUVSE XX obstacles on tracks (1 of 2) IEKKNTAA More obstacles on tracks (2 of 2) ZEKKNTAE Even more obstacles on tracks (2 of 2) YEKKNTAE Lots and lots of obstacles on tracks (2 of 2) SXVPEZSA Infinite health GEXUOIGE Start with max health gauge
0x05 Infinite lives
0x40 Infinite health (alt)
0x0C Shield always on
AAXSEIEA Never die when out of super power SXNSSKSE Never lose super power XVUVYZIA Start with lots of super power AVEOUIAL Double max power of all items at start AXUPYLAP Double usual item power on item power crystal pick-up EXUPYLAP Full item power on item power crystal pick-up EZVPKSOZ Start at mission X (1 of 3) KANPXSSE Start at mission X (2 of 3) PAVPSIAA Start at mission 2 (3 of 3) ZAVPSIAA Start at mission 3 (3 of 3) LAVPSIAA Start at mission 4 (3 of 3) GAVPSIAA Start at mission 5 (3 of 3) PEVOTKPX Invincibility (1 of 2) ESVOZGEY Invincibility (2 of 2) SZNVZVVK Infinite health SZNTIKVK Infinite lives ALKZVZAP Invincibility SXSKNXSE Infinite health (1 of 2) SZSGNXSE Infinite health (2 of 2) SZNTVUSE Infinite continues AAEGKGPZ Gain a level for every EXP point gained
0x8F Invincibility (alt)
0x0F Infinite health (alt)
VANGKTVE All characters have Scale Armor UEEKSTOE Warriors start with a Great Sword KEEKSTOE Warriors start with a Great Axe SEEGETSE Magicians start with a Wizard's Wand YPKGSTLE Magicians start with more spells LAKKXTAA Magicians have greater spells GZKYLGOY Spells use up no magic points XEOGVTXE Thieves start with a Long Sword KEOGVTXA Thieves start with an Axe TPXGNVZE Start with 30 health points each (1 of 2) TPXKSVZE Start with 30 health points each (2 of 2) ZLXGNVZA Start with 50 health points each (1 of 2) ZLXKSVZA Start with 50 health points each (2 of 2) OOUSLZSO Infinite health (glitchy) SUNKXTVI Never give up
0x18 Infinite health - P1
0x18 Infinite health - P2
0x18 Infinite health - tag team partner
EIEXYZEY Invincibility SXKGYZSA Infinite health AYVKZYLY Start with 1 life TYVKZYLY Start with 7 lives PYVKZYLN Start with 10 lives ANNGVLLY 1 life after continue TNNGVLLY 7 lives after continue PNNGVLLN 10 lives after continue GZKGNKVK Infinite lives from getting trapped by obstacles AAXEGPTA Infinite health PYEGITLY 1 continue TYEGITLY 6 continues PYEGITLN 9 continues SXNKXLVG Infinite continues PYVGUAAY Add $1,000,000 to end-of-level bonus
0x5B Invincibility (blinking)
0x60 Infinite health (alt)
0x79 Infinite lives (alt)
SZEAOZVG Infinite time SXEATXSU Set timer to 5:00 for all levels AEKESZZA Hearts replenish health to maximum SXVZVTSA Don't take most damage TASPSPGP Take half damage from bosses PAOOYZAA Start on level 2 ZAOOYZAA Start on level 3 LAOOYZAA Start on level 4 GAOOYZAA Start on level 5 IAOOYZAA Start on level 6 TAOOYZAA Start on level 7 SXEATXSU Set timer to 3:00 for all levels (1 of 2) NKEEAZEE Set timer to 3:00 for all levels (1 of 2)
0x40 Infinite health (1 of 2)
0x40 Infinite health (2 of 2)
0x09 Infinite time (alt)
AAVELPLA Instant touchdowns - P1 AAEEKILA Instant touchdowns - P2 IVXOKLZA Always kick with max power - P1 (1 of 2) OXXOUUPV Always kick with max power - P1 (2 of 2) ZAXAYIGA Only 2 downs allowed (1 of 2) ZAXOTPGA Only 2 downs allowed (2 of 2) TAXAYIGA 6 downs allowed (1 of 2) TAXOTPGA 6 downs allowed (2 of 2)
0x00 CPU/P2 has 0 points
0x99 Infinite time (seconds)
0x09 Infinite time (minutes)
AAVELPLA Instant touchdowns - P1 AAEEKILA Instant touchdowns - P2 IVXOKLZA Always kick with max power - P1 (1 of 2) OXXOUUPV Always kick with max power - P1 (2 of 2) ZAXAYIGA Only 2 downs allowed (1 of 2) ZAXOTPGA Only 2 downs allowed (2 of 2) TAXAYIGA 6 downs allowed (1 of 2) TAXOTPGA 6 downs allowed (2 of 2)
0x00 CPU/P2 has 0 points
0x99 Infinite time (seconds)
0x09 Infinite time (minutes)
SLVUPUVS Infinite timeouts AEOLVPPA 2-pt. shots worth 1, 3-pt. shots worth 2 ZEOLVPPA 2-pt. shots worth 3, 3-pt. shots worth 4 LEOLVPPA 2-pt. shots worth 4, 3-pt. shots worth 5 GEOLVPPA 2-pt. shots worth 5, 3-pt. shots worth 6 IEOLVPPA 2-pt. shots worth 6, 3-pt. shots worth 7 AVNUVOVT 3-pt. shots worth 2 pts. NYSENZYE 5-second violations become 10-second violations NYOPTNZE No 10-second violations ASOLSEAO Longer shot clock after getting ball on rebound AEOLSEAO Shorter shot clock after getting ball on rebound ZXTISS Almost every player has their skill level at 100 APUXLZIA 10 minutes per quarter instead of 5 AZUXLZIA 20 minutes per quarter ZAUXLZIA 2 minutes per quarter SXNXPZVG Infinite time (continuous play) AAOATTTA Touchdown scores 0 instead of 6 - P1 AEOEVITA Touchdown scores 0 - P2 or computer LAOATTTA Touchdown scores 3 - P1 LEOEVITA Touchdown scores 3 - P2 or computer PAOATTTE Touchdown scores 9 - P1 PEOEVITE Touchdown scores 9 - P2 or computer GAOATTTE Touchdown scores 12 - P1 GEOEVITE Touchdown scores 12 - P2 or computer AAEALYPA Extra-point kick scores 0 instead of 1 - P1 AEEEUTPA Extra-point kick scores 0 - P2 or computer ZAEALYPA Extra-point kick scores 2 - P1 ZEEEUTPA Extra-point kick scores 2 - P2 or computer LAEALYPA Extra-point kick scores 3 - P1 LEEEUTPA Extra-point kick scores 3 - P2 or computer TAEALYPA Extra-point kick scores 6 - P1 TEEEUTPA Extra-point kick scores 6 - P2 or computer AEKAGGLA Field goal scores 0 instead of 3 - P1 AAKEKGLA Field goal scores 0 - P2 or computer PEKAGGLA Field goal scores 1 - P1 PAKEKGLA Field goal scores 1 - P2 or computer TEKAGGLA Field goal scores 6 - P1 TAKEKGLA Field goal scores 6 - P2 or computer PEKAGGLE Field goal scores 9 - P1 PAKEKGLE Field goal scores 9 - P2 or computer AASASIZA Safety scores 0 instead of 2 - P1 AEKEIIZA Safety scores 0 - P2 or computer PASASIZA Safety scores 1 - P1 PEKEIIZA Safety scores 1 - P2 or computer GASASIZA Safety scores 4 - P1 GEKEIIZA Safety scores 4 - P2 or computer TASASIZA Safety scores 6 - P1 TEKEIIZA Safety scores 6 - P2 or computer OXUEPTOO Never lose guts ASNIEIAZ Everyone has more guts (1 of 2) TENIOILA Everyone has more guts (2 of 2) SXKIIYSA Infinite health - P1 IEUSTOZA Half training time allowed GOUSTOZA Double training time allowed OOPSYY Lose all energy after being on the receiving end of a move SXOPPIAX Invincibility AOSOUAST Infinite health OUVPUEOO Infinite health (alt) GXSOUAST Infinite health (alt 2) SXVZGSOO Don't take damage from non-killing seaweed AEOOGTZA Full health boost from pizza slices ZENOATGO 10 weapons on pick-up ZUNOATGP 50 weapons on pick-up LVNOATGP 99 weapons on pick-up GPUOLNZA 20 missiles on pick-up YTUOLNZA 99 missiles on pick-up TAKOPYLA Double rope on pick-up SXVXTLVG Never lose rope SXOZTVSE Reduce recovery time IIIPAP No sound IAXGPTZA Start a new game to view ending
0x15 Invincibility (alt)
0x80 Infinite health - Leonardo
0x80 Infinite health - Raphael
0x80 Infinite health - Michaelangelo
0x80 Infinite health - Donatello
0x09 Infinite Ropes
0x63 Infinite Missiles
0x32 Infinite time on water level
0x04 Have Scrolls - Leonardo
0x04 Have Scrolls - Raphael
0x04 Have Scrolls - Michaelangelo
0x04 Have Scrolls - Donatello
0x63 99 weapons - Leonardo
0x63 99 weapons - Raphael
0x63 99 weapons - Michaelangelo
0x63 99 weapons - Donatello
0x5B Permanent rolling power-up (disable on water level)
OZVVVTEO Infinite health (1 of 3) ELVVNVLP Infinite health (2 of 3) SANTOVSU Infinite health (3 of 3) GXKVKXVK Infinite time AUXAGAEL Start with 1/3 health - both players NYUEESPYE Select ultra strength (ignore strength meter and keep pushing to the right) - both players YAVAZLGA Select any character in story mode OKKEZTVG Infinite continues PEXAGAEL First hit wins round OZNEOXPV One round wins match (1 of 2) ZANEXZPA One round wins match (2 of 2) LEXYLGZE Start a new game to view ending
0xB0 Infinite health - P1
0x00 No health - P2 / CPU
0x09 Infinite time (tens digit)
0x09 Infinite time (one's digit)
0x00 Turn off CPU's jumping, blocking and fighting routine (1 of 4)
0x00 Turn off CPU's jumping, blocking and fighting routine (2 of 4)
0x00 Turn off CPU's jumping, blocking and fighting routine (3 of 4)
0x00 Turn off CPU's jumping, blocking and fighting routine (4 of 4)
ESUEPZEY Invincibility (except grabs from behind) - both players SUVASVSO Infinite health - both players (1 of 2) SLETOKSO Infinite health - both players (2 of 2) AAEAULPA Infinite lives - both players AOXVXZEI One hit kills - both players PEXTKZZE Stronger turtle weapon PEOVKZGE Stronger jump + attack ZEOVKZGA Stronger jump + attack PEXTEZLE Stronger kick PEXTEZLA Weaker kick OEVKNZAA Enable stage select and 10 lives code GESSGLPA Press Start to finish the level (1 of 2) GUSSTUIU Press Start to finish the level (2 of 2) PEOIAPZA Start with 1 life TEOIAPZA Start with 6 lives PEOIAPZE Start with 9 lives
0x81 Enable stage select after choosing your turtle
0x09 Infinite lives - P1
0x09 Infinite lives - P2
0x2B Invincibility - P1
0x2B Invincibility - P2
0x03 Infinite continues
0x37 Infinite health - P1
0x37 Infinite health - P2
0x10 One hit kills - both players(alt)
ENSKKIEI Invincibility (except grabs from behind) SLXUTXVS Infinite health (1 of 2) SLKXPKSO Infinite health (2 of 2) AENKLZPA Infinite lives SXNSKKVK Infinite continues AAESYXAA No health loss from using turbo attack ALUGVYAG High-jump AZUGVYAK Super-jump AZUGVYAG Mega-jump AAEZVETP Hit anywhere - both players (1 of 6) AANXNZNI Hit anywhere - both players (2 of 6) AAOZEAGP Hit anywhere - both players (3 of 6) APXZXEUX Hit anywhere - both players (4 of 6) XTXZEEOS Hit anywhere - both players (5 of 6) XTXZOEAN Hit anywhere - both players (6 of 6) PAUZOGLA 1 continue PAUZOGLE 9 continues AEOAALLA Start with 1 life instead of 4 IEOAALLA Start with 6 lives AEOAALLE Start with 9 lives
0x7F Infinite health - P1
0x7F Infinite health - P2
0x05 Infinite lives - P1
0x05 Infinite lives - P2
0x00 Enemies automatically die (1 of 3)
0x00 Enemies automatically die (2 of 3)
0x00 Enemies automatically die (3 of 3)
0x05 Infinite continues
0x01 Start on scene 02 - Ocean
0x02 Start on scene 03 - Battleship
0x03 Start on scene 04 - Bridge
0x04 Start on scene 05 - N.Y.
0x05 Start on scene 06 - Platform
0x06 Start on scene 07 - Sewer
0x07 Start on scene 08 - Sewer 2
0x08 Start on scene 09 - Technodrome
0x09 Start on scene 10 - Technodrome 2
0x0A Start on scene 11 - Building
0x0B Start on scene 12 - Roof
0x0C Start on scene 13 - Spaceship
0x0D Start on scene 14 - Spaceship 2
0x0E Start on scene 15 - Spaceship 3
SXOATOVK Infinite lives PANXPLGA Start with 1 life PANXPLGE Start with 9 lives GXVTXZAX Infinite health XNVOSOKN Super-jump OXNVKXPK Take minimal damage (1 of 2) VNNVSXNN Take minimal damage (2 of 2) PAOOVZZA Slower running (1 of 2) PAUOXZZA Slower running (2 of 2) LAOOVZZA Faster running (1 of 2) LAUOXZZA Faster running (2 of 2) LESPKGZA Faster and longer jumping (1 of 2) LEVPEGZA Faster and longer jumping (2 of 2) SXNLNESE Infinite health SXVYIEVK Infinite Grenades KTKSLGAZ Invincibility SZKVPTVG Infinite lives AAKSPGZA Start with 1 life IAKSPGZA Start with 6 lives AAKSPGZE Start with 9 lives SXSTULVG Infinite ship formation splits PEOTEALE 9 ship formation splits (1 of 2) PEKGETLE 9 ship formation splits (2 of 2) AEVKNYLA A secret mega-weapon AEXELNZZ Lines are cleared when a piece is dropped (1 of 2) AEXEYYTZ Lines are cleared when a piece is dropped (2 of 2) GAAEPP Press down to stop blocks from falling PPAEPO Press down to rotate block very fast OZKPEPEN Always get straight pieces (1 of 2) PAKPOOOY Always get straight pieces (2 of 2) OZXPKLGX Speed stays the same (1 of 2) PZXPSUYZ Speed stays the same (2 of 2)
0x30 Start at level (0-9) (1 of 2)
0x30 Start at level 0 (2 of 2)
0x31 Start at level 1 (2 of 2)
0x32 Start at level 2 (2 of 2)
0x33 Start at level 3 (2 of 2)
0x34 Start at level 4 (2 of 2)
0x35 Start at level 5 (2 of 2)
0x36 Start at level 6 (2 of 2)
0x37 Start at level 7 (2 of 2)
0x38 Start at level 8 (2 of 2)
0x39 Start at level 9 (2 of 2)
0x31 Start at level (10-17) (1 of 2)
0x30 Start at level 10 (2 of 2)
0x31 Start at level 11 (2 of 2)
0x32 Start at level 12 (2 of 2)
0x33 Start at level 13 (2 of 2)
0x34 Start at level 14 (2 of 2)
0x35 Start at level 15 (2 of 2)
0x36 Start at level 16 (2 of 2)
0x37 Start at level 17 (2 of 2)
AEOPKZYL Lines are cleared when a piece is dropped GAOPEILA Disable Game Over (press start) (1 of 4) GGOPSZEN Disable Game Over (press start) (2 of 4) XPOPNZSX Disable Game Over (press start) (3 of 4) YGOPVZAL Disable Game Over (press start) (4 of 4) AEEOUKAA 999999 score with one piece dropped TOUZYLTO Puzzle area doesn't disappear on pause ENEALYNN 2P interactive game APSEGYIZ Need only complete 10 lines in game B AISEGYIZ Must complete 50 lines in game B EASEGYIZ Must complete 80 lines in game B PASAUPPE Faster forced fall rate
0x02 Next piece is a T-block
0x07 Next piece is a J-block
0x08 Next piece is a Z-block
0x0A Next piece is a square block
0x0B Next piece is a S-block
0x0E Next piece is a L-block
0x12 Next piece is a straight line block
AAUEUSSO (1P game) Speed doesn't increase VNUEUSSO (1P game) Speed increases much faster TEXAKYPA (1P game) Start and stay at speed of 25 ZEKESSPP (1P game) Max speed is 2 (1 of 2) PESAOSAP (1P game) Max speed is 2 (2 of 2) ZEKESSPO (1P game) Max speed is 10 (1 of 2) PESAOSAO (1P game) Max speed is 10 (2 of 2) YEKESSPO (1P game) Max speed is 15 (1 of 2) TESAOSAO (1P game) Max speed is 15 (2 of 2) GOKESSPP (1P game) Max speed is 20 (1 of 2) LOSAOSAP (1P game) Max speed is 20 (2 of 2) OZNETPOU (1P vs 2P or 1P vs Com) Every round starts with 4 fixed blocks (1 of 2) PANEYPAA (1P vs 2P or 1P vs Com) Every round starts with 4 fixed blocks (2 of 2) OZNETPOU (1P vs 2P or 1P vs Com) Every round starts with 10 fixed blocks (1 of 2) YANEYPAA (1P vs 2P or 1P vs Com) Every round starts with 10 fixed blocks (2 of 2) OZNETPOU (1P vs 2P or 1P vs Com) Every round starts with 15 fixed blocks (1 of 2) GANEYPAE (1P vs 2P or 1P vs Com) Every round starts with 15 fixed blocks (2 of 2) OZNETPOU (1P vs 2P or 1P vs Com) Every round starts with 20 fixed blocks (1 of 2) PPNEYPAA (1P vs 2P or 1P vs Com) Every round starts with 20 fixed blocks (2 of 2) AAVZVYEA (All game types) Cannot pause game AVEXOYXZ (All game types) Don't hide remaining pieces during pause EIUIULEL Hit anywhere (1 of 3) OZUIOLSV Hit anywhere (2 of 3) ZGUIKUZS Hit anywhere (3 of 3)
0xFF Infinite coins
0x05 Infinite time
0x00 Invincibility
0x09 Infinite flight meter
SZEOKAVG Infinite shield SXEPSISA Infinite health
0x63 Start on last level
SINPPLVI Infinite lives - P1 ESUUTLEY Invincibility (1 of 2) ESKLLLEY Invincibility (2 of 2) SXXPGUVK Infinite health SXKAEOVK Infinite magic SZNEIEVK Infinite lives PAUXAGLE Start with 9 lives AVSPOUSA Keep weapon after losing a life SXNTOVVK Don't lose life points when colliding with enemy SZUVUNVK Don't lose life points when hit SXNVVVVK Don't lose energy points when colliding with enemy SZKVENVK Don't lose energy points when hit PSEKIVGL 81 Days to defeat Hood TOEKIVGU 30 Days to defeat Hood ATXEANAA Limited forward movement (1 of 2) ATXEGNAA Limited forward movement (2 of 2) GEXETTZA Faster craft (1 of 2) GEXEZTZA Faster craft (2 of 2) EZUAETEG Full firepower on first pick-up (1 of 2) XTUAKVEK Full firepower on first pick-up (2 of 2) GXVYPZVI Infinite lives PAOYIILA Start with 1 life TAOYIILA Start with 6 lives PAOYIILE Start with 9 lives AAUNLIPP Infinite Missiles GZXYZTVI Infinite Bombs TENNPZLA Start with double Bombs PENNPZLE Start with triple Bombs ZANYGSZA Autofire SZSYAEGK Don't take damage SLXLGNVS Infinite lives - 1P game AEUUYTZA Start with 2 lives - 1P game AEUUYTZE Start with 9 lives - 1P game IASUYYZA Start with 6 lives - P1 in a 2P game AASUYYZE Start with 9 lives - P1 in a 2P game IANLZYZA Start with 6 lives - P2 AANLZYZE Start with 9 lives - P2 LASNVVZA Extra life every 5 bonus blocks XTVLUEZK Start with 2 little-helis after dying TEKNAXIA Autofire capability ZEKNAXIA Burstfire capability GXVNZLZP Turbo boost SUKLINVS Infinite lives - both players (1 of 2) SUVULNVS Infinite lives - both players (2 of 2) SZVSLOSE Infinite health SZUKSKVK Infinite lives AEESPNAP Hit anywhere (1 of 2) EPEYSLEL Hit anywhere (2 of 2) PEEKYPLA Start with 1 life TEEKYPLA Start with 6 lives PEEKYPLE Start with 9 lives AAXKXTPA Moonwalking (don't combine with super speed) (1 of 2) PAUGVTAA Moonwalking (don't combine with super speed) (2 of 2) PESKOTAA Super speed (don't combine with moonwalking) (1 of 2) PEOGSTAA Super speed (don't combine with moonwalking) (2 of 2) EYKEGPEI Invincibility SIKINXVS Infinite time SZOOSVVK Infinite health after collecting one heart SEOEYXKX Infinite health and one Carrot SZNOUNVK Infinite lives AASPPVPZ Multi-jump AEEPPYPA Pick-up more hearts PEVOIPZA Power decreases slower when using Dizzy Devil's spin attack YYXIXXLU Slow down timer YPXIXXLU Speed up timer AEXZNZZA 1 life after continue IEXZNZZA 6 lives after continue AEXZNZZE 9 lives after continue AAXKUYZA Start with 1 life IAXKUYZA Start with 6 lives AAXKUYZE Start with 9 lives GENIVPPE Press start to finish the level (don't use on 6-3) (1 of 2) GKNSEOIK Press start to finish the level (don't use on 6-3) (1 of 2) AOOKSYAA Start a new game to view ending VASGOYSA Start on level X (1 of 3) XZXKNNOZ Start on level X (2 of 3) IAUGEYPA Start on level 2 (3 of 3) ZAUGEYPE Start on level 3 (3 of 3) YAUGEYPE Start on level 4 (3 of 3) GPUGEYPA Start on level 5 (3 of 3) SAOAZASZ Invincibility (1 of 2) EIOAGAEY Invincibility (2 of 2) SZUYAZAX Infinite time SXUXVXVK Protection against hits on log ride SZSEASVK Protection against hits on train SZOOUXVK Protection against hits on bumper cars SXKAYUVK Protection against hits on roller coaster SZSALOVK Protection against hits in fun house AANPYPLA Log ride costs nothing instead of 3 tickets IANPYPLA Log ride costs 5 tickets AANPIPZA Train costs nothing instead of 2 tickets IANPIPZA Train costs 5 tickets AANPPPGA Roller coaster costs nothing instead of 4 tickets TANPPPGA Roller coaster costs 6 tickets AANPLPPA Bumper cars cost nothing instead of 1 ticket GANPLPPA Bumper cars cost 4 tickets AANOZPIA Fun house costs nothing instead of 50 normal tickets PANOZPIA Fun house costs 10 normal tickets PANOZPIE Fun house costs 90 normal tickets PAKYINAE Start a new game to view ending ZAEYPYPA Start with 20 tickets instead of 10 IAEYPYPA Start with 50 tickets instead of 10 PAEYPYPE Start with 90 tickets instead of 10 VVVNAVSE Start with 110 tickets instead of 10 SZSPLKVK Infinite lives SZSNSGSA Invincibility against enemies AAEUXTGA Shots use up no energy ZAEUXTGA Shots use up less energy AAEUXTGE Shots use up more energy AEUVEYGP Enemy bombs do no damage AEUVEYGO Enemy bombs do half damage AXUVEYGO Enemy bombs do more damage GOEUEVZA Bonus energy for shooting enemy GEEUEVZA Less energy for shooting enemy AEEUEVZA No energy for shooting enemy EESEYEVG Infinite health SZNOGUVV Infinite weapons (1 of 3) SXEOLUVV Infinite weapons (2 of 3) SXOOZUSE Infinite weapons (3 of 3) AAKEVYPA Infinite time SXNYZSVK Infinite lives XVEAPTAV Hit anywhere - normal enemies (1 of 2) SXSETVSO Hit anywhere - normal enemies (2 of 2) AEKYXYZA Start with 1 life PEKYXYZA Start with 2 lives GEKYXYZA Start with 5 lives AEKYXYZE Start with 9 lives PAENPIZA Start with one heart - first life only AENYTIZA Start with one heart - after first life PEOPTLAA When weapon runs out of ammo it's replaced with the double weapon ZEOPTLAA When weapon runs out of ammo it's replaced with the wave weapon LEOPTLAA When weapon runs out of ammo it's replaced with the 3-way weapon GEOPTLAA When weapon runs out of ammo it's replaced with the flame weapon IEOPTLAA When weapon runs out of ammo it's replaced with the fireball weapon PAEIKALA Start with less time (1 of 2) PAKAGALA Start with less time (2 of 2) IAEIKALA Start with more time (1 of 2) IAKAGALA Start with more time (2 of 2) PAEIKALE Start with even more time (1 of 2) PAKAGALE Start with even more time (2 of 2)
0x02 Infinite health - P1
0x09 Infinite lives - P1
0x09 Infinite Coins (ten's digit)
0x09 Infinite Coins (one's digit)
0x09 Infinite time (hundred's digit)
0x09 Infinite time (ten's digit)
0x09 Infinite time (one's digit)
0x01 Start on stage 2 - Lake Neptune
0x02 Start on stage 3 - Cavern Of Fire
0x03 Start on stage 4 - Ice Palace
0x04 Start on stage 5 - Dark Jungle
0x05 Start on stage 6 - Golden Palace
PASNVZLA Start with 1 life TASNVZLA Start with 6 lives PASNVZLE Start with 9 lives SXSNYEVK Infinite lives AEXYPAPA Infinite health LEXYPAPA Minimum health (one touch kills) AEVYKPAE Start on world 2 AOVYKPAA Start on world 3 AOVYKPAE Start on world 4 AXVYKPAA Start on world 5 SXUTGIVG Infinite lives PAOTZTLA Start with 2 lives TAOTZTLA Start with 6 lives PAOTZTLE Start with 9 lives SZEZZIVG Infinite cans ZPOTTTTA Start with 18 cans GAOTTTTE Start with 12 cans PAOTTTTA Start with 1 can PAOZEAAA Start on level 2 LAOZEAAA Start on level 4 IAOZEAAA Start on level 6 YAOZEAAA Start on level 8 ALKXTAAZ Turbo left and right movement (1 of 2) ALVXLAAZ Turbo left and right movement (2 of 2)
0x02 Faster shots
0x00 Don't go into dying animation (use with invincibility) (1 of 2)
0x00 Don't go into dying animation (use with invincibility) (2 of 2)
0xFF Infinite cans (alt)
0x7F Have all letters
0x09 Infinite patches
0x00 Invincibility (glitchy)
AEKSNLLA Immune to Bullets (not Missiles) GXKIKIVG Infinite Missiles ASEKTOAZ Take off with double Hound Missiles AXEKYPGO Take off with double Wolf Missiles GOOGAOZA Take off with double Tiger Missiles GXUSNGVG Infinite fuel IANKLOZA Start with half fuel ZAEGLPPA Start on Mission 2 LAEGLPPA Start on Mission 3 GAEGLPPA Start on Mission 4
0x02 Infinite lives
0x0A Infinite fuel (alt)
0x3F Infinite Missiles (alt)
0x0C Infinite health
AEKSNLLA Immune to Bullets (not Missiles) GXKIKIVG Infinite Missiles ASEKTOAZ Take off with double Hound Missiles AXEKYPGO Take off with double Wolf Missiles GOOGAOZA Take off with double Tiger Missiles GXUSNGVG Infinite fuel AAXLIYGA Always land safely on Aircraft Carrier (1 of 2) SZXLLTSA Always land safely on Aircraft Carrier (2 of 2) IANKLOZA Start with half fuel ZAEGLPPA Start on Mission 2 LAEGLPPA Start on Mission 3 GAEGLPPA Start on Mission 4
0x02 Infinite lives
0x0A Infinite fuel (alt)
0x3F Infinite Missiles (alt)
0x0C Infinite health
ASEAVLEY Invincibility SZVYLIVG Infinite lives AAKEUYPA Infinite missiles - 1P game AENAZIPA Infinite missiles - 2P game KUVZTIKO 60 Phoenix missiles - 1P game KOVXTISA 20 Phoenix missiles - 2P game PASYALLA Start with 1 life TASYALLA Start with 6 lives PASYALLE Start with 9 lives AVNVOAKZ Infinite health GXUIIXSO Most enemies easier to kill PENVKEGE Take less damage XYUVNUXT Gain maximum health from canisters OZNKEPSX Start with X health (1 of 2) ALNKOOLZ Start with less health (2 of 2) NYNKOOLX Start with more health (2 of 2)
0x03 Invincibility
0xFA Infinite health (alt)
SVVNTKON Infinite health GXXAPKSN Infinite magic SZVAYIVG Immune to fire and water SZSEYXVK Infinite lives AEUXSTZA Start with 1 life IEUXSTZA Start with 6 lives AEUXSTZE Start with 9 lives AOOAYGAO Super-jump YOOAYGAO Mega-jump TEEONALA Half a life or half magic give full health or magic
0x0C Infinite health (alt)
0x63 Infinite lives (alt)
PAXEPPLA Start with 1 life IAXEPPLA Start with 5 lives YAXEPPLA Start with 7 lives PAXEPPLE Start with 9 lives OPXEPPLE Start with mega lives OXEVIIVV Can't collect Coconuts IAUALPAA Start with 5 Coconuts plus what you've collected in sub-game ZAUALPAE Start with 10 Coconuts plus what you've collected in sub-game YAUALPAE Start with 15 Coconuts plus what you've collected in sub-game OZSIZYVK Infinite lives PAXEIPZA Start with less health LAXEIPZA Start with a little more health GAXEIPZA Start with 2x health PAXEIPZE Start with a lot more health GENUZTKL Start on level XX (can't advance to next level) (1 of 2) ZENUATIA Start on level 1-3 (can't advance to next level) (2 of 2) LENUATIA Start on level 1-4 (can't advance to next level) (2 of 2) GENUATIA Watch the level 2 Cinema (can't advance to next level) (2 of 2) TENUATIA Start on level 2-2 (can't advance to next level) (2 of 2) YENUATIA Start on level 2-3 (can't advance to next level) (2 of 2) AENUATIE Start on level 2-4 (can't advance to next level) (2 of 2)
0x08 Have all 8 health slots
GXUZZZVG Infinite lives for skating GXNKALVG Infinite lives for surfing PEOGILZA When surfing lose only 1 symbol PAEZYALA When skating lose only 1 symbol if you fall into the ocean or a crack GXKLXAVG Infinite time LESPGZPA Increase time
0x09 Infinite time (alt)
0x04 Infinite lives
KXKLTIKA Infinite lives SXXVYGSA Infinite health SXXTXNSE Never lose Mop (1 of 2) PASLEAAA Never lose Mop (2 of 2)
0x09 Infinite lives (alt)
0x08 Infinite health (alt)
0x01 Never lose weapon
0x00 Invincibility
NTXKTNKT Almost always qualify in Skeet Shooting and Archery UKUKIGKG You don't have to score any points to qualify for Skeet Shooting, Triple Jump and Archery KVNPUXEL Invincibility (1 of 2) LENPKZIA Invincibility (2 of 2) SXEETAVG Infinite lives SGKTSGVG Infinite health SKVXYOVK Infinite oxygen
0x07 Infinite lives (alt)
0x07 Infinite health (alt)
0xFF Infinite Oxygen (alt)
0x80 Infinite Fuse
XTXATOVS Infinite lives NNUZGKYU Infinite health - both players (alt) (1 of 2) NYVNEKYU Infinite health - both players (alt) (2 of 2) SZVSZXVK Infinite health - both players GXEPGKVS Infinite time VTESLOSX One hit kills AAKENATI Hit anywhere (01 of 10) AANNIKLP Hit anywhere (02 of 10) AAOZLYIZ Hit anywhere (03 of 10) AAVAXALG Hit anywhere (04 of 10) AEENPKYA Hit anywhere (05 of 10) AENIEUAP Hit anywhere (06 of 10) AEUNIUUI Hit anywhere (07 of 10) AEUYPLNT Hit anywhere (08 of 10) AEVIULIZ Hit anywhere (09 of 10) GZOXYYEL Hit anywhere (10 of 10) AENIAUYP Always have High-jump Boots SXKVKXVK Keep High-jump Boots on pick-up AAUSAUGP Multi-jump - both players (1 of 3) AESIZUEI Multi-jump - both players (2 of 3) GXKIILEY Multi-jump - both players (3 of 3) YASGUUAE Start with a health boost TPSGUUAE Start with a super health boost GASGUUAA Start with half usual health PENKXPLA Start with 1 life - P1 PAOKNZLA Start with 1 life - P2 TENKXPLA Start with 6 lives - P1 TAOKNZLA Start with 6 lives - P2 PENKXPLE Start with 9 lives - P1 PAOKNZLE Start with 9 lives - P2 ENNKXPLA Start with 187 lives - P1 EYOKNZLA Start with 196 lives - P2 PASKELZA Start with 100 seconds PASKELZE Start with 900 seconds
0x08 Infinite health (alt)
0x02 Have Key
0x0E Have High-jump Boots
0xFF Have Speed-Up
0xFF Have Power-Up
0x02 Start on level 2-1
0x03 Start on level 2-2
0x04 Start on level 3-1
0x05 Start on level 3-2
0x06 Start on level 4-1
0x07 Start on level 4-2
0x08 Start on level 5-1
0x09 Start on level 5-2
0x0A Start on level 6-1
0x0B Start on level 6-2
0x0C Start on level 7-1
AVVOTZEY Invincibility AAVXAZZA One hit kills AAUPLOGP Hit anywhere SIOGUTVE Infinite time EYNINYEI Only one jewel needed to clear stage SZVSGXVK Infinite lives SZNYXOVK Infinite Bombs AEUGZIZA Start with 1 life IEUGZIZA Start with 6 lives AEUGZIZE Start with 9 lives AANKLTZA Start with 1 life after a continue IANKLTZA Start with 6 lives after a continue AANKLTZE Start with 9 lives after a continue AAKKYTPA Infinite continues PEOKIIIE Start with 9 continues ZAEGKILE Start with 9 Bombs GPEGKILA Start with 20 Bombs ZANIAZLE 9 Bombs after dying GPNIAZLA 20 Bombs after dying AAOYVOLP Autofire GZNITZSA Keep weapon type after death GZNSAZSA Keep super chargers after death SXOSVPVG Infinite lives - P1 YEETIPLA Start with 7 lives - both players GEETIPLA Start with 4 lives - both players PEETIPLA Start with 1 life - both players SXNSXSVK Infinite Bombs on pick-up - P1 SZSIXNVK Infinite Bombs on pick-up - P2 PAEKXTLA 1 life after a continue - P1 GAEKXTLA 4 lives after a continue - P1 YAEKXTLA 7 lives after a continue - P1 EYKVVUSA Never lose weapons - P1 (1 of 2) YAKVNLKZ Never lose weapons - P1 (2 of 2) ENXVKUSA Never lose weapons - P2 (1 of 2) YEXVSLSZ Never lose weapons - P2 (2 of 2)
0x10 Invincibility
EIVETAEY Invincibility (1 of 2) EIKELYEY Invincibility (2 of 2) PESVYNYP Start with all characters (1 of 2) YEVTPYAA Start with all characters (2 of 2) GZUKOGST Take no damage from most monsters EIXUUPEP One hit kills AKNSPAEE Never miss with the Fight command AESSGETP Can always attack with the Fight command AEOAKVAA No limit on stat points IEOPTPPA Start with 5 of each item ZEOPTPPE Start with 10 of each item ENOPTPPA Start with 40 of each item PUEPTPAL Start with X gold (1 of 2) XEEOAPGV Start with 35,328 gold (2 of 2) ZEEOAPGT Start with 512 gold (2 of 2) EKEOAPGV Start with 200 gold AAXIAPPA Never lose tools KPVSUZOP Never lose magic AAUEPYPA Rapid magic recovery (1 of 2) OLUAGYOI Rapid magic recovery (2 of 2) YKEAUVTZ Start with 75 stat points (1 of 3) LKUAVYZU Start with 75 stat points (2 of 3) LGSOPAZU Start with 75 stat points (3 of 3) LSEAUVTX Start with 95 stat points (1 of 3) YSUAVYZU Start with 95 stat points (2 of 3) YISOPAZU Start with 95 stat points (3 of 3) SZSTXPSA No random battles LTVPZIZL Start with perfect virtues (worthy of Avatarhood) SUOVNKVS Infinite Herbs SZNLKKVK Infinite Oil SUEUIXVS Infinite Torches SXVUGSVK Infinite Gems AZKPTIPA Start with 8336 Gold Pieces APKPTIPA Start with 4240 Gold Pieces AAKPTIPA Start with 144 Gold Pieces (for experts) OLUZZEOO Infinite MP ZEVPTIAA Mage starts with 712 HP PAOPTTAA Mage starts with 381 EXP AXNOIIAP Mage starts with Strength of 32 GTXPIVAA Start with 100 Ash instead of 8 GTXPTVAA Start with 100 Ginseng instead of 8 GTXPYVPA Start with 100 Garlic instead of 9 GTXOATYA Start with 100 Silkweb instead of 7 GTXOPVAA Start with 100 Moss instead of 8 GTXOZTGA Start with 100 Pearl instead of 4 GTXOLTAA Start with 100 Fungus instead of none GTXOGTAA Start with 100 Manroot instead of none AEKITITG Heal costs nothing instead of 70 AAVILSZA Cure poison costs nothing PAEENYOT Axe costs 1 instead of 225 PAEEUYGP Staff costs 1 instead of 20 AAOAXYPA Sword costs 144 instead of 400 AAEAKYZA Bow costs 168 instead of 680 PAXAONEG Leather costs 1 instead of 200 AAXAKYZA Chain costs 88 instead of 600 AAXEXNPA Plate costs 196 instead of 2500 AUNOYSLP Fighter starts with Strength of 48 NYOOPVSK Fighter starts with 255 EXP LEVOZIPA Fighter starts with 812 HP LKNPYIAE Fighter starts with 75 MP SUSTXSVS Infinite consumable items such as food and torches - May not be able to discard some items AAEZIPZL A night at the Wayfarer Inn is free AEUZPAPA At Healer's Herbs - Sulfurous ash is free instead of 1 GP AEUZGAZA At Healer's Herbs - Ginseng is free instead of 2 GP AEUZYAZA At Healer's Herbs - Garlic is free instead of 2 GP AEUXIAGT At Healer's Herbs - An Tym Scroll is free instead of 100 GP AEKZAAVP At Healer's Herbs - Spellbook is free instead of 150 GP AEUXZAGA At Healer's Herbs - Spidersilk is free instead of 4 GP AEEXZAGA From Pendra - Spidersilk is free instead of 4 GP AEEZYALA From Pendra - Black Pearl is free instead of 3 GP AEEZGAZA From Pendra - Garlic is free instead of 2 GP AEEZPAZA From Pendra - Ginseng is free instead of 2 GP AEEXIELG From Pendra - Sant Talisman is free instead of 75 GP AAEXIELG At Iolo's Bows - Bow is free instead of 75 GP AAEXZEPP At Iolo's Bows - Wooden shield is free instead of 25 GP AAEZGALA At Iolo's Bows - Dagger is free instead of 3 GP AAEZYEAZ At Iolo's Bows - Short sword is free instead of 40 GP AAOZAAVP At Iolo's Bows - Crossbow is free instead of 150 GP AAOZTAPA At Iolo's Bows - Arrow is free instead of 1 GP AAOXPAZA At Iolo's Bows - Bolt is free instead of 2 GP PAOZAPAE At Iolo's Bows - Sell Dagger for 2,305 instead of 1 GP LAOZLPAG At Iolo's Bows - Sell Short sword for 2,848 instead of 20 GP YAOZTPAE At Iolo's Bows - Sell Wooden shield for 3,850 instead of 10 GP AAOZLAAZ At Iolo's Bows - Magic bow is free instead of 800 GP (1 of 2) AAOZGALA At Iolo's Bows - Magic bow is free instead of 800 GP (2 of 2) AESXEZGA Start new game with 201 instead of 1,225 GP AOSXEZGA Start new game with 4,297 instead of 1,225 GP YNSXEZGE Start new game with 32,713 instead of 1,225 GP
0x0F Infinite health - Avatar
0x0F Infinite health - Shamino
0x0F Infinite health - Ioio
SZOXIEVK Infinite Chaff SXVZZSVK Infinite Missiles (1 of 2) SZEXGVVK Infinite Missiles (2 of 2) GXUAOKVK Don't lose a life on Ground Pursuit, Boat and Hang Glider stages AENVNGZA Start with 1 life (first credit only) IENVNGZA Start with 6 lives (first credit only) AENVNGZE Start with 9 lives (first credit only) SXNSYXVK Infinite time SXXSNUVK Infinite 'Crez' weapon until end of stage PEXXSATE 9 seconds on clock pick-up AEOZXPZA Full energy on pick-up NYXXVVAN Shield lasts longer on Human Fly stages AGXXVVAY Shield lasts a shorter time on Human Fly stages SXNXKNVK Don't lose a life against end-of-stage bosses and on street combat stages SXXUXSVK Don't lose a life on Human Fly stages OVUZKPSV Minimum damage taken (1 of 2) PEUZSONY Minimum damage taken (2 of 2) SXEEXIST Infinite life GVUZPOEG Half life - Wolverine GVUZYOEG Half life - Cyclops PKUXIPXA Half life - Nightcrawler YSKZLOVU Half life - Iceman YNKXPONN Half life - Colossus ASKXYPEZ Half life - Storm SLOEAGVI Infinite energy on scenes 1 and 4 SXKAATVG Infinite energy on scene 2 SXUAZGVG Infinite time on scenes 1 and 4 GEXELPZA More time on scene 1 PEXELPZA Less time on scene 1 TAXELAGA More time on scene 2 ZAXELAGA Less time on scene 2 TAXEYAGA More time on scene 3 ZAXEYAGA Less time on scene 3 TAXAPAIA More time on scene 5 LAXAPAIA Less time on scene 5 ZAOEAAPA More time on scene 7 AZNETGAP More ammo picked up on scene 2 IANETGAP Less ammo picked up on scene 2 PAOEGATE More ammo picked up on scene 7 AAXKTEGA Start on scene 2 ZAXKTEGA Start on scene 3 GAXKTEGA Start on scene 4 TAXKTEGA Start on scene 5 ZAXKTEGE Start on scene 7
0x40 Infinite health
0x09 Infinite time
0x02 Infinite ammo (1 of 2)
0x02 Infinite ammo (2 of 2)
0x40 Infinite health
0x09 Infinite time
0x02 Infinite ammo (1 of 2)
0x02 Infinite ammo (2 of 2)
SLOEAGVI Infinite energy on scenes 1 and 4 SXKAATVG Infinite energy on scene 2 SXUAZGVG Infinite time on scenes 1 and 4 GEXELPZA More time on scene 1 PEXELPZA Less time on scene 1 TAXELAGA More time on scene 2 ZAXELAGA Less time on scene 2 TAXEYAGA More time on scene 3 ZAXEYAGA Less time on scene 3 TAXAPAIA More time on scene 5 LAXAPAIA Less time on scene 5 ZAOEAAPA More time on scene 7 AZNETGAP More ammo picked up on scene 2 IANETGAP Less ammo picked up on scene 2 PAOEGATE More ammo picked up on scene 7 AAXKTEGA Start on scene 2 ZAXKTEGA Start on scene 3 GAXKTEGA Start on scene 4 TAXKTEGA Start on scene 5 ZAXKTEGE Start on scene 7
0x40 Infinite health
0x09 Infinite time
0x02 Infinite ammo (1 of 2)
0x02 Infinite ammo (2 of 2)
AEEIZGGE Powerful quick punches TOEIZGGA Super powerful quick punch GZOTZLVG Infinite time LENVTZTA Speed up the timer AAXSLLPA Become a stronger fighter LAXSLLPA Become a weaker fighter
0x99 Infinite stamina
XVVKISZK Multi-jump AANSEIYP Invincibility AEEYXEET Hit anywhere SZSKIOVK Infinite lives SZNNNSVK Infinite time SZVYXKVK Infinite grenades SZKNXKVK Infinite bullets SXVYVKSE Infinite power ZEOYNGGV 10 coins for an extra life POOYNGGV 25 coins for an extra life GOENELIA 20 extra Grenades on pick-up POXYXUZE 25 extra Bullets on pick-up LTNNXLIA Start with 99 grenades VPOEPKXY Start timer for round 1 at 150 VPUAZKXY Start timer for round 2 at 150 KLUAGTVI Infinite lives AAKKYTZA Start with 1 life IAKKYTZA Start with 6 lives AAKKYTZE Start with 9 lives VYUKEIVI Automatic fuel replenishment GZOEVXON Never lose Stars VVVAAPSA Start with 10 Stars ZAUKYTZP Quicker shot re-load AZKGYVAA Start with increased shot range LPKKLVGE Turbo speed AAUKYTZO Start with XX shots (1 of 2) VIKGPTEI Start with 80 Shots (2 of 2) KIKGPTEI Start with 80 Bombs (2 of 2) YEYIAV Computer doesn't get points for scoring
0x03 3 points - team 1
EINSUPEY Invincibility (1 of 3) ESUISPEY Invincibility (2 of 3) ESEKSIEY Invincibility (3 of 3) SKSGSVVK Infinite health (1 of 2) SKUKUSVK Infinite health (2 of 2) GXSGSVVK Infinite health (alt) (1 of 3) GZNKVVVK Infinite health (alt) (2 of 3) GXUKUSVK Infinite health (alt) (3 of 3) SASSZEVK Infinite lives (1 of 2) SEKIYEVK Infinite lives (2 of 2) APSIGESZ Infinite lives (alt) (1 of 2) AASIIEIS Infinite lives (alt) (2 of 2) SXOILNSE Infinite Bones after obtaining one AAKVEIZA Start with 1 life GAKVEIZA Start with 5 lives TAKVEIZA Start with 7 lives AAKVEIZE Start with 9 lives TASTOILA Start with 6 hearts AASTOILE Start with 8 hearts GXSGSVVK Don't take most damage EKUVKIKK Start at race 1, end of stage 1 NKUVKIKK Start at race 1, end of stage 2 KSUVKIKG Start at race 1, end of stage 3 ESUVVIVS Start at race 2, end of stage 1 KSUVVIVS Start at race 2, end of stage 2 EVUVVIVI Start at race 2, end of stage 3 KVKTEIXT Start at race 3, end of stage 1 EVKTEIXV Start at race 3, end of stage 2 KVKTEIXV Start at race 3, end of stage 3 ENKTEIXT Start at race 3, end of stage 4 XNUVKIKG Go straight to level boss
0x01 Invincibility (alt)
0x11 Invincibility (blinking)
0x03 Infinite health (alt 2)
0x59 Infinite time
0x63 Infinite lives (alt 2)
0x63 Infinite Gems
OUSNVLOP Infinite money NYEEPPAX Sart a new game with $16,777,215 (1 of 3) NYEEZPOX Sart a new game with $16,777,215 (2 of 3) NYEELPYE Sart a new game with $16,777,215 (3 of 3)
0xFF Infinite money (alt)
AOUXYYEI Invincibility GZNXZISA Multi-jump AANLINGI Collect items from anywhere (1 of 2) AANULYTI Collect items from anywhere (2 of 2) LTKPOLAA Clear round A data to complete round A and B (1 of 2) PGKPVLZG Clear round A data to complete round A and B (2 of 2) PAVOEXTP Each coin gives you a credit OZSUNAOU Always get blue monsters (1 of 2) EYVLEAUL Always get blue monsters (2 of 2) VTSLEESE Always get 1 line of monsters OXNATNSE Wario doesn't cause ceiling to fall, no enemies fall XTKXGXVK One bomb in Birdo time only XTNXLOVK Infinite time SXOIOASA Invisible Toad ENXPSPEI Invisible coins XVXPSESE Coins worth 5 XVXOEEVK Infinite coins fall VXSOTNVK Only 1 coin falls EESOTNVG No Coins fall NYSZUSOO Diamonds don't form in lesson mode PANEYAGA Start with 2 lives YANEYAGA Start with 8 lives PANEYAGE Start with 10 lives VXKESXVK Infinite lives EANEZAEL Start with less Worthiness AGNEZAEL Start with much less Worthiness SZSEXUSE Infinite Worthiness NNSLYYKU More time in level 1 NNNLIYZU More time in Donut shop in level 1 SXSALOVK Infinite time AANAKLZA Power-up restores all Worthiness SZNANUSE Power-up worth nothing SZOOSUVV Getting all donuts is worth no extra lives YOKEZOLU Faster timer AVKEZOLL Slower timer IAEZXAGP 5 special moves on pick-up AZEZXAGO 40 special moves on pick-up EGOZINIP Always win - P1 (1 of 3) PAOZTNPA Always win - P1 (2 of 3) XTOZYYIE Always win - P1 (3 of 3) SZXTTLVG Infinite time PAENGTIA Only 1 anger point needed to become Super-Werewolf SZXNPVVK Blue W won't change you back to a man ESKNTIKI Gain maximum health from small hearts AAUNGVZA Don't lose health from blue W (1 of 2) AAUNPVAA Don't lose health from blue W (2 of 2) AAVGVYGT Hit anywhere (1 of 4) AAVKKNTI Hit anywhere (2 of 4) AEXGXNAZ Hit anywhere (3 of 4) AEXKEYZZ Hit anywhere (4 of 4)
0x14 Infinite health
0x01 Have Gun in Werewolf form (1 of 2)
0x01 Have Gun in Werewolf form (2 of 2)
0x14 Infinite health - P1
0xF4 Infinite time (alt)
0x01 Always Werewolf (1 of 2)
0x01 Always Werewolf (2 of 2)
0x02 Always Super Werewolf
0xAA Always spin $1000 - All players
AEETLZPA Infinite time VTSVYYTE Guesses cost nothing ATKTIPEI Invincibility (1 of 4) ATVIKLEI Invincibility (2 of 4) ATXGOPEI Invincibility (3 of 4) AVOVAIEI Invincibility (4 of 4) SXVOYIVG Never lose a life except in Punch lines SZSZXYVG Never lose a life in Punch lines SXKELNVK Infinite continues PAUKXTGA Harder to build strength EPUKXTGA Strength to full instantly PESSSYLA Start with 1 life TESSSYLA Start with 6 lives PESSSYLE Start with 9 lives ATSELPEY Invincibility SXEEZPVG Don't lose a life from health loss SXXOUPVG Creatures can't steal extra lives SZNATPSA Infinite health SZKEGPVG Keep Buffalo Headdress for present level ZAKELOAA Always have Buffalo Headdress AEKKGALA Start with 1 life LAVKYAAA Start with 5 lives AAVKYAAE Start with 10 lives ENNVEZEI Invincibility SXSLEKSE Infinite health (except against spikes) SXUVOEVK Infinite health (only against spikes) SXUAVXVK Infinite time (1 of 2) SXXANXVK Infinite time (2 of 2) SXXPPVSE Infinite MP SZUGSXVK Infinite lives
0x01 Invincibility (blinking)
0x02 Infinite lives (alt)
0x06 Infinite health
0x06 Infinite special
0x01 Have Mouse Widget
0x01 Have Rock-Man Widget
0x01 Have Bird-Man Widget
0x01 Have Dolphin Widget
0x03 Have powered-up gun (1 of 2)
0x03 Have powered-up gun (2 of 2)
EIAGNY Infinite lives in Gang Mode EYTIZA Infinite ammo in Gang Mode AXVIEOYA Start with double normal ammo AUVIEOYA Start with triple normal ammo AEVIEOYE Start with half normal ammo YEUISPLE Start with 1 life (1 of 2) PENGVALA Start with 1 life (2 of 2) ZEUISPLE Start with 10 lives (1 of 2) ZENGVALE Start with 10 lives (2 of 2) YEUISPLE Start with 15 lives (1 of 2) YENGVALE Start with 15 lives (2 of 2) IENSUOZA Shoot 5 enemies to finish level (1 of 2) IEUSSUZA Shoot 5 enemies to finish level (2 of 2) GZOGVYVG Infinite lives in Gang Mode GZNIPAVG Infinite ammo in Gang Mode AXVIEOYA Start with double normal ammo AUVIEOYA Start with triple normal ammo AEVIEOYE Start with half normal ammo YEUISPLE Start with 1 life (1 of 2) PENGVALA Start with 1 life (2 of 2) ZEUISPLE Start with 10 lives (1 of 2) ZENGVALE Start with 10 lives (2 of 2) YEUISPLE Start with 15 lives (1 of 2) YENGVALE Start with 15 lives (2 of 2) IENSUOZA Shoot 5 enemies to finish level (1 of 2) IEUSSUZA Shoot 5 enemies to finish level (2 of 2) ZASEGOUI Infinite magic TGNILGSA Don't take any hits XZKYILKP Start with all items (1 of 2) AVUOXSOZ Start with all items (2 of 2) PNKINTSL Start at EXP Level X (1 of 2) GEKISVZA Start at EXP Level 5 (2 of 2) PEKISVZE Start at EXP Level 10 (2 of 2) TEKISVZE Start at EXP Level 15 (2 of 2) SXKGXTSA Invincibility AAOGEVPA Hit anywhere (1 of 3) AAOGSVZI Hit anywhere (2 of 3) PZOGKTSN Hit anywhere (3 of 3) APXKETSV One hit kills (1 of 2) APXKOVEE One hit kills (2 of 2) SLUUVYSP Infinite hits and magic OOKZKPAE Start with 9999 hits (1 of 2) OOKXEPAO Start with 9999 hits (2 of 2) OOKXKPAE Start with 9999 max hits (1 of 2) OOSZEPAO Start with 9999 max hits (2 of 2) OOSXEPAO Start with 9999 magic (1 of 2) OOSZKPAE Start with 9999 magic (2 of 2) AEVEIPAL Annointed Mace costs nothing instead of 30 AAVEIPIZ Long Sword costs nothing instead of 25 AEXEIPIP Short Sword costs nothing instead of 15 AEVEIZAZ Small Shield costs nothing instead of 20 AAVEIZAP Staff costs nothing instead of 10 AEXEIZIA Dagger costs nothing instead of 15 AAVEILIP Robes costs nothing instead of 15 AEVEGYIA S of Pain costs nothing instead of 500 AAXEKAIA S of Fire costs nothing instead of 500 AEXEGYIP Body Armor costs nothing instead of 1500 AAXEILAG Large Shield costs nothing instead of 40 AEXEILAI Leather Armor costs nothing instead of 50 AEVEILEP Chain Mail costs nothing instead of 90 AAXEGGZA Breast Plate costs nothing instead of 200 AEXEGGPA Helm costs nothing instead of 100 AEVEGGIA S of Curing costs nothing instead of 500 AAXEGTAL Rod of Iron costs nothing instead of 3000 AEXEGTIP Padded Leather costs nothing instead of 1500 AEVEGTIP Shiny Chain costs nothing instead of 1500 AAXEGYIP Sturdy Plate costs nothing instead of 1500 AAVEGYIP Iron Shield costs nothing instead of 1500 AEVEKGAT Gloves of Copper costs nothing instead of 6000 AAVEKLIP S of Glass costs nothing instead of 1500 AAXEKPIZ Studly Staff costs nothing instead of 2500 AAXEGILA S of Neutralizing costs nothing instead of 300 AAVEGGYA Plate Mail costs nothing instead of 750 (1 of 2) AAVEIGAI Plate Mail costs nothing instead of 750 (2 of 2) AEXEGIAI Blade of Biting costs nothing instead of 15000 (1 of 2) AEXELIPA Blade of Biting costs nothing instead of 15000 (2 of 2) EINVTIEY Invincibility AUATPI Invincibility (flashes) GXVUZGVG Infinite lives SXVUZGVG Infinite lives (alt) GZNVILST Infinite health OXOVATES Infinite health (alt) (1 of 3) GEOVPVGU Infinite health (alt) (2 of 3) SEOVZTSZ Infinite health (alt) (3 of 3) NTEINNYK Potions last longer PEEVAGZA Meat gives half health GEEVAGZA Meat gives double health ALGYPL Enter doors without needing a key KYISTO Jump higher KGTITO Jump to the top of the scren IAUUKAZA Start with 6 lives (1 of 2) IAXGGAZA Start with 6 lives (2 of 2) AAUUKAZE Start with 9 lives (1 of 2) AAXGGAZE Start with 9 lives (2 of 2)
0x0C Infinite health (alt 2)
0x02 Invincibility (alt)
0x40 Super-jump (disable if you get stuck)
EINVTIEY Invincibility AUATPI Invincibility (flashes) GXVUZGVG Infinite lives SXVUZGVG Infinite lives (alt) GZNVILST Infinite health OXOVATES Infinite health (alt) (1 of 3) GEOVPVGU Infinite health (alt) (2 of 3) SEOVZTSZ Infinite health (alt) (3 of 3) NTEINNYK Potions last longer PEEVAGZA Meat gives half health GEEVAGZA Meat gives double health ALGYPL Enter doors without needing a key KYISTO Jump higher KGTITO Jump to the top of the scren IAUUKAZA Start with 6 lives (1 of 2) IAXGGAZA Start with 6 lives (2 of 2) AAUUKAZE Start with 9 lives (1 of 2) AAXGGAZE Start with 9 lives (2 of 2)
0x0C Infinite health (alt 2)
0x02 Invincibility (alt)
0x40 Super-jump (disable if you get stuck)
PAXXPYLA Start with 2 lives TAXXPYLA Start with 7 lives PAXXPYLE Start with 10 lives SXNTPLVG Infinite lives (except boss stages) POSAGGZU Coins worth 25 GVSAGGZL Coins worth 100 NNSAGGZU Coins worth 255 IESAZKZA Bags worth 5 ZUSAZKZA Bags worth 50 NNSAZKZE Bags worth 255 AGKZGYEA Start with Less health ELKZGYEA Start with More health AGELLZEA Less health after death (except boss stages) ELELLZEA More health after death (except boss stages) PAKZGYEA Start with very little life force AGKZGYEA Start with about half life force SXVTGLVG Infinite lives SZNYZNSE Shopkeeper sometimes forgets to charge SXXNITVG Infinite keys EYYYYY Infinite gold
0x2B Invincibility
0x80 Infinite health
0x02 Infinite Keys
0x09 Infinite money
0x01 One hit kills on most enemies/bosses (1 of 5)
0x01 One hit kills on most enemies/bosses (2 of 5)
0x01 One hit kills on most enemies/bosses (3 of 5)
0x01 One hit kills on most enemies/bosses (4 of 5)
0x01 One hit kills on most enemies/bosses (5 of 5)
0x01 Have the Orb in slot 1 (enable then disable)
0x01 Have the Orb in slot 2 (enable then disable)
0x01 Have the Orb in slot 3 (enable then disable)
0x01 Have the Orb in slot 4 (enable then disable)
0x02 Have the Scepter in slot 1 (enable then disable)
0x02 Have the Scepter in slot 2 (enable then disable)
0x02 Have the Scepter in slot 3 (enable then disable)
0x02 Have the Scepter in slot 4 (enable then disable)
0x03 Have the Coin in slot 1 (enable then disable)
0x03 Have the Coin in slot 2 (enable then disable)
0x03 Have the Coin in slot 3 (enable then disable)
0x03 Have the Coin in slot 4 (enable then disable)
0x04 Have the Chalice in slot 1 (enable then disable)
0x04 Have the Chalice in slot 2 (enable then disable)
0x04 Have the Chalice in slot 3 (enable then disable)
0x04 Have the Chalice in slot 4 (enable then disable)
0x05 Have the Amulet in slot 1 (enable then disable)
0x05 Have the Amulet in slot 2 (enable then disable)
0x05 Have the Amulet in slot 3 (enable then disable)
0x05 Have the Amulet in slot 4 (enable then disable)
0x06 Have the Crown in slot 1 (enable then disable)
0x06 Have the Crown in slot 2 (enable then disable)
0x06 Have the Crown in slot 3 (enable then disable)
0x06 Have the Crown in slot 4 (enable then disable)
0x07 Have the Crown Jewel 1 in slot 1 (enable then disable)
0x07 Have the Crown Jewel 1 in slot 2 (enable then disable)
0x07 Have the Crown Jewel 1 in slot 3 (enable then disable)
0x07 Have the Crown Jewel 1 in slot 4 (enable then disable)
0x08 Have the Crown Jewel 2 in slot 1 (enable then disable)
0x08 Have the Crown Jewel 2 in slot 2 (enable then disable)
0x08 Have the Crown Jewel 2 in slot 3 (enable then disable)
0x08 Have the Crown Jewel 2 in slot 4 (enable then disable)
0x09 Have the Crown Jewel 3 in slot 1 (enable then disable)
0x09 Have the Crown Jewel 3 in slot 2 (enable then disable)
0x09 Have the Crown Jewel 3 in slot 3 (enable then disable)
0x09 Have the Crown Jewel 3 in slot 4 (enable then disable)
0x0A Have the Crown Jewel 4 in slot 1 (enable then disable)
0x0A Have the Crown Jewel 4 in slot 2 (enable then disable)
0x0A Have the Crown Jewel 4 in slot 3 (enable then disable)
0x0A Have the Crown Jewel 4 in slot 4 (enable then disable)
0x0B Have the Bronze Knight Statue in slot 1 (enable then disable)
0x0B Have the Bronze Knight Statue in slot 2 (enable then disable)
0x0B Have the Bronze Knight Statue in slot 3 (enable then disable)
0x0B Have the Bronze Knight Statue in slot 4 (enable then disable)
0x0C Have the Silver Knight Statue in slot 1 (enable then disable)
0x0C Have the Silver Knight Statue in slot 2 (enable then disable)
0x0C Have the Silver Knight Statue in slot 3 (enable then disable)
0x0C Have the Silver Knight Statue in slot 4 (enable then disable)
0x0D Have the Gold Knight Statue in slot 1 (enable then disable)
0x0D Have the Gold Knight Statue in slot 2 (enable then disable)
0x0D Have the Gold Knight Statue in slot 3 (enable then disable)
0x0D Have the Gold Knight Statue in slot 4 (enable then disable)
0x0E Have the Bronze Thief Statue in slot 1 (enable then disable)
0x0E Have the Bronze Thief Statue in slot 2 (enable then disable)
0x0E Have the Bronze Thief Statue in slot 3 (enable then disable)
0x0E Have the Bronze Thief Statue in slot 4 (enable then disable)
0x0F Have the Silver Thief Statue in slot 1 (enable then disable)
0x0F Have the Silver Thief Statue in slot 2 (enable then disable)
0x0F Have the Silver Thief Statue in slot 3 (enable then disable)
0x0F Have the Silver Thief Statue in slot 4 (enable then disable)
0x10 Have the Gold Thief Statue in slot 1 (enable then disable)
0x10 Have the Gold Thief Statue in slot 2 (enable then disable)
0x10 Have the Gold Thief Statue in slot 3 (enable then disable)
0x10 Have the Gold Thief Statue in slot 4 (enable then disable)
0x11 Have the Bronze Wizard Statue in slot 1 (enable then disable)
0x11 Have the Bronze Wizard Statue in slot 2 (enable then disable)
0x11 Have the Bronze Wizard Statue in slot 3 (enable then disable)
0x11 Have the Bronze Wizard Statue in slot 4 (enable then disable)
0x12 Have the Silver Wizard Statue in slot 1 (enable then disable)
0x12 Have the Silver Wizard Statue in slot 2 (enable then disable)
0x12 Have the Silver Wizard Statue in slot 3 (enable then disable)
0x12 Have the Silver Wizard Statue in slot 4 (enable then disable)
0x13 Have the Gold Wizard Statue in slot 1 (enable then disable)
0x13 Have the Gold Wizard Statue in slot 2 (enable then disable)
0x13 Have the Gold Wizard Statue in slot 3 (enable then disable)
0x13 Have the Gold Wizard Statue in slot 4 (enable then disable)
ISISYU No enemies PEUSZALA Start with 1 life - P1 TEUSZALA Start with 6 lives - P1 PEUSZALE Start with 9 lives - P1 PEVIYALA Start with 1 life - P2 TEVIYALA Start with 6 lives - P2 PEVIYALE Start with 9 lives - P2 GZEXAOVK Infinite lives - both players PEXIZAAA Start on stage 2 - P1 LEXIZAAA Start on stage 4 - P1 IEXIZAAA Start on stage 6 - P1 YEXIZAAA Start on stage 8 - P1 PEKSYAAA Start on stage 2 - P2 LEKSYAAA Start on stage 4 - P2 IEKSYAAA Start on stage 6 - P2 YEKSYAAA Start on stage 8 - P2 AXXLNUIE Mega-jump AAXGYLPA Claws use up no health AGNIZAAA Start each new life as a berserker KYXUVUVN Super speed (1 of 2) GAUUELZA Super speed (2 of 2) ZAXLISAA Take less damage from bullets (1 of 2) ZAEKAKAA Take less damage from bullets (2 of 2)
0x1E Infinite health
0x03 Infinite lives
0x01 Start on stage 2
0x03 Start on stage 3
0x04 Start on stage 4
0x05 Start on stage 5
0xFA Invincibility (blinking)
AEOAZTLE Start with extra energy SXSLXUVK Take no damage from most enemies SZVOKEVK Never die from falling off screen GZUZSUSO Mega-jump when stationary AEOAYTZA Start with 1 life IEOAYTZA Start with 6 lives AEOAYTZE Start with 9 lives
0x01 Start on stage 2
0x03 Start on stage 3
0x04 Start on stage 4
0x05 Start on stage 5
0xFA Invincibility (blinking)
ATNKYZAZ Invincibility VVUXGPSA Start with Golden Hammer SZXILXSO Annoying guy doesn't bother you (1 of 2) SXKILOSO Annoying guy doesn't bother you (2 of 2) SXGXGL Infinite lives - P1 SXIXZL Infinite lives - P2 PELXYP Start with 1 life - both players PELXYO Start with 10 lives - both players YELXYO Start with 15 lives - both players ENLXYO Start with 250 lives SZSGYNSE Infinite fuel SXNGZTSA Infinite shields and life ZEXITGPA Start on Act 2 - Dyna Crystal LEXITGPA Start on Act 3 - Magma Falls GEXITGPA Start on Act 4 - Ziggy IEXITGPA Start on Act 5 - Dual Duel VZUUIVOO Infinite health - both players
0xBF Infinite health - P1
0x00 No health - P2
ENOGVIEP One hit drains all health SXZTSO Opponent is idle after a body slam LAKTLLPA Countdown starts on 3 PAXGXPLA 1 minute tournament rounds TAXGXPLA 6 minute tournament rounds PAXGXPLE 9 minute tournament rounds OZXGNYEU Infinite health - P1 (1 of 3) XGXKEYZE Infinite health - P1 (2 of 3) SAXKOYVT Infinite health - P1 (3 of 3) ZEELLGGE Pin count extended to 9 seconds TESGYOLA 10-count reduced to 5 seconds IVNKGOGL All counts slower YONKGOGU All counts faster VXSASUVK P1 cannot lose (constant 1 count) PAXGXPLA 1 minute tournament rounds TAXGXPLA 6 minute tournament rounds PAXGXPLE 9 minute tournament rounds SUXIXNSO Infinite energy refills (press select when energy is low) AAKIYNUT Infinite health - both players LASIZOPA Increase starting health - both players AIVIIOGI More health - P1 (1 of 2) LAVILONY More health - P1 (2 of 2) SXNITVOO No health pick-ups allowed TAKSAPYA Start on level 2 IAKSAPYA Start on level 3 GAKSAPYA Start on level 4 LAKSAPYA Start on level 5
0x09 Infinite health - P1 (thousand's digit)
0x09 Infinite health - P1 (hundred's digit)
0x0A Infinite health - P1 (ten's digit)
0x09 Infinite health - P1 (one's digit)
0x09 Infinite health - P2 (thousand's digit)
0x09 Infinite health - P2 (hundred's digit)
0x0B Infinite health - P2 (ten's digit)
0x0B Infinite health - P2 (one's digit)
0x00 Character modifier - Dr. Kwack
0x01 Character modifier - Mr. Frogg
0x02 Character modifier - Dr. Zordirz
SEKYKISZ Invincibility SZLNZY Infinite lives PAZYOG Start with 1 life TAZYOG Start with 6 lives PAZYOK Start with 9 lives OTNGGYSV Immune to enemy bullets OTNGGTSV Immune to monsters PAUZTZLA Start with 1 life TAUZTZLA Start with 6 lives PAUZTZLE Start with 9 lives SZEXTKVK Infinite lives PAUXLILA 1 life after continue VTOXAKSE Become a whirlwind on new life AAOLPNAA Start with and keep foot-wing SUEYIUVS Infinite lives and second shots SZEPGEVS Infinite Keys - both players SUEAVOSO Infinite money - both players TLNTTPPA Start at last level SZVVUOSO Infinite Slow Energy Drain and Zap power SXUULVSO Infinite Warning Arrows and Level Mappers OLSTEOOO Infinite Enemy Mappers and Guard Mapper TTSVGPZP Start with 6 lives and 6 second shots GZSTZPZA Start with 3 Slow Energy Drain and 4 Zap power - P1 GZSTYPZP Start with 3 Slow Energy Drain and 4 Zap power - P2 TTVTGPPZ Start with 6 Warning Arrows and Level Mappers TPVVGPPA Start with 6 Enemy Mappers and have Guard Mapper LVXVGGAA Start with 99 Keys, $99 and 2,544,300 points GGUTAPAA Start with 4 extra Speed, extra Armor, extra Shot Speed, extra Shot Power and Wide Shot
0xFF Infinite health - P1
0xFF Infinite health - P2
0xFF Infinite money - P1
0xFF Infinite money - P2
0x09 Infinite Keys - P1
0x09 Infinite Keys - P2
AVZUSZ Invincibility SZULPTAX Invincibility (alt) SXXLIGVG Infinite time IAKUVGPA More magic from small scrolls AEUGSKTZ Multi-mega-jumps PAXSNZLA 1 continue TAXSNZLA 6 continues ZEVSKPPA Start on stage 2 GEVSKPPA Start on stage 4 TEVSKPPA Start on stage 6 AEVSKPPE Start on stage 8 ZEVSKPPE Start on stage 10 GEVSKPPE Start on stage 12 AUUIVPZL Start with 1 life (1 of 2) AKUSOPZG Start with 1 life (2 of 2) IUUIVPZL Start with 6 lives (1 of 2) IKUSOPZG Start with 6 lives (2 of 2) PUUIVPZU Start with 9 lives (1 of 2) PKUSOPZK Start with 9 lives (2 of 2) SXKTTUVK Infinite lives (1 of 2) SXKVPUVK Infinite lives (2 of 2) GOUYPEAZ Short wait for next characters ZEUYPEAZ Really short wait for next characters NNUYPEAX Really long wait for next characters AVSULYZA Freeze characters for a short time (press Down) PAVAAPLA Need only 1 Victory Egg to win (1 of 3) PESTAZLA Need only 1 Victory Egg to win (2 of 3) PEXTZLLA Need only 1 Victory Egg to win (3 of 3) ZAVAAPLA Need only 2 Victory Eggs to win (1 of 3) ZESTAZLA Need only 2 Victory Eggs to win (2 of 3) ZEXTZLLA Need only 2 Victory Eggs to win (3 of 3) XVSEGPSE Infinite health PEKSVGLA Start with 2 lives TEKSVGLA Start with 7 lives PEKSVGLE Start with 10 lives SZEOUGVG Infinite lives
0x00 Weapon modifier - Punches
0x01 Weapon modifier - Whip
0x02 Weapon modifier - Pistol
0x03 Weapon modifier - Rifle
0x04 Weapon modifier - Machine Gun
0x05 Weapon modifier - Dynamite
0x01 Invincibility
SXOVXISA Infinite HP AEOSNSPE Lots of EXP (1 of 2) AEXISSZE Lots of EXP (2 of 2) SZXELISA Infinite gold (1 of 2) SZUAZISA Infinite gold (2 of 2) YYKSKIPE Start with all equipment XTKXSAAV Hit anywhere (1 of 4) XTNXUAAV Hit anywhere (2 of 4) XTVZKAAV Hit anywhere (3 of 4) XVOZXAAV Hit anywhere (4 of 4) AAEZYYGA One hit kills ALSEGZEU Invincibility + Hit anywhere (1 of 3) ATSEIZPL Invincibility + Hit anywhere (2 of 3) SZOELXOO Invincibility + Hit anywhere (3 of 3) PEEKOLLA Start with 1 life TEEKOLLA Start with 6 lives PEEKOLLE Start with 9 lives OXEENYVK Infinite lives PEOPAGAA Start with Straight Crusher ZEOPAGAA Start with Field Shutter LEOPAGAA Start with the Circular GEOPAGAA Start with the Vibrator IEOPAGAA Start with the Rewinder TEOPAGAA Start with the Plasma Flash YEOPAGAA Start with rapid fire
0x00 Invincibility
XTLTILSV Infinite health (1 of 2) XTLTTUGE Infinite health (2 of 2) XTLTAL Almost infinite health GXNAESON Infinite magic SXNASSSE Infinite magic (alt) AEYSAU Infinite magic and health in battle XVTIUO Keys not necessary to open doors (1 of 2) XVTIXP Keys not necessary to open doors (2 of 2) SXVIKOVK Infinite Keys after one is obtained XTSSTKSE Gain 256 EXP when you defeat an enemy most of the time PAVIIGAA Gain more than 256 EXP for every EXP SZVOUNSE Don't lose EXP points while leveling up (1 of 2) SZNPKNSE Don't lose EXP points while leveling up (2 of 2) SZKGKXVK Infinite lives PASKPLLA Start with 1 life TASKPLLA Start with 6 lives PASKPLLE Start with 9 lives SYUPAINY Multi-jump (1 of 6) OZUPISSX Multi-jump (2 of 6) UYUPTSIN Multi-jump (3 of 6) SAUPYIIE Multi-jump (4 of 6) IYUOAIAO Multi-jump (5 of 6) IAUOPIZA Multi-jump (6 of 6) AZUOLIAL Mega-jump STUTZNON All sword levels do massive damage AAUOLIAL Link can fly (hold A) VIEXIVSU Start with all spells ASXTGTEL Hit anywhere (press up if you get stuck at a Palace entrance) OYKEEVSA Swap Shield spell for Fire spell (1 of 2) NPKEOVVA Swap Shield spell for Fire spell (2 of 2) LYKEEVSA Swap Shield spell for Spell spell (1 of 2) VAKEOVVE Swap Shield spell for Spell spell (2 of 2) LZKEEVSA Swap Shield spell for Fairy spell (1 of 2) OPKEOVVA Swap Shield spell for Fairy spell (2 of 2) IIKEEVSE Swap Shield spell for Life spell (1 of 2) VAKEOVVE Swap Shield spell for Life spell (2 of 2) VTKEEVSA Swap Shield spell for Thunder spell (1 of 2) OPKEOVVA Swap Shield spell for Thunder spell (2 of 2)
0x00 No enemies in overworld (1 of 4)
0x00 No enemies in overworld (2 of 4)
0x00 No enemies in overworld (3 of 4)
0x00 No enemies in overworld (4 of 4)
0x01 One hit kill on final boss
0x03 Invincibility (disable when fighting your shadow)
0x04 Infinite lives (alt)
0x02 Jump spell always on
0xFF Infinite magic (alt 2)
0xFF Infinite health (alt)
0xFF Max sword level
0xFF Max magic level
0xFF Max life level
0x01 Have Shield spell
0x01 Have Jump spell
0x01 Have Life spell
0x01 Have Fairy spell
0x01 Have Fire spell
0x01 Have Reflect spell
0x01 Have Spell spell
0x01 Have Thunder spell
0x08 Max magic jars
0x01 Have Candle
0x01 Have Glove
0x01 Have Raft
0x01 Have Boots
0x01 Have Flute
0x01 Have Cross
0x01 Have Hammer
0x01 Have Key
0x09 Infinite Keys
0x00 Can enter final palace
0xFF Have up/down thrust
AAKEOAPP Invincibility (blinking) AEELPXYZ Hit anywhere (1 of 3) AEOLYXPP Hit anywhere (2 of 3) OXXUGZEU Hit anywhere (3 of 3) AEKLYGZA One hit kills ZAELNGIE 9 lives allowed in options menu GZNLYUSE Infinite health NYNXVTOE Slower timer YTNXVTOE Faster timer YINXVTOE Even faster timer AEUAOLGE Zen does increased damage - isometric stages GOUAOLGA Zen does mega damage - isometric stages AAKXUIGE Jab attack does more damage - horizontal stages GPKXUIGA Mega jab attack damage - horizontal stages SZSPGTVG Infinite lives (1 of 2) SZOZYTVG Infinite lives (2 of 2) PAEUGGLA Fewer hits in shield (1 of 2) PAXUNTLA Fewer hits in shield (2 of 2) TAEUGGLA Double hits in shield (1 of 2) TAXUNTLA Double hits in shield (2 of 2) PAEUGGLE Triple hits in shield (1 of 2) PAXUNTLE Triple hits in shield (2 of 2) PAVTTZLA Start with 1 life (Only effective in battle mode on first life) TAVTTZLA Start with 6 lives (Only effective in battle mode on first life) PAVTTZLE Start with 9 lives (Only effective in battle mode on first life) VZKZAOSV Invincibility SXKVPKVK Infinite lives SLUZTSVS Infinite weapons GGEUIKOU Hit anywhere (1 of 3) KLEUYGAY Hit anywhere (2 of 3) UAEUTGKU Hit anywhere (3 of 3) ZAUXKAPA Walk faster - battle mode PAUXKAAA Jump faster and further - battle mode AVKULAAG Throw Tink's axe further PASZPTIA 1 star gives energy (1 of 2) PASZITIA 1 star gives energy (2 of 2) OYUUAAPG Throw Tink's Axe faster (can't be combined with other Axe code) LGUUAAPG Tink's Axe splits into 3 little ones when thrown (can't be combined with other Axe code) UYUUAAOY Throw Tink's splitting-Axe faster (can't be combined with other Axe code) AEKIOTAP Hit anywhere (1 of 3) AEUSXTTP Hit anywhere (2 of 3) OXKSUTEU Hit anywhere (3 of 3) AANTAAUY Float on air, jump to fall down XVESSIAV One hit kills AEXSXYLP Invincibility AVXTEISZ Infinite health
0x05 Infinite continues
ATEEIVAT Invincibility (1 of 2) ATSKOYSZ Invincibility (2 of 2) OXNEAAVK Infinite lives